Valors liquidatius | Fons d'inversió | CaixaBank

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9.85269 7.69785 9.60861 7.94193C9.38672 8.16382 9.0395 8.18399 8.79482 8.00245L8.72473 7.94193L6.45833 5.67582V15.8333C6.45833 16.1785 6.17851 16.4583 5.83333 16.4583C5.51692 16.4583 5.25542 16.2232 5.21404 15.9181L5.20833 15.8333V5.67582L2.94194 7.94193C2.72005 8.16382 2.37283 8.18399 2.12816 8.00245L2.05806 7.94193C1.83617 7.72004 1.816 7.37282 1.99754 7.12815L2.05806 7.05805L5.39139 3.72471C5.42009 3.69601 5.45089 3.67069 5.48329 3.64874L5.56236 3.60327L5.63445 3.574L5.71975 3.552L5.79412 3.54288Z" fill="#33312E"></path> </a> <a href="/aplnr/fondos/valLiquidatiu.index_ca.html?FON_orden=2&FON_consulta=1&FON_regPORpag=10&FON_textoBusqueda=&FON_tipoBusquedaFondo=" title="Ordenar descendentemente"> <path d="M14.1666 3.54166C14.4831 3.54166 14.7446 3.77678 14.7859 4.08185L14.7916 4.16666V14.3242L17.058 12.058C17.2799 11.8362 17.6271 11.816 17.8718 11.9975L17.9419 12.058C18.1638 12.2799 18.184 12.6272 18.0024 12.8718L17.9419 12.9419L14.6086 16.2753C14.5799 16.304 14.5491 16.3293 14.5167 16.3512L14.4376 16.3967L14.3655 16.426L14.2802 16.448L14.2096 16.4569L14.1238 16.4569L14.0238 16.4419L13.9672 16.4258L13.9182 16.407L13.8591 16.3776L13.7948 16.3358C13.7671 16.3148 13.7452 16.2958 13.7247 16.2753L10.3914 12.9419C10.1473 12.6979 10.1473 12.3021 10.3914 12.058C10.6133 11.8362 10.9605 11.816 11.2052 11.9975L11.2753 12.058L13.5416 14.3242V4.16666C13.5416 3.82148 13.8215 3.54166 14.1666 3.54166Z" fill="#33312E"></path> </a> </svg> </th> <th id="family" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;"> <span>FAMÍLIA</span> <svg fill="none" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <a href="/aplnr/fondos/valLiquidatiu.index_ca.html?FON_orden=1&FON_consulta=2&FON_regPORpag=10&FON_textoBusqueda=&FON_tipoBusquedaFondo=" title="Ordenar ascendentemente"> <path d="M5.79412 3.54288L5.83333 3.54166L5.89122 3.5443L5.97614 3.5581L6.03274 3.57414L6.08178 3.59299L6.14087 3.62237L6.21525 3.67188L6.27528 3.72471L9.60861 7.05805C9.85269 7.30213 9.85269 7.69785 9.60861 7.94193C9.38672 8.16382 9.0395 8.18399 8.79482 8.00245L8.72473 7.94193L6.45833 5.67582V15.8333C6.45833 16.1785 6.17851 16.4583 5.83333 16.4583C5.51692 16.4583 5.25542 16.2232 5.21404 15.9181L5.20833 15.8333V5.67582L2.94194 7.94193C2.72005 8.16382 2.37283 8.18399 2.12816 8.00245L2.05806 7.94193C1.83617 7.72004 1.816 7.37282 1.99754 7.12815L2.05806 7.05805L5.39139 3.72471C5.42009 3.69601 5.45089 3.67069 5.48329 3.64874L5.56236 3.60327L5.63445 3.574L5.71975 3.552L5.79412 3.54288Z" fill="#33312E"></path> </a> <a href="/aplnr/fondos/valLiquidatiu.index_ca.html?FON_orden=2&FON_consulta=2&FON_regPORpag=10&FON_textoBusqueda=&FON_tipoBusquedaFondo=" title="Ordenar descendentemente"> <path d="M14.1666 3.54166C14.4831 3.54166 14.7446 3.77678 14.7859 4.08185L14.7916 4.16666V14.3242L17.058 12.058C17.2799 11.8362 17.6271 11.816 17.8718 11.9975L17.9419 12.058C18.1638 12.2799 18.184 12.6272 18.0024 12.8718L17.9419 12.9419L14.6086 16.2753C14.5799 16.304 14.5491 16.3293 14.5167 16.3512L14.4376 16.3967L14.3655 16.426L14.2802 16.448L14.2096 16.4569L14.1238 16.4569L14.0238 16.4419L13.9672 16.4258L13.9182 16.407L13.8591 16.3776L13.7948 16.3358C13.7671 16.3148 13.7452 16.2958 13.7247 16.2753L10.3914 12.9419C10.1473 12.6979 10.1473 12.3021 10.3914 12.058C10.6133 11.8362 10.9605 11.816 11.2052 11.9975L11.2753 12.058L13.5416 14.3242V4.16666C13.5416 3.82148 13.8215 3.54166 14.1666 3.54166Z" fill="#33312E"></path> </a> </svg> </th> <th id="divisa" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">DIVISA</th> <th id="valor" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">VALOR LIQUIDATIU</th> <th id="fecha" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">DATA VALOR LIQUIDATIU</th> <th id="patrimonio" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">PATRIMONI</th> <th id="participes" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">PARTÍCIPS</th> <th id="numCNMV" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">NUM. REGISTRE DEL FONS A LA CNMV</th> <th id="historico" scope="col" style="width: 11.1111%;">HISTÒRIC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9471">VANGUARD EUROPEAN STOCK IX "EUR" (EUR)</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">EUR</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">33,9847</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">22.087.217,62</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">24</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">1331</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9471&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr class="gris" > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7693">US ADVANTAGE "I" ACC</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">USD</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">178,2000</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">2.497.923,85</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">26</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">149</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7693&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7415">SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL HE "Y" (EUR)</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">EUR</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">60,9500</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">2.267.531,38</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">42</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">124</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7415&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr class="gris" > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=1972">SHORT MATURITY EURO BOND "I"</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA FIXA</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">EUR</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">23,3100</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">91.743.400,94</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">689</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">149</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=1972&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9400">SCHRODER ISF US SMALL & MC EQ"C"(EURHDG)</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">EUR</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">284,6909</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">303.628,54</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">3</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">135</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9400&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr class="gris" > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7721">SCHRODER ISF US SMALL & MC EQ "C" (USD)</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">USD</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">551,6695</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">24.902,36</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">2</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">135</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=7721&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr > <td headers="fondo" id="fondo1" scope="row" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-0"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/infolegal.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9284">SCHRODER ISF US SMALL & MC EQ "C" (EUR)</a></td> <td headers="familia fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-1">RENDA VARIABLE</td> <td headers="divisa fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-2">EUR</td> <td headers="valor fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-3">526,5117</td> <td headers="fecha fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-4">20/02/2025</td> <td headers="patrimonio fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-5">184.221,18</td> <td headers="participes fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-6">8</td> <td headers="numCNMV fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-7">135</td> <td headers="historico fondo1" colspan="1" data-columns="id32143b0b4c2f2-col-8"><a href="/aplnr/fondos/fondoliquidativo.index_ca.html?FON_idFondo=9284&FON_lastview="> <svg fill="none" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.5 12.3333V14.8333C1.5 15.7538 2.24619 16.5 3.16667 16.5H14.8333C15.7538 16.5 16.5 15.7538 16.5 14.8333V12.3333M13.1667 8.90386L9 12.75L4.83333 8.90386M9 12.4295V1.08334" stroke="#007EAE" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path> </svg> </a></td> </tr> <tr class="gris" > <td 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Rendibilitats passades no s&oacute;n garantia de resultats futurs.</p> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div> <div class='container-fluid bg-blue dinamic_legal'><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12 center-block"><!--–googleoff: index–--> <div class="_normal_appearance"> <article class="article normal"> <div class="article_text"> <p style="margin: 3.2rem auto;" class="texto_aclarativo">Caixabank Asset Management, SGIIC, SA, com a gestora amb el n&uacute;mero de registre oficial de la CNMV n&ordm; 15. CECABANK, SA, com dipositaria amb el n&uacute;mero de registre oficial de la CNMV n&ordm; 236. 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