People Groups of the World | Joshua Project

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<tr> <td>Population:</td> <td class="right">8.08 Billion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Popl in Unreached:</td> <td class="right">3.43 Billion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>% Popl in Unreached:</td> <td class="right">42.4%</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> People Groups by <a href="/global/progress">Progress Scale</a> <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( "chartDiv", { "hideCredits": true, "type": "serial", "dataProvider": [ { "jpscale": 1, "cntPGIC": 7187, "description": "Few evangelicals and few who identify as Christians. Little, if any, history of Christianity.", "stage": "UNREACHED", "pctPGIC": 41.6, "totPopl": 3425.086, "pctPopl": 42.4, "url": "/progress/1", "color": "#CC0000"}, { "jpscale": 2, "cntPGIC": 1119, "description": "Few evangelicals, but significant number who identify as Christians.", "stage": "MINIMALLY REACHED", "pctPGIC": 6.5, "totPopl": 256.101, "pctPopl": 3.2, "url": "/progress/2", "color": "#FF8C00"}, { "jpscale": 3, "cntPGIC": 1788, "description": "Few evangelicals, but many who identify as Christians. In great need of spiritual renewal and commitment to biblical faith.", "stage": "SUPERFICIALLY REACHED", "pctPGIC": 10.4, "totPopl": 548.093, "pctPopl": 6.8, "url": "/progress/3", "color": "#FFD700"}, { "jpscale": 4, "cntPGIC": 3869, "description": "Evangelicals have a modest presence.", "stage": "PARTIALLY REACHED", "pctPGIC": 22.4, "totPopl": 2003.298, "pctPopl": 24.8, "url": "/progress/4", "color": "#A4D246"}, { "jpscale": 5, "cntPGIC": 3297, "description": "Evangelicals have a significant presence.", "stage": "SIGNIFICANTLY REACHED", "pctPGIC": 19.1, "totPopl": 1846.159, "pctPopl": 22.9, "url": "/progress/5", "color": "#228B22"}, ], "gridAboveGraphs": true, "accessible": false, "fontFamily": "'Open Sans', sans-serif;", "graphs": [ { "balloonText": "[[stage]]<br />[[value]] People Groups ([[pctPGIC]]%)<br />[[description]]", "labelText": "[[value]]", "labelPosition": "top", "fillAlphas": 1, "lineAlpha": 0, "fillColorsField": "color", "urlField": "url", "fontSize": 10, "type": 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peoples</a></span> <span class="sub">Unreached groups lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people</span> </div> <script src="/assets/js/ammaps/ammap.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/assets/js/ammaps/maps/js/worldLow.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> AmCharts.makeChart( "mapdiv", { "hideCredits": true, /** * this tells amCharts it's a map */ "type": "map", "accessible": false, /** * create data provider object * map property is usually the same as the name of the map file. * getAreasFromMap indicates that amMap should read all the areas available * in the map data and treat them as they are included in your data provider. * in case you don't set it to true, all the areas except listed in data * provider will be treated as unlisted. */ "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "getAreasFromMap": true, "areas":[ { "id": "AF", customData: {"x1": "AFGHANISTAN", "x2": "43,206,000", "x3": "70", "x4": "68", "x5": "97.1%", "x6": "/countries/AF", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.0%" }, "url": "/countries/AF" }, { "id": "AL", customData: {"x1": "ALBANIA", "x2": "2,794,000", "x3": "15", "x4": "3", "x5": "20.0%", "x6": "/countries/AL", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.6%" }, "url": "/countries/AL" }, { "id": "DZ", customData: {"x1": "ALGERIA", "x2": "46,193,000", "x3": "38", "x4": "34", "x5": "89.5%", "x6": "/countries/AG", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.0%" }, "url": "/countries/AG" }, { "id": "AS", customData: {"x1": "AMERICAN SAMOA", "x2": "43,000", "x3": "9", "x4": "1", "x5": "11.1%", "x6": "/countries/AQ", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "25.2%" }, "url": "/countries/AQ" }, { "id": "AD", customData: {"x1": "ANDORRA", "x2": "79,000", "x3": "10", "x4": "2", "x5": "20.0%", "x6": "/countries/AN", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "1.4%" }, "url": "/countries/AN" }, { "id": "AO", customData: {"x1": "ANGOLA", "x2": "37,658,000", "x3": "62", "x4": "1", "x5": "1.6%", "x6": "/countries/AO", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "23.2%" }, "url": 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"7.5%" }, "url": "/countries/BN" }, { "id": "BM", customData: {"x1": "BERMUDA", "x2": "63,000", "x3": "7", "x4": "0", "x5": "0.0%", "x6": "/countries/BD", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "26.7%" }, "url": "/countries/BD" }, { "id": "BT", customData: {"x1": "BHUTAN", "x2": "789,000", "x3": "58", "x4": "57", "x5": "98.3%", "x6": "/countries/BT", "x7": "Buddhism", "x8": "0.0%" }, "url": "/countries/BT" }, { "id": "BO", customData: {"x1": "BOLIVIA", "x2": "12,524,000", "x3": "48", "x4": "2", "x5": "4.2%", "x6": "/countries/BL", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "19.3%" }, "url": "/countries/BL" }, { "id": "BA", customData: {"x1": "BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA", "x2": "3,170,000", "x3": "15", "x4": "3", "x5": "20.0%", "x6": "/countries/BK", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.1%" }, "url": "/countries/BK" }, { "id": "BW", customData: {"x1": "BOTSWANA", "x2": "2,645,000", "x3": "46", "x4": "0", "x5": "0.0%", "x6": "/countries/BC", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "8.3%" }, "url": "/countries/BC" }, { "id": "BR", customData: 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"x8": "7.6%" }, "url": "/countries/CH" }, { "id": "HK", customData: {"x1": "CHINA, HONG KONG", "x2": "7,455,000", "x3": "24", "x4": "10", "x5": "41.7%", "x6": "/countries/HK", "x7": "Ethnic Religions", "x8": "6.1%" }, "url": "/countries/HK" }, { "id": "MO", customData: {"x1": "CHINA, MACAU", "x2": "707,000", "x3": "12", "x4": "5", "x5": "41.7%", "x6": "/countries/MC", "x7": "Ethnic Religions", "x8": "1.9%" }, "url": "/countries/MC" }, { "id": "CX", customData: {"x1": "CHRISTMAS ISLAND", "x2": "1,600", "x3": "4", "x4": "2", "x5": "50.0%", "x6": "/countries/KT", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "2.2%" }, "url": "/countries/KT" }, { "id": "CC", customData: {"x1": "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS", "x2": "600", "x3": "2", "x4": "1", "x5": "50.0%", "x6": "/countries/CK", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "2.7%" }, "url": "/countries/CK" }, { "id": "CO", customData: {"x1": "COLOMBIA", "x2": "52,234,000", "x3": "121", "x4": "13", "x5": "10.7%", "x6": "/countries/CO", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "10.7%" }, "url": "/countries/CO" }, { "id": "KM", customData: {"x1": "COMOROS", "x2": "854,000", "x3": "13", "x4": "8", "x5": "61.5%", "x6": "/countries/CN", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.7%" }, "url": "/countries/CN" }, { "id": "CD", customData: {"x1": "CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF", "x2": "105,429,000", "x3": "231", "x4": "3", "x5": "1.3%", "x6": "/countries/CG", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "19.2%" }, "url": "/countries/CG" }, { "id": "CG", customData: {"x1": "CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE", "x2": "6,200,000", "x3": "72", "x4": "1", "x5": "1.4%", "x6": "/countries/CF", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "14.7%" }, "url": "/countries/CF" }, { "id": "CK", customData: {"x1": "COOK ISLANDS", "x2": "17,000", "x3": "7", "x4": "0", "x5": "0.0%", "x6": "/countries/CW", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "13.6%" }, "url": "/countries/CW" }, { "id": "CR", customData: {"x1": "COSTA RICA", "x2": "5,209,000", "x3": "21", "x4": "1", "x5": "4.8%", "x6": "/countries/CS", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "18.4%" }, "url": "/countries/CS" }, { 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"10,396,000", "x3": "38", "x4": "6", "x5": "15.8%", "x6": "/countries/EZ", "x7": "Non-Religious", "x8": "0.8%" }, "url": "/countries/EZ" }, { "id": "DK", customData: {"x1": "DENMARK", "x2": "5,865,000", "x3": "86", "x4": "24", "x5": "27.9%", "x6": "/countries/DA", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "3.6%" }, "url": "/countries/DA" }, { "id": "DJ", customData: {"x1": "DJIBOUTI", "x2": "1,124,000", "x3": "11", "x4": "7", "x5": "63.6%", "x6": "/countries/DJ", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.1%" }, "url": "/countries/DJ" }, { "id": "DM", customData: {"x1": "DOMINICA", "x2": "70,000", "x3": "7", "x4": "1", "x5": "14.3%", "x6": "/countries/DO", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "18.0%" }, "url": "/countries/DO" }, { "id": "DO", customData: {"x1": "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC", "x2": "11,374,000", "x3": "13", "x4": "1", "x5": "7.7%", "x6": "/countries/DR", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "10.9%" }, "url": "/countries/DR" }, { "id": "EC", customData: {"x1": "ECUADOR", "x2": "18,313,000", "x3": "36", "x4": "1", "x5": "2.8%", "x6": "/countries/EC", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "10.6%" }, "url": "/countries/EC" }, { "id": "EG", customData: {"x1": "EGYPT", "x2": "114,314,000", "x3": "43", "x4": "26", "x5": "60.5%", "x6": "/countries/EG", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "4.5%" }, "url": "/countries/EG" }, { "id": "SV", customData: {"x1": "EL SALVADOR", "x2": "6,337,000", "x3": "10", "x4": "1", "x5": "10.0%", "x6": "/countries/ES", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "45.1%" }, "url": "/countries/ES" }, { "id": "GQ", customData: {"x1": "EQUATORIAL GUINEA", "x2": "1,690,000", "x3": "18", "x4": "2", "x5": "11.1%", "x6": "/countries/EK", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "4.7%" }, "url": "/countries/EK" }, { "id": "ER", customData: {"x1": "ERITREA", "x2": "3,815,000", "x3": "17", "x4": "9", "x5": "52.9%", "x6": "/countries/ER", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "2.6%" }, "url": "/countries/ER" }, { "id": "EE", customData: {"x1": "ESTONIA", "x2": "1,286,000", "x3": "18", "x4": "3", "x5": "16.7%", "x6": "/countries/EN", "x7": "Non-Religious", "x8": "4.7%" }, "url": "/countries/EN" }, { "id": "SZ", customData: {"x1": "ESWATINI", "x2": "1,197,000", "x3": "10", "x4": "1", "x5": "10.0%", "x6": "/countries/WZ", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "20.6%" }, "url": "/countries/WZ" }, { "id": "ET", customData: {"x1": "ETHIOPIA", "x2": "129,408,000", "x3": "129", "x4": "33", "x5": "25.6%", "x6": "/countries/ET", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "18.0%" }, "url": "/countries/ET" }, { "id": "FK", customData: {"x1": "FALKLAND ISLANDS", "x2": "3,800", "x3": "2", "x4": "0", "x5": "0.0%", "x6": "/countries/FK", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "9.0%" }, "url": "/countries/FK" }, { "id": "FO", customData: {"x1": "FAROE ISLANDS", "x2": "52,000", "x3": "3", "x4": "0", "x5": "0.0%", "x6": "/countries/FO", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "33.0%" }, "url": "/countries/FO" }, { "id": "FJ", customData: {"x1": "FIJI", "x2": "927,000", "x3": "33", "x4": "1", "x5": "3.0%", "x6": "/countries/FJ", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "26.3%" }, "url": "/countries/FJ" }, { "id": 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"/countries/WF", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "1.8%" }, "url": "/countries/WF" }, { "id": "PS", customData: {"x1": "WEST BANK / GAZA", "x2": "5,476,000", "x3": "12", "x4": "8", "x5": "66.7%", "x6": "/countries/WE", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "1.1%" }, "url": "/countries/WE" }, { "id": "EH", customData: {"x1": "WESTERN SAHARA", "x2": "529,000", "x3": "10", "x4": "10", "x5": "100.0%", "x6": "/countries/WI", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.0%" }, "url": "/countries/WI" }, { "id": "YE", customData: {"x1": "YEMEN", "x2": "35,096,000", "x3": "29", "x4": "20", "x5": "69.0%", "x6": "/countries/YM", "x7": "Islam", "x8": "0.0%" }, "url": "/countries/YM" }, { "id": "ZM", customData: {"x1": "ZAMBIA", "x2": "21,072,000", "x3": "75", "x4": "3", "x5": "4.0%", "x6": "/countries/ZA", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "24.9%" }, "url": "/countries/ZA" }, { "id": "ZW", customData: {"x1": "ZIMBABWE", "x2": "16,922,000", "x3": "41", "x4": "2", "x5": "4.9%", "x6": "/countries/ZI", "x7": "Christianity", "x8": "25.2%" }, "url": "/countries/ZI" }, ], }, /** * create areas settings * autoZoom set to true means that the map will zoom-in when clicked on the area * selectedColor indicates color of the clicked area. */ "areasSettings": { "autoZoom": false, "selectedColor": "#CC0000", "alpha": 1, "color": "#A6A6A6", // #A6A6A6; to color by JPScaleCtry add everything following the colon to line 26 : , "color": "#228B22" "outlineThickness": .4, "rollOverColor": "#770000", "rollOverOutlineColor": "#FFFFFF", "selectedColor": "#770000", "balloonText": "[[title]]<br />[[customData]]", "fitMapToContainer": true }, "balloonLabelFunction": function (item) { if (item.customData != undefined) { return '<div>'+item.customData.x1+'<br />Population: '+item.customData.x2+'<br />Total People Groups: '+item.customData.x3+'<br />Unreached People Groups: '+item.customData.x4+'<br />% of Groups Unreached: '+item.customData.x5+'<br /><br />Click for people group listing</div>'; } else { return item.title; } }, "balloon": { "horizontalPadding": 15, "verticalPadding": 12, "adjustBorderColor": true, "color": "#FFFFFF", "borderThickness": 0, "cornerRadius": 8, "fillColor": "#484848", "fillAlpha": .9, "textAlign": "left", "textShadowColor": "#FFFFFF", "fontSize": 13, }, "zoomControl": { "zoomControlEnabled": true, "panControlEnabled": false, "homeButtonEnabled": true, "buttonFillColor": "#CCCCCC", "buttonRollOverColor": "#A6A6A6", "homeIconColor": "#CCCCCC", "zoomFactor": 2, }, "mouseWheelZoomEnabled": true, "fontFamily": "'Open Sans', sans-serif;", /** * let's say we want a small map to be displayed, so let's create it */ // "smallMap": {}, /* Allow map export */ /* "export": { "enabled": true, "position": "bottom-right" } */ } ); </script> <div align="center" class="index_map"> <div id="mapdiv"></div><br /> </div> </div> <!-- Swap with below while working on Counts --> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/people_groups/counts">How Many People Groups?</a></span> <span class="sub">Explore various ways to count people groups</span> <div class="pgic-pgac"> <div class="pgic-pgac-counts-all"> <a href="/people_groups/counts">17,260</a><span class="no_wrap">&nbsp;&nbsp;--or--&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="/people_groups/counts">10,280</a><br /><br /> </div> <a href="/people_groups/counts"><img src="/assets/img/pgac-bambara.jpg"></a><br /> <span class="sub pgic-pgac-sub-small ">For example, are the <a href="/people_groups/10617">Bambara</a> one people group or 12 people groups?<br /></span> <span class="sub">How many unreached groups? <div class="pgic-pgac-counts-upg"> <a href="/people_groups/counts">7,187</a><span class="no_wrap">&nbsp;&nbsp;--or--&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="/people_groups/counts">4,419</a><br /><br /> </div> Could the way people groups are counted impact outreach? </span> <!-- <span class="sub">Could the way people groups are counted impact the Great Commission?<br></span> 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alt="Joshua Project 2024 user survey" /></a> </center><br /> <span class="sub sub_fpg"> See <a href="/about/survey">what users thought</a> was good, what needs improvement and next steps. Also as <a href="" target="_blank">Sway</a> or <a href="/assets/media/other/joshua-project-2024-survey.pdf">PDF</a> </span> </div> <!-- Swap with Unreached Podcast below while working on Counts --> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/people_groups/interactive">Interact with the data</a></span> <span class="sub">Specify your own criteria to find people groups of interest.</span> </div> <center> <a href="/people_groups/interactive"><img src="/assets/img/people-groups-interactive-2.jpg" ></a> </center><br /> <span class="sub sub_fpg"> Use an <a href="/frontier">interactive presentation</a> to enter your criteria for custom maps, graphs and datasets. </span> </div> <!-- <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/podcast">Unreached Podcast</a></span> <span class="sub">Listen and subscribe to the <a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday">Unreached People of the Day</a> podcast.</span> </div> <a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/podcast"><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/upg-podcast-index.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day podcast" /></a><br /><br /> </div> --> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/frontier">Frontier Peoples</a></span> <span class="sub sub_fpg">Explore <a href="/frontier">Frontier Unreached Peoples</a> - few, if any, Christ-followers and no gospel movement</span> </div> <img src="/assets/img/frontier/fpg-overlapping-circles.gif" loading="lazy" alt="Frontier Peoples relationship to all people groups" usemap="#datamap"> <map name="datamap"> <area alt="All People Groups" title="All People Groups" href="/people_groups/dashboard" shape="rect" coords="42,15,152,45" /> <area alt="Unreached Peoples" title="Unreached Peoples" href="/unreached/1" shape="rect" coords="52,59,136,87" /> <area alt="Frontier Peoples" title="Frontier Peoples" href="/frontier" shape="rect" coords="59,91,135,120" /> <area alt="Largest Frontier Peoples" title="Largest Frontier Peoples" href="/frontier/interactive" shape="rect" coords="59,131,135,167" /> </map> <br /><br /> <span class="sub sub_fpg"> The <a href="/frontier/4">largest Frontier Peoples</a> may represent the most strategic missions objective today. </span> </div> </div> <span class="hidden-xs"><br /></span> <div class="row"> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/frontier">Frontier Peoples Booklets</a></span> <span class="sub">Prayer guides for <a href="/frontier">frontier unreached peoples</a> without a movement</span> </div> <center> <div class="center"> <div style="display: inline-block; text-align: center;"><span class="sub">31 Largest<br /><a href="/assets/media/handouts/the31-en.pdf"><img src="/assets/img/frontier/thethirtyone-v3-sm.jpg" loading="lazy" class="the-thirty-one" alt="31 Largest Frontier Peoples prayer guide"></a><br /><a href="/assets/media/handouts/the31-en.pdf">PDF</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><span style="white-space: nowrap;">Order copies</span></a></span></div>&nbsp;&nbsp; <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><br /><span class="sub">Children's Prayer<br /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/frontier/fpg-childrens-prayer-guide-xs.png" loading="lazy" class="the-thirty-one" alt="31 Largest Frontier Peoples childrens prayer guide"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank">PDF</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Order copies</a></span></div> </div> </center> </div> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/widget">Embed this widget</a></span> <span class="sub">Customize and add the <a href="">Unreached of the Day</a> widget to your website</span> </div> <center> <a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/widget"><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/upg-widget-index.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day widget"></a><br/><br/> <a href=""><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/flags-horizontal.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day languages"></a><br/> </center> <br /> </div> <!-- <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading">Coordinated Resources</span> <span class="sub">Daily prayer for a <a href="" target="_blank">country</a> and an <a href="">unreached people group</a> in that country.</span> </div> <span class="display:inline; padding:0; margin:0"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/upg-ow.png" loading="lazy" class="the-thirty-one" alt="Operation World"/></a></span> <span class="display:inline; padding:0; margin:0"><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/upg-arrows.png" loading="lazy" alt="syncronized with"></span> <span class="display:inline; padding:0; margin:0"><a href=""><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/upg-jp-logo.png" loading="lazy" alt="Joshua Project logo"></a></span><br/> <div class="sub"> Pray for <a href="" target="_blank">Operation World country</a>.<br/>Pray for the <a href="">Kurd, Turkish-speaking in T眉rkiye (Turkey)</a>. </div> </div> --> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/resources/apps">Mobile Apps</a></span> <span class="sub"><a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/app">Pray for</a> the unreached using your mobile device. Available in 9 languages.</span> </div> <span class="no_wrap"> <a href="" title="Get the Unreached People of the Day app at Google Play" target="_blank" style="color:#000;"><img src="/assets/img/mobile/unreached/jp-unreached-android-md.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day Android app" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" title="Get the Unreached People of the Day app at the Apple Store" target="_blank" style="color:#000;"><img src="/assets/img/mobile/unreached/jp-unreached-ipad-md.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day Apple app" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/pray/unreachedoftheday/app"><img src="/assets/img/upgotd/flags-vertical.png" loading="lazy" alt="Unreached of the Day app languages"></a> </span><br /> <span class="sub"> See live "<a href="">I am Praying</a>" results. </span> </div> <!-- <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/filter">Create a People Group List</a></span> <span class="sub">Select people groups based on your critiera</span> </div> <a href="/filter"><img src="/assets/img/data-perspectives-sm.gif" loading="lazy" alt="Joshua Project data perspectives" /></a><br /><br /> <span class="sub"> <a href="/global/affblocs">Affinity Blocs</a>&nbsp;(16)<span class="arrow">&#9660</span><br /> <a href="/global/clusters">People Clusters</a>&nbsp;(269)<span class="arrow">&#9660</span><br /> <a href="/people_groups/15755">People Groups Across Countries</a>&nbsp;(10,280)<span class="arrow">&#9660</span><br /> <a href="/filter">People Groups In Countries</a>&nbsp;(17,260) </span> </div> --> <!-- <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="" target="_blank">Pray for the Muslim World</a></span> <span class="sub">30 Days of Prayer Guide</span> </div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/prayer/guides/muslims-30-days-prayer-sm.jpg"></a><br /><br /> <div> <span class="sub">Join others in <a href="/pray/guides">focused prayer</a> for the <a href="/religions/6">two billion Muslims</a> in the world</span> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="" target="_blank">William Carey Publishing</a></span> <span class="sub">Great Commission <a href="" target="_blank">Books</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Courses</a></span> </div> <div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/books/wcp-logo-sm.jpg"></a><br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/assets/img/books/william-carey-publishers.jpg"/></a><br /> </div> </div> --> </div> <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><br /></span> <div class="row gray-lighter"> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/resources/maps">Map Resources</a></span> <span class="sub">See where unreached peoples live</span> </div> <a href='/resources/maps'><img src="/assets/img/maps/google-maps.jpg" loading="lazy" alt="Google map showing people groups as dots" /></a><br /><br /> <span class="sub"><a href="/resources/maps">World</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/maps/google">Google</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/maps/world">World</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/maps/cartograms">Cartograms</a></span> </div> <div class="heading col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 center gray-lighter-mobile"> <div> <span class="heading"><a href="/resources/prayer">Prayer Resources</a></span> <span class="sub">Develop a heart for the unreached</span> </div> <div> <a href="/resources/prayer"><img src="/assets/img/prayer/prayer-resources.gif" loading="lazy" alt="Prayer resources" /></a><br /><br /> <span class="sub"> <!-- Prayer:&nbsp;&nbsp; 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