Health equity

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class="titleImage hero"> <hgroup> <h1>Health Equity</h1> </hgroup> <section class="hero-image"> <figure> <span><img src="/images/hero-disparities_tcm9-218099.jpg" alt="Underprivileged woman feeding child"></span> </figure> </section> </div> <div class="featureRichSummary" ><p>APA Services works to advance health equity by supporting policies to reduce or eliminate disparities in health outcomes, as well as those that address underlying social determinants that affect the health and well-being of populations that have experienced economic and social marginalization.</p> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content" id="ctcol"> <div typeof="Region" resource="Main"> <div class="grid" > <div class="left-cont"> <div class="featureRichItem bg-color-light1 with-bg-color"> <h2 >Our focus</h2> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy" ><ul> <li>Ensure communities of color are able to access and utilize quality available behavioral health care informed by psychological science.</li> <li>Promote health equity-focused policies that reduce or eliminate disparities in health attributed to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, national origin, and low socioeconomic status that are tied to social and/or economic disadvantage.</li> <li>Promote equitable policy solutions that address social determinants of health, e.g., insurance coverage, economic stability, equality, discrimination, housing stability, violence and incarceration, and immigration status.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="featureRichItem "> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy" ><h3 class="h4-pseudo">Our efforts on this issue advance the following <a href="/advocacy/actions/advocacy-priorities">advocacy priorities</a>:</h3> <ul> <li>Access to health services, including mental and behavioral health services</li> <li>Health equity for underserved and vulnerable populations</li> <li>Health promotion and prevention throughout lifespan and settings</li> <li>Human rights and racial equity</li> </ul> </div> </div> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="linkWidget tile square"> <h2>Populations impacted by health equity issues</h2> <div class="widgetWrapper tileWidget twoPerRow default "> <div class="module first"> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/issues/health-equity/disabilities-health-civil-rights" target="_self" > <div class="body"> <figure class="tile"> <img src="/images/tile-rights-disability_tcm9-223695_w640_n.jpg" alt="People With Disabilities"> </figure> <div class="desc"> <p class="title"> People with disabilities </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module "> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/issues/health-equity/older-adults-health-civil-rights" target="_self" > <div class="body"> <figure class="tile"> <img src="/images/tile-elderly-health_tcm9-223735_w640_n.jpg" alt="Older Adults' Health"> </figure> <div class="desc"> <p class="title"> Older adults </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module "> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/issues/health-equity/women-health-civil-rights" target="_self" > <div class="body"> <figure class="tile"> <img src="/images/tile-women-health_tcm9-224724_w640_n.jpg" alt="Women's Health"> </figure> <div class="desc"> <p class="title"> Women </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module last"> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/issues/health-equity/lgbtq-health-civil-rights" target="_self" > <div class="body"> <figure class="tile"> <img src="/images/tile-lgbtq-health_tcm9-223736_w640_n.jpg" alt="LGBTQ Health"> </figure> <div class="desc"> <p class="title"> LGBTQ+ community </p> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="calloutWidget"> <div class="quoteWrap full"> <blockquote class="callout"> <span class="quote"> Health disparities result in large part from social inequities, systemic oppression, and discriminatory beliefs woven into the fabric of society. Advancing health equity requires sweeping change, catalyzed by key change agents and building into social movements. </span> <div class="author"> &mdash;Travis Lovejoy, PsyD, Past Chair, Health Equity Committee </div> </blockquote> </div> </section> </section> <div class="featureRichItem "> <h2 >What you can do</h2> </div> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="linkWidget icon square"> <div class="widgetWrapper iconWidget threePerRow default "> <div class="module first"> <a class="module-link" href="" target="_self" > <figure class="icon"> <img src="/images/icon-stay-informed_tcm9-295140.png" alt="stay informed on APA's advocacy efforts"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title"> Stay informed </p> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy"><p>Subscribe to the Washington Update newsletter to get the latest news and action alerts from APA Services and on the Hill.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module "> <a class="module-link" href="/advocacy/get-involved" target="_self" > <figure class="icon"> <img src="/images/icon-get-involved_tcm9-295138.png" alt="Get involved in APA advocacy"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title"> Get involved </p> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy"><p>Learn more about the process behind federal legislation and policy and how to effectively voice your concerns with members of Congress.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module last"> <a class="module-link" href="" target="_self" > <figure class="icon"> <img src="/images/icon-join-divisions_tcm9-295139.png" alt="join an APA division"> </figure> <div class="body"> <p class="title"> Join an APA division </p> <div class="wysiwyg lengthy"><p>APA’s 54 divisions provide many ways for you to network with professionals in your field and become an influencer in your area of interest.</p></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> </section> </div> <div class="right-cont"> <div class="listBoxModule "> <h2 >Related issues</h2> <ul> <li ><a href="/advocacy/issues/affordable-health-care" id="297153-0">Affordable Health Care Access</a></li> <li ><a href="/advocacy/issues/children-youth-families" id="297073-0">Children, Youth, and Families</a></li> </ul> </div> <section class="featureRichItem"> <section class="rr-ad-widget ad-1-300x250"> <div class="adWrap"> <div class="ad_box ad300x250"> <div id="gpt-ad-297293008" data-ai-iframe data-ai-action="paid-ad-click" data-ai-target="gpt-ad-297293008"> <script> var layout = document.querySelector('.two_col_b') ? 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