Source Code For Email Servers and Superseeker N. J. A. Sloane Aug 15 2010 The email server and Superseeker have been on the web since 1994. They are described in Now that the OEIS is owned by The OEIS Foundation Inc (see, is about to become a wiki, and will be moved to a new host (see and a number of people have suggested that the email server and Superseeker should go "open source". Of course they will also be moved to the new host. We already have licenses for Maple and Mathematica on that machine. Here therefore is the present version of the source code for these two services. Keep in mind that these programs were written by me alone, over a period of 16 years, and were not intended to be made public. They make use - with permission - of several programs written by friends, which may not be in the public domain. These programs were run on a series of machines, especially one called "fry", and most recently on "prim". These have different operating systems, so some of the commands and subprograms come in two versions. The programs use the plain flat file containing all the sequences, which is called "cat25". Of course this changes all the time. $ wc cat25 2761057 22805802 187271736 cat25 Many thanks to Mira Bernstein, Harm Derksen, Olivier Gerard, Christian Kratthentaler, John Linderman, Simon Plouffe, Bruno Salvy, Paul Zimmermann and others whose programs are incorporated in Superseeker. Some of the programs are quite long and contain many comments. To help separate the different sections, the the programs below all begin with eight lines of equal signs, ike this: ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== Name of program or file ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== PART 1: THE EMAIL LOOKUP SERVER I include this because it uses Russ Cox's fast lookup - search.db - to test if a sequence is in the OEIS. In contrast, Superseeker, in Part 2, uses my old grep, which is much slower. If I had more time, I would switch over Superseeker to use search.db. Here is the program, called "hisP" [Handbook of Integer Sequences lookup, prim version] It uses programs dehtml3 and getfrom2, which are described in more detail in Part 2. It also mentions some other files (e.g. stripped) which are not used at present. As emails addressed to "" arrive, they are piped into this program. ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "hisP" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== #!/bin/sh # hisP # Version for prim, Nov 06 2008 # Program that automatically answers sequence queries # Written by N J A Sloane, Jan-June 1994 # Modified 6.04.96, 4.23.98 Jan 27 1999 # Dec 4 2000: calls hisarrange to put seqs into order with "best" ones first # Nov 03 2002: allows calls to retrieve a sequence by A-number # Jan 08 2003: added time stamp to reply # Include original subject line, Jan 08 2003 # Changed "ex" to /bin/ex ; changed ex - to $ex -s ; Jun 10 2005 # added awk script to strip off lines from spam guard - Jun 10 2005 # Oct 26 2007: changed "usr" to "home", prim-ed the program # I decided to use grep for simplicity rather than gre, # and gawk everywhere rather than a mixture of awk and gawk # prim-ed Oct 27 2007 # Version for prim, Nov 06 2008 - Nov 09 2008 # Nov 11 2008: added "eval" to the search commands # Nov 12 2008: Further changes to search command at suggestion of Dave Applegate # Oct 29 2009: I removed the pipe through dehtml3P since it was introducing errors! # For example, it would change A003136 to A0E6 # The file "header" has the boilerplate that goes at the end # The file "footer1" has the message that they get if sequence not found # The file "helper.txt" has the help file that they get # Calls hisAnumP if they are looking up a sequence number # Uses a simple shell program dehtml3 to change weird characters # Uses "getfrom" in bin # TO TEST THIS, I DO THE FOLLOWING # cp hisP testhis # rm jink* # set debug = 1 here # comment out the trap command # uncomment all the (many) "^#if.*debug" lines # make a file hiswork67 (say) containing a sequence, such as: # From njas # lookup 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 # lookup 666665 555455 5667777 # lookup 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 # # then type $ cat hiswork67 | testhis # look at the jink*** files to monitor progress thru the program # # remember to set debug = 0 before writing it back onto superasst! # and to uncomment the trap command # and to comment out the if debug lines PATH=:/home/njas/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH # set parameters, file names etc. mach=`uname -n` case "$mach" in "fry") GETFROM=/home/njas/bin/getfrom DEHTML3=/home/njas/bin/dehtml3F;; "") GETFROM=/home/njas/bin/getfrom2 DEHTML3=/home/njas/bin/dehtml3P;; esac ex=/bin/ex # choose the good ex debug=0 # set = 1 for debugging limreq=30 # no. of requests permitted limans=50 # set this to maximum responses to each sequence D1=/home/njas/bin # define D1 to be this directory D2=/home/njas/tmp # D2 is temp directory DA=/home/njas/www-etc/oeis DB=$DA/bin DD=$DA/search.db log=$D1/logP # log is a log file #files=`echo /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/catfry23*`; export files files=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25; export files # "files" is big catalog, a copy of cat25 stripped=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/strippedfry # "stripped" is the short catalog (produced by stripfry.1) shortbib=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/shortbib # plain version of bibliog shortbib3=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/shortnew # plain version of new refs header=$D1/header # header is the boilerplate that actually goes at the end of the reply helper=$D1/helper.txt # helper is help file to send them footer1=$D1/footer1 # message that they get if sequence not found orig=$D2/orig.$$ # define orig to be name of file which holds the original request req=$D2/request.$$ # define req to be name of file that holds the requested sequences tmp=$D2/$$.tmp # tmp also holds the requested sequences tmp2=$D2/$$.tmp2 # another temp file tmp3=$D2/$$.tmp3 # another temp file tmp4=$D2/$$.tmp4 # another temp file trap "rm -f $orig $req $tmp $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4; exit" 0 1 2 # cleanup when done or interrupted date=`date` # time stamp cd $D1 ################################### # capture the input ################################### # change any weird characters; normalize the word "lookup", # strip off lines from spam guard # delete any html stuff # Oct 29 2009: I changed the next line: #cat | $DEHTML3 | gawk ' cat | gawk ' BEGIN { good = 1 } /Content preview:/ { good = 0; next} /Content analysis details:/ { good = 1; next } good == 0 {next } { print } ' | sed 's/[Ll][Oo][Oo][Kk]/look/ s/[Uu][Pp]/up/ s/look *up/lookup/ s/=20$// s/=$// s/^.*lookup/lookup/ /lookup/s/<.*$// /^</d /^X-/d /ail lookup/d' >$orig if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0001; echo "at 0001"; fi ################################### # log the request ################################### ( echo echo "NEW MESSAGE:" echo cat $orig ) >> $log ################################### # get return address ################################### addr=`$GETFROM < $orig` case X$addr in X) echo " " >> $log echo "bad guy" >> $log echo " " >> $log exit 0;; # echo " " >> $log # echo "Arlin Anderson again" >> $log # echo " " >> $log # exit 0;; esac if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0002; echo "at 0002"; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "addr = " $addr; fi ################################### # Capture the original subject line: ################################### SUBJECT_0=`grep "^[Ss][Uu][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt]" $orig` ################################### # build the reply ################################### # is there a line that just says "lookup" and nothing else? if grep "^[Ll]ookup *$" $orig >/dev/null then #/usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" < $helper (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Help file for"; cat $helper ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" echo " " >> $log echo "I sent the helper file to $addr " >> $log echo " " >> $log exit 0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0003; echo "at 0003"; fi ################################### # is format correct? ################################### if grep lookup $orig >/dev/null then echo " " >/dev/null else #/usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" < $helper (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Help file for"; cat $helper ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" echo " " >> $log echo "I sent the helper file to $addr " >> $log echo " " >> $log exit 0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0004; echo "at 0004"; fi ################################### #check that there aren't too many requests ################################### noreq=`grep lookup $orig | wc -l` if [ "$noreq" -gt "$limreq" ] then (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Too many lookups"; echo "Sorry, only $limreq lookups allowed!"; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" #echo Sorry, only $limreq lookups allowed! | # upasname=sequences-reply mail "$addr" echo " " >> $log echo "Told them too many lookups! " >> $log echo " " >> $log exit 0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0005; echo "at 0005"; fi ################################### # process the request ################################### # pull out the lookup lines # 4/23/98 I removed the next line from inside the ex command following # g/-/s///g But in the end i put it back # Oct 27 2007 I'm trying to get the ex script to run properly! cp $orig $req #cat $orig | awk ' /lookup/ {print }' >$req if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink0006; echo "at 0006"; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jink0006req; fi $ex -s $req <<! g/^</d g/LOOKUP/s//lookup/g g/Lookup/s//lookup/g g/look up/s//lookup/g g/LOOK UP/s//lookup/g g/Look up/s//lookup/g v/lookup/d g/[Ss][Uu][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt][: ]/s/// g/^ /s/^ *// g/[abcdefghijmnqrstvzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/d g/lookup/s/// w! q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink001; echo "at 001"; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jink001req; fi ################################### # Added Nov 03 2002. # Are they looking up A-numbers? ################################### #if grep "lookup *A[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" "$orig" >/dev/null if grep "lookup *A[0-9]" "$orig" >/dev/null then if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jink002; echo "at 002"; fi $D1/hisAnumP $addr $orig & sleep 1 exit 0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jink001a; echo "at 001a"; fi ################################### # check for non-numeric characters in the lookup lines ################################### # 4/23/98 I changed the next line by inserting \055 to allow minus signs # but in the end i took it out intern1=`cat $req | tr -d " 0123456789\012\055" ` if [ -n "$intern1" ] then # echo "Sorry, lookup lines may contain only digits and blanks" | # /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Illegal characters"; echo "Sorry, lookup lines may contain only digits and blanks"; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" echo "Told them only digits allowed! " >> $log exit 0 fi #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jink001b; echo "at 001b"; fi ################################### # do further processing # David Applegate's version, Nov 12 2008: ################################### cp $req $tmp2 cat $tmp2 | sed 's/^ *// s/ *$// s/ */,/g' >$req #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jink002; echo "at 002"; fi ################################### # look up all seqs that match ################################### :>$tmp cat $req | while read ta; do echo "" >>$tmp echo "Matches (up to a limit of 50) found for \"$ta\"" >>$tmp echo "" >>$tmp /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/bin/search -f 3 -q -n 50 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/search.db "$ta" >>$tmp echo "" >>$tmp done #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jink003; echo "at 003"; fi cat $footer1 >>$tmp # save a copy ( echo echo "MY REPLY to $addr :" cat $tmp echo ) >> $log # Add time stamp and subject line echo "Subject line of incoming message (if any): $SUBJECT_0" >>$tmp echo " " >>$tmp echo "Search was carried out on $date" >>$tmp # add the boilerplate: cat $header >>$tmp # send off the result: # $addr is email address, $tmp contains response #cat $tmp | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences"; cat $tmp ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f sequences-reply "$addr" exit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== End of the program "hisP" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== PART 2: SUPERSEEKER &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& &&& Summary: Here is a summary of what Superseeker does: &&& &&& - Runs superprocfan (written by Mira Bernstein), &&& which repeatedly computes inverse binomial &&& transform of the sequence (if these triangles are &&& glued together they form a "fan" - see the Bernstein-Sloane &&& paper on eigensequences). If any of these are recognizable, &&& we have a formula. &&& &&& - Runs proc8 (compiled version of superproc8.f) &&& which tests if differences of some order are periodic &&& &&& - If the sequence only takes two values, a and b say, i.e. is a "binary" sequence, &&& proc9 (compiled version of superproc9.f) computes the &&& six canonical associated sequences and looks them up in the OEIS. &&& The 6 sequences, all equivalent to the &&& original are: replace a,b by 1,2; by 2,1; positions of a's, &&& of b's; run lengths; and the derivative. &&& &&& - superproc2prim calls the "guessgf" parts of the "gfun" Maple package &&& of Bruno Salvy and Paul Zimmermann &&& to look for generating functions. &&& See &&& &&& or &&& &&& for more about gfun &&& &&& - superproc4prim calls the "listtorec" parts of the "gfun" Maple package &&& of Bruno Salvy and Paul Zimmermann &&& to look for recurrences. &&& &&& - Uses Harm Derksen's program "superguesss" to try &&& to guess a formula or recurrence. &&& [Harm Derksen's program "guesss" uses Pade'-Hermite approximations &&& - see &&& That algorithm is described in: &&& An algorithm to compute generalized Pade'-Hermite forms, &&& Report 9403 (1994), Dept. of Math., Catholic University Nijmegen &&& (available from] &&& &&& - Uses Christian Kratthentaler's Mathematica program Rate ("superrate.m") which tries to &&& guess a closed form for a sequence ("rate" is "guess" in German). &&& For a description of Rate, see &&& &&& &&& - Apply many transformations to the sequence and look up &&& the result in the OEIS. &&& The transforms are performed using Mathematica, with the &&& help of Olivier Gerard's program seqtranslib.m &&& A list of the transforms used is in "supertrans". &&& &&& - Apply many transformations to the sequence and look up &&& the result in a table of sequences formed &&& by taking the first differences of all the sequences in the OEIS. &&& Uses the compressed file of the difference sequences, "dripped". &&& The transforms are performed using Mathematica, with the &&& help of Olivier Gerard's program seqtranslib.m &&& A list of the transforms used is in "supertrans". &&& &&& - superproc6prim calls the "listtoalgeq" parts of the "gfun" Maple package &&& of Bruno Salvy and Paul Zimmermann &&& to look for algebraic equations &&& &&& - Uses superbeattyprim, written by Simon Plouffe, &&& to test if the sequence is a Beatty sequence &&& &&& - Uses John Linderman's program &&& to see if the sequence has a partial overlap with &&& any existing sequence &&& &&& - Uses the unix utility "agrep" to look for sequences in the OEIS &&& that have edit distnce 1, 2 or 3 from the given sequence. &&& &&& - (Not used at present) runs "supercorr2" to look &&& for sequences that are highly correlated with the given sequence. &&& &&& - Several other people have offered the OEIS their programs for guessing &&& a formula or explanation for a sequence, but I did not &&& have time to incorporate them into Superseeker. &&& Hopefully this can be done on the wiki version. &&& &&& Note that the file "superhelp.txt" included below &&& gives another summary of what Superseeker does. &&& &&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& As emails addressed to "" arrive, they are piped into the program superhisP, and later are fed into superasstprim. Here is the first program: ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superhisP" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== #!/bin/sh # superhisP Program that automatically answers sequence queries, # trying very hard to find an explanation # N. J. A. Sloane 5/2/94 # uses dehtml, dehtml3 # all the hard stuff is done by $D1/superasstprim, called at the end of this # To debug this, set debug=1, comment out the trap command # and uncomment all the "if debug ..." statements # Then rm jank*, and do something like # cat hiswork67 | superhisP, where hiswork67 has 2 lines: # From njas # lookup 10 20 30 40 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 # or # lookup 220 1210 6655 34243 180829 963886 5093737 # fry version 7/12/96 # modified 12.30.97 and 3.5.98 and 6/4/99 # 8/2/99 drop all except first lookup line # 6/4/99 added extra lines to put a copy of submission into directory QUEUE. NO! # July 19 2002 Line 85 Superseeker broken - Mma not working! # Jul 22 2002 Fixed # Changed helper file Nov 05 2002 # Changed "ex" to /bin/ex ; changed ex - to $ex -s ; Jun 10 2005 # added awk script to strip off lines from spam guard - Jun 10 2005 # prim-ed Oct 27 2007 # changed awk to gawk, Oct 27 2007 # prim version, Nov 09 2008 # Adding queueing commands, Nov 17 2008 # Changed a gre to grep, Jul 22 2009 - the filter for supergoodguys # wasn't working # set path PATH=:/home/njas/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH # set parameters, file names etc. mach=`uname -n` case "$mach" in "fry") GETFROM=/home/njas/bin/getfrom TIMESTAMP=/home/njas/bin/IP27/timestamp DEHTML=/home/njas/bin/dehtml DEHTML3=/home/njas/bin/dehtml3F;; "") GETFROM=/home/njas/bin/getfrom2 TIMESTAMP=/home/njas/bin/x86_64/timestamp DEHTML=/home/njas/bin/dehtmlP DEHTML3=/home/njas/bin/dehtml3P;; esac # temp Nov 02 2007 #echo "mach = " $mach ex=/bin/ex # choose the good ex debug=0 # set =1 for debugging limreq=1 # no. of requests permitted D1=/home/njas/bin # define D1 to be this directory D2=/home/njas/tmp # D2 is temp directory # define directory where jobs are to be queued D3=/home/njas/bin/QUEUE DA=/home/njas/www-etc/oeis DB=$DA/bin DD=$DA/search.db log=$D1/superlogP # log is a log fileP helper=$D1/superhelp.txt # helper is help file to send people orig=$D2/superorig.$$ # define orig to hold the original request req=$D2/superreq.$$ # define req to hold the requested sequence tmp=$D2/$$.tmp3 # tmp file polite=3600 # minimum time in secs between calls trap "rm -f $orig $tmp ; exit 0" 0 1 2 # cleanup when done or interrupted # $addr will have the return address cd $D1 # CAPTURE THE INPUT cat > $tmp #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cat $tmp >jank000 ; echo "at 000 saving input"; fi # log ( echo echo "NEW MESSAGE:" echo cat $tmp ) >> $log # GET RETURN ADDRESS USING A NETLIB UTILITY FOR SECURITY addr=`$GETFROM < $tmp` case X$addr in X) echo " " >> $log echo "bad guy" >> $log echo " " >> $log exit 0;; esac #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo $addr >jank001 ; echo "at 001 got address"; fi # added Dec 30 1997 # the 4th sed command below deletes any html garbage lines <.... #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cat $tmp | $DEHTML3 >jank002 ; echo "at 002 testing dehtml3"; fi #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cat $tmp | $DEHTML3 | $DEHTML >jank003 ; echo "at 003 testing DEHTML"; fi cat $tmp | $DEHTML3 | $DEHTML | gawk ' BEGIN { good = 1 } /Content preview:/ { good = 0; next} /Content analysis details:/ { good = 1; next } good == 0 {next } { print } ' | sed 's/Look/look/ s/look up/lookup/ s/LOOKUP/lookup/ s/=20$// s/=$// /[Ss][Uu][Bb]/d /^</d /^X-/d /ail lookup/d /lookup/q' >$orig #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $orig jank004; echo "at 004, edited req."; fi # log the request ( echo echo "after i deleted lots of junk, the message now reads:" echo cat $orig ) >> $log # TIME STAMP THE MESSAGE timein=`$TIMESTAMP` #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo $timein >jank005 ; echo "at 005"; fi # temp #echo timein = $timein # IS FORMAT CORRECT? IF NOT SEND "SUPERHELP" if grep lookup $orig >/dev/null then : else (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Help file for Superseeker"; cat $helper ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" ( echo echo "I sent the helper file to $addr " echo ) >> $log exit 0 fi # PROCESS THE REQUEST # pull out the lookup line cp $orig $req #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jank006; echo "at 006, editing"; fi # delete html lines, subject lines, lines containing extraneous letters $ex -s $req <<! g/^</d v/lookup/d g/[Ss][Uu][Bb]/d g/[abcdefghijmnqrstvzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/d g/^ /s/^ *// w! q ! #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jank007; echo "at 007, edited"; fi #CHECK THAT THERE AREN'T TOO MANY REQUESTS noreq=`grep lookup $req | wc -l` if [ "$noreq" -gt "$limreq" ] then #echo "Sorry, only $limreq lookup line allowed in message " | # /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Too many lookups"; echo "Sorry, only $limreq lookup line allowed in message "; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" ( echo " " echo "Told them too many lookups! " echo " " ) >> $log exit 0 fi $ex -s $req <<! g/lookup/s/lookup// w! q ! #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jank008; echo "at 008, edited"; fi # CHECK FOR NON-NUMERIC CHARACTERS IN THE LOOKUP LINE if grep '[^-0123456789 ]' $req >/dev/null then #echo "Sorry, lookup line may contain only digits, minus signs and blanks" | # /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Illegal characters"; echo "Sorry, lookup lines may contain only digits, minus signs and blanks"; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" echo "Told them only digits allowed! " >> $log exit 0 fi #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jank009; echo "at 009"; fi # FINALLY, DO THEY GET BY THE BOUNCER? # if $addr is on list of good guys, accept the request without further checking if echo $addr|fgrep -x -f $D1/supergoodguys >/dev/null #if 1 then # then 1 : else # else 1 # if a new user, set lasttime = 0 cat supertracker | gawk '{ print $2 }' >$tmp if echo $addr|fgrep -x -f $tmp >/dev/null then lasttime=`grep -h "$addr" $D1/supertracker | gawk '{ print $1 }' | sort -n -r | sed '1q' ` else lasttime=0 fi # temp #echo lasttime = $lasttime # see if it has been an hour since the last request difftime=`expr $timein - $lasttime ` if [ "$difftime" -lt "$polite" ] # if 3 then # then 3 (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Too soon since last submission"; echo "Sorry, because this program consumes a lot of computer time, I must"; echo "ration its usage to one request per hour per user - please try again later."; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" ( echo " " echo "Told them it was too soon since last submission" echo " " ) >> $log # temp #echo difftime = $difftime #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$timein $lasttime $difftime" >jank010; echo "at 010, getting bounced"; fi exit 0 fi # fi 3 fi # fi 1 #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$timein" "$lasttime" "$difftime" >jank011; echo "at 011, past door."; fi # build the reply # THEY GOT IN! # record this request in file supertracker echo $timein $addr >>$D1/supertracker # DO FURTHER PROCESSING $ex -s $req <<! g/^/s// / g/$/s// / g/ /s//,/g g/,/s/,,*/,/g g/^/s//f / w! ! # CHECK QUEUED SUBMISSIONS queuesize=`/bin/ps -u njas | grep superasstprim | wc -l` if [ "$queuesize" -ge 100 ]; then (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Too many queued submissions"; echo "Sorry, the queue is currently full of submissions received ahead of yours." echo "Please try again later."; echo "To get the help file, send an empty message to" ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" ( echo " " echo "Told them the queue was full ($queuesize)" echo " " ) >> $log exit 0 fi # $addr is the actual address, $req is the name of file with seq in it #if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jank999; echo "at 999, done"; fi nohup $D1/superasstprim $addr $req >> $log 2>&1 & exit 0 ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superasstprim" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== Next, here is the main program, superasstprim: #!/bin/sh ################################################### # # # superasstprim # # # ################################################### # Program that automatically answers sequence queries, # trying very hard to find an explanation # N. J. A. Sloane 5/16/94 # Fry version 7/12/96 # 5/97 I have now disconnected the beatty test because it was broken # and also (5/7/97) the findhard test because it takes too long # 2/28/98 New version of superasstfry replacing findhard with # Olivier Gerard's mathematica code and some clever shell programming # July 21 1999 I am restoring the Beatty sequence test, but only the "beatty0" part # Aug 1 1999 Adding "agrep" # Aug 2 Adding guesss # Aug 4 Adding RATE # 11.26.99 Added "To" lines etc to replies # Dec 4 2000: return matches with best ones first # Feb 20 2001: always do the "hard" search # Aug 13 2002 changing files called "work" to "superwork" # Oct 20 2003 Added John Linderman's partial overlap checker, # Jul 01 2004 Added tests to see if can match the difference # sequence of any sequence in the OEIS # Jun 06 2005 Switched over to good version of ex # Jan 03 2007: switched from maple6 to maple9.5 # Jan 04 2007: switched back, it wasn't working # Oct 27 2007: started work on making this compatible with prim # Oct 30 2007: Changed "limit" to "ulimit"; changed to $MAPLE, $MATH # Nov 02 2007: changed libname command in subprocedures to make gfun work # Nov 09 2008: prim version # Nov 17 2008: with huge amount of help from Dave Applegate, # added queueing commands # Feb 09 2009: changed libpath in the superproc2prim etc files # Feb 09 2009: corrected a serious bug in superproc2prim # TO STUDY A TOUGH SEQUENCE, change maptime = 1000 to maptime = 100000 # and set tough = 1 below ####################################################### # # TO TEST THIS, I DO THE FOLLOWING # ####################################################### # cp superasstprim testasst # rm jonk* # IMPORTANT! comment out lines 234-242 (the lockfile stuff) and the trap in line 248 # set debug = 1 in testasst (at about line 131) # make a file superwork66 (say) containing a sequence, such as: # f ,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, # make an executable file, superwork1 (say), containing 2 lines: # cat superwork66 | sed '1q' >superwork6 # testasst njas superwork6 # or superasstprim njas superwork6 # # then type superwork1 # look at the jonk*** files to monitor progress thru the program # # remember to set debug = 0 before writing it back onto superasstfry! ####################################################### # # SUBPROGRAMS AND FILES CALLED (in order) (grep for "CALLS") # ####################################################### # The program superhis reads the mail, then calls this program to # do the hard stuff. # superfoot* = various text files read in at times # superproc7fry = Maple prog that does initial processing of seq. # superfoot0 = boilerplate = standard footer # superfoot1 = text # footer2 = boilerplate used if sequence is not in table # superproc1 = look at differences (a Maple subroutine) # superprocfan = compute multiple order difference table (Maple) # superproc8.f = Fortran program that checks if diffs are periodic # proc8 or proc8P (prim) = executable of same # superproc9.f = Fortran program that gets char fns of binary sequences # proc9 or proc9P (prim) = executable of same # superproc2fry = call guessgf (Maple) # superproc2prim = call guessgf (Maple) # superproc4fry = call listtorec (Maple) # superproc4prim = call listtorec (Maple) # superproc6fry = call listtoalgeq (Maple) # superproc6prim = call listtoalgeq (Maple) # superguesss = my version of Harm Derksen's guesss Maple program # superrate.m = my version of rate.m (Mma) # NOT USED superproc3fry = call findhard # seqtranslib.m is Olivier Gerard's program used by superasstfry (Mma) # NOT USED superproc5.f = fortran program to decode output of findhard # NOT USED proc5 = executable of same # the file "supertrans" has list of transforms used # superfoot2 = text # NOT USED supernearfry = look for nearest in L1 norm seqs # superbeattyfry = test for Beatty seq. (Maple) # superbeattyprim = test for Beatty seq. (Maple) # superfootb = text for beatty # hisarrange = shell (mostly awk) program that puts core seqs first, etc. # qk_fast = used by the "transformations" lookup # qk_fast_drip = used by the "transformations" lookup in the difference table # these do not appear to be used at present: # supercorr = look for nearest in correlation seqs # superproc10 = computes first batch of transforms # superproc11 = computes 2nd batch of transforms # obsolete now: HISfry in $H/hisdir is Maple script with transformations T___ used ####################################################### # # SET PARAMETERS, FILE NAMES ETC. # ####################################################### # ignore SIGHUP (which might occur when the calling program exits, # depending on details of mail delivery) trap "" 1 # set path: PATH=:/home/njas/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/common/bin/; export PATH ex=/bin/ex #Maple=/usr/local/bin/maple8 # set version of Maple #Maple=/usr/local/bin/maple7 # set version of Maple #Maple=/usr/local/bin/maple6 # set version of Maple #Maple=/usr/local/bin/maple9.5 # set version of Maple debug=0 # don't print info (0), or do (1) - for debugging tough=1 # set equal to 1 if want to keep analyzing even if seq in table # Feb 2001 default is now 1 maptime=1000 # max time in secs allowed for the big Maple jobs limans=50 # set this to maximum responses to each sequence # when looking it up in the table nocmin=9 # min no of chars needed in 2nd part of prog nowmin=3 # min no of words needed in 2nd part of prog D1=/home/njas/bin # define D1 to be this directory D2=/home/njas/tmp # put temp files in here DA=/home/njas/www-etc/oeis DB=$DA/bin DD=$DA/search.db LOCKWAIT=/usr/bin/lockfile LOCKFILE=/home/njas/tmp/super.lock log=$D1/superlogP # log is a log file #files=`echo /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/catfry23*`; export files files=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25; export files # "files" is big catalog, a copy of cat25 stripped=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/strippedfry # "stripped" is short catalog (produced by stripfry.1) # - note the minus signs have been removed dripped=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/drippedfry # "dripped" is short catalog of differences (from stripfry.1) # based on strippedfry_signs # - note the minus signs have been removed shortbib=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/shortbib # plain version of bibliog shortbib3=/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/shortnew # plain version of new refs header=$D1/assthead # header is the header for my reply footer2=$D1/footer2 # asks them to send seq, if not in table addr=$1 # addr is return address req=$2 # req holds the requested sequence in the f ,1,2,3,4, format # (with signs) reqa=$D2/$$.reqa # reqa will hold the requested sequence in the f ,1,2,3,4, format # (without signs) fort=$D2/$$.fort ans=$D2/$$.ans # ans holds the reply tmp=$D2/$$.tmp # tmp will also hold the requested sequence (without signs) tmp2=$D2/$$.tmp2 # another temp file tmp3=$D2/$$.tmp3 # another temp file tmp4=$D2/$$.tmp4 # another temp file tmp5=$D2/$$.tmp5 # another temp file tmp6=$D2/$$.tmp6 # another temp file # other variables: # $addr = return address # $intable = 1 iff original sequence is in the table intable=0 # $ntable = no. of times it was found in the main table # $nvals = no. of values taken by seq. # $maxval = max. abs. value in seq. # $nterms = no. of terms in seq. # $periodic = 1 iff periodic # $debug = 1 to get debugging printouts, 0 if not # $f77type = 1 if fortran can read it, 0 else mach=`uname -n` case "$mach" in "fry") AGREP=agrep BEATTY=$D1/superbeattyfry MAPLE=/usr/local/bin/maple6 MATH=/usr/local/bin/math PROC2=$D1/superproc2fry PROC4=$D1/superproc4fry PROC6=$D1/superproc6fry PROC8=$D1/proc8 PROC9=$D1/proc9;; "") AGREP=/home/njas/bin/agrep BEATTY=$D1/superbeattyprim MAPLE=/usr/local/bin/maple MATH=/usr/common/bin/math PROC2=$D1/superproc2prim PROC4=$D1/superproc4prim PROC6=$D1/superproc6prim PROC8=$D1/proc8P PROC9=$D1/proc9P;; esac ################################################################## # Wait for lockfile if necessary ################################################################## ### In the lockfile command ### -60 means wait 1 minute between attempts ### -r 60 means give up after 1 hour of attempts (60 retries) ### -l 1800 means that if a lock is 30 minutes old, override it ### -s 60 means to wait 1 minute after overriding a lock ### ### Doing it in the while loop means that if superseeker can't get the ### lock, it sends you email, but continues to try to get the lock. You ### can react to the email by fixing the lock problem, or by killing the ### superseeker process. ### ### The trap command should remove the lock if superasstprim exits, ### or is killed (but not with kill -9 since that doesn't let the process do ### anything else). ### JUL 21 2009: removed "-l 1800" from 2 LOCKWAIT commands below. Stale locks ### are no longer overridden. ### For debugging, comment out the next 9 lines if ! $LOCKWAIT -60 -r 60 -s 60 $LOCKFILE > /dev/null 2>&1; then (echo "To:"; echo "Subject: We have a superseeker lock problem"; echo "Process id is $$"; echo "Probably you should either"; echo "rm -f $LOCKFILE"; echo "or"; echo "kill $$"; ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseeker if ! $LOCKWAIT -60 -r -1 -s 60 $LOCKFILE > /dev/null 2>&1; then exit 0 fi fi #trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE; exit 0" 0 2 3 15 # debugging cleanup when done or interrupted ### For debugging, comment out the next line trap "rm -f $req $reqa $ans $fort $tmp $tmp2 $tmp3 $tmp4 $tmp5 $tmp6 $LOCKFILE; exit 0" 0 2 3 15 # normal cleanup when done or interrupted ####################################################### # # START WORK # ####################################################### cd $D1 # WE ENTER WITH THE REQUEST (with signs) IN $req, # held in f ,1,2,3,4,5, format if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk001; echo "at 001, initial req."; fi # delete minus signs, put into $tmp and $reqa cat $req | tr -d '\055' >$tmp cp $tmp $reqa if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk002; echo "at 002, - signs gone"; fi # see if it contains a 0 term if grep ",0," $req >/dev/null then zterm=0 #zterm=0 means it contains a 0 else zterm=1 #zterm=1 means it does not contain a 0 fi ############################################ # # # CONVERT $req TO MAPLE FORMAT # # # ############################################ $ex -s $req <<! v/f/d s/^.../lis:=[ / s/.$/]:/ w q ! lis_maple=`cat $req` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk002a; echo "at 002a- Maple fmt"; fi ###################################### # # # PUT HEADER ON MESSAGE # # # ###################################### sed 's/lis:=/Report on /' <$req >>$ans echo "Many tests are carried out, but only potentially useful information (if any) is reported here." >>$ans echo >>$ans # IS SEQUENCE TRIVIAL? CALLS superproc7fry # which calls Maple # temp #cp $req jonkjonk1 # temp #echo "$addr" > jonkjonk3 # temp #printenv >jonkjonk4 # temp #set >jonkjonk5 cat $req $D1/superproc7fry | $MAPLE > $tmp4 #echo "lis := [1,10,20,30,40];" | $MAPLE > jonkjonk2 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonk003; echo "at 003, thru Maple"; fi # process the output $ex -s $tmp4 <<! 1,/CUT/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d g/,/s// /g w q ! # at this point $tmp4 contains the results from Maple if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonk004; echo "at 004, out of Maple"; fi # how many values taken, etc. ? nvals=`cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /NVALS/ { print $2 }'` maxval=`cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /MAXVAL/ { print $2 }'` nterms=`cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /NTERMS/ { print $2 }'` f77type=`cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /F77TYPE/ { print $2 }'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$nvals" "$maxval" "$nterms" "$f77type" > jonk004a; echo "at 004a"; fi if [ "$nvals" -le 1 ] then ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo echo "Constant sequence. Bye!" echo ) >> $log ( echo echo "Constant sequence. Bye!" cat $D1/superfoot0 echo ) >>$ans (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 fi ######################################################### # # LOOK UP SEQUENCE IN TABLE # ######################################################### # FIRST TRY THE TABLE: (uses $tmp (for input), $tmp2, and $tmp3 for the answer) # makes a copy of input, $tmp, in $tmp4 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk0049; echo "at 0049, start lookup"; fi cp $tmp $tmp4 echo >$tmp3 echo "TEST: IS THE SEQUENCE OF ABSOLUTE VALUES IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA?" >>$tmp3 ################################### # look up all seqs that match - this is for a single lookup only! ################################### #echo "at 49a" #cat $tmp | sed 's#^f ,#/home/njas/www-etc/oeis/bin/search # -f 3 -q -n 50 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/search.db \"# # s/,$/\"/' >$tmp5 ta=`cat $tmp | sed 's/^f ,// s/,$//'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 0049aa, ta = $ta"; fi echo "Matches (up to a limit of 50) found for \"$ta\"" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/bin/search -f 3 -q -n 50 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/search.db "$ta" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005; echo "at 005, finished lookup"; fi if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` intable=1 ( echo echo " SUCCESS: the sequence is in the OEIS." echo ) >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 intable=0 fi ntable=`expr $nhits` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk00501; echo "at 00501, out of lookup"; fi ############################################################ # # IS THE SHORTENED SEQUENCE IN THE TABLE? # ############################################################ # (uses $tmp (for input), $tmp2, and $tmp3 for the answer) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonk00502; echo "at 00502, short lookup"; fi if [ $intable -eq 0 -a $nterms -ge 5 ] #if 0 then #then 0 # reload $tmp from $tmp4 where it had been saved, deleting first term if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonk00503; echo "at 00503, short "; fi cat $tmp4 | sed 's/,[0123456789]*,/,/' >$tmp if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk00504; echo "at 00504, edited"; fi echo >$tmp3 echo "TEST: IS THE SEQUENCE OF ABSOLUTE VALUES (WITH FIRST TERM OMITTED) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA?" >>$tmp3 ################################### # look up all seqs that match - this is for a single lookup only! ################################### ta=`cat $tmp | sed 's/^f ,// s/,$//'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 0049aa, ta = $ta"; fi echo "Matches (up to a limit of 50) found for \"$ta\"" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/bin/search -f 3 -q -n 50 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/search.db "$ta" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk0051; echo "at 0051, finished lookup"; fi if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` intable=1 ( echo echo " SUCCESS: the sequence is in the OEIS." echo ) >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 fi ntable=`expr $nhits` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk0052; echo "at 0052, finished lookup"; fi fi #fi 0 ############################################################## # # AGREP # # Aug 01 1999: adding calls to agrep to look for sequences # that almost match # ############################################################## ############################################################## # # AGREP_1 # ############################################################## # (uses $tmp4 (for input), $tmp5, and $tmp3 for the answer) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonk005201; echo "at 005201, running agrep1 "; fi if [ $intable -eq 0 ] #if 0 then #then 0 # reload $tmp from $tmp4 where it had been saved with first term deleted # and convert it to agrep's format lis=`cat $tmp4 | sed 's/...// s/.$//'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$lis" >jonk005202; echo "at 005202 "; fi echo >$tmp3 echo "SUGGESTION: IT APPEARS THAT THE SEQUENCE OF ABSOLUTE VALUES CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE(S) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA (UP TO A LIMIT OF $limans) BY 1 INSERTION, DELETION OR SUBSTITUTION:" >>$tmp3 echo " " >> $tmp3 # look up all seqs that match $AGREP -1 -k "$lis" $stripped | sed "${limans}q" | gawk '$2~"^A" {print "cat /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25 | grep \"^%[A-Za-z] " $2 "\"" }' > $tmp5 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk005203; echo "at 005203, finished agrep_1 lookup"; fi # Pull out those A numbers from the table # and separate entries by spaces sh $tmp5 | sed '/^%I/i\ ' >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005204; echo "at 005204, finished sh "; fi # were there any hits? if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` echo >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005205; echo "at 005205, finished agrep_1 lookup"; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "nhits = $nhits"; fi fi #fi 0 #################################################### # END OF AGREP_1 #################################################### ############################################################## # # AGREP_2 # IS IT DISTANCE 2 FROM SOME SEQUENCE? # ############################################################## if [ "$nhits" -eq 0 ] # if 1 then # then 1 # (uses $tmp4 (for input), $tmp5, and $tmp3 for the answer) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonk005211; echo "at 005211, running agrep2 "; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$lis" >jonk005212; echo "at 005212 "; fi echo >$tmp3 echo "SUGGESTION: IT APPEARS THAT THE SEQUENCE OF ABSOLUTE VALUES CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE(S) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA (UP TO A LIMIT OF $limans) BY 2 INSERTIONS, DELETIONS OR SUBSTITUTIONS:" >>$tmp3 echo " " >> $tmp3 # look up all seqs that match $AGREP -2 -k "$lis" $stripped | sed "${limans}q" | gawk '$2~"^A" {print "cat /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25 | grep \"^%[A-Za-z] " $2 "\"" }' > $tmp5 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk005213; echo "at 005213, finished agrep_2 lookup"; fi # Pull out those A numbers from the table # and separate entries by spaces sh $tmp5 | sed '/^%I/i\ ' >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005214; echo "at 005214, finished shell command "; fi # were there any hits? if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` echo >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005215; echo "at 005215, finished agrep_2 lookup"; fi fi # fi 1 #################################################### # END OF AGREP_2 #################################################### ############################################################## # # AGREP_3 # IS IT DISTANCE 3 FROM SOME SEQUENCE? # ############################################################## if [ "$nhits" -eq 0 ] # if 1 then # then 1 # (uses $tmp4 (for input), $tmp5, and $tmp3 for the answer) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonk005211; echo "at 005211, running agrep_3 "; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$lis" >jonk005212; echo "at 005212 "; fi echo >$tmp3 echo "SUGGESTION: IT APPEARS THAT THE SEQUENCE OF ABSOLUTE VALUES CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE(S) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA (UP TO A LIMIT OF $limans) BY 3 INSERTIONS, DELETIONS OR SUBSTITUTIONS:" >>$tmp3 echo " " >> $tmp3 # look up all seqs that match $AGREP -3 -k "$lis" $stripped | sed "${limans}q" | gawk '$2~"^A" {print "cat /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25 | grep \"^%[A-Za-z] " $2 "\"" }' > $tmp5 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk005213; echo "at 005213, finished agrep_3 lookup"; fi # Pull out those A numbers from the table # and separate entries by spaces sh $tmp5 | sed '/^%I/i\ ' >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005214; echo "at 005214, finished shell command "; fi # were there any hits? if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` echo >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005215; echo "at 005215, finished agrep_3 lookup"; fi fi # fi 1 #################################################### # END OF AGREP_3 #################################################### ############################################################## # # LINDERMAN # # Oct 20 2003: adding call to John P. Linderman's program # to look for sequences that partailly overlap # ############################################################## # skip this test if sequence in OEIS already if [ $intable -eq 0 ] #if 0 then #then 0 # (uses $tmp4 (for input), $tmp5, and $tmp3 for the answer) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonk005221; echo "at 005221, running "; fi lis=`cat $tmp4 | sed 's/..//'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$lis" >jonk005222; echo "at 005222 "; fi echo >$tmp3 echo "SUGGESTION: JOHN LINDERMAN'S PROGRAM HAS DETECTED A PARTIAL OVERLAP BETWEEN YOUR SEQUENCE AND THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE(S) (UP TO A LIMIT OF $limans) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA:" >>$tmp3 echo " " >> $tmp3 # look up all seqs that match echo "$lis" | | sed "${limans}q" | sed 's/://' | gawk '$1~"^A" {print "cat /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25 | grep \"^%[A-Za-z] " $1 "\"" }' > $tmp5 #echo "$lis" | | sed "${limans}q" | sed 's/://' >$tmp5 if [ -s $tmp5 ] # if 1 then # then 1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk005223; echo "at 005223, finished"; fi # Pull out those A numbers from the table # and separate entries by spaces sh $tmp5 | sed '/^%I/i\ ' >>$tmp3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005224; echo "at 005224, finished sh "; fi # were there any hits? if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null then # see how many hits nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` echo >>$tmp3 cat $tmp3 >>$ans else nhits=0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk005225; echo "at 005225, finished"; fi fi #fi 1 fi # fi 0 #################################################### # END OF LINDERMAN #################################################### ###################################################### # # IS THIS A SERIOUS REQUEST? # ###################################################### noc=`wc -c $req | gawk '{ print $1}'` noc=`expr $noc \- 10 ` now=`cat $req | tr ',' ' ' |wc -w | gawk '{ print $1}'` if [ "$noc" -lt "$nocmin" -o "$now" -lt $nowmin ] then ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo echo "We need at least $nocmin characters in the sequence (counting the separating blanks), and at least $nowmin terms, to do any further analysis" echo ) >> $log ( echo echo "We need at least $nocmin characters in the sequence (counting the separating blanks), and at least $nowmin terms, to do any further analysis" cat $D1/superfoot0 echo ) >>$ans # cat $ans | upasname=superseq-reply mail "$addr" # cat $ans | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 fi ####################################################### # # LOOK AT DIFFERENCES: is sequence a polynomial in n? # ####################################################### # CALLS superproc1 cat $req $D1/superproc1 | $MAPLE > $tmp2 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk006; echo "at 006, checked diffs"; fi $ex -s $tmp2 <<! g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d w q ! if grep "good" $tmp2 >/dev/null then #get degree and poly $ex -s $tmp2 <<! 1,/good/d w q ! deg=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /deg/ {print $2 }'` nhits=`expr $nhits + 1` periodic=1 ( echo echo "TEST: IS THE NTH TERM A POLYNOMIAL IN N?" echo " SUCCESS: nth term is nontrivial polynomial in n of" cat $tmp2 echo ) >>$ans # IS SEQUENCE TRIVIAL? if [ "$deg" -le 2 ] then ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo "Sequence is a polynomial of degree at most 2. Bye!" echo ) >> $log ( echo echo "Sequence is a polynomial of degree at most 2. Bye!" cat $D1/superfoot0 echo ) >>$ans # cat $ans | upasname=superseq-reply mail "$addr" # cat $ans | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 fi else periodic=0 # ( echo # echo "TEST: IS THE NTH TERM A POLYNOMIAL IN N?" # echo " FAILURE " # echo # ) >>$ans fi ####################################################### # # LOOK AT FAN OF DIFFERENCES # ####################################################### # LOOK AT FAN OF DIFFERENCES: is any row essentially constant? # CALLS superprocfan if [ $periodic -eq 0 ] #if 0 then cat $req $D1/superprocfan | $MAPLE > $tmp2 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk0061; echo "at 0061, checked fan"; fi $ex -s $tmp2 <<! g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d w q ! if grep "SUCCESS" $tmp2 >/dev/null then # extract answers $ex -s $tmp2 <<! v/SUCC/d g/,/s// /g g/\]/s// w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk0062; echo "at 0062, end fan"; fi howfar=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $2 }'` stratum=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $3 }'` s1=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $4 }'` s2=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $5 }'` s3=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $6 }'` s4=`cat $tmp2 | sed '1q' | gawk ' /SUCC/ {print $7 }'` nhits=`expr $nhits + 1` periodic=1 ( echo echo "SUGGESTION: apparently the differences of order $stratum in the difference table of depth $howfar have become constant. If this is true then the next four terms of the sequence are:" echo " $s1, $s2, $s3, $s4" echo ) >>$ans fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk0063; echo "at 0063, end fan"; fi fi #fi 0 ####################################################### # # GET FORTRAN VERSION # ####################################################### if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk007; echo "at 007, getting fortran"; fi if [ "$f77type" -eq 1 ] then # Next 3 lines Oct 30 2007 to avoid ex troubles on prim echo "$nterms" >$fort cat $req | sed 's/lis....// s/..$//' | tr "," "\012" >>$fort #cp $req $fort #$ex -s $fort <<! #a # #. #g/^....../s/// #g/..\$/s/// #g/,/s//\\ #/g #g/ /s///g #g/^\$/d #0a #$nterms #. #w #q #! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $fort jonk007a; echo "at 007a, have fort."; fi fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$f77type" >jonk007aa; echo "at 007aa"; fi ####################################################### # # TEST IF DIFFERENCES ARE PERIODIC - CALLS proc8 # ####################################################### if [ "$f77type" -eq 1 -a $nvals -gt 2 ] #if 0 then cat $fort | $PROC8 >$tmp if grep "SUCCESS" $tmp > /dev/null #if 1 then periodic=1 nhits=`expr $nhits + 1` cat $tmp | sed 's/SUCCESS/SUGGESTION/g' >>$ans if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk007b; echo "at 007b, diffs periodic"; fi fi #fi 1 fi #fi 0 ################################################################3 # # A BINARY SEQUENCE # ################################################################3 # IF BINARY, LOOKUP CHAR FNS - CALLS proc9 if [ $f77type -eq 1 -a $nvals -eq 2 ] #if 0 then cat $fort | $PROC9 >$tmp # $tmp holds the output from the fortran program if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk007c; echo "at 007c, binary seq"; fi if grep "FAIL" $tmp > /dev/null # if 1 then : else # else 1 if grep "trivial" $tmp >/dev/null # if 2 then $ex -s $tmp <<! 1,/CUT/d w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk007d; echo "at 007d, triv. binary"; fi ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo ) >> $log ( echo cat $tmp echo ) >>$ans (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 fi # fi 2 # nontrivial return from proc9 cp $tmp $tmp2 $ex -s $tmp <<! 1,/CUT/d /LAST/,\$d w q ! cat $tmp >>$ans if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk007e; echo "at 007e, nontriv binary"; fi # now extract the seqs cp $tmp2 $tmp $ex -s $tmp <<! 1,/INTRO/d /ZZZZ/,\$d g/ /s///g g/^f,/s/// g/,$/s/// w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk007f; echo "at 007f"; fi # build up this section of reply in $tmp3 echo >$tmp3 ################################### # look up all seqs that match - this is for multiple lookups ################################### :>$tmp3 cat $tmp | while read ta; do echo "" >>$tmp3 echo "Matches (up to a limit of 50) found for \"$ta\"" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/bin/search -f 3 -q -n 50 /home/njas/www-etc/oeis/search.db "$ta" >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 done if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk007g; echo "at 007g, looked up bins."; fi if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null #fi 2 then # see how many hits nfound=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` intable=1 ( echo echo " SUCCESS: the sequence is in the OEIS." echo ) >>$tmp3 else # else 2 nfound=0 ( echo echo " none are in the OEIS. " echo ) >>$tmp3 fi # fi 2 nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` cat $tmp3 >>$ans if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonk007h; echo "at 007h, done with binary"; fi fi #fi 1 fi #fi 0 # was it in OEIS? if not, ask them to send it if [ "$intable" -eq 0 ] then cat $footer2 >>$ans fi ################################################################ # END OF BINARY SECTION ################################################################ ################################################################ # # GUESSGF # ################################################################ # TRY GUESSGF (uses $tmp, $tmp2, and $tmp3 for answer ) # CALLS superproc2fry ohits=$nhits if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk008; echo "at 008, gfun"; fi #echo "TEST: LOOK FOR A GENERATING FUNCTION (WITH GFUN)" >$tmp3 cat $req $PROC2 >$tmp if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk008a; echo "at 008a, gfun"; fi (ulimit -t $maptime; $MAPLE <$tmp >$tmp2 ) if test $? -eq 0 then if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk008b; echo "at 008b, gfun ran ok"; fi $ex -s $tmp2 <<! 1,/guessgf/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d g/FAIL/d g/rror/d g/rong/d w q ! # see how many hits: nfound=`grep "gf" $tmp2 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ] then : # ( echo # echo " FAILURE" # echo # ) >>$ans else nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` ( echo echo "SUGGESTION: GUESSGF FOUND ONE OR MORE GENERATING FUNCTIONS" echo "WARNING: THESE MAY BE ONLY APPROXIMATIONS!" echo "Generating function(s) and type(s) are:" echo cat $tmp2 echo ) >>$ans fi else if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk008c; echo "at 008c, gfun died"; fi fi ############################################################# # END OF GUESSGF ############################################################# ####################################################### # # TRY LISTTOREC # ####################################################### # TRY LISTTOREC - CALLS superproc4fry #echo "TEST: LOOK FOR A RECURRENCE (WITH LISTTOREC)" >>$ans (ulimit -t $maptime; cat $req $PROC4 | $MAPLE > $tmp2 ) if test $? -eq 0 then if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk009; echo "at 009, listtorec ran ok"; fi $ex -s $tmp2 <<! 1,/listtorec/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d g/FAIL/d g/rror/d g/rong/d w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk009a; echo "at 009a,in listtorec"; fi # see how many hits: nfound=`grep "gf" $tmp2 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ] then : # ( echo # echo " FAILURE" # echo # ) >>$ans else nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` ( echo echo "SUGGESTION: LISTTOREC FOUND ONE OR MORE RECURRENCES" echo "WARNING: THESE MAY BE ONLY APPROXIMATIONS!" echo "Recurrence(s) and type(s) are:" echo cat $tmp2 echo ) >>$ans fi else if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk009c; echo "at 009c, listtorec died"; fi fi ####################################################### # # TRY LISTTOALGEQ # ####################################################### # TRY LISTTOALGEQ - CALLS superproc6fry if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk010; echo "at 010, listalgeq"; fi #echo "TEST: LOOK FOR AN ALGEBRAIC EQUATION SATISFIED BY THE GENERATING #FUNCTION (WITH LISTTOALGEQ)" >>$ans cat $req $PROC6 >$tmp if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk010a; echo "at 010a, listalgeq"; fi (ulimit -t $maptime; $MAPLE <$tmp >$tmp5 ) #$MAPLE <$tmp >$tmp5 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk010aa; echo "at 010aa, listalgeq ended"; fi if test $? -eq 0 #if 3 then #then 3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp5 jonk010b; echo "at 010b, listtoalgeq ran ok"; fi $ex -s $tmp5 <<! 1,/listto/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d g/FAIL/d g/rror/d g/rong/d w q ! # see how many hits: nfound=`grep "gf" $tmp5 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ] #if 7 then #then 7 : # ( echo # echo " FAILURE" # echo # ) >>$ans else #else 7 nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` ( echo echo "SUGGESTION: LISTTOALGEQ FOUND ONE OR MORE ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS SATISFIED BY THE GEN. FN." echo "WARNING: THESE MAY BE ONLY APPROXIMATIONS!" echo "Equation(s) and type(s) are:" echo cat $tmp5 echo ) >>$ans fi #fi 7 # append types of gen fns? if [ $nhits -gt $ohits ] #if 8 then #then 8 cat $D1/superfoot1 >>$ans fi #fi 8 else #else 3 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk010c; echo "at 010c, listalgeq died"; fi fi #fi 3 #################################################################### # # GUESSS # # #################################################################### # TRY GUESSS (uses $tmp, $tmp2, and $tmp3 for answer ) # uses superguesss, lis_maple ohits=$nhits if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo $lis_maple >jonk018; echo "at 018, starting guesss"; fi (echo $lis_maple; cat $D1/superguesss )>$tmp if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk018a; echo "at 018a, guesss"; fi :>$tmp2 (ulimit -t $maptime; $MAPLE <$tmp >$tmp2 ) if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk018b; echo "at 018b, guesss finished"; fi if grep "^SUCCESS" $tmp2 >/dev/null #if0 then #then0 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 018c, guesss succeeded"; fi $ex -s $tmp2 <<! 1,/^SUCCESS/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^byt/d w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk018d; echo "at 018d, "; fi nhits=`expr $nhits + 1` ( echo echo "TRY \"GUESSS\", HARM DERKSEN'S PROGRAM FOR GUESSING A GENERATING FUNCTION FOR A SEQUENCE." echo echo " Guesss - guess a sequence, by Harm Derksen (" echo cat $tmp2 echo ) >>$ans if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $ans jonk018e; echo "at 018e "; fi else #else0 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk018f; echo "at 018f, guesss failed"; fi fi #fi0 ############################################################# # END OF GUESSGF ############################################################# #################################################################### # # # RATE # # # #################################################################### # TRY RATE (uses $req, $tmp, $tmp2, and $tmp3 for answer ) # uses superrate.m, lis_maple # don't forget $req is the NAME of the file where the "f ,1,2,3,4," seq is stored! ohits=$nhits # don't even try if there is a 0 term if [ $zterm -eq 0 ] then #then 2 : else #else 2 lis_mma=`echo $lis_maple | sed 's/......// s/..$//'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo $lis_mma >jonk019; echo "at 019, starting rate"; fi # make a dummy output file in case rate dies echo "In[1]:= Out[4]//InputForm= {} In[5]:= Out[5]= back from rate " >$tmp (ulimit -t $maptime; echo " << superrate\` \"calling rate\" Ratekurz[ $lis_mma ] InputForm[Out[3]] \"back from rate\" Quit[] " | $MATH -batchout >$tmp ) # save status if test $? -ne 0 then zdied=1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "RATE failed, exit status 1"; fi else zdied=0 fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk019a; echo "at 019a, rate finished"; fi # see if have licence problems if grep "Contact Wolfram Research" $tmp >/dev/null then zdied=1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "RATE: Mma failed, licence problems"; fi fi # see if it died because of premature termination lll=`wc $tmp | gawk '{print $1}'` if test $lll -lt 16 then zdied=1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "RATE: Mma failed, premature termination"; fi fi if test "$zdied" -eq 0 #if0 then #then 0 $ex -s $tmp <<! 1,/InputForm/-1d 1s/.*= *// /{/s/// /In\[5/,\$d /}/s/// g/i0/s//n/g g/^\$/d w q ! if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp jonk019b; echo "at 019b, edited output (will get incomp. line mess.)"; fi len1=`cat $tmp | wc -c` if [ "$len1" -gt 0 ] #if1 then #then1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 019c, rate succeeded"; fi nhits=`expr $nhits + 1` ( echo echo "TRY \"RATE\", CHRISTIAN KRATTHENTALER'S MATHEMATICA PROGRAM FOR GUESSING A CLOSED FORM FOR A SEQUENCE." echo "(\"Rate\" is \"Guess\" in German. For a description of RATE, see" echo "" echo echo "RATE found the following formula for the nth term:" echo "Warning: as with all these guessing programs, this is only a suggestion!" echo cat $tmp echo ) >>$ans if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $ans jonk019e; echo "at 019e "; fi else #else1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk019f; echo "at 019f, rate failed"; fi fi #fi1 fi #fi0 fi #fi2 ############################################################# # END OF RATE ############################################################# ############################################################# # # HAVE WE DONE ENOUGH? # ############################################################# if [ "$tough" -eq 0 ] #if0 then #then0 if [ "$nhits" -ge 9 -o "$intable" -eq 1 ] #if1 then #then1 ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo "That is probably enough for now. If this reply doesn't satisfy you, try again with more terms!" echo ) >> $log ( echo echo "That is probably enough for now. If this reply doesn't satisfy you, try again with more terms!" cat $D1/superfoot0 echo ) >>$ans # cat $ans | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 fi #fi1 fi #fi0 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 010d"; fi ########################################################################### # # APPLY VARIOUS TRANSFORMATIONS TO SEQUENCE # # ########################################################################### # TRY FINDHARD - CALLS superproc3fry # which was later replaced by Olivier Gerard's Mma stuff in superOlivF # Now replaced by seqtranslib.m # tmp3 initially has the Mma output, which will then be overwritten # tmp2 contains the 115 or so transformed sequences # tmp3 has the matches for one xfmd seq in long form # tmp will have the BIG report with all matches found in this section # tmp4 will contain the (<= 100 matches) report # ans (as above) is the message to be sent to the user # start report files for report for this section :>$tmp ( echo "TEST: APPLY VARIOUS TRANSFORMATIONS TO SEQUENCE AND LOOK IT UP IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA AGAIN" echo echo " SUCCESS" echo " (limited to 100 matches):" echo) >$tmp4 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at 010e"; fi (ulimit -t $maptime; cat "$req" | sed 's/^....../theseq={/' | sed 's/..$/};/' ; echo "Get[\"/home/njas/bin/seqtranslib.m\"]; WriteSeekerList[ SuperTrans[theseq], \$Output]; " ) | $MATH -batchout >$tmp3 # see if have licence problems if grep "Contact Wolfram Research" $tmp3 >/dev/null then zdied=1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "FINDHARD: Mma failed, licence problems"; fi else zdied=0 fi # did it run? if test "$zdied" -eq 0 #if 0 then #then 0 cat $tmp3 | sed '/T/!d /T001/s/^.*T/T/ /, /s//,/g' > $tmp2 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk10f_tmp2; cp $tmp3 jonk10f_tmp3; echo "at 010f"; fi ############################################## # feed the transformed sequences to "search" command ############################################## #:>junkjunk cat $tmp2 | sort -t" " -u +1 -2 | # remove duplicates while read T S U; do # T=transformation no., S=seq, U=null # do_1 #echo "$T" >>junkjunk #echo "$S" >>junkjunk #echo "$U" >>junkjunk #echo "" >>junkjunk # get length of transformed sequence S in chars len1=`echo "$S" | wc -c` #echo "len1 = $len1" >>junkjunk if [ "$len1" -gt 10 ] # if_2 then # then_2 #echo "at 010fa" echo "Transformation $T gave a match with the following sequences (up to a limit of 10):" >$tmp3 #echo "at 010fb" $DB/search -f 3 -q -n 10 $DD $S >$tmp5 #echo "at 010fc" cat $tmp5 >>$tmp3 #echo "at 010fd" #echo "at 010fd" >>junkjunk #cat $tmp5 >>junkjunk #echo "at 010fe" # exit 0 # were there any hits for this transformation? nhits=`cat $tmp3 | grep "%I" | wc -l` #echo "nhits = $nhits" >>junkjunk if [ "$nhits" -ge 1 ] # if_3 then # then_3 cat $tmp3 >>$tmp fi # fi_3 fi # fi_2 done # done_1 # at this point $tmp contains the long results of FINDHARD if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk011; cp $tmp jonk011FR; echo "at 011, math ran ok"; fi # how many hits? nfound=`grep "^%I" $tmp | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` # start of "if" statement Annabel if [ $nfound -gt 0 ] then # "then" of Annabel # Yes, there were hits! # just keep the first 100 matches cat $tmp | gawk ' /%I/ { count = count + 1 if ( count > 100 ) exit 0 else print } $0 !~ /%I/ { print } ' >> $tmp4 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonk013a; echo "at 013a"; fi nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` # pull out T numbers and explain them: echo >>$tmp4 echo "List of transformations used:" >>$tmp4 cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /^Transf/ { print $2 }' | sort -u >$tmp3 for i in `cat $tmp3` do grep -h "^$i" $D1/supertrans >>$tmp4 done cat $D1/superfoot2 >>$tmp4 ( echo cat $tmp4 echo ) >>$ans fi # the "fi" of Annabel fi #fi 0 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonk014; echo "at 014"; fi ############################################################# # END OF TRANSFORMATIONS SECTION # ############################################################# # LOOK FOR CLOSE SEQS IN TABLE - CALLS supernear #### if [ "$intable" -eq 0 ] # if 0 #### then #### #### # delete signs! #### cat $req | tr -d '\055' >$tmp #### # run Maple #### cat $tmp $D1/supernear | $MAPLE > $tmp2 #### #### if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk014; echo "at 014, L1 test"; fi #### # process the output #### ex - $tmp2 <<! #### 1,/CLOSEST/d #### g/^>/d #### g/^#/d #### g/^\$/d #### \$a #### #### . #### g/^byt/d #### g/,/s///g #### g/AA/s/A 1// #### w #### q #### ! #### #### # at this point $tmp2 contains the results from Maple #### #### # how many hits? #### nfound=`grep "HIT" $tmp2 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` #### #### if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ] #if 1 #### then #### : #### # ( echo #### # echo " FAILURE" #### # echo #### # ) >>$ans #### else # else 1 #### nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` #### # pull out A numbers , enter them in $tmp3 #### rm -f $tmp4 #### echo >>$tmp2 #### cat $tmp2 | gawk ' /HIT/ { print $2 }' | sort -u >$tmp3 #### # get corresponding sequences themselves, put in $tmp4 #### for i in `cat $tmp3` #### do #### grep -h "^%[A-Za-z] $i" $files >>$tmp4 #### done #### #### # clean up $tmp2 #### ex - $tmp2 <<! #### 0a #### TEST: ARE ANY SEQUENCES IN ENCYCLOPEDIA CLOSE IN L1 NORM? #### #### SUCCESS #### (limited to 3 sequences): #### #### . #### \$a #### #### . #### g/HIT/s//L1 distance from sequence/ #### g/A...... /s//&is / #### w #### q #### ! #### #### echo >>$tmp2 #### echo "List of sequences mentioned:" >>$tmp2 #### # separate entries by spaces #### ex - $tmp4 <<! #### a #### #### References (if any): #### #### . #### g/^%I/i \\ #### #### . #### w #### q #### ! #### cat $tmp4 >>$tmp2 #### #### # look for references #### cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /^%R/ { #### for (i = 3; i <= NF; i = i + 1) print $i #### } ' | tr -cd " [a-z][A-Z][0-9]\012" | sort -u | sed '/^[1-9]/'d >$tmp #### for i in `cat $tmp` #### do #### grep -h "^.$i" $shortbib $shortbib3 >>$tmp2 #### done #### #### ( echo #### cat $tmp2 #### echo #### ) >>$ans #### fi # fi 1 #### #### fi # fi 0 #### ######################################################## # # BEATTY TEST # ######################################################## if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk015aaa; echo "at 015aaa, into beatty"; fi (ulimit -t $maptime; cat $req $D1/superbeattyprim | $MAPLE > $tmp2 ) if test $? -eq 0 then if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk015aab; echo "at 015aab, beatty ran ok"; fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonk015aac; echo "at 015aac"; fi # did it run? if grep "CUT" $tmp2 >/dev/null #if 0 then # then 0 # process the output $ex -s $tmp2 <<! 1,/CUT/d g/^>/d g/^#/d g/^\$/d \$a . g/^byt/d g/,/s// /g w q ! # at this point $tmp2 contains the results from Maple # how many hits? nfound=`grep "BEATTY" $tmp2 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo $nfound >jonk015a; echo "at 015a"; fi if [ "$nfound" -eq 0 ] #if 1 then # then 1 : # ( echo # echo " FAILURE" # echo # ) >>$ans else # else 1 nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` echo "TEST: IS IT A BEATTY SEQUENCE?" >>$ans #echo "TEST: IS IT A BEATTY OR QUASI-LINEAR SEQUENCE?" >>$ans echo >>$ans if grep -h "BEATTY0" $tmp2 >$tmp3 then xxx=`cat $tmp3 | gawk ' { print $3 }'` echo SUGGESTION: This appears to be a Beatty sequence [nz] with z approximately "$xxx" >>$ans echo >>$ans fi #if grep -h "BEATTY1" $tmp2 >$tmp3 #then #xxx=`cat $tmp3 | gawk ' { print $2 }'` #echo SUCCESS: Sequence of partial sums is a Beatty sequence [nz] with z approx "$xxx" >>$ans #echo >>$ans #fi #if grep -h "BEATTY2" $tmp2 >$tmp3 #then #echo "SUCCESS: Sequence of partial sums is quasi-linear: #correlation with [1,2,3,...] exceeds .999" >>$ans #echo >>$ans #fi #if grep -h "BEATTY3" $tmp2 >$tmp3 #then #echo "SUCCESS: Sequence is quasi-linear: #correlation with [1,2,3,...] exceeds .999" >>$ans #echo >>$ans #fi cat $D1/superfootb >>$ans fi # fi 1 fi # fi 0 else if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $req jonk015z; echo "at 015z, beatty died"; fi fi ########################################## # END OF BEATTY TEST ########################################## #1112# # Nov 12 2008 I am trying commenting this out #1112# ############################################################## #1112# # #1112# # DRIPPED TEST = DIFFERENCE TABLE LOOKUP #1112# # #1112# # Jul 01 2004 Does sequence match the first difference table? #1112# # #1112# ############################################################## #1112# #1112# #1112# # skip this test if sequence in table already #1112# if [ $intable -eq 0 ] #if 0 #1112# then #then 0 #1112# #1112# # (uses $reqa (for input), $tmp5, and $tmp3 for the answer) #1112# #1112# if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "$intable, $nterms" >jonkdrip1; cp $reqa jonkd1a ; echo "at drip1, running dripped test "; fi #1112# #1112# echo >$tmp3 #1112# echo "SUGGESTION: YOUR SEQUENCE APPEARS TO MATCH THE FIRST DIFFERENCES #1112# OF THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE(S) (UP TO A LIMIT OF $limans) IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA:" >>$tmp3 #1112# echo " " >> $tmp3 #1112# #1112# # look up all seqs that match #1112# f(){ #1112# echo " " >> $tmp3 #1112# echo "Matches (up to a limit of 50) found for $* :" | tr "," " " >> $tmp3 #1112# grep -h $* $dripped | #1112# awk '$2~"^A" {print "grep -h \"^%[A-Za-z] " $2 "\" $files" }' | #1112# sed "${limans}q" | #1112# sh >> $tmp3 #1112# } #1112# #1112# . $reqa #1112# #1112# if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonkdrip2; echo "at drip2, finished lookup"; fi #1112# #1112# # sort $tmp3 using $tmp5 as temp storage and $tmp6 to hold output #1112# gawk -v tf=$tmp5 ' #1112# BEGIN { head = 1; inside = 0 } #1112# # header lines #1112# $0 !~ /^Matches/ && head == 1 { print; next } #1112# # first "Match" #1112# $0 ~ /^Matches/ && head == 1 { print; head = 0; inside = 1; nlines = 0; print("") > tf; next } #1112# # inside the message #1112# $0 !~ /^Matches/ && inside == 1 { print >>tf; nlines++; next } #1112# # a new Match appears #1112# $0 ~ /^Matches/ && inside == 1 { #1112# if (nlines >= 4) #1112# system("hisarrange " tf) #1112# else #1112# print("") #1112# print; close(tf); nlines = 0; print("") > tf; next #1112# } #1112# END { if (nlines >= 4) #1112# system("hisarrange " tf) #1112# else #1112# print("") #1112# } #1112# ' $tmp3 >$tmp6 #1112# #1112# cp $tmp6 $tmp3 #1112# #1112# # separate entries by spaces #1112# $ex -s $tmp3 <<! #1112# g/^%I/i \\ #1112# #1112# . #1112# w #1112# q #1112# ! #1112# #1112# # were there any hits? #1112# if grep "%I" $tmp3 >/dev/null #1112# then #1112# # see how many hits #1112# nhits=`grep "%I" $tmp3 | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` #1112# ( echo #1112# echo " SUCCESS: the sequence matches the differences of a sequence in the OEIS." #1112# echo #1112# ) >>$tmp3 #1112# cat $tmp3 >>$ans #1112# else #1112# nhits=0 #1112# fi #1112# if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp3 jonkdrip3; echo "at drip3, out of lookup"; fi #1112# #1112# fi # fi 0 #1112# #1112# #1112# #################################################### #1112# # END OF DRIPPED LOOKUP #1112# #################################################### ########################################################################### # # APPLY VARIOUS TRANSFORMATIONS TO SEQUENCE AND CHECK AGAINST DRIPPED TABLE # ########################################################################### # TRY FINDHARD - CALLS superproc3fry or rather Oliv stuff (2/98) # now replaced by Olivier's math stuff in superOlivF # APPLY VARIOUS TRANSFORMATIONS TO SEQUENCE AND LOOK IT # UP IN THE DIFFERENCE TABLE AGAIN # tmp3 initially has the Mma output but will then be overwritten # tmp2 contains the 115 or so transformed sequences # tmp3 has the matches for one xfmd seq in long form # tmp4 will contain the (<= 100 matches) report # tmp will have the BIG report # ans (as above) = message to user # start report files for report for this section :>$tmp ( echo "TEST: APPLY VARIOUS TRANSFORMATIONS TO SEQUENCE AND CHECK AGAINST FIRST DIFFERENCES OF SEQUENCES IN OEIS" echo echo " SUCCESS" echo " (limited to 100 matches):" echo) >$tmp4 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "at dript1 start of transforms+diff table "; fi (ulimit -t $maptime; cat "$req" | sed 's/^....../theseq={/' | sed 's/..$/};/' ; echo "Get[\"/home/njas/bin/seqtranslib.m\"]; WriteSeekerList[ SuperTrans[theseq], \$Output]; " ) | $MATH -batchout >$tmp3 # see if have licence problems if grep "Contact Wolfram Research" $tmp3 >/dev/null then zdied=1 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then echo "FINDHARD (diffs): Mma failed, licence problems"; fi else zdied=0 fi # did it run? if test "$zdied" -eq 0 #if 0 then #then 0 cat $tmp3 | sed '/T/!d /T001/s/^.*T/T/ /, /s//,/g' > $tmp2 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonkdript2; cp $tmp3 jonkdript2a; echo "at dript2"; fi # feed the transformed sequences to qk_fast cat $tmp2 | sort -t" " -u +1 -2 | # remove duplicates while read T S U; do # T=transformation no., S=seq, U=null # do_1 # get length of transformed sequence S in chars len1=`echo "$S" | wc -c` if [ "$len1" -gt 10 ] # if_2 then # then_2 $D1/qk_fast_drip "$S" >$tmp5 # were there any hits for this transformation? nhits=`cat $tmp5 | grep "A" | wc -l` if [ "$nhits" -ge 1 ] # if_3 then # then_3 #expand: replace the qk_fast results with full sequences echo Transformation "$T" gave a match with first differences of: >$tmp3 cat $tmp5 | while read dum1 Anum dum2 do # next: do a show Anum here $DB/search -f 3 -q id:"$Anum" $S >$tmp5 #grep "^.. $Anum" /home/njas/gauss/hisdir/cat25 >>$tmp3 echo "" >>$tmp3 done cat $tmp3 >>$tmp fi # fi_3 fi # fi_2 done # done_1 # at this point $tmp contains the long results of FINDHARD if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp2 jonkdript3; cp $tmp jonkdript3a; echo "at dript3, math ran ok"; fi # how many hits? nfound=`grep "^%I" $tmp | wc -l | gawk '{print $1}'` # start of "if" statement Annabel if [ $nfound -gt 0 ] then # "then" of Annabel # Yes, there were hits! # just keep the first 100 matches cat $tmp | gawk ' /%I/ { count = count + 1 if ( count > 100 ) exit 0 else print } $0 !~ /%I/ { print } ' >> $tmp4 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonkdript4; echo "at dript4"; fi nhits=`expr $nhits + $nfound` # pull out T numbers and explain them: echo >>$tmp4 echo "List of transformations used:" >>$tmp4 cat $tmp4 | gawk ' /^Transf/ { print $2 }' | sort -u >$tmp3 for i in `cat $tmp3` do grep -h "^$i" $D1/supertrans >>$tmp4 done cat $D1/superfoot2 >>$tmp4 ( echo cat $tmp4 echo ) >>$ans fi # the "fi" of Annabel fi #fi 0 if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $tmp4 jonkdript5; echo "at dript5"; fi ############################################################# # END OF TRANSFORMATIONS+DRIPPED SECTION # ############################################################# # FINISHED. Send off reply if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then cp $ans jonk999; echo "at 999"; fi ( echo echo "REPLY to $addr :" cat $ans echo ) >> $log cat $D1/superfoot0 >>$ans (echo "To: $addr"; echo "Subject: Reply from superseeker"; cat $ans ) | /usr/lib/sendmail -f superseq-reply "$addr" exit 0 ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "dehtml.c", with compiled name dehtmlP ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== #include <stdio.h> /* dehtml: * * do the following processing on stdin: * * <.*> => "" * > => '>' * < => '<' * => ' ' * etc etc etc */ #define MAX_AMPR_LEN (7) int main(void) { int c; char str[MAX_AMPR_LEN+1]; int i; str[MAX_AMPR_LEN]=0; while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { switch(c) { case '<': while ((c=getchar())!=EOF) { if (c=='>') break;} break; case '&': for (i=0;i<MAX_AMPR_LEN;i++) { if ((c=getchar())==EOF) c=0; str[i]=c; if (c==';') { str[i+1]=0; break;} if (c==0) break;} if (c!=';') { printf("&%s",str);} if (!strcmp(str,"gt;")) { printf(">");} else if (!strcmp(str,"lt;")) { printf("<");} else if (!strcmp(str,"nbsp;")) { printf(" ");} else if (!strcmp(str,"amp;")) { printf("&");} else if (!strcmp(str,"eacute;")) { printf("e");} else if (!strcmp(str,"egrave;")) { printf("e");} else if (!strcmp(str,"uacute;")) { printf("u");} else if (!strcmp(str,"ugrave;")) { printf("u");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Uacute;")) { printf("U");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Ugrave;")) { printf("U");} else if (!strcmp(str,"iacute;")) { printf("i");} else if (!strcmp(str,"iuml;")) { printf("i");} else if (!strcmp(str,"igrave;")) { printf("i");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Iacute;")) { printf("I");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Igrave;")) { printf("I");} else if (!strcmp(str,"aacute;")) { printf("a");} else if (!strcmp(str,"agrave;")) { printf("a");} else if (!strcmp(str,"oacute;")) { printf("o");} else if (!strcmp(str,"ograve;")) { printf("o");} else if (!strcmp(str,"ouml;")) { printf("oe");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Eacute;")) { printf("E");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Egrave;")) { printf("E");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Aacute;")) { printf("A");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Agrave;")) { printf("A");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Auml;")) { printf("Ae");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Oacute;")) { printf("O");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Ograve;")) { printf("O");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Ouml;")) { printf("Oe");} else if (!strcmp(str,"Uuml;")) { printf("Ue");} else if (!strcmp(str,"quot;")) { printf("\"");} else { printf("&%s",str);} break; default: putchar(c); break;}} if (c!='\n') printf("\n"); return(0); } ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "dehtml3P" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== #!/bin/ksh # dehtml3P = dehtml3 for prim Converts 8-bit extended ascii to simple english # checked Oct 26 2007 # THIS IS USED BY hisP and superhisP SO DON'T MESS WITH IT! # Put (most of) all the weird characters into shell variables hA0=`echo -e '\0240'` hA1=`echo -e '\0241'` hA2=`echo -e '\0242'` hA3=`echo -e '\0243'` hA4=`echo -e '\0244'` hA5=`echo -e '\0245'` hA6=`echo -e '\0246'` hA7=`echo -e '\0247'` hA8=`echo -e '\0250'` hA9=`echo -e '\0251'` hAA=`echo -e '\0252'` hAB=`echo -e '\0253'` hAC=`echo -e '\0254'` hAD=`echo -e '\0255'` hAE=`echo -e '\0256'` hAF=`echo -e '\0257'` hB0=`echo -e '\0260'` hB1=`echo -e '\0261'` hB2=`echo -e '\0262'` hB3=`echo -e '\0263'` hB4=`echo -e '\0264'` hB5=`echo -e '\0265'` hB6=`echo -e '\0266'` hB7=`echo -e '\0267'` hB8=`echo -e '\0270'` hB9=`echo -e '\0271'` hBA=`echo -e '\0272'` hBB=`echo -e '\0273'` hBC=`echo -e '\0274'` hBD=`echo -e '\0275'` hBE=`echo -e '\0276'` hBF=`echo -e '\0277'` hC0=`echo -e '\0300'` hC1=`echo -e '\0301'` hC2=`echo -e '\0302'` hC3=`echo -e '\0303'` hC4=`echo -e '\0304'` hC5=`echo -e '\0305'` hC6=`echo -e '\0306'` hC7=`echo -e '\0307'` hC8=`echo -e '\0310'` hC9=`echo -e '\0311'` hCA=`echo -e '\0312'` hCB=`echo -e '\0313'` hCC=`echo -e '\0314'` hCD=`echo -e '\0315'` hCE=`echo -e '\0316'` hCF=`echo -e '\0317'` hD0=`echo -e '\0320'` hD1=`echo -e '\0321'` hD2=`echo -e '\0322'` hD3=`echo -e '\0323'` hD4=`echo -e '\0324'` hD5=`echo -e '\0325'` hD6=`echo -e '\0326'` hD7=`echo -e '\0327'` hD8=`echo -e '\0330'` hD9=`echo -e '\0331'` hDA=`echo -e '\0332'` hDB=`echo -e '\0333'` hDC=`echo -e '\0334'` hDD=`echo -e '\0335'` hDE=`echo -e '\0336'` hDF=`echo -e '\0337'` hE0=`echo -e '\0340'` hE1=`echo -e '\0341'` hE2=`echo -e '\0342'` hE3=`echo -e '\0343'` hE4=`echo -e '\0344'` hE5=`echo -e '\0345'` hE6=`echo -e '\0346'` hE7=`echo -e '\0347'` hE8=`echo -e '\0350'` hE9=`echo -e '\0351'` hEA=`echo -e '\0352'` hEB=`echo -e '\0353'` hEC=`echo -e '\0354'` hED=`echo -e '\0355'` hEE=`echo -e '\0356'` hEF=`echo -e '\0357'` hF0=`echo -e '\0360'` hF1=`echo -e '\0361'` hF2=`echo -e '\0362'` hF3=`echo -e '\0363'` hF4=`echo -e '\0364'` hF5=`echo -e '\0365'` hF6=`echo -e '\0366'` hF7=`echo -e '\0367'` hF8=`echo -e '\0370'` hF9=`echo -e '\0371'` hFA=`echo -e '\0372'` hFB=`echo -e '\0373'` hFC=`echo -e '\0374'` hFD=`echo -e '\0375'` hFE=`echo -e '\0376'` hFF=`echo -e '\0377'` # run sed to do the conversion sed "s/${hA0}/ /g s/${hA1}/!/g s/${hA2}/c/g s/${hA3}/L/g s/${hA4}/o/g s/${hA5}/Y/g s/${hA6}/|/g s/${hA7}/ss/g s/${hA8}/\"/g s/${hA9}/C/g s/${hAA}/@/g s/${hAB}/\"/g s/${hAC}/!/g s/${hAD}/-/g s/${hAE}/R/g s/${hAF}/-/g s/${hB0}/deg/g s/${hB1}/+-/g s/${hB2}/^2/g s/${hB3}/^3/g s/${hB4}/\'/g s/${hB5}/mu/g s/${hB6}/ /g s/${hB7}/./g s/${hB8}/ /g s/${hB9}/^1/g s/${hBA}/o/g s/${hBB}/\"/g s/${hBC}/1\/4/g s/${hBD}/1\/2/g s/${hBE}/3\/4/g s/${hBF}/?/g s/${hC0}/A/g s/${hC1}/A/g s/${hC2}/A/g s/${hC3}/A/g s/${hC4}/A/g s/${hC5}/A/g s/${hC6}/AE/g s/${hC7}/C/g s/${hC8}/E/g s/${hC9}/E/g s/${hCA}/E/g s/${hCB}/E/g s/${hCC}/I/g s/${hCD}/I/g s/${hCE}/I/g s/${hCF}/I/g s/${hD0}/TH/g s/${hD1}/N/g s/${hD2}/O/g s/${hD3}/O/g s/${hD4}/O/g s/${hD5}/O/g s/${hD6}/O/g s/${hD7}/*/g s/${hD8}/O/g s/${hD9}/U/g s/${hDA}/U/g s/${hDB}/U/g s/${hDC}/U/g s/${hDD}/Y/g s/${hDE}/TH/g s/${hDF}/ss/g s/${hE0}/a/g s/${hE1}/a/g s/${hE2}/a/g s/${hE3}/a/g s/${hE4}/a/g s/${hE5}/a/g s/${hE6}/ae/g s/${hE7}/c/g s/${hE8}/e/g s/${hE9}/e/g s/${hEA}/e/g s/${hEB}/e/g s/${hEC}/i/g s/${hED}/i/g s/${hEE}/i/g s/${hEF}/i/g s/${hF0}/th/g s/${hF1}/n/g s/${hF2}/o/g s/${hF3}/o/g s/${hF4}/o/g s/${hF5}/o/g s/${hF6}/o/g s/${hF7}/\//g s/${hF8}/o/g s/${hF9}/u/g s/${hFA}/u/g s/${hFB}/u/g s/${hFC}/u/g s/${hFD}/y/g s/${hFE}/th/g s/${hFF}/y/g " ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "getfrom.c", with compiled name getfrom2 ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== /* * To compile: cc -o getfrom -DSTANDALONE getfrom.c * To run: getfrom < {mailmessage} * The author of this software is Eric Grosse. Copyright (c)1985,1994 by AT&T. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting * documentation for such software. * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR AT&T MAKE ANY * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY * OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int unsafe(char *s) { char c; /* check for characters interpreted by the shell (by which nefarious users might otherwise break into the system) */ for (c = (*s); c != '\0'; c = (*++s)) { if ( strchr("\"'`$\n;&|^<>()\\", c) || (c & 0200) ){ fprintf(stderr,"unsafe(%s) saw %c\n",s,c); return(1); } } return(0); } /* * EXTRACT SENDER'S ADDRESS OUT OF RFC822 "FROM" LINE * The sender is either the next first whitespace delimited token or * the first thing enclosed in "<" ">". * (leading "From: " is already deleted before entry) * adapted from /n/bowell/src/cmd/upas (Dave Presotto) * modified by Eric Grosse to stop after comma and to allow nested parens */ int /* 0 on success, 1 if address is unparseable or unsafe */ getfrom(char *line, char *sender) { char *lp, *sp; int comment = 0; int anticomment = 0; sp = sender; for (lp = line; *lp; lp++) { if (comment) { if (*lp == ')') { comment--; } else if (*lp == '(') { comment++; } continue; } if (anticomment) { if (*lp == '>') break; } switch (*lp) { case '\t': case '\n': break; case ' ': if (strncmp(lp, " at ", sizeof(" at ") - 1) == 0 || strncmp(lp, " AT ", sizeof(" AT ") - 1) == 0 ) { *sp++ = '@'; lp += sizeof(" at ") - 2; } break; case '<': anticomment = 1; sp = sender; break; case '(': comment++; break; case ',': /* looks like multiple address; chop */ *sp++ = '\0'; default: *sp++ = *lp; break; } } *sp = '\0'; if(!*sender || unsafe(sender)) return 1; return 0; } #ifdef STANDALONE #define LINESIZE 1026 char line[LINESIZE]; /* raw input line */ char from[LINESIZE]; /* unfolded from line */ char address[LINESIZE]; /* return address */ /* like gets(), but safe */ char * getsn(s,m) char *s; int m; { if(fgets(s,m,stdin)==NULL) return(NULL); m = strlen(s)-1; if(s[m]=='\n') s[m] = '\0'; return(s); } /* case independent prefix compare */ int cicmp(char *s1, char *s2) { int c1, c2; for(; *s1; s1++, s2++){ c1 = *s1; c2 = isupper(*s2) ? tolower(*s2) : *s2; if (c1 != c2) return -1; } return(0); } void main(int argc, char**argv) { int inside = 0, replyto = 0; char c, *p; while(getsn(line, LINESIZE) != NULL){ c = line[0]; if(inside){ /* unfolding */ if( c==' ' || c=='\t' ){ if( strlen(line) + strlen(from) >= LINESIZE ){ fprintf(stderr,"From line too long\n"); exit(1); } strcat(from, line); continue; }else{ /* not a continuation */ inside = 0; } } if ( c == '\0' ) { break; /* end of mail header */ }else if(!replyto && strncmp("From ",line,5)==0){ strcpy(from, line + 5); if(p = strchr(from,' ')) *p = '\0'; /* chop date */ }else if(strlen(line)>9 && cicmp("reply-to:",line)==0){ strcpy(from, line + 9); inside = 1; replyto = 1; }else if(!replyto && strlen(line)>5 && cicmp("from:",line)==0){ strcpy(from, line + 5); inside = 1; } } if(getfrom(from, address)) exit(1); puts(address); exit(0); } #endif ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program " ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== #!/usr/common/bin/ -w # CRC=4110317807 use strict; use FileHandle; my $SeqFile = $ENV{SEQFILE} || '/home/njas/gauss/hisdir/strippedfry'; my $MinTerms = $ENV{MINTERMS} || 0; $MinTerms = 20 unless ($MinTerms >= 1); # %S A088674 ,1,3,6,45,126,750,2796,19389,75894,449562,2027796,12211794,57895596,332787324,1677545304,9766642077,50378641830,286825948194,1529968671492,8729259097158,47374697101572,269062276076868,1484430536591592, # %S A088675 ,0,1,2,8,36,160,656,2368,7664,29440,184896,1174272,3395200,21222400,178961920,1638189056,27449296640,28875071488,3234263731200,10138343231488,422012179953664,3426627065331712,59293997091528704, # %S A088676 ,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,11,12,12,14, # %S A088677 ,2,1,2,3,1,2,5,6,2,5,1,4,5,11,6,9,10,11,13,14,8,17,11,4,11,16,19,20,22,27,16,22,4,23,24, # %S A088679 ,0,1,2,6,48,2880,9953280,115579079884800,15266884236590834264309760000,262212473580148912869121218589990322256745385164800000000, # %S A088682 ,4,6,10,10,10,8,8,14,6,18,8,8,10,12,6,16,10,16,8,6,18,18,12,14,10,12,12,8,14,6,12,10,20,16,8,12,12,14,6,8,10,18,14,12,12,24,12,6,18,18,6,12,12,20,12,18,8,8,12,24,6,14,28,18,12,16,8,22,6,8,6,8,12,28,6,14,8,12,6,24, # %S A088683 ,6,6,8,6,12,10,10,12,6,18,12,12,12,12,14,6,8,12,8,12,6,20,6,14,10,12,12,10,12,16,12,18,24,12,16,8,10,22,10,14,14,18,12,14,12,22,12,12,6,18,24,18,10,18,14,16,12,16,12,22,10,14,24,18,14,10,8,28,10,10,16,40,14,24,6, # %S A088684 ,6,6,8,6,8,6,10,6,6,10,12,10,8,6,24,6,12,12,10,24,6,16,10,12,14,18,12,10,6,20,12,14,16,8,16,8,6,12,12,16,18,18,10,10,18,14,6,24,6,6,24,18,12,10,14,10,12,12,8,6,12,12,12,16,20,12,18,20,8,6,14,40,26,18,10,6,22,6, # %S A088680 ,2,4,4,4,2,4,4,6,6,2,4,8,2,2,14,6,10,6,4,6,10,4,12,4,4,2,6,6,6,2,14,2,14,10,4,8,6,6,4,10,10,6,6,4,4,8,8,6,2,6,6,2,10,6,6,4,12,2,6,2,4,8,8,8,6,8,4,4,10,2,2,2,14,2,14,2,20,8,8,6,14,6,8,12,6,10,6,2,2,18,2,6,8,6,2, # %S A088681 ,2,2,2,6,6,2,6,2,4,6,6,4,4,4,4,2,2,6,6,2,2,2,12,2,6,10,6,2,4,10,4,4,6,2,6,6,4,8,8,2,2,4,8,2,12,4,4,12,18,10,6,6,6,2,6,2,10,4,6,12,6,10,10,6,4,6,8,14,12,10,4,10,4,4,4,4,4,10,4,6,4,6,6,4,2,2,10,10,6,4,4,6,6,22,10, # Each element may occur at more than one position. # Index a hash by element, and store a hash of the positions # at which that element occurs. sub hash_elements { my $elem_ref = shift; my ($i, %hash); for ($i = 0; $i < @$elem_ref; ++$i) { $hash{$elem_ref->[$i]}{$i} = 1; } return \%hash; } # To constitute a valid overlap, # a) one sequence must start (or end) within the other, and # b) the rest (or previous part) of that sequence must match # until either sequence is exhausted # The qhash allows quick checks for presence of an element # in the query sequence, and, if present, where it occurs. sub check_overlap { my ($seqno, $need, $qhash, $qelem, $elems) = @_; my ($elem, $posns, $posn, $span, $i); $need = @$elems if ($need > @$elems); $elem = $elems->[0]; # Maybe other starts somewhere in query if (exists($qhash->{$elem})) { $posns = $qhash->{$elem}; POS1: foreach $posn (sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%$posns)) { $span = (@$qelem - $posn); # How much of query sequence follows $span = @$elems if (@$elems < $span); # other ends first last unless ($span >= $need); # Too short and getting shorter for ($i = 1; $i < $span; ++$i) { # index 0 known to match next POS1 unless ($qelem->[$posn + $i] eq $elems->[$i]); } print("$seqno: $posn 0 $span\n"); return; } } $elem = $elems->[-1]; # Maybe other ends somewhere in query if (exists($qhash->{$elem})) { $posns = $qhash->{$elem}; POS2: foreach $posn (sort {$b <=> $a} keys(%$posns)) { $span = $posn + 1; # Length of query sequence ending here $span = @$elems if (@$elems < $span); # other starts later last unless ($span >= $need); # Too short and getting shorter for ($i = $span; --$i > 0; ) { next POS2 unless ($qelem->[$posn - $i] eq $elems->[-$i - 1]); } $posn -= $span - 1; # first query position in match $i = @$elems - $span; # first position in other print("$seqno: $posn $i $span\n"); return; } } return; } sub main { my $fh = new FileHandle; my ($qline, $line, @query_elem, $query); my ($seqno, @elems, $seq, $need); my ($i, $posn, $span); open($fh, "< $SeqFile") || die("Open failed on sequence file $SeqFile: $!"); while ($qline = <>) { chomp($qline); @query_elem = split(/[^-0-9]+/ , $qline); shift(@query_elem) while (@query_elem && ($query_elem[0] !~ /\d+/)); pop(@query_elem) while (@query_elem && ($query_elem[-1] !~ /\d+/)); if (@query_elem) { $qline = join(',' => '', @query_elem, ''); $query = hash_elements(\@query_elem); $need = (@query_elem <= 1.2 * $MinTerms) ? int(.75 * @query_elem) : $MinTerms; $need = 1 if ($need < 1); seek($fh, 0, 0) || die("Rewind failed on $SeqFile: $!"); while ($line = <$fh>) { (undef, $seqno, $seq) = split(" ", $line); if (($i = index($seq, $qline)) >= 0) { $posn = ($i == 0) ? 0 : (substr($seq, 0, $i-1) =~ tr/,//); $span = @query_elem; print("$seqno: 0 $posn $span\n"); next; } # Trailing empty field won't be included @elems = split(',' => $seq); shift(@elems); # Eliminate empty leading field check_overlap($seqno, $need, $query, \@query_elem, \@elems) if (@elems); } } } } main(); __END__ =head1 NAME - Check query sequences against sequence database =head1 SYNOPSIS F<query-file> ... =head1 EXAMPLE # Run queries against standard database queries # Same, but reset minimum overlap threshold MINTERMS=10 queries # Use a different sequence database SEQFILE=/some/other/database queries =head1 DESCRIPTION B<> reads query sequences, one per line, from the specified F<query-file>s, or from F<standard in> if no F<query-file>s are specified. For each sequence in the sequence database that "overlaps adequately" with a query sequence, a one-line summary resembling the following is produced. A088676: 3 0 34 The first value is the name of the matching sequence from the sequence database. The three numeric values that follow are =over 4 =item 1 The position (starting at B<0>) in the query match of the overlapping subsequence. =item 2 The position (starting at B<0>) in the database sequence of the overlapping subsequence. =item 3 The length of the overlapping subsequence. =back 4 Roughly speaking, two sequences I<overlap> if you can "line up" the elements of the sequences so they agree on some terms, and disagree on none. More formally, we will say a sequence B<S1> I<overlaps> a sequence B<S2> if there exist indexes B<I1> and B<I2> and a length B<L> E<gt> B<0> such that for all B<I> E<lt> B<L>, S1[I1 + I] == S2[I2 + I] and at least one of the following conditions hold. =over 4 =item The overlap includes the entire B<S1> sequence. =item The overlap includes the entire B<S2> sequence. =item The overlap includes the start of one sequence and the end of the other. =back 4 Since overlap, thus defined, always includes the start of at least one sequence, at least one of the positions reported for a match will always be B<0>. Small overlaps of long sequences are not particularly noteworthy. The value of environment variable B<MINTERMS> (default B<20>) establishes a lower limit of the length of an I<adequate> overlap for long sequences. Of course, short query sequences cannot be held to a fixed standard. So, for query sequences shorter than B<1.2 * MINTERMS>, an overlap of B<.75 * length(query)> is considered I<adequate>. And, if even this exceeds the length of a database sequence, the length of the database sequence is considered I<adequate>. =head1 FILES AND FORMATS The default B<SEQFILE> database is F</home/njas/gauss/hisdir/strippedfry>. It contains lines of the form %S A077013 ,1,2,1,2,3,7,14,43,65,292,992,1154, The C<%S> is just fixed text. The word that follows, C<A077013>, is the sequence name. The string that follows is the sequence. Note the leading and trailing commas, and the absence of white space or signs. The entire sequence must appear on a single line. Any substitute B<SEQFILE> must have the same format. Query sequences are less restricted. They must still appear on a single line, but the terms in the sequence can be separated by blanks, commas, or, indeed, any non-empty sequence of non-numeric characters. =head1 AUTHOR John P. Linderman AT&T Shannon Laboratory =head1 BUGS The determination of what constitutes an I<adequate> overlap is a bit ad-hoc. If you submit more than one query, the summary information doesn't provide information about which query matched. =cut ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc7fry" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superproc7fry: initial processing of sequence # modified May 7 1997 for V.4 # prim-ed Oct 30 2007 troncfry:=proc(lis) local i,lnew; lnew:=lis; for i from 1 while length(lnew)>148 do lnew:= lnew[ 1 .. nops(lnew)-1 ] : od: lnew; end; lis:=troncfry(lis); #print(`lis`); interface(prettyprint=false): interface(quiet=true): interface(screenwidth=320): printlevel:=2: s:=convert(lis,set): m:=max(op(map(abs,lis))): l:=nops(lis): fort:=0: if m < 2^30 then fort:=1; fi: print(`CUT HERE`); print(`NVALS`,nops(s)); print(`MAXVAL`,m); print(`NTERMS`,l); print(`F77TYPE`,fort); quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc1" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superproc1 # LOOK AT DIFFERENCE TRIANGLE # prim-ed Oct 30 2007 difftriang:=proc(l) local i, j, t, pol: t[1]:=l: for i from 1 while constseq(t[i]) = 0 do t[i+1]:=[]: for j from 2 to nops(t[i]) do t[i+1]:=[op(t[i+1]), t[i][j]-t[i][j-1] ]: od: od: if i <= nops(l)-1 then pol:=0: for j from 0 to i-1 do pol := pol + binomial(n,j)*t[j+1][1] od: pol:=simplify(expand(pol)): if length(pol) < 3*length(l) then printf("%s\n",`good`); printf("%s%d\n",`degree `, i-1); printf("%s\n", `Polynomial is:`); lprint(pol); else printf("%s\n",`bad`); lprint(0); lprint(0); fi: else printf("%s\n",`bad`); lprint(0); lprint(0); fi: end: constseq:=proc(l) local s: s:=convert(l,set): if nops(s) = 1 then 1 else 0 fi: end: try1:=difftriang(lis): quit: ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superprocfan" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superprocfan # Mira Bernstein's program for multiple diff table (or fan ) test. # prim-ed Oct 30 2007 interface(prettyprint=false): interface(quiet=true): interface(screenwidth=320): printlevel:=2: diffan:=proc(l,fanwidth,newterms) local howfar, stratum, i, j, k, t, hit, len: len:=nops(l): hit:=0: t[1][1]:=l: for k to fanwidth while hit=0 do for i while pseudoconst(t[k][i]) = 0 do t[k][i+1]:=[]: for j from 2 to nops(t[k][i]) do t[k][i+1]:=[op(t[k][i+1]), t[k][i][j]-t[k][i][j-1] ]: od: od: if i<=len-1 then hit:=k: howfar:=k: stratum:=i-1: else t[k+1][1]:=[]: for i to len do t[k+1][1]:=[op(t[k+1][1]),t[k][i][1]] od: fi: od: if hit=0 then [FAILURE,0] else for j from 1 to newterms do t[hit][i]:=[op(t[hit][i]),t[hit][i][len-i]]: od: for j from i-1 to 1 by -1 do t[hit][j]:= extendlist(t[hit][j],t[hit][j+1]): od: for k from hit-1 to 1 by -1 do for i from len+1 to len+newterms do t[k][i]:=[t[k+1][1][i]] od: for i from len+newterms-1 to 1 by -1 do t[k][i]:=extendlist(t[k][i],t[k][i+1]) od: od: [SUCCESS, howfar, stratum, t[1][1][len+1..len+newterms]]; fi; end: extendlist:=proc(l1,l2) local i,l; l:=l1: for i from nops(l1) to nops(l2) do l:=[op(l),op(i,l)+op(i,l2)] od: l; end: pseudoconst:=proc(l) local s,n: n:=nops(l): if n>5 then s:={op(l[n-2..n])} else if n>1 then s:={op(l[n-1..n])} else s:={op(l)} fi: fi: if nops(s) = 1 then 1 else 0 fi: end: #print(`CUT HERE`); diffan(lis,10,4); quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc8.f", with compiled name proc8 ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== c superproc8.f c looks if diffs are periodic c compile with f77 -o proc8 superproc8.f implicit integer(a-z) integer tab(0:100,0:100) nmax=100 read(*,*)n if( 1 write(*,2) 2 format("FAILURE") stop 1 continue if( c read seq do 10 i=0,n-1 10 read(*,*)tab(0,i) c look at diffs of level "lev" do 20 lev=0,n-3 c set ntm = no of terms at this level ntm=n-lev if(lev.eq.0)goto 21 c need to compute diffs to get this level do 30 i=0,ntm-1 30 tab(lev,i)=tab(lev-1,i+1)-tab(lev-1,i) 21 continue c see if periodic c try init segment of length nseg do 40 nseg=1,ntm-2 c see if rest of row agrees with prefix do 50 i=nseg,ntm-1 j=mod(i,nseg) c is tab(lev,i) same as prefix ? if(tab(lev,i),j))goto 60 50 continue c success write(*,200) 200 format("TEST: ARE DIFFERENCES OF SOME LEVEL PERIODIC?") write(*,*)"SUCCESS: Differences of order ",lev write(*,*)"appear to be periodic. If so next 2 terms are:" c compute 2 more terms! j=mod(ntm,nseg) tab(lev,ntm)=tab(lev,j) tab(lev,ntm+1)=tab(lev,j+1) c go upwards if(lev.eq.0)goto 71 do 70 ilev=lev-1,0,-1 c fill in row ilev itm=n-ilev tab(ilev,itm)=tab(ilev,itm-1)+tab(ilev+1,itm-1) tab(ilev,itm+1)=tab(ilev,itm)+tab(ilev+1,itm) 70 continue 71 continue write(*,51)tab(0,n),tab(0,n+1) 51 format(2i15) write(*,*)" " c temp dump table c write(*,*)"table" c do 80 i=0,n-2 c80 write(*,81)(tab(i,j),j=0,n-i+1) 81 format(18i4) stop 60 continue 40 continue 20 continue write(*,2) stop end ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc9.f", with compiled name proc9 ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== c superproc9.f c gets char fns of binary seq c fc -o proc9 superproc9.f implicit integer(a-z) integer lis(200),new(6,200),len(6) nmax=200 read(*,*)n if( 1 write(*,2) 2 format("FAILURE") stop 1 continue if( c read seq do 10 i=1,n 10 read(*,*)lis(i) c temp print c write(*,100)(lis(i),i=1,n) 100 format(18i4) c find the levels a=lis(1) b=a do 3 i=2,n if(lis(i).eq.a)goto 3 b=lis(i) goto 4 3 continue 4 continue c levels are a and b c Char seq. 1, original seq with a,b -> 1,2 do 22 i=1,n j=2 if(lis(i).eq.a)j=1 22 new(1,i)=j len(1)=n c Char seq. 2, original seq with a,b -> 2,1 do 23 i=1,n j=2 if(lis(i).eq.b)j=1 23 new(2,i)=j len(2)=n c Char seq. 3, char fn of a's at=0 do 20 i=1,n if(lis(i).eq.b) goto 20 at=at+1 new(3,at)=i 20 continue len(3)=at c Char seq. 4, char fn of b's at=0 do 21 i=1,n if(lis(i).eq.a) goto 21 at=at+1 new(4,at)=i 21 continue len(4)=at c Char seq. 5, the run lengths c Char seq. 6, the derivative c change to 1's and 2's do 26 i=1,n j=2 if(lis(i).eq.a)j=1 26 lis(i)=j c look for the runs at=0 dat=0 v=lis(1) run=1 i=2 30 continue if(lis(i).eq.v) goto 33 c there was a change c log old run that just ended at=at+1 dat=dat+1 new(5,at)=run new(6,dat)=i-1 c start new run run=1 v=lis(i) if( 31 i=i+1 goto 30 c the run continues 33 run=run+1 if(i.eq.n)goto 31 i=i+1 goto 30 c at end 31 continue c at=at+1 c dat=dat+1 c new(5,at)=run c new(6,dat)=run len(5)=at len(6)=dat c done with #5 c print write(*,52) 52 format("CUT HERE") write(*,40) write(*,41) write(*,42) write(*,43) 40 format("TEST: BINARY SEQUENCE (with entries a,b say).") 41 format("The 6 characteristic sequences, all equivalent to the") 42 format("original (replace a,b by 1,2; by 2,1; positions of a's,") 43 format("of b's; run lengths; derivative) are:") write(*,*)" " do 99 j=1,6 write(*,100)(new(j,i),i=1,len(j)) write(*,*)" " 99 continue c trivial? do 44 i=1,6 if(len(i).lt.3)goto 45 44 continue goto 46 c yes trivial 45 continue write(*,47) write(*,48) 47 format("SUCCESS: Since one of these has length < 3, the original") 48 format("sequence was trivial.") stop 46 continue c not triv, print in "f" style write(*,49) 49 format("Here is the result of looking up these sequences") 50 format("in the Encyclopedia:") write(*,53) 53 format("LAST LINE OF INTRO") do 54 j=1,6 write(*,55) 55 format(3hf , , $ ) do 56 i=1,len(j) 56 write(*,57)new(j,i) 57 format(i5, 1h, ,$) write(*,58) 58 format(1h ) 54 continue write(*,*)"ZZZZ" stop end ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc2prim", which calls the guessgf sections of gfun ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== Note that gfun is not included here, since it is part of Maple. # superproc2prim # CALLS GUESSGF # modified Apr 15 2000 to work with maple6 # Oct 30 2007: I commented out the call to libname # Feb 09 2009, changed libname path #with(share): #readshare(gfun,analysis): #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV11/lib`; libname := `/home/njas/bin/gfun.lib.3.31`,`/usr/njas/hisdir`,libname: with(gfun): kernelopts(printbytes=false): l0:=3*length(lis): t1:=guessgf(lis,x,['ogf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=guessgf(lis,x,['egf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=guessgf(lis,y,['revogf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=guessgf(lis,y,['revegf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=guessgf(lis,x,['lgdogf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=guessgf(lis,x,['lgdegf']): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superbeattyprim" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superbeattyprim # Simon Plouffe's Beatty Sequence Checker. # version 1.3 : May 4th 1994 # the calling procedure is : # if the sequence is : lt7:=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; # then type : maxmin(lt7); # A Beatty sequence is one in which the n-th term is [nz], # where z is irrational. The complementary sequence is [ny], # where 1/x + 1/y = 1. Refs: N. J. A. Sloane, # Handbook of Integer Sequences, 1973, p. 29; R. Honsberger, Ingenuity # in Mathematics, 1970, p. 93. # If this is a Beatty sequence the value given for z will produce # the given terms, but is very far from being unique. # We define a sequence to be "quasi-linear" if its squared # correlation coeffient with the sequence of natural numbers 1,2,3,4,... # exceeds .999. A Beatty sequence is necessarily quasilinear. # prim-ed Oct 30 2007, Nov 02 2007 interface(prettyprint=false): interface(quiet=true): interface(screenwidth=320): printlevel:=2: #with(share): with(gfun): # to #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV6/lib`; libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV11/lib`; with(gfun): # new version april 1997 from Simon Plouffe # Super-Beatty program, test if there is an 'r squared' correlation # in a finite sequence. It returns the r-squared coefficient when # the correlation is > 0.999. # Author : Simon Plouffe May 5th, 1997. # Changed from earlier version to follow Maple changes in calling that # stats package function. The calling sequence of that function # is not standard in Maple notation and will probably have a bug eventually # if ever they change the syntax again. # A number of similar tests are done with finite differences. with(stats): Digits:=16: maxmin:=proc(s) local i,nn,aa,a2,k,m1,m2,m3,m4,dif1,dif2,som,ave; k:=0.99999999999999; aa:=s; nn:=nops(aa); a2:=s1(aa); m1:=[seq(aa[i]/i,i=1..nn)]; m2:=[seq((aa[i]+k)/i,i=1..nn)]; m3:=[seq(a2[i]/i,i=1..nn)]; m4:=[seq((a2[i]+k)/i,i=1..nn)]; dif1:=min(op(m2))-max(op(m1)); dif2:=min(op(m4))-max(op(m3)); som:=(min(op(m2))+max(op(m1)))/2; ave:=evalf(a2[nops(aa)]/nn); print(`CUT HERE`); if dif1>=0 then #print(` Beatty seq. generated with [n*X] : X =`, som ) fi; print(`BEATTY0 `,som) fi; #if evalf(stats[describe,linearcorrelation](reg(s))) > 0.999 and dif1 < 0 then ##print (`Original sequence is quasi-linear of unknown generator.`) fi; #print (`BEATTY3 `,0) fi; # #if evalf(stats[describe,linearcorrelation](reg(s1(s)))) > 0.999 and dif2 < 0 then ##print (`Sequence of partial sums is a quasi-linear seq.`,ave) fi; #print(`BEATTY2 `,0) fi; # #if dif2 >= 0 and evalf(stats[describe,linearcorrelation](reg(s1(s)))) > 0.999 then ##print( `Sequence of partial sums is a Beatty seq. with [(n+1)*X] - [n*X] =`,ave) fi; #print(`BEATTY1 `,ave) fi; end: reg:=proc(s) local i,aa,nn,t; aa := s; nn := nops(aa); t := [seq(i,i = 1 .. nn)]; RETURN(aa,t); end: s1:=proc(s) local z,t1,t2,t3,t4; t1:=listtoseries(s,z,ogf); t2:=t1/(1-z); t3:=series(%,z,nops(s)); t4:=seriestolist(t3); RETURN(t4); end: maxmin(lis); quit; ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc4prim" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superproc4fry # CALLS LISTTOREC # Apr 15 2000 modified to work with maple6 # prim-ed Nov 02 2007 # Feb 09 2009, changed libname path #with(share): #readshare(gfun,analysis): #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV6/lib`; #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV11/lib`; libname := `/home/njas/bin/gfun.lib.3.31`,`/usr/njas/hisdir`,libname: with(gfun): l0:=3*length(lis): t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[ogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[egf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[revogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[revegf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[lgdogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtorec(lis,a(n),[lgdegf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superproc6prim" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # superproc6fry # CALLS LISTTOALGEQ # prim-ed Oct 30 2007 # Feb 09 2009, changed libname path #with(share): #readshare(gfun,analysis): #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV6/lib`; #libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`,`/usr/local/tools/mapleV11/lib`; libname := `/home/njas/bin/gfun.lib.3.31`,`/usr/njas/hisdir`,libname: with(gfun): l0:=3*length(lis): t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[ogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[egf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[revogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[revegf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[lgdogf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: t1:=listtoalgeq(lis,a(n),[lgdegf]): if length(t1) < l0 then print(t1); fi: quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superguesss" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # Harm Derksen # # last change: 7/15/1999 # prim-ed Oct 30 2007 kernelopts(printbytes=false): `guesss/cfraction`:=proc(list,acc,x) local n,i,j,a,guess,val,lco,newguess,newval,newlco,result,newresult; n:=nops(list); a:=linalg[matrix](n,acc+n,0); for i from 1 to n do for j from 1 to acc do a[i,j]:=coeff(list[i],x,j-1); od; a[i,acc+i]:=1; od; a:=linalg[submatrix](linalg[gausselim](a),1..n,(acc+1)..(acc+n)); for i from 1 to n do guess[i]:=linalg[row](a,i); od; result:=linalg[multiply](a,list); for i from 1 to n do val[i]:=ldegree(result[i],x); lco[i]:=tcoeff(result[i],x); od; while true do newguess:=map(expand,linalg[scalarmul](guess[1],x^(val[2]-val[1]))); newresult:=expand(x^(val[2]-val[1])*result[1]);newval:=val[2]; newlco:=lco[1];val[n+1]:=val[n]+1; for i from 2 to n do while (newval<val[i+1]) do newresult:=rem(expand(newresult-newlco/lco[i]*result[i]* x^(newval-val[i])),x^acc,x); newguess:=linalg[matadd](newguess,guess[i],1,-newlco/lco[i]*x^(newval-val[i])); if newresult=0 then RETURN(op(newguess)) fi; newval:=ldegree(newresult); newlco:=tcoeff(newresult); od; od; for i from 1 to n-1 do result[i]:=result[i+1]; guess[i]:=eval(guess[i+1]); val[i]:=val[i+1]; lco[i]:=lco[i+1]; od; result[n]:=newresult; guess[n]:=eval(newguess); val[n]:=newval; lco[n]:=newlco; od; end: `guesss/monomials`:=proc(list,d,acc,x) local i,monsmall,mon,jj; if list=[] then RETURN([1]) fi; mon:=[]; for i from 0 to d do monsmall:=`guesss/monomials`(list[2..nops(list)],d-i,acc,x); mon:=[op(mon),seq(rem(expand(list[1]^i*monsmall[jj]),x^acc,x),jj=1..nops(monsmall))]; od; mon; end: `guesss/searchbinomial`:=proc(n) local i,j,c; c:=0; while(n>=binomial(2*c,c)) do c:=c+1 od;c:=c-1; for j from c by -1 to 1 do i:=1;while (n>binomial(j+i,j)) do i:=i+1 od; if n=binomial(j+i,j) then RETURN([i,j]) fi; od; end: `guesss/makelist`:=proc(f,n,d,acc,x) local g,list,i; g:=f;list:=[f]; for i from 1 to n-1 do g:=diff(g,x);list:=[op(list),expand(x^i*g)] od; `guesss/monomials`(list,d,acc,x); end: `guesss/formalmonomials`:=proc(list,d,x) local i,monsmall,mon,jj; if list=[] then RETURN([1]) fi; mon:=[]; for i from 0 to d do monsmall:=`guesss/formalmonomials`(list[2..nops(list)],d-i,x); mon:=[op(mon),seq(expand(list[1]^i*monsmall[jj]),jj=1..nops(monsmall))]; od; mon; end: `guesss/makeformallist`:=proc(f,n,d,x) local g,list,i; g:=f;list:=[f]; for i from 1 to n-1 do g:=diff(g,x);list:=[op(list),expand(x^i*g)] od; `guesss/formalmonomials`(list,d,acc,x); end: # GUESS Sequence guesss:=proc() local sequ,i,F,j,jj,n,f,g,polyrel,guess,level,lisst,result,eqns,solutions,var,pq, numextension,x; sequ:=args[1]; printf("%s\n",`CUT`); if nargs>1 then numextension:=args[2] else numextension:=7; fi; n:=nops(sequ); for level from 2 to trunc(n/2) do pq:=`guesss/searchbinomial`(level); f:=sum(sequ[j]*x^(j-1),j=1..(n-1)); lisst:=`guesss/makelist`(f,pq[1],pq[2],n-1,x); polyrel:=`guesss/cfraction`(lisst,n-1,x); g:=f+sum(guess[j]*x^(n-2+j),j=1..numextension); lisst:=`guesss/makelist`(g,pq[1],pq[2],n+numextension-1,x); result:=expand(sum(lisst[j]*polyrel[j],j=1..level)); eqns:={seq(coeff(result,x,jj),jj=(n-1)..(n+numextension-2))}; var:={seq(guess[jj],jj=1..numextension)}; solutions:=solve(eqns,var); solutions:=subs(solutions,[seq(guess[jj],jj=1..numextension)]); if solutions[1]=sequ[n] then lisst:=`guesss/makeformallist`(F(x),pq[1],pq[2],x); printf("%s\n",`SUCCESS`); printf("%s\n",`Guesss suggests that the generating function F(x) `); printf("%s\n",`may satisfy the following algebraic or differential equation:`); printf("%s\n",` `); lprint(sum(polyrel[i]*lisst[i],i=1..nops(lisst))=0); printf("%s\n",` `); printf("%s\n",`If this is correct the next 6 numbers in the sequence are:`); printf("%s\n",` `); lprint([op(2..numextension,solutions)]); printf("%s\n",` `); RETURN(); fi; od; printf("%s\n",`FAILED`); RETURN(); end: guesss(lis); quit; ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "superrate.m" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== (*Erraten von Zahlenfolgen*) (*Rationale Interpolation*) (* prim-ed Oct 30 2007 *) RationalInterpolation::usage = "RationalInterpolation[func, {x, m, k}, {x1, x2, ..., xmk1}, (opts)] gives the rational interpolant to func (a function of the variable x), where m and k are the degrees of the numerator and denominator, respectively, and {x1, x2, ..., xmk1} is a list of m+k+1 abscissas of the interpolation points." RationalInterpolation[func_, {x_, m_Integer, k_Integer}, xlist_, opts___] := Module[{xinfo, bias, answer, biasOK = True}, answer /; ((xinfo = {x, m, k}; bias = xlist); (answer = RI[func, xinfo, bias]; answer =!= Fail)) ]; RI[f_, xinfo_, bias_] := Module[{i, mk1, xx, fx, mat, tempvec, x, x0, x1, m, k}, x = xinfo[[1]]; (m = xinfo[[2]]; k = xinfo[[3]]; mk1 = m+k+1; xx = bias); fx = Table[f /. x->xx[[i]],{i,Length[xx]}]; mat = Table[1,{i,mk1+1}]; tempvec = Table[1,{i,mk1}]; mat[[1]] = tempvec; mat[[m+2]] = -tempvec*fx; Do[tempvec *= xx; If[i <= m,mat[[i+1]] = tempvec,Null,Null]; If[i <= k,mat[[i+m+2]] = -tempvec*fx],{i,Max[m,k]}]; If[$VersionNumber>=2.,$Messages=OutputStream["",1],$Messages={}]; xx = Solve[Transpose[mat].Table[x[i],{i,1,m+k+2}]==Table[0,{i,1,m+k+1}], Table[x[i],{i,1,m+k+2}]]; If[$VersionNumber>=2.,$Messages=OutputStream["stdout",1],$Messages={"stdout"}]; xx = Table[x[i],{i,1,m+k+2}] /. xx[[1]]; If[Head[xx] === Solve, Return[Fail]]; Factor[(xx[[1]]+Sum[xx[[i+1]] x^i,{i,m}])/(Sum[xx[[i+m+1]] x^(i-1),{i,k+1}])] ]; RateFolge[x_List,t_]:=Module[{X=x,funk,var,L1,L2,ii,Erg}, L1=Length[X]; Do[funk[var]=X[[var]],{var,L1}]; Erg={}; For[L2=0,L2<=L1-2,L2++, X=RationalInterpolation[funk[var],{var,L1-L2-2,L2},Table[ii,{ii,L1-1}]]; If[Factor[Denominator[X]/.var->L1]=!=0&&Factor[(X/.var->L1)-funk[L1]]===0,Erg=Union[{X/.var->t},Erg]] ]; Erg ] Rate[x___]:=Module[{X={x},L,Zaehler,Folge,var,ii,Erg={},i}, i[0]=i0;i[1]=i1;i[2]=i2;i[3]=i3;i[4]=i4;i[5]=i5;i[6]=i6;i[7]=i7;i[8]=i8; i[9]=i9;i[10]=i10;i[11]=i11;i[12]=i12;i[13]=i13;i[14]=i14;i[15]=i15; i[16]=i16;i[17]=i17;i[18]=i18;i[19]=i19;i[20]=i20; L=Length[X]; Folge=Table[0,{L-1}]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=L-1,Zaehler++, Folge[[Zaehler]]=X; X=Table[X[[ii+1]]/X[[ii]],{ii,L-Zaehler}]; ]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=L-1,Zaehler++, X=RateFolge[Folge[[Zaehler]],i[Zaehler-1]]; If[X=!={}, Do[X=Table[Folge[[Zaehler-ii,1]]* Product[X[[var]], Release[{i[Zaehler-ii],1,i[Zaehler-ii-1]-1}]], {var,Length[X]}], {ii,Zaehler-1} ]; ]; Erg=Union[Erg,X] ]; Erg ] Ratepol[x___]:=Module[{X={x},funk,var,L1,L2,ii,Erg}, L1=Length[X]; Do[funk[var]=X[[var]],{var,L1}]; Erg={}; X=RationalInterpolation[funk[var],{var,L1-2,0},Table[ii,{ii,L1-1}]]; If[Factor[(X/.var->L1)-funk[L1]]===0,Erg=Union[{X/.var->i0},Erg]]; Erg ] Rateint[x___]:=Module[{X={x},L,Zaehler,Folge,var,ii,Erg={},i}, i[0]=i0; L=Length[X]; Folge=Table[0,{L-1}]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[1,L-1],Zaehler++, Folge[[Zaehler]]=X; X=Table[X[[ii+1]]/X[[ii]],{ii,L-Zaehler}]; ]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[1,L-1],Zaehler++, X=RateFolge[Folge[[Zaehler]],i[Zaehler-1]]; If[X=!={}, Do[X=Table[Folge[[Zaehler-ii,1]]* Product[X[[var]], Release[{i[Zaehler-ii],1,i[Zaehler-ii-1]-1}]], {var,Length[X]}], {ii,Zaehler-1} ]; ]; Erg=Union[Erg,X] ]; Erg ] Ratekurz[x___]:=Module[{X={x},L,Zaehler,Folge,var,ii,Erg={},i}, i[0]=i0;i[1]=i1;i[2]=i2; L=Length[X]; Folge=Table[0,{L-1}]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[3,L-1],Zaehler++, Folge[[Zaehler]]=X; X=Table[X[[ii+1]]/X[[ii]],{ii,L-Zaehler}]; ]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[3,L-1],Zaehler++, X=RateFolge[Folge[[Zaehler]],i[Zaehler-1]]; If[X=!={}, Do[X=Table[Folge[[Zaehler-ii,1]]* Product[X[[var]], Release[{i[Zaehler-ii],1,i[Zaehler-ii-1]-1}]], {var,Length[X]}], {ii,Zaehler-1} ]; ]; Erg=Union[Erg,X] ]; Erg ] Rateeins[x___]:=Module[{X={x},L,Zaehler,Folge,var,ii,Erg={},i}, i[0]=i0;i[1]=i1;i[2]=i2;i[3]=i3;i[4]=i4;i[5]=i5;i[6]=i6;i[7]=i7;i[8]=i8; i[9]=i9;i[10]=i10;i[11]=i11;i[12]=i12;i[13]=i13;i[14]=i14;i[15]=i16;i[17]=i17; i[18]=i18;i[19]=i19;i[20]=i20; L=Length[X]; Folge=Table[0,{L-1}]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[3,L-1],Zaehler++, Folge[[Zaehler]]=X; X=Table[X[[ii+1]]/X[[ii]],{ii,L-Zaehler}]; ]; For[Zaehler=1,Zaehler<=Min[3,L-1],Zaehler++, X=RateFolge[Folge[[Zaehler]],i[Zaehler-1]]; If[X=!={}, Do[X=Table[Folge[[Zaehler-ii,1]]* Product[X[[var]], Release[{i[Zaehler-ii],1,i[Zaehler-ii-1]-1}]], {var,Length[X]}], {ii,Zaehler-1} ]; ]; If[X=!={},Return[X]]; ]; Erg ] ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "seqtranslib.m" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== (* seqtranslib.m version batch 0.10 -- 10 Jan 1998 *) (* Integer Sequences Transformations Mathematica Library *) (* by Olivier Gerard from original Maple code and ideas by N. J. A. Sloane *) (* prim-ed Oct 30 2007 *) (* Batch code *) (* List of meaningful transformed sequences prefixed with indice of transform and without signs *) SuperTrans[seq_List] := Abs[Cases[MapIndexed[ {First[#2],#1[seq]} & , EISTransTable ],{_Integer,{__Integer}}]] (* Formatting routines *) SeqString[seq_List] := StringTake[ToString[seq], {2, -2}]<>"\n"; WriteSeekerList[transeq_List,sortie_:$Output]:=Scan[ WriteString[sortie,"T",StringDrop[ToString[1000+#1[[1]]],1]," ",SeqString[#1[[2]]]]&, transeq] WriteSeqList[transeq_List,sortie_:$Output]:=(MapIndexed[ WriteString[sortie,SeqString[#]]&, transeq];) (* Utility and Transform Code *) (* All programs are designed to work for Mathematica 2.0 and higher but Mathematica 3.0 is recommended and may be necessary in future versions. *) (* Number Theory utilities *) did[m_Integer, n_Integer] := If[Mod[m, n] == 0, 1, 0]; didsigned[m_Integer, n_Integer] := If[Mod[m, n] == 0, (-1)^(m/n), 0]; mob[m_Integer, n_Integer] := If[Mod[m, n] == 0, MoebiusMu[m/n], 0]; GCDNormalize[{}]:= {}; GCDNormalize[seq_List]:= seq/GCD@@seq; LCMNormalize[{}]:={}; LCMNormalize[seq_List]:=DeleteCases[seq,0] // (LCM@@#/Reverse[#])&; IntegerSequenceQ[seq_List]:= Union[IntegerQ/@seq]=={True} FilterSequence[{}]:= {}; FilterSequence[seq_List]:=If[And@@(IntegerQ/@seq),seq,{}]; (* Difference Table utilities *) GetDiff[{}] = {}; GetDiff[{elem_}] = {}; GetDiff[seq_List]:=Drop[seq,1]-Drop[seq,-1]; GetDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Plus@@Table[(-1)^(n+i)Binomial[n,i]Take[seq,{i+1,Length[seq]-n+i}],{i,0,n}] GetOffsetDiff[seq_List]:=GetDiff[seq]; GetOffsetDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetOffsetDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Take[seq,{n+1,-1}]-Take[seq,{1,-n-1}] GetIntervalDiff[seq_List]:=GetDiff[seq]; GetIntervalDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetIntervalDiff[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Take[seq,{n+1,-1}]-Plus@@Table[Take[seq,{i+1,Length[seq]-n+i}],{i,0,n-1}] GetSum[{}] = {}; GetSum[{elem_}] = {}; GetSum[seq_List]:=Drop[seq,1]+ Drop[seq,-1]; GetSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Plus@@Table[Binomial[n,i]Take[seq,{i+1,Length[seq]-n+i}],{i,0,n}] GetOffsetSum[seq_List]:=GetSum[seq]; GetOffsetSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetOffsetSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Take[seq,{1,-n-1}]+Take[seq,{n+1,-1}] GetIntervalSum[seq_List]:=GetSum[seq]; GetIntervalSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:={}/;n>=Length[seq] GetIntervalSum[seq_List,n_Integer]:= Plus@@Table[Take[seq,{i+1,Length[seq]-n+i}],{i,0,n}] DiffTable[{},___]={}; DiffTable[seq_List,1] := NestList[GetDiff,seq,Length[seq]-1]; DiffTable[seq_List,n_Integer] := NestList[GetDiff,DiffTable[seq,n-1][[Range[Length[seq]],1]],Length[seq]-1] /; n>1 PartialProducts[{}]={}; PartialProducts[seq_List]:=Rest[FoldList[#1 #2&,1,seq]]; PartialSums[{}]={}; PartialSums[seq_List]:=Rest[FoldList[#1+#2&,0,seq]]; (* Generating Function utilities *) SeqToPoly[{}, ___] = {}; SeqToPoly[seq_List, var_Symbol:n] := Expand[Plus @@ (Table[Sum[(-1)^(i - 1 - k)*Binomial[i - 1, k]*seq[[k + 1]], {k, 0, i - 1}], {i, 1, Length[seq]}]*Array[Binomial[var, #1 - 1] & , Length[seq]])]; GetPowerCoeffs[f_,var_Symbol:x,n_Integer]:= Block[{g=ExpandAll[f]},DeleteCases[Table[Coefficient[g,var,i],{i,0,n}],0]] ListToSeries::unkn = "This kind of generating function is unknown."; ListToSeries::nimp = "This kind of generating function is not yet implemented. \ Sorry."; ListToSeries[seq_List, var_Symbol:x, kind_String:"ogf"] := Switch[kind, "ogf", SeriesData[var, 0, seq, 0, Length[seq], 1], "egf", SeriesData[var, 0, seq/Array[#1! & , Length[seq], 0], 0, Length[seq], 1], "lap", SeriesData[var, 0, seq*Array[#1! & , Length[seq], 0], 0, Length[seq], 1], "lgdogf", ListToSeries::nimp, "lgdegf", ListToSeries::nimp, _, ListToSeries::unkn]; SeriesToList::unkn = ListToSeries::unkn; SeriesToList::nimp = ListToSeries::nimp; SeriesToList[ser_SeriesData, kind_String:"ogf"] := Switch[kind, "ogf", Array[SeriesCoefficient[ser, #1] & , ser[[5]], 0], "egf", Array[SeriesCoefficient[ser, #1]*#1! & , ser[[5]], 0], "lap", Array[SeriesCoefficient[ser, #1]/#1! & , ser[[5]], 0], "lgdogf", SeriesToList::nimp, "lgdegf", SeriesToList::nimp, _, SeriesToList::unkn]; SeriesToSeries::unkn = ListToSeries::unkn; SeriesToSeries[ser_SeriesData, kind_String] := If[kind == "ogf", ser, ListToSeries[Array[(SeriesCoefficient[ser, #1] & )* ser[[5]], 0], ser[[1]], kind], Null]; GetSeriesCoeff::"unkn"=ListToSeries::"unkn"; GetSeriesCoeff::"nimp"=ListToSeries::"nimp"; GetSeriesCoeff[ser_SeriesData,j_Integer, kind_String:"ogf"]:= Switch[kind, "ogf", SeriesCoefficient[ser,j], "egf", SeriesCoefficient[ser,j ]*(j-1)!, "lap",SeriesCoefficient[ser,j]/(j-1)!, "lgdogf", GetSeriesCoeff::"nimp", "lgdegf", GetSeriesCoeff::"nimp", _,GetSeriesCoeff::"unkn"]; ListToListDiv[{}] := {}; ListToListDiv[seq_List] := seq/Array[#1! & , Length[seq], 0]; ListToListMult[{}] := {}; ListToListMult[seq_List] := seq*Array[#1! & , Length[seq], 0]; SeriesToListDiv[ser_SeriesData] := SeriesToList[ser, "egf"]; SeriesToListMult[ser_SeriesData] := SeriesToList[ser, "lap"] SeriesToSeriesDiv[ser_SeriesData] := SeriesToSeries[ser, "egf"] SeriesToSeriesMult[ser_SeriesData] := SeriesToList[ser, "lap"] (* Binary and other bases utilities *) MatchDigits[x_Integer,y_Integer,base_Integer:10]:= Block[{bx,by,lx,ly}, {lx,ly}=Length/@( {bx,by}=(IntegerDigits[#1,base]&)/@{x,y}); If[lx-ly==0, {bx,by}, (Join[Array[0&,Max[lx,ly]-Length[#1]],#1]&)/@{bx,by}]]; MatchBinary[x_Integer,y_Integer]:=MatchDigits[x,y,2]; DigitsToInteger[thedigits_List,base_Integer:10]:= Plus@@(Reverse[thedigits] Array[base^#1&,Length[thedigits],0]) BinaryToInteger[bindig_List]:=DigitsToInteger[bindig,2] Xcl[twodig_List]:=Length[Union[twodig]]-1; NumAND[x_Integer,y_Integer]:=BinaryToInteger[Min/@Transpose[MatchBinary[x,y]]]; NumOR[x_Integer,y_Integer]:=BinaryToInteger[Max/@Transpose[MatchBinary[x,y]]]; Off[General::spell1] NumXOR[x_Integer,y_Integer]:=BinaryToInteger[Xcl/@Transpose[MatchBinary[x,y]]]; On[General::spell1] NimSum[numOne_Integer,numTwo_Integer]:=BinaryToInteger[Plus@@MatchBinary[numOne,numTwo]/.{2\[Rule]0}] DigitSum[n_Integer,b_Integer:10]:=Plus@@IntegerDigits[n,b]; DigitRev[n_Integer,b_Integer:10]:=DigitsToInteger[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n,b]],b]; (* Set-Theoretical Transforms *) $EISShortComplementSize=60; $EISLongComplementSize=1000; $EISUnsameCount=10; $EISMaxCharSeq=100; MinExcluded[seq_List]:= Module[{theset=Union[seq]}, Select[Range[0,Max[seq]+1],\[InvisibleSpace]!(MemberQ[theset,#1])&,1]] Monotonous[{}]={}; Monotonous[seq_List]:=Union[Abs[seq]]; MonotonousDiff[{}]={}; MonotonousDiff[seq_List]:=Block[{seqres},If[seq==(seqres=Union[Abs[seq]])||Length[seq]-Length[seqres]<$EISUnsameCount,{},seqres]]; CompSequence[{}]={}; CompSequence[seq_List]:=Block[{seqres}, If[ Length[seqres=Complement[Range[Min[Max[seq],$EISShortComplementSize]], Monotonous[seq]] ]< $EISUnsameCount|| Length[seqres]>$EISShortComplementSize-$EISUnsameCount, {}, seqres]]; CompSequenceLong[{}]={}; CompSequenceLong[seq_List]:=Complement[Range[Min[Max[seq],$EISLongComplementSize]],Monotonous[seq]] TwoValuesQ[seq_List]:= (Length[Union[seq]]==2) CharSequence[{}]={}; CharSequence[seq_List]:=Block[{b,reslen},b=Monotonous[seq];reslen=Min[Max[b],$EISMaxCharSeq]; Last[Transpose[Sort[Transpose[ {Join[b,Complement[Range[0,reslen],b]],Join[Array[1&,Length[b]],Array[0&,1+reslen-Length[b]]]}]]]]] (* SubSequence Extraction *) SeqExtract[{}, ___] = {}; SeqExtract[seq_List, period_Integer:1, start_Integer:1] := seq[[start + period*Range[0, Floor[(Length[seq] - start)/period]]]] Decimate[{}, ___] = {}; Decimate[seq_List, k_Integer, j_Integer] := With[{l = Floor[(Length[seq] + k - 1 - j)/k]}, If[l < 1, {}, seq[[1 + j + k*Range[0, l - 1]]]]] Bisect[seq_List, 0] := Decimate[seq, 2, 0]; (Bisect[seq_List, 1] := Decimate[seq, 2, 1]; ) Bisect[seq_List, start_Integer] = {}; Trisect[seq_List, 0] := Decimate[seq, 3, 0]; (Trisect[seq_List, 1] := Decimate[seq, 3, 1]; ) Trisect[seq_List, 2] := Decimate[seq, 3, 2]; Trisect[seq_List, start_Integer] = {}; (* Elementary Transforms *) LeftTransform[{}]:={}; LeftTransform[seq_List]:=Rest[seq]; RightTransform[{}]:={}; RightTransform[seq_List]:=Prepend[seq,1]; MulTwoTransform[{}]={}; MulTwoTransform[seq_List]:=Join[{First[seq]},Rest[seq] 2]; DivTwoTransform[{}]={}; DivTwoTransform[seq_List]:=Join[{First[seq]},Rest[seq]/2]; NegateTransform[{}]={}; NegateTransform[seq_List]:=Join[{First[seq]},-Rest[seq]]; (* Difference Table (Binomial) Transforms *) BinomialTransform[{},___]={}; BinomialTransform[seq_List,way_:1]:=Table[Sum[way^(i - 1 - k)*Binomial[i - 1, k]*seq[[k + 1]], {k, 0, i - 1}],{i,1,Length[seq]}]; BinomialInvTransform[{},___]={}; BinomialInvTransform[seq_List,way_:1]:=BinomialTransform[seq,-way] (* Rational Generating Function Transforms *) GFProdaaaTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdaaaTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[1/ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]^2,gftype]] GFProdbbbTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdbbbTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]^2,gftype]] GFProdcccTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdcccTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[1/ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype],gftype]] GFProddddTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProddddTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]*(1+var)/(1-var),gftype]] GFProdeeeTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdeeeTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]*(1-var)/(1+var),gftype]] GFProdfffTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdfffTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var),gftype]] GFProdgggTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdgggTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var)^2,gftype]] GFProdhhhTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdhhhTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var)^3,gftype]] GFProdiiiTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdiiiTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var),gftype]] GFProdjjjTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdjjjTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var^2),gftype]] GFProdkkkTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdkkkTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var+var^2),gftype]] GFProdlllTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdlllTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var^2),gftype]] GFProdmmmTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdmmmTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var-var^2),gftype]] GFProdnnnTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdnnnTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1-var+var^2),gftype]] GFProdoooTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdoooTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var-var^2),gftype]] GFProdpppTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdpppTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var)^2,gftype]] GFProdqqqTransform[{},___]:={}; GFProdqqqTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq,var,gftype]/(1+var)^3,gftype]] (* Diagonal Generating Function Transforms *) GFDiagaaaTransform[{},___]:={}; GFDiagaaaTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var,baseser},baseser = ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,0],var,gftype]; Table[GetSeriesCoeff[baseser*(1-var)^j,j,gftype],{j,1,Length[seq]}]] GFDiagbbbTransform[{},___]:={}; GFDiagbbbTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var,baseser},baseser = ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,0],var,gftype]; Table[GetSeriesCoeff[baseser*(1+var)^j,j,gftype],{j,1,Length[seq]}]] GFDiagcccTransform[{},___]:={}; GFDiagcccTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var,baseser},baseser = ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,0],var,gftype]; Table[GetSeriesCoeff[baseser/(1-var)^j,j,gftype],{j,1,Length[seq]}]] GFDiagdddTransform[{},___]:={}; GFDiagdddTransform[seq_List,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var,baseser},baseser = ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,0],var,gftype]; Table[GetSeriesCoeff[baseser/(1+var)^j,j,gftype],{j,1,Length[seq]}]] (* Classical (Euler, M\[ODoubleDot]bius, Stirling) *) EulerTransform[{}]={}; EulerTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{coeff,final={}}, coeff=Table[Sum[d*did[i, d]*seq[[d]], {d, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}]; For[i=1,i<=Length[seq],i++,AppendTo[final,(coeff[[i]] + Sum[coeff[[d]]*final[[i - d]], {d, 1, i - 1}])/i]];final]; EulerInvTransform[{}]={}; EulerInvTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{final={}}, For[i=1,i<=Length[seq],i++,AppendTo[final,i*seq[[i]] - Sum[final[[d]]*seq[[i - d]], {d, 1, i - 1}]]]; Table[Sum[mob[i, d]*final[[d]], {d, 1, i}]/i, {i, 1, Length[seq]}]]; MobiusTransform[{}]={}; MobiusTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[mob[i, d]*seq[[d]], {d, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}] MobiusInvTransform[{}]={}; MobiusInvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[did[i, d]*seq[[d]], {d, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}] StirlingTransform[{}]={}; StirlingTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[StirlingS2[i, k]*seq[[k]], {k, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}] StirlingInvTransform[{}]={}; StirlingInvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[StirlingS1[i, k]*seq[[k]], {k, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}] (* Number Theory Convolutions *) LCMConvTransform[___List,{},___List]:={}; LCMConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[LCM[seq[[k]], seq[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}]; LCMConvTransform[seqOne_List,seqTwo_List]:=Table[Sum[LCM[seqOne[[k]], seqTwo[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 1, i}], {i,1,Min@@(Length/@{seqOne,seqTwo})}]; GCDConvTransform[___List,{},___List]:={}; GCDConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[GCD[seq[[k]], seq[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 1, i}],{i,1,Length[seq]}]; GCDConvTransform[seqOne_List,seqTwo_List]:=Table[Sum[GCD[seqOne[[k]], seqTwo[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 1, i}],{i,1,Min@@(Length/@{seqOne,seqTwo})}]; (* Generating Function Transforms (Cameron, Revert, RevertExp, Exp, Log) *) CameronTransform[{}]:={}; CameronTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},Rest[SeriesToList[1/(1 - var*ListToSeries[seq, var, "ogf"]),"ogf"]]]; CameronInvTransform[{}]:={}; CameronInvTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},Rest[SeriesToList[-1/(1 + var*ListToSeries[seq, var, "ogf"]),"ogf"]]]; RevertTransform[{}]:={}; RevertTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var,l=Length[seq]},If[seq\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket]=!=1,{},Rest[SeriesToList[InverseSeries[ListToSeries[seq,var,"ogf"]],"ogf"] Array[(-1)^#1 &,l]]]] RevertExpTransform[{}]:={}; RevertExpTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var,l=Length[seq]},If[seq\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket]=!=1,{},Rest[SeriesToList[InverseSeries[ListToSeries[seq,var,"egf"]],"ogf"] Array[(-1)^#1 (#1-1)!&,l]]]]; ExpTransform[{}]:={}; ExpTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},Rest[SeriesToList[Exp[ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,0],var,"egf"]],"egf"]]] LogTransform[{}]:={}; LogTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},Rest[SeriesToList[Log[ListToSeries[Prepend[seq,1],var,"egf"]],"egf"]]] (* Convolution Transforms *) ConvTransform[___List,{},___List]:={}; ConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[seq[[k]]*seq[[i - k + 1]], {k, 1, i}], {i, 1, Length[seq]}]; ConvTransform[seqOne_List,seqTwo_List]:=Table[Sum[seqOne[[k]]*seqTwo[[i - k + 1]], {k, 1, i}], {i, 1, Min @@ Length /@ {seqOne, seqTwo}}]; ConvInvTransform[seq_List]:=If[First[seq]=!=0, Module[{a,aaseq=Table[a[i],{i,Length[seq]}]}, aaseq/.Last[Solve[ConvTransform[aaseq]==seq,aaseq]]]] ExpConvTransform[___List,{},___List]:={}; ExpConvTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq, var, "egf"]^2,"egf"]] ExpConvTransform[seqOne_List,seqTwo_List]:= Module[{var,tmplen=Min@@(Length/@{seqOne,seqTwo})}, SeriesToList[Times@@(ListToSeries[Take[#1,tmplen],var,"egf"]&)/@{seqOne,seqTwo},"egf"] ] LogConvTransform[{}]:={}; LogConvTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[ListToSeries[seq, var, "lap"]^2,"ogf"]] LogConvTransform[seqOne_List,seqTwo_List]:= Module[{var,tmplen=Min[Length/@{seqOne,seqTwo}]}, SeriesToList[Times@@(ListToSeries[Take[#1,tmplen],var,"lap"]&)/@{seqOne,seqTwo},"ogf"] ] (* Binary and other bases related Transforms *) ANDConvTransform[{}]={}; ANDConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[NumAND[seq[[k + 1]], seq[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 0, i}],{i,0,Length[seq]-1}] ORConvTransform[{}]={}; ORConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[NumOR[seq[[k + 1]], seq[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 0, i}],{i,0,Length[seq]-1}] Off[General::spell1] XORConvTransform[{}]={}; XORConvTransform[seq_List]:=Table[Sum[NumXOR[seq[[k + 1]], seq[[i - k + 1]]], {k, 0, i}], {i, 0, Length[seq] - 1}] On[General::spell1] DigitSumTransform[{},___]:={}; DigitSumTransform[seq_List,b_Integer:10]:= DigitSum[#,b]&/@seq; DigitRevTransform[{},___]:={}; DigitRevTransform[seq_List,b_Integer:10]:=DigitRev[#,b]&/@seq; (* Boustrophedon Transforms *) $EISMaxTableWidth=60; BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[{}]={}; BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[seq_List,way_Integer:1]:=Module[{n=Min[Length[seq],$EISMaxTableWidth],tritab},tritab=Transpose[{Take[seq,n]}];Table[tritab\[LeftDoubleBracket]i\[RightDoubleBracket]=Nest[Append[#1,#1\[LeftDoubleBracket]-1\[RightDoubleBracket]+way tritab\[LeftDoubleBracket]i-1,i-Length[#1]\[RightDoubleBracket]]&,tritab\[LeftDoubleBracket]i\[RightDoubleBracket],i-1],{i,1,n}]] BoustrophedonTransformTable[seq_List]:=BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[Prepend[seq,1]] BoustrophedonTransform[seq_List]:=Last/@BoustrophedonTransformTable[seq] BoustrophedonBisTransform[seq_List]:=Last/@BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[seq] BoustrophedonBisInvTransform[seq_List]:=Last/@BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[seq,-1] BoustrophedonInvTransform[seq_List]:=Last/@Rest[BoustrophedonBisTransformTable[seq,-1]] (* Partition and related Transforms *) PartitionTransform[{},___]:={}; PartitionTransform[seq_List,n_Integer:-1]:= Module[{var,valueset,lastindex,lastvalue}, valueset=Union[seq]; {lastindex,lastvalue}=If[n==-1, {Length[valueset],Max@@valueset}, {First[Flatten[Position[Union[Append[valueset,n]],n]]],n}]; Rest[SeriesToList[Series[ Product[1/(1-var^valueset[[i]]),{i,1,lastindex}], {var,0,lastvalue}],"ogf"]]]; PartitionInvTransform[{}]:={}; PartitionInvTransform[seq_List]:= Flatten[MapIndexed[ Table[#2[[1]],{#1}]&, EulerInvTransform[seq]]] (* Other Transforms (weigh, weighbisout, eulerbis) *) WeighTransform[{},___]:={}; WeighTransform[seq_List,n_Integer:-1,gftype_String:"ogf"]:=Module[{var,lastvalue},lastvalue=If[n==-1,Max@@seq,n];Rest[SeriesToList[Series[Product[1 - var^seq[[i]], {i, 1, Length[seq]}], {var, 0, lastvalue + 1}],gftype]]] WeighBisOutTransform[{}]={}; WeighBisOutTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[Series[Product[(var^(-k) + 1 + var^k)^seq[[k]], {k, 1, Length[seq]}], {var, 0, Length[seq] + 1}],"ogf"]]; EulerBisTransform[{}]={}; EulerBisTransform[seq_List]:=Module[{var},SeriesToList[Series[Sum[seq[[k]]*(var/(1 + var))^k, {k, 1, Length[seq]}]/(1 + var), {var, 0, Length[seq]}],"ogf"]]; (* To be made: weighout, weighouti, etrans, ptrans, pairtrans *) (* Function Management *) RegularTransList = {"Binomial", "Euler", "Mobius", "Stirling", "Cameron", "Boustrophedon", "BoustrophedonBis", "Partition"}; ((InverseFunction[Evaluate[ToExpression[StringJoin[#1, "Transform"]]]] ^= ToExpression[StringJoin[#1, "InvTransform"]]; InverseFunction[Evaluate[ToExpression[StringJoin[#1, "InvTransform"]]]] ^= ToExpression[StringJoin[#1, "Transform"]]; ) & ) /@ RegularTransList; (* Superseeker Transforms list *) (* Transforms 095,096,097,098 are currently not implemented and return {} *) (* Transform 008 must be executed before any other transform needing the exp gen fun *) EISTransTable = { Clear[vexpseq]; Trans[001]= Identity, Trans[002]= CompSequence, Trans[003]= GCDNormalize, Trans[004]= (Rest[#]// Trans[003] )&, Trans[005]= (Drop[#,2]// Trans[004]) &, Trans[006]= Bisect[#,0]&, Trans[007]= Bisect[#,1]&, Trans[008]= (vexpseq = #/Array[#1!&,Length[#],0])&, Trans[009]= #*Range[Length[#]]&, Trans[010]= #/Array[#1!&,Length[#],1]&, Trans[011]= 2#&, Trans[012]= 3#&, Trans[013]= GFProdaaaTransform, Trans[014]= GFProdbbbTransform, Trans[015]= GFProdcccTransform, Trans[016]= GFProddddTransform, Trans[017]= GFProdeeeTransform, Trans[018]= GetDiff, Trans[019]= GetDiff[#,2]&, Trans[020]= GetDiff[#,3]&, Trans[021]= GFProdfffTransform, Trans[022]= GFProdgggTransform, Trans[023]= GFProdhhhTransform, Trans[024]= GetSum, Trans[025]= GetOffsetSum[#,2]&, Trans[026]= GFProdiiiTransform, Trans[027]= GFProdjjjTransform, Trans[028]= GetIntervalSum[#,2]&, Trans[029]= GFProdkkkTransform, Trans[030]= GetOffsetDiff[#,2]&, Trans[031]= GFProdlllTransform, Trans[032]= Take[#,{3,-1}]- Take[#,{2,-2}]-Take[#,{1,-3}]&, Trans[033]= GFProdmmmTransform, Trans[034]= # + Range[Length[#]]&, Trans[035]= # +2&, Trans[036]= # +3&, Trans[037]= # - Range[Length[#]]&, Trans[038]= # -2&, Trans[039]= # -3&, Trans[040]= # +1&, Trans[041]= # -1&, Trans[042]= GFProdnnnTransform, Trans[043]= Take[#,{3,-1}]- Take[#,{2,-2}]+Take[#,{1,-3}]&, Trans[044]= GFProdoooTransform, Trans[045]= Take[#,{1,-3}]+ Take[#,{2,-2}]-Take[#,{3,-1}]&, Trans[046]= GetSum[#,2]&, Trans[047]= GetSum[#,3]&, Trans[048]= GFProdpppTransform, Trans[049]= GFProdqqqTransform, Trans[050]= GFDiagaaaTransform, Trans[051]= GFDiagbbbTransform, Trans[052]= GFDiagcccTransform, Trans[053]= GFDiagdddTransform, Trans[054]= GFProdaaaTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[055]= GFProdbbbTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[056]= GFProdcccTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[057]= GFProddddTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[058]= GFProdeeeTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[059]= GetDiff[vexpseq]&, Trans[060]= GetDiff[vexpseq,2]&, Trans[061]= GetDiff[vexpseq,3]&, Trans[062]= GFProdfffTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[063]= GFProdgggTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[064]= GFProdhhhTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[065]= GetSum[vexpseq]&, Trans[066]= GetOffsetSum[vexpseq,2]&, Trans[067]= GFProdiiiTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[068]= GFProdjjjTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[069]= GetIntervalSum[vexpseq,2]&, Trans[070]= GFProdkkkTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[071]= GetOffsetDiff[vexpseq,2]&, Trans[072]= GFProdlllTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[073]=(Take[#,{3,-1}]- Take[#,{2,-2}]-Take[#,{1,-3}]&[vexpseq])&, Trans[074]= GFProdmmmTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[075]= vexpseq+Range[Length[vexpseq]]&, Trans[076]= vexpseq +2&, Trans[077]= vexpseq +3&, Trans[078]= vexpseq-Range[Length[vexpseq]]&, Trans[079]= vexpseq -2&, Trans[080]= vexpseq -3&, Trans[081]= #+Table[j!,{j,Length[#]}]&, Trans[082]= #-Table[j!,{j,Length[#]}]&, Trans[083]= GFProdnnnTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[084]= (Take[#,{3,-1}]- Take[#,{2,-2}]+Take[#,{1,-3}]&[vexpseq])&, Trans[085]= GFProdoooTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[086]= (Take[#,{1,-3}]+ Take[#,{2,-2}]-Take[#,{3,-1}]&[vexpseq])&, Trans[087]= GetSum[vexpseq,2]&, Trans[088]= GetSum[vexpseq,3]&, Trans[089]= GFProdpppTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[090]= GFProdqqqTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[091]= GFDiagaaaTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[092]= GFDiagbbbTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[093]= GFDiagcccTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[094]= GFDiagdddTransform[#,"egf"]&, Trans[095]={}& (* WeighTransform and alii: not implemented yet *), Trans[096]={}&, Trans[097]={}& (* WeighTransform[vexpseq]& *), Trans[098]={}&, Trans[099]= Monotonous, Trans[100]= BinomialTransform, Trans[101]= BinomialInvTransform, Trans[102]= BoustrophedonTransform, Trans[103]= BoustrophedonInvTransform, Trans[104]= EulerTransform, Trans[105]= EulerInvTransform, Trans[106]= ExpTransform, Trans[107]= ExpConvTransform, Trans[108]= CameronTransform, Trans[109]= CameronInvTransform, Trans[110]= LogTransform, Trans[111]= MobiusTransform, Trans[112]= MobiusInvTransform, Trans[113]= MulTwoTransform, Trans[114]= StirlingTransform, Trans[115]= StirlingInvTransform }; ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The file "supertrans" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== T001 the sequence itself T002 integers not in the sequence T003 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements T004 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements, from the 2nd term T005 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements, from the 3rd term T006 elements of odd index in the sequence T007 elements of even index in the sequence T008 sequence u[j]/(j-1)! T009 sequence u[j]*j T010 sequence u[j]/j! T011 sequence 2*u[j] T012 sequence 3*u[j] T013 coefficients of 1/Sn(z)^2 T014 coefficients of Sn(z)^2 T015 coefficients of 1/Sn(z) T016 coefficients of Sn(z)*(1+z)/(1-z) T017 coefficients of Sn(z)*(1-z)/(1+z) T018 sequence u[j+1]-u[j] T019 sequence u[j+2]-2*u[j+1]+u[j] T020 sequence u[j+3]-3*u[j+2]+3*u[j+1]-u[j] T021 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z) T022 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z)^2 T023 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z)^3 T024 sequence u[j]+u[j+1] T025 sequence u[j]+u[j+2] T026 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z) T027 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z^2) T028 sequence u[j]+u[j+1]+u[j+2] T029 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z+z^2) T030 sequence u[j+2]-u[j] T031 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z^2) T032 sequence u[j+2]-u[j+1]-u[j] T033 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z-z^2) T034 sequence u[j]+j T035 sequence u[j]+2 T036 sequence u[j]+3 T037 sequence u[j]-j T038 sequence u[j]-2 T039 sequence u[j]-3 T040 sequence u[j]+1 T041 sequence u[j]-1 T042 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z+z^2) T043 sequence u[j+2]-u[j+1]+u[j] T044 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z-z^2) T045 sequence u[j]+u[j+1]-u[j+2] T046 sequence u[j]+2*u[j+1]+u[j+2] T047 sequence u[j]+3*u[j+1]+3*u[j+2]+u[j+3] T048 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z)^2 T049 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z)^3 T050 jth coefficient of Sn(z)*(1-z)^j T051 jth coefficient of Sn(z)*(1+z)^j T052 jth coefficient of Sn(z)/(1-z)^j T053 jth coefficient of Sn(z)/(1+z)^j T054 coefficients of 1/En(z)^2 T055 coefficients of En(z)^2 T056 coefficients of 1/En(z) T057 coefficients of En(z)*(1+z)/(1-z) T058 coefficients of En(z)*(1-z)/(1+z) T059 sequence v[j+1]-v[j] T060 sequence v[j+2]-2*v[j+1]+v[j] T061 sequence v[j+3]-3*v[j+2]-3*v[j+1]+v[j] T062 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z) T063 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z)^2 T064 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z)^3 T065 sequence v[j]+v[j+1] T066 sequence v[j]+v[j+2] T067 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z) T068 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z^2) T069 sequence v[j]+v[j+1]+v[j+2] T070 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z+z^2) T071 sequence v[j+2]-v[j] T072 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z^2) T073 sequence v[j+2]-v[j+1]-v[j] T074 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z-z^2) T075 sequence v[j]+j T076 sequence v[j]+2 T077 sequence v[j]+3 T078 sequence v[j]-j T079 sequence v[j]-2 T080 sequence v[j]-3 T081 sequence u[j]+j! T082 sequence u[j]-j! T083 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z+z^2) T084 sequence v[j+2]-v[j+1]+v[j] T085 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z-z^2) T086 sequence v[j]+v[j+1]-v[j+2] T087 sequence v[j]+2*v[j+1]+v[j+2] T088 sequence v[j]+3*v[j+1]+3*v[j+2]+v[j+3] T089 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z)^2 T090 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z)^3 T091 jth coefficient of En(z)*(1-z)^j T092 jth coefficient of En(z)*(1+z)^j T093 jth coefficient of En(z)/(1-z)^j T094 jth coefficient of En(z)/(1+z)^j T095 coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^u[j], j=1..inf ) T096 inverse transform to T095, which was "coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^u[j], j=1..inf )" T097 coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^v[j], j=1..inf ) T098 inverse transform to T097, which was "coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^v[j], j=1..inf )" T099 sort terms, remove duplicates T100 binomial transform: b(n)=SUM C(n,k)a(k), k=0..n T101 inverse binomial transform: b(n)=SUM (-1)^(n-k)*C(n,k)*a(k), k=0..n T102 boustrophedon transform (see T103 inverse boustrophedon transform (see T104 Euler transform: define b by 1+SUM b(n)x^n = PRODUCT (1-x^n)^-a(n) T105 inverse Euler transform: define b by 1+SUM a(n)x^n = PRODUCT (1-x^n)^-b(n) T106 exponentiate: define b by 1 + EGF_B (x) = exp EGF_A (x) T107 exponential convolution, expand EGF(x)^2 T108 invert: define b by 1+SUM b(n)x^n = 1/(1 - SUM a(n)x^n) T109 invert: define b by 1+SUM a(n)x^n = 1/(1 - SUM b(n)x^n) T110 log: define b by EGF of b = log (EGF of a) T111 Mobius: define b by b(n)=SUM mu(n/d)*a(d), d divides n T112 inverse Mobius: define b by b(n)=SUM a(d), d divides n T113 multiply all except leading terms by 2 T114 Stirling-2 transform: b(n) = SUM S(n,k)a(k), k=0..n T115 Stirling-1 transform: b(n) = SUM s(n,k)a(k), k=0..n ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The program "supercorr2" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== # SUPERCORR2 looks for sequences closest in correlation # Finds 3 closest that are greater than .999 need:=.999: libname := `/usr/njas/hisdir`, libname: with(HISfry): with(stats): Digits:=16: interface(prettyprint=false): interface(quiet=true): interface(screenwidth=320): printlevel:=2: n0:=nops(lis): lisset:=convert(lis,set): if nops(lisset) = 1 then quit: fi: x1:=0: x2:=0: x3:=0: m1:=0: m2:=0: m3:=0: for i in indices(sequence) do m:=op(i): #print(i): s:=sequence[m]: #print(s): ns:=nops(s): # compute correlation if ns > n0 then v1:=lis: v2:=[seq(s[j],j=1..n0)]: else v1:=[seq(lis[j],j=1..ns)]: v2:=s: fi: v1set:=convert(v1,set): v2set:=convert(v2,set): if ( nops(v1set) > 1 and nops(v2set) > 1) then # if 1 x:=evalf(Rsquared(v1,v2)): if x > need then # if 2 #print(`next`,i,m,x); if x > x3 then # if a if x > x2 then # if b if x > x1 then # if c x3:=x2: m3:=m2: x2:=x1: m2:=m1: x1:=x: m1:=m: else # else c x3:=x2: m3:=m2: x2:=x: m2:=m: fi: # fi c else # else b x3:=x: m3:=m: fi: # fi b fi: # fi a fi: # fi 2 fi: # fi 1 od: # close main print(`CLOSEST (if any):`); if x1 > need then print(`HIT`, `AA`, m1+10000, x1 ): fi: if x2 > need then print(`HIT`, `AA`, m2+10000, x2 ): fi: if x3 > need then print(`HIT`, `AA`, m3+10000, x3 ): fi: quit ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== The file "superhelp.txt" ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ===================================================== ************************************************************* THIS IS THE HELP FILE FOR SUPERSEEKER ************************************************************* Greetings from "superseeker". This program will accept a sequence of integers and try very hard to find an explanation. Superseeker makes use of many things, some of which are: 1. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (or OEIS) N. J. A. Sloane AT&T Research Labs, Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971 USA - see 2. The "gfun" Maple package of Bruno Salvy and Paul Zimmermann. 3. A Mathematica program from Olivier Gerard to carry out various sequence transformations. 4. Harm Derksen's program "guesss", which uses Pade'-Hermite approximations - see That algorithm is described in: An algorithm to compute generalized Pade'-Hermite forms, Report 9403 (1994), Dept. of Math., Catholic University Nijmegen (available from 5. Christian Kratthentaler's Mathematica program Rate which tries to guess a closed form for a sequence ("rate" is "guess" in German). For a description of Rate, see 6. John Linderman's program which checks if there is a partial overlap between a sequence and any sequence in the database. 7. Various other programs. INSTRUCTIONS: To submit a sequence to superseeker, send mail to containing a single line of the form lookup 1 2 4 6 10 14 20 26 36 46 60 74 94 114 in the body of the message. In the Subject line, say "none". The terms must be separated by spaces (not commas). It is best to give between 10 and 20 terms. Only one request may be submitted at a time, and (since this program does some serious computing), only one request per user per hour. (There is a list of special users who are exempt from this restriction. If you feel you have a genuine need to be placed on this list, send mail to, giving your reasons!) [To simply look up sequences in the Encyclopedia, it is more efficient to use either the email server at - send an empty email message to that address to get instructions- or the Web server at ] RECOMMENDATIONS: . Start from the beginning of the sequence (although of course keep in mind that different people may define the zero-th term (say) in different ways . Minus signs (if any) should be INCLUDED, since most of the programs will make use of them . If you receive 30 matches from the Encyclopedia, try again giving more terms . If you give too many terms, it will tie up my machine for a long time, and my boss will be unhappy . For an array of numbers, try looking up the individual rows, columns or diagonals, whichever seem appropriate . The program is (mostly) concerned only with infinite sequences . The program only handles integers. (For a sequence of rationals, try the sequences of numerators and denominators separately.) . The word "lookup" may only appear once in the message The "Subject" line is thrown away. TESTS USED The program will apply some or all of the following tests. (The program gives up once it has found a sufficient number of possible explanations. The more trivial the sequence, the less time the program will spend studying it. Also some of these tests are not applicable to all sequences. Only potentially useful results are reported.) . Look up in the On-Line Encyclopedia both the sequence and the sequence with the first term omitted. (The reply will report all matches found, up to a limit of 30.) . Test if a(n) is a polynomial in n [a(n) denotes the n-th term] In other words, are the differences of some order constant? . Test if the differences of some order are periodic. (Suppose the kth order differences are d(1), ...,d(n). They are said to be periodic if there is a number p, the period, with 1 <= p <= n-2, such that d(i) = d(j) whenever i = j (mod p).) . Test if any row of the difference table of some depth is essentially constant. This detects such sequences as 4^n - n^4. (Let the usual difference table be a(0), a(1), a(2), ... b(0), b(1), ... c(0), c(1), ... .... This is the difference table of depth 1. The table of depth 2 has as top row a(0), b(0), c(0), ...; and so on.) . For a 2-valued sequence, compute the six characteristic sequences associated with the sequence and look them up in the OEIS. (Suppose the sequence takes only the values X and Y. The six characteristic sequences, all equivalent to the original, are: replace X,Y by 1,2; by 2,1; the positions of the X's, of the Y's; the run lengths; and the derivative, i.e. the positions where the sequence changes.) . Form the generating functions (g.f.) for the sequence for each of the following 6 types: ogf ordinary generating function egf exponential generating function revogf reversion of ordinary generating function revegf reversion of exponential generating function lgdogf logarithmic derivative of ordinary generating function lgdegf logarithmic derivative of exponential generating function and attempt to represent them as rational functions, hypergeometric series, or the solution to a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients. . Look for a linear recurrence with polynomial coefficients for the coefficients of the above 6 types of g.f.'s. . Look for a polynomial equation in y and x for the g.f. y(x) of each of the above 6 types. . Apply the transformations listed below to the sequence and look up the result in the OEIS. Stop when 50 matches have been found. . Test if the sequence is a Beatty sequence. (A Beatty sequence is one in which the n-th term is [nz], where z is irrational. The complementary sequence is [ny], where 1/x + 1/y = 1. Refs: N. J. A. Sloane, Handbook of Integer Sequences, 1973, p. 29; R. Honsberger, Ingenuity in Mathematics, 1970, p. 93. If this is a Beatty sequence the value given for z will produce the given terms, but is very far from being unique.) LIST OF TRANSFORMATIONS THAT MAY BE APPLIED Abbreviations used in the following list of transformations: u[j] = j-th term of the sequence v[j] = u[j]/(j-1)! Sn(z) = ordinary generating function En(z) = exponential generating function T001 the sequence itself T002 integers not in the sequence T003 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements T004 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements, from the 2nd term T005 sequence divided by the gcd of its elements, from the 3rd term T006 elements of odd index in the sequence T007 elements of even index in the sequence T008 sequence u[j]/(j-1)! T009 sequence u[j]*j T010 sequence u[j]/j! T011 sequence 2*u[j] T012 sequence 3*u[j] T013 coefficients of 1/Sn(z)^2 T014 coefficients of Sn(z)^2 T015 coefficients of 1/Sn(z) T016 coefficients of Sn(z)*(1+z)/(1-z) T017 coefficients of Sn(z)*(1-z)/(1+z) T018 sequence u[j+1]-u[j] T019 sequence u[j+2]-2*u[j+1]+u[j] T020 sequence u[j+3]-3*u[j+2]+3*u[j+1]-u[j] T021 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z) T022 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z)^2 T023 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z)^3 T024 sequence u[j]+u[j+1] T025 sequence u[j]+u[j+2] T026 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z) T027 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z^2) T028 sequence u[j]+u[j+1]+u[j+2] T029 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z+z^2) T030 sequence u[j+2]-u[j] T031 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z^2) T032 sequence u[j+2]-u[j+1]-u[j] T033 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z-z^2) T034 sequence u[j]+j T035 sequence u[j]+2 T036 sequence u[j]+3 T037 sequence u[j]-j T038 sequence u[j]-2 T039 sequence u[j]-3 T040 sequence u[j]+1 T041 sequence u[j]-1 T042 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1-z+z^2) T043 sequence u[j+2]-u[j+1]+u[j] T044 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z-z^2) T045 sequence u[j]+u[j+1]-u[j+2] T046 sequence u[j]+2*u[j+1]+u[j+2] T047 sequence u[j]+3*u[j+1]+3*u[j+2]+u[j+3] T048 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z)^2 T049 coefficients of Sn(z)/(1+z)^3 T050 jth coefficient of Sn(z)*(1-z)^j T051 jth coefficient of Sn(z)*(1+z)^j T052 jth coefficient of Sn(z)/(1-z)^j T053 jth coefficient of Sn(z)/(1+z)^j T054 coefficients of 1/En(z)^2 T055 coefficients of En(z)^2 T056 coefficients of 1/En(z) T057 coefficients of En(z)*(1+z)/(1-z) T058 coefficients of En(z)*(1-z)/(1+z) T059 sequence v[j+1]-v[j] T060 sequence v[j+2]-2*v[j+1]+v[j] T061 sequence v[j+3]-3*v[j+2]-3*v[j+1]+v[j] T062 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z) T063 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z)^2 T064 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z)^3 T065 sequence v[j]+v[j+1] T066 sequence v[j]+v[j+2] T067 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z) T068 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z^2) T069 sequence v[j]+v[j+1]+v[j+2] T070 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z+z^2) T071 sequence v[j+2]-v[j] T072 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z^2) T073 sequence v[j+2]-v[j+1]-v[j] T074 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z-z^2) T075 sequence v[j]+j T076 sequence v[j]+2 T077 sequence v[j]+3 T078 sequence v[j]-j T079 sequence v[j]-2 T080 sequence v[j]-3 T081 sequence u[j]+j! T082 sequence u[j]-j! T083 coefficients of En(z)/(1-z+z^2) T084 sequence v[j+2]-v[j+1]+v[j] T085 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z-z^2) T086 sequence v[j]+v[j+1]-v[j+2] T087 sequence v[j]+2*v[j+1]+v[j+2] T088 sequence v[j]+3*v[j+1]+3*v[j+2]+v[j+3] T089 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z)^2 T090 coefficients of En(z)/(1+z)^3 T091 jth coefficient of En(z)*(1-z)^j T092 jth coefficient of En(z)*(1+z)^j T093 jth coefficient of En(z)/(1-z)^j T094 jth coefficient of En(z)/(1+z)^j T095 coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^u[j], j=1..inf ) T096 inverse transform to T095, which was "coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^u[j], j=1..inf )" T097 coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^v[j], j=1..inf ) T098 inverse transform to T097, which was "coefficients of product( 1/(1-z^j)^v[j], j=1..inf )" T099 sort terms, remove duplicates T100 binomial transform: b(n)=SUM C(n,k)a(k), k=0..n T101 inverse binomial transform: b(n)=SUM (-1)^(n-k)*C(n,k)*a(k), k=0..n T102 boustrophedon transform (see T103 inverse boustrophedon transform (see T104 Euler transform: define b by 1+SUM b(n)x^n = PRODUCT (1-x^n)^-a(n) T105 inverse Euler transform: define b by 1+SUM a(n)x^n = PRODUCT (1-x^n)^-b(n) T106 exponentiate: define b by 1 + EGF_B (x) = exp EGF_A (x) T107 exponential convolution, expand EGF(x)^2 T108 invert: define b by 1+SUM b(n)x^n = 1/(1 - SUM a(n)x^n) T109 invert: define b by 1+SUM a(n)x^n = 1/(1 - SUM b(n)x^n) T110 log: define b by EGF of b = log (EGF of a) T111 Mobius: define b by b(n)=SUM mu(n/d)*a(d), d divides n T112 inverse Mobius: define b by b(n)=SUM a(d), d divides n T113 multiply all except leading terms by 2 T114 Stirling-2 transform: b(n) = SUM S(n,k)a(k), k=0..n T115 Stirling-1 transform: b(n) = SUM s(n,k)a(k), k=0..n COMMON ERRORS WHEN USING THIS EMAIL SERVICE: Make sure that the word "lookup" does not appear in the message in the same line as any non-numeric characters. Make sure that the lookup line has the form lookup 1 4 9 16 25 GOOD! and avoid any lines that say things like: Subject: lookup please BAD! Subject: lookup BAD! To: lookup <> BAD! lookup 1,4,9,16,... [NO COMMAS OR DOTS ARE ALLOWED!] BAD! lookup 1 4 9 16 ? BAD! In a submission to superseeker the word "lookup" may only appear once in the entire message. *********************** THE FORMAT USED IN THE DATABASE is described in the web page FOR A SIMPLE AND FAST LOOKUP, try - send a blank message for instructions TO CONTRIBUTE A NEW SEQUENCE OR COMMENT use the web page TO LOOKUP SEQUENCES USING THE WEB go to FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences see the Welcome page