Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN), SPN Career Center|Find Your Career Here
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It comprises Phoenix Children’s Hospital–Main Campus, Phoenix Children’s Hospital–East Valley at Dignity Health Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, four pediatric specialty and urgent care centers, 11 community pediatric practices, 20 outpatient clinics, two ambulatory surgery centers and six community-service-related outpatient clinics throughout the state of Arizona. The system has provided world-class inpatient, outpatient, trauma, emergency and urgent care to children and families for more than 35 years. Phoenix Children’s Care Network includes more than 850 pediatric primary care providers and specialists who deliver care across more than 75 subspecialties.</p> <p>Phoenix Children's provides world-class inpatient, outpatient, trauma, emergency and urgent care to children and families in Arizona and throughout the Southwest. As one of the largest children’s hospitals in the country, we provide care across more than 75 pediatric specialties. Every day our clinical, professional and support staff work collaboratively to deliver on our mission to provide hope, healing and the best health care for children and their families. They embrace the challenges of providing compassionate, high-quality, family-centered care to the most complex patients in the region.</p> </div> <div class="section-parent hidden-section " id="section-2"> <span class="section-header">Awards</span> <p><strong>Awards</strong></p> <p>Phoenix Children’s is Arizona’s premier hospital for family-centered, pediatric care for patients with complex medical needs. We’re proud of the broad and deep experience our expert team of physicians and staff brings across more than 75 pediatric subspecialties — experience you won’t find anyplace else in Arizona.</p> <p>But it isn't enough for a hospital to say it’s the best. That's why third-party endorsements, working from data submitted by multiple hospitals across the country, are one of the best ways for patients and families to ensure a hospital’s care is truly world-class. Here are a few of our top honors.</p> <p><strong>U.S. News & World Report</strong></p> <p>For the 13th consecutive year, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Phoenix Children’s among the nation’s “Best Children’s Hospitals.” The health system was also named the No. 1 children’s hospital in Arizona and third in the Southwest region. Phoenix Children’s is the only children’s hospital in Arizona ever to be recognized by U.S. News & World Report.</p> <p>The rigorous “Best Children’s Hospitals” survey conducted by <em>U.S. News & World Report</em> asks hundreds of questions about a hospital’s survival rates, nurse staffing, subspecialists’ availability and many other pieces of critical information that's difficult or impossible for patients’ families and care-givers to find on their own.</p> <p><em>U.S News</em> takes all of this data and combines it with a reputation score that’s based on a survey of pediatric specialists from across the country.</p> <p>Phoenix Children’s complete 2023-24 rankings include:</p> <p>Nephrology, #29 <br /> Gastroenterology & Gastroenterology Surgery, #34 <br /> Neurology & Neurosurgery, #35, represented by Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children’s <br /> Neonatology, #36, represented by Phoenix Children’s Center for Fetal and Neonatal Care<br /> Diabetes & Endocrinology, #37<br /> Urology, #37 <br /> Cardiology & Heart Surgery, #44, represented by Phoenix Children’s Center for Heart Care<br /> Pulmonology & Lung Surgery, #44 <strong>Healthcare IT News</strong></p> <p>The <em>Healthcare IT News</em> “Best Hospital IT Departments” program highlights those characteristics that drive workplace satisfaction in hospital IT workplaces. It also spotlights top performers and establishes best practices that all hospital IT departments can embrace. Phoenix Children’s Hospital IT team earned a “Best Hospital IT Department” in 2014 and again in 2016.</p> <p><strong>Becker’s Hospital Review</strong></p> <p>In 2018, Phoenix Children’s was named among the “150 Top Places to Work in Healthcare” for the fifth consecutive year. The list was developed through nominations and editorial research, and 150 organizations were chosen for their robust benefits, wellness initiatives, commitment to diversity and inclusion, professional development opportunities and work environments that promote employee satisfaction and work-life balance. Phoenix Children's is the only hospital in Arizona to be named on the list.</p> <p><strong>BestCompaniesAZ</strong></p> <p>BestCompaniesAZ named Phoenix Children's on the 15th-anniversary list of “100 Best Arizona Companies.” These companies were chosen based on sustained high levels of workplace performance, culture, strong employer brand, innovative thought leaders and position to recruit talent, among other features. Phoenix Children's is listed in the “Heart” category, which highlights companies that show how much they care through building relationships with employees, customers and the community.</p> <p><strong>Greater Phoenix Chamber</strong></p> <p>In 2018, Phoenix Children's was honored as <a href="">Exceptional Innovator</a> and <a href="">Large Business of the Year</a> during the Greater Phoenix Chamber’s 31st Annual IMPACT Awards Ceremony. Innovation, growth, quality improvement and a goal to educate are among what leaders at Phoenix Children’s recognize as its major success drivers. For these two awards, the Chamber recognizes companies who create new solutions and achieve remarkable results while moving the company and local economy forward.</p> <p><strong>Maricopa County’s Healthy Arizona Worksites Program</strong></p> <p>Phoenix Children's received a platinum ranking for <a href="" target="_blank">Maricopa County’s Healthy Arizona Worksites Program</a> in 2018. The Healthy Arizona Worksites Program is a public health initiative offered by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH). Its mission is to help employers learn how to successfully implement worksite wellness initiatives to improve the health of their employees and businesses.</p> <p><strong><em>Phoenix Business Journal</em>’s The Valley’s Healthiest Employers 2018</strong></p> <p>Phoenix Children's was the only hospital awarded in the large business category of the <em>Phoenix Business Journal’s</em> <a href="" target="_blank">Valley’s Healthiest Employers 2018 Awards</a>. The <em>Phoenix Business Journal</em> and its sponsors shine a light every year on Valley businesses with the most outstanding health and wellness programs. Each company that participates has to submit an online assessment that is conducted by the publication’s research partner, Healthiest Employer. Companies are then ranked and honored at an awards program for the commitment to keeping employees engaged and healthy!</p> <p><strong>The Joint Commission</strong></p> <p>The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 20,500 healthcare organizations and programs in the US. The Gold Seal designation is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards that lead to safer, more effective medical care. In 2014, Phoenix Children’s passed The Joint Commission’s triennial, unannounced survey, meeting or exceeding the Commission’s standards for providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.</p> </div> <div class="section-parent hidden-section " id="section-3"> <span class="section-header">Credo</span> <p><a href="">Mission & Values</a></p> <p>To meet the needs of our growing community, we continue to expand, adding new top physicians, world-class programs and state-of-the-art facilities.</p> <p><strong>Our Mission</strong></p> <p>We provide hope, healing and the best healthcare for children and their families.</p> <p><strong>Our Vision</strong></p> <p>Phoenix Children's will be the premier regional pediatric center in the Southwest, nationally recognized as one of the best for pediatric care, innovative research and medical education. We will:</p> <ul> <li>Offer the most comprehensive pediatric care services in the Southwest, providing a full range of services solely dedicated to children.</li> <li>Be recognized for innovative research supported by leading clinical trials of new treatment and diagnostic methods.</li> <li>Be recognized for providing advanced education and training for clinical providers.</li> <li>Be known as an effective advocate for Arizona’s children.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Our Values</strong></p> <ul> <li>Family-centered care that focuses on the needs of the child first, and values the family as an important member of the care team</li> <li>Excellence in clinical care, service and communication</li> <li>Collaboration within our institution and with others who share our mission and goals</li> <li>Leadership that sets the standard for pediatric healthcare today and innovations of the future</li> <li>Accountability to our patients, community and each other for providing the best services in the most cost-effective way</li> </ul> <p><strong>Strategic Areas of Focus</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Growth</strong>: Phoenix Children’s will grow by expanding service lines; enhancing geographic coverage; aligning with physicians, hospitals and networks; expanding research and academic programs; and improving financial performance.</li> <li><strong>Integration</strong>: Phoenix Children’s will become a clinically integrated organization aligned with physicians and organizations committed to improving quality across a full range of care while effectively managing the total cost of care.</li> <li><strong>Quality</strong>: Phoenix Children’s will identify and implement changes that continually improve clinical quality, patient safety and customer service, using evidence-based best practices.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="section-parent hidden-section " id="section-4"> <span class="section-header">Video</span> <iframe width="100%" title="premium pages" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div class="section-parent hidden-section" id="section-open-jobs"> <span class="section-header">Open Jobs</span> <div id="open-jobs-col2-section"> <a href="/jobs/21054240/" class="job-link" target="">Pediatric Geneticist</a> <div class="job-location-col2">Phoenix, Arizona</div> <a href="/jobs/21020517/" class="job-link" target="">Pediatric Oncology Hospitalist</a> <div class="job-location-col2">Phoenix, Arizona</div> <a href="/jobs/21003143/" class="job-link" target="">Pediatric Cardiologist - Heart Transplant and Advanced Heart Failure</a> <div class="job-location-col2">Phoenix, Arizona</div> <a href="/jobs/20985253/" class="job-link" target="">Inpatient Pediatric Psychiatrist - Phoenix Children's</a> <div class="job-location-col2">Phoenix, Arizona</div> </div> <div id="all-jobs-col2"> <a class="center" href="/jobs?keywords=Employer:"Phoenix%20Children%27s%20Provider%20Recruitment"OR EMPLOYER_ID:"1264273"" target="">View All 4 Jobs</a> </div> <div id="job-alert-col2-section"> Set up a <a href="/jobs?keywords=Employer:"Phoenix%20Children%27s%20Provider%20Recruitment" OR EMPLOYER_ID:"1264273"&createAlert=1&saveAs=Phoenix%20Children%27s%2C%20Provider%20Recruitment%20Job%20Postings&" target="">Job Alert</a> to be notified when Phoenix Children's, Provider Recruitment posts new jobs. </div> </div> <div class="section-parent hidden-section" id="section-company-info"></div> <a class="bti-profile-top-link" href="#profile">Back to Top</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="bti-b2r-profile-footer"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="message-dialog" style="display:none;"> <h2 id="message-title">Error</h2> <p id="message-text"></p> <p id="message-buttons"> <button id="message-close">Close</button> </p> <div id="message-session-timer"></div> <p id="message-session-buttons"> <button id="message-session-close">Continue</button> </p> </div> <noscript> <div style="z-index: 9000; height: 20px; padding:5px; background: #F00; color: #FFF; text-align: center; position: fixed; top: 0; left:0; right:0;"> You do not have JavaScript Enabled on this browser. 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