Why you can't find a library book in your search engine | Technology | The Guardian

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But thanks to a US cataloguing site, that is far from the case</div> </div> <ul id="content-actions" class="share-links trackable-component" data-component="Article:top share tools"> <li class="full-line facebook"> <span class="facebook-share"> <a class="facebook-share-btn" href=";link=;display=popup&amp;redirect_uri=;show_error=false&amp;ref=desktop" data-href="" data-link-name="Facebook Share"> <span class="facebook-share-icon"></span> <span class="facebook-share-label">Share</span> </a> </span> </li> <li class="full-line"> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-via="guardian" data-counturl="" data-related="guardiantech" data-text="Why you can't find a library book in your search engine">Tweet this</a> </li> <li class="full-line google-plus" data-link-name="Google plus"> <div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-callback="trackGPlusTop"></div> </li> <li class="full-line pinterest-pin-it" data-link-name="Pinterest"> <a href="//;media=;description=Why+you+can%27t+find+a+library+book+in+your+search+engine" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="beside" target="_blank"><img src="//"/></a> </li> <li class="full-line linked-in" data-link-name="LinkedIn"> <script type="IN/Share" data-counter="right" data-showzero="true"></script> </li> <li class="full-line email" data-link-name="email this story"> <a class="rollover send-email" href="#" title="Send to a friend"><img src="" alt="" class="trail-icon"/>Email</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="content"> <ul class="article-attributes trackable-component b4" data-component="Article:byline"> <li class="byline"> <div class="contributor-full"> <span itemscope itemprop="author" itemtype=""><span itemprop="name"><a class="contributor" rel="author" itemprop="url" href="">Wendy M Grossman</a></span></span> </div> </li> <li class="article-attributes-social-buttons"></li> <li class="publication"> <a itemprop="publisher" href="">The Guardian</a>, <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2009-01-21" pubdate>Wednesday 21 January 2009</time> </li> </ul> <div id="article-wrapper" class="trackable-component " data-component="Article:in body link"> <div id="main-content-picture" itemscope itemprop="image" itemtype=""> <img src="" width="460" height="276" alt="Library" itemprop="contentUrl representativeOfPage" data-pin-description=" Photograph: Greg Hinsdale/Corbis"/> <div class="caption" itemprop="caption"> Photograph: Greg Hinsdale/Corbis</div> </div> <div id="article-body-blocks"> <p><strong>This article was amended on Friday 30 January 2009. </strong></p><p>In the report below we misrepresented a new record use policy being promulgated by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), which aggregates library records and makes them searchable online through its WorldCat database. The policy does not, as we said, restrict <a href="" title="More from the Guardian on Libraries">libraries</a>' ability to make their own collections and records available for public search and indexing by search engines; the policy applies to WorldCat records. The article also said the OCLC shares only 3 million of its 125 million records with Google Books. In fact, the OCLC shares its full database with Google, including Google Books. The Google search algorithm determines whether or not a WorldCat record appears in a set of search results. The article quoted a claim that OCLC has tried to obstruct the growth of the website OCLC was not given the opportunity to respond to the claim and denies it. OCLC said they remain optimistic that the two organisations can work together.</p><p><hr size="1"/> </p><p>Despite the <a href="" title="More from the Guardian on Internet">internet</a>'s origins as an academic network, when it comes to finding a book, e-commerce rules. Put any book title into your favourite search engine, and the hits will be dominated by commercial sites run by retailers, publishers, even authors. But even with your postcode, you won't find the nearest library where you can borrow that book. (The exception is Google Books, and even that is limited.)</p><p>That's strange, because almost every library has an electronic database of its books - searchable either at the library's own website or via its local council. The wrinkle is that at the book level, those databases aren't accessible to the search engines; and you may not be able to search all the libraries in your area at once.</p><p><strong>Bibliographic data</strong></p><p>Yet there is an alternative that few people seem aware of: Worldcat (<a href=""></a>), which offers web access to the largest repository of bibliographic data in the world - from the 40-year-old Ohio-based non-profit Online Computer Library Center (<a href=""></a>). But Worldcat suffers from the same problem on a larger scale. OCLC shares only 3m of its 125m records with Google Books; none of them show up in an ordinary search.</p><p>You might expect forward-thinking libraries to put their databases online, to encourage people through their doors. But they can't. Even though they created the data, pay to have records added to the database and pay to download them, they can't.</p><p>In November, OCLC announced new rules covering the use of Worldcat data due to go live on 19 February.</p><p>"It's safe to say that the policy change is a direct response to Open Library," says Aaron Swartz, the founder of Open Library (<a href=""></a>), a project to give every published book its own Wikipedia-style page. "Since the beginning of Open Library, OCLC has been threatening funders, pressuring libraries not to work with us, and using tricks to try to shut us down. It didn't work - and so now this."</p><p>Open Library is one of several projects aiming to bring book data into the internet age. LibraryThing (<a href=""></a>), for example, lets users share the contents of their libraries; if you and I have favourite books in common, maybe the other books you have are ones I'd like. Under OCLC's new policy, would libraries be unable to share their data with these projects?</p><p>Karen Calhoun, the vice-president of OCLC WorldCat and metadata services, believes it's important for OCLC - whose annual revenues, as of June 2008, were $246m (&pound;175m), and which in recent years has bought several smaller commercial competitors in Europe - to be the only big kid on the block, and to ensure that "the WorldCat commons is not exhausted through over-exploitation. Protecting the commons means adopting 'some rights reserved' as the data-sharing model."</p><p>Over-exploitation, she says, would be "to have lots of these stores in different places on the web that disperse the information and we don't have a way to connect it all back up again". </p><p>Besides, Calhoun adds: "Trying to operate on web scale on behalf of libraries really does take a businesslike approach." Local libraries, she says, are too small to do their own negotiating. </p><p>Yet millions of website owners and bloggers do not negotiate with Google to have their sites crawled and available on results pages. Open Library's 1m records have open APIs and are available for download as a single data dump. There is even a plug-in for WordPress that lets bloggers automatically integrate a link to the Open Library page of any book mentioned.</p><p>"The library world is set up on this model where the library is a physical building and has a number of books and serves a geographical community," says Swartz. "Our model is find the book you're interested in and give you the metadata - and then find the best way to get it to you."</p><p>In the politely acrimonious debate that has followed OCLC's announcement, WorldCat's copyright status was raised. In the US, collections of facts don't get copyright protection. In 1998 the EU created "database right" - but individual records can't be copyrighted. Those suspicious that OCLC is attempting a power grab believe uncertainty over copyright law may be behind the new policy: if OCLC can't rely on intellectual property law, a contract - the new policy - is its only choice.</p><p>Calhoun says OCLC's legal department is still researching the copyright question, explaining that courts have in the past considered "sweat of the brow": creating a bibliographic record, she says, requires intellectual effort and judgments by trained personnel. </p><p><strong>Changing world</strong></p><p>Richard Wallis, a technology evangelist at Talis, which competes with OCLC in interlibrary lending systems in Europe, thinks OCLC's main problem is that it has not kept pace with the changing world.</p><p>"They're still stuck in the wrong business model," he says. "It was expensive, 20 or 30 years ago, to set up a large dataset and communications, editing, storing backup tapes, and so on." By now, though, "a lot of the things that made it difficult are negligible costs". Talis, he says, focuses on selling services, not access to data.</p><p>Enough people have protested for OCLC to convene a review board and delay the planned 19 February implementation. However, few expect a change of heart.</p><p>What we don't know - because we've never had the data to experiment with - is what opportunities we're being denied. The National Library of Sweden has put its entire catalogue on the web as linked data, the first effort by a national library to become part of the semantic web. It should have been the second: US Library of Congress staffer Ed Summers was told to take down his <a href="">similar experiment</a> in December. Karen Coyle, a librarian and consultant on digital libraries, says: "If library records were open access on the web, it would be possible to create bibliographies that go beyond the holdings of any one library."</p><p>She points to Kosovo, where libraries have been destroyed in generations of conflict. Open records, she says, "could create a virtual library of books published in that geographical region, which would allow scholars to study the literature and history of that area in a way that isn't possible today with our separate, physical libraries." Rob Styles, a programme manager for Talis's data services, says: "The main reason I think libraries need freedom to innovate is because we don't know what they're going to look like".</p> </div> <span class="trackable-component component-wrapper six-col" data-component="Article:below-article-embed email subscriptions:microapp email-subscriptions:Daily email subscription"> <div class="email-subscription-promo js-email-upsell b4"> <div class="email-subscription-promo__image"> <img class="js-email-upsell-image" src="" width="140" height="84" alt="Daily Email"/> </div> <span class="email-subscription-promo__close js-email-upsell-close"> <img src="" alt="close"> </span> <div class="email-subscription-promo__description"> <h4 class="email-subscription-promo__title js-email-upsell-title">Sign up for the Guardian Today</h4> <p class="email-subscription-promo__copy js-email-upsell-copy">Our editors' picks for the day's top news and commentary delivered to your inbox each morning.</p> <a 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