What is it? - NoScript: block scripts and own your browser!
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Download it now for free!" /> <meta name="category" content="software,internet,development,downloads" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@noscript" /> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@ma1" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="What is it? - NoScript: Own Your Browser!" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The NoScript Security Suite is Free Software protecting Firefox (on Android, too!), Chrome, Edge, Brave and other web browsers. Install NoScript now!" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site" content="NoScript Security Suite" /> <meta property="og:title" content="What is it? - NoScript: Own Your Browser!" /> <meta property="og:description" content="The NoScript Security Suite is Free Software protecting Firefox (on Android, too!), Chrome, Edge, Brave and other web browsers. Install NoScript now!" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Screenshot of a browser configuring site permissions with NoScript" /> <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff"> <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png"> <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest"> <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/theme.css?v=1742457801590" type="text/css" /> <script src="/js/darklight.js"></script> <title>What is it? - NoScript: block scripts and own your browser!</title> </head> <body> <a class="skip-to-content" href="#main-content">Skip to content.</a> <header> <h1>NoScript</h1> <h2>own YOUR browser!</h2> <a href="#main-menu" id="main-menu-toggle" class="menu-toggle" aria-label="Open main menu"> <span class="sr-only">Open main menu</span> <span class="btn-menu" aria-hidden="true">☰</span> </a> <a class="donate" href="/donate" title="NoScript is free software and can't exist without your help. 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