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chomp } @lines); # foo(map { my $tmp = $_; chomp $tmp; $tmp } @lines); print replace('Apples are round, and apples are juicy.', qr/apples/i, 'oranges', 'g'); # "oranges are round, and oranges are juicy." print replace('John Smith', qr/(\w+)\s+(\w+)/, '$2, $1'); # "Smith, John" my $trimmed = trim " a b c "; # "a b c" my $x = 'bar'; if (elem $x, [qw(foo bar baz)]) { ... } # executes: $x is an element of the arrayref my $contents = slurp $fh; # or: slurp *STDIN # reads all data from a filehandle into a scalar my $t = is_callable(sub {}); # true my $f = is_callable("hello"); # false eval_string('print "hello world\\n"'); # says hello eval_string('die'); # dies eval_string('{'); # throws a syntax error my $fac = rec { my ($rec, $n) = @_; $n < 2 ? 1 : $n * $rec->($n - 1) }; print $fac->(5); # 120 if ("hello, world!" =~ /(\w+), (\w+)/) { my @captured = submatches; # @captured = ("hello", "world") }</code></pre> <h1 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</h1> <p>This module defines a few generally useful utility functions. I got tired of redefining or working around them, so I wrote this module.</p> <h2 id="Functions">Functions</h2> <dl> <dt id="list2re-LIST"><a id="list2re"></a>list2re LIST</dt> <dd> <p>Converts a list of strings to a regex that matches any of the strings. Especially useful in combination with <code>keys</code>. Example:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">my $re = list2re keys %hash; $str =~ s/($re)/$hash{$1}/g;</code></pre> <p>This function takes special care to get several edge cases right:</p> <ul> <li><p>Empty list: An empty argument list results in a regex that doesn't match anything.</p> </li> <li><p>Empty string: An argument list consisting of a single empty string results in a regex that matches the empty string (and nothing else).</p> </li> <li><p>Prefixes: The input strings are sorted by descending length to ensure longer matches are tried before shorter matches. Otherwise <code>list2re('ab', 'abcd')</code> would generate <code>qr/ab|abcd/</code>, which (on its own) can never match <code>abcd</code> (because <code>ab</code> is tried first, and it always succeeds where <code>abcd</code> could).</p> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt id="byval-BLOCK-SCALAR"><a id="byval"></a>byval BLOCK SCALAR</dt> <dd> <p>Takes a code block and a value, runs the block with <code>$_</code> set to that value, and returns the final value of <code>$_</code>. The global value of <code>$_</code> is not affected. <code>$_</code> isn't aliased to the input value either, so modifying <code>$_</code> in the block will not affect the passed in value. Example:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">foo(byval { s/!/?/g } $str); # Calls foo() with the value of $str, but all '!' have been replaced by '?'. # $str itself is not modified.</code></pre> <p>Since perl 5.14 you can also use the <code>/r</code> flag:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">foo($str =~ s/!/?/gr);</code></pre> <p>But <code>byval</code> works on all versions of perl and is not limited to <code>s///</code>.</p> </dd> <dt id="mapval-BLOCK-LIST"><a id="mapval"></a>mapval BLOCK LIST</dt> <dd> <p>Works like a combination of <code>map</code> and <code>byval</code>; i.e. it behaves like <code>map</code>, but <code>$_</code> is a copy, not aliased to the current element, and the return value is taken from <code>$_</code> again (it ignores the value returned by the block). Example:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">my @foo = mapval { chomp } @bar; # @foo contains a copy of @bar where all elements have been chomp'd. # This could also be written as chomp(my @foo = @bar); but that's not # always possible.</code></pre> </dd> <dt id="submatches">submatches</dt> <dd> <p>Returns a list of the strings captured by the last successful pattern match. Normally you don't need this function because this is exactly what <code>m//</code> returns in list context. However, <code>submatches</code> also works in other contexts such as the RHS of <code>s//.../e</code>.</p> </dd> <dt id="replace-STRING,-REGEX,-REPLACEMENT,-FLAG"><a id="replace"></a><a id="replace-STRING-REGEX-REPLACEMENT-FLAG"></a>replace STRING, REGEX, REPLACEMENT, FLAG</dt> <dd> </dd> <dt id="replace-STRING,-REGEX,-REPLACEMENT"><a id="replace1"></a><a id="replace-STRING-REGEX-REPLACEMENT"></a>replace STRING, REGEX, REPLACEMENT</dt> <dd> <p>A clone of javascript's <code>String.prototype.replace</code>. It works almost the same as <code>byval { s/REGEX/REPLACEMENT/FLAG } STRING</code>, but with a few important differences. REGEX can be a string or a compiled <code>qr//</code> object. REPLACEMENT can be a string or a subroutine reference. If it's a string, it can contain the following replacement patterns:</p> <dl> <dt id="$$"><a id="pod"></a><code>$$</code></dt> <dd> <p>Inserts a '$'.</p> </dd> <dt id="$&"><a id="pod1"></a><code>$&</code></dt> <dd> <p>Inserts the matched substring.</p> </dd> <dt id="$`"><a id="pod2"></a><code>$`</code></dt> <dd> <p>Inserts the substring preceding the match.</p> </dd> <dt id="$'"><a id="pod3"></a><code>$'</code></dt> <dd> <p>Inserts the substring following the match.</p> </dd> <dt id="$N-(where-N-is-a-digit)"><a id="N-where-N-is-a-digit"></a><code>$N</code> (where <i>N</i> is a digit)</dt> <dd> <p>Inserts the substring matched by the <i>N</i>th capturing group.</p> </dd> <dt id="${N}-(where-N-is-one-or-more-digits)"><a id="N-where-N-is-one-or-more-digits"></a><code>${N}</code> (where <i>N</i> is one or more digits)</dt> <dd> <p>Inserts the substring matched by the <i>N</i>th capturing group.</p> </dd> </dl> <p>Note that these aren't variables; they're character sequences interpreted by <code>replace</code>.</p> <p>If REPLACEMENT is a subroutine reference, it's called with the following arguments: First the matched substring (like <code>$&</code> above), then the contents of the capture buffers (as returned by <code>submatches</code>), then the offset where the pattern matched (like <code>$-[0]</code>, see <a href="/pod/perlvar#%40-">"@-" in perlvar</a>), then the STRING. The return value will be inserted in place of the matched substring.</p> <p>Normally only the first occurrence of REGEX is replaced. If FLAG is present, it must be <code>'g'</code> and causes all occurrences to be replaced.</p> </dd> <dt id="trim-STRING"><a id="trim"></a>trim STRING</dt> <dd> <p>Returns <i>STRING</i> with all leading and trailing whitespace removed. Like <a href="/pod/perlfunc#length-EXPR"><code>length</code></a> it returns <code>undef</code> if the input is <code>undef</code>.</p> </dd> <dt id="elem-SCALAR,-ARRAYREF"><a id="elem"></a><a id="elem-SCALAR-ARRAYREF"></a>elem SCALAR, ARRAYREF</dt> <dd> <p>Returns a boolean value telling you whether <i>SCALAR</i> is an element of <i>ARRAYREF</i> or not. Two scalars are considered equal if they're both <code>undef</code>, if they're both references to the same thing, or if they're both not references and <code>eq</code> to each other.</p> <p>This is implemented as a linear search through <i>ARRAYREF</i> that terminates early if a match is found (i.e. <code>elem 'A', ['A', 1 .. 9999]</code> won't even look at elements <code>1 .. 9999</code>).</p> </dd> <dt id="is_callable-SCALAR"><a id="is_callable"></a>is_callable SCALAR</dt> <dd> <p>Returns a boolean value telling you whether <i>SCALAR</i> can be called as a function. This is the case if <i>SCALAR</i> is either a reference to a subroutine (such as <code>\&foo</code> or <code>sub { ... }</code>) or an object with an overloaded <code>'&{}'</code> operator (see <a href="/pod/overload#*-Dereferencing">"* <i>Dereferencing</i>" in overload</a>).</p> </dd> <dt id="eval_string-STRING"><a id="eval_string"></a>eval_string STRING</dt> <dd> <p>Evals <i>STRING</i> just like <code>eval</code> but doesn't catch exceptions. Caveat: Unlike with <code>eval</code> the code runs in an empty lexical scope:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">my $foo = "Hello, world!\n"; eval_string 'print $foo'; # Dies: Global symbol "$foo" requires explicit package name</code></pre> <p>That is, the eval'd code can't see variables from the scope of the <code>eval_string</code> call.</p> </dd> <dt id="slurp-FILEHANDLE"><a id="slurp"></a>slurp FILEHANDLE</dt> <dd> <p>Reads and returns all remaining data from <i>FILEHANDLE</i> as a string, or <code>undef</code> if it hits end-of-file. (Interaction with non-blocking filehandles is currently not well defined.)</p> <p><code>slurp $handle</code> is equivalent to <code>do { local $/; scalar readline $handle }</code>.</p> </dd> <dt id="rec-BLOCK"><a id="rec"></a>rec BLOCK</dt> <dd> <p>Creates an anonymous sub as <code>sub BLOCK</code> would, but supplies the called sub with an extra argument that can be used to recurse:</p> <pre><code class="language-perl">my $code = rec { my ($rec, $n) = @_; $rec->($n - 1) if $n > 0; print $n, "\n"; }; $code->(4);</code></pre> <p>That is, when the sub is called, an implicit first argument is passed in <code>$_[0]</code> (all normal arguments are moved one up). This first argument is a reference to the sub itself. This reference could be used to recurse directly or to register the sub as a handler in an event system, for example.</p> <p>A note on defining recursive anonymous functions: Doing this right is more complicated than it may at first appear. The most straightforward solution using a lexical variable and a closure leaks memory because it creates a reference cycle. Starting with perl 5.16 there is a <code>__SUB__</code> constant that is equivalent to <code>$rec</code> above, and this is indeed what this module uses (if available).</p> <p>However, this module works even on older perls by falling back to either weak references (if available) or a "fake recursion" scheme that dynamically instantiates a new sub for each call instead of creating a cycle. This last resort is slower than weak references but works everywhere.</p> </dd> </dl> <h1 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h1> <p>Lukas Mai, <code><l.mai at></code></p> <h1 id="COPYRIGHT-&-LICENSE"><a id="COPYRIGHT"></a><a id="COPYRIGHT-LICENSE"></a>COPYRIGHT & LICENSE</h1> <p>Copyright 2009-2011, 2013-2015, 2023-2024 Lukas Mai.</p> <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.</p> <p>See <a href=""></a> for more information.</p></div> <div id="metacpan_install-instructions-dialog" class="modal fade"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title">Module Install Instructions</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p>To install Data::Munge, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.</p> 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