Crisis Support - Chat | Lifeline

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<meta name="DC.Subject" content="Crisis Chat is an online chat service which is available to help people access support in times of crisis." /> <meta name="DC.Description" content="Crisis Chat is an online chat service which is available to help people access support in times of crisis." /> <meta name="DC.Publisher" content="Lifeline Western Melbourne" /> <meta name="DC.Type" content="text/html" /> <meta name="DC.Format" content="text/html" /> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="" /> <meta name="DC.Language" content="EN" /> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Victoria University St Albans Campus", "addressLocality": "St Albans", "addressRegion": "Victoria", "postalCode": "3021", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "logo": "", "name" : "Lifeline Western Melbourne", "telephone": "+61 1300 152 854", "url" : "", "sameAs" : [""] } 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