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CHINESE AND AMERICAN WARSHIPS TOOK TURNS FIRING ON TARGETS AT THE WORLD'S LARGEST NAVAL EXERCISES IN HAWAII THIS WEEK. KAUSHAL PATEL REPORTS."><h4>Rim Pac</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="National City death arrest" data-duration="0:46" data-id="3676628164001" data-eid="72695"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED IN THE DEATH OF A MAN WHO WAS SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES AFTER A FIGHT BROKE OUT DURING A WORLD CUP PARTY AT A NATIONAL CITY RESTAURANT LAST MONTH. DANIEL ARCE GONZALEZ WAS ARRESTED BY TIJUANA POLICE ON MONDAY IN CONNECTION WIT"><h4>National City death arrest</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: Minimum wage folly" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3676576132001" data-eid="72694"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The San Diego City Council has decided not to bother asking voters to approve a new minimum wage that businesses must pay their employees. The council's Democratic majority went ahead and did it themselves. But it is very flawed public policy. It wil"><h4>Opinion: Minimum wage folly</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: Illumina's great news" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3676580046001" data-eid="72693"><a href=""><img src="" alt="After being courted by other cities - the largest biotech company in San Diego has decided to expand locally. Illumina's decision is great news for the local economy and keeps the city moving toward the goal of having San Diego become the Silicon Val"><h4>Opinion: Illumina's great news</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: National City death arrest" data-duration="2:41" data-id="3676550031001" data-eid="72691"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED IN THE DEATH OF A MAN WHO WAS SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES AFTER A FIGHT BROKE OUT DURING A WORLD CUP PARTY AT A NATIONAL CITY RESTAURANT LAST MONTH. DANIEL ARCE GONZALEZ WAS ARRESTED BY TIJUANA POLICE ON MONDAY IN CONNECTION WIT"><h4>U-T TV: National City death arrest</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The great Min. wage debate" data-duration="4:16" data-id="3676490868001" data-eid="72688"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SAN DIEGO'S MINIMUM WAGE IS SCHEDULED TO INCREASE AS OF JAN. 1 FOLLOWING EXPEDITED ACTION BY THE SAN DIEGO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY NIGHT. THE COUNCIL OPTED TO PASS THE PAY RAISE ITSELF AND NOT SEEK VOTER APPROVAL AS ORIGINALLY PROPOSED. BUT THE DEBATE AN"></div><h4>The great Min. wage debate</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Median home prices rises" data-duration="1:15" data-id="3676452275001" data-eid="72683"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE MEDIAN PRICE FOR A HOME IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROSE TO $450,000 IN JUNE, A NEARLY SEVEN-YEAR HIGH DESPITE A SLOWING HOUSING MARKET. THE NEW MEDIAN PRICE WAS UP $10,000 FROM MAY, REAL-ESTATE TRACKER DATAQUICK REPORTED TUESDAY, AS ACTIVITY TICKED UP I"></div><h4>Median home prices rises</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Taylor Time" data-duration="4:23" data-id="3676317767001" data-eid="72676"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Today on Taylor Time - we have more great tips on how to get the body you'll want to show off this summer - Our expert trainer Kyle Rogers is back to show you how to train and eat - to maximize your results- while minimizing your time and efforts..."></div><h4>Taylor Time</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: Man dead after Sunset Cliffs fall" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3676242916001" data-eid="72671"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A man is dead - after falling from the cliffs near La-der-a Street and Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. It happened around 4 this morning - the victim died at the scene. His name has not been released."></div><h4>U-T TV: Man dead after Sunset Cliffs fall</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Local hospitals get national rankings" data-duration="2:30" data-id="3676287276001" data-eid="72668"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SEVERAL LOCAL HOSPITALS RECEIVED A TOTAL OF 20 NATIONAL RANKINGS IN THE LATEST " best hospitals" edition of u.s. news & world report which was published online monday night. the report examines about 5,000 hospitals across the nation by"></div><h4>Local hospitals get national rankings</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: The real World" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3676128194001" data-eid="72664"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The argument for increasing the minimum wage is that it helps boost people out of poverty. Business can absorb the increased cost without laying people off. That’s the argument anyway. Let’s look at the real world. A statewide increase in the minimum"></div><h4>Opinion: The real World</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:53" data-id="3676107535001" data-eid="72663"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Man falls from Sunset Cliffs" data-duration="0:24" data-id="3676039026001" data-eid="72658"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A MAN IS DEAD AFTER HE LOST HIS FOOTING AND FELL AT SUNSET CLIFFS... PLUNGING 50-FEET TO THE BEACH BELOW."></div><h4>Man falls from Sunset Cliffs</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Minimum wage will increase" data-duration="0:42" data-id="3676039030001" data-eid="72657"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THOUSANDS OF SAN DIEGO WORKERS GOT A BIG PAY RAISE MONDAY NIGHT FROM THE CITY COUNCIL, WHICH VOTED TO INCREASE THE CITY'S MINIMUM WAGE TO $11.50 AN HOUR BY JANUARY 20-17."></div><h4>Minimum wage will increase</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Migrant bill supported by locals" data-duration="0:29" data-id="3675973566001" data-eid="72656"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THREE LOCAL LAWMAKERS ARE SPONSORING A BILL THAT WOULD ALLOW FOR THE IMMEDIATE RETURN OF CHILDREN FROM CENTRAL AMERICA WHO CROSSED INTO THE U-S ILLEGALLY WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS."></div><h4>Migrant bill supported by locals</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Water regulations considered" data-duration="0:26" data-id="3676043774001" data-eid="72655"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="STATE REGULATORS WILL CONSIDER ORDERING TOUGH WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES BECAUSE OF SEVERE DROUGHT CONDITIONS TODAY."></div><h4>Water regulations considered</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rescued family suing phone co." data-duration="0:39" data-id="3676043778001" data-eid="72654"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A SAN DIEGO COUPLE WHO MADE NATIONAL NEWS IN APRIL WHEN THEY WERE RESCUED ABOUT A THOUSAND MILES OFF THE COAST OF MEXICO IS SUING A SATELLITE PHONE COMPANY FOR THEIR LOSSES."></div><h4>Rescued family suing phone co.</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name=""Cross Border Xpress" to open in 2015" data-duration="0:29" data-id="3676039036001" data-eid="72653"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A BRIDGE LINKING SAN DIEGO WITH TIJUANA'S INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IS EXPECTED TO OPEN NEXT SUMMER."></div><h4>"Cross Border Xpress" to open in 2015</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Higher minimum wage approved" data-duration="2:15" data-id="3675692617001" data-eid="72652"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THOUSANDS OF SAN DIEGO WORKERS GOT A BIG PAY RAISE MONDAY NIGHT FROM THE CITY COUNCIL, WHICH VOTED 6-3 TO INCREASE THE CITY'S MINIMUM WAGE TO $11.50 AN HOUR BY JANUARY 20-17."></div><h4>Higher minimum wage approved</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:47" data-id="3675669009001" data-eid="72651"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="TODAY IS ALL-STAR TUESDAY... THE NATIONAL AND AMERICAN LEAGUE WILL TAKE THE FIELD AGAINST EACH OTHER AT TARGET FIELD IN MINNEAPOLIS. CHARGERS TRAINING CAMP STARTS IN A LITTLE MORE THAN A WEEK, AND ON THE OFFENSIVE LINE THE PLAYER TO WATCH IS JEROME"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Opinion: Teachers vs. Obama" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3674971267001" data-eid="72637"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ON SUNDAY -- THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS CALLED ON PRESIDENT OBAMA TO FIRE EDUCATION SECRETARY ARNE DUNCAN UNLESS HIS PERFORMANCE IMPROVED. THAT WASN'T QUITE AS HARSH AS THE OTHER LARGE TEACHERS UNION -- THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION --"></div><h4>Opinion: Teachers vs. Obama</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: Oceanside homicide verdict" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3674881190001" data-eid="72634" data-link_url="" data-link_text="Man guilty of killing girlfriend as kids slept nearby"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="HELLO, I'M LUIS CRUZ WITH THIS NEWS UPDATE. AN OCEANSIDE MAN ACCUSED OF SLASHING HIS ESTRANGED GIRLFRIEND'S THROAT AND THEN HIDING HER BODY UNDER A BED CLOSE TO WHERE THEIR CHILDREN WERE SLEEPING... WAS FOUND GUILTY MONDAY OF FIRST-DEGREE MURDER."></div><h4>U-T TV: Oceanside homicide verdict</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Taylor Time" data-duration="1:37" data-id="3674863111001" data-eid="72632"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Today on Taylor Time - we're revealing ground-breaking research - in the battle against Alzhimers.. a deadly disease that plagues more than 5 million Americans. In fact, every 67 seconds - someone in the U-S develops Alzhimers."></div><h4>Taylor Time</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Chargers</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Position By Position Defensive Line" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3674433506001" data-eid="72606"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position Defensive Line- Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers defensive line."><h4>Position By Position Defensive Line</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers and prep all stars come together" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3671485835001" data-eid="72571"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The Spanos All Star Classic brought together the best graduating football players in San Diego county and the Chargers."><h4>Chargers and prep all stars come together</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Position by Position WR's and TE's" data-duration="1:59" data-id="3671014537001" data-eid="72537"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position WRs and TEs- Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers wide receivers and tight ends."><h4>Position by Position WR's and TE's</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Position by Position Offensive Line" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3666709021001" data-eid="72425"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position Offensive Line- Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers offensive line."><h4>Position by Position Offensive Line</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Position by Position Running Backs" data-duration="1:39" data-id="3663257761001" data-eid="72318"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position Running Backs - Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers running backs."><h4>Position by Position Running Backs</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Position by Position QB's" data-duration="1:59" data-id="3657671157001" data-eid="72230"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position quarterbacks - Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers quarterbacks."><h4>Position by Position QB's</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Brandon Flowers bolsters CB spot" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3642203845001" data-eid="71887"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Brandon Flowers signing with the Chargers makes their secondary a defensive strength."></div><h4>Brandon Flowers bolsters CB spot</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Attaochu transitioning to NFL" data-duration="1:41" data-id="3642047723001" data-eid="71870"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Jerry Attaochu is learning the ropes and transitioning into the NFL."></div><h4>Attaochu transitioning to NFL</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Flowers" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3630414374001" data-eid="71648"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Flowers"></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Flowers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers mini camp preview" data-duration="3:30" data-id="3625563714001" data-eid="71532"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the team's upcoming mandatory mini-camp."></div><h4>Chargers mini camp preview</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="LT gives back with charity race" data-duration="1:48" data-id="3622945329001" data-eid="71492"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The LT 5K is a chance for Charger fans to hang out with LaDainian Tomlinson and help out a good cause."></div><h4>LT gives back with charity race</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Gates" data-duration="1:41" data-id="3616312298001" data-eid="71280"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Gates"></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Practice Report - Gates</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="In the ring with D.J. Fluker" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3610294560001" data-eid="71179"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="In the ring with D.J. Fluker"></div><h4>In the ring with D.J. Fluker</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Practice Report - OTAs" data-duration="2:56" data-id="3602294087001" data-eid="70928"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken with latest from Chargers OTAs."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Practice Report - OTAs</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers begin voluntary OTAs" data-duration="2:24" data-id="3591388439001" data-eid="70670"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken on the first day of voluntary OTAs."></div><h4>Chargers begin voluntary OTAs</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers Voluntary OTAs Preview" data-duration="2:34" data-id="3587786949001" data-eid="70600"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Chargers Voluntary OTAs Preview"></div><h4>Chargers Voluntary OTAs Preview</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Malcom Floyd Returns" data-duration="3:00" data-id="3583195590001" data-eid="70526"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Chargers wide receiver Malcom Floyd will play in 2014 despite suffering a near career-ending injury last season against the Eagles in Week Two."></div><h4>Malcom Floyd Returns</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rookie Mini Camp Preview" data-duration="2:46" data-id="3568862165001" data-eid="70161"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken preview the Chargers 2014 rookie mini camp."></div><h4>Rookie Mini Camp Preview</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Tweets Kevin Gets" data-duration="3:45" data-id="3567141722001" data-eid="70136"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Tweets Kevin Gets"></div><h4>Tweets Kevin Gets</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis - Draft Recap" data-duration="3:49" data-id="3557086307001" data-eid="69965"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Charers beat writer Michael Gehlken recap the Chargers 2014 draft."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis - Draft Recap</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers add Chris Watt to OL" data-duration="0:37" data-id="3551716506001" data-eid="69947"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Chargers add Chris Watt to OL"></div><h4>Chargers add Chris Watt to OL</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bolts move up for Attaochu" data-duration="0:52" data-id="3551750867001" data-eid="69946"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Bolts Move up for Attaochu"></div><h4>Bolts move up for Attaochu</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Draft Insider - Locals" data-duration="3:80" data-id="3550392077001" data-eid="69900"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T mock draft expert Eddie Brown break down local NFL prospects and where they might go in the 2014 draft."></div><h4>Draft Insider - Locals</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Acee Gehlken Analysis - Jason Verrett" data-duration="2:58" data-id="3549134574001" data-eid="69883"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T sports columnist Kevin Acee and U-T Chargers beat writer Michael Gehlken break down the Chargers 2014 first round draft pick, Jason Verrett."></div><h4>Acee Gehlken Analysis - Jason Verrett</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Sports</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="World junior golf championships in SD" data-duration="1:33" data-id="3676497357001" data-eid="72692"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Kids of all ages participated in the Junior World Golf Championships across San Diego."><h4>World junior golf championships in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:47" data-id="3675669009001" data-eid="72651"><a href=""><img src="" alt="TODAY IS ALL-STAR TUESDAY... THE NATIONAL AND AMERICAN LEAGUE WILL TAKE THE FIELD AGAINST EACH OTHER AT TARGET FIELD IN MINNEAPOLIS. CHARGERS TRAINING CAMP STARTS IN A LITTLE MORE THAN A WEEK, AND ON THE OFFENSIVE LINE THE PLAYER TO WATCH IS JEROME"><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Street an All-Star" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3674779016001" data-eid="72629"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Huston Street was named an all star and will pitch in Tyson Ross' place."><h4>Street an All-Star</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Del Mar dirt track preparations" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3674655175001" data-eid="72625"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Richard Tedesco is making sure the dirt track is ready for opening day."><h4>Del Mar dirt track preparations</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Del Mar preparing turf course" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3674635611001" data-eid="72624"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Del Mar's new turf course is being prepared for opening day."><h4>Del Mar preparing turf course</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Position By Position Defensive Line" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3674433506001" data-eid="72606"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Position by Position Defensive Line- Kevin Acee and Michael Gehlken talk Chargers defensive line."><h4>Position By Position Defensive Line</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:53" data-id="3674096239001" data-eid="72596"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="GERMANY WON ITS FOURTH WORLD CUP AFTER A TENSE ONE TO ZERO VICTORY OVER ARGENTINA. THE ANNUAL OVER THE LINE TOURNAMENT FEATURES MORE THAN12-HUNDRED TEAMS COMPETING IN TEN DIVISIONS. MONEY RAISED FROM THE TOURNAMENT GOES TO CHARITY."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chargers and prep all stars come together" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3671485835001" data-eid="72571"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Spanos All Star Classic brought together the best graduating football players in San Diego county and the Chargers."></div><h4>Chargers and prep all stars come together</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="OTL Tournament Founder Mike Curren" data-duration="1:70" data-id="3671571817001" data-eid="72570"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="OTL Tournament Founder Mike Curren"></div><h4>OTL Tournament Founder Mike Curren</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="King James going home" data-duration="0:27" data-id="3670694188001" data-eid="72527"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A PHOTO ON HIS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT SHOWS JAMES IN A CAVALIERS JERSEY WITH THE WORDS " i'm coming home". james is returning to cleveland four years after leaving the team for the miami heat. james spent the first seven years of his nba career in clevelan"></div><h4>King James going home</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3670134331001" data-eid="72519"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE COURT BATTLE BETWEEN L-A CLIPPERS OWNER DONALD STERLING AND HIS ESTRANGED WIFE OVER THE FUTURE OF THE TEAM IS ON HOLD FOR A FEW DAYS. THE TWO TEAMS IN THE WORLD CUP FINAL HIT THE FIELD ON SUNDAY... AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PREDICTION YET ON WHO"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Chrome not coming to Del Mar" data-duration="0:44" data-id="3669493421001" data-eid="72512"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="California Chrome won't be making an appearance at Del Mar."></div><h4>Chrome not coming to Del Mar</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Canelo Alvarez trains for Lara in SD" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3668720733001" data-eid="72498"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Canelo Alvarez feels comfortable and happy training for his next big fight in San Diego."></div><h4>Canelo Alvarez trains for Lara in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="New tracks at Del Mar" data-duration="0:39" data-id="3668315443001" data-eid="72484"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Del Mar renovated its dirt and turf tracks."></div><h4>New tracks at Del Mar</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3667659236001" data-eid="72460"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="DONALD STERLING TOOK THE STAND IN HIS EFFORT TO KEEP OWNERSHIP OF THE CLIPPERS. WE NOW THE MATCH-UP FOR THE WORLD CUP FINAL.. IT'S ARGENTINA TAKING ON GERMANY."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:56" data-id="3665904397001" data-eid="72397"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="L-A CLIPPERS OWNER DONALD STERLING IS EXPECTED TO TAKE THE STAND AGAIN TODAY IN A COURT CASE TO TRY AND BLOCK HIS WIFE FROM SELLING THE TEAM. THE TEAMS IN THE SECOND SEMI-FINAL OF THE WORLD CUP HIT THE FIELD TODAY AS THE NETHERLANDS TAKES ON"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:52" data-id="3664191431001" data-eid="72341"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE CHARGERS WILL OPEN TRAINING CAMP FOR THE SEASON ON JULY 24TH AT CHARGERS PARK. TODAY ITS A MEETING OF THE HEAVYWEIGHTS IN SOCCER AS BRAZIL AND GERMANY FACE OFF IN THE WORLD CUP SEMI-FINALS. NO TWO COUNTRIES HAVE PLAYED MORE WORLD CUP GAMES THAN"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3662614746001" data-eid="72293"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="L-A CLIPPERS OWNERS DONALD STERLING AND HIS ESTRANGED WIFE SHELLY FACE-OFF IN COURT TODAY OVER THE SALE OF THE TEAM. IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS...LEBRON JAMES IS EXPECTED TO MEET WITH MIAMI HEAT'S PRESIDENT PAT RILEY ABOUT HIS FUTURE."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:52" data-id="3656923934001" data-eid="72207"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="KENTUCKY DERBY AND PREAKNESS WINNER CALIFORNIA CHROME COULD START TRAINING AGAIN IN AUGUST FOR A POSSIBLE BREDERS' CUP PREP RACE AT LOS ALAMITOS. MURRAY LOST IN THE QUARTERFINALS. IT WAS JUST A YEAR AGO THAT MURRAY ENDED THE 77-YEAR WAIT FOR"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3654968021001" data-eid="72145"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IT WAS A HARDFOUGHT GAME... WITH BOTH TEAMS FAILING TO SCORE THEN IN OVERTIME... BELGIUM FOUND THE BACK OF THE NET IN THE 93RD AND 105TH MINUTE. TEAM U-S-A'S JULIAN GREENE GOT ONE WITH HIS FIRST-EVER GOAL IN A WORLD CUP GAME IN THE 107TH MINUTE."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:57" data-id="3653369798001" data-eid="72088"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Sports Headlines"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3646322813001" data-eid="71980"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IN AN EMOTIONAL MEMORIAL... FANS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY SAID GOODBYE TO TONY GWYNN AT PETCO PARK. CONGRATULATIONS TO FORMER SAN DIEGO STATE PLAYER XAVIER THAMES.. WHO WAS TAKEN 59TH OVERALL IN THE N-B-A DRAFT. THAMES WAS DRAFTED BY THE TORONTO RAPTORS"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="0:42" data-id="3644159659001" data-eid="71924"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="GWYNN DIED 10 DAYS AGO AT THE AGE OF 54 FOLLOWING A LONG BATTLE WITH CANCER. THE PADRES SAY TONIGHT'S EVENT WILL CELEBRATE THE HALL OF FAMER'S LIFE... ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TEAM... SAN DIEGO AND THE SPORT OF BASEBALL."></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Sports Headlines" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3641666906001" data-eid="71861"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="URUGUAYAN STAR PLAYER LUIS SUAREZ IS NOW UNDER INVESTIGATION AFTER ALLEGEDLY BITING AN ITALIAN PLAYER ON THE SHOULDER. MEANWHILE THE U-S IS PREPARING FOR IT'S SHOWDOWN WITH GERMANY ON THURSDAY. THEIR LAST GAME AGAINST PORTUGAL ENDED IN A BITTERSWEET"></div><h4>Sports Headlines</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>News</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: National City death arrest" data-duration="2:41" data-id="3676550031001" data-eid="72691"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A SUSPECT HAS BEEN ARRESTED IN THE DEATH OF A MAN WHO WAS SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES AFTER A FIGHT BROKE OUT DURING A WORLD CUP PARTY AT A NATIONAL CITY RESTAURANT LAST MONTH. DANIEL ARCE GONZALEZ WAS ARRESTED BY TIJUANA POLICE ON MONDAY IN CONNECTION WIT"><h4>U-T TV: National City death arrest</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: Man dead after Sunset Cliffs fall" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3676242916001" data-eid="72671"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A man is dead - after falling from the cliffs near La-der-a Street and Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. It happened around 4 this morning - the victim died at the scene. His name has not been released."><h4>U-T TV: Man dead after Sunset Cliffs fall</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Local hospitals get national rankings" data-duration="2:30" data-id="3676287276001" data-eid="72668"><a href=""><img src="" alt="SEVERAL LOCAL HOSPITALS RECEIVED A TOTAL OF 20 NATIONAL RANKINGS IN THE LATEST " best hospitals" edition of u.s. news & world report which was published online monday night. the report examines about 5,000 hospitals across the nation by"><h4>Local hospitals get national rankings</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Higher minimum wage approved" data-duration="2:15" data-id="3675692617001" data-eid="72652"><a href=""><img src="" alt="THOUSANDS OF SAN DIEGO WORKERS GOT A BIG PAY RAISE MONDAY NIGHT FROM THE CITY COUNCIL, WHICH VOTED 6-3 TO INCREASE THE CITY'S MINIMUM WAGE TO $11.50 AN HOUR BY JANUARY 20-17."><h4>Higher minimum wage approved</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: Oceanside homicide verdict" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3674881190001" data-eid="72634" data-link_url="" data-link_text="Man guilty of killing girlfriend as kids slept nearby"><a href=""><img src="" alt="HELLO, I'M LUIS CRUZ WITH THIS NEWS UPDATE. AN OCEANSIDE MAN ACCUSED OF SLASHING HIS ESTRANGED GIRLFRIEND'S THROAT AND THEN HIDING HER BODY UNDER A BED CLOSE TO WHERE THEIR CHILDREN WERE SLEEPING... WAS FOUND GUILTY MONDAY OF FIRST-DEGREE MURDER."><h4>U-T TV: Oceanside homicide verdict</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Police dog machete attack" data-duration="1:53" data-id="3674648878001" data-eid="72622"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A 21-year-old man who wounded a police dog - was shot and killed by police in City Heights late Sunday night. Police were called to a home on Men-lo Avenue around 10 pm - where a man threatened to kill family members with a knife. He then retrieved"><h4>Police dog machete attack</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="SDPD losing officers" data-duration="3:20" data-id="3674611573001" data-eid="72619"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IT'S A PROBLEM CITY OFFICIALS AND THE SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT HAVE BEEN WARNING ABOUT FOR SOME TIME, MORE THAN 160 OFFICERS HAVE QUIT OR RETIRED FROM THE FORCE SINCE JUNE. EACH NEW RECRUIT COSTS THE CITY ALMOST 200-THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE FIRS"></div><h4>SDPD losing officers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Hiking minimum wage proposal" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3674058093001" data-eid="72597"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="TODAY THE SAN DIEGO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE DISCUSSING A PROPOSAL TO RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE. COUNCIL PRESIDENT TODD GLORIA'S PLAN WOULD INCREASE PAY TO 11-DOLLARS AND 50-CENTS AN HOUR OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS. IT WOULD ALSO WOULD REQUIRE EMPLOYERS TO"></div><h4>Hiking minimum wage proposal</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Surf Dogs in Imperial Beach" data-duration="1:80" data-id="3673416651001" data-eid="72592"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="More than 50 dogs and their two-legged best friends made a splash in the 2014 Unleashed by Petco Surf Dog Competition near the Imperial Beach Pier, Sunday July 13th."></div><h4>Surf Dogs in Imperial Beach</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Camp offers hope and healing" data-duration="2:42" data-id="3672453577001" data-eid="72583"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Camp Good Grief, TAPS"></div><h4>Camp offers hope and healing</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="History of Surf in SD" data-duration="4:43" data-id="3671448453001" data-eid="72566"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="How surf and beach culture shaped San Diego."></div><h4>History of Surf in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Ron Haskell collapses in court" data-duration="3:47" data-id="3671003007001" data-eid="72536"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="YOU CAN SEE RONALD LEE HASKELL SLUMP DOWN AS SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES GRAB ONTO HIM. HE HAD TO BE HELPED UP AND WAS THEN PLACED HIM IN A CHAIR AND ROLLED OUT OF THE COURTROOM. AUTHORITIES SAY HASKELL SHOT AND KILLED HIS SISTER IN LAW, HER HUSBAND AND 4 O"></div><h4>Ron Haskell collapses in court</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="King James going home" data-duration="0:27" data-id="3670694188001" data-eid="72527"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A PHOTO ON HIS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT SHOWS JAMES IN A CAVALIERS JERSEY WITH THE WORDS " i'm coming home". james is returning to cleveland four years after leaving the team for the miami heat. james spent the first seven years of his nba career in clevelan"></div><h4>King James going home</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Migrant flights stopped" data-duration="1:58" data-id="3670155019001" data-eid="72520"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE BORDER PATROL HAS STOPPED THE FLIGHTS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM CENTRAL AMERICA INTO SAN DIEGO. THE FLIGHTS WERE LAUNCHED AFTER BORDER PATROL FACILITIES WERE OVERWHELMED AS A SURGE OF CENTRAL AMERICANS ARRIVED AT THE U-S BORDER IN TEXAS BUT"></div><h4>Migrant flights stopped</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Local ties to Texas massacre" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3668770159001" data-eid="72496" data-link_url="" data-link_text="Local ties to Texas family's slayings"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="I'M LUIS CRUZ WITH THIS NEWS UPDATE.... A SUSPECTED GUNMAN ACCUSED OF KILLING FOUR CHILDREN AND 2 ADULTS HAS TIES TO SAN DIEGO. AUTHORITIES SAY 33-YEAR-OLD, RONALD LEE HASKELL FROM ESCONDIDO...SHOT TO DEATH FOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS, STEPHEN"></div><h4>Local ties to Texas massacre</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Juvenile started Cocos fire" data-duration="3:40" data-id="3668324694001" data-eid="72483"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ATTORNEY DEANNE ARTHUR JOINS ME IN STUDIO WITH MORE ON THIS CASE WE REALLY HAVE NO INFORMATION ON THIS JUVENILE? CAN YOU TALK ABOUT THE JUVENILE COURT SYSTEM... HOW IS A JUVENILE CHARGED AS OPPOSED TO AN ADULT WITH ARSON AND DAMAGES--IS IT LIKELY"></div><h4>Juvenile started Cocos fire</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Migrant flights cancelled" data-duration="2:32" data-id="3667659215001" data-eid="72459"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="FLIGHTS OF CENTRAL AMERICAN MIGRANTS INTO SAN DIEGO HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK. SINCE LAST WEEK THERE HAVE BEEN THREE FLIGHTS INTO LINDBERGH FIELD WITH FLIGHTS PLANNED EVERY THREE DAYS. MURRIETTA POLICE SAY THEY WERE TOLD BY THE"></div><h4>Migrant flights cancelled</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Jailed marine vet faces judge" data-duration="2:14" data-id="3666855513001" data-eid="72431"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="This was the first time - 25-year-old Andrew Tahmooressi - explained to a federal judge- how he came to drive into the country- by mistake on March 31st - with three fire-arms in his truck. Tahmooressi arrived from 'El Hongo State Penitentiary' - eas"></div><h4>Jailed marine vet faces judge</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Marine Vet faces judge" data-duration="0:55" data-id="3666516487001" data-eid="72418"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="For the first time - a marine vet jailed in Mexico- for more than three months on weapons charges... will tell his story to a judge. Here's look at 25-year-old - Andrew Tahmooressi - arriving to court this morning. Tahmooressi says- he accidentially"></div><h4>Marine Vet faces judge</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Navy's Newest Supergun" data-duration="2:10" data-id="3666493462001" data-eid="72417"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE NAVY IS SHOWING OFF A PAIR OF EXPERIMENTAL GUNS THAT MAKE IT CHEAPER, EASIER AND SAFER FOR A WARSHIP TO KNOCK DOWN MISSILES AND AIRCRAFT. U-T REPORTER GARY ROBBINS SAW THE TWO DIFFERENT PROTOTYPES OF THE RAIL GUN FIRSTHAND AND JOINS ME"></div><h4>Navy's Newest Supergun</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Marine Vet faces judge" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3665904396001" data-eid="72398"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A MARINE VET JAILED IN MEXICO FOR MORE THAN THREE MONTHS ON WEAPONS CHARGES IS EXPECTED TO TELL HIS STORY TO A JUDGE FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS MORNING."></div><h4>Marine Vet faces judge</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Obama seeks emergency fund" data-duration="2:17" data-id="3665003162001" data-eid="72374"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE MAN ACCUSED OF FATALLY BEATING HIS EMPLOYER...A PROMINENT SAN DIEGO ARCHITECT WAS SENTENCED TO 15 YEARS TO LIFE IN PRISON. U-T'S DANA LITTLEFIELD WAS IN THE COURTROOM AND HAS THIS REPORT."></div><h4>Obama seeks emergency fund</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T TV: Obama headed to Texas" data-duration="0:52" data-id="3664838958001" data-eid="72364"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The White House has announced - President Obama will meet with Texas Governor Rick Perry tomorrow - to talk about the immigration crisis- that's hit Texas and has affected San Diego."></div><h4>U-T TV: Obama headed to Texas</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Emergency Funding Breakdown" data-duration="4:50" data-id="3664777339001" data-eid="72361"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="THE WHITE HOUSE HAS ANNOUNCED PRESIDENT OBAMA WILL MEET WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY TOMORROW TO TALK ABOUT THE IMMIGRATION CRISIS THAT'S HIT TEXAS AND IN TURN AFFECTED SAN DIEGO."></div><h4>Emergency Funding Breakdown</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Entertainment</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:27" data-id="3676157430001" data-eid="72666"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Entertainment Minute"><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Fashion Minute" data-duration="1:21" data-id="3671448403001" data-eid="72563"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Fashion Minute"><h4>Fashion Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:31" data-id="3668226813001" data-eid="72474"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Entertainment Minute"><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This Weekend (July 10 - 13)" data-duration="1:31" data-id="3668129631001" data-eid="72464"><a href=""><img src="" alt="San Diego: This Weekend (July 10 - 13)"><h4>San Diego: This Weekend (July 10 - 13)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Live from the 4th: Switchfoot" data-duration="2:53" data-id="3667087625001" data-eid="72449"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Live from the 4th: Switchfoot"><h4>Live from the 4th: Switchfoot</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3666397541001" data-eid="72412"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Entertainment Minute"><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:17" data-id="3664782795001" data-eid="72360"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The U-T's Amber Meskar gives us the scoop on today's Hollywood Headlines."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Hollywood Headlines" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3653971942001" data-eid="72109"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Hollywood Headlines"></div><h4>Hollywood Headlines</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="0:58" data-id="3651944963001" data-eid="72049"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="0:58" data-id="3651980494001" data-eid="72046"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ACTOR MESHACH TAYLOR DIED LATE SATURDAY AT HIS LOS ANGELES-AREA HOME. THE 67-YEAR-OLD HAD BEEN BATTLING A TERMINAL ILLNESS. TAYLOR WAS BEST KNOW FOR HIS ROLES IN " designing women" and "mannequin." miley cyrus has a new puppy!"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego: This weekend (June 26 - 30)" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3644592972001" data-eid="71949"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="San Diego: This weekend (June 26 - 30)"></div><h4>San Diego: This weekend (June 26 - 30)</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3644540251001" data-eid="71940"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="CHRIS BROWN WALKED INTO A D.C. COURTROOM WEDNESDAY AND REJECTED A PLEA DEAL IN HIS ASSAULT CASE. THE DEAL WOULD HAVE KEPT BROWN OUT OF PRISON IN EXCHANGE FOR A GUILTY PLEA. BUT IT REPORTEDLY FELL APART WHEN THE SINGER COULDN'T AGREE WITH THE TERMS"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3642368395001" data-eid="71898"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="ACCORDING TO THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER YOU WILL BE SEEING ALOT MORE OF RYAN SEACREST. HE AGREED TO A ONE-YEAR DEAL WITH NBCUNIVERSAL TO HOST THE RED CARPET AWARDS SHOWS IN 2015. HE ALSO SIGNED A DEAL WITH CBS TO HOST AND PRODUCE THE LIVE SPECIAL"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3637829591001" data-eid="71772"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:90" data-id="3633956216001" data-eid="71710"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3631696768001" data-eid="71667"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3629965757001" data-eid="71632"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3627662591001" data-eid="71577"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3625514074001" data-eid="71531"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:23" data-id="3621661943001" data-eid="71449"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3619595370001" data-eid="71379"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3617894561001" data-eid="71318"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A SUSPECT IS CHARGED WITH BURGLARY, STALKING AND POSSESION OF A MACHINE GUN AFTER BREAKING INTO SANDRA BULLOCK'S HOME. AND JENNY FROM THE BLOCK ISN'T GOING TO DISAPPOINT SOCCER FANS. HERE'S AMBER MESKAR WITH MORE HOLLYWOOD HEADLINES..."></div><h4>Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3616153303001" data-eid="71271"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="U-T Entertainment Minute" data-duration="1:12" data-id="3613909452001" data-eid="71218"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U-T Entertainment Minute"></div><h4>U-T Entertainment Minute</h4></a></li></ul></div><div class="ad-and-callout fourteen columns"><div class="video-ad-wrap"><div class="left"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="192x90_1" data-size="192x90"></div></div><div class="ad-wrap left"><div class="ad-728x90"><div id="dfp_728x90_1" data-slot="728x90_1" data-size="728x90"><script type="text/javascript">googletag.display('dfp_728x90_1');</script></div></div></div><div class="left"><div data-plugin="lazyad" data-slot="192x90_2" data-size="192x90"></div></div></div></div><h2>Features</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="History of Surf in SD" data-duration="4:43" data-id="3671448453001" data-eid="72566"><a href=""><img src="" alt="How surf and beach culture shaped San Diego."><h4>History of Surf in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Life on a carrier" data-duration="7:52" data-id="3658072576001" data-eid="72251"><a href=""><img src="" alt="A day aboard the San Diego based Aircraft Carrier Carl Vinson"><h4>Life on a carrier</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Afghanistan security in question" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3657917550001" data-eid="72241"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Afghanistan security in question"><h4>Afghanistan security in question</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Special Tribute: Tony Gwynn remembered" data-duration="15:00" data-id="3642577410001" data-eid="71913"><a href=""><img src="" alt="U-T San Diego sports writers recall their favotire memories of Tony Gwynn."><h4>Special Tribute: Tony Gwynn remembered</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Turmoil in Iraq hits home" data-duration="4:26" data-id="3637489738001" data-eid="71764"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Termoil in Iraq hits home"><h4>Turmoil in Iraq hits home</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Normal Heights Diversity" data-duration="3:60" data-id="3621662014001" data-eid="71450"><a href=""><img src="" alt="In- Depth story about Normal Heights Diversity and demographics."><h4>Normal Heights Diversity</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The state of Afghanistan" data-duration="1:46" data-id="3547868818001" data-eid="69861"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A look back at the war and the state of Afghanistan as the U.S. plans to cease almost all combat operations there by year’s end."></div><h4>The state of Afghanistan</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Farewell To Connie" data-duration="20:36" data-id="3431367718001" data-eid="68452"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="It was a city within a city. For 41 years, the carrier Constellation — home to as many as 5,500 sailors — operated out of San Diego Bay, where its island became part of the city’s skyline. More than 160,000 men and women served on " connie" during a p"></div><h4>Farewell To Connie</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="The Cobbler" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3171534512001" data-eid="65893"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Cobbler"></div><h4>The Cobbler</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Geeks who drink" data-duration="2:60" data-id="3083199388001" data-eid="65253"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="On Tuesdays at 8pm at The South Park Abbey, Geeks Who Drink trivia night draws a crowd of big-brained fun. It's social, smart, and even a bit rowdy."></div><h4>Geeks who drink</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le" data-duration="22:30" data-id="2977418598001" data-eid="64596"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le"></div><h4>Life After the Typhoon By Nelvin C. Cepeda & Kristina Le</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="An American Christmas" data-duration="2:34" data-id="2957070916001" data-eid="64519"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Each year at the Hotel Del Coronado, Lamb's Players Theatre hosts " an american christmas", a 5 course dinner and interactive experience with the marshall family and their friends, 100 years in the past."></div><h4>An American Christmas</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Behind the Freak Show" data-duration="3:90" data-id="2902580669001" data-eid="64034"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="La Jolla Playhouse has taken its makeup and costuming to a new level for their original production of " side show""></div><h4>Behind the Freak Show</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Warmth, Finally" data-duration="6:58" data-id="2855022972001" data-eid="63532"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Seventy years ago, Zane Gemmill entered WWII at the age of 19 as a B17 radio operator. He survived 50 combat missions and never shared the details with his family. At 65 years of age, his daugter Maureen read his journal, and discovered her father."></div><h4>Warmth, Finally</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego's New Central library" data-duration="4:26" data-id="2683932203001" data-eid="61094"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Over 30 years in the making, San Diego is ready to open it's new flagship, the Central Library. City Librarian Deborah Barrow and design architect Rob Quigley explain the importance of a modern library in today's society."></div><h4>San Diego's New Central library</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Drive Thru Prayer" data-duration="1:21" data-id="2637189769001" data-eid="60273"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Drive Thru Prayer"></div><h4>Drive Thru Prayer</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="California Ballet" data-duration="1:57" data-id="2369440961001" data-eid="55529"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="California Ballet - San Diego's oldest professional dance company - celebrates its 45th anniversary with director and founder Maxine Mahon and a season closing production of " swan lake" at the san diego civic theatre."></div><h4>California Ballet</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Assault Weapons Defined" data-duration="4:30" data-id="2297895688001" data-eid="54331"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="As Congress weighs background checks, in California this week, legislature will take up bills that would expand assault rifle restrictions that are among the toughest in the country This video explains California assault rifle laws, and their future."></div><h4>Assault Weapons Defined</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Performing the National Anthem" data-duration="1:47" data-id="1719420101001" data-eid="44839"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A variety of San Diegans including Marine Band San Diego performing the Star Spangled Banner. Video by David Brooks."></div><h4>Performing the National Anthem</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Social</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:53" data-id="3676107535001" data-eid="72663"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:38" data-id="3674592160001" data-eid="72618"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:33" data-id="3670792687001" data-eid="72533"><a href=""><img src="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:35" data-id="3668318840001" data-eid="72480"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3666389710001" data-eid="72410"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:35" data-id="3664641144001" data-eid="72353"><a href=""><img src="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3663080103001" data-eid="72308"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3657548558001" data-eid="72221"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:33" data-id="3655420825001" data-eid="72160"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:50" data-id="3653905889001" data-eid="72105"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:15" data-id="3646813667001" data-eid="71994"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="2:00" data-id="3644578491001" data-eid="71945"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3641924579001" data-eid="71866"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="***UPDATE ME*** 150 character description here"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Social media minute" data-duration="1:14" data-id="3639883475001" data-eid="71812"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Social media minute"></div><h4>Social media minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:24" data-id="3633965799001" data-eid="71711"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:52" data-id="3631733701001" data-eid="71669"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3630126871001" data-eid="71635"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:39" data-id="3627714216001" data-eid="71579"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:26" data-id="3625364956001" data-eid="71521"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:51" data-id="3621621932001" data-eid="71448"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:49" data-id="3619612745001" data-eid="71380"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3617858647001" data-eid="71317"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half" data-duration="1:45" data-id="3613887513001" data-eid="71211"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="#Social Media Minute & a half 060614" data-duration="1:41" data-id="3609586035001" data-eid="71132"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="#Social Media Minute & a half 060614"></div><h4>#Social Media Minute & a half 060614</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Watchdog</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="12 charged in county check scam" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3671364805001" data-eid="72559"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Twelve people have been charged with conspiracy and grand theft in a long-running fraud that bilked a San Diego County mental-health provider out of more than $400,000."><h4>12 charged in county check scam</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="DEA victim calls for release of full report" data-duration="1:14" data-id="3669251882001" data-eid="72510"><a href=""><img src="" alt="San Diego student Daniel Chong flanked by his lawyers spoke to the press about the release of a summary by the Justice Department's inspector general. His lawyers demanded the full report be released of Chong's detention."><h4>DEA victim calls for release of full report</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="What did firefighter do in grocery aisle?" data-duration="1:16" data-id="3668977026001" data-eid="72507"><a href=""><img src="" alt="The misdemeanor battery conviction of a former San Diego firefighter who was accused of accosting a Tierrasanta store clerk has been overturned on appeal. But what really happened?"><h4>What did firefighter do in grocery aisle?</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Dumanis unhands rec letter for Azano" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3666972913001" data-eid="72448"><a href=""><img src="" alt="District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has released a letter of recommendation she wrote for the son of a Mexican billionaire who supported her mayoral campaign, saying controversy over the letter was " much ado about nothing.""><h4>Dumanis unhands rec letter for Azano</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name=""Duke" Cunningham's puppy selfie" data-duration="1:18" data-id="3665008038001" data-eid="72378"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Disgraced former San Diego congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham has been granted an early release from post-prison monitoring by the federal court judge who sentenced him to more than eight years in prison for accepting bribes."><h4>"Duke" Cunningham's puppy selfie</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Final tally, South Bay corruption" data-duration="1:60" data-id="3663439766001" data-eid="72332"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Some 250 charges rained down on 18 officials and contractors over three school districts. But what was the final outcome? And was it worth it?"><h4>Final tally, South Bay corruption</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Radio financial advisers in hot water" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3654043270001" data-eid="72118"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="They went on the air and promised 'Uncommon Wealth' and other things that come with good investments. But now federal regulators say the proprietors of Total Wealth Management were lining their own pockets."></div><h4>Radio financial advisers in hot water</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Kickbacks alleged for radio financial advisers" data-duration="0:28" data-id="3652398137001" data-eid="72081"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="They went on the air and promised 'Uncommon Wealth' and other things that come with good investments. But now federal regulators say the proprietors of Total Wealth Management were lining their own pockets."></div><h4>Kickbacks alleged for radio financial advisers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Congress wants answers on rail line" data-duration="0:32" data-id="3652398121001" data-eid="72080"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, and the chairman of a congressional subcommittee overseeing railroads are demanding information on a 99-year lease that the Metropolitan Transit System granted to a company accused of financial wrongdoing by former"></div><h4>Congress wants answers on rail line</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="University of Phoenix responds to GI Bill story" data-duration="5:39" data-id="3652133354001" data-eid="72060"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A new Center for Investigative Reporting story on GI Bill spending singles out the University of Phoenix campus in San Diego, which accepted the most aid for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans at $95 million."></div><h4>University of Phoenix responds to GI Bill story</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Former Sweetwater superintendent sentenced" data-duration="2:30" data-id="3647547140001" data-eid="72013"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Jesus Gandara, former superintendent of Sweetwater schools, was sentenced on Friday to seven months in jail, three years probation and an $8,000 fine."></div><h4>Former Sweetwater superintendent sentenced</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Tenants balk at new port fees" data-duration="2:50" data-id="3640361627001" data-eid="71846"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="New fees imposed by the Port of San Diego last year are causing some waterfront businesses to scrap projects when faced with paying five- and six-figure bills."></div><h4>Tenants balk at new port fees</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="DA letterhead rules don't cover Dumanis" data-duration="1:60" data-id="3638141861001" data-eid="71782"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis did not follow her office’s policies about using letterhead and writing references when she wrote a college recommendation for the son of a Mexican billionaire who now stands indicted in a campaign finance scandal."></div><h4>DA letterhead rules don't cover Dumanis</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rec letters released, but not by Dumanis" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3625851579001" data-eid="71557"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Several elected county officials have released recommendation letters to U-T Watchdog without incident, a very different response than the one from District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis."></div><h4>Rec letters released, but not by Dumanis</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Toxic concerns at El Cajon elementary" data-duration="1:20" data-id="3622193628001" data-eid="71484"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The former owner of an El Cajon aerospace plant that emitted toxic chemicals into the groundwater beneath Magnolia Elementary School is stepping up efforts to remove pollution, but it could still take years to complete the cleanup."></div><h4>Toxic concerns at El Cajon elementary</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Bill Horn's Mexico mission trips" data-duration="1:55" data-id="3618280361001" data-eid="71354"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A charity run by county Supervisor Bill Horn in the 1980s has come under scrutiny since he told a reporter that he funded his good works by using the nonprofit to facilitate his own property transactions."></div><h4>Bill Horn's Mexico mission trips</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Going after the victim" data-duration="4:40" data-id="3613909408001" data-eid="71210"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The woman who is suing San Diego police because she was groped by ex-cop Anthony Arevalos should pay $35,000 in legal costs, city officials are requesting in court."></div><h4>Going after the victim</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Police change misconduct policies" data-duration="1:40" data-id="3610167486001" data-eid="71176" data-link_url="" data-link_text="San Diego police lacked key misconduct policy"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Before, there was no requirement that an officer who saw officer misconduct had to report it. Now there is."></div><h4>Police change misconduct policies</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Dumanis declines Azano letter questions" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3606104673001" data-eid="71026"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="After more than 24 hours of silence, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis spoke Tuesday evening, but declined to answer questions about a letter of recommendation she wrote for the son of indicted Mexican moneyman Jose Susumo Azano Matsura."></div><h4>Dumanis declines Azano letter questions</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="San Diego lagged in filling VA slots" data-duration="0:49" data-id="3602174564001" data-eid="70924"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="They call it a missed opportunity. Someone cancels an appointment at the VA, and the veterans administration fails to take another patient off the waiting list and give them that spot."></div><h4>San Diego lagged in filling VA slots</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Scholarship fund pays in IOUs" data-duration="1:43" data-id="3590712345001" data-eid="70625"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Scholarship fund pays in IOUs"></div><h4>Scholarship fund pays in IOUs</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Mike Aguirre gets cussed out at CPUC" data-duration="1:11" data-id="3580885299001" data-eid="70467"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The president of the California Public Utilities Commission swore and angrily refused to answer questions last week at an unusual hearing at which he was asked about communication with his former employer, Southern California Edison."></div><h4>Mike Aguirre gets cussed out at CPUC</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Dumanis conviction rate examined" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3576213287001" data-eid="70318"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="DA's methodology includes diversion cases not showing in state data."></div><h4>Dumanis conviction rate examined</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="School board members suspended" data-duration="0:59" data-id="3566254885001" data-eid="70102"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Sweetwater board members Jim Cartmill and Bertha Lopez were effectively suspended from office Tuesday after Superior Court Judge Ana Espana vacated her ruling that said they could stay on the board."></div><h4>School board members suspended</h4></a></li></ul></div><h2>Business</h2><div class="carousel content"><ul class="clearfix list-inline" data-plugin="slideshow" data-type="carouselPhotos" data-target="#featured-photos-slideshow"><li class="video" data-name="Median home prices rises" data-duration="1:15" data-id="3676452275001" data-eid="72683"><a href=""><img src="" alt="THE MEDIAN PRICE FOR A HOME IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROSE TO $450,000 IN JUNE, A NEARLY SEVEN-YEAR HIGH DESPITE A SLOWING HOUSING MARKET. THE NEW MEDIAN PRICE WAS UP $10,000 FROM MAY, REAL-ESTATE TRACKER DATAQUICK REPORTED TUESDAY, AS ACTIVITY TICKED UP I"><h4>Median home prices rises</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="SDG&E wildfire cost" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3674828694001" data-eid="72630"><a href=""><img src="" alt="San Diego Gas and Electric wants to bill customers up to $7 million in costs caused by the May wildfires in San Diego County. The fourteen wind-whipped fires destroyed 65 structures, including 46 single-family homes. A preliminary estimate by SDG&E"><h4>SDG&E wildfire cost</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="SDG&E testing drones" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3671179651001" data-eid="72540"><a href=""><img src="" alt="SDG&E has received the go ahead to test fly drones in the back country.SDG&E has received the go ahead to test fly drones in the back country. The Federal Aviation Administration says the utility can research using unmanned aircraft in East County."><h4>SDG&E testing drones</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Wage raise in SD" data-duration="1:14" data-id="3668634030001" data-eid="72489"><a href=""><img src="" alt="WAGES IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDGED UP ONLY SLIGHTLY IN LAST YEAR'S FOURTH QUARTER, BUT THE GROWTH WAS STILL HIGHER THAN WAS SEEN IN SEVEN OF THE OTHER 10 LARGEST COUNTIES IN THE NATION."><h4>Wage raise in SD</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Ex-Charger lists house" data-duration="1:22" data-id="3664944930001" data-eid="72370"><a href=""><img src="" alt="LT is asking $3.495 million dollars for the house. It has 9,610 square-feet, five bedrooms, five and a half bathrooms, as well as a pool, barbeque pavilion, basketball court and putting green. Tomlinson's real estate agent said he paid $3.5 million d"><h4>Ex-Charger lists house</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Improved stroke therapies" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3663310226001" data-eid="72320"><a href=""><img src="" alt="IN WHAT COULD LEAD TO IMPROVED THERAPIES FOR ALZHEIMERS AND STROKE PATIENTS, RESEARCHERS IN LA JOLLA DISCOVRED THAT SURVIVAL AND PRODUCTION OF BRIAN CELLS DEPENDS ON A CHEMICAL SWITCH."><h4>Improved stroke therapies</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Rubios tops fast food list" data-duration="0:36" data-id="3656022729001" data-eid="72198"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IN A SURVEY BY CONSUMER REPORTS, CHAINS LIKE MCDONALDS, KFC AND SAN DIEGO-BASED JACK IN THE BOX DIDN'T FARE SO WELL WHEN IT CAME TO TASTE. BUT HERE'S WHO DID, SAY THE MAGAZINE'S READERS: IN AND OUT AND HABIT BURGER, CHIPOTLE AND CHIC FIL A"></div><h4>Rubios tops fast food list</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Seragon bought for $1.7B" data-duration="0:29" data-id="3656063407001" data-eid="72197"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="SERAGON'S RESEARCH TARGETS DRUGS TO TREAT THOSE BREAST CANCERS THAT ARE RESISTANT TO MEDICATIONS DESIGNEDTO BLOCK ESTROGEN, WHICH COMMONLY FUELS MANY BREAST CANCERS . GENENTECH IS A SUBSIDIARY OF THE ROCHE GROUP, WHICH ALSO HAS DEVELOPED BREAST CANCE"></div><h4>Seragon bought for $1.7B</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Fast food favorites" data-duration="1:70" data-id="3655907530001" data-eid="72179"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="WHEN IT COMES TO EATING OUT, CONSUMERS ARE DEMANDING HIGHER QUALITY AND GREATER VARIETY, WHICH ISN'T NECESSARILY GOOD NEWS FOR THE BIG FAST FOOD CHAINS"></div><h4>Fast food favorites</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Auto sales up" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3654081549001" data-eid="72119"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="INDUSTRY-WIDE, SALES WERE ABOUT THE SAME AS THEY WERE A YEAR AGO. AUTO INFORMATION COMPANY EDMUNDS.COM SAID CAR MAKERS ARE ON COURSE TO SELL ABOUT 16-POINT-2 MILLION VEHICLES IN 2014-- THEIR HIGHEST SALES VOLUME SINCE 2006."></div><h4>Auto sales up</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Changes for health workers" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3652259041001" data-eid="72068"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A divided US Supreme court ruled Monday that some home health-care workers don't have to pay mandatory dues to labor unions representing them. In the 5-to-4 decision the justices ruled home-care aides in Illinois qualify as " partial public employee"></div><h4>Changes for health workers</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="GM Victim Compensation" data-duration="0:27" data-id="3651842870001" data-eid="72035"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="GENERAL MOTORS IS OFFERING TO PAY AT LEAST A MILLION DOLLARS TO THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO DIED AS A RESULT OF AN IGNITION SWITCH DEFECT. THE AUTOMAKER WILL GIVE ANOTHER 300-THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR EACH SURVIVING SPOUSE AND DEPENDENT..."></div><h4>GM Victim Compensation</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Business Minute" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3642368411001" data-eid="71900"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="The Commerce Department reported Wednesday that Gross Domestic Product fell 2.9 percent from January through March. This means the economy was much weaker than the previously reported 1 percent drop. Some economists say a tough winter was partly to"></div><h4>Business Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Whole Foods fined $800K" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3641672418001" data-eid="71862"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="IF YOU THINK YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH WHEN YOU GO TO WHOLE FOODS... TURNS OUT YOU'RE RIGHT. FORMALLY ESTABLISHING A RELATIONSHIP YEARS IN THE MAKING... SAN DIEGO'S LIFE SCIENCE TRADE GROUP, BIOCOM HAS SIGNED A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PACT WITH A FRENCH"></div><h4>Whole Foods fined $800K</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Business Minute" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3640484435001" data-eid="71849"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business Minute"></div><h4>Business Minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Business minute" data-duration="1:10" data-id="3640362812001" data-eid="71842"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business minute"></div><h4>Business minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Qualcomm Patent Infringement Case" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3639598103001" data-eid="71801"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A FLORIDA FEDERAL JUDGE HAS OVERTURNED A 173 MILLION DOLALR JURY VERDICT AGAINST QUALCOMM FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT. THE SAN DIEGO CITY COUNCIL HAS APPROVED A PACKAGE OF INCENTIVES TO HELP TWO LOCAL CRAFT BREWERS MOVE INTO LARGER MANUFACTURING PLANT"></div><h4>Qualcomm Patent Infringement Case</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Business minute" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3638320999001" data-eid="71789"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Busienss minute"></div><h4>Business minute</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Scripps Research Merger Opposition" data-duration="0:52" data-id="3637556420001" data-eid="71767"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business Minute"></div><h4>Scripps Research Merger Opposition</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Unemployment rate drops" data-duration="1:13" data-id="3634208085001" data-eid="71725"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business Minute"></div><h4>Unemployment rate drops</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="CA companies get tax credits" data-duration="1:00" data-id="3633641059001" data-eid="71705"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="DOZENS OF CALIFORNIA COMPANIES ARE GETTING A TOTAL OF 30-MILLION DOLLARS IN INCOME TAX CREDITS BECAUSE THEY'VE AGREED TO EXPAND AND RETAIN JOBS IN CALIFORNIA. HARLEY-DAVIDSON IS SHOWING OFF ITS FIRST ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE"></div><h4>CA companies get tax credits</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Obamacare Good and Bad News" data-duration="1:30" data-id="3632104111001" data-eid="71694"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business Minute"></div><h4>Obamacare Good and Bad News</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="$76 million in credits for SDG&E" data-duration="1:36" data-id="3631529314001" data-eid="71662"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="Business Minute"></div><h4>$76 million in credits for SDG&E</h4></a></li><li class="video" data-name="Business Minute" data-duration="1:32" data-id="3629605751001" data-eid="71626"><a href=""><div class="img-placeholder" data-image="" alt="A $250 MILLION DOLLAR DEVELOPMENT, ANNOUNCED TUESDAY, COULD DRAMATICALLY REMAKE THE EASTERN SIDE OF DOWNTOWN'S BROADWAY CORRIDOR. BALBOA PARK RANKS SEVENTH AMONG ALL U.S. PARKS IN POPULARITY IN 2014, ACCORDING TO TRIPADVISOR. 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