Application for the YouTube Black Voices Fund - YouTube Creators

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We鈥檝e welcomed 500 grantees hailing from the United States, Kenya, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, and Nigeria. This incredible group includes musicians, beauty entrepreneurs, comedians, activists, poets, personal trainers, parents, photographers, gamers and more.", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2022-06-14T16:01:59Z", "duration": "PT1M27S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" } ] </script> </head> <body> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display: none; visibility: hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0" class="lb-hide"> <defs> <path d="M15.71 15.03L4.69 4.01h9.71v-1H2.98v11.42h1V4.72L15 15.74l.71-.71z" id="arrow-diagonal"/> <path d="M3.01 12v-1h15.36l-6.72-6.72.71-.71 7.92 7.92-7.92 7.92-.71-.71 6.71-6.7H3.01z" id="arrow-right"/> <path d="M18.35 8.94L12 15.29 5.65 8.94l.71-.71L12 13.88l5.65-" id="chevron-down"/> <path d="M21.58 7.19c-.23-.86-.91-1.54-1.77-1.77C18.25 5 12 5 12 5s-6.25 0-7.81.42c-.86.23-1.54.91-1.77 1.77C2 8.75 2 12 2 12s0 3.25.42 4.81c.23.86.91 1.54 1.77 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class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </div> <h1 class="lb-font-display-2 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-hero__heading"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p class="ytc-hero__heading lb-font-display-2 ytc-white-font"> #YouTubeBlack<br/> Voices Fund </p> </div> </h1> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-hero__desc"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p class="ytc-white-font"> See how the Black Voices Fund empowers hundreds of creators and music artists from all around the world to celebrate Black joy and elevate authentic stories on YouTube. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .h-lockup-6082386658983936 { background-color: #f4f4f4; } [theme="dark"] .h-lockup-6082386658983936 { background-color: #333; } </style> <section class="lb-grid ytc-highlight-lockup ytc-module ytc-module--featured ytc-highlight-lockup--blue h-lockup-6082386658983936"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--sm-span-12 lb-grid__cell--md-span-12 lb-grid__cell--lg-offset-1-span-5"> <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img 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ytc-module--xx-small content-stacked-6695484580298752"> <h2 class="lb-font-display-3 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-content__heading"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p class="lb-font-headline-2"> What is the #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund? </p> </div> </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-m ytc-font-body ytc-module--xx-small"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> In 2020, we launched the #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund, a multi-year commitment dedicated to spotlighting and growing Black creators and music on our platform, by giving them access to resources to help them thrive on YouTube. We鈥檝e welcomed 500 grantees hailing from the United States, Kenya, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, and Nigeria. This incredible group includes musicians, beauty entrepreneurs, comedians, activists, poets, personal trainers, parents, photographers, gamers and more. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-content__media ytc-module--x-small"> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="7bF5k3hlfAs" lb-options="{ 'uid': '7bF5k3hlfAs' }"></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video"> <img class="ytc-video-card__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="#YouTubeBlack Voices | Introducing the Creator Class of 2022"/> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon"> <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> #YouTubeBlack Voices | Introducing the Creator Class of 2022 </div> </div> </button> </div> </div> </section> <section id="" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-list-lockup ytc-module ytc-list-lockup--center ytc-list-lockup--programs ytc-module--x-small"> <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs ytc-list-lockup__heading"> Resources </h2> <p class="lb-margin-bottom-l--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-centered-type--responsive-xxs ytc-list-lockup__description"> As part of the fund, grantees received access to the following resources: </p> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="YouTube Partner Manager"/> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="YouTube Partner Manager"/> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading"> YouTube Partner Manager </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p>Dedicated support from a YouTube Partner Manager</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Seed funding"/> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Seed funding"/> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading"> Seed funding </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Seed funding invested into the development of your channel. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Development sessions"/> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Development sessions"/> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading"> Development sessions </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Access to exclusive sessions focused on production, community engagement, and wellbeing. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Training and networking"/> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Training and networking"/> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading"> Training and networking </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Bespoke trainings, workshops, and networking opportunities throughout the year. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="lb-footer" role="contentinfo" lb-auto-init="LBFooter" lb-options="{ 'bareUrl': '/creators/black-voices-fund/', 'locales': 'en_br,en_ca,en_ke,en_ng,en_uk,en_us,en_za,fr_ca,pt-BR_ALL' 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