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54.839844 L 63.441406 25.648438 C 63.441406 23.414062 61.628906 21.597656 59.390625 21.597656 Z M 60.203125 51.589844 C 60.203125 52.039062 59.84375 52.402344 59.390625 52.402344 L 15.613281 52.402344 C 15.164062 52.402344 14.804688 52.039062 14.804688 51.589844 L 14.804688 25.648438 C 14.804688 25.207031 15.164062 24.839844 15.613281 24.839844 L 59.390625 24.839844 C 59.84375 24.839844 60.203125 25.207031 60.203125 25.648438 Z M 60.203125 51.589844 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.425781 26.457031 L 58.582031 26.457031 L 58.582031 50.78125 L 16.425781 50.78125 Z M 16.425781 26.457031 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 46.421875 65.375 L 43.84375 65.375 L 42.871094 60.511719 L 32.136719 60.511719 L 31.164062 65.375 L 28.585938 65.375 C 28.136719 65.375 27.773438 65.738281 27.773438 66.1875 C 27.773438 66.636719 28.136719 66.996094 28.585938 66.996094 L 46.421875 66.996094 C 46.867188 66.996094 47.230469 66.636719 47.230469 66.1875 C 47.230469 65.738281 46.867188 65.375 46.421875 65.375 Z M 46.421875 65.375 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.40625 38.851562 C 35.40625 40.667969 34.800781 42.347656 33.769531 43.691406 C 33.648438 43.847656 33.527344 43.996094 33.398438 44.144531 C 33.289062 44.265625 33.183594 44.382812 33.066406 44.488281 C 33 44.558594 32.933594 44.617188 32.863281 44.683594 L 32.863281 44.636719 C 32.863281 43.699219 32.484375 42.851562 31.871094 42.238281 C 31.261719 41.621094 30.410156 41.242188 29.476562 41.242188 C 29.464844 41.242188 29.445312 41.25 29.4375 41.257812 L 27.390625 42.582031 L 25.347656 41.257812 C 25.335938 41.25 25.320312 41.242188 25.308594 41.242188 C 23.449219 41.242188 21.933594 42.746094 21.914062 44.605469 C 21.871094 44.570312 21.832031 44.53125 21.792969 44.488281 C 21.648438 44.347656 21.515625 44.203125 21.386719 44.050781 C 21.304688 43.960938 21.230469 43.867188 21.15625 43.773438 C 20.089844 42.421875 19.453125 40.710938 19.453125 38.851562 C 19.453125 34.449219 23.03125 30.871094 27.429688 30.871094 C 29.632812 30.871094 31.628906 31.765625 33.070312 33.210938 C 34.515625 34.652344 35.410156 36.652344 35.410156 38.851562 Z M 35.40625 38.851562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 35.40625 38.851562 C 35.40625 40.667969 34.800781 42.347656 33.769531 43.691406 C 33.648438 43.847656 33.527344 43.996094 33.398438 44.144531 C 33.289062 44.265625 33.183594 44.382812 33.066406 44.488281 C 33 44.558594 32.933594 44.617188 32.863281 44.683594 L 32.863281 44.636719 C 32.863281 43.699219 32.484375 42.851562 31.871094 42.238281 C 31.261719 41.621094 30.410156 41.242188 29.476562 41.242188 C 29.464844 41.242188 29.445312 41.25 29.4375 41.257812 L 27.390625 42.582031 L 25.347656 41.257812 C 25.335938 41.25 25.320312 41.242188 25.308594 41.242188 C 23.449219 41.242188 21.933594 42.746094 21.914062 44.605469 C 21.871094 44.570312 21.832031 44.53125 21.792969 44.488281 C 21.648438 44.347656 21.515625 44.203125 21.386719 44.050781 C 21.304688 43.960938 21.230469 43.867188 21.15625 43.773438 C 20.089844 42.421875 19.453125 40.710938 19.453125 38.851562 C 19.453125 34.449219 23.03125 30.871094 27.429688 30.871094 C 29.632812 30.871094 31.628906 31.765625 33.070312 33.210938 C 34.515625 34.652344 35.410156 36.652344 35.410156 38.851562 Z M 35.40625 38.851562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 30.0625 37.773438 C 30.0625 39.269531 28.851562 40.480469 27.355469 40.480469 C 25.859375 40.480469 24.648438 39.269531 24.648438 37.773438 C 24.648438 36.28125 25.859375 35.070312 27.355469 35.070312 C 28.851562 35.070312 30.0625 36.28125 30.0625 37.773438 Z M 30.0625 37.773438 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.289062 42.433594 C 49.289062 42.867188 48.9375 43.21875 48.503906 43.21875 L 39.761719 43.21875 C 39.328125 43.21875 38.976562 42.867188 38.976562 42.433594 C 38.976562 42 39.328125 41.65625 39.761719 41.65625 L 48.503906 41.65625 C 48.9375 41.65625 49.289062 42 49.289062 42.433594 Z M 49.289062 42.433594 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 55.546875 38.503906 C 55.546875 38.9375 55.195312 39.285156 54.765625 39.285156 L 39.761719 39.285156 C 39.328125 39.285156 38.976562 38.9375 38.976562 38.503906 C 38.976562 38.074219 39.328125 37.722656 39.761719 37.722656 L 54.765625 37.722656 C 55.195312 37.722656 55.546875 38.074219 55.546875 38.503906 Z M 55.546875 38.503906 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 55.546875 34.570312 C 55.546875 35.003906 55.195312 35.355469 54.765625 35.355469 L 39.761719 35.355469 C 39.328125 35.355469 38.976562 35.003906 38.976562 34.570312 C 38.976562 34.144531 39.328125 33.792969 39.761719 33.792969 L 54.765625 33.792969 C 55.195312 33.792969 55.546875 34.144531 55.546875 34.570312 Z M 55.546875 34.570312 "/> </g> </svg></span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Pagar una factura/Acceder a mi cuenta</span> </a></li> <li class="top-tasks__item"><a class="top-tasks__link" href=""> <span class="top-tasks__icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 47.050781 27.613281 C 49.40625 29.65625 50.582031 32.554688 50.582031 36.308594 C 50.582031 39.804688 49.453125 42.515625 47.1875 44.449219 C 45.082031 46.246094 42.339844 47.226562 38.972656 47.378906 C 38.554688 47.398438 38.21875 47.734375 38.21875 48.152344 L 38.21875 50.765625 C 38.21875 51.195312 37.871094 51.539062 37.445312 51.539062 L 30.164062 51.539062 C 29.734375 51.539062 29.390625 51.195312 29.390625 50.765625 L 29.390625 42.050781 C 29.390625 41.621094 29.734375 41.273438 30.164062 41.273438 L 32.699219 41.273438 C 35.570312 41.273438 37.742188 40.917969 39.214844 40.199219 C 40.683594 39.480469 41.421875 38.183594 41.421875 36.308594 C 41.421875 35.058594 41.0625 34.074219 40.34375 33.355469 C 39.628906 32.636719 38.660156 32.277344 37.449219 32.277344 C 36.121094 32.277344 35.101562 32.65625 34.382812 33.410156 C 33.796875 34.027344 33.449219 34.824219 33.34375 35.796875 C 33.300781 36.183594 32.96875 36.472656 32.578125 36.472656 L 25.195312 36.472656 C 24.765625 36.472656 24.40625 36.125 24.417969 35.699219 C 24.464844 33.761719 24.933594 31.996094 25.828125 30.402344 C 26.839844 28.597656 28.359375 27.171875 30.382812 26.125 C 32.40625 25.078125 34.835938 24.550781 37.667969 24.550781 C 41.566406 24.550781 44.695312 25.574219 47.050781 27.613281 Z M 38.882812 56.621094 L 38.882812 64.675781 C 38.882812 65.101562 38.535156 65.449219 38.109375 65.449219 L 29.886719 65.449219 C 29.460938 65.449219 29.113281 65.101562 29.113281 64.675781 L 29.113281 56.621094 C 29.113281 56.191406 29.460938 55.847656 29.886719 55.847656 L 38.109375 55.847656 C 38.535156 55.847656 38.882812 56.191406 38.882812 56.621094 Z M 38.882812 56.621094 "/> </g> </svg></span> <span class="top-tasks__text">Hacer una pregunta a mi proveedor</span> </a></li> <li class="top-tasks__item"><a class="top-tasks__link" href="tel:+18336922784"> <span class="top-tasks__icon"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="px" height="90px" viewBox="0 0 75 90" version="1.1"> <g id="surface1"> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(18.039216%,65.882353%,29.019608%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 37.5 0 C 58.210938 0 75 16.789062 75 37.5 L 75 52.5 C 75 73.210938 58.210938 90 37.5 90 C 16.789062 90 0 73.210938 0 52.5 L 0 37.5 C 0 16.789062 16.789062 0 37.5 0 Z M 37.5 0 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 48.785156 18.386719 L 26.210938 18.386719 C 23.625 18.386719 21.515625 20.492188 21.515625 23.082031 L 21.515625 66.917969 C 21.515625 69.511719 23.625 71.613281 26.210938 71.613281 L 48.785156 71.613281 C 51.375 71.613281 53.480469 69.511719 53.480469 66.917969 L 53.480469 23.082031 C 53.480469 20.492188 51.375 18.386719 48.785156 18.386719 Z M 51.472656 66.917969 C 51.472656 68.402344 50.265625 69.609375 48.785156 69.609375 L 26.210938 69.609375 C 24.734375 69.609375 23.527344 68.402344 23.527344 66.917969 L 23.527344 23.082031 C 23.527344 21.59375 24.734375 20.394531 26.210938 20.394531 L 48.785156 20.394531 C 50.265625 20.394531 51.472656 21.59375 51.472656 23.082031 Z M 51.472656 66.917969 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 41.144531 24.640625 C 41.144531 25.359375 40.558594 25.945312 39.832031 25.945312 L 35.167969 25.945312 C 34.4375 25.945312 33.855469 25.359375 33.855469 24.640625 C 33.855469 23.914062 34.4375 23.328125 35.167969 23.328125 L 39.832031 23.328125 C 40.558594 23.328125 41.144531 23.914062 41.144531 24.640625 Z M 41.144531 24.640625 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.46875 57.378906 L 49.453125 57.664062 L 49.453125 58.144531 C 49.453125 58.488281 49.230469 59.101562 48.847656 59.328125 C 48.792969 59.359375 48.742188 59.386719 48.703125 59.417969 C 48.285156 59.679688 47.828125 59.949219 47.355469 60.167969 C 45.847656 60.835938 44.089844 61.316406 41.839844 61.667969 C 41.085938 61.789062 40.371094 61.878906 39.660156 61.9375 C 38.984375 61.992188 38.316406 62.019531 37.613281 62.019531 L 37.394531 62.019531 C 36.6875 62.019531 36.023438 61.992188 35.339844 61.9375 C 34.625 61.878906 33.914062 61.789062 33.164062 61.667969 C 30.90625 61.316406 29.152344 60.835938 27.652344 60.167969 C 27.179688 59.949219 26.722656 59.679688 26.308594 59.425781 C 26.257812 59.386719 26.210938 59.359375 26.160156 59.328125 C 25.777344 59.101562 25.550781 58.496094 25.550781 58.144531 C 25.550781 57.96875 25.550781 57.789062 25.542969 57.65625 L 25.527344 57.347656 C 25.507812 56.554688 25.484375 55.726562 25.792969 55.054688 C 26.152344 54.257812 26.902344 53.65625 27.644531 53.109375 C 27.988281 52.847656 28.378906 52.585938 28.800781 52.339844 C 28.898438 52.539062 29.007812 52.765625 29.144531 53.035156 C 29.210938 53.164062 29.277344 53.289062 29.355469 53.417969 C 28.378906 54.289062 28.011719 55.9375 28.445312 57.59375 C 28.476562 57.722656 28.515625 57.867188 28.566406 58.007812 L 28.625 58.203125 C 28.6875 58.382812 28.738281 58.5625 28.835938 58.75 C 29.085938 59.261719 29.398438 59.515625 29.765625 59.515625 C 29.835938 59.515625 29.910156 59.5 29.984375 59.484375 L 30.023438 59.476562 C 30.089844 59.457031 30.132812 59.449219 30.1875 59.433594 C 30.390625 59.515625 30.621094 59.523438 30.824219 59.457031 C 31.140625 59.351562 31.363281 59.082031 31.425781 58.765625 L 31.453125 58.5625 L 31.433594 58.5625 C 31.417969 58.074219 31.019531 57.683594 30.53125 57.683594 C 30.253906 57.683594 30 57.8125 29.835938 58.015625 C 29.8125 57.949219 29.789062 57.878906 29.765625 57.8125 C 29.757812 57.78125 29.746094 57.753906 29.738281 57.722656 C 29.730469 57.683594 29.714844 57.65625 29.707031 57.625 C 29.175781 56.058594 29.542969 54.476562 30.496094 54.101562 C 31.535156 53.816406 32.765625 54.871094 33.292969 56.417969 C 33.308594 56.476562 33.328125 56.53125 33.351562 56.605469 L 33.367188 56.636719 C 33.375 56.664062 33.390625 56.695312 33.398438 56.71875 C 33.320312 56.726562 33.246094 56.742188 33.171875 56.769531 C 32.945312 56.84375 32.757812 57.003906 32.652344 57.21875 C 32.550781 57.429688 32.535156 57.679688 32.609375 57.902344 C 32.730469 58.269531 33.074219 58.511719 33.457031 58.511719 C 33.5625 58.511719 33.652344 58.496094 33.75 58.464844 C 33.972656 58.390625 34.148438 58.234375 34.257812 58.03125 C 34.476562 57.917969 34.710938 57.683594 34.710938 57.191406 C 34.710938 57.0625 34.695312 56.929688 34.664062 56.777344 C 34.625 56.574219 34.558594 56.394531 34.5 56.230469 L 34.484375 56.183594 C 34.460938 56.132812 34.445312 56.082031 34.433594 56.019531 C 33.792969 54.152344 32.316406 52.847656 30.832031 52.847656 C 30.75 52.847656 30.660156 52.855469 30.554688 52.863281 C 30.441406 52.660156 30.34375 52.472656 30.253906 52.292969 C 30.148438 52.089844 30.042969 51.878906 29.953125 51.691406 L 29.96875 51.683594 C 30.074219 51.632812 30.171875 51.582031 30.277344 51.527344 L 30.792969 51.257812 C 31.027344 51.136719 31.257812 51.027344 31.492188 50.914062 L 31.507812 50.90625 C 31.910156 50.71875 32.25 50.589844 32.578125 50.492188 C 32.59375 50.476562 32.617188 50.46875 32.640625 50.464844 L 32.667969 50.515625 C 32.75 50.644531 32.835938 50.761719 32.917969 50.890625 C 33.246094 51.363281 33.515625 51.753906 33.777344 52.105469 C 34.289062 52.808594 34.808594 53.46875 35.242188 54.027344 C 35.363281 54.183594 35.480469 54.332031 35.609375 54.492188 C 35.738281 54.648438 35.855469 54.804688 35.984375 54.964844 C 36.015625 54.992188 36.035156 55.03125 36.066406 55.058594 C 36.089844 55.089844 36.113281 55.121094 36.140625 55.152344 L 36.367188 55.441406 L 36.433594 55.074219 C 36.585938 54.296875 36.777344 53.230469 36.792969 53.066406 L 36.800781 52.929688 L 36.800781 52.894531 L 36.777344 52.804688 C 36.765625 52.765625 36.742188 52.71875 36.710938 52.667969 L 36.546875 52.421875 C 36.464844 52.292969 36.375 52.15625 36.300781 52.03125 C 36.292969 52.023438 36.292969 52.007812 36.292969 52 L 36.3125 51.925781 C 36.351562 51.820312 36.390625 51.714844 36.433594 51.601562 L 36.480469 51.460938 C 36.53125 51.316406 36.585938 51.167969 36.636719 51.027344 C 36.644531 51.019531 36.652344 51.019531 36.660156 51.011719 C 36.710938 50.996094 37.011719 50.972656 37.507812 50.972656 C 38.023438 50.972656 38.339844 50.996094 38.382812 51.011719 L 38.414062 51.027344 C 38.445312 51.128906 38.480469 51.242188 38.519531 51.347656 L 38.640625 51.679688 C 38.675781 51.789062 38.714844 51.902344 38.75 51.992188 L 38.75 52.023438 C 38.667969 52.15625 38.578125 52.292969 38.496094 52.421875 L 38.332031 52.675781 C 38.300781 52.71875 38.277344 52.765625 38.265625 52.804688 L 38.25 52.847656 C 38.242188 52.886719 38.242188 52.914062 38.242188 52.929688 L 38.25 53.074219 C 38.273438 53.230469 38.453125 54.257812 38.601562 55.03125 L 38.675781 55.421875 L 38.902344 55.105469 C 38.9375 55.058594 38.976562 55.015625 39.015625 54.964844 C 39.15625 54.78125 39.300781 54.609375 39.433594 54.4375 L 39.839844 53.929688 C 40.289062 53.351562 40.769531 52.734375 41.21875 52.105469 C 41.542969 51.671875 41.828125 51.265625 42.097656 50.875 C 42.1875 50.742188 42.269531 50.605469 42.367188 50.464844 C 42.390625 50.46875 42.410156 50.476562 42.441406 50.492188 C 42.757812 50.589844 43.09375 50.71875 43.5 50.90625 L 43.515625 50.914062 C 43.746094 51.027344 43.980469 51.136719 44.203125 51.257812 L 44.730469 51.527344 C 44.992188 51.664062 45.269531 51.804688 45.546875 51.957031 C 45.480469 52.226562 45.410156 52.480469 45.335938 52.714844 C 45.113281 53.402344 44.835938 54.046875 44.496094 54.617188 C 44.226562 54.511719 43.933594 54.453125 43.640625 54.453125 C 42.390625 54.453125 41.375 55.472656 41.375 56.726562 C 41.375 57.910156 42.300781 58.902344 43.476562 58.984375 C 43.527344 58.992188 43.589844 58.992188 43.640625 58.992188 C 44.203125 58.992188 44.746094 58.789062 45.148438 58.421875 C 45.636719 57.984375 45.914062 57.371094 45.914062 56.726562 C 45.914062 56.238281 45.757812 55.757812 45.464844 55.367188 C 45.824219 54.777344 46.132812 54.121094 46.378906 53.425781 C 46.46875 53.179688 46.550781 52.90625 46.632812 52.601562 C 46.867188 52.75 47.121094 52.921875 47.363281 53.109375 C 48.105469 53.65625 48.855469 54.265625 49.214844 55.054688 C 49.523438 55.742188 49.492188 56.574219 49.46875 57.378906 Z M 49.46875 57.378906 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 44.699219 56.726562 C 44.699219 57.304688 44.226562 57.777344 43.640625 57.777344 C 43.0625 57.777344 42.589844 57.304688 42.589844 56.726562 C 42.589844 56.140625 43.0625 55.667969 43.640625 55.667969 C 43.769531 55.667969 43.890625 55.691406 44 55.726562 C 44.25 55.824219 44.453125 55.996094 44.578125 56.230469 C 44.652344 56.378906 44.699219 56.554688 44.699219 56.726562 Z M 44.699219 56.726562 "/> <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.257812 41.753906 C 43.257812 41.777344 43.257812 41.792969 43.25 41.816406 C 43.265625 41.949219 43.257812 42.09375 43.25 42.226562 C 43.238281 42.496094 43.175781 42.777344 43.148438 43.046875 C 43.085938 43.503906 42.964844 43.894531 42.621094 44.207031 C 42.433594 44.386719 42.214844 44.539062 42.050781 44.742188 C 41.835938 45.011719 41.835938 45.363281 41.707031 45.683594 C 41.570312 46.007812 41.429688 46.332031 41.242188 46.628906 C 40.875 47.214844 40.386719 47.734375 39.816406 48.121094 C 39.683594 48.214844 39.539062 48.304688 39.390625 48.386719 C 39.210938 48.476562 38.96875 48.589844 38.652344 48.691406 C 38.640625 48.699219 38.625 48.707031 38.601562 48.714844 C 38.414062 48.796875 38.226562 48.851562 38.039062 48.886719 C 37.859375 48.925781 37.679688 48.933594 37.5 48.933594 C 37.320312 48.933594 37.148438 48.925781 36.964844 48.886719 C 36.773438 48.851562 36.585938 48.796875 36.398438 48.714844 C 36.382812 48.707031 36.367188 48.699219 36.34375 48.691406 C 36.035156 48.589844 35.796875 48.476562 35.617188 48.386719 C 35.464844 48.304688 35.324219 48.214844 35.1875 48.121094 C 34.078125 47.367188 33.398438 46.269531 33.050781 44.90625 C 33.007812 44.734375 32.925781 44.636719 32.804688 44.539062 C 32.21875 44.246094 31.933594 43.660156 31.859375 43.046875 C 31.820312 42.777344 31.769531 42.496094 31.753906 42.226562 C 31.746094 42.09375 31.738281 41.949219 31.746094 41.816406 L 31.746094 41.753906 C 31.730469 41.464844 31.898438 41.066406 32.210938 40.992188 C 32.308594 40.96875 32.414062 40.96875 32.519531 40.960938 C 32.542969 40.953125 32.558594 40.953125 32.578125 40.945312 C 32.632812 40.914062 32.667969 40.863281 32.675781 40.773438 C 32.683594 40.480469 32.625 40.1875 32.5625 39.902344 C 32.527344 39.714844 32.488281 39.519531 32.472656 39.332031 C 32.4375 38.800781 32.414062 38.261719 32.4375 37.726562 C 32.460938 37.300781 32.535156 36.84375 32.746094 36.46875 C 32.847656 36.28125 33.015625 36.144531 33.210938 36.0625 C 33.425781 35.964844 33.597656 35.851562 33.785156 35.695312 C 34.011719 35.523438 34.058594 35.394531 34.207031 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2.494-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.201 3.86-2.566 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.597-.41 4.594-2.526 5.273-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM178.31 24.772v7.79c0 2.638.68 2.93 2.993 3.04v.963h-10.831v-.963c2.313-.11 2.992-.41 2.992-3.04V15.347c0-2.637-.68-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.83v.963c-2.312.11-2.991.41-2.991 3.039v7.35h10.617v-7.35c0-2.637-.679-2.929-2.992-3.04v-.962h10.831v.963c-2.313.11-2.992.41-2.992 3.039v17.217c0 2.637.679 2.929 2.992 3.04v.962h-10.83v-.963c2.312-.11 2.991-.41 2.991-3.04v-7.79h-10.617ZM202.032 26.627c0 4.523 1.642 7.12 4.808 7.12 2.1 0 3.56-1.074 4.918-2.968l.679.631c-1.208 2.637-3.174 5.605-7.231 5.605-4.595 0-7.444-3.931-7.444-8.573 0-5.826 3.134-9.757 7.412-9.757 4.342 0 6.694 3.56 6.907 7.942h-10.049Zm5.77-1.484c0-2.116-.496-4.753-2.88-4.753-2.456 0-2.882 2.637-2.882 4.753h5.763ZM227.822 33.747c0 .482.182.813.568.813.356 0 .821-.37 1.066-.592l.569.671c-.853 1.445-2.424 2.376-4.129 2.376-2.068 0-2.352-1.334-2.352-2.597-1.713 1.484-3.348 2.597-5.771 2.597-2.495 0-4.484-1.113-4.484-4.523 0-5.234 7.018-6.086 10.262-7.12 0-4.413-.781-5.195-2.991-5.195-1.887 0-2.21.892-2.21 2.526 0 1.334-.853 1.926-1.887 1.926-1.035 0-1.887-.592-1.887-1.926 0-2.747 3.347-4.01 6.552-4.01 3.56 0 6.694 1.445 6.694 5.605v9.449Zm-4.278-6.75c-2.85.814-5.984 1.927-5.984 4.674 0 1.555.995 2.668 2.526 2.668 1.247 0 2.566-.892 3.458-1.855v-5.486ZM230.459 36.565v-.963c1.926-.11 2.17-.742 2.17-3.118v-17.43c0-1.855-.426-2.226-2.17-2.226v-.963c1.065-.19 5.983-1.555 6.197-1.555.181 0 . 2.376.253 3.008 2.171 3.118v.963h-8.62v-.008ZM250.186 20.982h-3.915v10.91c0 1.413.355 2.155 1.278 2.155.892 0 1.5-.632 2.495-1.634l.71.742c-1.318 1.926-2.565 3.86-5.202 3.86-2.565 0-3.56-1.555-3.56-4.342V20.99h-2.14v-1.263c2.598-.41 4.595-2.526 5.274-6.457h1.137v5.857h3.915v1.855h.008ZM257.67 33.305c0 1.966.252 2.187 2.068 2.297v.963h-8.407v-.963c1.815-.11 2.068-.331 2.068-2.336V14.714c0-1.634-.537-1.894-2.068-1.894v-.963c1.997-.3 5.88-1.555 6.094-1.555.181 0 . 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