Customer touchpoints and their impact on your business
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Sometimes, product or service deliveries just aren’t enough to create a good impression with the customer. It’s the experience that always matters.</p><p>In a more positive light, each customer touchpoint is an opportunity for companies to interact with their customers and create a meaningful experience for them. A better experience can be anything that makes a tedious process seamless or a purchasing experience that creates a loyal customer.</p><div class="btn-container"> <a href="/survey/signup.html" class="act-btn cta-btn banner-btn" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible;">Sign Up</a></div></div><div class="banner-image"><div class="banner-imgwrap"></div> <picture> <source srcset="//" type="image/webp"> <img width="582" height="619" src="//" alt="Customer touchpoints and their impact on your business"> </picture></div></div></div> </section> <section class="z-section tab-section"><div class="content-wrap"><div class="tab-inner-section col-wrap"><div class="tab-left"><ul><li id="identify" class="active"> Identify your customers’ <span class="f"></span></li><li id="create"> Create a customer journey <span class="f"></span></li><li id="use"> Use customer touchpoint <span class="f"></span></li></ul></div><div class="tab-rgt"><div class="tab-content identify" data-index="identify" data-color="white"><div class="tab-conttxt"><h2>Identify your customers’ touchpoints and map them</h2><p>A customer touchpoint map is a guide that shows you the points where you can directly interact with your customer.</p><div class="why-mapping"><div class="why-maphead"> There are two reasons why mapping is important:</div><div class="why-mapcont"><div> <span>1</span><p>It lets you easily identify pain points and improve the areas that are troublesome.</p></div><div> <span>2</span><p>It can also help your business identify different customer persona(s) by applying psychographic methods, which then makes it easier to segment your audience and sell more effectively.</p></div></div></div><div class="why-bottomcont"><p>While mapping your customer touch points you have to remember that there is no concrete guide. It can change from business to business.</p></div></div><div class="cust-touchpt"><div class="cust-tpt-head"> Here is a general guide to help start with customer touchpoint mapping during a customer lifecycle:</div><div class="cust-tpt-cont"> <span class="small-circle circle1"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle2"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle3"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle4"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle5"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle6"> </span> <span class="small-circle circle7"> </span><div class="arrow arrow1"></div><div class="arrow arrow2"></div><div class="arrow arrow3"></div><div class="before-pur pur-circle"><div class="pur-circle-cont"><div class="purchase-head">Before purchase</div><ul><li>Ads (Online & offline)</li><li>Digital marketing content</li><li>Website & social media</li><li>Reviews</li><li>Testimonials</li><li>Company events</li><li>Community engagement</li></ul></div></div><div class="during-pur pur-circle"><div class="pur-circle-cont"><div class="purchase-head">During purchase</div><ul><li>In-store or online</li><li>Website</li><li>Promotional offers</li><li>Product reviews</li><li>Sales representatives</li><li>Product catalogs</li><li>Point of sale</li></ul></div></div><div class="after-pur pur-circle"><div class="pur-circle-cont"><div class="purchase-head">After purchase</div><ul><li>Billing</li><li>Marketing emails</li><li>Thank you notes</li><li>Service & support teams</li><li>Help center resources</li><li>Feedback surveys</li><li>Loyalty programs</li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="tab-content create" data-index="create" data-color="gray"><div class="tab-conttxt"><h2>Create a customer journey with touchpoint mapping</h2><p>The necessity of a product or service depends upon the needs of the customer. A customer goes through the purchase process to satisfy their needs. The process they go through to find and purchase your service or product is called the customer journey. Creating a customer journey map will help you understand the role that each touchpoint plays during a customer interaction.</p><p>By creating a customer journey map, you’ll create a blueprint that visually shows you how your customers interact with your business at each step. These steps can also be represented as different stages in the customer lifecycle that a customer goes through during and after a purchase.</p><p>A customer journey is not a one-size fits all formula. Each stage is different depending on the nature of your business. A customer journey will help you understand what happens at each touch point and what customer interaction looks like at each stage. Customer journey mapping is all about trying to understand your customers better and understand your business from a customer’s point of view, so you can make each interaction better than the previous one.</p> <picture> <source srcset="" data-srcset="//" type="image/webp"> <img alt="Create a customer journey with touchpoint mapping" class="create-img" width="691" height="500" data-lazy data-src="//" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,"> </picture></div></div><div class="tab-content use" data-index="use" data-color="skyblue"><div class="tab-conttxt"><div class="rating-bx"><div class="stars-con star-3">★★★★★</div></div><h2>Use customer touchpoint mapping to gather feedback</h2><p>Identifying pain points from your touchpoint map can be easily done through customer feedback surveys. Along the journey, you can have short surveys for customers to rate their experience at each significant point of interaction. This can highlight what’s working for your business and what isn’t. A perfect way to understand customer expectations is to have a complex “voice of the customer” program. If you don’t already have one, now is a good time to start.</p><div class="eg"><div class="eg-head"> Here are a few examples of where you might use these surveys:</div><ul><li>An exit survey on your website, where a customer can provide feedback on their way out</li><li>A customer satisfaction survey embedded to your thank you email</li><li>A small survey right after they receive customer or technical support</li></ul><p>These are a few places where you can ask for support related feedback that widen the window for you to understand their experience with your business. However, adding a survey at every touchpoint can be tiresome and annoying for the customer. Therefore, pick the crucial ones with the aim of improving relatively longer and important interactions.</p><p>The other point to note is that not every survey needs specific questions. An open-ended question during a survey is just as good to identify pain points. Once you have a general understanding, you can move on to more specific issues and with those issues, more specific questions about what your customers experience during those touchpoints. Collecting feedback to improve your customer experience is an ongoing process. The requirements and expectations will change at every stage, so you’ll likely have to improvise along the way.</p></div><div class="box-cont"> Apart from surveys, there are other ways to determine the success of a particular touchpoint. For example, with websites and after-sale support being important touchpoints, you can monitor the customer experiences with powerful AI and text analysis tools to gauge customer sentiment in support interactions. You can also use Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools to monitor the website activity of your visitors. This allows you to determine at what points your customers drop off from the website or lose interest.</div></div></div></div></div></div> </section> <section class="z-section bottom-sec"><div class="content-wrap"><div class="bottom-inner-section"><div class="bottom-cont"><h2>Reach out to your customers today</h2><div class="btn-container"> <a href="/survey/signup.html" class="act-btn cta-btn banner-btn" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible;">Sign Up</a></div></div></div></div> </section></div></div> </main> <footer><div class="zw-product-footer"></div><div class="zw-global-footer"></div><div class="zw-only-copyright"></div><div class="zw-promo-bottom"></div> </footer> <aside><div class="zw-other-info"></div> </aside><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script></body></html>