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Here are a few good links for newcomers: *[[Wikipedia:Five pillars|The five pillars of Wikipedia]] *[[Wikipedia:How to edit a page|How to edit a page]] *[[Help:Contents|Help pages]] *[[Wikipedia:Tutorial|Tutorial]] *[[Wikipedia:How to write a great article|How to write a great article]] *[[Wikipedia:Manual of Style|Manual of Style]] I hope you enjoy editing here and being a [[Wikipedia:Wikipedians|Wikipedian]]! Please [[Wikipedia:Sign your posts on talk pages|sign your name]] on talk pages using four tildes (~&#126;~~); this will automatically produce your name and the date. If you need help, check out [[Wikipedia:Where to ask a question]], ask me on my talk page, or place <code>{&#123;helpme}}</code> on your talk page and someone will show up shortly to answer your questions. Again, welcome!&nbsp; [[User:Burgundavia|Burgundavia]] 07:22, Apr 21, 2005 (UTC) ==Image Copyright== I noticed you uploaded [[:Image:Labrea tarpits.JPG]].I wondered if you could elaborate on the source and copyright status of the of the image. You can contact me on my [[User talk:Burgundavia|talk page]]. Cheers. [[User:Burgundavia|Burgundavia]] 07:22, Apr 21, 2005 (UTC) *Thanks for the information. Do you know how to tag the image? Also you can sign your name with <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki> [[User:Burgundavia|Burgundavia]] 23:13, Apr 23, 2005 (UTC) **Hey, no worries. Check out my [ first edit]. If you father took the image, the best tag is probably <nowiki>{{gfdl}]</nowiki> which releases the image under the [[Gnu Free Documentation Licence]], like the text of Wikipedia itself. Mention who took the picture as well, and then remove the other tags. I will make certain it gets cleaned off the other page. [[User:Burgundavia|Burgundavia]] 23:36, Apr 23, 2005 (UTC) == RuneScape quests == I don't know if you're watching the [[Talk:RuneScape quests|talk page]], but I don't want you to start going to work on this until you read my response. Mainly, I have two reasons for disagreement. First, it doesn't follow the [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style (headings)|Manual of Style]]. Second, it ruins all the links that were previously links to the specific quests. Now, it simply links to start of the article. --[[User:Ricky81682|Ricky81682]] ([[User talk:Ricky81682|talk]]) 07:33, May 4, 2005 (UTC) == [[Toco Beach]] == As I mentioned on the [[Talk:Toco Beach|Talk]] page, I am confused by your "Toco Beach" article. I can't figure out what beach you have described. The name ''Toco Beach'' is sometimes applied to Salibea beach, but I can't reconcile your description with what I know of the place. Are you referring to some other beach? If anything it sounds like Grande Riviere. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 16:11, 4 May 2005 (UTC) *Correct me if im wrong, but i believe Grand Riviere is the actual area, not the beach. I had been there atleast on 5 seperate occasions and my assumption that the actual beach (''w/ 2 hotels, names escape me; of importance? must i be more diligent, and a lagoon'') was called Toco (and alternatively TOKO) ::Grande Riviere is about 10 miles past Toco. Two small hotels on the beach (whose names I can't recall right now) and a few guest houses going up the hill. What is commonly called "Toco Beach" (strictly speaking, Salybia Beach) is near the light house - ~10 miles east of GR. Separate town, only lumped together because people tend to call everything past Matura "Toco". [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 17:44, 4 May 2005 (UTC) :::The hotels: [ Mount Plaisir Estate Hotel] and [ Le Grande Almandier]. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 17:55, 4 May 2005 (UTC) *Then i guess you are probably right, ill go change that around if you havent already. Just to make sure however, this Salybia Beach, is the one RIGHT down the road from the clinic and about 2 miles off of shark river (may also be local name)? No - Shark River is west of Grande Riviere. Toco/Salybia beach is near the lighthouse - about 1/2 an hour (to make a wild guess) ''before'' you get to GR. Best thing might be to rename the article [[Grande Riviere]] and expand it to cover both the town and the bay. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 20:44, 4 May 2005 (UTC) *Okay, that sounds like a plan, i dont have much information on the town, and since it isnt the main focus i probably wont put much in, but I could research that and include something. I have some changes to make to another article first (i just cant get anything right...) and ill start on this. By the way, i see that there is a [[Trinidad]] article, and a [[Trinidad and Tobago]] article. Is this just because of redundancy or is the former supposed to be solely about THAT island (if so, it is horribly under-developed)? [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] 20:55, 4 May 2005 (UTC) The [[Trinidad]] article is supposed to be just about Trinidad. Until late last year it was just a paragraph, explaining that Trinidad is the larger island, etc. Unfortunately, someone foudn the page and expanded it into a larger article - probably under the assumption that there was no "Trinidad and Tobago" article. So what we have now is a terribly unbalanced article - but of ancient history, a rather unbalanced account of "now"...I have been hesitant to edit that page because I don't really know what to do with it. Most of what you could write about Trinidad should better fall into one of the appropriate "Trinidad and Tobago" articles. It's different with [[Tobago]] - there is lots of room for Tobago-only could say a lot about Tobago that doesn't really apply to "Trinidad and Tobago", but no nearly as much about "Trinidad" that doesn't apply to "Trinidad and Tobago". Of course, you could cut the pre-1889 stuff out of [[History of Trinidad and Tobago]] and put it into the [[History of Trinidad]], then have a separate [[History of Tobago]] and restrict the [[History of Trinidad and Tobago]] to that period where they were united. Unfortunately, the history of each island continued across the union...the political and economic developments span that time period (you wouldn't, for example, want to have one article on [[Indian immigration to Trinidad]] and another on [[Indian immigration to Trinidad and Tobago]]. As for enough info about the town - I have written over 30 short stubs about towns in Trinidad, have about 240 in [[List of cities in Trinidad and Tobago]] (which is a list of cities, towns and villages...long story). I will expand them as I get my hands on info, but there is nothing wrong with a stub as long as it has the potential to be expanded. (You might want to have a look at [[:Category:Trinidad and Tobago]] and the subcategories (and sub-subcategories) to see what exists in terms of articles. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 21:30, 4 May 2005 (UTC) There is a "Move" tab on all pages (up at the top). You can move a page as long as the destination is either blank or has a redirect. More than that and you need to get an admin to do the move. Of course, it's generally not good to move a page without talking to the other editors involved. So what is your connection to Trinidad? I realise from Burgundavia's page that you lived there - when and for how long? Just curious. Thanks. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] *I lived there from 1997-2001, in Bayshore; went to ISPS (im 17 now). I find this whole wikipedia thing friggin awesome, so i am trying to apply what limited knowledge and resources I have (spending most my time on [[RuneScape]] articles). Whats ''your'' connection to T'dad? [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] :I'm from Trinidad, although I have lived in Canada (1973-1979) and the US (1994-2001 and 2004- ). Lived in [[San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago|San Fernando]], [[Marabella]], South Oropouche, [[Gasparillo]], [[Curepe]] and [[Chaguanas]]. I attended [[Naparima College]] and [[University of the West Indies|UWI]], before doing my PhD at [[Michigan State University]]. I have mostly added TT related material here, although I have also done some in [[ecology]]-related articles. Been here since September, been addicted since about December. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 15:55, 5 May 2005 (UTC) :>>>> I'm an Environmental Science student from Trinidad as well, and to cast some clarification as to the "Toco Beach" that you're talking about, I believe that the name of it is Saline Bay. It's about 2 mins or less from the lighthouse, am I right? == Image copyright == You need to address the copyright issue of your image of the [[Pitch Lake]] at [[Wikipedia:Possibly_unfree_images#Phase_II_-_May_11]] and on the image itself or it is likely to be deleted. Thanks. [[User:Guettarda|Guettarda]] 17:07, 12 May 2005 (UTC) *I left it up there, even though I could delete it. Can you confirm the licence that your father releases this under? If you need any help at all, contact me. [[User:Burgundavia|Burgundavia]] <small>([[User talk:Burgundavia|&#9992; take a flight?]])</small> 03:02, May 27, 2005 (UTC) **Ive been reading through the copyright information on this site, and there is just too much information on it, im finding it very confusing in what i am supposed to be doing. I uploaded some screenshots today, and i used the same <nowiki>{{game-screenshot}}</nowiki> tag as i had seen in other images, but is what i am supposed to be doing something as simple as that? [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] 06:23, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC) == RuneScape quests == Curran, since you worked on a lot of the quests, I would like to hear your opinion at [[Talk:RuneScape quests]] regarding keeping the quest guides. -- [[User:Ricky81682|Ricky81682]] ([[User talk:Ricky81682|talk]]) July 6, 2005 07:43 (UTC) == RuneScape == Do you play RuneScape? If so, tell me on my talk page. [[User:CrnaGora|CrnaGora]] 04:13, 29 January 2006 (UTC) == Your submission at [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for creation]]: [[Draft:Color Vision Standards|Color Vision Standards]] (September 9) == <div style="border: solid 1px #FCC; background-color: #F8EEBC; padding: 0.5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 1.5em; width: 90%;"> [[File:AFC-Logo_Decline.svg|50px|left]]Your recent article submission to [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for Creation]] has been reviewed! Unfortunately, it has not been accepted at this time.<nowiki> </nowiki>The reason left by AngusWOOF was: {{divbox|gray|3=Thank you for your submission, but the subject of this article already exists in Wikipedia. You can find it and improve it at [[:Color blindness]] instead.|}}<!-- -- -->&nbsp;The comment the reviewer left was: {{divbox|blue|3=A lot of these topics are already covered by color blindness article.}} Please check the submission for any additional comments left by the reviewer. You are encouraged to edit the submission to address the issues raised and resubmit ''after they have been resolved''. {{clear}} * If you would like to continue working on the submission, go to [[Draft:Color Vision Standards]] and click on the "Edit" tab at the top of the window. * If you do not edit your draft in the next 6 months, it will be considered abandoned and [[Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion#G13. Abandoned Drafts and Articles for creation submissions|may be deleted]]. * If you need any assistance, or have experienced any [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Scam warning|untoward behavior]] associated with this submission, you can ask for help at the <span class="plainlinks">[// '''Articles for creation help desk''']</span>, on the <span class="plainlinks">[// '''reviewer's talk page''']</span> or use [[Wikipedia:IRC help disclaimer|Wikipedia's real-time chat help from experienced editors]]. [[User:AngusWOOF|<strong><span style="color: #606060;" class="nowrap">AngusW🐶🐶F</span></strong>]] ([[User talk:AngusWOOF#top|<span style=" color: #663300;">bark</span>]] • [[Special:Contributions/AngusWOOF|<span style="color: #006600;">sniff</span>]]) 17:56, 9 September 2022 (UTC)</div><!--Template:AfC decline--> {| style="margin: 0.4em 2em;" |- style="vertical-align: top;" | [[File:WP teahouse logo 2.png|alt=Teahouse logo]] | <div style="background-color:#e1e6db; color: #393D38; padding: 1em; font-size: 1.1em; border-radius:10px;box-shadow:-2px -2px 1px #8e8a78;">Hello, '''Curran919'''! Having an article draft declined at Articles for Creation can be disappointing. If you are wondering why your article submission was declined, please post a question at the '''[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Help desk|Articles for creation help desk]]'''. If you have any ''other'' questions about your editing experience, we'd love to help you at the '''[[Wikipedia:Teahouse|Teahouse]]''', a friendly space on Wikipedia where experienced editors lend a hand to help new editors like yourself! See you there! [[User:AngusWOOF|<strong><span style="color: #606060;" class="nowrap">AngusW🐶🐶F</span></strong>]] ([[User talk:AngusWOOF#top|<span style=" color: #663300;">bark</span>]] • [[Special:Contributions/AngusWOOF|<span style="color: #006600;">sniff</span>]]) 17:56, 9 September 2022 (UTC)</div> |}<!-- Wikipedia:Teahouse/AfC Invitation --> [[Category:Wikipedians who have received a Teahouse invitation through AfC]] == Your submission at [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for creation]]: [[Draft:Color Vision Standards|Color Vision Standards]] (September 10) == <div style="border: solid 1px #FCC; background-color: #F8EEBC; padding: 0.5em 1em; color: #000; margin: 1.5em; width: 90%;"> [[File:AFC-Logo_Decline.svg|50px|left]]Your recent article submission to [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for Creation]] has been reviewed! Unfortunately, it has not been accepted at this time.<nowiki> </nowiki>The reason left by AngusWOOF was: {{divbox|gray|3=Then it should be discussed there before splitting out. <!-- Template:Talkspin --> This draft is a request to [[WP:SPINOFF|spin off]] an article. Proposals to spin out a topic from an article into another stand-alone article should be discussed at the talk page of the existing article, unless the draft satisfies a [[WP:SNG|special notability guide]]. If the draft satisfies a special notability guide, please identify the notability criterion with a [[WP:RS|reliable source]]. This does not mean that the draft should be spun off, and it does not mean that the draft should not be spun off. It does mean that discussion should be on the talk page of the existing article, [[Talk:Color blindness]]. (If this draft is resubmitted without discussion on the talk page of the existing article and does not satisfy a special notability guide, it may be Rejected or [[WP:MFD|nominated for deletion]].)|}}<!-- -- --> Please check the submission for any additional comments left by the reviewer. You are encouraged to edit the submission to address the issues raised and resubmit ''after they have been resolved''. {{clear}} * If you would like to continue working on the submission, go to [[Draft:Color Vision Standards]] and click on the "Edit" tab at the top of the window. * If you do not edit your draft in the next 6 months, it will be considered abandoned and [[Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion#G13. Abandoned Drafts and Articles for creation submissions|may be deleted]]. * If you need any assistance, or have experienced any [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Scam warning|untoward behavior]] associated with this submission, you can ask for help at the <span class="plainlinks">[// '''Articles for creation help desk''']</span>, on the <span class="plainlinks">[// '''reviewer's talk page''']</span> or use [[Wikipedia:IRC help disclaimer|Wikipedia's real-time chat help from experienced editors]]. [[User:AngusWOOF|<strong><span style="color: #606060;" class="nowrap">AngusW🐶🐶F</span></strong>]] ([[User talk:AngusWOOF#top|<span style=" color: #663300;">bark</span>]] • [[Special:Contributions/AngusWOOF|<span style="color: #006600;">sniff</span>]]) 15:29, 10 September 2022 (UTC)</div><!--Template:AfC decline--> ==Disambiguation link notification for October 8== Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. An automated process has detected that when you recently edited [[Visual phototransduction]], you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page [[Photoreceptor]]<!-- ([// check to confirm]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[// fix with Dab solver])-->. Such links are [[WP:INTDABLINK|usually incorrect]], since a disambiguation page is merely a list of unrelated topics with similar titles. <small>(Read the [[User:DPL bot/Dablink notification FAQ|FAQ]]{{*}} Join us at the [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links|DPL WikiProject]].)</small> It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these [[User:DPL bot|opt-out instructions]]. Thanks, [[User:DPL bot|DPL bot]] ([[User talk:DPL bot|talk]]) 06:00, 8 October 2022 (UTC) ==Spectral color== Hi, you made an edit to [[Spectral color]] which seems to confuse the point made by the existing sentence. A while ago I found the sentence "One needs at least [[trichromacy|trichromatic]] [[color vision]] for there to be a distinction between spectral and non-spectral colors" on that page. To be clear, what that sentence does *not* mean is that you need to be a trichromat to distinguish spectral colors. It means that spectral colors are a distinct class from non-spectral colors for trichromats. But, I believe this statement to be inaccurate. In some cases, a theoretical dichromat will be perceive some non-spectral colours. This is not about specifically human color vision, but about the theory of color vision with a given number of photoreceptors. As [Dichromacy] stated (before you edited it), *sometimes* two spectral lights are needed to match a color perceived by a dichromat. Consider a dichromat where the frequency sensitivity curves of the photoreceptors (A and B) are disjoint (no overlap). It's clear that non-spectral colours exist for this dichromat: any time *both* photoreceptors are stimulated, the resulting colour cannot be identified with a single spectral light. I'm not sure how to make this clearer. In fact all that is needed is for there to be some frequencies at which the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors does not overlap. That creates the possibility of non-spectral colors. So, I edited the sentence "One needs at least [[trichromacy|trichromatic]] [[color vision]] for there to be a distinction between spectral and non-spectral colors" to read "One needs at least [[dichromacy|dichromatic]] [[color vision]] for there to be a distinction between spectral and non-spectral colors" so as to make clear that it is possible for some colours perceived by a dichromat to be non-spectral, i.e. they cannot be created by a single spectral light. In short, I believe your recent edits to [[Spectral color]] and [[Dichromacy]] are misguided in some significant ways. I get that you have personal experience of protanopia and I respect that. <!-- Template:Unsigned --><small class="autosigned">—&nbsp;Preceding [[Wikipedia:Signatures|unsigned]] comment added by [[User:Theoh|Theoh]] ([[User talk:Theoh#top|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Theoh|contribs]]) 13:49, 13 October 2022 (UTC)</small> <!--Autosigned by SineBot--> :Hi, thanks for the message. :I wrote the paragraph below before I completely understood your objection (I think I do now). In case I am misunderstanding again, I'll keep it below, but otherwise it doesnt have much to do with how I understand your objection now: that my original statement was only true when the sensitivity curves overlap. Fair enough, I agree. If you have two disjoint sensitivity curves with no overlap, then spectral light can only excite the extremes of the chromaticity channel. Hell, I may even go as far as to say that there is no spectral locus in that case, and you'd have ONLY non-spectral colors. However, I am fairly sure that such vision systems do not exist. The distinction is therefore purely hypothetical/academic. All forms of color vision in vertebrates have neighboring opsins that overlap with each other, even in the cases like mice that have huge space between their SWS1 + LWS curves. :I do think your edit is also misleading, given that any REAL dichromats will ''not'' see a distinction but I think we can find a compromise, depending on what you meant by: :"''In fact all that is needed is for there to be some frequencies at which the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptors does not overlap.''" I would say that there needs to be some wavelengths between them where neither are excited... not sure if that's what you meant here. If not, then see my alternative answer below the line. :---------------------- :I'm afraid I must double down on the assertion. Dichromats see no non-spectral colors. This is not based on my personal experience. In fact, personal experience would tell me that dichromats DO have an innate understanding of hue vs. saturation. A dichromat has two cones and those cones MUST have disparate sensitivity curves. If they are not disparate, then the subject is a monochromat. The dichromat's color space is two dimensional. You can describe those dimensions as distimulus values (M and S excitation), or you can transform it into a more intuitive form (equivalent to [[opponent process]] channels) with a luminosity channel/dimension and chromaticity channel/dimension (let's call it ''Chr''). ''Chr'' would therefore be equivalent to the ratio (or difference) of the cone excitations. Again, assuming M and S curves (since that represents my protanopia), a 400nm light excites only the S cone, and therefore ''Chr'' is at a minimum. a 700nm light excites only the M cone, and therefore ''Chr'' is at a maximum. The entire range of possible ''Chr'' values can be evoked by a spectral light. When you introduce non spectral light, there is no ''Chr'' value and obviously no luminosity value that can be excited that wasn't already excitable by spectral light. Ergo, all colors are spectral colors and there are not additional 'non-spectral' colors. "''*sometimes* two spectral lights are needed to match a color perceived by a dichromat.''" This is simply not true. If you stimulate both cones at their peak wavelengths simultaneously, this is equivalent to stimulating the point of overlap of the sensitivity curves of the two cones (once you account for cone mosaic and increase the luminosity). In both cases, dichromats experience a neutral color, i.e. gray. This is why protanopes and deuteranopes perceive cyan as gray, because cyan is at the point where the two remaining cone sensitivity functions overlap.[[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 14:37, 13 October 2022 (UTC) ::I put a footnote on the statement in [[spectral color]] to elucidate. See if that satisfies. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 14:45, 13 October 2022 (UTC) :::Hi, :::I think the original statement on [[Spectral color]] was about whether it was logically possible for there to be a conceptual distinction between spectral and non-spectral colors. As it reads now, it's a statement about whether dichromats can distinguish spectral and non-spectral colors. As I understand it, even trichromats can't do that, it's a purely theoretical classification. :::You're right that the sensitivity curves need to have no overlap for the non-spectral colors to exist for a dichromat, my bad. If a non-spectral color is a metameric match for a spectral light (your cyan example) then I agree with you that there's no reason to call it non-spectral. :::Cheers :::[[User:Theoh|Theoh]] ([[User talk:Theoh|talk]]) 18:31, 13 October 2022 (UTC) ::::(I have made an edit which I hope you will agree with. The key point here is whether the categories of "spectral color" and "non-spectral color" exist for dichromats, trichromats etc., in other words, whether the distinction exists. The notion of an observer *distinguishing* spectral colors from non-spectral colors doesn't seem appropriate to me (& I think you are the one who put it in). The qualitative experience of a spectral color is no different from that of a non-spectral color, I have no way to distinguish which kind of color I'm looking at. In theory spectral colours are purer, more like hues from the rainbow, but there's no way to definitely make the distinction, in my experience. They're just the theoretical limit of narrowband light) [[User:Theoh|Theoh]] ([[User talk:Theoh|talk]]) 20:43, 14 October 2022 (UTC) :::::[[User:Theoh|@Theoh]] looks good! [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 09:28, 15 October 2022 (UTC) ==[[Pentachromacy]]== Hello! I'm wading through the backlog of articles that should be merged, based on [[WP:AFD|AfD]] decisions. Your edit [ here] suggests that there was a deletion discussion, but I can't find it. Is it possible that you were aiming for a merge proposal discussion instead, but grabbed the wrong template? [[User:Joyous!|Joyous!]] | [[User_talk:Joyous%21|Talk]] 03:20, 12 November 2022 (UTC) :[[User:Joyous!|@Joyous!]] This was a merge. Pentachromacy should remain a redirect. Sorry! [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 08:22, 12 November 2022 (UTC) ::Was it ever up for deletion? I'm just trying to get the correct template on the [[Talk:Pentachromacy|talk page of the article]]; I'm not attempting to un-merge anything. If there was never a discussion at [[WP:AFD]], then I need to put a different notice there. [[User:Joyous!|Joyous!]] | [[User_talk:Joyous%21|Talk]] 15:28, 17 November 2022 (UTC) :::I don't think so. I probably made a mistake, since I think this was my first merged article. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 15:47, 17 November 2022 (UTC) ::::Not a problem! I can fix the issue! [[User:Joyous!|Joyous!]] | [[User_talk:Joyous%21|Talk]] 15:52, 17 November 2022 (UTC) *:::::Done! You just needed a different template to add to the source article and the target article. Let me know if you need to merge any other articles--I'm happy to help you out! [[User:Joyous!|Joyous!]] | [[User_talk:Joyous%21|Talk]] 15:59, 17 November 2022 (UTC) *::::::Oh yeah, I see the difference now. I've done another half dozen merges since using the correct tag, I think. I'm surprised the merged-to template doesn't have a link to the discussion on the target talk page, which is why I may have gone with the afd template, thinking they were otherwise equivalent. Honestly, the AfC (and AfD) still confuse the hell out of me after 1000 edits. Thanks for fixing it. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 16:13, 17 November 2022 (UTC) ::::::"''Wikipedia: Not Designed To Be Confusing, But It Ended Up That Way!''" Sometimes there isn't a discussion. It's possible to [[WP:BOLD|be bold]] and just do the merge if you think there won't be controversy. [[User:Joyous!|Joyous!]] | [[User_talk:Joyous%21|Talk]] 17:10, 17 November 2022 (UTC) == Copying within Wikipedia requires attribution == [[File:Information.svg|25px|alt=Information icon]] Thank you for [[Special:Contributions/Curran919|your contributions]] to Wikipedia. It appears that you copied or moved text from one or more pages into [[:Philosophy of color]]. While you are welcome to re-use Wikipedia's content, here or elsewhere, [[WP:Copyrights|Wikipedia's licensing]] does require that you provide attribution to the original contributor(s). When copying within Wikipedia, this is supplied at minimum in an [[Help:Edit summary|edit summary]] at the page into which you've copied content, disclosing the copying and [[Help:Link#Wikilinks|linking]] to the copied page, e.g., <code>copied content from <nowiki>[[page name]]</nowiki>; see that page's history for attribution</code>. It is good practice, especially if copying is extensive, to also place a properly formatted {{tl|copied}} template on the talk pages of the source and destination. Please provide attribution for this duplication if it has not already been supplied by another editor, and if you have copied material between pages before, even if it was a long time ago, you should provide attribution for that also. You can read more about the procedure and the reasons at [[Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia]]. Thank you. <!-- Template:uw-copying --> — [[User:Diannaa|Diannaa]] ([[User talk:Diannaa|talk]]) 21:06, 17 November 2022 (UTC) :Is this a bot message? The text that I copied from [[Knowledge argument]] to [[philosophy of color]] is a <em>quote</em> from the original 1982 source that introduced the concept, complete with the citation... That is not grounds for attribution to another wiki source. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 21:16, 17 November 2022 (UTC) ::I see the material copied from [[Knowledge argument]] is a quotation so no, attribution is not required for that. Sorry for the mistake. However you also added material copied from [[inverted spectrum]] in the same edit. So attribution is required for that addition. — [[User:Diannaa|Diannaa]] ([[User talk:Diannaa|talk]]) 21:50, 17 November 2022 (UTC) :::Ah, sorry, right you are. That one slipped by me. I often copy things over as a basis to rewrite in one screen, but I guess after finishing the Mary's room section, I forgot to rewrite the inverted spectrum. I've changed it now. Thanks! [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 06:49, 18 November 2022 (UTC) == ArbCom 2022 Elections voter message == <div class="ivmbox " style="margin-bottom: 1em; border: 1px solid #AAA; background-color: ivory; padding: 0.5em; display: flex; align-items: center; "> <div class="ivmbox-image" style="padding-left:1px; padding-right:0.5em; flex: 1 0 40px;">[[File:Scale of justice 2.svg|40px]]</div> <div class="ivmbox-text"> Hello! Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2022|2022 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on {{#time:l, j F Y|{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2022|end}}-1 day}}. All '''[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2022#Election timeline|eligible users]]''' are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2022 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2022/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2022|poll}}|voting page]]'''. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{tlx|NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. <small>[[User:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[User talk:MediaWiki message delivery|talk]]) 00:27, 29 November 2022 (UTC)</small> </div> </div> <!-- Message sent by User:Cyberpower678@enwiki using the list at --> ==Disambiguation link notification for August 28== An automated process has detected that when you recently edited [[Visible spectrum]], you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page [[Vision]]<!-- ([// check to confirm]&nbsp;|&nbsp;[// fix with Dab solver])-->. ([[User:DPL bot|Opt-out instructions]].) --[[User:DPL bot|DPL bot]] ([[User talk:DPL bot|talk]]) 06:06, 28 August 2023 (UTC) == Vandalism == You really need to read [[WP:NOTVAND]]. Your throwing this accusation around is not appreciated - I am only trying to improve the article. [[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] ([[User talk:Bon courage|talk]]) 07:17, 6 September 2023 (UTC) :@[[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] Granted, [[WP:NOTVAND]]. Good faith or not, I'm calling you on [[WP:DE]], specifically on point 4. You know reverts on heavy, good-faith edits are intrinsically inflammatory, especially when you only criticize a small portion of it; And you even admit through your unrevert that your original revert was flippant. When all of your edits on the article are reverts for [[WP:CRYMEDRS]] without any additive contribution or engagement in talk, you burn up your good faith when you get flippant with others' work. Regardless, I will try to adhere to [[WP:MEDRS]] better in the future. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 09:53, 11 September 2023 (UTC) ::I've never "admitted" anything is "flippant", and the purpose of reverts is to improve the encyclopedia: no editor should getting inflamed by reverts which do. [[WP:CRYMEDRS]] is indeed a wise essay, but the material in question was [[WP:BMI]], so it's irrelevant to the question at hand. [[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] ([[User talk:Bon courage|talk]]) 10:10, 11 September 2023 (UTC) :::@[[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] Going back through my original edit now, it appears you were just gaslighting me. My edit removed primary and web sources, added secondary sources, and the only web source I added was a tertiary article explaining the absence of evidence for a widely reported fact. You probably just got confused with the pre-existing primary research since I had done a lot of shuffling. Your unrevert SHOWS unequivocally that you thought your revert was NOT an improvement, so if I should only not get inflamed by reverts which improve wikipedia, then by your definition, I have the right to get inflamed by your bad revert. And how is making a revert that you later believe was bad... not flippant? Learn to admit when you're wrong. I did it in my last comment even when I wasn't. Do better. [[WP:DBAJ]]. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 10:33, 11 September 2023 (UTC) ::::I don't think you understand what I did. The previous version was very poor, your edit was (on consideration) better but still not great; I made some edits to improve the article without paying any attention to "who wrote what". Not sure why this is such a big deal? The article still needs work. [[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] ([[User talk:Bon courage|talk]]) 10:48, 11 September 2023 (UTC) == September 2023 == [[File:Information.svg|25px|alt=Information icon]] Hi Curran919! I noticed that you have reverted to restore your preferred version of [[:Biological effects of high-energy visible light]] several times. The impulse to undo an edit you disagree with is understandable, but I wanted to make sure you're aware that the [[WP:Edit warring|edit warring policy]] disallows repeated reversions even if they are justifiable. All editors are expected to discuss content disputes on article [[Help:Talk pages|talk pages]] to try to reach [[Wikipedia:Consensus#Through discussion|consensus]]. If you are unable to agree&#32;at [[{{TALKPAGENAME:Biological effects of high-energy visible light}}]], please use one of the [[Wikipedia:Dispute resolution requests|dispute resolution options]] to seek input from others. Using this approach instead of reverting can help you avoid getting drawn into an edit war. Thank you.<!-- Template:uw-ewsoft --> [[User:Bon courage|Bon courage]] ([[User talk:Bon courage|talk]]) 13:42, 11 September 2023 (UTC) == ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message == <div class="ivmbox " style="margin-bottom: 1em; border: 1px solid #AAA; background-color: ivory; padding: 0.5em; display: flex; align-items: center; "> <div class="ivmbox-image" style="padding-left:1px; padding-right:0.5em; flex: 1 0 40px; max-width: 100px">[[File:Scale of justice 2.svg|40px]]</div> <div class="ivmbox-text"> Hello! Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2023|2023 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on {{#time:l, j F Y|{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2023|end}}-1 day}}. All '''[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2023#Election timeline|eligible users]]''' are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2023 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2023/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2023|poll}}|voting page]]'''. 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[[User:WhatamIdoing|WhatamIdoing]] ([[User talk:WhatamIdoing|talk]]) 04:18, 15 January 2024 (UTC) == Nice user page <abbr title="Smiling face" style="border-bottom: none;">[[File:Face-smile.svg|18px|link=]]</abbr> == I just noticed the similarity in our user page formatting. Keep up the good work.&nbsp;[[User:SchreiberBike|SchreiberBike&nbsp;]]&#124;[[User talk:SchreiberBike#top|&nbsp;⌨&nbsp;]] 16:03, 31 January 2024 (UTC) :Well, I had to steal it from somewhere! [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 19:10, 31 January 2024 (UTC) == Human-Centricists == Hey there. When you replied to me on "colour vision", you told me that human-centricists sometime REMOVE animal info just for the sake of it. Well, for the past few months I and I think a few others have been trying to deal with an infamous human-centricist that goes by "Autisticeditor 20". This guy likes to change a LOT of biology articles links to using human anatomy links, even in articles that aren't talking exclusively about humans, and sometimes even in animal species articles, and he has gotten in trouble for many of these. He also has a record of trashing others for removing his edits and some of them are also really threatening. He's a guy I both want to revert his human anatomy links in non human articles because it wasn't appropriate to do so, but also I don't want to mess with him as he's a really scary guy. Have you ever dealt with him, and what can I do? [[User:LoverOfAllAnimalsActivist|LoverOfAllAnimalsActivist]] ([[User talk:LoverOfAllAnimalsActivist|talk]]) 07:35, 7 February 2024 (UTC) :@[[User:LoverOfAllAnimalsActivist|LoverOfAllAnimalsActivist]] No, I've never dealt with him and I stick away from the genital/reproductive articles, which seems to be his main haunt. I don't really have the bandwidth for joining in drama that doesn't relate to me (I'm not exactly a veteran here...). I don't know why you would be scared of a wikipedian though, just because they act neurodivergently sometimes. Just revert if you think the edit is regressive, give an explanatory reversion reason and start a discussion on the article's talk page to cover your bases and maybe attract some support. If they unrevert and you still care, then escalate it. At a cursory glance, I see that their recent edits involved making a clearer distinction between [[polygyny]] and [[polygyny in animals]], which is not emblematic of non-human erasure. Dunno... don't be afraid of the revert button, just be kind when you use it. [[User:Curran919|Curran919]] ([[User talk:Curran919#top|talk]]) 09:50, 7 February 2024 (UTC) ==[[:Category:All WikiProject Color pages]] has been nominated for deletion== <div class="floatleft" style="margin-bottom:0">[[File:Ambox warning orange.svg|48px|alt=|link=]]</div>[[:Category:All WikiProject Color pages]] has been nominated for deletion. A discussion is taking place to decide whether it complies with the [[Wikipedia:Categorization|categorization]] guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at '''[[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2024 June 22#Category:All WikiProject Color pages|the category's entry]]''' on the [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion|categories for discussion]] page.<!-- Template:Cfd-notify--> Thank you. –[[User:LaundryPizza03|<b style="color:#77b">Laundry</b><b style="color:#fb0">Pizza</b><b style="color:#b00">03</b>]] ([[User talk:LaundryPizza03|<span style="color:#0d0">d</span>]][[Special:Contribs/LaundryPizza03|<span style="color:#0bf">c̄</span>]]) 21:50, 22 June 2024 (UTC) == ArbCom 2024 Elections voter message == <div class="ivmbox " style="margin-bottom: 1em; border: 1px solid #a2a9b1; background-color: #fdf2d5; padding: 0.5em; display: flex; align-items: center; "> <div class="ivmbox-image noresize" style="padding-left:1px; padding-right:0.5em;">[[File:Scale of justice 2.svg|40px]]</div> <div class="ivmbox-text"> Hello! Voting in the '''[[WP:ACE2024|2024 Arbitration Committee elections]]''' is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on {{#time:l, j F Y|{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2024|end}}-1 day}}. All '''[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024#Election timeline|eligible users]]''' are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once. The [[WP:ARBCOM|Arbitration Committee]] is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the [[Wikipedia:Arbitration|Wikipedia arbitration process]]. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose [[WP:BAN|site bans]], [[WP:TBAN|topic bans]], editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The [[Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy|arbitration policy]] describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate in the 2024 election, please review [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024/Candidates|the candidates]] and submit your choices on the '''[[Special:SecurePoll/vote/{{Arbitration Committee candidate/data|2024|poll}}|voting page]]'''. 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