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data-keyboard="true" aria-labelledby="accept-terms-read-report-title"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content" role="document"> <div class="modal-header"> <h2 class="bellSlimBlack txtSize24 margin-b-0 txtBlack2" id="accept-terms-read-report-title"> Caution regarding forward-looking statements</h2> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="close dialog" data-url="#"><span class="icon icon-close txtBlue txtSize20"></span></button> </div> <div class="modal-body scrollAdjust"> <p class="margin-b-30">The following webpages contain forward-looking statements including, without limitation, statements relating to BCE’s dividend growth objective, 2024 annualized common share dividend and dividend payout ratio level, and dividend payout policy target, BCE’s anticipated capital expenditures, network deployment plans and the benefits expected to result therefrom, our transformation initiatives and restructuring and the benefits expected to result therefrom, our ESG objectives and the benefits expected to result therefrom (which include, without limitation, our objectives concerning diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB), customer experience, energy savings, circular economy and waste reduction, community investment, privacy and information security, network reliability, corporate governance and ethical business conduct leadership, reductions in the level of our GHG emissions including, without limitation, our carbon neutrality (scope 1 and 2 only) target and our science-based targets, and our carbon abatement objectives), the expected impacts on our company of various climate-related events, business opportunities that could result from climate change, BCE’s business outlook, objectives, plans and strategic priorities, and other statements that do not refer to historical facts. A statement we make is forward-looking when it uses what we know and expect today to make a statement about the future. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by the words <em>assumption, goal, guidance, objective, outlook, project, strategy, target, commitment</em> and other similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as <em>aim, anticipate, believe, could, expect, intend, may, plan, seek, should, strive</em> and <em>will</em>. All such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbour provisions of applicable Canadian securities laws and of the United States (U.S.) <em>Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995</em>.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">Unless otherwise indicated by us, forward-looking statements in the following webpages describe our expectations as at March 7, 2024 and, accordingly, are subject to change after that date. Except as may be required by applicable securities laws, we do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Forward-looking statements, by their very nature, are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties and are based on several assumptions, both general and specific, which give rise to the possibility that actual results or events could differ materially from our expectations expressed in, or implied by, such forward-looking statements and that our business outlook, objectives, plans and strategic priorities may not be achieved. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or events, and we caution you against relying on any of these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are presented in the following webpages for the purpose of assisting readers in understanding our objectives, strategic priorities and business outlook as well as our anticipated operating environment. Readers are cautioned, however, that such information may not be appropriate for other purposes.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">We have made certain economic, market, operational and other assumptions in preparing the forward-looking statements contained in the following webpages, which include, without limitation, the assumptions described in the subsections of the BCE 2023 Annual MD&A entitled <em>Assumptions</em>, which subsections are incorporated by reference in this cautionary statement. Subject to various factors, we believe that our assumptions were reasonable at March 7, 2024. If our assumptions turn out to be inaccurate, actual results or events could be materially different from what we expect.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">Important risk factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, the previously-mentioned forward-looking statements and other forward-looking statements contained in the following webpages, include, but are not limited to, the risks described in section 9, <em>Business risks</em> of the BCE 2023 Annual MD&A, which section is incorporated by reference in this cautionary statement.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">Forward-looking statements contained in the following webpages for periods beyond 2024 involve longer-term assumptions and estimates than forward-looking statements for 2024 and are consequently subject to greater uncertainty. They assume, unless otherwise indicated, that the relevant assumptions and risks described in the BCE 2023 Annual MD&A will remain substantially unchanged during such periods.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">We caution readers that the risk factors described in the previously-mentioned section and in other sections of the BCE 2023 Annual MD&A are not the only ones that could affect us. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial may also have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, liquidity, financial results or reputation. We regularly consider potential acquisitions, dispositions, mergers, business combinations, investments, monetizations, joint ventures and other transactions, some of which may be significant. Except as otherwise indicated by us, forward-looking statements do not reflect the potential impact of any such transactions or of special items that may be announced or that may occur after March 7, 2024. The financial impact of these transactions and special items can be complex and depends on facts particular to each of them. We therefore cannot describe the expected impact in a meaningful way, or in the same way we present known risks affecting our business.</p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a class="btn btn-default col1-xs " role="button" href="/2023-integrated-report"> Agree and continue</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> header.standard-outline .global-navigation .menu-flyout-visible .sub-nav-group.accss-focus-blue a:focus::before { border-color: #00549a !important; } </style> <main id="maincontent"> <div class="liquid-container capitals-nav"> <div class="spacer30" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="liquid-container container"> <!--h1 class="txtSize12 txtBlack2 pad-t-15 pad-t-xs-0 margin-b-30 txtBold">LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR CAPITALS</h1--> <div class=" overflow-x-auto-xs bce-inpage-navigation modified-bce-inpage-navigation sticky-nav-scroll"> <div class="row noMargin"> <div class="col-12 no-pad bce-tablist mobile-secondary-navigation accessible-nav-cap" role="navigation" aria-label="capitals"> <div id="msn-left-cap" tabindex="0" class="msn-button" role="button" aria-label="Previous"></div> <div class="link-container"> <ul class="noBullets d-flex justify-content-start clearfix"><!-- Horizontal tab menu--> <li class="active pad-30-right" aria-current="true"> <a href="/responsibility/our-capitals/our-networks" target="_self" class="txtSize18 txtSize14-xs txtBlue active"> <div class="txtSize18">Our networks</div> </a> </li> <li class=" pad-30-right" aria-current="false"> <a href="/responsibility/our-capitals/our-customers-relationships" target="_self" class="txtSize18 txtSize14-xs txtBlue "> <div role=presentation class="txtSize18">Our customers and relationships</div> </a> </li> <li class=" pad-30-right" aria-current="false"> <a href="/responsibility/our-capitals/our-products-services" target="_self" class="txtSize18 txtSize14-xs txtBlue "> <div role=presentation class="txtSize18">Our products and services</div> </a> </li> <li class=" pad-30-right" aria-current="false"> <a href="/responsibility/our-capitals/our-environment" target="_self" class="txtSize18 txtSize14-xs txtBlue "> <div role=presentation class="txtSize18">Our environment</div> </a> </li> <li class=" pad-30-right" aria-current="false"> <a href="/responsibility/our-capitals/our-people" target="_self" class="txtSize18 txtSize14-xs txtBlue "> <div role=presentation class="txtSize18">Our people</div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="msn-right-cap" tabindex="0" class="msn-button" role="button" aria-label="Next"></div> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="bellSlimBlack txtBlack2">Learn more about </h3> <!-- Subject title --> <h2 class="bellSlimBlack txtBlack2">Our networks</h2><!-- Active Page title --> </div> </div> <div class="liquid-container container banner-img-container hidden-xs"> <img src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-banner.jpg" class="lazy bg-img img-responsive" alt=""> </div> <div class="liquid-container container banner-img-container hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg banner-annual"> <img src="/assets/responsibility/images/network-mobile.jpg" class="lazy bg-img img-responsive" alt=""> </div> <div class="bgWhite"> <div class="container liquid-container capitals-content"> <div class="scrollable-area"> <div class="row noMargin flex-direction-row-reverse"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-3 col-md-4 relative d-none d-sm-block"> <!-- Nav Scroll --> <!-- Need for the space --> <div class="spacer60" aria-hidden="true"></div> <!-- Need for the space --> <div class="subnav-scroll d-none"> <div class="subnav-wrap" role="navigation" aria-label="Bell Suppliers"> <div class="d-block d-sm-none txtSize18 txtBlack2 pad-30-left pad-30-right margin-10-bottom"> Jump to: </div> <ul class="subnavgroup scrollable-area-capitals"> <li class="listStyleNone" data-section="privacy"><a href="#privacy" class="txtDecorationNoneHover txtSize14 txtBlue">Data privacy and information security</a></li> <li class="listStyleNone" data-section="health-safety"><a href="#health-safety" class="txtDecorationNoneHover txtSize14 txtBlue">Wireless health and safety and social acceptability of our network</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-9 col-md-8 pad-45-right no-pad-xs"> <!-- CONTENT --> <div class="team-member-container-text-link-image"> <div class="scrollable-contents "> <div class="spacer60" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="margin-b-45 0"> <p><strong>In preparing this webpage, we have considered the information available until March 7, 2024.</strong></p> <div class="bgBlue txtWhite fullWidth" style="padding: 15px; border-radius: 5px"> For more information about Our networks, including <strong>network coverage</strong> and <strong>reliability</strong>, see our <a aria-label="Integrated annual report Opens in new tab" class="txtUnderline txtWhite" href="/investors/AR-2023/2023-bce-integrated-annual-report.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Integrated annual report</a>, from page 26 to 29. </div> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-30">Our wireless and wireline networks, as well as our broadcasting services, keep Canadians connected, informed and entertained. By providing the best network technologies, we power Canada’s prosperity and support the nation’s innovation pipeline. Additionally, our focus on data privacy and information security supports the reliability of our networks.</p> <div class="grey-link-box"> <div> <div class="txtBold txtBlack2 margin-b-15" role="heading" aria-level="2"> Policies and information related to Our Networks: </div> <ul class="noBullets"> <li> <a aria-label="Our Commitment to privacy Opens in new tab" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>Our Commitment to privacy</span></a> </li> <li> <a aria-label="Our Privacy Policy Opens in new tab" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>Our Privacy Policy</span></a> </li> <li> <a aria-label="Learn how we collect and use your data Opens in new tab" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>Learn how we collect and use your data</span></a> </li> <li> <a aria-label="Bell Code of Business Conduct Opens in new tab" href="/about-bce/governance" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>Bell Code of Business Conduct</span></a> </li> <li> <a aria-label="5G technology, cell phones, cell phone towers and antennas Opens in new tab" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>5G technology, cell phones, cell phone towers and antennas</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <div class="txtBold txtBlack2 margin-b-15" role="heading" aria-level="2"> Our Networks data: </div> <ul class="noBullets"> <li> <a aria-label="Our Networks data: ESG data summary Opens in new tab" href="/responsibility/2023-esg-data-summary.xlsx" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-r-10" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span><span class="sr-only">opens in new tab</span><span>ESG data summary</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <section id="privacy" class="margin-b-60"> <div class="margin-b-45 1"> <h3 class="txtSize32 txtBlack2 lineHeight-38 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Data privacy and information security </h3> <div class="gri-tag-container" role="list"><span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> GRI 205-2</span> <span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> GRI 418-1</span> <span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> SASB: TC-TL-220a.1-2-3-4</span> <span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem">SASB: TC-SI-220a.1-2-3-4</span> <span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem">SASB: TC-TL-230a.1-2-3-4</span> <span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem">SASB: TC-SI-230a.1-2-3-4</span></div> <div class="spacer45" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="txtBold margin-b-15">Our customers, team members and investors expect us to demonstrate that we collect data appropriately, use it for purposes that advance their interests and keep it secure. Our approach to data governance encompasses the protection and appropriate use of data across its lifecycle, and we incorporate data governance proactively as a core consideration in all of our business initiatives and technology decisions.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">The BCE Inc. Board of Directors adopted an enhanced data governance policy in 2020, bringing together multiple existing policies and programs in the interrelated areas of privacy, information security, data access management and records management. We have implemented mandatory data governance training for all employees as part of our biannual code of business conduct training program. We have also created an internal data governance site to centralize resources and answer frequently asked questions for team members.</p> <div class="light-blue-box"> Our approach to data governance encompasses the protection and appropriate use of data across its lifecycle, and we incorporate data governance proactively as a core consideration in all of our business initiatives and technology decisions. </div> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 2"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Privacy </h4> <div class="gri-tag-container" role="list"><span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> GRI 205-2</span></div> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="scale-mob margin-b-30"><img alt="Image representing safekeeping of data" class="lazy img-responsive" src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-privacy-banner.png" style=""></div> <p class="txtBold margin-b-15">Customer awareness about the importance of protecting their personal information, and privacy considerations relating to their use of our services continue to increase. This has attracted the attention of lawmakers and regulators. There has also been increased regulatory scrutiny over the use, collection and disclosure of personal information in Canada. Our continued focus in this area aligns with our Strategic Imperative to champion the customer experience.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">We value the trust our customers place in us when sharing their personal information. We are committed to being accountable for how we collect, use and disclose personal information. Our privacy policy sets out what information we collect, how and why we collect, use and sometimes disclose it, how and when we may request informed consent from our customers, how customers can access their personal information and how they can contact us if they have questions or concerns.</p> <div class="light-blue-box margin-b-30"> We use technical and administrative safeguards to protect personal information appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. When we become aware of a suspected breach of privacy, we follow strict protocols to investigate and assess the issue and, if appropriate, to develop and implement mitigation strategies to prevent a reoccurrence in the future. Since November 1, 2018, we have also been obligated by law to report all privacy breaches that present a "real risk of significant harm" to impacted individuals to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. </div> <div class="d-sm-flex align-items-center"> <img alt="Image representing a business person reading a online document with attention" class="lazy netwrok-img-1 col-md-8 col-sm-6 margin-r-30 margin-r-xs-0" src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-privacy-policy-banner.png"> <p class="margin-b-0">Every year, all Bell team members must individually review and sign the Bell Code of Business Conduct. Reinforcing the importance of safeguarding customer information and using it only in accordance with our privacy policy</p> </div> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 3"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> User consent and purpose of data collection </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-15">Bell's privacy policy explains how and when we collect, use and disclose personal information, including how we share personal information within the Bell group of companies. We keep information only as long as we need to or as required by law. Moreover, Bell does not disclose a customer's confidential information to government agencies, unless it is required or permitted by law (such as where it is necessary to investigate the contravention of a law or to prevent fraud and secure our networks) or in the case of an emergency where there is an imminent danger to life or property. </p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 4"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Team member training and privacy tools </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="scale-mob margin-b-30"><img alt="Image representing two Bell employees involved in a training session" class="lazy img-responsive" src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-training-and-privacy-tool-banner.png" style=""></div> <p class="margin-b-30">We provide our team members with information and ongoing training regarding the importance of respecting the privacy of our customers’ and team members’ personal information. We publish information on our intranet site that clearly defines roles, processes, training support and more. In 2021, we implemented mandatory data governance training for all employees as part of our biannual code of business conduct training program.</p> <div class="light-blue-box"> Team members and customers are able to address questions about privacy and obtain support from the Bell Privacy Team through our privacy mailbox, which is continuously monitored. </div> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 5"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Information Security </h4> <div class="gri-tag-container" role="list"><span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> GRI 3-3</span></div> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-15 txtBold">Our industry, like many others, is subject to constant cyber threats. We need to be able to identify and address information security risks in a timely manner in order to protect systems and information and help deliver on our Strategic Imperative to champion customer experience. Avoiding information security incidents can also limit increased expenses associated with remediation efforts and legal exposure, aligning with our Strategic Imperative to operate with agility and cost efficiency.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">We strive to maintain the security of our systems and customers' data. To do this, we implement prevention, detection and response programs related to security threats. As we provide ongoing training to our team members on data protection, we also continue to help define industry security and risk management practices.</p> <div class="light-blue-box margin-b-30"> Our information security goal: To be recognized as the information security leader in our industry and a trusted partner for our customers. </div> <p class="margin-b-0">At Bell, we seek to protect our networks, systems, applications and the personal information they contain against all threats, including cyber attacks, unauthorized access or entry, damage from fire and natural events, among others. We strive to protect the competitiveness of Canadian businesses using Bell's services, by seeking to maintain network security and stability. We make continual investments to improve the performance and availability of our services and networks, and deploy layers of security controls to protect against cyber threats. Cyber security threats continue to evolve as new technologies emerge – such as 5G, cloud computing and IoT. Bell's Information Security program addresses the confidentiality, integrity and availability of existing and emerging technologies. Embedding a security mindset and appropriate protections into everything we do describes Bell's security-by-design approach.</p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 6"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Oversight </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-15 txtBold">BCE's full Board is entrusted with the responsibility for identifying and overseeing the principal risks that our business is exposed to and seeking to ensure there are processes in place to effectively identify, monitor and manage them. While the Board has the overall responsibility for risk, the responsibility for certain elements of the Risk Oversight program is delegated to Board committees. This ensures that these elements (which are reported to the Board regularly) are treated with the appropriate expertise, attention and diligence. </p> <p class="margin-b-30">BCE's Risk and Pension Fund Committee is accountable for overseeing Bell's information security risks and strategy. Operational business unit leaders are central to the proactive identification and management of risk on a daily basis. Business unit leaders have access to a range of corporate support functions that provide independent expertise to reinforce the implementation of risk management approaches.</p> <p class="margin-b-30">The Corporate Security function is responsible for all aspects of security. Our Corporate Security professionals have a deep understanding of the business, the risk environment and the external stakeholder environment, and they set the standards for the organization in our security policies and monitor the organization's performance against these requirements. They also collaborate with operational business unit leaders to develop strategies and action plans to mitigate areas of risk.</p> <div class="light-blue-box"> BCE has established a Health and Safety, Security, Environment and Compliance Oversight Committee (HSSEC) that includes a number of our most senior leaders, to oversee progress throughout BCE's strategic security program (including information security). For more information on Bell's risk management culture, see the Corporate governance and risk management section of our <a class="txtUnderline " href="/investors/AR-2023/2023-bce-integrated-annual-report.pdf" aria-label="Integrated annual report pdf downloads in new tab">Integrated annual report <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a>. </div> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 7"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Framework, policies and certification </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-0">To protect existing assets, we have developed a framework based on industry best practices and standards, including, but not limited to, those of the Information Security Forum (ISF), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This framework consists of 10 strategic Information Security pillars and is supported by a series of policies, directives and standards defining security controls to protect our assets and data. In 2021, we completed a third-party evaluation of Bell's information security management system (ISMS) and strategy, reinforcing our alignment with best practices and leadership in the industry. We have assessed and aligned 100% of our ISMS against the ISO standard, with the intent to use as base to build on and maintain our information security management system. We already conduct Service Organization Control (SOC 1 & 2) audits on specific services across Bell to provide independent assurance on security, availability and privacy controls to our customers. We rely on a robust assurance process to conduct assessments on projects, identify areas of risk and establish action plans to ensure systems are deployed with the appropriate level of security. In consideration of the evolving nature and sophistication of information security threats around the world, we rapidly adapt our security policies and procedures.</p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 8"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Bell’s information security pillars </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="d-flex pillar-icons" role="list"> <div class="item" role="listitem" > <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-no-top icon-agility_cost txtWhite txtSize60 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Asset management and visibility </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-8-top icon-forgot-your-password txtWhite txtSize42 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Access control and authentication </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-deliver txtWhite txtSize30 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Secure system development and operations </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-no-top icon-network txtWhite txtSize60 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Application, network and endpoint security </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-8-top icon-internet_security txtWhite txtSize42 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Security testing </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-8-top icon-compare_program txtWhite txtSize36 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Policies, requirements and risk prioritization </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-no-top icon-supplier txtWhite txtSize60 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Supplier risk management </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-no-top icon-personal_and_physical_s txtWhite txtSize60 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Security skills, education and awareness </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-8-top icon-cyber_savvy txtWhite txtSize42 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Cyber threat intelligence and detection </div> </div> <div class="item" role="listitem"> <div class="bell-blue-icon-circle"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 bce-8-top icon-troubleshooting txtWhite txtSize42 margin-t-7-neg"></i> </div> <div> Incident response and recovery </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 9"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Threats and incidents </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="scale-mob margin-b-30"><img alt="Image symbolizing protection against cyber threat" class="lazy img-responsive" src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-threats-and-incidents-banner.png" style=""></div> <p class="margin-b-30">We have an internal Cyber Threat Intelligence team that identifies threats facing Bell and our customers, and complements the intelligence we gather from other industry sources. For example, Bell is a founding member of the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX), a national, cross-sector threat forum where security professionals exchange actionable threat intelligence and mitigation measures with peers.</p> <div class="light-blue-box margin-b-30"> There have not been any regulatory investigations or lawsuits to date, actual or threatened. </div> <p>Information security awareness and education is an important part of team member onboarding and mandatory training at Bell. Be Cyber Savvy is Bell’s information security education program. This program includes access to our specialized cyber awareness platform, annual training and monthly phishing simulations, as well as a wide variety of materials available to employees such as webinars, articles, podcasts and an annual virtual conference. As of December 31, 2023, 95% of onboarded employees have completed baseline training, achieving our goal of a 90% completion rate. Our 2023 phishing simulation report rate is at 33%, and we observed a 142% increase in reported phishing simulations from fully trained employees compared to non-trained employees. These initiatives enable a stronger cybersecurity culture and a greater awareness of cybersecurity risks.</p> <p class="margin-b-30"> </p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 10"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Customers </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-30">Consistent with Bell's position as an established provider of security services for Canadian businesses and organizations, our Managed IoT Security Service provides comprehensive security to keep our customers' networks and systems safe and secure as they adopt IoT technologies. Our full suite of security services is monitored by Bell's Security Operations Centre, the centre is staffed 24/7 to provide incident and policy management, policy management and to reporting on all security related incidents. </p> <p class="margin-b-30"> </p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 11"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Contract requirements </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-30">Third-party data processors are required to implement adequate measures to ensure information security. We hold suppliers accountable through contractual clauses, requiring that the appropriate controls are in place to protect Bell’s data and systems. Where a supplier handles sensitive information that belongs to a Bell company, a Bell customer or one of our team members, the supplier must comply with all applicable privacy laws in the jurisdiction in which they operate, as well as the contractual obligations set forth in the agreement. Bell reserves the right to assess and monitor suppliers' practices regarding information security protection. Suppliers must notify Bell immediately of all actual or suspected privacy breaches, information security incidents or loss of Bell's data and the supplier must assist Bell in managing the consequences of such events.</p> </div> <div class="margin-b-45 12"> <h4 class="txtSize24 txtBlack2 lineHeight-26 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> External collaboration and partnerships </h4> <div class="spacer15" aria-hidden="true"></div> <div class="scale-mob margin-b-30"><img alt="Image symbolizing a group of people working together to protect safety of data and information" class="lazy img-responsive" src="/assets/responsibility/images/our-network-external-collaboration-and-partnerships-banner.png" style=""></div> <div class="light-blue-box margin-b-30"> As a Canadian chapter member in the not-for-profit, member-driven ISF, Bell helps drive the evolution of security and risk management practices. We also adhere to a number of international security standards and frameworks, including the Information Security Forum Standard of Good Practice, NIST and PCI DSS. </div> <p class="margin-b-15">Bell is a founding member of CCTX, which aims to help public and private organizations share cyber threat and mitigation information across industries and sectors in Canada. Bell is also a founding member of the Canadian Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (CSTAC), where we work together to drive best practices and improve the security and resiliency of Canada's connected world along with other Canadian telecommunications providers, government departments and law enforcement agencies.</p> <p class="margin-b-15">Bell is recognized as a Canadian security leader by IDC Canada. IDC Canada evaluates security providers on their current capabilities and future strategies for delivery of security services. Bell’s leadership was recognized in the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2022 IDC Canada reports.</p> </div> </section> <section id="health-safety" class="margin-b-60"> <div class="margin-b-45 13"> <h3 class="txtSize32 txtBlack2 lineHeight-38 bellSlimBlack margin-b-0"> Wireless health and safety and social acceptability of our network </h3> <div class="gri-tag-container" role="list"><span class="gri-tag-blue" role="listitem"> GRI 416-1</span></div> <div class="spacer45" aria-hidden="true"></div> <p class="margin-b-15 txtBold">In Canada, <a class="txtUnderline" href="" aria-label="Health Canada opens in new tab">Health Canada <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a> reviews studies from around the world, conducts its own research and sets guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic fields. The guidelines are documented as <a class="txtUnderline " href="" aria-label="Safety Code 6 opens in new tab">Safety Code 6 <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a>. This code sets the limits for safe exposure to RF emissions for all people, including vulnerable populations and people who work near RF emission sources. The code also outlines safety requirements for the installation and operation of devices that emit RF fields, such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi technologies and base station antennas. </p> <p class="margin-b-30">Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has made compliance to Safety Code 6 mandatory for all proponents and operators of radio installations. ISED is responsible for approving RF equipment using Health Canada's Safety Code 6 standard for exposure and performing compliance assessments.</p> <div class="margin-b-30 light-blue-box"> The deployment of 5G or "fifth generation" wireless systems, enables a fully connected mobile society and delivers unprecedented benefits to citizens, industry and government. Mobile communications use different parts of the RF spectrum, often referred to as low, mid and high-band spectrum. Millimeter (mm) wave (mmWave) spectrum bands, for example, is used for 5G deployment. The mmWave spectrum is not new as it is already being used for fixed wireless communications and satellite internet services. Devices using mmWave spectrum have always been part of Health Canada's guidelines, which cover the entire RF spectrum range. For more information, please see the resources on <a class="txtUnderline" href="" aria-label="ISED website opens in new tab">ISED’s website <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a> and the <a class="txtUnderline" href="" aria-label="CTA website opens in new tab">CTA website <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a>. </div> <p class="margin-b-30">The safety and security of our customers is our top priority. Bell only purchases mobile phones that meet Health Canada's Safety Code 6 RF emission requirements. Bell also ensures that all of the wireless network equipment that we place on towers, buildings and other support structures meets these requirements. When selecting the location of new telecommunication sites, Bell is sensitive to community concerns with respect to location and placement of facilities. Before selecting or acquiring property for any new telecommunication site, Bell first determines whether it is feasible to place antennas on existing structures, such as buildings and pre-existing towers. In this regard, Bell seeks to comply with <a class="txtUnderline" href="" aria-label="ISED's guidelines opens in new tab">ISED's guidelines <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a> for public and municipal consultation as set out in ISED’s Client Procedures Circular <a class="txtUnderline" href="" aria-label="CPC-2-0-03, Radio communication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems opens in new tab">CPC-2-0-03, Radio communication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems<span aria-hidden="true" class="icon2 icon-external-link pad-l-5" role="img" title="opens in new tab"></span></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/BRF3/app.css?v=XV_kjGuxOhGwdZdme6znLR36uuUFGT8Mv2LFekZwHZU1"> <script defer src="/scripts/BRF3/bottom.js?v=E585QVAvBGkZuTnTyBCGTfpLWSMxurh0d1V9816nPw81"></script> <script src="/themes/BRF3/content/js/sticky-nav.js"></script> <div 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class="prnews_span"><sup>i</sup> IDC report <i>IoT Adoption in Canada, 2021</i> by Nigel Wallis IDC#CA47059321 </span></div> <div id="fna-2"><span class="prnews_span"><sup>i </sup>Rapport d'IDC <i>IoT Adoption in Canada, 2021</i> par Nigel Wallis, document d'IDC numéro CA47059321</span></div> <div id="fnt-1">1. As the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier Bell Canada provides local exchange service to most MDUs in Ontario and Quebec.</div> <div id="fnt-2">2. Service is provided under Bell Canada's CRTC approved "Terms of Service" and no other written access agreements exist for these buildings.</div> <div id="fnt-3">3. Local Exchange Carriers requesting information on any other specific locations are requested to contact their Bell Canada Carrier Services Group representative via normal channels.</div> <div id="fntf-1">1. À titre d'entreprise de services locaux titulaire, Bell Canada offre le service local à la plupart des ILM du Québec et de l'Ontario. Le service est fourni en vertu des « modalités de service » de Bell Canada qui sont approuvées par le CRTC, et aucune autre entente d'accès n'existe pour ces immeubles.</div> <div id="fntf-2">2. Il existe un petit nombre d'ILM récemment construits auxquels Bell Canada tente encore d'accéder. Veuillez consulter les sites Web publics d'autres entreprises de services locaux pour connaître ces immeubles.</div> <div id="fntf-3">3. Les entreprises de services locaux qui ont besoin d'information sur tout autre immeuble sont priées de contacter leur représentant des Services aux télécommunicateurs de Bell Canada par les voies normales.</div> </div> <div class=" pad-v-sm-30 pad-v-30 margin-t-60 footnote-additional-details hide js-focus-modal-trap" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="footnote-title"> <div class="d-flex flex-justify-space-between align-items-center pad-b-sm-15 pad-b-25 scroll-shadow pad-h-30 pad-h-xs-15"> <h2 class="txtBold txtSize18 txtBlack magrin-b-0 " id="footnote-title"> Additional details</h2> <button type="button" class="close d-flex pad-0-force margin-0-force close-additional-details" aria-label="Close Additional details"> <span class="icon icon-close txtBlue txtBold txtSize20" role="img" title="close" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only" aria-hidden="true">Close Additional details icon</span> </button> </div> <div class="footnote-details-content pad-h-30 pad-h-xs-15"> <div class="txtSize14 line-height-18 margin-b-0 footnote-text"></div> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="js-loading-indicator" class="loader-fixed bgWhite container-flex-box" style="display: none;" role="alert"> <svg class="loading-indicator-circle middle-align-self" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 48 48" aria-hidden="true"> <defs> <linearGradient id="ed1bf9d4-a7f2-4989-8a76-7b966164730a" x1="0" x2="0" y1="10%" y2="90%"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#04569b"></stop><stop offset="1" stop-color="#97b6d2"></stop></linearGradient> <linearGradient id="4762aef6-befd-4893-9ab8-18ee7b0b8817" x1="0" x2="0" y1="90%" y2="10%"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#97b6d2"></stop><stop offset="1" stop-color="#fff"></stop></linearGradient> </defs> <path fill="url(#ed1bf9d4-a7f2-4989-8a76-7b966164730a)" d="M24 3C12 3 3 12 3 24S12 45 24 45v-4c-10 0-17-8-17-17S15 7 24 7v-4z"></path> <path fill="url(#4762aef6-befd-4893-9ab8-18ee7b0b8817)" d="M24 3v4c10 0 17 8 17 17S34 41 24 41v4c12 0 21-10 21-21S36 3 24 3z"></path> </svg> Loading data, please wait... </div> <script type="text/javascript" nonce="576ce26d66144ac08599e2dc0e404d37"> function showAjax(visible) { document.getElementById("js-loading-indicator").style.display = visible ? 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