FSE 2017 - International Conference on Fast Software Encryption 2017 - Tokyo, Japan
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FSE 2017 will take place in Tokyo, on March 5-8, 2017.</p> <p>Original research papers on symmetric cryptology are invited for submission to FSE 2017. The scope of FSE concentrates on fast and secure primitives for symmetric cryptography, including the design and analysis of block ciphers, stream ciphers, encryption schemes, hash functions, message authentication codes, (cryptographic) permutations, authenticated encryption schemes, cryptanalysis and evaluation tools, and security issues and solutions regarding their implementation. From this year, FSE 2017 also solicits submissions for <b>Systematization of Knowledge</b> (SoK) papers. These papers aim at revieweing and contextualizing the existing literature in a particular area in order to systematize the existing knowledge in that area. To be considered for publication, they must provide an added value beyond prior work, such as novel insights or reasonably questioning previous assumptions.</p> <h2>New publication model as of FSE 2017</h2> <p>From this year, FSE has moved to an open-access journal/conference hybrid model. Submitted articles undergo a journal-style reviewing process. Accepted papers are published in <b>Gold Open Access</b> (free availability from day one) by the Ruhr University of Bochum in an issue of the newly established journal <b>IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology</b>.</p> <p>For any further information, please view the <a href="">FAQ page</a> and the <a href="cfp.html">Call for Papers</a>.</p> <h2>News</h2> <ul id="newslist"> <li>June 2, 2017.<a href="program.html"> Slides</a> and <a href="rump.html"> Rump session slides</a> are available. <li>March 10, 2017.<a href="00_RUMP_SESSION.pdf"> Rump session program</a> is available. <li>March 8, 2017. Conference is closed. Thank you for participating in the event. <li>March 5, 2017. <a href="FSE2017_Rump_CFP.pdf"> Rump session CFP</a> is available. The deadline is <b>Tuesday, 7 Mar, at 11am</b>. <li>February 28, 2017. A <a href="venue_Map.pdf"> venue map </a> is available. <li>February 26, 2017. A <a href="program.html"> program </a> is online. <li>February 23, 2017. A <a href="accepted.html"> list of accepted papers </a> is available. <li>February 17, 2017. Deadline for request of visa application document has passed. <li>February 7, 2017. Joan Daemen and Shiho Moriai will give invited talks at FSE 2017. <li>January 27, 2017. Some prospective attendees of FSE 2017 have been called by someone who claims to work for University of Nagoya with the offer to assist with their hotel booking for FSE 2017. This is part of a scam. Please ignore these calls (or similar emails). <b>No one from the FSE 2017 organisation will ever contact participants to help booking their hotel.</b> <li>January 5, 2017. <a href="registration.html">Registration</a> is open, and <a href="venue.html">Venue</a>, <a href="hotels.html">Hotels</a>, <a href="travel_info.html">Travel info</a>, and <a href="visa.html">Visa info</a> pages are updated. <li>December 27, 2016. The IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) is available at <a href=""></a>. <li>November 24, 2016. The submission deadline for Issue 3 has passed.</li> <li>November 16, 2016. The submission server for Issue 3 is up.</li> <li>September 2, 2016. The submission deadline for Issue 2 has passed.</li> <li>August 27, 2016. The <a href="">zip</a> file of the new LaTeX style has been updated. Please use the latest one. <li>August 26, 2016. The <a href="">zip</a> file that includes the new LaTeX style has been updated. Authors are advised to use the latest one. <li>August 21, 2016. The submission server for Issue 2 is up.</li> <li>June 2, 2016. The submission deadline for Issue 1 has passed.</li> <li>May 28, 2016. The <a href="">zip</a> file that includes the new LaTeX style has been updated. Authors are advised to use the latest one. </li> <li>May 11, 2016. The <a href="">zip</a> file that includes the new LaTeX style is updated.</li> <li>May 6, 2016. Call For Papers is online and the submission server is up.</li> <li>May 1, 2016. Initial website is up.</li> </ul> <h2>Timeline for FSE 2017/IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017</h2> <p>All upcoming deadlines are 23:59:59 American Samoa time (UTC-11)</p> <table border="0"> <tr> <b>Volume IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017, Issue 1:</b> </tr> <td>* Submission: 1 June 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Decision: 1 August 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers (and conditionally accepted): 28 August 2016</td> </table> <table border="0"> </tr> <tr> <b>Volume IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017, Issue 2:</b> </tr> <td>* Submission: 1 September 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Decision: 1 November 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers (and conditionally accepted): 28 November 2016</td> </tr> </table> <table border="0"> <tr> <b>Volume IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017, Issue 3:</b> </tr> <td>* Submission: 23 November 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Decision: 23 January 2017</td> </tr> <tr> <td>* Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers (and conditionally accepted): 23 February 2017</td> </tr> </table> <br> <h2>Organizing Committee</h2> <p><b>Program Chairs/Co-Editors-in-Chief</b></p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><a href=""> María Naya-Plasencia</a> (Inria, France)</td> <td><tt></tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""> Bart Preneel</a> (University of Leuven and iMinds, Belgium)</td> <td><tt></tt></td> </tr> </table> <p><b>General Chairs</b></p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td>Tetsu Iwata (Nagoya University, Japan)</td> <td><tt></tt> </tr> <tr> <td>Shiho Moriai (NICT, Japan)</td> <td><tt></tt> </tr> </table> <!-- end content --> </div> </td> </tr> <tr id="footerrow"> <td id="leftfooter"></td> <td id="footerbar"> <hr id="footerrule"> <div id="footertext"> Template designed by KU Leuven - COSIC <div id="sponsors"> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </body></html>