PEGS BOSTON : The Essential Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit
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value=''><input type='hidden' name='active_booth' id='active_booth' value=''> <!-- header --> <div id='header'> <table width=100% border=0> <tr> <td align=center> <img id='main_logo' src='' > </td> <td> <!-- <img id='sub1_logo' src='' width='171' height='75'> --> </td> <!-- <td> </td> <td valign=top id='main_loc' class='title_box'> <font class='show_title'> </font> <font class='show_loc'> May 12 - 15, 2025<br>Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport - Ensemble Ballroom & Pre-Function ∴ Boston, MA </font> </td> --> <!-- to change it back to side-by-side, take out the below row tags --> </tr><tr> <td align=center valign='top' width=100%> <table id='nav' border=0> <tr> <td><button class='btn btn-xs' type='button' rel='tooltip' title='Zoom In' id='zoom_in'> <i class='fa fa-plus glyphicon-white'></i></button></td> <td class='bts'> </td> <td><button class='btn btn-xs' type='button' rel='tooltip' title='Zoom Out' id='zoom_out'> <i class='fa fa-minus glyphicon-white'></i></button></td> <td 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function(data) { $('#ex_list').html(data); } ) .error(function() { alert('get list error'); }); $('#showList').appendTo('body').modal('show'); } function show_company_info(booth_obj) { if ($('.modal').is(':visible')) { $('.modal').modal('hide'); } var booth_id =; curr_booth = booth_id; var booth_num = booth_obj.getAttribute('boo_num'); curr_boo_num = booth_num; var booth_stat = booth_obj.getAttribute('boo_stat'); $('#pci_mbn').html('Booth ' + booth_num); $('#ci_company').html(''); $('#ci_web').html(''); $('#ci_contact').html(''); $.post('nup/get_cinfo.reg', { form_id: $('#form_id').val(), g_booth: curr_booth }, function(data) { try { var json = $.parseJSON(data); $('#ci_company').html($.trim(; $('#ci_web').html($.trim(json.web)); $('#ci_contact').html($.trim(; $('#showCInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); } catch(e) { alert ('Error. ' + data); } } ) .error(function() { alert('Find company error'); }); } function get_booth_status() { // Sold #ce3122 IndianRed // Reserved #ffd700 Gold // Sponsor #6495ED Blue // Sponsor (NEW) #909090 Grey // Available #74c6ac MediumAquaMarine var obj = document.getElementById('boomap'); var svgObj = obj.contentDocument; // console.log(svgObj.getElementById('b1307')); var $svgObj = $(svgObj); $('#err').html(''); $('#spin2').show(); $.post('nup/get_boo_stat.reg', { form_id: $('#form_id').val(), g_map_pg: next_map }, function(data) { // alert('Got: ' + data); data = $.trim(data); try { var json = $.parseJSON(data); // alert('Got: ' + data); // console.log(data); for (b_cnt = 0; b_cnt <; b_cnt++) { var bo = $.trim([b_cnt].b); var st = $.trim([b_cnt].s); var og = $.trim([b_cnt].o); //svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('company', og); $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('company', og); // #CE3122 #74C6AC // alert(st); // break; switch (st) { case "S": $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('fill', '#D74860') .attr('status', st) .attr('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); //svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('fill', '#CE3122'); break; case "R": $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('fill', '#FFD700') .attr('status', st) .attr('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); //svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('fill', '#FFD700'); break; case "H": $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('fill', 'orange') .attr('status', st) .attr('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); //svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('fill', '#FFD700'); break; case "Z": $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('fill', '#909090') .attr('status', st) .attr('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); break; default: // alert(st); $svgObj.find('#'+bo).attr('fill', '#97C760') .attr('status', st) .attr('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); // console.log(svgObj.getElementById(bo)); // console.log(svgObj); // console.log(bo); // svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('fill', '#FFFFFF'); // svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('status', st); // svgObj.getElementById(bo).setAttribute('onmouseover', 'hilight(evt,"' + og + '")'); } } $('#spin2').hide(); } catch(e) { console.log('catch'); $('#err').html('Warning - ' + data); $('#spin2').hide(); } } ) .error(function() { $('#err').html('Error - Cannot get booth status.'); $('#spin2').hide(); }); } function show_info(booth_obj) { if ($('.modal').is(':visible')) { $('.modal').modal('hide'); } $('#b_info').html(''); var booth_id =; curr_booth = booth_id; var booth_num = booth_obj.getAttribute('boo_num'); $('#bi_hdr').html('Booth ' + booth_num); // Check Status var booth_stat = booth_obj.getAttribute('boo_stat'); switch (booth_stat) { case 'A': $('#b_info').html('<div id="b_stat">Booth Available</div>'); $('#showInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); break; case 'Z': $('#b_info').html('<div id="b_stat">Sponsor Booth Available</div>'); $('#showInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); break; case 'R': $('#b_info').html('<div id="b_stat">Booth Reserved</div>'); $('#showInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); break; case 'X': $('#b_info').html('<div id="b_stat">Booth Pending Sale</div>'); $('#showInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); break; case 'S': $.post('nup/get_booth.reg', { form_id: $('#form_id').val(), p_booth: curr_booth }, function(data) { $('#b_info').html(data); $('#showInfo').appendTo('body').modal('show'); } ) .error(function() { alert('get booth error'); }); break; default: alert('Error: unknown booth status.'); break; } } </script> </body> </html>