Destination Cinema IMAX movie theaters : film distributors
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(DCI) owns and operates large-format theaters in tourist locations throughout North America, having pioneered the destination film and theater concept in 1984. One of the most prolific and successful producers of large-format films, the Company owns a film library specializing in destination topics and distributes large-format films to theaters throughout the world. By combining the roles of theater owner and <a href="">film distributor</a>, DCI provides a unique service and competitive advantage to its customers. DCI enjoys an affiliation with <a href="">National Geographic</a>, and two of DCI's theaters and three of its films carry the National Geographic brand. National Geographic is currently expanding its involvement in the large-format industry by producing four new films over the next three years, all of which will be distributed by DCI. Our latest in <a href="">IMAX</a> <a href="">theaters</a> development provides <a href="">educational entertainment</a> and <a href="">commercial</a> destination attractions.</p> <br> <p align="left" content=""><!--imax theaters films distributors movies digital cinema technology management development destination attractions museum educational entertainment commercial--> </p> <p align="center" content=""> </p> <h1 align="center">Giant screen theaters showing Lewis and Clark movies, Grand Canyon films, National Geographic movies and other tourist attractions. Destination film developers offering interpretative centers.</h1> <p align="left" content=""><br> <img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="theaters"> <a href="">destination attractions</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="movies"> <a href="">movie technology</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="movie technology"> <a href="">theater development</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="imax theater development"> <a href="">destination films</a> <p align="left"> </p> <h1 align="center">Destination films, digital cinema attractions, museum and theater development, educational and commercial entertainment.</h1> <p align="left">With IMAX theater management, technology and development, Destination Cinema, Inc. (DCI) offers a unique blend of large-format film services combining award-winning film production and distribution with a proven track record of successful <a href="">theater management</a> <a href=""></a>and development. In an era when the large-format film industry is facing uncertain times, DCI is still drawing more than two million visitors a year to its four theaters and helping clients reach new box-office highs with its library of blockbuster <a href="">movies</a>. DCI's expertise in all aspects of the industry helps them understand and meet the needs of clients. But most importantly, the experienced staff at DCI shares a sincere belief that their job is not only to provide unparalleled service to their clients, but to help clients become success stories themselves. With theaters located at the <a href="">Grand Canyon</a>, Niagara Falls, Hearst Castle, and Victoria, British Columbia, DCI is one of the leading owners of large-format theaters in the world. Cross-reference: <a href="">digital cinema</a>.<br> <br> </p> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="museum"> <a href="">lewis and clark</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="educational entertainment"> <a href="">imax theater development</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="interpretative centers developers"> <a href="">tourist interpretative centers developers</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="imax film distributors"> <a href="">museum </a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="giant screen theaters"> <a href="">giant screen theaters</a> <p align="left" content=""><img width="32" height="32" src="/web/20080613144555im_/" alt="lewis and clark commercial"> <p align="left"><a href="">Sitemap</a></p> <br> <!-- START OF WEBTRENDS LIVE TAG --> <!-- Copyright 2002 NetIQ Corporation --> <!-- For privacy concerns, check our Privacy Policy at --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Modification of this code is not allowed and will permanently disable your account! // SiteName: function wtl_Tag5_140353() { var SERVER= ""; var CONTENTGROUP= ""; var wtl_URL= document.URL; var wtl_Title= document.title; function D8( d) { var fwd=1, seed= new Date('01/01/2000'), key= "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var s= key.charAt( d.getFullYear()-2000)+key.charAt( d.getMonth()+1)+key.charAt( d.getDate()); s+= key.charAt( d.getHours())+key.charAt( d.getMinutes())+key.charAt( d.getSeconds()); while( seed.getDay()!=fwd) seed= new Date(seed.getTime() + 86400000); var w= Math.floor( (d.getTime()-(seed.getTime()+86400000)) / 604800000 ); s+= key.charAt( (w-(w%16))/16 ); s+= key.charAt( w%16); return s; } function A( B, C) { W+="&"+B+"="+escape(C); } var t = new Date(); var W="http"+(document.URL.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':'')+"://"; A( "server", typeof(SERVER)== "string" ? 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