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Please select the nature of the problem:</h3> <p> <input type="radio" name="issue" value="urlerror" > The site is unresponsive or shows an error page <br><input type="radio" name="issue" value="parked" > The site is hijacked, hacked, or parked <br><input type="radio" name="issue" value="inappropriate" > The site should not be listed <br><input type="radio" name="issue" value="misplaced" > The site is listed in the wrong category. <br><input type="radio" name="issue" value="update" > The URL, title, and/or description need to be updated </p> </div> <div id="flag-form-details" > <p id="guidance">We appreciate your assistance in keeping Curlie current. If you are suggesting changes to your site listing's title and/or description, please note that all update requests are subject to editor evaluation. We will not accept updates that attempt to market, promote or subjectively review your site. The title and description of our listings must adhere to our <a href="/docs/en/guidelines/describing.html">editing guidelines for describing sites</a>, which we encourage you to read.</p> <div id="update-block" style="display:none"> <div class="form-new-item"> <label for="newurl">Corrected URL:</label> <div><input name="newurl" id="newurl" value="" ></div> </div> <div class="form-new-item"> <label for="newtitle">Corrected title:</label> <div><input name="newtitle" id="newtitle" value="Smithtown United Methodist Church"></div> </div> <div class="form-new-item"> <label for="newdesc">Corrected description:</label> <div><textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="newdesc" id="newdesc">Provides staff info, ministries, photos, info center, upcoming events, e-newsletter, prayer and links.</textarea></div> </div> </div> <div class="form-new-item" id="reason"> <label for="reason"><span id="notemsg">Please describe the nature of your changes</span> <span id="required" style="display:none"><span style="color:red">(required)</span></span></label> <div><textarea rows="6" cols="30" name="reason" id="reason"></textarea></div> </div> <div class="form-new-item"> <label for="email">Your E-mail Address:</label> <div><input class="email" size="40" name="email" id="email" value=""></div> </div> <!-- <div class="form-new-item"> <label for="captcha_resp">User Verification:</label> <div> Please verify the text in the image. 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If you are suggesting changes to your site listing\'s title and\/or description, please note that all update requests are subject to editor evaluation. We will not accept updates that attempt to market, promote or subjectively review your site. The title and description of our listings must adhere to our <a href=\"\/docs\/en\/guidelines\/describing.html\">editing guidelines for describing sites<\/a>, which we encourage you to read.'); } else if (issue=='urlerror'||issue=='parked') { $('#notemsg').text('Please describe the problem'); $('#guidance').text(''); $('#required').hide(); } else if (issue=='misplaced') { $('#required').show(); $('#notemsg').text('Please explain why the listing does not belong in this category. We encourage you to suggest a more suitable category.'); $('#guidance').html('Please review the <a href=\"/desc/Regional%2FNorth_America%2FUnited_States%2FNew_York%2FLocalities%2FS%2FSmithtown\">category description<\/a> to learn which types of sites can be listed in this category. Many categories also contain links to related topics, which are often a good start for determining the best category for a particular resource. If you believe the site would be better placed in a different category, we would appreciate your help in identifying a better one.'); } else if (issue=='inappropriate') { $('#required').show(); $('#notemsg').text('Please explain why the listing is inappropriate for this category. We encourage you to suggest a more suitable category.'); $('#guidance').html('Please review our <a href=\"\/docs\/en\/guidelines\/include.html\">Site Selection Criteria<\/a> for information about the attributes we look for in a site, as well as some examples of sites we do not list. Note that subjective measures of quality, such as outdated site design, are not generally taken into account when evaluating whether to list a site.'); } else if (issue=='editornote') { $('#required').show(); $('#notemsg').text('Feedback to category editor'); $('#guidance').html('Please provide helpful feedback to the editor of this category, such as concrete suggestions for improvement in URL, title, or description. References to the editing guidelines can be useful as well.'); } else return; $('#flag-form-details').show(); $('.submBtn').show(); } </script> <div id="audiodiv"></div> <!---------- FOOTER ----------> <footer class="from-footer"> <div class="left-side"> <div class="copyright"> Copyright © 2025 </div> </div> <div class="middle"> <div class="slogan"> #HumansDoItBetter </div> </div> <div class="right-side"> <div class="about"> <a href="/docs/en/about.html"> About</a> | </div> <div class="terms"> <a class="terms-of-use" href="/docs/en/termsofuse.html">Terms of Use</a> | </div> <div class="privacy-policy"> <a class="privacy" href="/docs/en/privacypolicy.html">Privacy Policy</a> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <!-- close div id=post-header --> </div> <!-- close div id=page --> </body> </html> <!-- this file closes... html body div (#page) div (#post-header) -->