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<strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-20T00:14:16+00:00">November 20th, 2012, 12:14 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><strong class="text-strong"><span style="font-size:180%;line-height:116%">Imperial Era</span><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><img src="" class="postimage" alt="Image"><br> Current Version: 0.25.6 (March 2024) for Wesnoth 1.18</strong><br> <br> On August 15, 2005, a multi-player era was published to the Wesnoth 0.8 addons server. This era contained two factions that you've never heard of called the Loyalists and the Rebels, and two factions that might look a little familiar to us, the Romans and the Barbarians, ancestors of today's Lavinians and Marauders. Yes, that's right, the Imperial Era, heart of the Orbivm Project, with its roots back in the Dark Days before Wesnoth version 1.0, is celebrating its tenth birthday today (as best as your correspondent can guess, anyway)!<br> <br> I'd like to give a huge shout out everyone who has been a part of Orbivm up to this point. Those who dreamed up the factions; the artists who brought those ideas to life; the campaign designers who slaved away in a WML environment that was a lot more primitive than the one that I enjoy today; the Wesnoth developers, whose efforts we have taken advantage of now for a decade; and each and every person that played and gave feedback to the multiplayer eras or any of our campaigns. A particular thankyou to those who took on the role of maintaining the Project before my tenure, Peter the Great and Chefu; To Temuchin Khan, whose enthusiasm has kept me going and whose critical eye has kept me on the right path to an enjoyable result for all our players; And of course, to Turin, who I hope is a little proud of this little monster.<br> <br> Well, that's enough soppy stuff. I'm not sick of Orbivm yet, so by way of celebration, I'd like to share with you all where the project is at the moment, where we'd like to be heading in the future, and how you can help us to get there. Whether you're a budding portrait artist, spriter or animator, an aspiring WML wizard, a writer, a speaker of a language other than English, or just an enthusiastic player, there are ways that you could help the project, and we'd love to help you do so.<br> <br> In chronological order, then:<br> <br> The Wild Era is on the 1.12 servers, useable as a stand-alone multiplayer era or as part of the Ageless II pack. The era features a faction of primitive orcs that is only (very) partially animated, and a faction of monsters that is in need of a clean-up, even to base sprites, and is very much open to changes by a creative person with a vision. Any artist that would like to have a go at spriting terrifying monsters, or players that would like to try their hand at balancing with a simple a two-faction era with some strange mechanics, could find what they're looking for here. Any monsters that were really good could probably work their way into IE campaigns in time, so there's a built-in audience for this work.<br> <br> The Wild Era campaign, Dreams of Urduk, is in need of a maintainer and a port for 1.12. The campaign is short and has very little complex code at present (and what is does have is showing its age), so it would be perfect for someone starting out with WML. The campaign works fine as is, but has untapped potential, so there is a large scope for a maintainer to do just a straight port or to try for something more ambitious.<br> <br> The Classical Era never got off the ground. Scattered around the internet are the basics for the factions that might have composed such an era, though. I'm content to let sleeping dogs lie, but if you're interested in building a multi-player era but don't have much in the way of theme ideas, like the style of Orbivm, and are wiling to make or scrouge sprites from somewhere, well, it's just sitting there, and we'd love to have you.<br> <br> The Imperial Era is in pretty good shape, if I say so myself, and being "actively" developed by our somewhat lax standards. Our latest release features the core era and a duplicate version for development, allowing us to test ideas and balance without breaking the campaigns. Via this method, I hope to be able to release a version of the era that brings the power level of the era down to something approximating that of the mainline factions within the next few releases. Currently, all seven factions are playable, the core three are relatively balanced, and the ideas for the other four (Arendians, Issaelfr, Orcei and Cavernei) are flowing. Our team of artists has been updating the occasional sprite and I have hopes of seeing more, some even with animations, in the near future. Our greatest need here is playtesters to download and try out the dev version of the Era from the 1.12 server and give us feedback on what works and what you'd change, but there's also plenty of work for writers interested in world-building cleaning up the dated unit definitions and both sprite and portrait artists right across the era.<br> <br> Tale of Vaniyera, the IE Sidhe Elf campaign, is on the 1.12 server and is by far the most polished of the campaigns. It could benefit from extensive playtesting at all difficulty levels, someone to tighten up the dialogue, and could be greatly enhanced by a few portraits of the main characters or at least their unit types (Faolan the Sidhe Thunderblade, Vaniyera the Sidhe Veiledbalde, and Optimus the Lavinian Imperator). We're also keen to hear from anyone interested in translating the campaign into languages other than English and supporting the maintainer in learning how to support translators!<br> <br> Up From Slavery, the gladiator Orcei campaign, needs a port to the 1.12 server from 1.10. We're looking for a maintainer that is interested in doing this and then looking at adapting a version of it for use as a 2-player co-operative campaign. This would probably also involve working closely with Temuchin Khan, who created the Orcei, on fine-tuning the faction, and could be a good stepping-stone for a WML user interested in testing their skills with Wesnoth's every-improving MP scenario functionality.<br> <br> Fall of Silvium, the Lavinian Empire campaign, is my current project, I'm trying to address most of the major issues that have been raised over the last eight years. It's taking a while, but I hope that when it's done it will retake it's position as the flagship IE campaign. When it's released onto 1.12, which I hope to be by the end of September, I'd love to hear from translators and artists to help kick it up a notch.<br> <br> Alfhelm the Wise, the epic-length Marauder campaign, is also looking for a maintainer willing to take on the project of keeping it up to date and making improvements. The story is solid but the campaign is just a big job to keep up to date (it's as long as the other IE campaigns combined). Ideally, this campaign would suit someone with some experience (or who wants to develop some experience) with tools for map-editing, as many of scenario maps are just too big, causing the campaign to drag a little.<br> <br> Gali's Contract, the Cavernei campaign, is the one that I've got bookmarked in 'to do next', whenever I get to it. I have plans for a complete revamp which will leave the campaign looking completely different (it won't even be a Cavernei campaign any more) that you can read about in the campaign thread. At this point, if there's anyone who has suggestions for the campaign of for changes to either the Cavernei (to make them less like the mainline) or the Clockworks, now would be a great time to share.<br> <br> The Fedual Era is on the 1.12 servers, useable as a stand-alone multiplayer era or as part of the Ageless II pack. it was never completed, with one faction (the Droch Fae) almost completely missing, and a distinct lack of balancing and playtesting on the others. There's some cool ideas here, and it plays an important part in the canon and lore of Orbivm, so, I don't want to lose it, but I don't have time to maintain it as well as the IE, so we're looking for someone interested in taking it on as maintainer and giving it the love that it deserves with respect to the history that it has. I can offer advice and support, so this would be a good project for someone new to WML who wants to learn.<br> <br> And of course, if you'd like to create a new Orbivm campaign or scenario, we'd love that too, and I can guarantee that you'll find an enthusiastic audience in the Orbivm project team.<br> <br> Thanks for sharing the world of Orbivm with us, and here's to the next ten years. To track where the project is at any point in the future, why not check out the Orbivm page on the wiki?<br> <br> Owl, 25/8/2015<br> <div style="margin:20px;margin-top:5px"><div class="quotetitle" style="vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block"><strong>Old Front Page:</strong> <input class="button1" style="font-size:0.8em" type="button" value="Show" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; this.innerText = ''; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show'; this.innerText = ''; }"></div><div class="quotecontent" style="display:none">This is the new dev and feedback thread for the Imperial Era, the third age of Orbivm. I'm sure that most of you would have already played with our seven factions and tried out the five IE campaigns, but if not, give them a try today and leave your feedback here.<br> Changelog:<br> <br> version 0.22.1 (UO - 24 July 2015)<br> Gotta Catch 'Em All - Bug'e'mon<br> * Corrected id of Falcon line.<br> * Fixed misssing sprites for Falcon and Bestarius lines.<br> <br> version 0.22.0 (UO - August 2014)<br> ** Isolate IE to make sure it actually works<br> * Arendia Birdwalk (1.11 Version Only)<br> * Removed last traces of old _cfg format<br> * Removed names from first lines of ability descriptions, as old format is deprecated<br> * Prefixed all units, races and movetypes with IE or IEDev to stop inter- and intra- era conflicts (years too late, I know, but you guys can download it safely again now) (MP, FoS, ToV, GC, UfS, AtW)<br> * Lavinian civilian gets its own movetype, with no movement on water (FoS)<br> * Lavinian Tribune and Imperator get a movetype based on civilian with shallow water movement (FoS and ToV)<br> * Settled the man/menn dilemma once and for all<br> * Renamed Cavernei Guardsman to Guardsmann (relevant to MP and GC)<br> * Renamed Issaelfr Bladesman to Bladesmann (MP, GC, AtW)<br> * Updated some other clumsy unit names<br> * Renamed Falcon Lord to Gyrfalcon<br> * Renamed Sidhe Warrior Spirit to Forefather (MP, ToV)<br> * Renamed Sidhe Forefather to Ancient (MP, ToV)<br> * Dealt with a pet peeve, unit types with duplicate names<br> * Renamed Nemidian Horseman to Cavalry <br> * Renamed Sidhe Warrior to Fighter<br> * Renamed Marauder Lord to Thain<br> * Renamed Marauder Hunter to Woodsman<br> * Renamed Marauder Woodsman to Ranger<br> * Renamed Arendian Wanderer to Nomad<br> * Renamed Arendian Warrior to Soldier<br> * Renamed Issaelfr Archer to Frostbow<br> ** Graphical Changes (first new art since...2008! Thanks guys!):<br> * Bestiarius sprite (amorphous)<br> * Bestiarius portrait (freeforestify)<br> * Paeginarius portrait (freeforestify)<br> * Pugnator sprite (amorphous)<br> * Piscator sprite (amorphous)<br> * Updated credits<br> * Implemented previous dev changes in the trunk<br> * Samnis/Secutor sunglare no longer works at night<br> * Updated special notes<br> * Decreased marauderfoot/foresterfoot movement speed on hills/mountains <br> * Made auxilia a separate 'auxilia' race<br> * Decreased speed of Arendian Chief line to 7<br> * Left some previous dev changes for further bug/balance testing<br> * Gave decurion/centurion auctoritas ability instead of leadership<br> * Made formation ability work<br> * Decreased lavinianfoot physical resistances by 10 each<br> * Development version tweaks (will be put into trunk if they are popular/not unpopular, so please comment!)<br> * Organisation<br> * Rewrote dev era so that not everything is duplicated<br> * Removed devmain.cfg, as it didn't seem to do anything.<br> * Arendians<br> * Improved Bowrider line water movement (from Shallow 3 - Swamp 3 - Reef 3 - Deep 4 to 2-2-2-4)<br> * Added Boltrider to recruitable units for Arendian Heroes<br> * Removed Falcon line from recruitable units<br> * Cavernei<br> * Implement AE Runelayer macros (Thanks Ravana)<br> * Issaelfr<br> * Added Falcon line to recruitable units<br> * Lavinians<br> * Made Lavinian Tribune a possible leader for Lavinian Heroes<br> * Marauders<br> * Gave Marauder Scout foresterfoot movetype<br> * Orcei Gladiatores<br> * Made trunk orcei faction available for alignment testing purposes<br> * Made all magni orcei chaotic<br> * Sidhe<br> * Reduced Sidhe spirit line defence to 50% across the board (was 60% on forest and caves)<br> * Changed Windlasher and Tempest melee attack icon and name to staff instead of sword<br> * Changed Windlasher and Tempest melee attack type to impact<br> * Changed Raindancer melee damage to 4-3 from 5-3<br> * Changed Windlasher melee damage to 4-3 from 6-3<br> * Changed Tempest melee damage to 5-3 from 7-3<br> * Changed Stormlord melee damage to 6-3 from 8-3<br> <br> version 0.21.0 (UO - December 4 2012)<br> * We can rebuild it - we have the technology<br> * Renamed era from "Imperial Era Fixed" to "Imperial Era" for 1.11 version<br> * Changed references of "Wild Elves" to "Sidhe"<br> * Changed references of "Frost Elves" to "Issaelfr"<br> * Fixed Dark Thunderblade image issues<br> * Added missing Raindancer image<br> * Added some missing/placeholder attack images<br> * Created races for falcons and seals<br> * Added the orcei units to the textdomain<br> * Added a development version<br> * Revised Samnis/Secutor interrupt special to only work during the dawn/day/dusk<br> * Gave decurion/centurion auctoritas ability instead of leadership<br> * Made auxilia a separate 'auxilia' race<br> * Made formation ability work<br> * Decreased lavinianfoot physical resistances by 10 each<br> * Updated special notes<br> * Decreased marauderfoot/foresterfoot movement speed on hills/mountains<br> * Decreased speed of Arendian Chief line to 7<br> <br> version 0.20.5 (UO - November 27 2012)<br> * Further changes to the Orcei that I forgot last time...oops<br> * Fixed hopefully all remaining instances of "Journeyman"<br> * Removed references to non-existent mainline portraits<br> <br> version 0.20.4 (UO - November 5 2012)<br> * Dr. Sidhelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the fury<br> * Removed skirmisher from wanderer line<br> * Removed marksman from windrunner<br> * Added skirmisher to fury line<br> * Reduced experience requirements for fury line (50&gt;40, 100&gt;70, 150&gt;100)<br> <br> version 0.20.3 (UO - July 13 2012)<br> * Samnis line changed to 0 attack weight for sun-glare (AI was spamming it for some reason)<br> * Legionary line changed to 0 defense weight for gladius<br> <br> version 0.20.2 (UO - July 12 2012)<br> * More Orcei changes by Temuchin, and credits updated.<br> <br> version 0.20.1 (UO - July 11 2012)<br> * Incorporated Temuchin Khan's changes to the Khampsa (land movement) and Samnis (sun glare) lines of the Orces Gladitores<br> * Fixed improved Lavinian Legion defense on forest hexes<br> <br> version 0.19.1 (UnwiseOwl)<br> * The port, it does nuzzink!<br> * Updated era to be functional with Wesnoth 1.9 incorporating 0.18.0 and 0.18.1 changes (the current version on the 1.9 server is an outdated copy, but no-one of old is available and the changes made were well-documented)<br> * Added multiplayer tags to to imperial_era.cfg so that random_side will not interfere with campaigns.<br> <br> version .18.1 (Chefu)<br> * Gameplay<br> * Added an RPG era<br> *Descriptions<br> * Added descriptions to all units that still needed them (some descriptions came from the folks who made the Ageless Era, thanks!)<br> * Bug fixes<br> * Fixed missing traits and names<br> * Fixed the race problem<br> * Fixed Lavinian Light Infantry incorrect movetype<br> * Fixed faction images in Multiplayer<br> * Fixed a few incorrect/deprecated macros<br> * Fixed the amla problem (some units were still using {AMLA_TOUGH 3} instead of {AMLA_DEFAULT} )<br> <br> version .18.0 (Chefu)<br> * Updated era to be functional with Wesnoth 1.8<br> <br> version 0.17.5 (rev 951):<br> * Now all units really do have the appropriate special notes<br> * Graphical changes;<br> * Lavinians:<br> * All units fully animated!<br> * Arendians:<br> * New unit graphics for all units<br> * Bug fixes:<br> * Cavernei now a playable faction again<br> * Era no longer conflicts with Era of Strife<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Orcei Gladiatores:<br> * Increase Pugnator line hitpoints<br> * Give 6-2 fire arrow attack to Latronis<br> * Arendians:<br> * Add level 0 Falcon unit<br> * Bowrider melee decreased to 5-2 and advancements appropriately<br> * Differentiate Boltrider and Bowknight lines more<br> * Give Chief branch rally instead of leadership<br> <br> version 0.17.4 (rev 918):<br> * Graphical changes:<br> * Lavinians:<br> * Decurion, Propugnator, Signifer, Ballista,<br> Aquilifer, Archuballistarius fully animated<br> * Sidhe:<br> * Wardancer attack animation redone<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Marauders:<br> * Axeman cost down to 16, ranged attack up to 6-3<br> * Boatsman cost down to 15, hitpoints up to 40<br> * Scout cost up to 15, hitpoints down to 29,<br> experience up to 40<br> * Lavinians:<br> * Redone Hippo resistances<br> * Arendians:<br> * Made Bowrider line use arendianlightmounted<br> movetype; they move on deep water but have worse<br> resists<br> * Bowrider cost up to 19<br> * Archer cost down to 16<br> * Orcei Gladiatores:<br> * Increase Latronis experience requirements so that an<br> intelligent one is not an almost guaranteed<br> advancement<br> * Sidhe:<br> * Wanderer experience up to 40, defenses reduced<br> * Issaelfr:<br> * Issaelfr units can now move on mushroom groves<br> <br> version 0.17.3 (rev 896):<br> * Almost all units have descriptions, and all units have the proper<br> special notes<br> * Graphical changes:<br> * Marauders:<br> * All units fully animated!<br> * Lavinians:<br> * Legionnaire, Bowman, Auxiliary fully animated<br> * Sidhe:<br> * Raindancer, Windlasher, Tempest partially animated<br> * Bug fixes:<br> * Issaelfr in Imperial Champions era no longer missing faction<br> image<br> * Field Ballista now recruitable by Lavinians in Imperial<br> Champions<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Arendians:<br> * Arendian Bowrider tree rearranged - now branches<br> into two equal-sized branches, one archery-, one<br> melee- focused<br> * Issaelfr:<br> * Mistral Rime Castellan changed to resemble Rime<br> Keeper more - retains slow attack, does not get<br> massive damage<br> * Seal made level 0, attack to 5-3, advancements<br> attacks to 7-4 and 10-4<br> * Bladesman hitpoints reduced to 34, advancements<br> adjusted accordingly<br> * Changes to movetypes - now better on flat, forest,<br> swamp, worse on frozen, and different pierce and cold<br> resistances<br> * Lavinians:<br> * River Calf cost to 22, resistances buffed<br> * Orcei Gladiatores:<br> * River Lizard cost to 17, attack to 5-3, village<br> defense to 50<br> * Sidhe:<br> * Wanderer resistances to physical attacks decreased<br> <br> version 0.17.2 (rev 844):<br> * Graphical changes:<br> * Issaelfr:<br> * New Mistral Magus tree graphics<br> * Sidhe:<br> * New Wanderer, Tempest graphics<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Issaelfr stats made sane (i.e. many changes)<br> * Orcei Gladiatores stats made sane (i.e. many changes)<br> * Lavinians:<br> * Removed Siege Archer from leader list<br> <br> version 0.17.1 (rev 739):<br> * Removed "balanced" and "unbalanced" eras - now only one Imperial Era<br> with all seven factions<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Sidhe:<br> * Reduced Wanderer melee from 5-3 to 4-3<br> * Marauders:<br> * Removed Mauler from the available leader list, since<br> it has rage(3) making it easy to kill<br> * Gave Warrior an 8-2 torch attack so that Marauders<br> have a way to kill Sidhe Warrior Spirits<br> <br> version 0.17.0 (rev 710):<br> * Fixed the energy damage type problems<br> * Graphical changes:<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * All units tcolored and biggerized<br> * Marauders:<br> * All units tcolored and biggerized<br> <br> version 0.16.4 (rev 635):<br> * Added unit Marauder Longboat because it is contained in multiple<br> campaigns<br> * Renamed the Frost Elven faction to Issaelfr<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Gave Warrior Spirit line -50% resistance to arcane,<br> as opposed to 100%.<br> <br> version 0.16.3 (rev 554):<br> * Added unit Lavinian Imperator because it is contained in multiple<br> campaigns<br> * Graphical Changes:<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Redone Herald, Raindancer, Veiledblade<br> * Attack animation for Warrior<br> <br> version 0.16.2 (rev 510):<br> * Orcei Gladiatores faction will now interact properly with Alfhelm<br> campaign<br> * Graphical Changes:<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Tcolored Warrior Spirit (Urs)<br> * Redone Fury, Bladespinner, Warrior (Urs)<br> <br> version 0.16.1 (rev 408):<br> * Orces Gentorum will now play correctly<br> * New unit for Orces Gentorum, the River Lizard<br> <br> version 0.16 (rev 395):<br> * New faction, Gentes Orcorum<br> * Set up Imperial Era for translation into multiple languages<br> * Graphical Changes:<br> * Lavinians:<br> * New Lavinian-style helmet on all helmeted units<br> (turin)<br> * Tcolored Auxiliary line (turin)<br> * Marauders:<br> * New Fay line graphics, tcolored (turin)<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Tcolored Herald, Shadowdancer, Veiledblade,<br> Warsinger (Urs)<br> <br> version 0.15 (rev 327):<br> * New faction, the Cavernei (=dwarves)<br> * Removed Aragwaithi and Kedari factions<br> * Graphics changes:<br> * Lavinians:<br> * New Legionnaire, Propugnator, Praetorian, Decurion,<br> Centurion, and Signifer graphics (they're now up to<br> proper height and tcolored)<br> * New, tcolored Auxiliary graphics (Eleazar)<br> * Nemidians:<br> * New Hippopotamus line graphics (Eleazar)<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Tcolored Raindancer, Wanderer and Fury lines, and<br> some of the Warrior line<br> <br> version 0.14 (rev 259):<br> * New faction, Frost Elves<br> * Updated the Arendian unit descriptions<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Lavinians:<br> * Gave Skirmisher 2 moves in forest and Velite 1 (they<br> had 3)<br> *decreased Bowman ranged pierce attack by 1<br> *decreased Siege Archer ranged pierce attack by 1<br> *decreased Saggitarius ranged pierce attack by 1<br> *decreased bowman cost by 1<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Warrior -3 exp<br> * Wildblade rage to 4<br> * Whirlwind rage to 5<br> * Wanderer exp -4<br> * Windrunner gains marksman<br> * changes to wildwoodland movement type<br> * mountains movement 2<br> * forest defense 40<br> * changes to sidheundead movement type<br> * deepwater movement 2<br> * shallow water movement 1<br> * new movement type wildelusive for Tracker line<br> * Arendians:<br> * Horseman: 7-3 melee, cost 18, movement 8, exp 42<br> * Mounted Warrior: 11-3 melee, cost 36, movement 8<br> * Chief: 9-3 melee, cost 36, movement 8 (lose Archery)<br> * Horse Master: Hp 56, 14-3 melee, movement 8<br> * Warlord: Hp 52, 10-4 melee, movement 8 (lose Archery)<br> * Bowrider: Hp 30, 4-3 melee, 6-3 ranged, movement 7, cost 19<br> * Boltrider: 7-3 melee, 9-3 ranged, movement 8<br> * Bowknight: 5-3 melee, 8-4 ranged, movement 7, cost 38<br> * Bowmaster: 8-3 melee, 9-4 ranged, movement 7<br> * Mounted Marksman: Hp 42, 6-3 melee, 10-4 ranged<br> * Archer: 5-2 melee, 6-3 ranged, cost 17<br> * Hunter: 6-4 melee, 8-3 ranged, fire 10-2 ranged<br> * Slayer: Hp 54, 9-4 melee, 12-3, fire 15-2 ranged<br> * Feather Bow: 5-3 melee, 7-4 ranged marksman<br> * Arrow Wind: Hp 48, 6-3 melee, 9-5 marksman, movement 8<br> * Druid: cures, 4-3 melee, 5-3 ranged magical, cost 20<br> * Shaman: cures, 6-3 melee, 6-4 ranged magical<br> * Warlock: cures, 9-3, 8-4 ranged magical<br> * Swordsman: cost 15<br> * Warrior: Hp 50, cost 32<br> * Wanderer: Hp 42, 4-3 ranged, cost 32<br> * Battlear: 16-3 melee<br> * Hero: Hp 48, 7-5 melee, 8-3 ranged<br> * Graphics changes:<br> * Attack icons updated by Jetryl<br> * Arendians<br> * Updated the swordsman, warrior and battlear sprites.<br> * Added Arendian sword attack icons.<br> * New bowrider graphics.<br> * New bowknight graphics.<br> * New bowmaster graphics.<br> * New mounted marksman graphics.<br> * New boltrider graphics.<br> * Aragwaithi<br> * sorceress portrait commited, but not added to the unit because it doesn't exist yet.<br> * Marauder<br> * Shieldmaiden graphics updated<br> * Nemidian<br> * Hippo line gains tcolor<br> <br> version 0.13 (rev 188):<br> * move dir utils/ to data/<br> * finished removing unused Aragwaithi units<br> * update animations to use 1.2 WML<br> * update sounds to use 1.2 sound files<br> * New units:<br> * Marauder Sailor, advancement of Boatsman<br> * Marauder Sea Dog, advancement of Sailor<br> * Marauder Fay line (female magi)<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Wild Elves:<br> * Warrior - Cost to 14<br> * Herald - Cost to 32, +6 hitpoints<br> * Warsinger - Cost to 52, +2 hitpoints, +1 damage, -1 attack<br> * Bladespinner - Cost to 32, +2 hitpoints, +1 damage<br> * Wardancer - Cost to 52, +6 hitpoints, +1 damage<br> * Veiledblade - Cost to 32, +6 hitpoints<br> * Shadowdancer - Cost to 52, +2 hitpoints<br> * Fury - +2 hitpoints, changed special to berserk<br> * Wildblade - Cost to 35, +2 hitpoints, changed special to berserk<br> * Whirlwind - +4 hitpoints, changed special to berserk<br> * Raindancer - Cost to 22, exp to 48, +4 hitpoints<br> * Windlasher - Cost to 38, exp to 76, +10 hitpoints<br> * Tempest - +10 hitpoints, exp to 100<br> * Stormlord - +12 hitpoints<br> * War Mage - Cost to 38, exp to 76, +2 hitpoints, +1 ranged damage<br> * Thunderblade - +2 hitpoints<br> * Wanderer - +2 hitpoints, exp to 40, +1 ranged damage<br> * Tracker - Cost to 30, +2 hitpoints, exp to 60<br> * Windrunner - +4 hitpoints<br> * Warrior Spirit - +5 hitpoints, +1 attack<br> * Ancestor - +8 hitpoints, +2 ranged damage<br> * Forefather - +10 hitpoints, +1 ranged damage<br> * Lavinian Legion:<br> * Propugnator and Praetorian gain Formation on shield<br> attack<br> * Marauders:<br> * Marauder Boatsman - -7 hitpoints, changes to<br> movetype<br> * Graphics changes:<br> * Gave Wild Elf units proper shadows<br> * New attack icon sword-sidhe.png (can use improvements)<br> * New attack icon gladius.png (can use improvements)<br> <br> version 0.12 (rev 139):<br> * update all unit WML for 1.2<br> * New Units:<br> * Nemidian River Calf, River Horse, Hippopotamus<br> * New Graphics:<br> * better pilum attack image<br> * better gladius attack image<br> * removed unused aragwaithi images<br> * tcolored Lavinian Legionnaire and Lavinian Bowman lines<br> * tcolored Nemidian Horseman line<br> * New Arendian Archer graphics<br> * New Arendian Archer ranged animation<br> * New Arendian Feather Bow graphics<br> * New Arendian Arrow wind graphics<br> * New Arendian Hunter graphics<br> * New Arendian Slayer graphics<br> * New Arendian Swordsman graphics<br> * New Arendian Warrior graphics<br> * New Arendian Battlear graphics<br> * New Arendian Wanderer graphics<br> * New Arendian Hero graphics<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Warlock to 8-3<br> * decreased health of Arendian Slayer to 58<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Slayer to 5<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Shaman to 6-3<br> * decreased ranged damage of Arendian Shaman to 6-4<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Warlock to 8-3<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Feather Bow to 5<br> * decreased health of Arendian Hunter to 46<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Hunter to 5<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Warlock to 8-3<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Swordsman to 5<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Warlock to 8-3<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Arrow Wind to 5<br> * decreased movement of Arendian Archer to 5<br> * decreased melee damage of Arendian Druid to 4-3<br> * decreased health of Arendian Druid to 28<br> * the arendian hunter is now an advancement of the arendian swordsman<br> * added description for all of the arendian archer and swordsman lines<br> <br> version 0.11:<br> * reorganization:<br> * new directory utils/<br> * abilities.cfg goes into utils/<br> * new units:<br> * Marauder Boatsman<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Lavinian Auxiliary and upgrade neutral<br> * Wild ELf Wanderer + poison, -1 melee damage<br> * Wild Elf Fury line loses charge, gains rage(3,4,5)<br> * Marauder Pillager gets torch instead of axe attack<br> * Marauder Pillager line loses charge<br> * Marauder Crusher line loses charge, gains rage(3)<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Archer to 6-3<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Archer to 5-4<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Strongbow to 9-3<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Strongbow to 8-4<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Greatbow to 13-3<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Greatbow to 12-4<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Slayer to 9-4<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Warlock to 6-2<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Warlock to 7-3<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Wizard to 10-2<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Wizard to 11-3<br> * increased melee damage of the Aragwaith Sorceror to 13-2<br> * increased ranged damage of the Aragwaith Sorceror to 15-3<br> * decreased cost of the Aragwaith Swordsman to 13<br> * increased blade resistance of the Aragwaith Swordsman, Longswordsman, and Swordmaster to 20%<br> * increased blade resistance of the Aragwaith Guard to 30% and Shield Guard to 40%<br> * altered resistances of Aragwaith mounted units to match those of Loyalist mounted units<br> * fixed misspelled AMLA, missing AMLA, and misspelled alignment in various Aragwaithi units<br> * put some level 2 and 3 Aragwaithi unit costs within the realm of sensibility<br> * New Graphics:<br> * More Arendians t-coloured<br> <br> Version 0.10:<br> * Converted to the division of [multiplayer_era] in factions/<br> directory<br> * New units:<br> * Lavinian Archuballistarius<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Lavinian Propugnator +1 damage melee<br> * Lavinian Praetorian Guard +2 damage melee<br> * Lavinian Decurion -1 damage melee, -2 damage range<br> * Lavinian Centurion -1 damage melee, -4 damage range<br> * Nemidian Horseman +1 gold<br> * Nemidian Claimant +12 experience<br> * Marauder Crusher - berserk, + charge, +1 gold<br> * Marauder Mauler - berserk, + charge<br> * Bladespinner -1 damage melee<br> * Herald 6-5 -&gt; 7-4 melee<br> * Raindancer +1 damage ranged<br> * Stormlord +3 damage melee, type -&gt; fire<br> * Tempest +1 damage melee<br> * Thunderblade +2 damage melee, +1 ranged<br> * Wanderer line stats standardized; skirmish all levels,<br> poison levels 2 and 3, attacks to match<br> * Wardancer -1 damage melee<br> * Warmage +1 damage melee<br> * Warrior -1 damage melee, +4 hitpoints (and suitable changes<br> for advancements)<br> * Windlasher +1 damage melee<br> <br> <br> Version 0.9:<br> * New faction added: Wild Elves<br> * New units added:<br> * Lavinian Ballista<br> * Various Arendians<br> * New graphics:<br> * Some Arendians t-colored<br> * New document: HISTORY<br> <br> Version 0.8:<br> * New faction added: Arendians<br> * New units added:<br> * Lavinian Bowman, Siege Archer, Saggitarius tree<br> * Balancing changes:<br> * Lavinian Auxiliary -2 gold, +1 damage<br> * Nemidian Horseman -2 gold, -1 strike, +3 damage<br> * Marauders all have same alignment<br> * Various other changes<br> <br> Version 0.7:<br> * New faction added: Kedari<br> * Graphical Changes:<br> * Many Aragwaithi get new animations<br> * Balancing Changes:<br> * All Aragwaithi are now race=aragwaith (earlier some were<br> human)<br> <br> Version 0.6:<br> * New era Imperial Champions (i.e. Imperial Age of Heroes)<br> * Balancing changes for Marauder faction:<br> * the Marauder Warrior (-1 gold)<br> * Balancing changes for Lavinian Legion faction:<br> * Legionnaire tree (+2 gold, -1 damage, Signifer branch<br> loses ranged, 70%-60% defence on village and castle)<br> * Lavinian Light Infantry (-1 movement)<br> * Balancing changes for Aragwaithi faction:<br> * Aragwaith Spearman tree (+2 gold)<br> * Aragwaithi Pikeman (+damage)<br> * Aragwaithi Scout (40% defence on sand)<br> * Graphical Changes:<br> * Lavinian Slinger partially animated<br> * Aragwaithi Strongbow uses correct graphics<br> <br> <br> Version 0.5:<br> * Animation for several Marauder units:<br> * Marauder Axeman attack<br> * Marauder Scout attack<br> * Marauder Warrior attack<br> * Balancing changes for the Nemidian Horseman line<br> * +1 gold for Horseman<br> * Decreased attack for Claimant and Champion<br> * Aragwaith balancing changes for:<br> * Aragwaith Archer line<br> * Aragwaith Swordsman line<br> * Aragwaith Spearman line<br> * Aragwaith Warlock line<br> <br> Version 0.4:<br> * Animation for many Lavinian units:<br> * Nemidian Horseman (except javelin)<br> * Nemidian Claimant (except javelin)<br> * Nemidian Champion (except javelin)<br> * Lavinian Legionnaire (except pilum)<br> * Lavinian Propugnator (except pilum)<br> * Lavinian Praetorian Guard (except pilum)<br> * Lavinian Decurion (except pilum)<br> * Lavinian Centurion (except pilum)<br> * Lavinian Militia<br> * Lavinian Light Infantryman<br> * Lavinian Rorarius<br> * Lavinian Skirmisher<br> * Balancing changes for the Lavinian Light Infantry and Rorarius<br> <br> Version 0.3:<br> * Added Aragwaith faction<br> * Changed Roman Legion to Lavinian Legion<br> <br> We're always looking for more help with the era, whether it's campaign design or maintenance, balance testing or just encouragement, drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you.</div></div></div> <div class="notice"> Last edited by <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> on March 24th, 2024, 12:45 pm, edited 21 times in total. </div> <div id="sig542577" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542690" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542690"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=886_1706974845.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=886&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">1844</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> September 3rd, 2004, 6:35 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Player 6 on the original Agaia map</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542690"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542690&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542690">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542690&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542690&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542690" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-21T19:39:18+00:00">November 21st, 2012, 7:39 pm</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote><div><cite>UnwiseOwl wrote:</cite>...leave your feedback here.</div></blockquote> In that case, I'll post this here and delete my other thread:<br> <blockquote><div><cite>UnwiseOwl wrote:</cite>Just letting you know that the next revision of the IE will be coming out some time in the next few days (the wife is busy writing a thesis so I have some time on my hands at the moment). So far the only major change is removing skirmisher from the Sidhe Wanderer and giving it to the Fury.</div></blockquote> <blockquote><div><cite>Temuchin Khan wrote:</cite>That will be an interesting change. A skirmisher/berserker!</div></blockquote> <blockquote><div><cite>UnwiseOwl wrote:</cite>Indeed. It could make it too good, of course, but we'll see. As it is the Fury line is pitifully useless, so hopefully this will give it new life as a defence-piercing mage-killer. It also nerfs the wanderer a little, which I've been looking for a way to do for a while.</div></blockquote> I have done a bit of playtesting with the Sidhe this past week.<br> <br> My initial impression is that, since the Fury has relatively weak attacks compared to other berserkers, giving him skirmisher does not make the Fury overpowered, it just gives him a chance.<br> <br> As for the Wanderer, taking skirmisher from him seems to be a good move. He is still quite useful, even without it.<br> <br> These are, however, only initial impressions, and I'll be happy to revise them if further evidence proves me wrong.</div> <div id="sig542690" class="signature">Check out my new book!<br> <a href=";qid=1638653071&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1" class="postlink"> ... oks&amp;sr=1-1</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542719" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542719"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542719"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542719&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542719">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542719&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542719&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542719" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-22T12:50:23+00:00">November 22nd, 2012, 12:50 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">Good to know. I've only used them in campaigns since I made the edit, but I'm feeling pretty good about this change considering how major it was. Amazingly, even as a fast, skirmishing, berserker, I also feel that the Fury is still not that good. Which is what I was going for. So...yay?</div> <div id="sig542719" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542726" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542726"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=886_1706974845.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=886&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">1844</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> September 3rd, 2004, 6:35 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Player 6 on the original Agaia map</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542726"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542726&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542726">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542726&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542726&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542726" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-22T16:20:48+00:00">November 22nd, 2012, 4:20 pm</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote><div><cite>UnwiseOwl wrote:</cite>Good to know. I've only used them in campaigns since I made the edit, but I'm feeling pretty good about this change considering how major it was. Amazingly, even as a fast, skirmishing, berserker, I also feel that the Fury is still not that good. Which is what I was going for. So...yay?</div></blockquote> Success!<br> <blockquote><div><cite>I wrote:</cite>...the Fury has relatively weak attacks compared to other berserkers</div></blockquote> I should qualify this statement. The Fury does not have weaker attacks, in terms of chances to hit or damage per hit. Rather, unlike the Ulfserker, it has a limit to the number of turns it can prolong combat. Also, except for arcane, the Fury has weaker resistances than the Ulfserker. What keeps the Fury from being overpowered, even with speed and skirmishing, is the combined effects of these other factors, which even the Fury's generally (but not always!) better terrain defense does not seem to offset.<br> <br> As I said, my initial impression is that giving the Fury skirmisher does not seem to make him overpowered, it just gives him a chance.</div> <div id="sig542726" class="signature">Check out my new book!<br> <a href=";qid=1638653071&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1" class="postlink"> ... oks&amp;sr=1-1</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542777" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542777"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542777"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542777&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542777">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542777&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542777&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542777" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-23T00:20:22+00:00">November 23rd, 2012, 12:20 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Missing/problem image files in the era as identified by AxalaraFlame. Just posting here so that I remember to fix them for the next release and so that people can identify others...<br> Marauder Axeman melee attack animation<br> Raindancer defensive animation<br> Issaelfr Ice Ranger lIne Ice Pick attack icon<br> Laquerius Lasso attack icon<br> Cavernei portrait description images<br> Arendian Warlock Line Staff/Fireball attack icons<br> Arendian Swordsman Line Throwing Knife attack icons<br> Arendian Slayer Line Fire Arrow attack icons</div> <div id="sig542777" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542817" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542817"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=886_1706974845.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=886&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">1844</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> September 3rd, 2004, 6:35 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Player 6 on the original Agaia map</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542817"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542817&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542817">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542817&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542817&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542817" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-23T19:55:44+00:00">November 23rd, 2012, 7:55 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">This morning I had some trouble with the Orcei Gladiatores. For some reason, I couldn't recruit the Essedarius, even though I thought we had made it recruitable so that they could have a scout. I changed it on my computer, but check if it was due to a problem in the 0.20.4 package.</div> <div id="sig542817" class="signature">Check out my new book!<br> <a href=";qid=1638653071&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1" class="postlink"> ... oks&amp;sr=1-1</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542883" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542883"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542883"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542883&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542883">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542883&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542883&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542883" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T02:39:10+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 2:39 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Hrmm...I think I may have somehow accidentally reverted your last changes. I'll have a look and make sure these are right.</div> <div id="sig542883" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542892" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542892"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=128827_1332672756.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=128827&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">690</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> December 4th, 2011, 1:07 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Pasadina, Caltech</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542892"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542892&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542892">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542892&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542892&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542892" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T04:23:38+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 4:23 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Owl, it is time to rebalance this whole pile of mess. Imperial is anything but a balanced era. There are some new methods and new parameters I have introduced in balancing; if you are interested, tell me and I can start my work right now, because the calculation might take weeks or even months to deal with.<br> <br> Besides, the graphic bugs issue:</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542904" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542904"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542904"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542904&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542904">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542904&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542904&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542904" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T06:03:53+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 6:03 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Hey,<br> You're welcome to suggest some things that you think are issues and possible solutions, but I'd like to keep the changes the a minimum as much as possible, and I certainly don't intend to make whole-scale changes based on some mysterious secret parameters...<br> Feel free to suggest some changes, but I'd like to think that we'll do our best to consider each individual change and its effect on the gameplay and the feel of the era as a whole.</div> <div id="sig542904" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542943" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542943"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=886_1706974845.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=886&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">1844</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> September 3rd, 2004, 6:35 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Player 6 on the original Agaia map</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542943"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542943&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542943">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542943&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542943&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542943" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T19:25:36+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 7:25 pm</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote><div><cite>AxalaraFlame wrote:</cite>Owl, it is time to rebalance this whole pile of mess. Imperial is anything but a balanced era.</div></blockquote> I'm not sure if this is your intention, but it sounds like you are insulting us. We've put in a lot of time and effort making this era over the years. Perhaps the balance could be improved in certain ways, but if you have something to contibute, please say it in a polite and friendly way.<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div>There are some new methods and new parameters I have introduced in balancing....</div></blockquote> Do they work? Have you had a chance to test them yet?<br> <br> I suggested back in the summer that we could have two versions of Imperial Era, standard and experimental. I would be open to the idea of testing your methods in an experimental version of Imperial Era, but I would not be open to testing your methods if we had to delete the standard version of the era.<br> <br> So again, I'd be willing to have two versions of the era:<br> <br> IE Standard - pretty much the current stats, with only minor changes at most<br> IE Experimental - more radical changes, perhaps testing out your methods<br> <br> But I'm not the current maintainer, so I wouldn't have the final say.<br> <blockquote><div><cite>Unwise Owl wrote:</cite>Hrmm...I think I may have somehow accidentally reverted your last changes. I'll have a look and make sure these are right.</div></blockquote> Yes, some of the Orcei files got reverted to an earlier stage. Also, the same old problem with Journeyman / Journeymann has cropped up again for the Cavernei. Maybe we should just spell it "Journeyman" all the time, even though he's not human, to finally just put this issue to rest!<br> <br> If you want, I can send you some corrected files.<br> <br> But there is also a bright side to this little glitch: It gives us a chance to reconsider some of the decisions we made back in the summer. You see, the Samnis, Secutor, and Secutor Leonis reverted to having first strike on the sun glare "attack." Now, I realized this while testing Orcei vs. Cavernei. In that match-up, if we don't give the Samnis, Secutor, and Secutor Leonis first strike on the sun glare "attack," then it is useless against a Cavernei Thunderer. So should we let them have first strike on sun glare after all?</div> <div id="sig542943" class="signature">Check out my new book!<br> <a href=";qid=1638653071&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1" class="postlink"> ... oks&amp;sr=1-1</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542960" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542960"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=128827_1332672756.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=128827&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">690</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> December 4th, 2011, 1:07 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Pasadina, Caltech</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542960"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542960&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542960">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542960&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542960&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542960" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T22:44:12+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 10:44 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">Sorry for not replying you in the recent days. Eight months ago, I get the idea of wesnoth Brutal Algorithm calculations; I am in a good interest of translating works subsequently, and I was nearly taking all jobs of translation maintaince work in several months, thus the plan was postponed. I wish I could mean good help to you, but it may not be, because I am going back to school again. <br> <br> I invented a formula to balance the the six races in Deafult Era and I believe I made great progress in Heroes Age. And I introduced many series of formulas to evaluate the real value and power of varies of kinds of abilities.<br> <br> The main formula is actually a simple one, but take mass calculations. The most simpler and applicable form of it is RH*RM+1.2*(ATm+ATr*c)*OB/$=K. RH is the real HP of a certain unit, fully elaborated one unit's HP with relate resistances and terrian defence; so does RM. The process also has relate formulas to calculate, but too long for me to expand. 1.2 is a constant, to stablize the units of (RH*RM); it is still very suspectable, I decide to change it or make it a function which is decided by (RH*RM), and I am making further experiments on it. This constant is a empirical coefficient. It is applied to synchronize the units of hard-quality(resistances related HP, damage) and soft-quality(mobility).<br> <br> ATm is melee attack, ATr is ranged attack; the use same units as HP do. OB is the offense bonus, considering the maxium offensing power which a unit could deal. Say, an elven horse has 24 damage in total, but obviously they are not so threatening as Gryphoons do because they are less deadly in offense of melee/range counter attack, could only mamage 12+ positively.<br> <br> "c" describes the ranged weapon bonus. The default bonus of melee weapon is 0, because in wesnoth melee weapons are far more popularly used tha ranged base weapons. As we know, ranged weapons are comparatively less than melee, which bring more possibilities in taking down an enemy without sucking damage.<br> <br> For varies of abilities, which may lead to very chaotic consequences, and nullify the result of General Formula, are taken by different kinds of "models". But sadly, some are not able to be evaluated by any means, say, "slow", a simple "backstab" without "skirmish"; even the brutal "skirmish" is already taken down by the brutaler calculations, based on a standardrized model of how many steps would a unit require to offense another guarded unit, with x,y,z numbers of guardians positioned on different hexes around. But, it is very complcated. There are more than 600 possible consequences, and even I put all to rest, I still cannot decide whether it is worthy to send one skirmisher into a horde of units, which would most probably not be decided by any players.<br> <br> There are some other branches of them, which include something more complex than this simple one. I can hardly give a full elaboration on it in this thread, but it works and it is proven to be able to prove the balance of current default era (and possibly improve it someday).<br> <br> I hope that would help. <img class="smilies" src="./../images/smilies/icon_smile.gif" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title="Smile"></div> <div class="notice"> Last edited by <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a> on November 28th, 2012, 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total. </div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542963" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542963"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=886_1706974845.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=886&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">1844</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> September 3rd, 2004, 6:35 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Player 6 on the original Agaia map</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542963"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542963&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542963">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542963&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542963&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542963" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=886&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">Temuchin Khan</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-25T23:40:26+00:00">November 25th, 2012, 11:40 pm</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote><div><cite>AxalaraFlame wrote:</cite>Sorry for not replying you in the recent days. Eight months ago, I get the ideaof wesnoth Brutal Algorithm calculations; I am in a good interest of translating works subsequently, and I was nearly taking all jobs of translation maintaince work in several months, thus the plan was postponed. I wish I could mean good help to you, but it may not be, because I am going back to school again. <br> <br> I invented a formula to balance the the six races in Deafult Era and I believe I made great progress in Heroes Age. And I introduced many series of formulas to evaluate the real value and power of varies of kinds of abilities.<br> <br> The main formula is actually a simple one, but take mass calculations. The most simpler and applicable form of it is RH*RM+1.2*(ATm+ATr*c)*OB/$=K. RH is the real HP of a certain unit, fully elaborated one unit's HP with relate resistances and terrian defence; so does RM. The process also has relate formulas to calculate, but too long for me to expand. 1.2 is a constant, to stablize the units of (RH*RM); it is still very suspectable, I decide to change it or make it a function which is decided by (RH*RM), and I am making further experiments on it. This constant is a empirical coefficient. It is applied to synchronize the units of hard-quality(resistances related HP, damage) and soft-quality(mobility).<br> <br> ATm is melee attack, ATr is ranged attack; the use same units as HP do. OB is the offense bonus, considering the maxium offensing power which a unit could deal. Say, an elven horse has 24 damage in total, but obviously they are not so threatening as Gryphoons do because they are less deadly in offense of melee/range counter attack, could only mamage 12+ positively.<br> <br> "c" describes the ranged weapon bonus. The default bonus of melee weapon is 0, because in wesnoth melee weapons are far more popularly used tha ranged base weapons. As we know, ranged weapons are comparatively less than melee, which bring more possibilities in taking down an enemy without sucking damage.<br> <br> For varies of abilities, which may lead to very chaotic consequences, and nullify the result of General Formula, are taken by different kinds of "models". But sadly, some are not able to be evaluated by any means, say, "slow", a simple "backstab" without "skirmish"; even the brutal "skirmish" is already taken down by the brutaler calculations, based on a standardrized model of how many steps would a unit require to offense another guarded unit, with x,y,z numbers of guardians positioned on different hexes around. But, it is very complcated. There are more than 600 possible consequences, and even I put all to rest, I still cannot decide whether it is worthy to send one skirmisher into a horde of units, which would most probably not be decided by any players.<br> <br> There are some other branches of them, which include something more complex than this simple one. I can hardly give a full elaboration on it in this thread, but it works and it is proven to be able to prove the balance of current default era (and possibly improve it someday).<br> <br> I hope that would help. <img class="smilies" src="./../images/smilies/icon_smile.gif" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title="Smile"></div></blockquote> That at least gives me the general idea. I don't think I fully understand it, but it is interesting to get a sense.</div> <div id="sig542963" class="signature">Check out my new book!<br> <a href=";qid=1638653071&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1" class="postlink"> ... oks&amp;sr=1-1</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542974" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542974"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542974"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542974&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542974">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542974&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542974&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542974" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-26T03:17:32+00:00">November 26th, 2012, 3:17 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Seems like an interesting idea, AxalaraFlame, though I can't say that I really understand it completely.<br> Out of interest, how balanced does your formula say that the mainline factions are?</div> <div id="sig542974" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p542977" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile542977"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=128827_1332672756.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=128827&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">690</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> December 4th, 2011, 1:07 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Pasadina, Caltech</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content542977"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542977&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542977">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=542977&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=542977&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p542977" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-26T03:43:41+00:00">November 26th, 2012, 3:43 am</time> </p> <div class="content">In general, with the help of other models that I have no enough space to completely elaborate (more than two thick big notebooks' calculation <img class="smilies" src="./../images/smilies/icon_augh.gif" width="16" height="16" alt=":augh:" title="Augh"> ), it successfully mimics many match-ups' usual consequence. It could simulate that elves have some IMBA problems dealing with drakes after certain turns of battle(simpler, the whole faction is not able to deal with enough damage to take down a drake, which is tough enough), dwarves are not competent enough in taking drakes as well (overwhelming mobility), undead have problems solving tree issues (the same reason as I could tell for humans), drakes are generally weak against humans (using one of the model, mixed with 3/4 spears); while it astonishingly shows something unexpected as well, like undead are comparatively weaker than drakes while we always consider them prevailing for having 19-2 cold damage in night. I guess the reason is I have overestimated the power of mobility, but that suffice the most general situations as well.<br> <br> I may need a very long thread with few weeks work to explain the essential reason, but as humans, we do understand the balance problem in a comprehensive way, rather than explaining all processes in a dumb way by ruling out all impossible situations (i.e. lance vs full-hp spear) further by listing out all situations for a successful attack when having different traits (i.e. 4 hex to touch a unit, your units generally have 4+ or 4- matters a lot; or, get hp or damage, make the combat more efficient but less positive), ruling out the ability issues and evaluate them precisely to figure out how much does it affect to the units' own survival and the surviving ability of enemy units (i.e. an ulf largely decreases the surviving possibility of an adept. while this point is complicated, because the protection level of your ulf, say, with the help of 3 footpads/2dwarvish fighters/guards+dwarves/thieves et cetera holding the ulf line our of enemy's attack range all affect a lot) simply makes it harder to understand.<br> <br> If you guys are interested, I will start working on it, and afterwards I can post something to elaborate the models of one overwhelming race againt another and why should we cnange it/must change it in method A rather B.<br> <br> FYI, ageless sucks. I am a loyal Imperial, EoMA and Myth user. While Imperial is most promising to be balanced <img class="smilies" src="./../images/smilies/icon_smile.gif" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title="Smile"></div> <div class="notice"> Last edited by <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=128827&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">AxalaraFlame</a> on November 28th, 2012, 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total. </div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p543077" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile543077"> <dt class="no-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./../download/file.php?avatar=121198_1526110959.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./../search.php?author_id=121198&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91">516</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> April 9th, 2010, 4:58 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content543077"> <h3 > <a href="./../viewtopic.php?p=543077&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p543077">Re: Imperial Era (Version 0.20.4 Released)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./../posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=543077&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./../viewtopic.php?p=543077&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91#p543077" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2012-11-27T01:34:23+00:00">November 27th, 2012, 1:34 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Temuchin. About the sun glare thing with thunderers, you have a point, but I'm not convinced that it's worth changing it for the match-up with one unusual unit, given that with one large ranged attacks the thunderers are somewhat odd. I'll have a look at it, of course, but no-one goes up against thunderers in a ranged fight.<br> That said, Cavernei changes to make them different to the mainline are well overdue. There were some vague plans over in the old forums, if I recall, but nothing ever can of it. Perhaps as part of this we can tone down the thunderers.<br> <br> EDIT: I've now released version 0.20.5, which solves the most pressing of the above issues, namely the Cavernei Journeymann issues and the missing Orcei changes, as well as a couple of the image issues brought up by AxalaraFlame. These changes break Gali's Contract, so I've also uploaded a new version of that campaign.<br> <br> Assuming that things are ok with this release, the next version will incorporate both a "stable" and an "experimental" version of the era so that we can test any large-scale changes before inflicting them upon the campaigns. I don't know when this will happen, but I hope that I will get it released sometime in the next little while.</div> <div class="notice"> Last edited by <a href="./../memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121198&amp;sid=ce8549c8e906e94f1170372558130b91" class="username">UnwiseOwl</a> on November 29th, 2012, 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total. </div> <div id="sig543077" class="signature">Maintainer of the <a href=";t=37920" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Imperial Era</em></a> and the campaigns <a href=";t=37894" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Dreams of Urduk, </em></a><a href=";t=37880" class="postlink"><em class="text-italics">Epic of Vaniyera, Up from Slavery, Fall of Silvium, Alfhelm the Wise</em> and <em class="text-italics">Gali's Contract</em></a>. <br> But perhaps 'maintainer' is too strong a word.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span 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