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Just a note to advise all members on collectSPACE that I have shipped a replica plaque to Florida, and that it will be mounted in the same location on said pad on the 24th of this month. I think it is pretty sad that collecting space related artifacts resorts to this type of thing! I guess it didn't help matters that that plaque was shown in the movie [i]Armageddon.[/i] <center><img src="" WIDTH="400"></center>[/B][/QUOTE] </TEXTAREA> </td></tr> <TR bgcolor="#494949"> <td valign=top> <FONT SIZE="2" FACE="sans-serif"> <B>Options</B> </FONT></td> <td valign=top><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="sans-serif"> <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="DisableSmilies" VALUE="yes"> <b>Disable Smilies in This Post</b>. <BR><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="Signature" VALUE="yes"> <B>Show Signature:</B> include your profile signature. 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