package Shell; use Config; sub import { my $self = shift; my ($callpack, $callfile, $callline) = caller; my @EXPORT; if (@_) { @EXPORT = @_; } else { @EXPORT = 'AUTOLOAD'; } foreach $sym (@EXPORT) { *{"${callpack}::$sym"} = \&{"Shell::$sym"}; } }; AUTOLOAD { my $cmd = $AUTOLOAD; $cmd =~ s/^.*:://; eval qq { *$AUTOLOAD = sub { if (\@_ < 1) { `$cmd`; } elsif (\$Config{'archname'} eq 'os2') { local(\*SAVEOUT, \*READ, \*WRITE); open SAVEOUT, '>&STDOUT' or die; pipe READ, WRITE or die; open STDOUT, '>&WRITE' or die; close WRITE; my \$pid = system(1, \$cmd, \@_); die "Can't execute $cmd: \$!\n" if \$pid < 0; open STDOUT, '>&SAVEOUT' or die; close SAVEOUT; if (wantarray) { my \@ret = <READ>; close READ; waitpid \$pid, 0; \@ret; } else { local(\$/) = undef; my \$ret = <READ>; close READ; waitpid \$pid, 0; \$ret; } } else { open(SUBPROC, "-|") or exec '$cmd', \@_ or die "Can't exec $cmd: \$!\n"; if (wantarray) { my \@ret = <SUBPROC>; close SUBPROC; # XXX Oughta use a destructor. \@ret; } else { local(\$/) = undef; my \$ret = <SUBPROC>; close SUBPROC; \$ret; } } } }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Shell - run shell commands transparently within perl =head1 SYNOPSIS See below. =head1 DESCRIPTION Date: Thu, 22 Sep 94 16:18:16 -0700 Message-Id: <> To: From: Larry Wall <> Subject: a new module I just wrote Here's one that'll whack your mind a little out. #!/usr/bin/perl use Shell; $foo = echo("howdy", "<funny>", "world"); print $foo; $passwd = cat("</etc/passwd"); print $passwd; sub ps; print ps -ww; cp("/etc/passwd", "/tmp/passwd"); That's maybe too gonzo. It actually exports an AUTOLOAD to the current package (and uncovered a bug in Beta 3, by the way). Maybe the usual usage should be use Shell qw(echo cat ps cp); Larry =head1 AUTHOR Larry Wall =cut