Martian Memorandum player review by Toka - MobyGames
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"main_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 350, "width": 635}, "name": "DOS", "release_date": "1991", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1991"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 1, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Linux", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 74, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Macintosh", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 3, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Windows", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}]' :game-id="222" :user-id="0" :user-score="0" :user-platform="2" :user-reviews='[]' :user-lists='[]' cover-url=""> </player-tools> </div> </div> <ul class="nav-tabs mb"> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/">Overview</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/credits/">Credits</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link active" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/reviews/">Reviews</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/covers/">Covers</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/screenshots/">Screenshots</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/videos/">Videos</a> </li> <li> <a 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This was one of them. Murder, sex, was all there. Want to get the help of a secretary? You don't give her candy, you take her out on a date and then take her to bed. Ever see Guybrush do that? Like Mean Streets, the sound and graphics were advanced for their time, but of course they don't look so great now. The locales were also very well done, and if you went to a junkyard, it looked like, well, a junkyard. The ending is good for a laugh, too.<br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>Whenever someone talks about "dead-end syndrome" I immediately think of this game. Forgot to do something you had no idea you were supposed to do? Well, that will come back to haunt the very end. This, coupled with the built-in hint system, made it too tempting to cheat. <br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>A solid adventure/mystery game. Not the best ever, but a worthy addition to the Tex saga. If you find it, grab it.</p> </div> <p> <span data-tooltip="4.75 stars"> <span class="stars" style="--rating: 4.75"></span> </span> </p> <p> by <a href="">Toka</a> (13) on March 18, 2001 </p> <p> <rate-review csrf-token="80e453c7-1c81-4fbc-abde-32dd637e7ee5" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2628303" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 1, num_votes: 1 }"> </rate-review> </p> <p> <a href="/game/222/martian-memorandum/reviews/" class="btn btn-primary">Back to Reviews</a> </p> </main> <hr> <footer> <p> <a href="/info/about/">About</a> · <a href="/info/faq/">FAQ</a> · <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> · <a href="/stats/">Stats</a> · <a href="/info/standards/">Standards</a> · <a href="/info/style-guide/">Style Guide</a> · <a href="/info/api/">API</a> · <a href="/info/contact/">Contact</a> · <a href="/changelog/">Change Log</a> · <a href="/info/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a> · <a href="/info/terms/">Terms of Use</a> </p> <p> © 1999–2024 MobyGames ™ </p> <p> <small class="text-muted">v20241125</small> </p> </footer> <tooltip ref="tooltip"></tooltip> <popover ref="popover"></popover> </div> <script> document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => { event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = '80e453c7-1c81-4fbc-abde-32dd637e7ee5'; }) </script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> </body> </html>