{"title":"Site Inspection and Evaluation Behavior of Qing Shang Concrete Bridge","authors":"Haleem K. Hussain, Liu Gui Wei, Zhang Lian Zhen, Yongxue Li","volume":54,"journal":"International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering","pagesStart":293,"pagesEnd":300,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/3088","abstract":"It is necessary to evaluate the bridges conditions and\r\nstrengthen bridges or parts of them. The reinforcement necessary due\r\nto some reasons can be summarized as: First, a changing in use of\r\nbridge could produce internal forces in a part of structural which\r\nexceed the existing cross-sectional capacity. Second, bridges may\r\nalso need reinforcement because damage due to external factors\r\nwhich reduced the cross-sectional resistance to external loads. One of\r\nother factors could listed here its misdesign in some details, like\r\nsafety of bridge or part of its.This article identify the design demands\r\nof Qing Shan bridge located in is in Heilongjiang Province He gang -\r\nNen Jiang Road 303 provincial highway, Wudalianchi area, China, is\r\nan important bridge in the urban areas. The investigation program\r\nwas include the observation and evaluate the damage in T- section\r\nconcrete beams , prestressed concrete box girder bridges section in\r\nadditional evaluate the whole state of bridge includes the pier ,\r\nabutments , bridge decks, wings , bearing and capping beam, joints,\r\n........etc. The test results show that the bridges in general structural\r\ncondition are good. T beam span No 10 were observed, crack\r\nextended upward along the ribbed T beam, and continue to the T\r\nbeam flange. Crack width varying between 0.1mm to 0.4mm, the\r\nmaximum about 0.4mm. The bridge needs to be improved flexural\r\nbending strength especially at for T beam section.","references":"[1] A3C06: Committee on Structures Maintenance and Management\r\nChairman: Wallace T. McKeel, Jr.\r\n[2] R.J. Cope Plymouth Polytechnic UK (Concrete Bridge Engineering\r\nPerformance and Advances Elsevier Applied Science, London and\r\nNew York, 2004.\r\n[3] W. Springs, \"Repair to Concrete Structures diagnosis of the causes of\r\ndefects and deterioration,\" Cement and Concrete Association,\r\nAdvisory Data Sheet No.601 (982).\r\n[4] R.T.L. Allan, \"The Repair of Concrete Structures,\" Cement and\r\nConcrete Association, Publication No.47.021, 1985.\r\n[5] Specification (Highway Bridge Maintenance Specifications) (JIG\r\nH11-2004).","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 54, 2011"}