User Privacy Policy
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using any of the websites including, but not limited to & (the "Website") you accept the terms contained in this Privacy Policy, which govern the processing of your personal data on the Website. (Date: 25-06-2019)<br/></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="wrapper g-stack-3xl"><div class="row g-stack-3xl"><div class="col lg6 md6"><div class="g-stack-xl"><h1 class="headline s"><strong> Limited<br/></strong></h1><p class="body-text-m">29 St Nicholas Place, Leicester, LE1 4LD UK<br/><br/><strong>Personal Data<br/></strong>When you write a review on the Website, we will automatically generate a personal account for you and collect the following personal data about you:<br/><br/>• Your Name (this will be public unless you have chosen to be anonymous)<br/>• Your email address.<br/>• Social Media Profile (optional, if added)<br/><br/>Name & Email information is mandatory, which means that it will not be possible to write a review on the Website without it. Reviewers can verify reviews by adding social media information, if this method is used we may store publically available data on your profile. As the Data Controller we may make this information available to the companies being reviewed.<br/><br/> is an open review platform, we will publish your name next to your review unless you have chosen to be anonymous. If you choose to publish your review as Anonymous contactable data will still be visible to the reviewed company if they subscribe to our services.<br/><br/>As the data processor we will use the information you provide to us to:<br/><br/>• Provide our services to you, including displaying your reviews, and providing you with access to your profile and our Website<br/>• Identify you as a reviewer when you log in to the Website and re-visit the Website<br/>• Verify your reviews are genuine<br/>• Respond to your questions and provide related customer service<br/>• Pass on a message from the company you reviewed via the Website<br/>• Facilitate the social sharing function & identification function<br/>• Comply with legal requirements and legal process, requests from public and governmental authorities, relevant industry standards and our internal policies<br/>• Enforce our Terms & Conditions<br/>• Allow us to pursue available remedies or limit any damages that we sustain<br/><br/><strong>1. On what legal basis do we process your personal data?</strong><br/><em>We need to process your personal information in order to:<br/><br/></em>• Perform our contract with you as stated in Article 6.1.b of the GDPR<br/>• Comply with our legal obligations as stated in Article 6.1.c of the GDPR and operate an online review platform in compliance with, for example, the Competition and Markets Authority's guidance on online reviews and endorsements<br/><br/>If you would like more information about our legal basis for processing your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by emailing <a href=""></a><br/><br/><strong>2. Data retention<br/><br/></strong>We keep the review data and other personal data, for as long as you have a publicly published review with our services. If you choose to delete your review we will delete all personal data including your name, email address and the associated review. If you have been invited to leave a review via an invite sent by our solution by a Data Controller then we will automatically delete your information after 360 days. If you would like your information deleted sooner, you can request this by emailing <a href=""></a><br/><br/><strong>2.1. Access the personal data we have about you<br/><br/></strong>If you have written a review on the Website you can log in to your Account using your email address to see what information we have about you, including your review. If you don't have an Account, you can email <a href=""></a> and request information about your personal data. Upon receiving your request, we will let you know what personal information we have about you, how we collect the information, the purpose for which we process your personal data, and who we share your personal information with.If you have written a review on the Website, you can download the personal data that you have provided to us, including your reviews by visiting and logging in here.<br/><br/><strong>2.2. Information in reviews and ratings<br/><br/></strong>When you write a review about a company or product using our Website, we collect the information you put in your review and link it to the product or company being reviewed. In some cases, we may contact you via email to provide information or documentation verifying your experience. If you write a company review on the Website in response to an invitation sent by a company via our review collection services, the company who sent you the invite will have visibility of the review and the personal data of the reviewer. If you have verified your review by adding social media information this information along with publicly available social media statistics will be added to your account.<br/><br/><strong>2.3. Cookies<br/><br/></strong>The Website uses cookies. Cookies are digital information which is stored on your computer. The cookie does not identify the individual user but the user's computer, and it is used for different purposes.<br/><br/><strong>2.4. Third party cookies<br/><br/></strong>We may provide cookie and a de-identified data to trusted 3rd parties, this data is used for matching to other data about you to improve the relevance of online advertising and personalisation. Your actual email address is at no time shared with our 3rd party partners. Third party Cookies are set by third party websites – not our Website. When you visit our Website, the following third party Cookies may be set:<br/><br/>• Google Analytics Cookies, set when you log in to our Website with Google<br/>• Google AdSense cookies, set when displaying relevant targeted advertisements on our Website. Some cookies may be set as DoubleClick, which is part of Google<br/>• Intercom cookies, set to enable browser live chat from user sessions. <a href="">Learn more here</a>.<br/>• Cloudflare cookies, set for identifying individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. <a href="">Learn more here</a>.<br/><br/><strong>2.5. Deletion of cookies<br/><br/></strong>You can delete the cookies already on your device. You can typically delete cookies from the Privacy or History area, available from the Settings or Options menu In most browsers. To opt-out of third party cookies, please go to <a href=""></a> choices or Your Online Choices at <a href=""></a>.<br/><br/><strong>3. IP Addresses and browser settings.<br/><br/></strong>When visiting the Website, the IP address and the browser settings of your computer are registered. The IP address is the numerical address of the computer used when visiting the Website. Browser settings are e.g. the type of browser you use, browser language, timezone etc. The IP address and browser settings are registered to enable us to trace the used computer in case of misuse or unlawful actions in connection with the visit on or use of the Website. Further, the IP address is used to derive your approximate location and verify your review as genuine. IP data is removed after 30 days unless a review is written in which case the IP data is retained until the review is deleted or a removal request has been actioned.</p></div></div><div class="col lg6 md6"><p class="body-text-m"><strong>4. Disclosure to companies & other services<br/><br/></strong>As the Data Controller, we allow the companies being reviewed to see contactable data provided by the reviewer, in a secure digital environment.<br/><br/> permits other services not related to the company being reviewed to show the reviews created, we do not share any personal contactable data with these companies. The categories of third parties to which the information is disclosed are:<br/><br/>Search engines, including e.g. Google and Bing<br/>Companies or services that have been reviewed on the Website or which have a relationship with<br/><br/><strong>4.1. Other disclosure<br/><br/></strong> may be required to disclose information by a court order from a competent court of law or public authority in accordance with the existing legislation. As the Data Controller we allow the companies being reviewed to see contactable data provided by the reviewer, in a secure digital environment.<br/><br/><strong>5. Data processor & Data controller<br/><br/></strong> remains the Data Processor prior to a review being left by a reviewer. We act as a data processor to companies using our Websites service to help them to collect genuine reviews. If a company using our solution passes data for the purpose of review collection they will be the data processor up until the subject leaves a review and agrees to our terms & conditions. To the extent that we collect information – which may include your name, e-address, purchase information & social media information.<br/><br/> becomes the Data Controller once a reviewer has written a review. Clients who subscribe to our services and have been reviewed have access to this data as Data Processors.<br/><br/>We are not responsible for the privacy practices of companies operated or owned by third parties. The information practices of such third-party websites or applications is governed by the operators privacy policies.<br/><br/>All the data that we process as a Data Processor is deleted with 360 days. If you would like to remove yourself from being contacted by click the unsubscribe button in the email received or contact us via <a href=""></a><br/><br/>We store data in the region collected. We have data servers in the UK, European Union, USA & Australia.<br/><br/><strong>5.1. Who To Contact<br/><br/></strong>Where is the "Data Controller", as set out in this privacy policy, you should direct any queries you have in relation to your personal data to<br/><br/>Where is the "Data Processor" (no review yet written), as set out in this privacy policy, you should direct any queries you have in relation to your personal data to the merchant/retailer/service provider in question.<br/><br/><strong>6. Security measures<br/><br/></strong> will use commercially reasonable efforts to see that the recorded data, including the personal information under its control is handled using appropriate security measures. regularly audits its system for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. We do not store credit card numbers or related identifying information on any website server.<br/><br/><strong>7. Correction and deletion<br/><br/>7.1. ACCESS<br/><br/></strong>Upon written request we shall inform you of the purpose of the processing; who receives the information and from where the information originates. Requests shall only be processed if more than 6 months have lapsed since your previous request, unless you can substantiate a special interest in obtaining the information earlier.<br/><br/><strong>7.2. Correction & deletion<br/><br/></strong>If you discover that the information which as the Data Controller process on you is incorrect or misleading, shall make the correction hereof on your request.<br/><br/>You can at any time correct or delete any content and information on the Website via your user profile. When your profile is deleted, all the data associated with your user profile is deleted, including your master data and reviews on the Website. If you delete a review on the Website, the review is permanently deleted.<br/><br/> reserves the right to block access to your profile and/or delete your profile, if the profile or the content of your profile on the Website in our assessment is discriminating, racist, sexually oriented, unethical, threatening, offensive, harassing or in other ways violate the legislation, third party rights or the purpose of the Website. If we block the use of your profile, you shall be informed hereon, as well as on the reason for blocking the access, by email to the address you have stated in your profile.<br/><br/><strong>8. Bank & Credit Card Information<br/><br/></strong>If you have written a review, we do not need any private banking details from you. The only contactable details we ask for are a name, email address & social media name to confirm that you are a real user. We will never gain access to your credit card number. If you do choose to purchase something by clicking through to one of our retailers, we will not see any of your private information including banking details or credit card numbers.<br/><br/><strong>9. Age Requirements - 18 or older<br/><br/></strong>We require our users to be 18 or older and anyone using the site must adhere to this rule. We never knowingly allow children under 18 to post personal information on our site. If you know about someone using the website under the age of 18 please contact us via <a href=""></a>.<br/><br/><strong>10. Right to be Forgotten<br/><br/></strong>Upon request to via the contact information stated on this page, shall inform you of the purpose of the processing; who receives the information and from where the information originates.<br/><br/><strong>11. Links to external websites<br/><br/></strong>Our Website contains links to other websites. Our inclusion of such links does not imply that we endorse those websites. We do not control the content of those third party websites, and assume no responsibility for the third party or their policies or practices.<br/><br/><strong>12. Changes in the Privacy Policy<br/><br/></strong> may at any time and without notice make changes to its privacy policy with future effect. shall inform the users of the Website of such changes when the users log on to the Website. You agree that the continued use of the Website after any posted modified version of the Privacy Policy is your acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy.<br/><br/><strong>13. Enquiries Regarding this Privacy Policy<br/><br/></strong>If you have any questions or comments, or if you want to update, delete, or change any Personal Information you've submitted on the Website, please use our contact form to get in touch.<br/><br/>In addition, you are welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO). If you have any questions about the data processing activities performed by us, you are welcome to contact our DPO by email at:<br/><br/><a href=""></a><br/>29 St Nicholas Place<br/>Leicester<br/>LE1 4LD<br/>ENGLAND<br/><a href=""></a></p></div><div class="col lg6 md6"></div></div></div></div><footer id="footer" class="footer"><div class="footer-container"><div class="top-footer-block"><a href="" class="footer-logo-link w-inline-block"><img src="" width="200" alt="" class="footer-image"/></a><div class="g-inline-l ahc"><div class="login-signup-footer"><a href="" target="_blank" class="footer-link-text fs-tracking-footer-signup-button">Sign Up</a><div id="w-node-_5dc5bcf0-c371-8d5f-f8fd-fe28b2edacfe-c86ba255" class="footer-link-text">|</div><a href="" target="_blank" class="footer-link-text">Login</a></div><div class="wg-code w-embed w-script"><script> // on Weglot init Weglot.on('initialized', ()=>{ // get the current active language const currentLang = Weglot.getCurrentLang(); // call 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