{"title":"Multifunctional Bending and Straightening Machines for Shipbuilding","authors":"V. Yu. Shungin, A. V. Popov","volume":92,"journal":"International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering","pagesStart":1460,"pagesEnd":1464,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9999144","abstract":"<p>The paper gives basic information on application of<br \/>\r\nrotation bending for manufacturing ship hull parts from steel plates<br \/>\r\nand on MGPS machines, employed for this purpose.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Vainer L.M., Kulikov V.P., Kuklin O.S., Shungin V.Y. Development of\r\ntechnologies for thick plates shaping using consequential local shaping\r\nmethod \/\/ Vestnik technologii sudostroenija (Shipbuilding Technology\r\nHerald), 2010. No. 18\r\n[2] Ibragimov E.H., Vasiljev A.A., Nesterov V.G., Morozov K.N. Features\r\nof implementation of modern shipbuilding and shiprepair technologies\r\non shipyards of India \/\/ Morskoy vestnik (Sea Herald), 2007 No. 3 (6)\r\n[3] Levshakov V.V., Vasiljev A.A., Kuklin O.S., Shungin V.Y. Modern\r\ntechnologies for manufacturing hull structures from light alloys. \/\/\r\nVestnik technologii sudostroenija (Shipbuilding Technology Herald),\r\n2013. No. 21\r\n[4] Smirnov O.A., Shungin V.Y., Bending and straightening machines for\r\nplates bending with use of low pressure stampless local-rotary shaping\r\nprocedure\/\/ Vestnik technologii sudostroenija (Shipbuilding Technology\r\nHerald), 2008. No. 16\r\n[5] Popov V.I., Kuklin O.S. Modern technologies and equipment for\r\nmanufacturing of hull profiled parts from new nitrogen containing steels\r\nand light alloys \/\/ Morskoy vestnik (Sea Herald), 2007 No. 3 (6)\r\n[6] Kornev A.V., Sinitsky V.A., Shungin V.Y. Production experience of\r\nautomated check of geometrical parameters of hull structures and parts\r\nwith use of laser tachometer \/\/ Vestnik technologii sudostroenija\r\n(Shipbuilding Technology Herald), 2012. No. 20","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 92, 2014"}