Films & Videos – History of Medicine – National Library of Medicine

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Videos</em></h1> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="index.html">COLLECTIONS</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="on">FILMS &amp; VIDEOS</a></li> <li><a href="films-about.html">ABOUT THIS COLLECTION</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div class="collectionsheader"> <div class="photomain"> <img src="/hmd/images/fims-main-HT_180.jpg" alt="Easy to Get 16 mm film strip." title="Detail of film strip of 9201441A in the Historical Audiovisuals collection." /> </div> <div class="subcontent"> <div class="container"> <div class="section profile"> <a href=""> <h2>Medicine On Screen</h2> <div class="photo"> <img src="/hmd/images/film-depresive-neurosis-feature.jpg" alt="A black man in a baseball cap talks with a white man in a suit behind a desk in a wood paneled office." /> </div> <div class="text"> <strong>Psychiatric Interview Films in the Age of Reform</strong> <p>A rare glimpse into the day-to-day world of late 1960s psychiatric practice is offered, in which those seeking help are received with an open mind and treated with dignity.</p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="section profile"> <a href="/hmd/collections/films-about.html"> <h2>About This Collection</h2> <div class="text"> <p>The Films &amp; Videos collection includes recordings from the early 20th century through the present day with more than 900 titles before 1950. It includes instructional, public health, commercial, military, documentary, and research films...READ MORE</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div class="content"> <div class="toggle style1"> <h2>Where to Find...</h2> <a href="#!" class="openall">Open All</a> <ul> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Digitized Films and Videos</a></div> <div class="togglecontent"> <nav> <h2>Find what you need with:</h2> <a href="" target="blank">Digital Collections</a> </nav> <h2>NLM Digital Collections</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-tobacco-and-the-human-body.jpg" alt="Illustration of particles in lungs." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">All Digitized Films</a></h3> <p>Films are digitized and added monthly to NLM Digital Collections. Find them all under Format: Moving image.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View All Digital Films</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/phfgtw-cover-192.jpg" alt="A cartoon soldier pours water in a bucket." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">The Public Health Film Goes to War Collection</a></h3> <p>A curated selection from the Library&#8217;s World War II-era health films. Public health and war have long been close companions, and maybe strange bedfellows. <a href="/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/index.html">Read More</a></p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View Digitized Films</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-cholera-today.jpg" alt="A medical drip container made of glass." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Tropical Disease Motion Pictures Collection</a></h3> <p>Films addressing the symptoms, treatment, and impact of tropical diseases worldwide. An accompanying subject guide to these titles can be found <a href="/hmd/collections/films/tropicalguide/intro.html">here</a>.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View Digitized Films</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=";f%5Bdrep2.isMemberOfCollection%5D%5B%5D=DREPNLMP" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-history-of-telemedicine.jpg" alt="A man speaks at a podium." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href=";f%5Bdrep2.isMemberOfCollection%5D%5B%5D=DREPNLMP" target="blank">NLM Productions Collection</a></h3> <p>A selection of NLM seminars and conferences.<br><br></p> <h4><a href=";f%5Bdrep2.isMemberOfCollection%5D%5B%5D=DREPNLMP" target="blank">View Digitized Films</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <h2>YouTube</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-steps-of-age.jpg" alt="Three generations of women look at each other." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">YouTube</a></h3> <p>A selection of digitized films from the collection are available on the NLM YouTube channel collected under the History of Medicine playlist.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to YouTube</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <a href="#!" class="close hasjs">Close</a> <a href="#!" class="closeall hasjs">Close All</a> <a href="#!" class="openall hasjs">Open All</a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Finding Aids</a></div> <div class="togglecontent"> <nav> <h2>Find what you need with:</h2> <a href="">Finding Aids</a> </nav> <p>The finding aids below provide descriptive information about unprocessed Historical Audiovisual collections. The <strong>Contents</strong> portion of each finding aid provides a list of titles along with minimal descriptive detail. The Library may be able to process a title upon request and provide you with a viewing copy; please contact the <a href="">NLM Support Center</a> for more information. [Note that in some cases, an unprocessed collection may contain individual titles present already in the NLM collection. These are noted with an HF (Historical Film) number, as in HF1234, and may be found using that identifier in the<a href="">LocatorPlus Catalog</a>.]</p> <h2></h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-Andrew-Morrow_101676253.jpg" alt="President Lyndon Johnson at NIH with Luther Terry, J. Lister Hill, and Andrew Morrow." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Andrew Glenn Morrow Cardiovascular Research Film Collection 1958&ndash;1969</a></h3> <p>Unprocessed Collection. Contents are 16mm film reels of varying length, most silent and in color, originating in the National Heart Institute. Films chiefly depict surgical procedures to implant artificial aortic and mitral valves in patients with cardiac conditions such as ventricular septal defect. Most of the films consist of close-up images of Dr. Morrow's hands and arms and the patient's opened chest, though some show Dr. Morrow speaking.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to the Finding Aid</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-arpen-childbirth-education_great-expectations.jpg" alt="A stack of film boxes." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Arpen Childbirth Education Film Collection 1970&ndash;1989</a></h3> <p>Unprocessed Collection. These titles were produced by foundations, academic institutions, and private sector entities to educate expectant parents about pregnancy, childbirth, and infant care.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to the Finding Aid</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-CUA-Krolik.jpg" alt="A still from a film showing a man and woman looking specualtively at medicine bottles." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Catholic University Medical Film Collection 1942&ndash;1977</a></h3> <p>Unprocessed Collection. Films address a range of topics including nursing, prenatal and neonatal care, infant and child development, mental health, medical ethics, aging, and human sexuality.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to the Finding Aid</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-Braunwald-CTFM-041_03.jpg" alt="A woman works in a lab." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Nina Starr Braunwald Cardiovascular Research Film Collection 1960&ndash;1965</a></h3> <p>Unprocessed Collection. The films depict Dr. Nina Starr Braunwald performing heart surgeries at NIH, particularly the experimental implantation of artificial heart valves of her own design and fabrication.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to the Finding Aid</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-NW-Film-Forum.jpg" alt="A stack of film cans." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Northwest Film Forum Collection 1930&ndash;2000</a></h3> <p>Unprocessed Collection. These mostly educational films were produced by both smaller, independent companies and major filmmaking entities during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Topics range from concerns about overpopulation to the function of human organs to divorce and racial prejudice. Many of the films deal with mental health, child development, and the health of the environment.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Go to the Finding Aid</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <a href="#!" class="close hasjs">Close</a> <a href="#!" class="closeall hasjs">Close All</a> <a href="#!" class="openall hasjs">Open All</a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Catalog and Guides</a></div> <div class="togglecontent"> <nav> <h2>Find what you need with:</h2> <a href="">Digital Collections</a> | <a href="">LocatorPlus Catalog</a> </nav> <h2>Catalog</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-heredity-in-man.jpg" alt="A family tree." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank">Catalog Search</a></h3> <p>Nearly all cataloged historical audiovisuals are, or can be, made available for viewing in DVD format. Patrons also may request a limited number of low-resolution &ldquo;screener copies&rdquo; uploaded to NLM&rsquo;s FTP site for content review.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">Search LocatorPlus Catalog</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <h2>Guides</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="/hmd/collections/films/mentalhealthguide/index.html" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-cry-for-help.jpg" alt="A man in prison." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="/hmd/collections/films/mentalhealthguide/index.html" target="blank">Guide to Mental Health Motion Pictures</a></h3> <p>The guide contains references to nearly 200 films and video recordings produced from the 1930s up to and including 1970. Most deal with mental or psychiatric disorders as defined or recognized at the time the films were produced.</p> <h4><a href="/hmd/collections/films/mentalhealthguide/index.html" target="blank">Go to the Guide</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="/hmd/collections/films/tropicalguide/intro.html" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-cholera-today.jpg" alt="A medical drip in a glass bottle." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="/hmd/collections/films/tropicalguide/intro.html" target="blank">Guide to Tropical Disease Motion Pictures</a></h3> <p>The guide contains references to films, videorecordings, and digital videocasts produced from the 1920s through 2009, with the majority shot prior to the 1960s. Materials range from ideological, documentary, educational, and training films to American war propaganda.</p> <h4><a href="/hmd/collections/films/tropicalguide/intro.html" target="blank">Go to the Guide</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <a href="#!" class="close hasjs">Close</a> <a href="#!" class="closeall hasjs">Close All</a> <a href="#!" class="openall hasjs">Open All</a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Some Films of Interest</a></div> <div class="togglecontent"> <nav> <h2>Find what you need with:</h2> <a href="">Digital Collections</a> | <a href="">LocatorPlus Catalog</a> </nav> <h2>Digitized Films</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-booked-for-safekeeping.jpg" alt="A policeman confronts a man with a knife." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank"><em>Booked for Safekeeping</em> (ca. 1959)</a></h3> <p>This is one of a series of short training films by renowned documentary filmmaker George Stoney tackling a tough topic: how police respond to people who are mentally ill, suicidal, or alcoholic, how to do so more effectively, and why the officers should care.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View Film</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-what-did-you-take.jpg" alt="A close up of the face of a distressed young man." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank"><em>What Did You Take? The Drug Abuse Emergency</em> (ca. 1971) </a></h3> <p>Medical recognition and treatment of overdose and drug abuse situations are stressed in this film, which includes scenes are of real-life cases in the emergency room and adjoining physicians’ offices of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View Film</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-traitor-within.jpg" alt="A cartoon-like abstract illustration." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" target="blank"><em>The Traitor Within</em> (ca. 1946)</a></h3> <p>This cartoon about cancer is directed at the non-medical public. Cancer myths are refuted, cancer warning signals described, and the growth and effect of malignant cells within the body presented.</p> <h4><a href="" target="blank">View Film</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <h2>Cataloged Films</h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma9916380543406676" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-pavlov-idiot-child.jpg" alt="A drawing of a brain labeled in Russian." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma9916380543406676" target="blank"><em>Idiot Child and Comparative Behavior</em> (ca. 1940)</a></h3> <p>Ivan Pavlov uses film to examine the behavior of developmentally delayed children and adults. Animated images of the brain are shown, as are experiments with dogs, monkeys, a bear, and an elephant.</p> <h4><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma9916380543406676 " target="blank">View Catalog Record</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma996233403406676" target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-convulsive-shock-therapy.jpg" alt="A woman lies on her back with her hands crossed on her chest." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma996233403406676" target="blank"><em>Convulsive Shock Therapy in Affective Psychoses</em> (ca. 1957)</a></h3> <p>This production attempts to make the case that convulsive shock therapy can terminate severe depressions and most manic states within a few weeks. Four cases are presented with behavior before and after treatment. </p> <h4><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma996233403406676" target="blank">View Catalog Record</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma997071543406676 " target="blank"><img src="/hmd/images/film-infant-behavior_9200858A.jpg" alt="An infant is placed in a chair at a table." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma997071543406676 " target="blank"><em>The Study of Infant Behaviour</em> (1939)</a></h3> <p>Noted child psychologist and pediatrician Arnold Gesell gives a technical overview of the methods and procedures used to study infant development at the Yale Clinic of Child Development. Gesell himself narrates the film and appears on camera several times.</p> <h4><a href=";vid=01NLM_INST:01NLM_INST&amp;search_scope=MyInstitution&amp;tab=LibraryCatalog&amp;lang=en_US&amp;docid=alma997071543406676 " target="blank">View Catalog Record</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <br/> <a href="#!" class="close hasjs">Close</a> <a href="#!" class="closeall hasjs">Close All</a> <a href="#!" class="openall hasjs">Open All</a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Featured Collections</a></div> <div class="togglecontent"> <h2></h2> <ul> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=""><img src="/hmd/images/Medicine-on-Screen2.jpg" alt="Medicine On Screen" /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="">Medicine On Screen: Films and Essays from NLM</a></h3> <p>A curated portal to the National Library of Medicine's historical audiovisual collections. This site showcases unique, rare, and important medical films enriched with contextual information, scholarly essays, and related resources.</p> <h4><a href="">View Resource</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href="/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/index.html"><img src="/hmd/images/phfgtw-cover-192.jpg" alt="A cartoon soldier engaged in cleaning." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/index.html">The Public Health Film Goes to War</a></h3> <p>A curated selection from the Library&#8217;s World War II-era health films. Public health and war have long been close companions, and maybe strange bedfellows. <a href="/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/index.html">Read More</a></p> <h4><a href="/hmd/digicolls/phfgtw/index.html">View Resource</a></h4> </div> </li> <li> <div class="photo"> <a href=""><img src="/hmd/images/film-confronting-violence.jpg" alt="A woman talks with another woman in a white coat." /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="">Confronting Violence: Improving Women's Lives</a></h3> <p>Featured in <em>Confronting Violence</em> are items from the National Library of Medicine's collection, including correspondence between Daniel Sheridan and other nurse activists, early guidelines for care, and medical training videos.</p> <h4><a href="">View Digital Gallery</a></h4> </div> </li> </ul> <br/> <a href="#!" class="close hasjs">Close</a> <a href="#!" class="closeall hasjs">Close All</a> <a href="#!" class="openall hasjs">Open All</a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"><a href="#">Read More on Our 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