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aria-label="Breadcrumb"> <ol class="breadcrumbs"> <li> <a href="/">University</a></li><li><a href="/study/">Study at St Andrews</a></li><li><a href="/study/undergraduate/">Undergraduate</a></li><li>Flexible degree structure</li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <!--endnoindex--> <main id="content-begin"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8 content"><h1 id="d.en.197184" class="page-heading">Flexible degree structure</h1> <div id="d.en.197185" class="content-section"> <p>The University of St Andrews operates on a modular degree system by which degrees are obtained through the accumulation of credits. The University's modular degree system makes undergraduate study here very flexible, and our module requirements are the same whether you are studying full time or part time.</p> <p>A module is a self-contained unit of teaching, learning and assessment which is worth a fixed amount of credit. Most modules run for just one semester, and every module passed will gain you a set number of credits that will count towards your degree.</p> <p>To gain an Honours degree, you will need to obtain 480 credits; to gain a General degree, you will need 360 credits. Full-time students will usually take 120 credits' worth of modules per year, which is typically 60 credits per semester. Part-time students will study half this number of credits per year.</p> <p><span>You will be required to take a number of specified modules to gain a specialised Honours degree, but students in the Faculties of Arts, Divinity and Science will have opportunities during their study to take subjects outside of their own Faculty. There are, however, sometimes restrictions </span><wbr /><span>for very popular subjects because priority is always given to students already within that Faculty. Students who are not in the Faculty of Medicine will be unable to study any element of the Medicine programme. Students who are in the Faculty of Medicine are unable to take modules from </span><wbr /><span>outside of the Medicine programme.</span></p> </div> <figure id="d.en.197191"> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 youtube-embed"> <iframe title="Our flexible degree structure (Video)" class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </figure> <figure id="d.en.197190"> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 youtube-embed"> <iframe title="Degree structure at the University of St Andrews (Video)" class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <!-- Begin pattern: accordion //--> <div class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle-title"> <button class="accordion-item__toggle-button" aria-expanded="false">Video transcript</button> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item__content" aria-hidden="true"> <p>>> CLARE: The University degree at St Andrews reflects the Scottish degree system in that students coming into first and second year can take subjects outside their intended degree specialisation.</p> <p>>> Stephen: The ability to change subject choices and to put together combinations allows students really to put together quite an individual programme of study.</p> <p>>> MARKUS: It really helped me to just explore different things.</p> <p>>> CLARE: Our students get to widen their education at first and second year and then specialise in their degree subjects in their honours years.</p> <p>>> AABIYAH: One of the best things about studying in St Andrews is the small class sizes. So you really get to know everyone really well. Everyone is so friendly and so understanding.</p> <p>>> STEPHEN: It's important to think of the St Andrews education as something which teaches students to become experts in a subject, but also it teaches lots of really important transferable skills which are vital for employability.</p> <p>>> JUDITH: We hand pick our students. We pick the students that we think will flourish here. And we pick few enough students that we can make sure that they do flourish here when they come.</p> </div> </div> <!-- End pattern: accordion //--> </figure> <span id="d.en.197188"></span> <button class="accordion-group__toggle">Open all</button> <ul class="accordion-group accordion-group__toggle-container"> <li id="d.en.197186" class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle"> <h2 class="accordion-item__toggle-title"> <button class="accordion-item__toggle-button" aria-controls="">Scottish Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme (ScotCATS)</button> </h2> </div> <div class="accordion-item__content" id="" aria-hidden="true"><p>If you take a break from your programme of study, you can keep the credits you have already earned and add to them at a later date, within a fixed length of time. In addition, the Scottish Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme (ScotCATS) will allow you to carry your credits on to other institutions if you choose to continue your studies elsewhere.</p></div> </li> <li id="d.en.197187" class="accordion-item"> <div class="accordion-item__toggle"> <h3 class="accordion-item__toggle-title"> <button class="accordion-item__toggle-button" aria-controls="">European Credit Transfer Accumulation Systems (ECTS)</button> </h3> </div> <div class="accordion-item__content" id="" aria-hidden="true"><p>All modules in the module catalogue have an accreditation in the ECTS. The University operates on an annual load of 120 credits, while the ECTS operates on one of 60 credits. For this reason, credits transferred to other institutions within the ECTS will be worth precisely half the number of credits shown for each module within the University of St Andrews. As the grade for each module will then be calculated according to ECTS procedures, it may not be the same grade awarded for the module by the University.</p></div> </li> </ul> <!-- End: accordion group - end --> </div> <aside class="col-sm-4 sidebar content"> <div id="d.en.197193" class="navbox"><div class="navbox__image"><img class="lazyload" src="" data-src="/assets/university/subjects/images/study-options/course-search.jpg" alt="Students walking on the lawn in St Mary's Quad"></div> <div class="navbox__title"><a href="/subjects/"><span>Course search</span></a></div></div><div id="d.en.197194" class="navbox"><div class="navbox__image"><img class="lazyload" src="" data-src="/assets/university/subjects/images/study-options/how-to-apply.jpg" alt="Two students talking in St Marys Quad"></div> <div class="navbox__title"><a href="/study/undergraduate/apply/"><span>How to apply</span></a></div></div> <div id="d.en.197195" class="content-section"> <h2>Contact</h2> <p><strong>鈥婽he Students’ Association Carers, Commuters, Mature and Flexible Learners Forum (CCMFL)</strong><br />Email: <a href="mailto:"></a></p> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </main> <!--noindex--> <footer id="footer"> <div id="website-footer"> <div id="d.en.204626" class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <h2>Contact</h2> <p><strong>Admissions</strong><br />University of St Andrews<br />St Katharine's West<br />The Scores<br />St Andrews<br />KY16 9AX</p> <p><strong>Phone:</strong> <a href="tel:+44 (0)1334 46 2150">+44 (0)1334 46 2150</a></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Ask Admissions</a></li> <li><a href="/study/policy/">Admissions policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="university-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <p id="footer-charity" >漏 2024 The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532</p> <ul id="footer-links"> <li><a class="footer-links__link cookie-control__open" aria-controls="ccc" tabindex="0">Cookie preferences</a></li> <li><a href="" class="footer-links__link">Accessibility statement</a></li> <li><a href="" class="footer-links__link">Terms and conditions</a></li> <li><a href="" class="footer-links__link">Website help</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script src="" ></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { // ARIA $('.breadcrumbs li:last-child').attr('aria-current', 'page'); // Autocomplete jQuery('.form-control--autocomplete').autocompletion({ datasets: { organic: { collection: 'uosa-meta-global', profile : '_default', program: '', format: 'extended', alpha: '0.5', show: '8', sort: '0', group: true, template: { suggestion: function(context) { var pos = context.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(context.query.toLowerCase()); var pos2 = pos+context.query.length; console.log(pos + ' ' + pos2); return '<div class="tt-suggestion tt-selectable"><span class="tt-highlight">'+context.label.slice(0, pos) + "</span>" + context.label.slice(pos,pos2)+'<span class="tt-highlight">'+context.label.slice(pos2)+'</span></div>'; } } }, }, typeahead: { hint: true, highlight: false }, length: 3 }); }); </script> <script> dataLayer.push({'event':'staScripts_Loaded'}); </script> <!-- programmable layout - text/scripts --> <script src="" type="module"></script> <script src="" type="module"></script> <script src="" type="module"></script> <!--endnoindex--> </body > </html >