Current Herpetology
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It is the official journal of <a href="">the Herpetological Society of Japan</a> and is a continuation of Acta Herpetologica Japonica (1964–1971) and Japanese Journal of Herpetology (1972-1999).</p></dd> <dd style="padding:1em 0 0 0;">Published by <a href="">the Herpetological Society of Japan</a> (<a href="./ch-editorial.php">Editors list</a>)</dd> <dd><a href="../membership/">Join our society for subscription. </a></dd> <dd>2023 Impact Factor: 0.600</dd> <!-- dd>See online edition pages below for tables of contents and abstracts of the articles</dd --> </dl> <!-- *** --> <h2>Latest Issue: 43(2), August 2024</h2> <div class="bhsj_cover"> <p class="journal"><img src="../img/ch43-2.jpg" alt="Current Herpetology latest issue" height="180" class="coverimg"/></p> </div> <div class="ch_tocs"> <h3>Table of Contents</h3> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Go to BioOne<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Go to J-STAGE<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a></li> </ul> <p> See below for how to access the full texts of the online editions. </p> </div> <h2>Online Editions</h2> <ul class="listing"> <li><b><a href="" target="_link">Online journal in BioOne (2005 Vol. 24 or later issues)<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a></b><br/> Anyone can read abstracts and references.<br/> Full texts are accessible from subscribing organizations.</li> <li><b><a href="" target="_link">Online journal in J-STAGE (All issues including predecessors)<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a></b> <ul class="listing"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Acta Herpetologica Japonica<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a>,1964–1971, vol. 1(1)-4(4) (All issues open access)</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Japanese Journal of Herpetology<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a>,1972–1999, vol. 5(1)–18(2) (All issues open access)</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Current Herpetology<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a>, 2000–, vol. 19(1)– (2004 Vol. 23 or earlier issues open access)</li> </ul> <p class="noindent"> The members of HSJ have access to full texts of 2005 Vol. 24 or later issues of Current Herpetology.<br/> Please contact the liaison for online journals for your ID and password<br/> Liaison for online journals: Natsuhiko YOSHIKAWA <ch-account(a)><br/> <span class="amark">* Replace “ (a) ” with “ @ ” in the e-mail address.</span> </p> </li> </ul> <h2>Announcement <span class="sfont">(last update: 19 Jan 2024)</span></h2> <ul class="listing"> <li><a href="./CHInstruction.pdf" target="link"><img src="../img/icon-pdf.gif" alt ="[PDF]"/> Instruction to Contributors</a> has bee updated (19 Jan 2024).</li> <li>Instruction to Contributors has bee updated (29 Sep 2023).</li> <li><a href="" target="link">Online submission system<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a> was newly introduced, and <!-- a href="./CHInstruction.pdf" target="link" -->Instruction to Contributors<!-- /a --> was updated (1 July 2020)</li> <li>For members and authors for our journals: <a href="./Copy-Right-Transfer.doc">Transfer of copyright (in English)</a> / <a href="./Copy-Right-Transfer-J.doc">(in Japanese)</a> (MS Word file) in connection with electric archiving. <font size="-1" style="size:small">(24 Nov 2008)</font></li> <li>There are period-specified services for authors now. <a href="./ch-service.php">See here.</a></li> </ul> <div class="notice"> <h3>Notice: WAIT 2 YEARS for uploading <i>Current Herpetology</i> PDF offprints!</h3> <!-- h3>DO NOT UPLOAD PDF OF YOUR PAPER TO RESEARCHGATE OR ANY OTHER WEB-SITE OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC</h3 --> <p> Copyrights of articles published in <i>Current Herpetology</i> belong to the Herpetological Society of Japan. Uploading their PDF offprints within 2 years from the publication to the ResearchGate site or any other personal websites open to free downloading by the general public is an obvious <b>violation of copyright transfer agreement</b> which the authors sign before their publication. <!-- Please stop making PDF offprints accessible on websites within 2 years after publication. --> Please <b>wait 2 years</b> for making PDF offprints accessible on websites. </p> </div> <p><a href="">HSJ Copyright Policy</a></p> <h2>Instruction to Contributors<a name="to_contributors"></a></h2> <ul class="listing"> <li><a href="./CHInstruction.pdf" target="link"><img src="../img/icon-pdf.gif" alt ="[PDF]"/> Instruction to Contributors</a> <span class="attention">(19 Jan 2024 Updated)</span></li> <li>From 1st July 2020, we no longer accept submission in the form of files attached to e-mail. To submit manuscripts, please connect directly to the site below and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.<br/> <a href="">Editorial Manager (<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a><br/> Authors who are submitting a manuscript online for the first time should read the Author Manual on the Editorial Manager site. Files created by MS Word (for cover letter and main manuscript), MS Excel or Word (for tables and appendices), and JPEG or PDF (for figures) are required.</li> <li>After being accepted for publication, some articles are selected as Open Access Papers by the editorial committee. Selected articles are uploaded as Open Access Papers without any charge by the author(s) on <a href="" target="link">BioOne platform<img src="../img/extlink.png" alt="[Go to external website]"/></a> <span class="attention">(17 June 2022 Updated)</span>.</li> <li><a href="./ch-service.php">Period-specified services for authors.</a></li> </ul> <!-- a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="adobe reader"/></a --> <h2>Editors</h2> <p class="noindent"> See <a href="./ch-editorial.php">Editors page</a>. </p> <h2>Back Issues</h2> <p class="noindent"> See <a href="../publications/order.php">Order page</a> if you need hard copies (see above for online editions). </p> <!-- <p class="noindent"> Online editions of back issues are available (see above).<br/> For purchase of back issues, please contact <br/> <span class="spac">Takaki KURITA, Treasurer of HSJ <treasurer(a)>.</span><br/> <span class="amark">* Replace “ (a) ” with “ @ ” in the e-mail address.</span></p> --> </div> <div id="footer"> © Herpetological Society of Japan, 2016–2024</div> </body> </html>