Bugs : Bryce Harrington

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style="white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-index"> <strong>1</strong> &rarr; <strong>75</strong> of 2214 results </td> <td style="text-align: right; white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-links"> <span class="first inactive">First</span> &bull; <span class="previous inactive">Previous</span> &bull; <a class="next" rel="next" href=";start=75" id="upper-batch-nav-batchnav-next"><strong>Next</strong></a> &bull; <a class="last" rel="last" href=";start=2175" id="upper-batch-nav-batchnav-last">Last</a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="bugs-orderby"></div> <div id="client-listing"><div class="listing"> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#36812</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Keyboard layout change on hotkeys press instead of release and do not work well with shortcuts</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> X.Org X server </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">632</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#118808</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Unable to reach C3/C4 states while wireless is up.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> MadWifi </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">4</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="blueprint" title="Related to a blueprint" class="sprite blueprint"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#154231</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">G550 (dual) DVI does not work</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xserver-xorg-video-mga (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#17601</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[xterm] add better charclass map</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xterm (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#210865</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[Intel 82801H] sound card volume inaudibly low unless model=mitac specified</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> ALSA driver </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">78</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#222865</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Atheros 5413 Troubles</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> MadWifi </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">4</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#274870</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Xorg should keep more rotated logs</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xorg-server (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">2</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#29787</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Backspace key in GNU Screen not detected correctly</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> vte (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">60</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#218202</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">numlockx does not turn num lock keyboard light on.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> numlockx (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">158</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#327963</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Error activating XKB configuration with MacBook keyboard model</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> xkeyboard-config </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">38</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#428884</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">gnome-screensaver-command --poke no longer inhibits screensaver</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> gnome-screensaver (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">922</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#384001</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">ssh forwarded glx returns &quot;Error: couldn&#x27;t find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig&quot; against older servers</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Mesa </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">48</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#471646</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[K8M800]with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic my X server crashes during KDE 4.3.2 startup, _mesa_reference_renderbuffer() assertion</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> openchrome </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">82</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#483113</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Super user key shortcut does not work (=get captured) when you try to use it in System --&gt; Preferences --&gt; Keyboard Shortcuts</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> udev (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#413387</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">miro.real crashed with KeyError in update_items()</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Miro </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">24</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#606565</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Unclutter removes the cursor too quickly, inhibiting mouse-overs and TITLE tags in browsers.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> unclutter (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">34</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#167335</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">flowed text has no SVG 1.1-compliant fallback</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> inkscape (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">224</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> <span alt="blueprint" title="Related to a blueprint" class="sprite blueprint"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#710144</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Xsession: unable to launch &quot;&quot; X session --- &quot;&quot; not found; falling back to default session.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xorg (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">56</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#393129</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Corrupt screen, HP Brio, Matrox G100 (display: NEC LCD1860NX and others)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xserver-xorg-video-mga (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#721320</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">DKIM-related failures should not end up in the panic log</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> exim </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">22</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#574747</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Does not hyperlink multi-line urls</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> mutt </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">38</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#864933</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">vlc crashed opening a blu-ray disk</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> VLC media player </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#388547</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Volume keys don&#x27;t work inside a full-screen game</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> X.Org X server </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">206</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#873942</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">xf86-video-geode: driver initialization fails on Geode LX if DDC pins are configured for serial console</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xserver-xorg-video-geode (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#707233</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">vlc will not allow pasting a URL with spaces into the Network Stream dialog</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> VLC media player </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#745608</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[915GM] font corruption on Intel GMA900</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xserver-xorg-video-intel (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">352</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#977804</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Unity crashes when many windows are opened (intel_do_flush_locked failed: No space left on device)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite distribution field"> Debian </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">212</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#415357</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[gm45] Xorg consistently crashing when using some applications</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xorg-server (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">58</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#622179</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">The &quot;suspicious&quot; errors don&#x27;t give sufficient information</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> xorg (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1490071</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">MySQL 5.6 refuses to install on systems that have had MariaDB 10.0 installed, preventing users from reverting to MySQL without manual intervention (aka mysql flag file system needs a redesign)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> mysql-5.7 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">496</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1320709</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">incorrect info in /usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian.gz about logrotate</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> awstats (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1687057</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Imports do not represent empty directories</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> dgit (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1531184</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[SRU] dnsmasq doesn&#x27;t start on boot because its interface isn&#x27;t up yet</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> dnsmasq (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">166</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1708665</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle"> fails due to no shell for www-data user</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> awstats (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1778073</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">dnsmasq and resolvconf hangs on start</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> dnsmasq (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1804060</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">vgauth should use the -s option for logging</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> open-vm-tools (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1393403</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">dovecot unable to create files in /var/mail</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> dovecot (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1832182</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">systemd unable to detect running apache if invoked via &quot;apache2ctl graceful&quot;</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> apache2 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">46</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1799185</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">spamd running with virtual-config-dir mkdir error</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> spamassassin (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1863749</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[FFe] NTRU Plugin Missing in Focal</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> strongswan (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1865218</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">mod_php gets disabled during do-release-upgrade</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> php7.4 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">28</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1887586</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">pwmconfig generate wrong config when multiple fans are on same pwm</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> lm-sensors </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1855318</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">autofs tries to find .xdg-volume-info and autorun.inf</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> gvfs </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusFIXCOMMITTED"> Fix Committed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1910372</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Support more modern Lua versions - to keep only one in main</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> apache2 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1914865</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">`tidy -utf` treated as `tidy -u -t -f` instead of as `tidy -utf8`, with no error</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> tidy-html5 mirror </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1919965</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">nginx-common nginx.service comments use wrong signal</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> nginx (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1935664</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">libvirt builds without fuse support when built with libfuse3-dev</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> libvirt </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1945960</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">net-snmp: Fail to build against OpenSSL 3.0</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Net-SNMP </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1918287</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">autopkgtest fails in hirsute on s390x for 3.1.1-1</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> node-pbkdf2 </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1679329</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Missing dep8 tests</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> logwatch </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">4</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1930393</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">any local user can shut clamd down via control socket</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> clamav (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">262</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1967589</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">strings-test.js fails on s390x</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Nodejs nan </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1970455</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">AppArmor profile prevents DNS Servers from being added to resolv.conf</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> strongswan (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1920217</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">id: ‘clamav’: no such user</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> clamav (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1964881</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Logging/Log rotation does not work for catalina.out</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> tomcat9 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1983727</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">exim4 should be built with redis support</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> exim4 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1984454</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">gbrowse autopkgtest failures (due to libgd3?)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> gbrowse </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1989501</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">performous-composer: FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> performous-composer (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2000672</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Missing log files for Ceph iSCSI gateway</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> sosreport </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2003923</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">libterm-filter-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> libterm-filter-perl (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2007837</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Regression in stderr handling in 3.2.3 breaks BackupPc on 22.04; fix available in 3.2.4</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> rsync (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1932552</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">php-symfony-dependency-injection not working with php 8</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> phpMyAdmin </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">24</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2029431</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Provide static library in libslirp-dev</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> libslirp (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1842695</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">ClamAV AppArmor profiles do not allow OnAccess scanning</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> clamav (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1682647</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">vmtoolsd user process is not started for KDE session in kubuntu 17.04</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> open-vm-tools (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2045055</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">link in default index.html should be HTTPS</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> apache2 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2038912</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Upgrade of libapache2-mod-php8.1 does not reload apache2</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> apache2 (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">22</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2061913</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">PMDK FTBFS on ppc64el obj_basic_integration/TEST5 crashed</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> pmdk (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2061913</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">PMDK FTBFS on ppc64el obj_basic_integration/TEST5 crashed</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> pmdk </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2067501</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Ubuntu noble is missing compat symlink</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> libaio (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">18</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2069324</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">vsftpd hangs with SIGCHLD when is used</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> vsftpd (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceUNKNOWN"> Unknown </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2079015</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Redundant systemd unit smartd.service</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite package-source field"> smartmontools (Debian) </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#241145</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">[Hardy AMD64] xorg unrecoverable crash when closing a Firefox tab with Flash inside</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> X.Org X server </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">106</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusINCOMPLETE"> Incomplete </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#299416</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 not working in Bright star</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Viarum </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">2</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusNEW"> New </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#359895</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">xchat-gnome crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_main_context_dispatch()</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> XChat-GNOME </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> 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{"items": [{"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "X.Org X server", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e632\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 36812, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2022-07-14", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Sergey Sinitsa", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bionic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "focal"}, {"url": "", "tag": "jammy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "kinetic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "patch"}, {"url": "", "tag": "xenial"}], "title": "Keyboard layout change on hotkeys press instead of release and do not work well with shortcuts", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "17 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "MadWifi", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e4\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"blueprint\" title=\"Related to a blueprint\" class=\"sprite blueprint\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 118808, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2009-06-11", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Wagner Volanin", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [], "title": "Unable to reach C3/C4 states while wireless is up.", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "17 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xserver-xorg-video-mga (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 154231, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-11-03", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "mkuutti", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "valid-xorg-conf"}], "title": "G550 (dual) DVI does not work", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "19 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xterm (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan alt=\"haspatch\" title=\"Has a patch\" class=\"sprite haspatch-icon\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 17601, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2010-04-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Anthony Edwards", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [], "title": "[xterm] add better charclass map", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "16 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "ALSA driver", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e78\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"haspatch\" title=\"Has a patch\" class=\"sprite haspatch-icon\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 210865, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2010-08-09", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Pac Shady", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "cft-2.6.27"}, {"url": "", "tag": "hardy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "kj-comment"}], "title": "[Intel 82801H] sound card volume inaudibly low unless model=mitac specified", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "16 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "MadWifi", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e4\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 222865, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2010-06-24", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Gilbert Mendoza", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [], "title": "Atheros 5413 Troubles", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "16 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xorg-server (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e2\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 274870, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-05-11", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Chris Jones", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bitesize"}], "title": "Xorg should keep more rotated logs", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "vte (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e60\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan 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2018-12-27", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "darthanubis", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "hardy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "jaunty"}, {"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "maverick"}, {"url": "", "tag": "natty"}, {"url": "", "tag": "numlockx"}], "title": "numlockx does not turn num lock keyboard light on.", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xkeyboard-config", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e38\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan alt=\"haspatch\" title=\"Has a patch\" class=\"sprite haspatch-icon\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 327963, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2024-06-18", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Martin 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"title": "gnome-screensaver-command --poke no longer inhibits screensaver", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Mesa", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e48\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 384001, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2023-09-25", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Joakim Plate", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-collected"}, {"url": "", "tag": "jaunty"}, {"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lucid"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-retested-on-lucid-by-june"}], "title": "ssh forwarded glx returns \"Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig\" against older servers", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "openchrome", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e82\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 471646, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-09-14", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "jyio", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "crash"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "kj-triage"}, {"url": "", "tag": "kubuntu"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-upstream-testing"}, {"url": "", "tag": "review-request"}], "title": "[K8M800]with kernel 2.6.31-14-generic my X server crashes during KDE 4.3.2 startup, _mesa_reference_renderbuffer() assertion", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "udev (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 483113, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-04-26", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "s3a", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-lspci-vvnn"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-retested-on-lucid-by-june"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-xorglog"}], "title": "Super user key shortcut does not work (=get captured) when you try to use it in System --\u003e Preferences --\u003e Keyboard Shortcuts", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Miro", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e24\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 413387, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2010-04-13", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "userdce", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "amd64"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-crash"}], "title": "miro.real crashed with KeyError in update_items()", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "unclutter (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e34\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 606565, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2014-09-21", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Eric Appleman", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "maverick"}], "title": "Unclutter removes the cursor too quickly, inhibiting mouse-overs and TITLE tags in browsers.", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "inkscape (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite 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"importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-08-28", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Malte S. 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"needs-retested-on-lucid-by-june"}], "title": "Corrupt screen, HP Brio, Matrox G100 (display: NEC LCD1860NX and others)", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "exim", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e22\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 721320, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2020-04-22", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "ward", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [], "title": "DKIM-related failures should not end up in the panic log", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "mutt", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e38\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 574747, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2019-10-25", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Bryce Harrington", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lucid"}, {"url": "", "tag": "maverick"}, {"url": "", "tag": "natty"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oneiric"}, {"url": "", "tag": "precise"}], "title": "Does not hyperlink multi-line urls", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "VLC media player", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 864933, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-06-06", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "CMatomic", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-crash"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oneiric"}, {"url": "", "tag": "running-unity"}], "title": "vlc crashed opening a blu-ray disk", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "X.Org X server", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e206\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 388547, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2023-03-28", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Leonardo Torok", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [], "title": "Volume keys don't work inside a full-screen game", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xserver-xorg-video-geode (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 873942, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2020-06-16", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Rudolf Leitgeb", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oneiric"}, {"url": "", "tag": "xubuntu"}], "title": "xf86-video-geode: driver initialization fails on Geode LX if DDC pins are configured for serial console", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "VLC media player", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 707233, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-01-06", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Kensey", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "amd64"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "maverick"}, {"url": "", "tag": "precise"}], "title": "vlc will not allow pasting a URL with spaces into the Network Stream dialog", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xserver-xorg-video-intel (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e352\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 745608, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-08-01", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Zhmak", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "11.10"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "compiz-0.9"}, {"url": "", "tag": "corruption"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "iso-testing"}, {"url": "", "tag": "natty"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oneiric"}, {"url": "", "tag": "precise"}, {"url": "", "tag": "ubuntu"}], "title": "[915GM] font corruption on Intel GMA900", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Debian", "bugtarget_css": "sprite distribution", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e212\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 977804, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2020-05-28", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "alexus", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "compiz-0.9"}, {"url": "", "tag": "i386"}, {"url": "", "tag": "precise"}, {"url": "", "tag": "ubuntu"}], "title": "Unity crashes when many windows are opened (intel_do_flush_locked failed: No space left on device)", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "15 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xorg-server (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e58\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 415357, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-06-12", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Diego Schulz", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "crash"}, {"url": "", "tag": "gm45"}, {"url": "", "tag": "graphics"}, {"url": "", "tag": "intel"}, {"url": "", "tag": "karmic"}, {"url": "", "tag": "kubuntu"}, {"url": "", "tag": "needs-xorglog"}, {"url": "", "tag": "video"}, {"url": "", "tag": "xorg"}], "title": "[gm45] Xorg consistently crashing when using some applications", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "xorg (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e20\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 622179, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2014-06-04", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Ralph Corderoy", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "omit"}], "title": "The \"suspicious\" errors don't give sufficient information", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "9 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "mysql-5.7 (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e496\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1490071, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2021-04-02", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "David Rodr\u00edguez", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "amd64"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apparmor"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-package"}, {"url": "", "tag": "mysql-packaging-policy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "vivid"}], "title": "MySQL 5.6 refuses to install on systems that have had MariaDB 10.0 installed, preventing users from reverting to MySQL without manual intervention (aka mysql flag file system needs a redesign)", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "10 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "awstats (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e20\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1320709, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2022-02-14", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Vincent Lefevre", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "amd64"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}], "title": "incorrect info in /usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian.gz about logrotate", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "7 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "dgit (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1687057, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2021-03-05", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Nish Aravamudan", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [], "title": "Imports do not represent empty directories", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "8 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "dnsmasq (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e166\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1531184, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2024-11-18", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Simon D\u00e9ziel", "status": "New", "status_class": "statusNEW", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "amd64"}, {"url": "", "tag": "apport-bug"}, {"url": "", "tag": "bitesize"}, {"url": "", "tag": "network-online-ordering"}, {"url": "", "tag": "xenial"}], "title": "[SRU] dnsmasq doesn't start on boot because its interface isn't up yet", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "7 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "awstats (Debian)", "bugtarget_css": "sprite package-source", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e16\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1708665, "importance": "Unknown", "importance_class": "importanceUNKNOWN", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2020-05-05", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Carl W. 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