List of compositions by Franz Schubert by genre - Wikipedia
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href="#Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.3</span> <span>Part songs for mixed ensemble</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.3.1</span> <span>Part songs for mixed ensemble and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_a_capella" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_a_capella"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.3.2</span> <span>Part songs for mixed ensemble <i>a capella</i></span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_a_capella-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_only_male_or_only_female_voices" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_only_male_or_only_female_voices"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4</span> <span>Part songs for only male or only female voices</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_only_male_or_only_female_voices-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.1</span> <span>Part songs for male or female ensemble and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_a_capella" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_a_capella"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.2</span> <span>Part songs for male or female ensemble <i>a capella</i></span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_a_capella-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.3</span> <span>Part songs for male ensemble and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_song_for_male_ensemble_and_guitar" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_song_for_male_ensemble_and_guitar"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.4</span> <span>Part song for male ensemble and guitar</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_song_for_male_ensemble_and_guitar-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_a_capella" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_a_capella"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.5</span> <span>Part songs for male ensemble <i>a capella</i></span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_a_capella-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Part_songs_for_female_ensemble_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Part_songs_for_female_ensemble_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">3.4.6</span> <span>Part songs for female ensemble and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Part_songs_for_female_ensemble_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Series_IV:_Lieder" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-1"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Series_IV:_Lieder"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4</span> <span>Series IV: Lieder</span> </div> </a> <button aria-controls="toc-Series_IV:_Lieder-sublist" class="cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle"> <span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-expand"></span> <span>Toggle Series IV: Lieder subsection</span> </button> <ul id="toc-Series_IV:_Lieder-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Lieder_with_orchestral_accompaniment" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_with_orchestral_accompaniment"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.1</span> <span>Lieder with orchestral accompaniment</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_with_orchestral_accompaniment-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Lieder_with_chamber_ensemble_accompaniment" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_with_chamber_ensemble_accompaniment"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.2</span> <span>Lieder with chamber ensemble accompaniment</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_with_chamber_ensemble_accompaniment-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Lieder_with_piano_accompaniment" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_with_piano_accompaniment"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.3</span> <span>Lieder with piano accompaniment</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_with_piano_accompaniment-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Song_cycles_and_song_sets" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Song_cycles_and_song_sets"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.3.1</span> <span>Song cycles and song sets</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Song_cycles_and_song_sets-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Lieder_for_soprano_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_for_soprano_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.3.2</span> <span>Lieder for soprano and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_for_soprano_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Lieder_for_bass_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_for_bass_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.3.3</span> <span>Lieder for bass and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_for_bass_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Lieder_for_any_voice_type_and_piano" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Lieder_for_any_voice_type_and_piano"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">4.3.4</span> <span>Lieder for any voice type and piano</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Lieder_for_any_voice_type_and_piano-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Series_V:_Orchestral_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-1"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Series_V:_Orchestral_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">5</span> <span>Series V: Orchestral works</span> </div> </a> <button aria-controls="toc-Series_V:_Orchestral_works-sublist" class="cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle"> <span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-expand"></span> <span>Toggle Series V: Orchestral works subsection</span> </button> <ul id="toc-Series_V:_Orchestral_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Symphonies" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Symphonies"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">5.1</span> <span>Symphonies</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Symphonies-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Overtures" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Overtures"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">5.2</span> <span>Overtures</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Overtures-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Miscellaneous_orchestral_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Miscellaneous_orchestral_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">5.3</span> <span>Miscellaneous orchestral works</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Miscellaneous_orchestral_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Concertante_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Concertante_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">5.4</span> <span>Concertante works</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Concertante_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Series_VI:_Chamber_music" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-1"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Series_VI:_Chamber_music"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6</span> <span>Series VI: Chamber music</span> </div> </a> <button aria-controls="toc-Series_VI:_Chamber_music-sublist" class="cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle"> <span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-expand"></span> <span>Toggle Series VI: Chamber music subsection</span> </button> <ul id="toc-Series_VI:_Chamber_music-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Works_for_nonet_and_octet_ensembles" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_nonet_and_octet_ensembles"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.1</span> <span>Works for nonet and octet ensembles</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_nonet_and_octet_ensembles-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_string_sextet_and_quintet" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_string_sextet_and_quintet"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.2</span> <span>Works for string sextet and quintet</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_string_sextet_and_quintet-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_string_quartet" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_string_quartet"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.3</span> <span>Works for string quartet</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_string_quartet-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_string_trio" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_string_trio"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.4</span> <span>Works for string trio</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_string_trio-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_piano_and_one_or_more_instruments" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_piano_and_one_or_more_instruments"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.5</span> <span>Works for piano and one or more instruments</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_piano_and_one_or_more_instruments-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Other_works_for_strings_and_wind_instruments" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Other_works_for_strings_and_wind_instruments"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">6.6</span> <span>Other works for strings and wind instruments</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Other_works_for_strings_and_wind_instruments-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Series_VII:_Piano_music" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-1"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Series_VII:_Piano_music"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7</span> <span>Series VII: Piano music</span> </div> </a> <button aria-controls="toc-Series_VII:_Piano_music-sublist" class="cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle"> <span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-expand"></span> <span>Toggle Series VII: Piano music subsection</span> </button> <ul id="toc-Series_VII:_Piano_music-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Works_for_two_pianos,_eight_hands" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_two_pianos,_eight_hands"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.1</span> <span>Works for two pianos, eight hands</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_two_pianos,_eight_hands-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_piano_duet" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_piano_duet"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.2</span> <span>Works for piano duet</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_piano_duet-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Miscellaneous_piano_duet_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Miscellaneous_piano_duet_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.2.1</span> <span>Miscellaneous piano duet works</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Miscellaneous_piano_duet_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Marches_and_dances" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Marches_and_dances"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.2.2</span> <span>Marches and dances</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Marches_and_dances-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Overtures_2" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Overtures_2"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.2.3</span> <span>Overtures</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Overtures_2-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works_for_piano_solo" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Works_for_piano_solo"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.3</span> <span>Works for piano solo</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Works_for_piano_solo-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Piano_sonatas_and_sonata_movements" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Piano_sonatas_and_sonata_movements"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.3.1</span> <span>Piano sonatas and sonata movements</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Piano_sonatas_and_sonata_movements-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Miscellaneous_piano_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Miscellaneous_piano_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.3.2</span> <span>Miscellaneous piano works</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Miscellaneous_piano_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Piano_dances" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-3"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Piano_dances"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">7.3.3</span> <span>Piano dances</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Piano_dances-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Series_VIII:_Supplement" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-1"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Series_VIII:_Supplement"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">8</span> <span>Series VIII: Supplement</span> </div> </a> <button aria-controls="toc-Series_VIII:_Supplement-sublist" class="cdx-button cdx-button--weight-quiet cdx-button--icon-only vector-toc-toggle"> <span class="vector-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-expand"></span> <span>Toggle Series VIII: Supplement subsection</span> </button> <ul id="toc-Series_VIII:_Supplement-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> <li id="toc-Arrangements" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Arrangements"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">8.1</span> <span>Arrangements</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Arrangements-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Other_works" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Other_works"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">8.2</span> <span>Other works</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Other_works-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Composition_exercises" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" href="#Composition_exercises"> <div class="vector-toc-text"> <span class="vector-toc-numb">8.3</span> <span>Composition exercises</span> </div> </a> <ul id="toc-Composition_exercises-sublist" class="vector-toc-list"> </ul> </li> <li id="toc-Works,_fragments_and_sketches_of_unknown_genre" class="vector-toc-list-item vector-toc-level-2"> <a class="vector-toc-link" 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Schubert</a></th></tr><tr><td class="sidebar-content"> <div class="hlist"> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Schubert_Thematic_Catalogue" title="Schubert Thematic Catalogue">D</a>: <a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1810)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1810)">1–1C</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1811)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1811)">2–12</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1812)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1812)">13–37</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1813)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1813)">37A–91</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1814)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1814)">92–126</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1815)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1815)">127–330</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1816)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1816)">331–510</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1817)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1817)">511–598</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1818)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1818)">599–632</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1819)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1819)">633–678</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1820)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1820)">679–708</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1821)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1821)">708A–732</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1822)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1822)">733–767</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1823)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1823)">768–798</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1824)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1824)">799–822</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1825)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1825)">823–862</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1826)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1826)">863–895</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1827)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1827)">896–936</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(1828)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1828)">936A–965B</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(undated)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (undated)">966–992</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(doubtful_and_spurious)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (doubtful and spurious)">Anh. I</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(arrangements)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (arrangements)">II</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_(copies)" title="List of compositions by Franz Schubert (copies)">III</a></li></ul> </div></td> </tr><tr><th class="sidebar-heading"> <a class="mw-selflink selflink">By genre</a></th></tr><tr><td class="sidebar-content"> <div class="hlist"> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Stage_works_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Stage works by Franz Schubert">Stage works</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_songs_by_Franz_Schubert" title="List of songs by Franz Schubert">Songs and part-songs</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_song_cycles" title="Schubert's song cycles">Song cycles</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_symphonies" title="Schubert's symphonies">Symphonies</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Sonatas,_duos_and_fantasies_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Sonatas, duos and fantasies by Franz Schubert">Sonatas, duos and fantasies</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_solo_piano_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert" title="List of solo piano compositions by Franz Schubert">Solo piano</a></li></ul> </div></td> </tr><tr><th class="sidebar-heading"> Publications</th></tr><tr><td class="sidebar-content"> <div class="hlist"> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Schubert_opus/Deutsch_number_concordance" title="Schubert opus/Deutsch number concordance">Opus/Deutsch number concordance</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Franz_Schubert%27s_Works" title="Franz Schubert's Works">19th century complete edition</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/New_Schubert_Edition" title="New Schubert Edition">New Schubert Edition</a></li></ul> </div></td> </tr><tr><td class="sidebar-navbar"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1129693374" /><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1239400231">.mw-parser-output .navbar{display:inline;font-size:88%;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .navbar-collapse{float:left;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .navbar-boxtext{word-spacing:0}.mw-parser-output .navbar ul{display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;line-height:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::before{margin-right:-0.125em;content:"[ "}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::after{margin-left:-0.125em;content:" ]"}.mw-parser-output .navbar li{word-spacing:-0.125em}.mw-parser-output .navbar a>span,.mw-parser-output .navbar a>abbr{text-decoration:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-mini abbr{font-variant:small-caps;border-bottom:none;text-decoration:none;cursor:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-full{font-size:114%;margin:0 7em}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-mini{font-size:114%;margin:0 4em} .mw-parser-output .navbar li a abbr{color:var(--color-base)!important}@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark){ .mw-parser-output .navbar li a abbr{color:var(--color-base)!important}}@media print{.mw-parser-output .navbar{display:none!important}}</style><div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view"><a href="/wiki/Template:Lists_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Template:Lists of compositions by Franz Schubert"><abbr title="View this template">v</abbr></a></li><li class="nv-talk"><a href="/wiki/Template_talk:Lists_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Template talk:Lists of compositions by Franz Schubert"><abbr title="Discuss this template">t</abbr></a></li><li class="nv-edit"><a href="/wiki/Special:EditPage/Template:Lists_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Special:EditPage/Template:Lists of compositions by Franz Schubert"><abbr title="Edit this template">e</abbr></a></li></ul></div></td></tr></tbody></table> <p><a href="/wiki/Franz_Schubert" title="Franz Schubert">Franz Schubert</a> (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828) was an extremely prolific Austrian composer. He composed some 1500 works (or, when collections, cycles and variants are grouped, some thousand compositions). The largest group are the <a href="/wiki/Lied" title="Lied">lieder</a> for piano and solo voice (over six hundred), and nearly as many <a href="/wiki/Piano" title="Piano">piano</a> pieces. Schubert also composed some 150 <a href="/wiki/Part_song" title="Part song">part songs</a>, some 40 liturgical compositions (including several <a href="/wiki/Mass_(music)" title="Mass (music)">masses</a>) and around 20 stage works like <a href="/wiki/Opera" title="Opera">operas</a> and <a href="/wiki/Incidental_music" title="Incidental music">incidental music</a>. His orchestral output includes thirteen <a href="/wiki/Symphonies" class="mw-redirect" title="Symphonies">symphonies</a> (seven completed) and several <a href="/wiki/Overture" title="Overture">overtures</a>. Schubert's <a href="/wiki/Chamber_music" title="Chamber music">chamber music</a> includes over 20 <a href="/wiki/String_quartet" title="String quartet">string quartets</a>, and several <a href="/wiki/Quintet" title="Quintet">quintets</a>, <a href="/wiki/Trio_(music)" title="Trio (music)">trios</a> and <a href="/wiki/Duet" title="Duet">duos</a>. </p><p>This article constitutes a complete list of Schubert's known works organized by their genre. The complete output is divided in eight series, and in principle follows the order established by the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe printed edition. The works found in each series are ordered ascendingly according to <a href="/wiki/Schubert_Thematic_Catalogue" title="Schubert Thematic Catalogue">Deutsch numbers</a>, the information of which attempts to reflect the most current information regarding Schubert's catalogue. </p> <meta property="mw:PageProp/toc" /> <p>The list below includes the following information: </p> <ul><li><b>D</b> – the catalogue number assigned by <a href="/wiki/Otto_Erich_Deutsch" title="Otto Erich Deutsch">Otto Erich Deutsch</a> or NSA authorities</li> <li><b>Genre</b> – the musical genre to which the piece belongs. This has been omitted when the genre is self-explanatory or unnecessary, i.e. piano dances</li> <li><b>Title</b> – the title of the work</li> <li><b>Incipit</b> – the first line(s) of text, as pertaining to vocal works</li> <li><b>Scoring</b> – the instrumentation and/or vocal forces required for the work</li> <li><b>Informal Title</b> – any additional names by which the work is known, when applicable</li> <li><b>Former Deutsch Number</b> – information on Deutsch numbers that have been reassigned, when applicable</li> <li><b>Date</b> – the known or assumed date of composition, when available; or date of publication</li> <li><b>Opus Number</b> – the opus number of the original publication of the work, when applicable</li> <li><b>Setting</b> – the order of setting as it pertains to vocal works that have numerous settings of the same text</li> <li><b>Version</b> – the number of version as it pertains to works or vocal settings that have more than one existing version</li> <li><b>Notes</b> – any additional information concerning the work: alternate titles, completeness, relation to other works, authorship, etc.</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_I:_Church_music">Series I: Church music</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=1" title="Edit section: Series I: Church music"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Masses,_requiems_and_Stabat_mater"><span id="Masses.2C_requiems_and_Stabat_mater"></span>Masses, requiems and Stabat mater</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=2" title="Edit section: Masses, requiems and Stabat mater"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 24E</b>, Mass in F major (?) for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1812?; fragments of two movements, "Gloria" and "Credo" are extant)</li> <li><b>D 105</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._1_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 1 (Schubert)">Mass No. 1 in F major</a> for two sopranos, alto, two tenors, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1814, 2 settings of the "Dona Nobis Pacem"; 2nd setting was formerly D 185)</li> <li><b>D 167</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._2_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 2 (Schubert)">Mass No. 2 in G major</a> for soprano, tenor, bass, mixed choir, string orchestra and organ (1815)</li> <li><b>D 324</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._3_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 3 (Schubert)">Mass No. 3 in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1815, first published as Op. posth. 141)</li> <li><b>D 383</b>, Oratorio <a href="/wiki/Stabat_Mater_in_F_minor_(Schubert)" title="Stabat Mater in F minor (Schubert)">"Stabat Mater"</a> ['Jesus Christus schwebt am Kreuze'] in F minor for soprano, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1816, also appears as "Deutsche Stabat Mater"; sketches for Nos. 5 and 6, "Wer wird sich nicht innig freuen" were formerly D 992)</li> <li><b>D 452</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._4_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 4 (Schubert)">Mass No. 4 in C major</a> for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1816, first published as Op. 48; 2nd setting of the "Benedictus" was formerly D 961)</li> <li><b>D 453</b>, Requiem in C minor for mixed choir and orchestra (1816, fragment of the first movement is extant)</li> <li><b>D 621</b>, German Requiem in G minor for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and organ, <i>Deutsche Trauermesse</i> (1818, 4 versions; only the 1st version is complete; NSA appends a synopsis of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th versions)</li> <li><b>D 678</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._5_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 5 (Schubert)">Mass No. 5 in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1819 and 1822; 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 872</b>, Mass "<a href="/wiki/Deutsche_Messe_(Schubert)" title="Deutsche Messe (Schubert)">Deutsche Messe</a>" for mixed choir and organ, <i>Gesänge zur Feier des heiligen Opfers der Messe. Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend: Das Gebet des Herr</i> (1827, 2 versions; 2nd version adds two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets, three trombones, timpani and double bass)</li> <li><b>D 950</b>, <a href="/wiki/Mass_No._6_(Schubert)" title="Mass No. 6 (Schubert)">Mass No. 6 in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1828)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Mass in C major (?) for mixed choir, two violins and organ (1811?, sketch?; lost or never written)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Mass_movements">Mass movements</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=3" title="Edit section: Mass movements"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 31</b>, Kyrie ['Kyrie eleison'] to a Mass in D minor for soprano, tenor, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1812)</li> <li><b>D 45</b>, Kyrie ['Kyrie eleison'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for mixed choir (1813)</li> <li><b>D 49</b>, Kyrie ['Kyrie eleison'] to a Mass in D minor for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1813)</li> <li><b>D 56</b>, Canon "Sanctus" ['Sanctus'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for three voices (1813, 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 66</b>, Kyrie ['Kyrie eleison'] in F major for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1813)</li> <li><b>D 755</b>, Kyrie ['Kyrie eleison'] to a Mass in A minor for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, string orchestra and organ (1822, sketch)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Smaller_sacred_works">Smaller sacred works</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=4" title="Edit section: Smaller sacred works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 27</b>, Antiphon "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in F major for soprano, orchestra and organ (1812)</li> <li><b>D 71A</b>, Canon "Alleluja" ['Alleluja'] in F major for three voices (1813)</li> <li><b>D 106</b>, Antiphon "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for tenor, orchestra and organ (1814)</li> <li><b>D 136</b>, Offertory "Totus in Corde" ['Totus in corde langueo'] in C major for soprano (or tenor), clarinet (or violin) concertante, orchestra and organ, <i>Erstes Offertorium</i> (1815?, first published as Op. 46)</li> <li><b>D 175</b>, Sequence <a href="/wiki/Stabat_Mater_in_G_minor_(Schubert)" title="Stabat Mater in G minor (Schubert)">"Stabat mater"</a> ['Stabat mater'] in G minor for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1815)</li> <li><b>D 181</b>, Offertory "Tres sunt" ['Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in coelo'] in A minor for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1815)</li> <li><b>D 184</b>, Gradual "Benedictus es, Domine" ['Benedictus es, Domine'] in C major for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1815, first published as Op. posth. 150)</li> <li><b>D 223</b>, Offertory "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in F major for soprano, orchestra and organ, <i>Zweites Offertorium</i> (1815 and 1823, 2 versions; 2nd version first published as Op. 47)</li> <li><b>D 379</b>, Antiphon "Deutsches Salve Regina" ['Sei, Mutter der Barmherzigkeit'] in F major for mixed choir and organ (1816)</li> <li><b>D 386</b>, Antiphon "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for mixed choir (1816)</li> <li><b>D 460</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in C major for soprano, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1816)</li> <li><b>D 461</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in C major for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1816)</li> <li><b>D 486</b>, Hymn "<a href="/wiki/Magnificat_(Schubert)" title="Magnificat (Schubert)">Magnificat</a>" ['Magnificat anima mea Dominum'] in C major for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1815)</li> <li><b>D 488</b>, Offertory "Auguste jam coelestium" ['Auguste jam coelestium'] in G major for soprano, tenor and orchestra (1816)</li> <li><b>D 607</b>, Song "Evangelium Johannis 6, Vers 55–58" ['In der Zeit sprach der Herr Jesus'] for voice and figured bass (1818, fragment; figured bass usually realized for piano)</li> <li><b>D 676</b>, Offertory "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in A major for soprano and orchestra, <i>Drittes Offertorium</i> (1819, first published as Op. posth. 153)</li> <li><b>D 696</b>, Six Antiphons "Sechs Antiphonen zum Palmsonntag" for mixed choir (1820, first published as Op. posth. 113)</li></ul> <dl><dd><ol><li>"Hosanna filio David"</li> <li>"In monte Oliveti"</li> <li>"Sanctus"</li> <li>"Pueri Hebraeorum"</li> <li>"Cum angelis et pueris"</li> <li>"Ingrediente Domino"</li></ol></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 706</b>, Hymn "Der 23. Psalm" ['Gott ist mein Hirt, mir wird nichts mangeln'] for two sopranos, two altos and piano (1820, first published as Op. posth. 132)</li> <li><b>D 730</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1821)</li> <li><b>D 739</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in C major for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1814, first published as Op. 45)</li> <li><b>D 750</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in D major for mixed choir, orchestra and organ (1822)</li> <li><b>D 811</b>, Antiphon "Salve Regina" ['Salve Regina'] in C major for two tenors and two basses (1824, first published as Op. posth. 149)</li> <li><b>D 948</b>, Hymn "Hymnus an den heiligen Geist" ['Komm, heil'ger Geist, erhöre unser Flehen'] for two tenors, two basses and men's choir (1828, 2 versions; 1st version was formerly D 941; 2nd version [formerly D964] for two tenors, two basses, men's choir, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two trumpets, two horns and three trombones; 2nd version first published as Op. posth. 154)</li> <li><b>D 953</b>, Hymn "Der 92. Psalm" ['tôw l'hôdôs ladônoj'] for baritone, soprano, alto, tenor, bass and mixed choir (1828)</li> <li><b>D 962</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1828)</li> <li><b>D 963</b>, Offertory "Intende voci" ['Intende voci'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for tenor, mixed choir and orchestra (1828)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Tantum ergo ['Tantum ergo'] in C major for mixed choir and orchestra (1821)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Tantum ergo ['Tantum ergo'] in C major for mixed choir and orchestra (1821)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_II:_Stage_works">Series II: Stage works</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=5" title="Edit section: Series II: Stage works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1236090951">.mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}@media print{body.ns-0 .mw-parser-output .hatnote{display:none!important}}</style><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Further information: <a href="/wiki/Stage_works_by_Franz_Schubert" title="Stage works by Franz Schubert">Stage works by Franz Schubert</a></div> <ul><li><b>D 11</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Der_Spiegelritter" class="mw-redirect" title="Der Spiegelritter">Der Spiegelritter</a></i> for five sopranos, three tenors, four basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1811?, in three acts?; unfinished – Overture, five complete numbers and three fragments from Act I are extant)</li> <li><b>D 84</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Des_Teufels_Lustschlo%C3%9F" class="mw-redirect" title="Des Teufels Lustschloß">Des Teufels Lustschloß</a></i> for three sopranos, two tenors, three basses, one spoken role, mixed choir and orchestra (1814, in three acts: Overture and twenty-three numbers; 2 versions; NSA also appends three discarded numbers: No. 13 from the 1st version and Nos. 7 and 23 from the 2nd version, in addition to a fragment of an orchestral postlude)</li> <li><b>D 137</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Adrast" class="mw-redirect" title="Adrast">Adrast</a></i> for soprano, tenor, bass, men's choir and orchestra (1817, in two or three acts?; unfinished – thirteen numbers are extant: eight are complete, and five are sketches)</li> <li><b>D 190</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Der_vierj%C3%A4hrige_Posten" title="Der vierjährige Posten">Der vierjährige Posten</a></i> for soprano, three tenors, bass, one spoken role, mixed choir and orchestra (1815, in one act: Overture and eight numbers)</li> <li><b>D 220</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Fernando_(Schubert_opera)" class="mw-redirect" title="Fernando (Schubert opera)">Fernando</a></i> for two sopranos, tenor, two basses, one spoken role and orchestra (1815, in one act: seven numbers)</li> <li><b>D 239</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Claudine_von_Villa_Bella" class="mw-redirect" title="Claudine von Villa Bella">Claudine von Villa Bella</a></i> for two sopranos, two tenors, two basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1815, in three acts; incomplete – Act I: Overture and eight numbers, is extant, as well as one number from Act II and one number from Act III; remaining numbers were written, but are now lost)</li> <li><b>D 326</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Die_Freunde_von_Salamanka" title="Die Freunde von Salamanka">Die Freunde von Salamanka</a></i> for three sopranos, three tenors, six basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1815, in two acts: Overture and eighteen numbers)</li> <li><b>D 435</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/Die_B%C3%BCrgschaft_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Die Bürgschaft (Schubert)">Die Bürgschaft</a></i> for four sopranos, three tenors, three basses, two baritones, mixed choir and orchestra (1816, in three acts; unfinished – Act I: nine numbers, five numbers from Act II, and one number and one fragment from Act III are extant)</li> <li><b>D 644</b>, Music for <a href="/wiki/Zauberspiel" title="Zauberspiel">Zauberspiel</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Die_Zauberharfe" class="mw-redirect" title="Die Zauberharfe">Die Zauberharfe</a></i> for tenor, six spoken roles, mixed choir and orchestra (1820, in three acts: Overtures to the first and third acts, and thirteen numbers; Overture to the first act known as the "Rosamunde" Overture, also used in D 797)</li> <li><b>D 647</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Die_Zwillingsbr%C3%BCder" title="Die Zwillingsbrüder">Die Zwillingsbrüder</a></i> for soprano, tenor, three basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1819, in one act: Overture and ten numbers)</li> <li><b>D 689</b>, Oratorio <i><a href="/wiki/Lazarus_(Schubert)" title="Lazarus (Schubert)">Lazarus</a>, oder: Die Feier der Auferstehung</i> for three sopranos, two tenors, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1820, in three acts; unfinished – Act I: twenty-one numbers, and eight numbers from Act II are extant)</li> <li><b>D 701</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/Sakuntala_(opera)" title="Sakuntala (opera)">Sakuntala</a></i> for fourteen sopranos, three altos, five tenors, nine basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1820, also appears as "Sakontala" or "Sakuntala"; in three acts; unfinished – sketches of eleven numbers from Acts I and II are extant)</li> <li><b>D 723</b>, <a href="/wiki/D._723" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 723">Duet and Aria</a> for <a href="/wiki/Ferdinand_H%C3%A9rold" title="Ferdinand Hérold">Hérold's</a> <i>Das Zauberglöckchen</i> ['Nein, nein, nein, nein, das ist zu viel'; 'Der Tag entflieht, der Abend glüht'] for two tenors, bass and orchestra (1821)</li> <li><b>D 732</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/Alfonso_und_Estrella" title="Alfonso und Estrella">Alfonso und Estrella</a></i> for two sopranos, two tenors, bass, two baritones, mixed choir and orchestra (1821–1822, in three acts: Overture and thirty-four numbers)</li> <li><b>D 787</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Die_Verschworenen" title="Die Verschworenen">Die Verschworenen</a></i>, a.k.a. <i>Der häusliche Krieg</i>, for four or five sopranos, two altos, two or three tenors, two basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1823, in one act: eleven numbers)</li> <li><b>D 791</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/R%C3%BCdiger_(opera)" class="mw-redirect" title="Rüdiger (opera)">Rüdiger</a></i> for two tenors, men's choir and orchestra (1823, sketches of two numbers are extant)</li> <li><b>D 796</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/Fierrabras_(opera)" title="Fierrabras (opera)">Fierrabras</a></i> for three sopranos, three tenors, three basses, baritone, one spoken role, mixed choir and orchestra (1823, also appears as "Fierrabras"; in three acts: Overture and twenty-three numbers; first published as Op. 76)</li> <li><b>D 797</b>, Music for Schauspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Rosamunde" title="Rosamunde">Rosamunde</a>, Fürstin von Zypern</i> for alto, mixed choir and orchestra (1823, Overture and nine numbers; first published as Op. 26)</li> <li><b>D 918</b>, Opera <i><a href="/wiki/Der_Graf_von_Gleichen" title="Der Graf von Gleichen">Der Graf von Gleichen</a></i> for four sopranos, two tenors, six basses, mixed choir and orchestra (1827, in two acts; unfinished – sketches of eleven numbers for Act I and nine numbers for Act II are extant)</li> <li><b>D 981</b>, Singspiel <i><a href="/wiki/Der_Minnes%C3%A4nger" class="mw-redirect" title="Der Minnesänger">Der Minnesänger</a></i> (date unknown, fragment; lost)</li> <li><b>D 982</b>, Opera "?" for two sopranos, tenor, bass and orchestra (1819–1821?, also appears as <i><a href="/wiki/Sophie_(opera)" class="mw-redirect" title="Sophie (opera)">Sophie</a></i>; title and text author unknown; sketches of three numbers are extant)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_III:_Part_songs">Series III: Part songs</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=6" title="Edit section: Series III: Part songs"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/List_of_songs_composed_by_Franz_Schubert#Part_songs" class="mw-redirect" title="List of songs composed by Franz Schubert">List of songs composed by Franz Schubert § Part songs</a></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Part_songs_with_orchestral_accompaniment">Part songs with orchestral accompaniment</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=7" title="Edit section: Part songs with orchestral accompaniment"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 110</b>, Cantata "Wer ist groß?" ['Wer ist wohl groß?'] for bass, men's choir and orchestra (1814)</li> <li><b>D 294</b>, Cantata "Namensfeier" ['Erhabner! Verehrter Freund der Jugend!'] for soprano, tenor, bass, choir and orchestra, <i>Namensfeier fur Franz Michael Vierthaler</i> or <i>Gratulations-Kantate</i> (1815)</li> <li><b>D 451</b>, Cantata "Prometheus" ['Hervor aus Buschen und Baumen'] for soprano, bass, choir and orchestra (1816, lost)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 128</b> – <b>D 472</b>, Cantata "Kantate zu Ehren von Josef Spendou" for two sopranos, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1816, see also D 470?)</li></ul> <dl><dd><div><ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman"><li>Da liegt er, starr</li><li>Gottes Bild ist Fürst und Staat</li><li>Ein Punkt nur ist der Mensch</li><li>Die Sonne sticht</li></ol></div></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 714</b>, Octet "<a href="/wiki/Gesang_der_Geister_%C3%BCber_den_Wassern" title="Gesang der Geister über den Wassern">Gesang der Geister über den Wassern</a>" ['Des Menschen Seele gleicht dem Wasser'] for four tenors, four basses, two violas, two violoncellos and double bass (1820–1821, 4th setting; 1st version [formerly D 704], sketch)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 167</b> – <b>D 714</b>, Octet "Gesang der Geister über den Wassern" ['Des Menschen Seele gleicht dem Wasser'] for four tenors, four basses, two violas, two violoncellos and double bass (1820–1821, 4th setting; 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 157</b> – <b>D 748</b>, Cantata "Am Geburtstage des Kaisers" ['Steig empor, umblüht von Segen'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (1822)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 139</b> – <b>D 913</b>, Quartet "Nachtgesang im Walde" ['Sei uns stets gegrüßt, o Nacht!'] for two tenors, two basses and four horns (1827)</li> <li><b>D 954</b>, Cantata "Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe" ['Gott, laß die Glocke glücklich steigen']; version for two tenors, two basses, mixed choir, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns and two trombones (1828)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Song_cycles_containing_part_songs">Song cycles containing part songs</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=8" title="Edit section: Song cycles containing part songs"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_song_cycles" title="Schubert's song cycles">Schubert's song cycles</a></div> <ul><li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts "Fräulein am See"</i> (1825)</li></ul> <dl><dd><dl><dd><b>No. 3</b> – <b>D 835</b>, Quartet "Bootgesang" ['Triumph, er naht'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1825)</dd> <dd><b>No. 4</b> – <b>D 836</b>, Chorus "Coronach (Totengesang der Frauen und Mädchen)" ['Er ist uns geschieden'] for women's choir and piano, <i>Totengesang der Frauen und Mädchen</i> (1825)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>Op. 62</b> – <b>D 877</b>, Song cycle <i>Gesänge aus "<a href="/wiki/Wilhelm_Meister%27s_Apprenticeship" title="Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship">Wilhelm Meister</a>"</i> (1826)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble">Part songs for mixed ensemble</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=9" title="Edit section: Part songs for mixed ensemble"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_and_piano">Part songs for mixed ensemble and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=10" title="Edit section: Part songs for mixed ensemble and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 47</b>, Cantata "Dithyrambe" ['Nimmer, das glaubt mir, erscheinen die Götter'] for tenor, bass, mixed choir and piano (1813, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._126" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 126">D 126</a></b>, Duet "<a href="/wiki/Szene_aus_Faust" class="mw-redirect" title="Szene aus Faust">Szene aus <i>Faust</i></a>" ['Wie anders, Gretchen, war dir's'] for two voices and piano (1814, 1st and 2nd versions; also possible as a Cantata for voice, choir and piano; or as a Cantata for two voices, choir and piano)</li> <li><b>D 168</b>, Chorus "Nun laßt uns den Leib begraben" ['Begrabt den Leib in seiner Gruft'] for mixed choir and piano, <i>Begräbnislied</i> (1815)</li> <li><b>D 168A</b>, Chorus "Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand" ['Überwunden hat der Herr den Tod!'] for mixed choir and piano, <i>Osterlied</i> [formerly D 987] (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 112 No. 3</b> – <b>D 232</b>, Quartet "Hymne an den Unendlichen" ['Zwischen Himmel und Erd' '] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 236</b>, Trio "Das Abendrot" ['Der Abend blüht, der Westen glüht!'] for two sopranos, bass and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 249</b>, Cantata "Die Schlacht" ['Schwer und dumpfig'] for unspecified voices/instruments (1815, 1st setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 352</b>, Duet "Licht und Liebe" ['Liebe ist ein süßes Licht'] for soprano, tenor and piano, <i>Nachtgesang</i> (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 387</b>, Cantata "Die Schlacht" ['Schwer und dumpfig'] for unspecified soloists, choir and piano (1816, 2nd setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 439</b>, Quartet "An die Sonne" ['O Sonne, Königin der Welt'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>Op. 6 No. 2</b> – <b>D 542</b>, Duet "Antigone und Oedip" ['Ihr hohen Himmlischen'] for two voices and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 609</b>, Quartet "Die Geselligkeit" ['Wer Lebenslust fühlet'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano, <i>Lebenslust</i> (1818, 2nd part of the 1st verse, "im traulichen Kreise" was formerly D 665)</li> <li><b>D 642</b>, Quartet "Viel tausend Sterne prangen" ['Viel tausend Sterne prangen'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1812?)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 158</b> – <b>D 666</b>, Cantata "Kantate zum Geburtstag des Sängers Johann Michael Vogl" for soprano, tenor, bass and piano, <i>Der Frühlingsmorgen</i> (1819)</li></ul> <dl><dd><div><ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman"><li>Sänger, der von Herzen singet</li><li>Diese Berge sah'n dich blühen</li><li>Da saht ihr Orestes scheiden</li><li>Gott bewahr' dein teures Leben</li></ol></div></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 725</b>, Duet "Linde Weste wehen" for mezzo-soprano, tenor and piano (1821, fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 146</b> – <b>D 763</b>, Quartet "Schicksalslenker, blicke nieder" for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano, <i>Des Tages Weihe</i> (1822)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 139</b> – <b>D 815</b>, Quartet "Gebet" ['Du Urquell aller Güte'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 826</b>, Quartet "Der Tanz" ['Es redet und träumet die Jugend so viel'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>D 875A</b>, Chorus "Die Allmacht" ['Groß ist Jehova der Herr!'] for mixed choir and piano (1826, 2nd setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 920</b>, Cantata "Ständchen" ['Zögernd leise, in des Dunkels nächt'ger Hülle'] for alto, men's choir and piano, <i>Notturno</i> (1827, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 104</b> – <b>D 930</b>, Trio "Der Hochzeitsbraten" ['Ach liebes Herz, ach Theobald, laß dir nur diesmal raten'] for soprano, tenor, bass and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 936</b>, Cantata "Kantate für Irene Kiesewetter" ['Al par del ruscelletto chiaro'] for two tenors, two basses, mixed choir and piano duet (1827, also appears as "Kantate zur Feier der Genesung der Irene Kiesewetter")</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 136</b> – <b>D 942</b>, Cantata "Mirjams Siegesgesang" ['Rührt die Zimbel, schlagt die Saiten'] for soprano, mixed choir and piano (1828)</li></ul> <dl><dd><div><ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman"><li>Rührt die Zimbel, schlagt die Saiten</li><li>Aus Ägypten vor dem Volke</li><li>Doch der Horizont erdunkelt</li><li>S'ist der Herr in seinem Grimme</li><li>Tauchst du auf, Pharao?</li><li>Drum mit Zimbeln und mit Saiten</li></ol></div></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 954</b>, Cantata "Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe" ['Gott, laß die Glocke glücklich steigen']; version for two tenors, two basses, mixed choir and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 112 No. 1</b> – <b>D 985</b>, Quartet "Gott im Ungewitter" ['Du Schrecklicher, wer kann vor dir und deinem Donner stehn?'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1815?)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 112 No. 2</b> – <b>D 986</b>, Quartet "Gott der Weltschöpfer" ['Zu Gott, zu Gott flieg auf'] for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and piano (1815?)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,24</b>, Cantata "Kantate auf den Vater" ['?'] for unknown voices and piano (?) (1816, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_mixed_ensemble_a_capella">Part songs for mixed ensemble <i>a capella</i></h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=11" title="Edit section: Part songs for mixed ensemble a capella"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 329A</b>, Canon "Das Grab" ['Das Grab ist tief und stille'] for mixed choir (1815, 1st setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 440</b>, Chorus "Chor der Engel" ['Christ ist erstanden'] for mixed choir (1816)</li> <li><b>D 643A</b>, Quartet "Das Grab" ['Das Grab ist tief und stille'] for soprano, alto, tenor and bass (1819, 5th setting)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Part_songs_for_only_male_or_only_female_voices">Part songs for only male or only female voices</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=12" title="Edit section: Part songs for only male or only female voices"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_and_piano">Part songs for male or female ensemble and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=13" title="Edit section: Part songs for male or female ensemble and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 169</b>, Chorus "Trinklied vor der Schlacht" ['Schlacht, du brichst an!'] for double unison choir and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 170</b>, Cantata "<a href="/wiki/Schwertlied" title="Schwertlied">Schwertlied</a>" ['Du Schwert an meiner Linken'] for voice, unison choir and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 183</b>, Cantata "Trinklied" ['Ihr Freunde und du gold'ner Wein'] for voice, unison choir and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 111 No. 1</b> – <b>D 189</b>, Cantata "An die Freude" ['Freude, schöner Götterfunken'] for voice, unison choir and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 330</b>, Chorus "Das Grab" ['Das Grab ist tief und stille'] for unison choir and piano (1815, 2nd setting; scoring also possible for choir and piano)</li> <li><b>D 442</b>, Chorus "Das große Halleluja" ['Ehre sei dem Hocherhabnen']; version for choir and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 443</b>, Chorus "Schlachtlied" ['Mit unserm Arm ist nichts getan']; version for choir and piano, <i>Schlachtgesang</i> (1816, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 521</b>, Chorus "Jagdlied" ['Trarah! Trarah! Wir kehren daheim']; version for unison choir and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 542</b>, Duet "Antigone und Oedip" ['Ihr hohen Himmlischen'] for two voices and piano (1817, modified version with changes by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Michael_Vogl" title="Johann Michael Vogl">Johann Michael Vogl</a>)</li> <li><b>D 545</b>, Duet "Der Jüngling und der Tod" ['Die Sonne sinkt, o könnt ich'] for two voices and piano (1817, 1st version)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_male_or_female_ensemble_a_capella">Part songs for male or female ensemble <i>a capella</i></h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=14" title="Edit section: Part songs for male or female ensemble a capella"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 61</b>, Canon "Ein jugendlicher Maienschwung" ['Ein jugendlicher Maienschwung'] for three voices (1813)</li> <li><b>D 69</b>, Canon "Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit (Spruch des Konfuzius)" ['Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit'] for three voices (1813, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 130</b>, Canon "Der Schnee Zerrinnt" ['Der Schnee zerrinnt, der Mai beginnt'] for three voices (1815?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 131</b>, Canon "Lacrimoso son io" ['Lacrimoso son io'] for three voices (1815?, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version titled "Lacrimosa son io" ['Lacrimosa son io'])</li> <li><b>D 199</b>, Duet "Mailied" ['Grüner wird die Au']; version for two voices (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 202</b>, Duet "Mailied" ['Der Schnee zerrinnt, der Mai beginnt']; version for two voices (1815; 2nd setting of D 130, with a different title)</li> <li><b>D 203</b>, Duet "Der Morgenstern" ['Stern der Liebe, Glanzgebilde!']; version for two voices (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 204</b>, Duet "Jägerlied" ['Frisch auf, ihr Jäger']; version for two voices (1815)</li> <li><b>D 205</b>, Duet "Lützows wilde Jagd" ['Was glänzt dort vom Walde im Sonnenschein?']; version for two voices (1815)</li> <li><b>D 244</b>, Canon "Willkommen, lieber schöner Mai" ['Willkommen, lieber schöner Mai'] for three voices (1815?, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 253</b>, Duet "Punschlied. Im Norden zu singen" ['Auf der Berge freien Höhen'] for two voices (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 357</b>, Canon "Gold'ner Schein" ['Gold'ner Schein, deckt den Hain'] for three voices (1816)</li> <li><b>D 873</b>, Canon ["?"] ['?'] in A major for six voices (1826?, sketch without text)</li> <li><b>D 988</b>, Canon "Liebe säuseln die Blätter" ['Liebe säuseln die Blätter'] for three voices (1815?)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Canon "Canon a trè" ['?'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for three voices (1816? fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Trio "?" ['?'] in D major for unspecified voices (date unknown, fragment without text)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_and_piano">Part songs for male ensemble and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=15" title="Edit section: Part songs for male ensemble and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>Op. 74</b> – <b>D 37</b>, Trio "Die Advokaten" ['Mein Herr, ich komm mich anzufragen'] for two tenors, bass and piano (1812)</li> <li><b>D 75</b>, Cantata "Trinklied" ['Freunde, sammelt euch im Kreise'] for bass, men's choir and piano (1813)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 134</b> – <b>D 892</b>, Cantata "Nachthelle" ['Die Nacht ist heiter'] for tenor solo, two tenors, two basses and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 140</b>, Trio "Klage um Ali Bey" ['Laßt mich! Laßt mich! Ich will klagen'] for two tenors, bass and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 131</b> – <b>No. 2</b> – <b>D 148</b>, Cantata "Trinklied" ['Brüder! unser Erdenwallen'] for tenor, men's choir and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 169</b> – <b>D 984</b>, Quartet "Der Wintertag" ['In schöner heller Winterzeit ward eine Maid geboren'] for two tenors, two basses and piano, <i>Geburtstaglied</i> (after 1820, fragment; piano part is lost)</li> <li><b>D 267</b>, Quartet "Trinklied" ['Auf! Jeder sei nun froh und sorgenfrei!'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 268</b>, Quartet "Bergknappenlied" ['Hinab, ihr Brüder, in den Schacht!'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 269</b>, Trio "Das Leben" ['Das Leben ist ein Traum'] for tenor, two basses and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 277</b>, Trio "Punschlied" ['Vier Elemente, inning gesellt'] for two tenors, bass and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 356</b>, Quartet "Trinklied" ['Funkelnd im Becher so helle, so hold'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. 16 No. 2</b> – <b>D 422</b>, Quartet "Naturgenuß" ['Im Abendschimmer wallt der Quell'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1822?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 513</b>, Quartet "La pastorella al prato" ['La pastorella al prato'] for two tenors, two basses and piano, <i>La Pastorella</i> (1817?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 569</b>, Chorus "Das Grab" ['Das Grab ist tief und stille'] for unison men's choir and piano (1817, 4th setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 11 No. 1</b> – <b>D 598</b>, Quartet "Das Dörfchen" ['Ich rühme mir mein Dörfchen hier'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1817, 2nd version [formerly D 641])</li> <li><b>D 705</b>, Quartet "Gesang der Geister über den Wassern" ['Des Menschen Seele gleicht dem Wasser'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1820, 3rd setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 710</b>, Quartet "Im Gegenwärtigen Vergangenes" ['Ros und Lilie morgentaulich'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1821?)</li> <li><b>Op. 11 No. 2</b> – <b>D 724</b>, Quartet "Die Nachtigall" ['Bescheiden verborgen im buschigten Gang'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1821 or earlier)</li> <li><b>Op. 16 No. 1</b> – <b>D 740</b>, Quartet "Frühlingsgesang" ['Schmücket die Locken'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1822, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 11 No. 3</b> – <b>D 747</b>, Quartet "Geist der Liebe" ['Der Abend schleiert Flur und Hain'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1822, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 28</b> – <b>D 809</b>, Quartet "Gondelfahrer" ['Es tanzen Mond und Sterne'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1824, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 822</b>, Cantata "Lied eines Kriegers" ['Des stolzen Männerlebens schönste Zeichen'] for bass, unison men's choir and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 865</b>, Quartet "Widerspruch" ['Wenn ich durch Busch und Zweig'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1828, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 102</b> – <b>D 875</b>, Quintet "Mondenschein" ['Des Mondes Zauberblume lacht'] for two tenors, three basses and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 81 No. 3</b> – <b>D 903</b>, Cantata "Zur guten Nacht" ['Horch auf! Es schlägt die Stunde'] for baritone, men's choir and piano (1827)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_song_for_male_ensemble_and_guitar">Part song for male ensemble and guitar</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=16" title="Edit section: Part song for male ensemble and guitar"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 80</b>, Trio "Zur Namensfeier meines Vaters" ['Ertöne, Leier, zur Festesfeier!'] for two tenors, bass and guitar (1813)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_male_ensemble_a_capella">Part songs for male ensemble <i>a capella</i></h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=17" title="Edit section: Part songs for male ensemble a capella"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 38</b>, Trio "Totengräberlied" ['Grabe, Spaten, grabe!'] for two tenors and bass (1813?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 43</b>, Trio "Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit (Spruch des Konfuzius)" ['Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit'] for two tenors and bass (1813, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 51</b>, Trio "Unendliche Freude durchwallet das Herz" ['Unendliche Freude durchwallet das Herz'] for two tenors and bass (1813, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 53</b>, Trio "Vorüber die stöhnende Klage" ['Vorüber, vorüber die stöhnende Klage'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 54</b>, Canon "Unendliche Freude durchwallet das Herz" ['Unendliche Freude durchwallet das Herz'] for three basses (1813, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 55</b>, Trio "Selig durch die Liebe" ['Selig durch die Liebe Götter'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 57</b>, Trio "Hier strecket der wallende Pilger" ['Hier strecket der wallende Pilger'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 58</b>, Trio "Dessen Fahne Donnerstürme wallte" ['Dessen Fahne Donnerstürme wallte'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 60</b>, Trio "Hier umarmen sich getreue Gatten" ['Hier umarmen sich getreue Gatten'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 62</b>, Trio "Thronend auf erhabnem Sitz" ['Thronend auf erhabnem Sitz'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 63</b>, Trio "Wer die steile Sternenbahn" ['Wer die steile Sternenbahn'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 64</b>, Trio "Majestät'sche Sonnenrosse" ['Majestät'sche Sonnenrosse'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 65</b>, Canon "Schmerz verzerret ihr Gesicht" ['Schmerz verzerret ihr Gesicht'] for two tenors and bass (1813, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 67</b>, Trio "Frisch atmet des Morgens lebendiger Hauch" ['Frisch atmet des Morgens lebendiger Hauch'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 70</b>, Trio "Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit (Spruch des Konfuzius)" ['Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit'] for two tenors and bass (1813, 3rd setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 71</b>, Trio "Die zwei Tugendwege" ['Zwei sind der Wege'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 88</b>, Canon "Verschwunden sind die Schmerzen" ['Verschwunden sind die Schmerzen'] for two tenors and bass (1813)</li> <li><b>D 129</b>, Trio "Mailied" ['Grüner wird die Au und der Himmel'] for two tenors and bass (1815?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 147</b>, Trio "Bardengesang" ['Rolle, du strömigter Carun'] for two tenors and bass (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 242</b>, Trio "Trinklied im Winter" ['Das Glas gefüllt!'] for two tenors and bass (1815, 1st setting; D deest is the 2nd setting, with a different title)</li> <li><b>D 243</b>, Trio "Frühlingslied" ['Die Luft ist blau, das Tal ist grün'] for two tenors and bass (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 331</b>, Quartet "Der Entfernten" ['Wohl denk' ich allenthalben'] for two tenors and two basses (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1816, 1st setting; setting identical to the one originally catalogued as D 332)</li> <li><b>D 337</b>, Quartet "Die Einsiedelei" ['Es rieselt klar und wehend ein Quell'] for two tenors and two basses (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1816, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 338</b>, Quartet "An den Frühling" ['Willkommen, schöner Jüngling!'] for two tenors and two basses (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 364</b>, Quartet "Fischerlied" ['Das Fischergewerbe gibt rüstigen Mut'] for two tenors and two basses (1816 or 1817?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 377</b>, Chorus "Das Grab" ['Das Grab ist tief und stille'] for men's choir and piano (1816, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 407</b>, Cantata "Beitrag zur fünfzigjährigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri" for two tenors, two basses and piano (1816)</li></ul> <dl><dd><div><ol style="list-style-type:upper-roman"><li>Quartet "Gütigster, Bester! Weisester Größter!" for two tenors and two basses (1st and 2nd settings; 2nd setting [formerly D 441] for two tenors, bass and piano)</li><li>Aria "So Güt' als Weisheit strömen mild" for tenor and piano</li><li>Canon "Unser aller Großpapa, bleibe noch recht lange da" for three voices</li></ol></div></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 423</b>, Trio "Andenken" ['Ich denke dein, wenn durch den Hain'] for two tenors and bass (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 424</b>, Trio "Erinnerung" ['Am Seegestad, in lauen Vollmondnächten'] for two tenors and bass (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 425</b>, Trio "Lebenslied" ['Kommen und scheiden, suchen und meiden'] for two tenors and bass (1816, lost; see also D Anh. I,23)</li> <li><b>D 426</b>, Trio "Trinklied (Herr Bacchus ist ein braver Mann)" ['Herr Bacchus ist ein braver Mann'] for two tenors and bass (1816, lost)</li> <li><b>D 427</b>, Trio "Trinklied im Mai" ['Bekränzet die Tonnen'] for two tenors and bass (1816)</li> <li><b>D 428</b>, Trio "Widerhall" ['Auf ewig dein, wenn Berg und Meere trennen'] for two tenors and bass (1816)</li> <li><b>D 494</b>, Quintet "Der Geistertanz" ['Die bretterne Kammer der Toten erbebt'] for two tenors and three basses (1816, 4th setting)</li> <li><b>D 538</b>, Quartet "Gesang der Geister über den Wassern" ['Des Menschen Seele gleicht dem Wasser'] for two tenors and two basses (1817, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 572</b>, Quartet "Lied im Freien" ['Wie schön ist's im Freien'] for two tenors and two basses (1817)</li> <li><b>D 598</b>, Quartet "Das Dörfchen" ['Ich rühme mir mein Dörfchen hier'] for two tenors and two basses (1817, 1st version; sketch without a piano part)</li> <li><b>D 635</b>, Quartet "Leise, leise laßt uns singen" ['Leise, leise laßt uns singen'] for two tenors and two basses, <i>Ruhe</i> (1819)</li> <li><b>D 656</b>, Quintet "Sehnsucht" ['<a href="/wiki/Nur_wer_die_Sehnsucht_kennt" title="Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt">Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt</a>'] for two tenors and three basses (1819, 4th setting)</li> <li><b>D 657</b>, Quartet "Ruhe, schönstes Glück der Erde" ['Ruhe, schönstes Glück der Erde'] for two tenors and two basses (1819)</li> <li><b>D 709</b>, Quartet "Frühlingsgesang" ['Schmücket die Locken mit duftigen Kränzen'] for two tenors and two basses (before 1822, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 778B</b>, Quartet "Ich hab' in mich gesogen" ['Ich hab' in mich gesogen den Frühling treu und lieb'] for two tenors and two basses (1827?, sketch)</li> <li><b>Op. 64 No. 1</b> – <b>D 825</b>, Quartet "Wehmut" ['Die Abendglocke tönet'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 64 No. 2</b> – <b>D 825A</b>, Quartet "Ewige Liebe" ['Ertönet, ihr Saiten, in nächtlicher Ruh'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 64 No. 3</b> – <b>D 825B</b>, Quartet "Flucht" ['In der Freie will ich leben'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1825)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 155</b> – <b>D 847</b>, Quartet "Trinklied aus dem 16. Jahrhundert" ['Edit Nonna, edit Clerus'] for two tenors and two basses (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 156</b> – <b>D 848</b>, Quartet "Nachtmusik" ['Wir stimmen dir mit Flötensang'] for two tenors and two basses (1825)</li> <li><b>D 873A</b>, Quartet "Nachklänge" ['?'] for two tenors and two basses (?) (1826?, sketch without text)</li> <li><b>D 893</b>, Quartet "Grab und Mond" ['Silberblauer Mondenschein fällt herab'] for two tenors and two basses (1826)</li> <li><b>D 901</b>, Quartet "Wein und Liebe" ['Liebchen und der Saft der Reben'] for two tenors and two basses (1827)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 151</b> – <b>D 912</b>, Chorus "Schlachtlied" ['Mit unserm Arm ist nichts getan'] for double men's choir (1827, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 914</b>, Quartet "Frühlingslied" ['Geöffnet sind des Winters Riegel'] for two tenors and two basses (1827, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 916</b>, Quartet "Das stille Lied" ['Schweige nur, süßer Mund'] for two tenors and two basses (1827, sketch)</li> <li><b>Op. 17 No. 1</b> – <b>D 983</b>, Quartet "Jünglingswonne" ['So lang im deutschen Eichentale'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 17 No. 2</b> – <b>D 983A</b>, Quartet "Liebe" ['Liebe rauscht der Silberbach'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 17 No. 3</b> – <b>D 983B</b>, Quartet "Zum Rundetanz" ['Auf! es dunkelt; silbern funkelt'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 17 No. 4</b> – <b>D 983C</b>, Quartet "Die Nacht" ['Wie schön bist du, freundliche Stille'] for two tenors and two basses (pub. 1823)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,18</b>, Trio or Quartet "Lied beim Rundetanz" ['Auf, es dunkelt, silbern funkelt'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses [formerly D 132] (1815 or 1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,19</b>, Trio or Quartet "Lied im Freien" ['Wie schön ist's im Freien'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses [formerly D 133] (1815 or 1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,20</b>, Trio or Quartet "Amors Macht" ['Wo Amors Flügel weben'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses [formerly D 339] (1815 or 1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,21</b>, Trio or Quartet "Badelied" ['Zur Elbe, zur Elbe, des Äthers Gewölbe'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses [formerly D 340] (1815 or 1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,22</b>, Trio or Quartet "Sylphen" ['Was unterm Monde gleicht uns Sylphen flink und leicht'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses [formerly D 341] (1815 or 1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,23</b>, Trio or Quartet "Lebenslied" ['Kommen und scheiden, suchen und meiden'] for two tenors and bass or two tenors and two basses (1815 or 1816, fragment; see also D 425)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Part_songs_for_female_ensemble_and_piano">Part songs for female ensemble and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=18" title="Edit section: Part songs for female ensemble and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 140</b>, Chorus "Klage um Ali Bey" ['Laßt mich! Laßt mich! Ich will klagen'] for women's choir and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 269</b>, Trio "Das Leben" ['Das Leben ist ein Traum'] for two sopranos, alto and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 133</b> – <b>D 757</b>, Quartet "Gott in der Natur" ['Groß ist der Herr!'] for two sopranos, two altos and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 135</b> – <b>D 920</b>, Cantata "Ständchen" ['Zögernd leise, in des Dunkels nächt'ger Hülle'] for alto, women's choir and piano, <i>Notturno</i> [formerly D 921] (1827, 2nd version)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_IV:_Lieder">Series IV: Lieder</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=19" title="Edit section: Series IV: Lieder"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/List_of_songs_composed_by_Franz_Schubert#Lieder" class="mw-redirect" title="List of songs composed by Franz Schubert">List of songs composed by Franz Schubert § Lieder</a></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Lieder_with_orchestral_accompaniment">Lieder with orchestral accompaniment</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=20" title="Edit section: Lieder with orchestral accompaniment"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 535</b>, Song "Lied (Brüder, schrecklich brennt die Träne)" ['Brüder, schrecklich brennt die Träne'] for soprano and small orchestra (1817)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Lieder_with_chamber_ensemble_accompaniment">Lieder with chamber ensemble accompaniment</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=21" title="Edit section: Lieder with chamber ensemble accompaniment"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Houghton_MS_Mus_99.2_-_Schubert,_Auf_dem_Strom.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="160" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1857" data-file-height="1353" /></a><figcaption>First page of the manuscript to <i>Auf dem Strom</i>, 1828</figcaption></figure> <ul><li><b>D 81</b>, Song "Auf den Sieg der Deutschen" ['Verschwunden sind die Schmerzen'] for voice, two violins and violoncello (1813)</li> <li><b>D 83</b>, Song "Zur Namensfeier des Herrn Andreas Siller" ['Des Phöbus Strahlen'] for voice, violin and harp (1813)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 119</b> – <b>D 943</b>, Song "Auf dem Strom" ['Nimm die letzten Abschiedsküsse'] for voice, horn (or violoncello) and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 129</b> – <b>D 965</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_Hirt_auf_dem_Felsen" class="mw-redirect" title="Der Hirt auf dem Felsen">Der Hirt auf dem Felsen</a>" ['Wenn auf dem höchsten Fels ich steh'] for voice, clarinet and piano (1828)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Lieder_with_piano_accompaniment">Lieder with piano accompaniment</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=22" title="Edit section: Lieder with piano accompaniment"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Song_cycles_and_song_sets">Song cycles and song sets</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=23" title="Edit section: Song cycles and song sets"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_song_cycles" title="Schubert's song cycles">Schubert's song cycles</a></div> <ul><li><b>D 93</b>, Song cycle <i>Don Gayseros</i> for voice and piano (1815?)</li> <li><b>Op. 12</b> – <b>D 478</b>, Song cycle <i>Gesänge des Harfners aus "<a href="/wiki/Wilhelm_Meister%27s_Apprenticeship" title="Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship">Wilhelm Meister</a>"</i> for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>D 688</b>, Song cycle <i>Vier Canzonen</i> for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>Op. 25</b> – <b>D 795</b>, Song cycle <i><a href="/wiki/Die_sch%C3%B6ne_M%C3%BCllerin" title="Die schöne Müllerin">Die schöne Müllerin</a></i> for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts "Fräulein am See"</i> (1825)</li></ul> <dl><dd><dl><dd><b>No. 1</b> – <b>D 837</b>, Song "Ellens Gesang I" ['Raste, Krieger, Krieg ist aus'] for voice and piano (1825)</dd> <dd><b>No. 2</b> – <b>D 838</b>, Song "Ellens Gesang II" ['Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!'] for voice and piano (1825)</dd> <dd><b>No. 5</b> – <b>D 846</b>, Song "Normans Gesang" ['Die Nacht bricht bald herein'] for voice and piano (1825)</dd> <dd><b>No. 6</b> – <b>D 839</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Ave_Maria_(Schubert)" title="Ave Maria (Schubert)">Ellens Gesang III</a> (Hymne an die Jungfrau)" ['Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild'] for voice and piano, <i>Ave Maria</i> or <i>Hymne an die Jungfrau</i> (1825)</dd> <dd><b>No. 7</b> – <b>D 843</b>, Song "Lied des gefangenen Jägers" ['Mein Roß so müd'] for voice and piano (1825)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>Op. posth. 124</b> – <b>D 857</b>, Two songs <i>Zwei Szenen aus dem Schauspiel "Lacrimas"</i> for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 95</b> – <b>D 866</b>, Song cycle <i>Vier Refrainlieder</i> for voice and piano (1828?)</li> <li><b>Op. 62</b> – <b>D 877</b>, Song cycle <i>Gesänge aus "<a href="/wiki/Wilhelm_Meister%27s_Apprenticeship" title="Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship">Wilhelm Meister</a>"</i> (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 83</b> – <b>D 902</b>, Three songs "Drei Gesänge" for bass and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>Op. 89</b> – <b>D 911</b>, Song cycle <i><a href="/wiki/Winterreise" title="Winterreise">Winterreise</a></i> for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 957</b>, Song cycle <i>13 Lieder nach Gedichten von Rellstab und Heine</i> for voice and piano (1828, also appears as "<a href="/wiki/Schwanengesang" title="Schwanengesang">Schwanengesang</a>")</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Lieder_for_soprano_and_piano">Lieder for soprano and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=24" title="Edit section: Lieder for soprano and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 42</b>, Aria "Misero pargoletto" ['Misero pargoletto'] for soprano and piano (1813?, 1st setting: 1st and 2nd versions – both fragments, in addition to a 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 78</b>, Aria "Son fra l'onde" ['Son fra l'onde in mezzo al mare'] for soprano and piano (1813)</li> <li><b>D 510</b>, Aria "Vedi quanto adoro" ['Vedi quanto adoro'] for soprano and piano (1816, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th versions; also appears as "Vedi quanto t'adoro")</li> <li><b>D 528</b>, Arietta "La pastorella al prato" ['La pastorella al prato'] for soprano and piano, <i>La Pastorella</i> (1817, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 990E</b>, Aria "L'incanto degli occhi" ['Da voi, cari lumi'] for soprano and piano (1816?, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 990F</b>, Aria "Ombre amene" ['Ombre amene'] for soprano and piano, <i>La serenata</i> (1816?, fragment; originally, the Deutsch catalogue incorrectly listed this entry as an early version of the song "Il traditor deluso")</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Lieder_for_bass_and_piano">Lieder for bass and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=25" title="Edit section: Lieder for bass and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 1A</b>, Song "Gesang in c" ['?'] for bass and piano (before 1810, fragment without text)</li> <li><b>D 44</b>, Song "Totengräberlied" ['Grabe, Spaten, grabe!'] for bass and piano (1813, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 52</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Ach, aus dieses Tales Gründen'] for bass and piano (1813, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 76</b>, Aria "Pensa, che questo istante" ['Pensa, che questo istante'] for bass and piano (1813, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 77</b>, Song "Der Taucher" ['Wer wegt es, Rittersmann oder Knapp'] for bass and piano (1813–1815, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version was formerly D 111)</li> <li><b>D 104</b>, Song "Die Befreier Europas in Paris" ['Sie sind in Paris!'] for bass and piano (1814, 1st, 2nd and 3rd versions)</li> <li><b>D 518</b>, Song "An den Tod" ['Tod, du Schrecken der Natur'] for bass and piano (1816 or 1817)</li> <li><b>D 524</b>, Song "Der Alpenjäger" ['Auf hohen Bergesrücken'] for bass and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 525</b>, Song "Wie Ulfru fischt" ['Der Angel zuckt, die Rute bebt'] for bass and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 21 No. 3</b> – <b>D 525</b>, Song "Wie Ulfru fischt" ['Der Angel zuckt, die Rute bebt'] for bass and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 526</b>, Song "Fahrt zum Hades" ['Der Nachen dröhnt'] for bass and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 536</b>, Song "Der Schiffer" ['Im winde, im Sturme befahr' ich den Fluß'] for bass and piano (1817?, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 21 No. 2</b> – <b>D 536</b>, Song "Der Schiffer" ['Im winde, im Sturme'] for bass and piano (1817?, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 21 No. 1</b> – <b>D 553</b>, Song "Auf der Donau" ['Auf der Wellen Spiegel'] for bass and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 565</b>, Song "Der Strom" ['Mein Leben wälzt sich murrend fort'] for bass and piano (1817?)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 110</b> – <b>D 594</b>, Song "Der Kampf" ['Nein, länger werd' ich diesen Kampf nicht kämpfen'] for bass and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 6</b> – <b>D 627</b>, Song "Das Abendrot" ['Du heilig, glühend Abendrot!'] for bass and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 674</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Prometheus_(art_song)" title="Prometheus (art song)">Prometheus</a>" ['Bedecke deinen Himmel, Zeus'] for bass and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 716</b>, Song "Grenzen der Menschheit" ['Wenn der uralte heilige Vater'] for bass and piano (1821)</li> <li><b>D 721</b>, Song "Mahomets Gesang" ['Seht den Felsenquell'] for bass and piano (1821, 2nd setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. 23 No. 2</b> – <b>D 743</b>, Song "Selige Welt" ['Ich treibe auf des Lebens Meer'] for bass and piano (1822?)</li> <li><b>D 754</b>, Song "Heliopolis II" ['Fels auf Felsen hingewälzet'] for bass and piano, <i>Aus Heliopolis II</i> (1822)</li> <li><b>D 778</b>, Song "Greisengesang" ['Der Frost hat mir bereifet'] for bass and piano (1823, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 60 No. 1</b> – <b>D 778</b>, Song "Greisengesang" ['Der Frost hat mir bereifet'] for bass and piano (1823, 3rd version)</li> <li><b>D 778A</b>, Song "Die Wallfahrt" ['Meine Tränen im Bußgewand'] for bass and piano (1823?)</li> <li><b>D 785</b>, Song "Der zürnende Barde" ['Wer wagt's, wer wagt's'] for bass and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>D 801</b>, Song "Dithyrambe" ['Nimmer, das glaub mir, erscheinen die Götter'] for bass and piano (pub. 1826, 2nd setting; 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 60 No. 2</b> – <b>D 801</b>, Song "Dithyrambe" ['Nimmer, das glaub mir, erscheinen die Götter'] for bass and piano (pub. 1826, 2nd setting; 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 805</b>, Song "Der Sieg" ['O unbewölktes Leben'] for bass and piano (1824)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Lieder_for_any_voice_type_and_piano">Lieder for any voice type and piano</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=26" title="Edit section: Lieder for any voice type and piano"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b><a href="/wiki/D._5" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 5">D 5</a></b>, Song "Hagars Klage" ['Hier am Hügel heißen Sandes'] for voice and piano (1811)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._6" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 6">D 6</a></b>, Song "Des Mädchens Klage" ['Der Eichwald brauset'] for voice and piano (1811 or 1812, 1st setting)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._7" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 7">D 7</a></b>, Song "Leichenfantasie" ['Mit erstorbnem Scheinen'] for voice and piano (1811)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._10" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 10">D 10</a></b>, Song "Der Vatermörder" ['Ein Vater starb von des Sohnes Hand'] for voice and piano (1811)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._15" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 15">D 15</a></b>, Song "Der Geistertanz" ['Die bretterne Kammer der Toten erbebt'] for voice and piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1812, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._15A" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 15A">D 15A</a></b>, Song "Der Geistertanz" ['Die bretterne Kammer der Toten erbebt'] for voice and piano [formerly D 15] (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1812, 2nd setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 131 No. 3</b> – <b><a href="/wiki/D._23" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 23">D 23</a></b>, Song "Klaglied" ['Meine Ruh' ist dahin'] for voice and piano (1812)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._30" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 30">D 30</a></b>, Song "Der Jüngling am Bache" ['An der Quelle saß der Knabe'] for voice and piano (1812, 1st setting)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._39" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 39">D 39</a></b>, Song "Lebenstraum" ['Ich saß an einer Tempelhalle'] for voice and piano (1810?, sketch; also appears as "Ich saß an einer Tempelhalle")</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._50" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 50">D 50</a></b>, Song "Die Schatten" ['Freunde, deren Grüfte sich schon bemoosten!'] for voice and piano (1813)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._59" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 59">D 59</a></b>, Song "Verklärung" ['Lebensfunke, vom Himmel erglüht'] for voice and piano (1813)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._73" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 73">D 73</a></b>, Song "Thekla (eine Geisterstimme)" ['Wo ich sei, und wo mich hingewendet'] for voice and piano (1813, 1st setting)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._95" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 95">D 95</a></b>, Song "Adelaide" ['Einsam wandelt dein Freund'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._97" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 97">D 97</a></b>, Song "Trost. An Elisa" ['Lehnst du deine bleichgehärmte Wange'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._98" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 98">D 98</a></b>, Song "Erinnerung" ['Am Seegestad, in lauen Vollmondnächten'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st setting; 2 versions; 1st version is a fragment)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._99" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 99">D 99</a></b>, Song "Andenken" ['Ich denke dein, wenn durch den Hain'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 100</b>, Song "Geisternähe" ['Der Dämm'rung Schein durchblinkt den Hain'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 101</b>, Song "Erinnerung" ['Kein Rosenschimmer leuchtet'] for voice and piano, <i>Todtenopfer</i> (1814)</li> <li><b>D 102</b>, Song "Die Betende" ['Laura betet!'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 107</b>, Song "Lied aus der Ferne" ['Wenn in des Abends letztem Scheine'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 108</b>, Song "Der Abend" ['Purpur malt die Tannenhügel'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 109</b>, Song "Lied der Liebe" ['Durch Fichten am Hügel'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 113</b>, Song "An Emma" ['Weit in nebelgrauer Ferne'] for voice and piano (1814; 1st and 2nd versions, in addition to a modified 3rd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 58 No. 2</b> – <b>D 113</b>, Song "An Emma" ['Weit in nebelgrauer Ferne'] for voice and piano (1814, 3rd version)</li> <li><b>D 114</b>, Song "Romanze" ['Ein Fräulein klagt' im finstern Turm'] for voice and piano (1814; 1st and 2nd versions, in addition to a variant of the 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 115</b>, Song "An Laura, als sie Klopstocks Auferstehungslied sang" ['Herzen, die gen Himmel sich erheben'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 116</b>, Song "Der Geistertanz" ['Die bretterne Kammer der Toten erbebt'] for voice and piano (1814, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 117</b>, Song "Das Mädchen aus der Fremde" ['In einem Tal bei armen Hirten'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 2</b> – <b>D 118</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Gretchen_am_Spinnrade" title="Gretchen am Spinnrade">Gretchen am Spinnrade</a>" ['Meine Ruh' ist hin, mein Herz ist schwer'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 119</b>, Song "Nachtgesang" ['O! gieb, vom weichen Pfühle'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 120</b>, Song "Trost in Tränen" ['Wie kommt's, daß du so traurig bist'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>Op. 3</b> <b>No. 1</b> – <b>D 121</b>, Song "Schäfers Klagelied" ['Da droben auf jenem Berge'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 121</b>, Song "Schäfers Klagelied" ['Da droben auf jenem Berge'] for voice and piano (1814, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 122</b>, Song "Ammenlied" ['Am hohen, hohen Turm'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 123</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Was zieht mir das Herz so?'] for voice and piano (1814)</li> <li><b>D 124</b>, Song "Am See" ['Sitz' ich im Gras am glatten See'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st and 2nd versions; 1st version is a fragment)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._126" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 126">D 126</a></b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Szene_aus_Faust" class="mw-redirect" title="Szene aus Faust">Szene aus <i>Faust</i></a>" ['Wie anders, Gretchen, war dir's'] for voice and piano (1814, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 126</b> – <b>D 134</b>, Song "Ballade" ['Ein Fräulein schaut vom hohen Turm'] for voice and piano (1815?)</li> <li><b>Op. 5 No. 1</b> – <b>D 138</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Rastlose_Liebe" title="Rastlose Liebe">Rastlose Liebe</a>" ['Dem Schnee, dem Regen, dem Wind entgegen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 138</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Rastlose_Liebe" title="Rastlose Liebe">Rastlose Liebe</a>" ['Dem Schnee, dem Regen, dem Wind entgegen'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 131 No. 1</b> – <b>D 141</b>, Song "Der Mondabend" ['Rhein und freundlich lacht der Himmel'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 142</b>, Song "Geistes-Gruß" ['Hoch auf dem alten Turme'] for voice and piano (1815 or 1816; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 92 No. 3</b> – <b>D 142</b>, Song "Geistes-Gruß" ['Hoch auf dem alten Turme'] for voice and piano (1815 or 1816, 6th version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 109 No. 2</b> – <b>D 143</b>, Song "Genügsamkeit" ['Dort raget ein Berg aus den Wolken her'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 144</b>, Song "Romanze" ['In der Väter Hallen ruhte'] for voice and piano (1816, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 149</b>, Song "Der Sänger" ['Was hör' ich draußen vor dem Tor'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 117</b> – <b>D 149</b>, Song "Der Sänger" ['Was hör' ich draußen vor dem Tor'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 150</b>, Song "Lodas Gespenst" ['Der bleiche, kalte Mond erhob sich in Osten'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 151</b>, Song "Auf einen Kirchhof" ['Sei gegrüßt, geweihte Stille'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 152</b>, Song "Minona" ['Wie treiben die Wolden so finster und schwer'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 153</b>, Song "Als ich sie erröten sah" ['All' mein Wirken, all' mein Leben'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 165 No. 3</b> – <b>D 155</b>, Song "Das Bild" ['Ein Mädchen ist's'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 159</b>, Song "Die Erwartung" ['Hör' ich das Pförtchen nicht gehen?'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 116</b> – <b>D 159</b>, Song "Die Erwartung" ['Hör' ich das Pförtchen nicht gehen?'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 160</b>, Song "Am Flusse" ['Verfließet, vielgeliebte Lieder'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 161</b>, Song "An Mignon" ['Über Tal und Fluß getragen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 19 No. 2</b> – <b>D 161</b>, Song "An Mignon" ['Über Tal und Fluß getragen'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 162</b>, Song "Nähe des Geliebten" ['Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 5 No. 2</b> – <b>D 162</b>, Song "Nähe des Geliebten" ['Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 163</b>, Song "Sängers Morgenlied" ['Süßes Licht! aus goldenen Pforten'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 164</b>, Song "Liebesrausch" ['Glanz des Guten und des Schönen strahlt mir dein hohes Bild'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 165</b>, Song "Sängers Morgenlied" ['Süßes Licht! aus goldenen Pforten'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 166</b>, Song "Amphiaraos" ['Vor Thebens siebenfach gähnenden Toren'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 171</b>, Song "Gebet während der Schlacht" ['Vater, ich rufe dich!'] for voice and piano (1815, 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 172</b>, Song "Der Morgenstern" ['Stern der Liebe, Glanzgebilde!'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 174</b>, Song "Das war ich" ['Jüngst träumte mir'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version is a sketch)</li> <li><b>D 176</b>, Song "Die Sterne" ['Was funkelt ihr so mild mich an?'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 3</b> – <b>D 177</b>, Song "Vergebliche Liebe" ['Ja, ich weiß es, diese treue Liebe'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 177A</b>, Song "Am ersten Mai" ['Ich ging mit ihr im Freien'] for voice and piano (before 1821, lost)</li> <li><b>D 179</b>, Song "Liebesrausch" ['Dir, Mädchen, schlägt mit leisem Beben'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 180</b>, Song "Sehnsucht der Liebe" ['Wie die Nacht mit heil'gem Beben'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 182</b>, Song "Die erste Liebe" ['Die erste Liebe füllt das Herz'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 186</b>, Song "Die Sterbende" ['Heil! dies ist die letzte Zähre'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 187</b>, Song "Stimme der Liebe" ['Abendgewölke schweben hell'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 188</b>, Song "Naturgenuß" ['Im Abendschimmer wallt der Quell'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 190</b>, Singspiel "Der vierjährige Posten" (1815)</li></ul> <dl><dd><dl><dd>5. Arie: Gott! Gott! höre meine Stimme (version for voice and piano)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 191</b>, Song "Des Mädchens Klage" ['Der Eichwald braust'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting; 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 58 No. 3</b> – <b>D 191</b>, Song "Des Mädchens Klage" ['Der Eichwald braust'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting; 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 192</b>, Song "Der Jüngling am Bache" ['An der Quelle saß der Knabe'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 193</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['Geuß, lieber Mond, geuß deine Silberflimmer'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 57 No. 3</b> – <b>D 193</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['Geuß, lieber Mond, geuß deine Silberflimmer'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 194</b>, Song "Die Mainacht" ['Wann der silberne Mond'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 1</b> – <b>D 195</b>, Song "Amalia" ['Schön wie Engel voll Walhallas Wonne'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 3</b> – <b>D 196</b>, Song "An die Nachtigall" ['Geuß nicht so laut der liebentflammten Lieder'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 197</b>, Song "An die Apfelbäume, wo ich Julien erblickte" ['Ein heilig Säuseln und ein Gesangeston'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 198</b>, Song "Seufzer" ['Die Nachtigall singt überall'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 201</b>, Song "Auf den Tod einer Nachtigall" ['Sie ist dahin, die Maienlieder tönte'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting; sketch)</li> <li><b>D 204A</b>, Song "Das Traumbild" ['?'] for voice and piano (1815, lost)</li> <li><b>D 206</b>, Song "Liebeständelei" ['Süßes Liebchen, komm zu mir!'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 207</b>, Song "Der Liebende" ['Beglückt, beglückt, wer dich erblickt'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 208</b>, Song "Die Nonne" ['Es liebt' in Welschland irgendwo'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions; 1st version is a fragment; 2nd version was formerly D 212)</li> <li><b>Op. 38</b> – <b>D 209</b>, Song "Der Liedler" ['Gib, Schwester, mir die Harf herab'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 210</b>, Song "Die Liebe" ['Freudvoll und leidvoll, gedankenvoll sein'] for voice and piano, <i>Klärchens Lied</i> (1815)</li> <li><b>D 211</b>, Song "Adelwold und Emma" ['Hoch, und ehern schier von Dauer'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 1</b> – <b>D 213</b>, Song "Der Traum" ['Mir träumt' ich war ein Vögelein'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 2</b> – <b>D 214</b>, Song "Die Laube" ['Nimmer werd' ich, nimmer dein vergessen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 215</b>, Song "Jägers Abendlied" ['Im Felde schleich' ich still und wild'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 215A</b>, Song "Meeres Stille" ['Tiefe Stille herrscht im Wasser'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 3</b> <b>No. 2</b> – <b>D 216</b>, Song "Meeres Stille" ['Tiefe Stille herrscht im Wasser'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 217</b>, Song "Kolmas Klage" ['Rund um mich Nacht'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 218</b>, Song "Grablied" ['Er fiel den Tod fürs Vaterland'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 219</b>, Song "Das Finden" ['Ich hab' ein Mädchen funden'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 2</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 221</b>, Song "Der Abend" ['Der Abend blüht'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 222</b>, Song "Lieb Minna" ['Schwüler Hauch weht mir herüber'] for voice and piano (1815, also appears as "Lieb Minna. Romanze")</li> <li><b>Op. 4 No. 3</b> – <b>D 224</b>, Song "Wandrers Nachtlied" ['Der du von dem Himmel bist'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 225</b>, Song "Der Fischer" ['Das Wasser rauscht', das Wasser schwoll'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version and modified 2nd version with changes by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Michael_Vogl" title="Johann Michael Vogl">Johann Michael Vogl</a>)</li> <li><b>Op. 5 No. 3</b> – <b>D 225</b>, Song "Der Fischer" ['Das Wasser rauscht', das Wasser schwoll'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 5 No. 4</b> – <b>D 226</b>, Song "Erster Verlust" ['Ach, wer bringt die schönen Tage'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 227</b>, Song "Idens Nachtgesang" ['Vernimm es, Nacht'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 228</b>, Song "Von Ida" ['Der Morgen blüht, der Osten glüht'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. 108 No. 3</b> – <b>D 229</b>, Song "Die Erscheinung" ['Ich lag auf grünen Matten'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 165 No. 4</b> – <b>D 230</b>, Song "Die Täuschung" ['Im Erlenbusch, im Tannerhain'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 4</b> – <b>D 231</b>, Song "Das Sehnen" ['Wehmut, die mich hüllt'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 1</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 233</b>, Song "Geist der Liebe" ['Wer bist du, Geist der Liebe'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 3</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 234</b>, Song "Tischlied" ['Mich ergreift, ich weiß nicht wie, himmlisches Behagen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 235</b>, Song "Abends unter der Linde" ['Woher, o namenloses Sehnen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 237</b>, Song "Abends unter der Linde" ['Woher, o namenloses Sehnen'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting; 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 238</b>, Song "Die Mondnacht" ['Siehe, wie die Mondesstrahlen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 240</b>, Song "Huldigung" ['Ganz verloren, ganz versunken in dein Anschaun'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 241</b>, Song "Alles um Liebe" ['Was ist es, das die Seele füllt?'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 246</b>, Song "Die Bürgschaft" ['Zu Dionys, dem Tyrannen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 6</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 247</b>, Song "Die Spinnerin" ['Als ich still und ruhig spann'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 4</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 248</b>, Song "Lob des Tokayers" ['O köstlicher Tokayer, o königlicher Wein'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 250</b>, Song "Das Geheimnis" ['Sie konnte mir kein Wörtchen sagen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 251</b>, Song "Hoffnung" ['Es reden und träumen die Menschen viel'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 252</b>, Song "Das Mädchen aus der Fremde" ['In einem Tal bei armen Hirten'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 253</b>, Song "Punschlied. Im Norden zu singen" ['Auf der Berge freien Höhen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 254</b>, Song "Der Gott und die Bajadere" ['Mahadöh, der Herr der Erde'] for voice and piano (1815, also appears as "Der Gott und die Bajadere. Indische Legende")</li> <li><b>D 255</b>, Song "Der Rattenfänger" ['Ich bin der wohlbekannte Sänger'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 256</b>, Song "Der Schatzgräber" ['Arm am Beutel, krank am Herzen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. 3</b> <b>No. 3</b> – <b>D 257</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Heidenr%C3%B6slein" title="Heidenröslein">Heidenröslein</a>" ['Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 258</b>, Song "Bundeslied" ['In allen guten Stunden'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 259</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['Fullest wieder Busch und Tal'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 115 No. 2</b> – <b>D 260</b>, Song "Wonne der Wehmut" ['Trocknet nicht, trocknet nicht, Tränen der ewigen Liebe'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 261</b>, Song "Wer kauft Liebesgötter?" ['Von allen schönen Waren'] for voice and piano (1815, 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 262</b>, Song "Die Fröhlichkeit" ['Wess' Adern leichtes Blut durchspringt'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 263</b>, Song "Cora an die Sonne" ['Nach so vielen trüben Tagen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 264</b>, Song "Der Morgenkuß" ['Durch eine ganze Nacht sich nah zu sein'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 265</b>, Song "Abendständchen. An Lina" ['Sei sanft wie ihre Seele'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 266</b>, Song "Morgenlied" ['Willkommen, rotes Morgenlicht!'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 118 No. 5</b><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 270</b>, Song "An die Sonne" ['Sinke, liebe Sonne'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 271</b>, Song "Der Weiberfreund" ['Noch fand von Evens Töchterscharen ich keine'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 272</b>, Song "An die Sonne" ['Königliche Morgensonne'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 273</b>, Song "Lilla an die Morgenröte" ['Wie schön bist du, du güldne Morgenröte'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 274</b>, Song "Tischlerlied" ['Mein Handwerk geht durch alle Welt'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 275</b>, Song "Totenkranz für ein Kind" ['<span title="German-language text"><span lang="de" style="font-style: normal;">Sanft wehn, im Hauch der Abendluft</span></span>'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 276</b>, Song "Abendlied" ['Groß und rotenflammet'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 278</b>, Song "Ossians Lied nach dem Falle Nathos" ['Beugt euch aus euren Wolken nieder'] for voice and piano (1815; 1st, 2nd and 3rd versions; 1st version is a fragment)</li> <li><b>D 280</b>, Song "Das Rosenband" ['Im Frühlingsgarten fand ich sie'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 281</b>, Song "Das Mädchen von Inistore" ['Mädchen Inistores, wein auf dem Felsen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 282</b>, Song "Cronnan" ['Ich sitz' bei der moosigten Quelle'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 5</b> – <b>D 283</b>, Song "An den Frühling" ['Willkommen, schöner Jüngling!'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 284</b>, Song "Lied (Es ist so angenehm)" ['Es ist so angenehm, so süß'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 285</b>, Song "Furcht der Geliebten/An Cidli" ['Cidli, du weinest'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 286</b>, Song "Selma und Selmar" ['Weine du nicht'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 287</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Vaterlandslied" title="Vaterlandslied">Vaterlandslied</a>" ['Ich bin ein deutsches Mädchen'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 288</b>, Song "An Sie" ['Zeit, Verkündigerin der besten Freuden'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 289</b>, Song "Die Sommernacht" ['Wenn der Schimmer von dem Monde'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 290</b>, Song "Die frühen Gräber" ['Willkommen, o silberner Mond'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 291</b>, Song "Dem Unendlichen" ['Wie erhebt sich das Herz'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st, 2nd and 3rd versions)</li> <li><b>D 293</b>, Song "Shilric und Vinvela" ['Mein Geliebter ist ein Sohn des Hügels'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 295</b>, Song "Hoffnung" ['Schaff, das Tagwerk meiner Hände'] for voice and piano (1815 or 1816?, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 296</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['Füllest wieder Busch und Tal'] for voice and piano (1815 or 1816?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 297</b>, Song "Augenlied" ['Süße Augen, klare Bronnen!'] for voice and piano (1817?, 1st and 2nd versions, in addition to a modified 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 298</b>, Song "Liane" ['Hast du Lianen nicht gesehen?'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 300</b>, Song "Der Jüngling an der Quelle" ['Leise, rieselnder Quell'] for voice and piano (1816 or 1817)</li> <li><b>D 301</b>, Song "Lambertine" ['O Liebe, die mein Herz erfüllet'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 302</b>, Song "Labetrank der Liebe" ['Wenn im Spiele leiser Töne'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 303</b>, Song "An die Geliebte" ['O, daß ich dir vom stillen Auge'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 304</b>, Song "Wiegenlied" ['Schlumm're sanft! Noch an dem Mutterherzen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 305</b>, Song "Mein Gruß an den Mai" ['Sei mir gegrüßt, o Mai'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 306</b>, Song "Skolie" ['Laßt im Morgenstrahl des Mai'n'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 307</b>, Song "Die Sternenwelten" ['Oben drehen sich die großen unbekannten Welten dort'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 308</b>, Song "Die Macht der Liebe" ['Überall, wohin mein Auge blicket'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 309</b>, Song "Das gestörte Glück" ['Ich hab' ein hießes junges Blut'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 310</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['<a href="/wiki/Nur_wer_die_Sehnsucht_kennt" title="Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt">Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt</a>'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting; 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 311</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['?'] for voice and piano (1815?, sketch without text)</li> <li><b>D 312</b>, Song "Hektors Abschied" ['Will sich Hektor ewig von mir wenden'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 58 No. 1</b> – <b>D 312</b>, Song "Hektors Abschied" ['Will sich Hektor ewig von mir wenden'] for voice and piano (1815, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 313</b>, Song "Die Sterne" ['Wie wohl ist mir im Dunkeln!'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 314</b>, Song "Nachtgesang" ['Tiefe Feier schauert um die Welt'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 315</b>, Song "An Rosa I" ['Warum bist du nicht hier'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 316</b>, Song "An Rosa II" ['Rosa, denskt du an mich?'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 317</b>, Song "Idens Schwanenlied" ['Wie schaust du aus dem Nebelflor'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 318</b>, Song "Schwangesang" ['Endlich stehn die Pforten offen'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 319</b>, Song "Luisens Antwort" ['Wohl weinen Gottes Engel'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 320</b>, Song "Der Zufriedene" ['Zwar schuf das Glück hienieden'] for voice and piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 321</b>, Song "Mignon" ['Kennst du das Land'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 322</b>, Song "Hermann und Thusnelda" ['Ha, dort kömmt er'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 323</b>, Song "Klage der Ceres" ['Ist der holde Lenz erschienen?'] for voice and piano (1816; the last part, "O so laßt euch froh begrüssen" was formerly D 991; original version, in addition to both a variant of mm. 142–203 and a modified version)</li> <li><b>D 325</b>, Song "Harfenspieler" ['Wer sich der Einsamkeit ergibt'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 327</b>, Song "Lorma" ['Lorma saß in der Halle von Aldo'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 328</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Erlk%C3%B6nig_(Schubert)" title="Erlkönig (Schubert)">Erlkönig</a>" ['Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st, 2nd and 3rd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 1</b> – <b>D 328</b>, Song "Erlkönig" ['Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?'] for voice and piano (1815, 4th version)</li> <li><b>D 329</b>, Song "Die drei Sänger" ['Der König saß beim frohen Mahle'] for voice and piano (1815, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 342</b>, Song "An mein Klavier" ['Sanftes Klavier, welche Entzückungen schaffest du mir'] for voice and piano, <i>Seraphine an ihr Klavier</i> (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1816)</li> <li><b>D 343</b>, Song "Am Tage Aller Seelen" ['Ruhn in Frieden alle Seelen'] for voice and piano, <i>Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen</i> (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 344</b>, Song "Am ersten Maimorgen" ['Heute will ich fröhlich sein'] for voice and piano (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 350</b>, Song "Der Entfernten" ['Wohl denk' ich allenthalben'] for voice and piano (1816?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 351</b>, Song "Fischerlied" ['Das Fischergewerbe gibt rüstigen Mut'] for voice and piano (1816?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 358</b>, Song "Die Nacht" ['Du verstörst uns nicht, o Nacht!'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 359</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['<a href="/wiki/Nur_wer_die_Sehnsucht_kennt" title="Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt">Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt</a>'] for voice and piano, <i>Lied der Mignon</i> (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 65 No. 1</b> – <b>D 360</b>, Song "Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren" ['Dioskuren, Zwillingssterne'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 109 No. 1</b> – <b>D 361</b>, Song "Am Bach im Frühling" ['Du brachst sie nun, die kalte Rinde'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 361</b>, Song "Am Bach im Frühling" ['Du brachst sie nun, die kalte Rinde'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 362</b>, Song "Zufriedenheit" ['Ich bin vergnügt'] for voice and piano (1816?, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 363</b>, Song "An Chloen" ['Die Munterkeit ist meinen Wangen'] for voice and piano (1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. 3</b> <b>No. 4</b> – <b>D 368</b>, Song "Jägers Abendlied" ['Im Felde schleich' ich still und wild'] for voice and piano (1816?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 5 No. 5</b> – <b>D 367</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_K%C3%B6nig_in_Thule" title="Der König in Thule">Der König in Thule</a>" ['Es war ein König in Thule'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 368</b>, Song "Jägers Abendlied" ['Im Felde schleich' ich still und wild'] for voice and piano (1816?, 2nd setting; modified version with changes by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Michael_Vogl" title="Johann Michael Vogl">Johann Michael Vogl</a>)</li> <li><b>Op. 19 No. 1</b> – <b>D 369</b>, Song "An Schwager Kronos" ['Spute dich, Kronos!'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 371</b>, Song "Klage" ['Trauer umfließt mein Leben'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions; 1st version [formerly D 292] is a sketch)</li> <li><b>D 372</b>, Song "An die Natur" ['Süße, heilige Natur'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 373</b>, Song "Lied (Mutter geht durch ihre Kammern)" ['Mutter geht durch ihre Kammern'] for voice and piano (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 375</b>, Song "Der Tod Oskars" ['Warum öffnest du wieder'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 376</b>, Song "Lorma" ['Lorma saß in der Halle von Aldo'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 381</b>, Song "Morgenlied" ['Die frohe, neubelebte Flur'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 382</b>, Song "Abendlied" ['Sanft glänzt die Abendsonne'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 388</b>, Song "Laura am Klavier" ['Wenn dein Finger durch die Saiten meistert'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 389</b>, Song "Des Mädchens Klage" ['Der Eichwald braust'] for voice and piano (1816, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 390</b>, Song "Entzückung an Laura" ['Laura, über diese Welt'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 111 No. 3</b> – <b>D 391</b>, Song "Die vier Weltalter" ['Wohl perlet im Glase'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 392</b>, Song "Pflügerlied" ['Arbeitsam und wacker'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 393</b>, Song "Die Einsiedelei" ['Es rieselt, klar und wehend'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 394</b>, Song "An die Harmonie" ['Schöpferin beseelter Töne!'] for voice and piano, <i>Gesang an die Harmonie</i> (1816)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 111 No. 2</b> – <b>D 395</b>, Song "Lebens-Melodien" ['Auf den Wassern wohnt mein stilles Leben'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 396</b>, Song "Gruppe aus dem Tartarus" ['Horch, wie Murmeln des empörten Meeres'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 397</b>, Song "Ritter Toggenburg" ['Ritter, treue Schwesterliebe'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 398</b>, Song "Frühlingslied" ['Die Luft ist blau'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 399</b>, Song "Auf den Tod einer Nachtigall" ['Sie ist dahin'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 400</b>, Song "Die Knabenzeit" ['Wie glücklich, wem das Knabenkleid'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 401</b>, Song "Winterlied" ['Keine Blumen blühn'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 402</b>, Song "Der Flüchtling" ['Frisch atmet des Morgens lebendiger Hauch'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 403</b>, Song "Lied (In's stille Land)" ['In's stille Land'] for voice and piano (1816, 4 versions; the 1st edition of the 1st version has a four-measure introduction composed by <a href="/wiki/Anton_Diabelli" title="Anton Diabelli">Anton Diabelli</a>)</li> <li><b>D 404</b>, Song "Die Herbstnacht" ['Mit leisen Harfentönen'] for voice and piano, <i>Die Wehmuth</i> (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 405</b>, Song "Der Herbstabend" ['Abendglockenhalle zittern'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 406</b>, Song "Abschied von der Harfe" ['Noch einmal tön, o Harfe'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 409</b>, Song "Die verfehlte Stunde" ['Quälend ungestilltes Sehnen'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 115 No. 3</b> – <b>D 410</b>, Song "Sprache der Liebe" ['Laß dich mit gelinden Schlägen rühren'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 411</b>, Song "Daphne am Bach" ['Ich hab' ein Bächlein funden'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 412</b>, Song "Stimme der Liebe (Meine Selinde)" ['Meine Selinde'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 413</b>, Song "Entzückung" ['Tag voll Himmel!'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 414</b>, Song "Geist der Liebe" ['Der Abend schleiert Flur und Hain'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 415</b>, Song "Klage" ['Die Sonne steigt, die Sonne sinkt'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 416</b>, Song "Lied in der Abwesenheit" ['Ach, mir ist das Herz so schwer'] for voice and piano (1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 418</b>, Song "Stimme der Liebe (Abendgewölke)" ['Abendgewölke schweben hell'] for voice and piano, <i>Abendgewölke</i> (1816, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 419</b>, Song "Julius an Theone" ['Nimmer, nimmer darf ich dir gestehen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 429</b>, Song "Minnelied" ['Holder klingt der Vogelsang'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 430</b>, Song "Die frühe Liebe" ['Schon im bunten Knabenkleide'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 431</b>, Song "Blumenlied" ['Es ist ein halbes Himmelreich'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 432</b>, Song "Der Leidende" ['Nimmer trag' ich langer'] for voice and piano, <i>Klage</i> (1816, 1st, 2nd and 3rd versions)</li> <li><b>D 433</b>, Song "Seligkeit" ['Freuden sonder Zahl'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 434</b>, Song "Erntelied" ['Sicheln Schallen, Ähren fallen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 436</b>, Song "Klage" ['Dein Silber schien durch Eichengrün'] for voice and piano (1816; 1st and 2nd versions, in addition to a variant of the 1st version; 2nd version was formerly D 437)</li> <li><b>D 442</b>, Song "Das große Halleluja" ['Ehre sei dem Hocherhabnen']; version for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 443</b>, Song "Schlachtlied" ['Mit unserm Arm ist nichts getan']; version for voice and piano, <i>Schlachtgesang</i> (1816, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 444</b>, Song "Die Gestirne" ['Es tönet sein Lob'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 445</b>, Song "Edone" ['Dein süßes Bild, Edone'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 446</b>, Song "Die Liebesgötter" ['Cypris, meiner Phyllis gleich'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 447</b>, Song "An den Schlaf" ['Komm und senke die umflorten Schwingen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 448</b>, Song "Gott im Frühlinge" ['In seinem schimmernden Gewand'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 449</b>, Song "Der gute Hirt" ['Was sorgest du?'] for voice and piano (1816, original and modified versions)</li> <li><b>D 450</b>, Song "Fragment aus dem Aeschylus" ['So wird der Mann'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 454</b>, Song "Grablied auf einen Soldaten" ['Zieh hin, du braver Krieger du!'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 455</b>, Song "Freude der Kinderjahre" ['Freude, die im frühen Lenze'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 456</b>, Song "Das Heimweh (Oft in einsam stillen Stunden)" ['Oft in einsam stillen Stunden'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>Op. 44</b> – <b>D 457</b>, Song "An die untergehende Sonne" ['Sonne, du sinkst'] for voice and piano (1816 sketch, finished 1817)</li> <li><b>D 458</b>, Song "Aus Diego Manazares. Ilmerine" ['Wo irrst du durch einsame Schatten'] for voice and piano (1816, also appears as "Aus Diego Manzanares")</li> <li><b>D 462</b>, Song "An Chloen" ['Bei der Liebe reinsten Flammen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 463</b>, Song "Hochzeit-Lied" ['Will singen euch im alten Ton'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 464</b>, Song "In der Mitternacht" ['Todesstille deckt das Tal'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 465</b>, Song "Trauer der Liebe" ['Wo die Taub' in stillen Buchen'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 466</b>, Song "Die Perle" ['Es ging ein Mann zur Frühlingszeit'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 467</b>, Song "Pflicht und Liebe" ['Du, der ewig um mich trauert'] for voice and piano (1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 468</b>, Song "An den Mond" ['Was schauest du so hell'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 469</b>, Song "Mignon (So laßt mich scheinen, bis ich werde)" ['So laßt mich scheinen, bis ich werde'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st setting; 1st and 2nd versions; both are fragments)</li> <li><b>D 473</b>, Song "Liedesend" ['Auf seinem gold'nen Throne'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 474</b>, Song "Lied des Orpheus, als er in die Hölle ging" ['Wälze dich hinweg'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 475</b>, Song "Abschied" ['Über die Berge zieht ihr fort'] for voice and piano (1816, also appears as "Abschied. Nach einer Wallfahrts-Arie bearbeitet")</li> <li><b>D 476</b>, Song "Rückweg" ['Zum Donaustrom, zur Kaiserstadt'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 477</b>, Song "Alte Liebe rostet nie" ['Alte Liebe rostet nie'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 481</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['<a href="/wiki/Nur_wer_die_Sehnsucht_kennt" title="Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt">Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt</a>'] for voice and piano, <i>Lied der Mignon</i> (1816, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 482</b>, Song "Der Sänger am Felsen" ['Klage, meine Flöte, klage'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 483</b>, Song "Lied (Ferne von der großen Stadt)" ['Ferne von der großen Stadt'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 484</b>, Song "Gesang der Geister über den Wassern" ['Des Menschen Seele gleicht dem Wasser'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 489</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_Wanderer" title="Der Wanderer">Der Wanderer</a>" ['Ich komme vom Gebirge her'] for voice and piano, <i>Der Unglückliche</i> (1816, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version was formerly D 493)</li> <li><b>Op. 4 No. 1</b> – <b>D 489</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_Wanderer" title="Der Wanderer">Der Wanderer</a>" ['Ich komme vom Gebirge her'] for voice and piano, <i>Der Unglückliche</i> (1816, 3rd version [formerly D 493])</li> <li><b>D 490</b>, Song "Der Hirt" ['Du Turm, zu meinem Leide'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 491</b>, Song "Geheimnis" ['Sag an, wer lehrt dich Lieder'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 492</b>, Song "Zum Punsche" ['Woget brausend, Harmonien'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 495</b>, Song "Abendlied der Fürstin" ['Der Abend rötet nun das Tal'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 496</b>, Song "Bei dem Grabe meines Vaters" ['Friede sei um diesen Grabstein her!'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 496A</b>, Song "Klage um Ali Bey" ['Laßt mich! Laßt mich! ich will klagen'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 98 No. 1</b> – <b>D 497</b>, Song "An die Nachtigall" ['Er liegt und schläft'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>Op. 98 No. 2</b> – <b>D 498</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Wiegenlied,_D._498_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Wiegenlied, D. 498 (Schubert)">Wiegenlied</a>" ['Schlafe, schlafe, holder süßer Knabe'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 499</b>, Song "Abendlied" ['Der Mond is aufgegangen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 500</b>, Song "Phidile" ['Ich war erst sechzehn Sommer alt'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 501</b>, Song "Zufriedenheit" ['Ich bin vergnügt'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd setting; 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 502</b>, Song "Herbstlied" ['<a href="/wiki/Bunt_sind_schon_die_W%C3%A4lder" title="Bunt sind schon die Wälder">Bunt sind schon die Wälder</a>'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 503</b>, Song "Mailied" ['Grüner wird die Au'] for voice and piano (1816, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>Op. 6 No. 3</b> – <b>D 504</b>, Song "Am Grabe Anselmos" ['Daß ich dich verloren habe'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 504</b>, Song "Am Grabe Anselmos" ['Daß ich dich verloren habe'] for voice and piano (1816, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 507</b>, Song "Skolie" ['Mädchen entsiegelten, Brüder, die Flaschen'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 508</b>, Song "Lebenslied" ['Kommen und Scheiden'] for voice and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 509</b>, Song "Leiden der Trennung" ['Vom Meere trennt sich die Welle'] for voice and piano (1816, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 513A</b>, Song "Nur wer die Liebe kennt" ['Nur wer die Liebe kennt'] for voice and piano (1817?, sketch)</li> <li><b>Op. 7 No. 1</b> – <b>D 514</b>, Song "Die abgeblühte Linde" ['Wirst du halten, was du schwurst'] for voice and piano (1817?)</li> <li><b>Op. 7 No. 2</b> – <b>D 515</b>, Song "Der Flug der Zeit" ['Es floh die Zeit im Wirbelfluge'] for voice and piano (1817?)</li> <li><b>Op. 8 No. 2</b> – <b>D 516</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Der Lerche wolkennahe Lieder'] for voice and piano (1816?)</li> <li><b>Op. 13 No. 1</b> – <b>D 517</b>, Song "Der Schäfer und der Reiter" ['Ein Schäfer saß im Grünen'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 5</b> – <b>D 519</b>, Song "Die Blumensprache" ['Es deuten die Blumen des Herzens Gefühle'] for voice and piano (1817?)</li> <li><b>D 520</b>, Song "Frohsinn" ['Ich bin von lockerem Schlage'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 521</b>, Song "Jagdlied" ['Trarah! Trarah! Wir kehren daheim']; version for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 522</b>, Song "Die Liebe" ['Wo weht der Liebe hoher Geist?'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 523</b>, Song "Trost" ['Nimmer lange weil' ich hier'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 524</b>, Song "Der Alpenjäger" ['Auf hohen Bergesrücken'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 13 No. 3</b> – <b>D 524</b>, Song "Der Alpenjäger" ['Auf hohen Bergesrücken'] for voice and piano (1817, 3rd version)</li> <li><b>D 527</b>, Song "Schlaflied" ['Es mahnt der Wald'] for voice and piano, <i>Abendlied</i> or <i>Schlummerlied</i> (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 24 No. 2</b> – <b>D 527</b>, Song "Schlaflied" ['Es mahnt der Wald'] for voice and piano, <i>Abendlied</i> or <i>Schlummerlied</i> (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 109 No. 3</b> – <b>D 530</b>, Song "An eine Quelle" ['Du kleine grünumwachs'ne Quelle'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. 7 No. 3</b> – <b>D 531</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_Tod_und_das_M%C3%A4dchen" title="Der Tod und das Mädchen">Der Tod und das Mädchen</a>" ['Vorüber, ach vorüber'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 532</b>, Song "Das Lied vom Reifen" ['Seht meine lieben Bäume an'] for voice and piano (1817, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 533</b>, Song "Täglich zu singen" ['Ich danke Gott und freue mich'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 534</b>, Song "Die Nacht" ['Die Nacht ist dumpfig und finster'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. 8 No. 4</b> – <b>D 539</b>, Song "Am Strome" ['Ist mir's doch, als sei mein Leben'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 540</b>, Song "Philoktet" ['Da sitz' ich ohne Bogen'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. 6 No. 1</b> – <b>D 541</b>, Song "Memnon" ['Den Tag hindurch nur einmal mag ich sprechen'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 543</b>, Song "Auf dem See" ['Und frische Nahrung'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 92 No. 2</b> – <b>D 543</b>, Song "Auf dem See" ['Und frische Nahrung'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 19 No. 3</b> – <b>D 544</b>, Song "Ganymed" ['Wie im Morgenglanze'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 545</b>, Song "Der Jüngling und der Tod" ['Die Sonne sinkt, o könnt ich'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 546</b>, Song "Trost im Liede" ['Braust des Unglücks Sturm empor'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 101 No. 3</b> – <b>D 546</b>, Song "Trost im Liede" ['Braust des Unglücks Sturm empor'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 547</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/An_die_Musik" title="An die Musik">An die Musik</a>" ['Du holde Kunst'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 88 No. 4</b> – <b>D 547</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/An_die_Musik" title="An die Musik">An die Musik</a>" ['Du holde Kunst'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 548</b>, Song "Orest" ['Ist dies Tauris'] for voice and piano (1817, also appears as "Orest auf Tauris")</li> <li><b>D 549</b>, Song "Mahomets Gesang" ['Seht den Felsenquell'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st setting; fragment)</li> <li><b>D 550</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Die_Forelle" title="Die Forelle">Die Forelle</a>" ['In einem Bächlein helle'] for voice and piano (1816–1821, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 32</b> – <b>D 550</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Die_Forelle" title="Die Forelle">Die Forelle</a>" ['In einem Bächlein helle'] for voice and piano (1816–1821, 4th version)</li> <li><b>D 551</b>, Song "Pax vobiscum" ['Der Friede sei mit euch!'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 552</b>, Song "Hänflings Liebeswerbung" ['Ahidi! ich liebe'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 20 No. 3</b> – <b>D 552</b>, Song "Hänflings Liebeswerbung" ['Ahidi! ich liebe'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 554</b>, Song "Uraniens Flucht" ['Laßt uns, ihr Himmlischen, ein Fest begehen!'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 555</b>, Song ["?"] ['?'] for voice and piano "Liedentwurf in a" (1817?, sketch without text)</li> <li><b>D 558</b>, Song "Liebhaber in allen Gestalten" ['Ich wollt', ich wär' ein Fisch'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 559</b>, Song "Schweizerlied" ['Uf'm Bergli bin i g'sässe'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 560</b>, Song "Der Goldschmiedsgesell" ['Es ist doch meine Nachbarin'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 561</b>, Song "Nach einem Gewitter" ['Auf den Blumen'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 562</b>, Song "Fischerlied" ['Das Fischergewerbe gibt rüstigen Mut!'] for voice and piano (1817, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 563</b>, Song "Die Einsiedelei" ['Es rieselt, klar und wehend'] for voice and piano (1817, 3rd setting)</li> <li><b>D 564</b>, Song "Gretchen im Zwinger" ['Ach neige, du Schmerzensreiche'] for voice and piano, <i>Gretchens Bitte</i> (1817, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 573</b>, Song "Iphigenia" ['Blüht denn hier an Tauris Strande'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 98 No. 3</b> – <b>D 573</b>, Song "Iphigenia" ['Blüht denn hier an Tauris Strande'] for voice and piano (1817, 3rd version)</li> <li><b>D 577</b>, Song "Entzückung an Laura" ['Laura, Laura, über diese Welt'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd setting; 2 fragments of a sketch)</li> <li><b>D 578</b>, Song "Abschied" ['Lebe wohl! Du lieber Freund!'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 579</b>, Song "Der Knabe in der Wiege" ['Er schläft so süß'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version is a fragment)</li> <li><b>D 579A</b>, Song "Vollendung" ['Wenn ich einst das Ziel errungen habe'] for voice and piano [formerly D 989] (1817)</li> <li><b>D 579B</b>, Song "Die Erde" ['Wenn sanft entzückt mein Auge sieht'] for voice and piano [formerly D 989A] (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. 24 No. 1</b> – <b>D 583</b>, Song "Gruppe aus dem Tartarus" ['Horch, wie Murmeln des empörten Meeres'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 584</b>, Song "Elysium" ['Vorüber die stöhnende Klage!'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 585</b>, Song "Atys" ['Der Knabe seufzt übers grüne Meer'] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>Op. 8 No. 3</b> – <b>D 586</b>, Song "Erlafsee" ['Mir ist so wohl, so weh' '] for voice and piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 587</b>, Song "An den Frühling" ['Willkommen, schöner Jüngling!'] for voice and piano (1817, 3rd setting; 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version was formerly D 245)</li> <li><b>D 588</b>, Song "Der Alpenjäger" ['Willst du nicht das Lämmlein hüten?'] for voice and piano (1817, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 37 No. 2</b> – <b>D 588</b>, Song "Der Alpenjäger" ['Willst du nicht das Lämmlein hüten?'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 595</b>, Song "Thekla (eine Geisterstimme)" ['Wo ich sei und wo mich hingewendet'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd setting; 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 88 No. 2</b> – <b>D 595</b>, Song "Thekla (eine Geisterstimme)" ['Wo ich sei und wo mich hingewendet'] for voice and piano (1817, 2nd setting; 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 596</b>, Song "Lied eines Kindes" ['Lauter Freude fühl' ich'] for voice and piano (1817, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 611</b>, Song "Auf der Riesenkoppe" ['Hoch auf dem Gipfel deiner Gebirge'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 614</b>, Song "An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht" ['Freundlich ist dein Antlitz'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 616</b>, Song "Grablied für die Mutter" ['Hauche milder, Abendluft'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 620</b>, Song "Einsamkeit" ['Gib mir die Fülle der Einsamkeit!'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 622</b>, Song "Der Blumenbrief" ['Euch Blümlein will ich senden'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 623</b>, Song "Das Marienbild" ['Sei gegrüßt, du Frau der Huld'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 626</b>, Song "Blondel zu Marien" ['In düstrer Nacht'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>D 628</b>, Song "Sonett" ['Apollo, lebet noch dein hold Verlangen'] for voice and piano, <i>Sonett I</i> (1818)</li> <li><b>D 629</b>, Song "Sonett" ['Allein, nachdenklich, wie gelähmt vom Krampfe'] for voice and piano, <i>Sonett II</i> (1818)</li> <li><b>D 630</b>, Song "Sonett" ['Nunmehr, da Himmel, Erde schweigt'] for voice and piano, <i>Sonett III</i> (1818)</li> <li><b>D 631</b>, Song "Blanka" ['Wenn mich einsam Lüfte fächeln'] for voice and piano, <i>Das Mädchen</i> (1818)</li> <li><b>D 632</b>, Song "Vom Mitleiden Mariä" ['Als bei dem Kreuz Maria stand'] for voice and piano (1818)</li> <li><b>Op. 57 No. 1</b> – <b>D 633</b>, Song "Der Schmetterling" ['Wie soll ich nicht tanzen'] for voice and piano (1819 and 1823?)</li> <li><b>Op. 57 No. 2</b> – <b>D 634</b>, Song "Die Berge" ['Sieht uns der Blick gehoben'] for voice and piano (1819 and 1823?)</li> <li><b>D 636</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Ach, aus dieses Tales Gründen'] for voice and piano (1821?, 2nd setting; 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 39</b> – <b>D 636</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Ach, aus dieses Tales Gründen'] for voice and piano (1821?, 2nd setting; 3rd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 87 No. 2</b> – <b>D 637</b>, Song "Hoffnung" ['Es reden und träumen die Menschen viel'] for voice and piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1819, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 638</b>, Song "Der Jüngling am Bache" ['An der Quelle saß der Knabe'] for voice and piano (1819, 3rd setting; 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 87 No. 3</b> – <b>D 638</b>, Song "Der Jüngling am Bache" ['An der Quelle saß der Knabe'] for voice and piano (1819, 3rd setting; 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 639</b>, Song "Widerschein" ['Fischer harrt am Brückenbogen'] for voice and piano (1820, 1st and 2nd versions; 2nd version ['Harrt ein Fischer auf der Brücke'] was formerly D 949)</li> <li><b>D 645</b>, Song "Abend" ['Wie ist es denn, daß trüb und schwer'] for voice and piano (1819, fragment of a sketch)</li> <li><b>D 646</b>, Song "Die Gebüsche" ['Es wehet kühl und leise'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 649</b>, Song "Der Wanderer" ['Wie deutlich des Mondes Licht zu mir spricht'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 65 No. 2</b> – <b>D 649</b>, Song "Der Wanderer" ['Wie deutlich des Mondes Licht'] for voice and piano (1819, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 650</b>, Song "Abendbilder" ['Still beginnt's im Hain zu tauen'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 651</b>, Song "Himmelsfunken" ['Der Odem Gottes weht'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 652</b>, Song "Das Mädchen" ['Wie so innig, möcht ich sagen'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 653</b>, Song "Bertas Lied in der Nacht" ['Nacht umhüllt mit wehendem Flügel'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 654</b>, Song "An die Freunde" ['Im Wald, im Wald, da grabt mich ein'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 658</b>, Song "Geistliches Lied" ['Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern'] for voice and piano [formerly "Marie"] (1819?)</li> <li><b>D 659</b>, Song "Hymne" ['Wenige wissen das Geheimnis der Liebe'] for voice and piano (1819; also appears as "Hymne I")</li> <li><b>D 660</b>, Song "Geistliches Lied" ['Wenn ich ihn nur habe'] for voice and piano (1819; also appears as "Hymne II")</li> <li><b>D 661</b>, Song "Geistliches Lied" ['Wenn alle untreu werden'] for voice and piano (1819; also appears as "Hymne III")</li> <li><b>D 662</b>, Song "Geistliches Lied" ['Ich sag' es jedem, daß er lebt'] for voice and piano (1819; also appears as "Hymne IV")</li> <li><b>D 663</b>, Hymn "Der 13. Psalm" ['Ach Herr, wie lange willst du mein so ganz vergessen?'] for voice and piano (1819, fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. 56 No. 1</b> – <b>D 767</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Willkommen_und_Abschied" class="mw-redirect" title="Willkommen und Abschied">Willkommen und Abschied</a>" ['Es schlug mein Herz'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 669</b>, Song "Beim Winde" ['Es traümen die Wolken'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 670</b>, Song "Die Sternennächte" ['In monderhellten Nächten'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 165 No. 2</b> – <b>D 670</b>, Song "Die Sternennächte" ['In monderhellten Nächten'] for voice and piano (1819, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 671</b>, Song "Trost" ['Hörnerklänge rufen klangend'] for voice and piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 672</b>, Song "Nachtstück" ['Wenn über Berge sich der Nebel breitet'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 36 No. 2</b> – <b>D 672</b>, Song "Nachtstück" ['Wenn über Berge sich der Nebel breitet'] for voice and piano (1819, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 673</b>, Song "Die Liebende schreibt" ['Ein Blick von deinen Augen'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 165 No. 1</b> – <b>D 673</b>, Song "Die Liebende schreibt" ['Ein Blick von deinen Augen'] for voice and piano (1819, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 677</b>, Song "Strophe aus 'Die Götter Griechenlands<span style="padding-right:.15em;">'</span>" ['Schöne Welt, wo bist du?'] for voice and piano (1819, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>D 682</b>, Song "Über allen Zauber Liebe" ['Sie hüpfte mit mir auf grünem Plan'] for voice and piano (1820 and 1824, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 684</b>, Song "Die Sterne" ['Du staunest, o Mensch'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>Op. 4 No. 2</b> – <b>D 685</b>, Song "Morgenlied" ['Eh' die Sonne früh aufersteht'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 686</b>, Song "Frühlingsglaube" ['Die linden Lüfte sind erwacht'] for voice and piano (1820, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 20 No. 2</b> – <b>D 686</b>, Song "Frühlingsglaube" ['Die linden Lüfte sind erwacht'] for voice and piano (1820, 3rd version)</li> <li><b>D 687</b>, Song "Nachthymne" ['Hinüber wall' ich'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 690</b>, Song "Abendröte" ['Tiefer sinket schon die Sonne'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 172 No. 6</b> – <b>D 691</b>, Song "Die Vögel" ['Wie lieblich und fröhlich'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 692</b>, Song "Der Knabe" ['Wenn ich nur ein Vöglein wäre'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 693</b>, Song "Der Fluß" ['Wie rein Gesang sich windet'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 694</b>, Song "Der Schiffer" ['Friedlich lieg' ich hingegossen'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 695</b>, Song "Namenstagslied" ['Vater, schenk' mir diese Stunde'] for voice and piano (1820?)</li> <li><b>D 698</b>, Song "Des Fräuleins Liebeslauschen" ['Hier unten steht ein Ritter'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 699</b>, Song "Der entsühnte Orest" ['Zu meinen Füßen brichst du dich'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>D 700</b>, Song "Freiwilliges Versinken" ['Wohin? o Helios!'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>Op. 8 No. 1</b> – <b>D 702</b>, Song "Der Jüngling auf dem Hügel" ['Ein Jüngling auf dem Hügel'] for voice and piano (1820)</li> <li><b>Op. 36 No. 1</b> – <b>D 707</b>, Song "Der zürnenden Diana" ['Ja, spanne nur den Bogen'] for voice and piano (1820, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 707</b>, Song "Der zürnenden Diana" ['Ja, spanne nur den Bogen'] for voice and piano (1820, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 708</b>, Song "Im Walde" ['Windes Rauschen, Gottes Flügel'] for voice and piano, <i>Waldesnacht</i> (1820)</li> <li><b>D 711</b>, Song "Lob der Tränen" ['Laue Lüfte, Blumendüfte'] for voice and piano (1818?, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 13 No. 2</b> – <b>D 711</b>, Song "Lob der Tränen" ['Laue Lüfte, Blumendüfte'] for voice and piano (1818?, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 712</b>, Song "Die gefangenen Sänger" ['Hörst du von den Nachtigallen'] for voice and piano (1821)</li> <li><b>D 713</b>, Song "Der Unglückliche" ['Die Nacht bricht an'] for voice and piano (1821, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 87 No. 1</b> – <b>D 713</b>, Song "Der Unglückliche" ['Die Nacht bricht an'] for voice and piano (1821, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 715</b>, Song "Versunken" ['Voll Locken kraus ein Haupt so rund'] for voice and piano (1821, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 31</b> – <b>D 717</b>, Song "Suleika II" ['Ach um deine feuchten Schwingen'] for voice and piano (1821)</li> <li><b>Op. 14 No. 2</b> – <b>D 719</b>, Song "Geheimes" ['Über meines Liebchens Äugeln'] for voice and piano (1821)</li> <li><b>D 720</b>, Song "Suleika I" ['Was bedeutet die Bewegung?'] for voice and piano (1821, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 14 No. 1</b> – <b>D 720</b>, Song "Suleika I" ['Was bedeutet die Bewegung?'] for voice and piano (1821, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 726</b>, Song "Mignon I" ['Heiß mich nicht reden, heiß mich schweigen'] for voice and piano (1821, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 727</b>, Song "Mignon II" ['So laßt mich scheinen, bis ich werde'] for voice and piano (1821, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 728</b>, Song "Johanna Sebus" ['Der Damm zerreißt'] for voice and piano (1821, fragment)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 4</b> – <b>D 731</b>, Song "Der Blumen Schmerz" ['Wie tönt es mir so schaurig'] for voice and piano (1821)</li> <li><b>D 732</b>, Opera "<a href="/wiki/Alfonso_und_Estrella" title="Alfonso und Estrella">Alfonso und Estrella</a>" (1821–1822)</li></ul> <dl><dd><dl><dd>8. Arie: Doch im Getümmel der Schlacht (version for voice and piano)</dd> <dd>13. Arie: Wenn ich dich, Holde, sehe (version for voice and piano)</dd></dl></dd></dl> <ul><li><b>D 736</b>, Song "Ihr Grab" ['Dort ist ihr Grab'] for voice and piano (1822?)</li> <li><b>Op. 56 No. 2</b> – <b>D 737</b>, Song "An die Leier" ['Ich will von Atreus Söhnen'] for voice and piano (1822 or 1823?)</li> <li><b>Op. 56 No. 3</b> – <b>D 738</b>, Song "Im Haine" ['Sonnenstrahlen durch die Tannen'] for voice and piano (1822 or 1823?)</li> <li><b>Op. 20 No. 1</b> – <b>D 741</b>, Song "Sei mir gegrüßt" ['O du Entriß'ne mir'] for voice and piano (1821–1822)</li> <li><b>Op. 23 No. 3</b> – <b>D 744</b>, Song "Schwanengesang" ['Wie klag' ich's aus das Sterbegefühl'] for voice and piano (1822?)</li> <li><b>Op. 68</b> – <b>D 742</b>, Song "Der Wachtelschlag" ['Ach! mir schallt's dorten so lieblich hervor'] for voice and piano (pub. 1822)</li> <li><b>Op. 73</b> – <b>D 745</b>, Song "Die Rose" ['Es lockte schöne Wärme'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 745</b>, Song "Die Rose" ['Es lockte schöne Wärme'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 746</b>, Song "Am See" ['In des Sees Wogenspiele'] for voice and piano (1822 or 1823?)</li> <li><b>D 749</b>, Song "Herrn Josef Spaun, Assessor in Linz" ['Und nimmer schreibst du?'] for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>Op. 23 No. 1</b> – <b>D 751</b>, Song "Die Liebe hat gelogen" ['Die Liebe hat gelogen, die Sorge lastet schwer'] for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>D 752</b>, Song "Nachtviolen" ['Nachtviolen, Nachtviolen'] for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>Op. 65 No. 3</b> – <b>D 753</b>, Song "Heliopolis I" ['Im kalten, rauhen Norden ist Kunde mir geworden'] for voice and piano, <i>Aus Heliopolis I</i> or <i>Im Hochgebirge</i> (1822)</li> <li><b>D 756</b>, Song "Du liebst mich nicht" ['Mein Herz ist zerrissen, du liebst mich nicht!'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 59 No. 1</b> <b>D 756</b>, Song "Du liebst mich nicht" ['Mein Herz ist zerrissen, du liebst mich nicht!'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 758</b>, Song "Todesmusik" ['In des Todes Feierstunde'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 108 No. 2</b> – <b>D 758</b>, Song "Todesmusik" ['In des Todes Feierstunde'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 761</b>, Song "Schatzgräbers Begehr" ['In tiefster Erde ruht ein alt Gesetz'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 23 No. 4</b> – <b>D 761</b>, Song "Schatzgräbers Begehr" ['In tiefster Erde ruht ein alt Gesetz'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 762</b>, Song "Schwestergruß" ['Im Mondenschein' wall' ich auf und ab'] for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>D 764</b>, Song "Der Musensohn" ['Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 92 No. 1</b> – <b>D 764</b>, Song "Der Musensohn" ['Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 765</b>, Song "An die Entfernte" ['So hab' ich wirklich dich verloren?'] for voice and piano (1822)</li> <li><b>D 766</b>, Song "Am Flusse" ['Verfließest, vielgeliebte Lieder'] for voice and piano (1822, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 767</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Willkommen_und_Abschied" class="mw-redirect" title="Willkommen und Abschied">Willkommen und Abschied</a>" ['Es schlug mein Herz'] for voice and piano (1822, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 96 No. 3</b> – <b>D 768</b>, Song "Wandrers Nachtlied" ['Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh'] for voice and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>Op. 71</b> – <b>D 770</b>, Song "Drang in die Ferne" ['Vater, du glaubst es nicht'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 22 No. 1</b> – <b>D 771</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Der_Zwerg_(Schubert)" title="Der Zwerg (Schubert)">Der Zwerg</a>" ['Im trüben Licht verschwinden schon die Berge'] for voice and piano (1822?)</li> <li><b>Op. 22 No. 2</b> – <b>D 772</b>, Song "Wehmut" ['Wenn ich durch Wald und Fluren geh' '] for voice and piano (1822 or 1823?)</li> <li><b>Op. 72</b> – <b>D 774</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Auf_dem_Wasser_zu_singen" title="Auf dem Wasser zu singen">Auf dem Wasser zu singen</a>" ['Mitten im Schimmer der spiegelnden Wellen'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 59 No. 2</b> – <b>D 775</b>, Song "Daß sie hier gewesen" ['Daß der Ostwind Düfte hauchet'] for voice and piano (1823?)</li> <li><b>Op. 59 No. 3</b> – <b>D 776</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Du_bist_die_Ruh" class="mw-redirect" title="Du bist die Ruh">Du bist die Ruh</a>" ['Du bist die Ruh, der Friede mild'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. 59 No. 4</b> – <b>D 777</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Lachen_und_Weinen" title="Lachen und Weinen">Lachen und Weinen</a>" ['Lachen und Weinen zu jeglicher Stunde'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 123</b> – <b>D 786</b>, Song "Viola" ['Schneeglöcklein, o Schneeglöcklein'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>D 788</b>, Song "Lied (Des Lebens Tag ist schwer und schwül)" ['Des Lebens Tag ist schwer und schwül'] for voice and piano, <i>Die Mutter Erde</i> (1823)</li> <li><b>D 789</b>, Song "Pilgerweise" ['Ich bin ein Waller auf der Erde'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>D 792</b>, Song "Vergißmeinnicht" ['Als der Frühling'] for voice and piano (1823)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 173 No. 2</b> – <b>D 793</b>, Song "Das Geheimnis" ['Sie konnte mir kein Wörtchen sagen'] for voice and piano (1823, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 794</b>, Song "Der Pilgrim" ['Noch in meines Lebens Lenze'] for voice and piano (1823, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 37 No. 1</b> – <b>D 794</b>, Song "Der Pilgrim" ['Noch in meines Lebens Lenze'] for voice and piano (1823, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 799</b>, Song "Im Abendrot" ['Oh, wie schön ist deine Welt'] for voice and piano (1824 or 1825, 1st and 2nd versions)</li> <li><b>Op. 41</b> – <b>D 800</b>, Song "Der Einsame" ['Wenn meine Grillen schwirren'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 806</b>, Song "Abendstern" ['Was weilst du einsam an dem Himmel'] for voice and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 807</b>, Song "Auflösung" ['Verbirg dich, Sonne'] for voice and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 808</b>, Song "Gondelfahrer" ['Es tanzen Mond und Sterne'] for voice and piano (1824, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 827</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Nacht_und_Tr%C3%A4ume" title="Nacht und Träume">Nacht und Träume</a>" ['Heil'ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!'] for voice and piano (1823, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 43 No. 2</b> – <b>D 827</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Nacht_und_Tr%C3%A4ume" title="Nacht und Träume">Nacht und Träume</a>" ['Heil'ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!'] for voice and piano (1823, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 43 No. 1</b> – <b>D 828</b>, Song "Die junge Nonne" ['Wie braust durch die Wipfel'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 829</b>, Melodrama "Leb' wohl du schöne Erde" ['Leb' wohl du schöne Erde'] for spoken voice and piano (1826, also appears as "Abschied" or "Abschied von der Erde")</li> <li><b>Op. 85 No. 1</b> – <b>D 830</b>, Song "Lied der Anne Lyle" ['Wärst du bei mir im Lebenstal'] for voice and piano (1825?)</li> <li><b>Op. 85 No. 2</b> – <b>D 831</b>, Song "Gesang der Norna" ['Mich führt mein Weg wohl meilenlang'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 832</b>, Song "Des Sängers Habe" ['Schlagt mein ganzes Glück in Splitter'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 833</b>, Song "Der blinde Knabe" ['O sagt, ihr Lieben, mir einmal'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st version and modified 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 101 No. 2</b> – <b>D 833</b>, Song "Der blinde Knabe" ['O sagt, ihr Lieben, mir einmal'] for voice and piano (1825, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 834</b>, Song "Im Walde" ['Ich wandre über Berg und Tal'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 93 No. 1</b> – <b>D 834</b>, Song "Im Walde" ['Ich wandre über Berg und Tal'] for voice and piano (1825, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts 'Fräulein am See' No. 1</i><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 837</b>, Song "Ellens Gesang I" ['Raste, Krieger, Krieg ist aus'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts 'Fräulein am See' No. 2</i><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 838</b>, Song "Ellens Gesang II" ['Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts 'Fräulein am See' No. 6</i><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 839</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Ave_Maria_(Schubert)" title="Ave Maria (Schubert)">Ellens Gesang III</a> (Hymne an die Jungfrau)" ['Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild'] for voice and piano, <i>Ave Maria</i> or <i>Hymne an die Jungfrau</i> (1825)</li> <li><b>D 842</b>, Song "Totengräbers Heimwehe" ['O Menschheit, o Leben, was soll's?'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts 'Fräulein am See' No. 7</i><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 843</b>, Song "Lied des gefangenen Jägers" ['Mein Roß so müd'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 52</b>, <i>Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts 'Fräulein am See' No. 5</i><span style="padding-left:1em;"> </span><b>D 846</b>, Song "Normans Gesang" ['Die Nacht bricht bald herein'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 851</b>, Song "Das Heimweh" ['Ach, der Gebirgssohn'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 79 No. 1</b> – <b>D 851</b>, Song "Das Heimweh" ['Ach, der Gebirgssohn'] for voice and piano (1825, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 79 No. 2</b> – <b>D 852</b>, Song "Die Allmacht" ['Groß ist Jehovah, der Herr'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st setting)</li> <li><b>D 852</b>, Song "Die Allmacht" ['Groß ist Jehova, der Herr'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st setting; modified version)</li> <li><b>D 853</b>, Song "Auf der Bruck" ['Frisch trabe sonder Ruh' und Rast'] for voice and piano (1825, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 93 No. 2</b> – <b>D 853</b>, Song "Auf der Bruck" ['Frisch trabe sonder Ruh und Rast'] for voice and piano (1825, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 854</b>, Song "Fülle der Liebe" ['Ein sehnend Streben teilt mir das Herz'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 855</b>, Song "Wiedersehn" ['Der Frühlingssonne holdes Lächeln'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>Op. 88 No. 1</b> – <b>D 856</b>, Song "Abendlied für die Entfernte" ['Hinaus mein Blick, hinaus ins Tal'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 860</b>, Song "An mein Herz" ['O Herz, sei endlich stille'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 861</b>, Song "Der liebliche Stern" ['Ihr Sternlein, still in der Höhe'] for voice and piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 862</b>, Song "Um Mitternacht" ['Keine Stimme hör' ich schallen'] for voice and piano (1825 and 1826?, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 88 No. 3</b> – <b>D 862</b>, Song "Um Mitternacht" ['Keine Stimme hör' ich schallen'] for voice and piano (1825 and 1826?, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 863</b>, Song "An Gott" ['Kein Auge hat dein Angesicht geschaut'] for voice and piano (1827 or earlier, lost)</li> <li><b>D 864</b>, Song "Das Totenhemdchen" ['Starb das Kindlein'] for voice and piano (after 1824, lost)</li> <li><b>Op. 105 No. 1</b> – <b>D 865</b>, Song "Widerspruch" ['Wenn ich durch Busch und Zweig'] for voice and piano (1828, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 105 No. 2</b> – <b>D 867</b>, Song "Wiegenlied" ['Wie sich der Äuglein kindlicher Himmel'] for voice and piano (1826 or 1827)</li> <li><b>D 869</b>, Song "Totengräber-Weise" ['Nicht so düster und so bleich'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 80 No. 1</b> – <b>D 870</b>, Song "Der Wanderer an den Mond" ['Ich auf der Erd', am Himmel du'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 871</b>, Song "Das Zügenglöcklein" ['Kling die Nacht durch, klinge'] for voice and piano (1826, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 80 No. 2</b> – <b>D 871</b>, Song "Das Zügenglöcklein" ['Kling die Nacht durch, klinge'] for voice and piano (1826, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 874</b>, Song "O Quell, was strömst du rasch und wild" ['O Quell, was strömst du rasch und wild'] for voice and piano (1826?, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 876</b>, Song "Im Jänner 1817" ['Ich bin von aller Ruh' geschieden'] for voice and piano, <i>Tiefes Leid</i> (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 105 No. 3</b> – <b>D 878</b>, Song "Am Fenster" ['Ihr lieben Mauern hold und traut'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 105 No. 4</b> – <b>D 879</b>, Song "Sehnsucht" ['Die Scheibe friert, der Wind ist rauh'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 80 No. 3</b> – <b>D 880</b>, Song "Im Freien" ['Draußen in der weiten Nacht'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 881</b>, Song "Fischerweise" ['Den Fischer fechten Sorgen und Gram und Leid nicht an'] for voice and piano (1826, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 96 No. 4</b> – <b>D 881</b>, Song "Fischerweise" ['Den Fischer fechten Sorgen und Gram und Leid nicht an'] for voice and piano (1826, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 882</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Im_Fr%C3%BChling" title="Im Frühling">Im Frühling</a>" ['Still sitz' ich an des Hügels Hang'] for voice and piano (1826, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 101 No. 1</b> – <b>D 882</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Im_Fr%C3%BChling" title="Im Frühling">Im Frühling</a>" ['Still sitz' ich an des Hügels Hang'] for voice and piano (1826, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>D 883</b>, Song "Lebensmut" ['O wie dringt das junge Leben'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 108 No. 1</b> – <b>D 884</b>, Song "Über Wildemann" ['Die Winde sausen am Tannenhang'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 888</b>, Song "Trinklied" ['Bacchus, feister Fürst des Weins'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 889</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/St%C3%A4ndchen,_D_889_(Schubert)" title="Ständchen, D 889 (Schubert)">Ständchen</a>" ['Horch, horch! die Lerch im Ätherblau'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 890</b>, Song "Hippolits Lied" ['Laßt mich, ob ich auch still verglüh'] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>D 891</b>, Song "Gesang" [Was ist Sylvia?] for voice and piano (1826)</li> <li><b>Op. 106 No. 4</b> – <b>D 891</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/An_Sylvia" title="An Sylvia">An Sylvia</a>" ['Was ist Silvia, saget an'] for voice and piano, <i>Gesang</i> (1826)</li> <li><b>D 896</b>, Song "Fröhliches Scheiden" ['Gar fröhlich kann ich scheiden'] for voice and piano (1827–1828, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 896A</b>, Song "Sie in jedem Liede" ['Nehm ich die Harfe'] for voice and piano (1827–1828, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 896B</b>, Song "Wolke und Quelle" ['Auf meinen heimischen Bergen'] for voice and piano (1827–1828, sketch)</li> <li><b>Op. 81 No. 1</b> – <b>D 904</b>, Song "Alinde" ['Die Sonne sinkt in's tiefe Meer'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>Op. 81 No. 2</b> – <b>D 905</b>, Song "An die Laute" ['Leiser, leiser, kleine Laute'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 906</b>, Song "Der Vater mit dem Kind" ['Dem Vater liegt das kind in Arm'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 907</b>, Song "Romanze des Richard Löwenherz" ['Großer Taten tat der Ritter fern im heiligen Lande viel'] for voice and piano (1826?, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 86</b> – <b>D 907</b>, Song "Romanze des Richard Löwenherz" ['Großer Taten tat der Ritter fern im heiligen Lande viel'] for voice and piano (1826?, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. 96 No. 2</b> – <b>D 909</b>, Song "Jägers Liebeslied" ['Ich schieß' den Hirsch im grünen Forst'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 910</b>, Song "Schiffers Scheidelied" ['Die Wogen am Gestade schwellen'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 916A</b>, Song ["?"] ['?'] for voice and piano "Liedentwurf in C" (1827?, sketch without text)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 115 No. 1</b> – <b>D 917</b>, Song "Das Lied im Grünen" ['Ins Grüne, ins Grüne, da lockt uns der Frühling'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 919</b>, Song "Frühlingslied" ['Geöffnet sind des Winters Riegel'] for voice and piano (1827?, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 922</b>, Song "Heimliches Lieben" ['O du, wenn deine Lippen mich berühren'] for voice and piano (1827, 1st version)</li> <li><b>Op. 106 No. 1</b> – <b>D 922</b>, Song "Heimliches Lieben" ['O du, wenn deine Lippen mich berühren'] for voice and piano (1827, 2nd version)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 165 No. 5</b> – <b>D 923</b>, Song "Eine altschottische Ballade" ['Dein Schwert, wie ist's von Blut so rot'] for male voice, female voice and piano, <i>Edward</i> (1827, 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 923</b>, Song "Eine altschottische Ballade" ['Dein Schwert, wie ist's von Blut so rot'] for voice and piano, <i>Edward</i> (1827; 2nd version in addition to 3rd version for male voice, female voice and piano)</li> <li><b>Op. 106 No. 2</b> – <b>D 926</b>, Song "Das Weinen" ['Gar tröstlich kommt geronnen'] for voice and piano (1827–1828)</li> <li><b>Op. 106 No. 3</b> – <b>D 927</b>, Song "Vor meiner Wiege" ['Das also, das ist der enge Schrein'] for voice and piano (1827–1828)</li> <li><b>D 931</b>, Song "Der Wallensteiner Lanzknecht beim Trunk" ['He! schenket mir im Helme ein!'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 932</b>, Song "Der Kreuzzug" ['Ein Münich steht in seiner Zell'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 933</b>, Song "Des Fischers Liebesglück" ['Dort blinket durch Weiden'] for voice and piano (1827)</li> <li><b>D 937</b>, Song "Lebensmut" ['Fröhlicher Lebensmut braust in dem raschen Blut'] for voice and piano (1828?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 938</b>, Song "Der Winterabend" ['Es ist so still, so heimlich um mich'] for voice and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>Op. 96 No. 1</b> – <b>D 939</b>, Song "Die Sterne" ['Wie blitzen die Sterne so hell durch die Nacht'] for voice and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>D 945</b>, Song "Herbst" ['Es rauschen die Winde so herbstlich und kalt'] for voice and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>Op. 97</b> – <b>D 955</b>, Song "Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe" ['Glaube, hoffe, liebe!'] for voice and piano (1828)</li> <li><b>D 965A</b>, Song "Die Taubenpost" ['Ich hab' eine Brieftaub in meinem Sold'] for voice and piano [formerly D 957 No. 14] (1828)</li> <li><b>D 990</b>, Song "Der Graf von Habsburg" ['Zu Aachen in seiner Kaiserpracht'] for voice and piano (date unknown)</li> <li><b>D 990A</b>, Song "Kaiser Maximilian auf der Martinswand" ['Hinauf! hinauf! in Sprung und Lauf'] for voice and piano (date unknown, also appears as "Kaiser Maximilian auf der Martinswand in Tirol")</li> <li><b>D 990B</b>, Song "Augenblicke im Elysium" ['Vor der in Ehrfurcht all mein Wesen kniet'] for voice and piano [formerly D 582] (date unknown, lost)</li> <li><b>Op. posth. 130</b> – <b>D 990C</b>, Song "Das Echo" ['Herzliebe gute Mutter, o grolle nicht mit mir'] for voice and piano [formerly D 868] (1828?)</li> <li><b>D 990D</b>, Song "Die Schiffende" ['Sie wankt dahin; die Abendwinde spielen'] for voice and piano (1815?, lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song "?" ['?'] improvised for a play for voice and piano (1815?, lost?; possibly identical to D 284)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song "?" ['?'] in C major for voice and piano (1816, fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song "Winterlied" ['Das Glas gefüllt!'] for voice and piano, <i>Winterabend</i> (after 1820; 2nd setting of D 242, with a different title; also appears unofficially listed as D 242A or D 324A)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song "?" ['?'] for voice and piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1827, fragment; lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_V:_Orchestral_works">Series V: Orchestral works</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=27" title="Edit section: Series V: Orchestral works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Symphonies">Symphonies</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=28" title="Edit section: Symphonies"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_symphonies" title="Schubert's symphonies">Schubert's symphonies</a></div> <ul><li><b><a href="/wiki/D._2B" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 2B">D 2B</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony,_D._2b_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Symphony, D. 2b (Schubert)">Symphony in D major</a> [formerly D 997] (1811?, fragment of the first movement is extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._82" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 82">D 82</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._1_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 1 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 1 in D major</a> (1813)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._125" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 125">D 125</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._2_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 2 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 2 in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> (1814–1815)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._200" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 200">D 200</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._3_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 3 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 3 in D major</a> (1815)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._417" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 417">D 417</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._4_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 4 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 4 in C minor</a>, <i>Tragic</i> (1816)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._485" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 485">D 485</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._5_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 5 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 5 in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> (1816)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._589" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 589">D 589</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._6_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 6 (Schubert)">Symphony No. 6 in C major</a>, <i>Little C major</i> (1817–1818)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._615" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 615">D 615</a></b>, Sketch of a <a href="/wiki/Symphony,_D._615_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Symphony, D. 615 (Schubert)">Symphony in D major</a> (1818, piano sketches of two movements are extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._708A" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 708A">D 708A</a></b>, Sketch of a <a href="/wiki/Symphony,_D._708a_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Symphony, D. 708a (Schubert)">Symphony in D major</a> (after 1820, piano sketches of all four movements are extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._729" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 729">D 729</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._7_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 7 (Schubert)">Symphony (No. 7) in E major</a> (1821, sketches of all four movements are extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._759" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 759">D 759</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._8_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 8 (Schubert)">Symphony (No. 8) in B minor</a>, <i>Unfinished</i> (1822, unfinished – two complete movements and a fragment of a "Scherzo" third movement are extant; the "Entre-Acte nach dem I. Aufzug", D 797 No. 1 is possibly the fourth movement)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._936A" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 936A">D 936A</a></b>, Sketch of a <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._10_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 10 (Schubert)">Symphony (No. 10) in D major</a> (1828?, piano sketches of all three movements are extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._944" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 944">D 944</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._9_(Schubert)" title="Symphony No. 9 (Schubert)">Symphony (No. 9) in C major</a>, <i>Great C major</i> (1825? and 1828, identical to the so-called "Gmunden-Gastein" Symphony, <a href="/wiki/D._849" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 849">D 849</a>)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Overtures">Overtures</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=29" title="Edit section: Overtures"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 2A</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra [formerly D 996] (1811?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 2G</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra (1810 or 1811?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 4</b>, Overture in D major to the vocal comedy <i>Der Teufel als Hydraulicus</i> for orchestra (1812?)</li> <li><b>D 12</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra (1811)</li> <li><b>D 14</b>, Overture in an unknown key for orchestra (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1812, piano sketch; lost)</li> <li><b>D 26</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra (1812)</li> <li><b>D 470</b>, Overture in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for orchestra (1816, belongs to D 472?; 2 versions; fragment of a version for string quartet was formerly D 601)</li> <li><b>D 556</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra (1817)</li> <li><b>D 590</b>, Overture in D major for orchestra, <i>in the Italian Style</i> (1817)</li> <li><b>D 591</b>, Overture in C major for orchestra, <i>in the Italian Style</i> (1817, first published as Op. posth. 170)</li> <li><b>D 648</b>, Overture in E minor for orchestra (1819)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Overture in an unknown key for orchestra (date unknown, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Miscellaneous_orchestral_works">Miscellaneous orchestral works</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=30" title="Edit section: Miscellaneous orchestral works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 39A</b>, Three Minuets with Trios for orchestra (1813, lost)</li> <li><b>D 71C</b>, Fragment of an orchestral piece in D major [formerly D 966A] (1813)</li> <li><b>D 74A</b>, Fragment of an orchestral piece in D major (1813?)</li> <li><b>D 94A</b>, Fragment of an orchestral piece in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1814; discarded overture for Act III of "Des Teufels Lustschloß")</li> <li><b>D 966B</b>, Sketch of an orchestral piece in A major (after 1819)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Concertante_works">Concertante works</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=31" title="Edit section: Concertante works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 345</b>, Concerto in D major for violin and orchestra "Konzertstück" (1816, concert piece in one movement)</li> <li><b>D 438</b>, <a href="/wiki/Rondo_in_A_major_for_Violin_and_Strings,_D_438_(Schubert)" title="Rondo in A major for Violin and Strings, D 438 (Schubert)">Rondo in A major for violin and string orchestra</a> (1816)</li> <li><b>D 580</b>, Polonaise in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for violin and orchestra (1817)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_VI:_Chamber_music">Series VI: Chamber music</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=32" title="Edit section: Series VI: Chamber music"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Schubert_octet_Autograph.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="425" height="324" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="778" data-file-height="593" /></a><figcaption>Schubert's autograph of the <a href="/wiki/Octet_(Schubert)" title="Octet (Schubert)">Octet in F major, D 803</a> </figcaption></figure> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_nonet_and_octet_ensembles">Works for nonet and octet ensembles</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=33" title="Edit section: Works for nonet and octet ensembles"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 72</b>, Wind Octet in F major for two oboes, two clarinets, two horns and two bassoons (1813, unfinished – a completed "Minuet" and "Finale", as well as a fragment of an "Allegro" movement are extant)</li> <li><b>D 79</b>, Wind <a href="/wiki/Nonet_(music)" title="Nonet (music)">Nonet</a> "Franz Schuberts Begräbniß-Feyer" in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> minor for two clarinets, two bassoons, contrabassoon, two horns and two trombones, <i>Eine kleine Trauermusik</i> (1813)</li> <li><b>D 803</b>, <a href="/wiki/Octet_(Schubert)" title="Octet (Schubert)">Octet in F major</a> for two violins, viola, violoncello, double bass, clarinet, horn and bassoon (1824, first published as Op. posth. 166)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_string_sextet_and_quintet">Works for string sextet and quintet</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=34" title="Edit section: Works for string sextet and quintet"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 8</b>, Overture in C minor for string quintet (1811; scored for two violins, two violas and violoncello)<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>1<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup></li> <li><b>D 956</b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quintet_(Schubert)" title="String Quintet (Schubert)">String Quintet in C major</a> (1828; scored for two violins, viola and two violoncellos; first published as Op. posth. 163)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, String Sextet in an unknown key for three violins, viola, violoncello and double bass (date unknown, fragment; lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_string_quartet">Works for string quartet</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=35" title="Edit section: Works for string quartet"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 2C</b>, Movement in D minor/F major for string quartet [formerly D 998] (1811?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 3</b>, Movement in C major for string quartet (1811 or 1812?, fragment; version for string quartet of D 29)</li> <li><b>D 8A</b>, Overture in C minor for string quartet (after 1811, version for string quartet of D 8)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._18" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 18">D 18</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._1_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 1 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 1</a>, String Quartet in G minor/B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1810 or 1811)</li> <li><b>D 19</b>, String Quartet in (an) unknown key(s) (1810 or 1811, lost)</li> <li><b>D 19A</b>, String Quartet in (an) unknown key(s) (1810 or 1811, lost)</li> <li><b>D 20</b>, Overture in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for string quartet (1812, lost)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._32" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 32">D 32</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._2_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 2 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 2</a>, String Quartet in C major (1812)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._36" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 36">D 36</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._3_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 3 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 3</a>, String Quartet in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1813)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._46" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 46">D 46</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._4_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 4 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 4</a>, String Quartet in C major (1813)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._68" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 68">D 68</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._5_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 5 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 5</a>, String Quartet in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1813, two "Allegro" movements are extant; middle movements are lost?)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._74" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 74">D 74</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._6_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 6 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 6</a>, String Quartet in D major (1813)</li> <li><b>D 86</b>, Minuet in D major for string quartet (1813?)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._87" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 87">D 87</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._10_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 10 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 10</a>, String Quartet in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1813, first published as Op. posth. 125 No. 1)</li> <li><b>D 87A</b>, Fragment of a vocal or instrumental movement in C major for string quartet (?) (1813, fragment; also appears as "Andante in C major")</li> <li><b>D 89</b>, Five Minuets with Six Trios, Five German Dances with Seven Trios and One Coda for string quartet (1813, 2 versions of Minuet No. 3 and German Dance with Trio No. 5)</li> <li><b>D 90</b>, Five German Dances with Seven Trios and One Coda for string quartet (1813, belong to D 89)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._94" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 94">D 94</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._7_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 7 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 7</a>, String Quartet in D major (1811 or 1812)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._103" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 103">D 103</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/Quartettsatz,_D_103_(Schubert)" title="Quartettsatz, D 103 (Schubert)">Quartettsatz (D 103)</a>, String Quartet in C minor, (1814, fragment of the first movement is extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._112" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 112">D 112</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._8_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 8 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 8</a>, String Quartet in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1814, first published as Op. posth. 168)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._173" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 173">D 173</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._9_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 9 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 9</a>, String Quartet in G minor (1815)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._353" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 353">D 353</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._11_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 11 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 11</a>, String Quartet in E major (1816, first published as Op. posth. 125 No. 2)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._703" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 703">D 703</a></b>, String Quartet No. 12, <a href="/wiki/Quartettsatz,_D_703_(Schubert)" title="Quartettsatz, D 703 (Schubert)"><i>Quartettsatz</i> (D 703)</a> in C minor (1820; unfinished – a complete first movement, known as <i>Quartettsatz</i>, and a fragment of the second movement are extant)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._804" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 804">D 804</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._13_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 13 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 13</a>, String Quartet in A minor, <i>Rosamunde</i> (1824, first published as Op. 29)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._810" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 810">D 810</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._14_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 14 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 14</a>, String Quartet in D minor, <i>Death and the Maiden</i> (1824)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._887" class="mw-redirect" title="D. 887">D 887</a></b>, <a href="/wiki/String_Quartet_No._15_(Schubert)" title="String Quartet No. 15 (Schubert)">String Quartet No. 15</a>, String Quartet in G major, (1826, first published as Op. posth. 161)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,1</b>, String Quartet in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major [formerly D 40] (1813, lost or identical to D 87)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,2</b>, String Quartet in F major (1816, lost or identical to D 353 or D 487)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fantasy in an unknown key for string quartet (1813, lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, String Quartet in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1816, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_string_trio">Works for string trio</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=36" title="Edit section: Works for string trio"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/String_Trio_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="String Trio (Schubert)">String Trio (Schubert)</a></div> <ul><li><b>D 111A</b>, String Trio in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1814, fragment of an "Allegro" movement is extant)</li> <li><b>D 471</b>, String Trio in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1816, unfinished – complete first movement and fragment of second movement are extant)</li> <li><b>D 581</b>, String Trio in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (1817, 2 versions)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_piano_and_one_or_more_instruments">Works for piano and one or more instruments</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=37" title="Edit section: Works for piano and one or more instruments"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 28</b>, <a href="/wiki/Sonatensatz,_D_28_(Schubert)" title="Sonatensatz, D 28 (Schubert)">Trio in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for violin, violoncello and piano</a>, <i>Sonatensatz</i> (1812; an "Allegro" movement is extant)</li> <li><b>D 384</b>, <a href="/wiki/Violin_Sonatas,_Op._137_(Schubert)#No._1_in_D_major,_D_384" title="Violin Sonatas, Op. 137 (Schubert)">Sonata in D major</a> for violin and piano (1816, 2 versions of the first movement are extant; first published as Op. posth. 137 No. 1)</li> <li><b>D 385</b>, <a href="/wiki/Violin_Sonatas,_Op._137_(Schubert)#No._2_in_A_minor,_D_385" title="Violin Sonatas, Op. 137 (Schubert)">Sonata in A minor</a> for violin and piano (1816, first published as Op. posth. 137 No. 2)</li> <li><b>D 408</b>, <a href="/wiki/Violin_Sonatas,_Op._137_(Schubert)#No._3_in_G_minor,_D_408" title="Violin Sonatas, Op. 137 (Schubert)">Sonata in G minor</a> for violin and piano (1816, first published as Op. posth. 137 No. 3)</li> <li><b>D 487</b>, <a href="/wiki/Adagio_and_Rondo_concertante_in_F_major,_D_487_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Adagio and Rondo concertante in F major, D 487 (Schubert)">Adagio e Rondo concertante in F major</a> for violin, viola, violoncello and piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 574</b>, <a href="/wiki/Violin_Sonata_in_A_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Violin Sonata in A (Schubert)">Sonata in A major</a> for violin and piano, <i>Duo</i> (1817, first published as Op. posth. 162)</li> <li><b>D 667</b>, <a href="/wiki/Trout_Quintet" title="Trout Quintet">Quintet in A major</a> for violin, viola, violoncello, double bass and piano, <i>Trout Quintet</i> (1819?, first published as Op. posth. 114)</li> <li><b>D 802</b>, Variations in E minor for flute and piano, <i>Trockne Blumen</i> (1824, 2 versions of "Variation V"; first published as Op. posth. 160)</li> <li><b>D 821</b>, <a href="/wiki/Arpeggione_Sonata" title="Arpeggione Sonata">Sonata in A minor</a> for arpeggione and piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 895</b>, <a href="/wiki/Rondo_in_B_minor,_D._895" class="mw-redirect" title="Rondo in B minor, D. 895">Rondo in B minor</a> for violin and piano, <i>Rondeau brillant</i> (1826, first published as Op. 70)</li> <li><b>D 897</b>, Trio in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for violin, violoncello and piano, <i><a href="/wiki/Notturno_(Schubert)" title="Notturno (Schubert)">Notturno</a></i> (1828?, an "Adagio" movement is extant; first published as Op. posth. 148)</li> <li><b>D 898</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Trio_No._1_(Schubert)" title="Piano Trio No. 1 (Schubert)">Trio (No. 1) in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for violin, violoncello and piano (1828?, first published as Op. 99)</li> <li><b>D 929</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Trio_No._2_(Schubert)" title="Piano Trio No. 2 (Schubert)">Trio (No. 2) in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for violin, violoncello and piano (1827, first published as Op. 100)</li> <li><b>D 934</b>, <a href="/wiki/Fantasy_for_violin_and_piano_(Schubert)" title="Fantasy for violin and piano (Schubert)">Fantasy in C major for violin and piano</a> (1827, first published as Op. posth. 159)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Other_works_for_strings_and_wind_instruments">Other works for strings and wind instruments</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=38" title="Edit section: Other works for strings and wind instruments"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 2D</b>, Six Minuets for winds [formerly D 995] (1811; scored for two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns and trombone; Nos. 1–3 are complete; Nos. 4–6 are piano sketches; version for piano is also extant for Nos. 1–2)</li> <li><b>D 2F</b>, Trio of a Minuet for winds (1811, piano sketch; alternate version of the Trio for D 2D No. 4)</li> <li><b>D 94B</b>, Five Minuets and Six German Dances for string quartet and two horns (1814, lost)</li> <li><b>D 199</b>, Duet "Mailied" ['Grüner wird die Au']; version for two horns (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 202</b>, Duet "Mailied" ['Der Schnee zerrinnt, der Mai beginnt']; version for two horns (1815; 2nd setting of D 130, with a different title)</li> <li><b>D 203</b>, Duet "Der Morgenstern" ['Stern der Liebe']; version for two horns (1815, 2nd setting)</li> <li><b>D 204</b>, Duet "Jägerlied" ['Frisch auf, ihr Jäger']; version for two horns (1815)</li> <li><b>D 205</b>, Duet "Lützows wilde Jagd" ['Was glänzt dort vom Walde']; version for two horns (1815)</li> <li><b>D 354</b>, Four <i>komische Ländler</i> in D major for two violins (1816)</li> <li><b>D 355</b>, Eight Ländler in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor for violin (?) (1816, possibly for two violins)</li> <li><b>D 370</b>, Nine Ländler in D major for violin (?) (1816, possibly for two violins)</li> <li><b>D 374</b>, Eleven Ländler in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for violin (?) (1816?, possibly for two violins; Nos. 1–3, 5, 7 and 11 also used in the upper parts of Nos. 1–5 and 7 from the Eight Ländler in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano, D 378)</li> <li><b>D 597A</b>, Variations in A major for violin (1817, sketch; lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_VII:_Piano_music">Series VII: Piano music</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=39" title="Edit section: Series VII: Piano music"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_two_pianos,_eight_hands"><span id="Works_for_two_pianos.2C_eight_hands"></span>Works for two pianos, eight hands</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=40" title="Edit section: Works for two pianos, eight hands"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D Anh. I,7</b>, March for two pianos, eight hands [formerly D 858] (1825, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_piano_duet">Works for piano duet</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=41" title="Edit section: Works for piano duet"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <figure class="mw-default-size" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:SchubertFantasieFMinorAutograph.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="166" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="625" data-file-height="472" /></a><figcaption>Manuscript page from Schubert's Fantasy in F minor, D 940</figcaption></figure> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Miscellaneous_piano_duet_works">Miscellaneous piano duet works</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=42" title="Edit section: Miscellaneous piano duet works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 1</b>, Fantasy in G major for piano duet (1810, a discarded first version of the "Finale" is also extant)</li> <li><b>D 1B</b>, Fantasy in G major for piano duet (1810 or 1811, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 1C</b>, Sonata in F major for piano duet (1810 or 1811, fragment of the first movement is extant)</li> <li><b>D 9</b>, Fantasy in G minor for piano duet (1811)</li> <li><b>D 48</b>, Fantasy in C minor for piano duet, <i>Grande Sonate</i> (1813, 2 versions)</li> <li><b>D 608</b>, Rondo in D major for piano duet, <i>Notre amitié est invariable</i> (1818, 2 versions; 2nd version first published as Op. posth. 138)</li> <li><b>D 617</b>, <a href="/wiki/Sonata_in_B-flat_major_for_piano_four-hands,_D_617_(Schubert)" title="Sonata in B-flat major for piano four-hands, D 617 (Schubert)">Sonata in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> for piano duet (1818, first published as Op. 30)</li> <li><b>D 624</b>, Eight Variations on a French Song in E minor for piano duet (1818, first published as Op. 10; 2 versions of the "Theme" are extant)</li> <li><b>D 812</b>, <a href="/wiki/Sonata_in_C_major_for_piano_four-hands,_D_812_(Schubert)" title="Sonata in C major for piano four-hands, D 812 (Schubert)">Sonata in C major</a> for piano duet, <i>Grand Duo</i> (1824, first published as Op. posth. 140)</li> <li><b>D 813</b>, Eight Variations on an original theme in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano duet (1824, first published as Op. 35)</li> <li><b>D 818</b>, <i>Divertissement à la hongroise</i> in G minor for piano duet (1824, first published as Op. 54)</li> <li><b>D 823</b>, <i>Divertissement sur des motifs originaux français</i> in E minor for piano duet (pub. 1826–1827, first movement originally published as <i>Marche Brillante</i>, Op. 63; second and third movements first published as <i>Andantino varié</i> and <i>Rondeau brillant</i>, Op. 84 Nos. 1–2)</li> <li><b>D 908</b>, Eight Variations on a theme from <a href="/wiki/Ferdinand_H%C3%A9rold" title="Ferdinand Hérold">Hérold's</a> Opera <i>Marie</i> for piano duet (1827, first published as Op. 82 No. 1)</li> <li><b>D 940</b>, <a href="/wiki/Fantasia_in_F_minor_for_piano_four-hands,_D_940_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Fantasia in F minor for piano four-hands, D 940 (Schubert)">Fantasy in F minor</a> for piano duet (1828, first published as Op. 103)</li> <li><b>D 947</b>, Allegro in A minor for piano duet, <i>Lebensstürme</i> (1828, first published as Op. posth. 144)</li> <li><b>D 951</b>, Rondo in A major for piano duet, <i>Grand Rondeau</i> (1828, first published as Op. 107)</li> <li><b>D 952</b>, Fugue in E minor for organ duet or piano duet (1828, first published as Op. posth. 152)</li> <li><b>D 968</b>, Allegro moderato in C major and Andante in A minor for piano duet, <i>Sonatine</i> (between 1815 and 1819?)</li> <li><b>D 968A</b>, Introduction, Four Variations on an original theme and Finale in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano duet [formerly D 603] (date unknown, first published as Op. posth. 82 No. 2)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Marches_and_dances">Marches and dances</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=43" title="Edit section: Marches and dances"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 599</b>, Four Polonaises for piano duet (1818, first published as Op. 75)</li> <li><b>D 602</b>, <i>Trois Marches Héroiques</i> for piano duet (1818 or 1824, first published as Op. 27)</li> <li><b>D 618</b>, German Dance in G major with Two Trios and Two Ländler in E major for piano duet (1818)</li> <li><b>D 618A</b>, Polonaise in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano duet (1818, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 733</b>, <i><a href="/wiki/Three_Marches_militaires_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Three Marches militaires (Schubert)">Trois Marches Militaires</a></i> for piano duet (1818?, first published as Op. 51)</li> <li><b>D 814</b>, Four Ländler for piano duet (1824)</li> <li><b>D 819</b>, <i>Six Grandes Marches</i> for piano duet (1818 or 1824, first published as Op. 40)</li> <li><b>D 824</b>, Six Polonaises for piano duet (1826, first published as Op. 61)</li> <li><b>D 859</b>, <i>Grande Marche Funèbre</i> in C minor for piano duet (1825, first published as Op. 55)</li> <li><b>D 885</b>, <i>Grande Marche Héroique</i> in A minor for piano duet (pub. 1826, first published as Op. 66)</li> <li><b>D 928</b>, March in G major for piano duet, <i>Kindermarsch</i> (1827)</li> <li><b>D 968B</b>, <i>Deux Marches Caractéristiques</i> in C major for piano duet [formerly D 886] (date unknown, first published as Op. posth. 121)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Overtures_2">Overtures</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=44" title="Edit section: Overtures"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 592</b>, Overture in D major for piano duet, <i>in the Italian Style</i> (1817, version for piano duet of D 590)</li> <li><b>D 597</b>, Overture in C major for piano duet, <i>in the Italian Style</i> (1817, version for piano duet of D 591)</li> <li><b>D 668</b>, Overture in G minor for piano duet (1819)</li> <li><b>D 675</b>, Overture in F major for piano duet (1819?, first published as Op. 34)</li> <li><b>D 773</b>, Overture to the Opera <i>Alfonso und Estrella</i> for piano duet (1823, version for piano duet of the Overture from D 732; first published as Op. 69)</li> <li><b>D 798</b>, Overture to the Opera <i>Fierabras</i> for piano duet (1823, version for piano duet of the Overture from D 796; NSA also appends a version by <a href="/wiki/Carl_Czerny" title="Carl Czerny">Carl Czerny</a>)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_for_piano_solo">Works for piano solo</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=45" title="Edit section: Works for piano solo"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1236090951" /><div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article: <a href="/wiki/List_of_solo_piano_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert" title="List of solo piano compositions by Franz Schubert">List of solo piano compositions by Franz Schubert</a></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Piano_sonatas_and_sonata_movements">Piano sonatas and sonata movements</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=46" title="Edit section: Piano sonatas and sonata movements"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 154</b>, Piano Sonata in E major (1815, fragment of the first movement is extant; early version of the first movement of the <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_major,_D._157_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E major, D. 157 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E major</a>, D 157)</li> <li><b>D 157</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_major,_D._157_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E major, D. 157 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E major</a> (1815, unfinished – first three movements are extant)</li> <li><b>D 277A</b>, Minuet in A minor with Trio in F major for piano (1815, alternate third movement for the <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._279_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 279 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, D 279)</li> <li><b>D 279</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._279_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 279 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a> (1815, unfinished – first three movements are extant; the Allegretto in C major, D 346 fragment is probably the fourth movement)</li> <li><b>D 346</b>, Allegretto in C major for piano (1816?, fragment; perhaps the fourth movement of the <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._279_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 279 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, D 279)</li> <li><b>D 459</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_major,_D._459_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E major, D. 459 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E major</a> (1816, in 2 movements; also paired with D 459A to have a five movement sonata or five piano pieces "Fünf Klavierstücke")</li> <li><b>D 459A</b>, Three piano pieces "Drei Klavierstücke" (1816?, also paired with D 459 to have a five movement sonata or five piano pieces "Fünf Klavierstücke")</li> <li><b>D 505</b>, Adagio in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1818?, probably the second movement of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_F_minor,_D._625_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in F minor, D. 625 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in F minor</a>, D 625; first published in E major in an abridged form as Op. posth. 145 No. 1)</li> <li><b>D 506</b>, Rondo in E major for piano (1817?, perhaps the fourth movement of the unfinished? <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_minor,_D._566_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E minor, D. 566 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E minor</a>, D 566; first published as Op. posth. 145 No. 2)</li> <li><b>D 537</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_A_minor,_D._537_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in A minor, D. 537 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in A minor</a> (1817, first published as Op. posth. 164)</li> <li><b>D 557</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_A-flat_major,_D._557_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in A-flat major, D. 557 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> (1817)</li> <li><b>D 566</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_minor,_D._566_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E minor, D. 566 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E minor</a> (1817, unfinished? – first three movements are extant; the Rondo in E major, D 506 may be the fourth movement)</li> <li><b>D 568</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E-flat_major,_D._568_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E-flat major, D. 568 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major/E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> (1817, 2 versions; 2nd version first published as Op. posth. 122; 1st version [formerly D 567] in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major; in D 567 there is no "Menuetto" third movement and the last movement is a fragment; NSA also appends an amended first movement from the 1st version)</li> <li><b>D 570</b>, Scherzo in D major and Allegro in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor for piano (1817?, the "Allegro" is a fragment; these were probably intended as the last two movements of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_F-sharp_minor,_D._571_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in F-sharp minor, D. 571 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor</a>, D 571)</li> <li><b>D 571</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_F-sharp_minor,_D._571_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in F-sharp minor, D. 571 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor</a> (1817, unfinished – fragment of an "Allegro moderato" first movement is extant. The Andante in A major, D 604, as well as the Scherzo in D major and Allegro in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor fragment from D 570 probably constitute the remaining movements)</li> <li><b>D 575</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_B_major,_D._575_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in B major, D. 575 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in B major</a> (1817, first published as Op. posth. 147)</li> <li><b>D 600</b>, Minuet in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor for piano (1814?; the Trio in E major, D 610 was probably intended for this Minuet; in turn the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 tandem possibly constitute the third movement of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._613_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 613 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, D 613)</li> <li><b>D 604</b>, Andante in A major for piano (1816 or 1817; may be the second movement of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_F-sharp_minor,_D._571_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in F-sharp minor, D. 571 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in F<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor</a>, D 571)</li> <li><b>D 610</b>, Trio in E major for piano, <i>to be regarded as the lost son of a minuet</i> (1818, this Trio might have been intended for the Minuet in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor, D 600; in turn the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 tandem possibly constitute the third movement of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._613_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 613 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, D 613)</li> <li><b>D 612</b>, Adagio in E major for piano (1818; perhaps the second movement of the unfinished <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._613_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 613 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, D 613)</li> <li><b>D 613</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._613_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 613 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a> (1818, unfinished – fragments of two movements are extant; the Adagio in E major, D 612 as well as the Minuet with Trio D 600/610 possibly constitute the remaining movements)</li> <li><b>D 625</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_F_minor,_D._625_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in F minor, D. 625 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in F minor</a> (1818, unfinished – a completed Scherzo with Trio, and fragments of two "Allegro" movements are extant; the Adagio in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major D 505 is probably the second movement)</li> <li><b>D 655</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C-sharp_minor,_D._655_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C-sharp minor, D. 655 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor</a> (1819; fragment of an "Allegro" is extant)</li> <li><b>D 664</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_A_major,_D._664_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in A major, D. 664 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in A major</a> (1819 or 1825; first published as Op. posth. 120)</li> <li><b>D 769A</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_E_minor,_D._769a_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in E minor, D. 769a (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in E minor</a> [formerly D 994] (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1823, unfinished – fragment of an "Allegro" first movement is extant)</li> <li><b>D 784</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_A_minor,_D._784_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in A minor, D. 784 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in A minor</a> (1823, first published as Op. posth. 143)</li> <li><b>D 840</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_C_major,_D._840_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in C major, D. 840 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in C major</a>, <i>Reliquie</i> (1825, unfinished – first and second movements are complete; third and fourth movements are fragments)</li> <li><b>D 845</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_A_minor,_D._845_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in A minor, D. 845 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in A minor</a> (1825, first published as Op. 42)</li> <li><b>D 850</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_D_major,_D._850_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in D major, D. 850 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in D major</a>, <i>Gasteiner</i> (1825, first published as Op. 53)</li> <li><b>D 894</b>, <a href="/wiki/Piano_Sonata_in_G_major,_D._894_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Piano Sonata in G major, D. 894 (Schubert)">Piano Sonata in G major</a>, <i>Fantasie</i> (1826, first published as Op. 78; NSA also appends a discarded 1st version of the second movement)</li> <li><b>D 958</b>, <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_last_sonatas" title="Schubert's last sonatas">Piano Sonata in C minor</a> (1828)</li> <li><b>D 959</b>, <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_last_sonatas" title="Schubert's last sonatas">Piano Sonata in A major</a> (1828)</li> <li><b>D 960</b>, <a href="/wiki/Schubert%27s_last_sonatas" title="Schubert's last sonatas">Piano Sonata in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</a> (1828)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,8</b>, Piano Sonata in F major (1815, lost or identical to D 157)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,9</b>, Piano Sonata in F major (1816, lost or identical to D 459)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Piano Sonata in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> major (1825?, lost or identical to D 568 1st version)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Miscellaneous_piano_works">Miscellaneous piano works</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=47" title="Edit section: Miscellaneous piano works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 2E</b>, Fantasy in C minor for piano [formerly D 993] (1811)</li> <li><b>D 13</b>, Fugue in D minor for piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1812, presumably for piano)</li> <li><b>D 21</b>, Six Variations in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1812, lost)</li> <li><b>D 24</b>, Seven Variations in F major for piano (1812?, fragment; lost)</li> <li><b>D 24A</b>, Fugue in C major for piano or organ (1812?)</li> <li><b>D 24B</b>, Fugue in G major for piano or organ (1812?)</li> <li><b>D 24C</b>, Fugue in D minor for piano or organ (1812?)</li> <li><b>D 24D</b>, Fugue in C major for piano (1812?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 29</b>, Andante in C major for piano (1812, version for piano of D 3; also used in a sketch for the second movement of D 36)</li> <li><b>D 41A</b>, Fugue in E minor for piano (?) (1813, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 71B</b>, Fugue in E minor for piano (1813, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 156</b>, Ten Variations in F major for piano (1815, 2 versions of the "Theme" and "Variation II")</li> <li><b>D 178</b>, Adagio in G major for piano (1815, 2 versions; 2nd version is a fragment)</li> <li><b>D 309A</b>, Rondo in C major for piano (1815, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 347</b>, Allegro moderato in C major for piano (1813?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 348</b>, Andantino in C major for Piano (1816?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 349</b>, Adagio in C major for piano (1816?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 576</b>, <a href="/wiki/13_Variations_on_a_theme_by_Anselm_H%C3%BCttenbrenner" title="13 Variations on a theme by Anselm Hüttenbrenner">13 Variations on a theme by Anselm Hüttenbrenner</a> in A minor for piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 593</b>, Two Scherzi for piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 605</b>, Fantasy in C major for piano (1821–1823, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 605A</b>, Fantasy in C major for piano, <i>Grazer Fantasy</i> (1818?)</li> <li><b>D 606</b>, March in E major for piano (1818?)</li> <li><b>D 718</b>, Variation in C minor on a Waltz by <a href="/wiki/Anton_Diabelli" title="Anton Diabelli">Anton Diabelli</a> for piano (1821, written for <i><a href="/wiki/Vaterl%C3%A4ndischer_K%C3%BCnstlerverein" title="Vaterländischer Künstlerverein">Vaterländischer Künstlerverein</a></i>)</li> <li><b>D 757A</b>, March in B minor for piano (1822)</li> <li><b>D 759A</b>, Overture to the Opera <i>Alfonso und Estrella</i> for piano (1822, version for piano of the Overture from D 732; first published as Op. 69)</li> <li><b>D 760</b>, <a href="/wiki/Wanderer_Fantasy" title="Wanderer Fantasy">Fantasy in C major</a> for piano, <i>Wanderer Fantasy</i> (1822, first published as Op. 15)</li> <li><b>D 780</b>, Six <i><a href="/wiki/Six_moments_musicaux_(Schubert)" title="Six moments musicaux (Schubert)">Moments musicaux</a></i> for piano (pub. 1828, first published as Op. 94), in C major, A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, F minor, C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor, F minor, and A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major.</li> <li><b>D 817</b>, <i>Ungarische Melodie</i> in B minor for piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 899</b>, <a href="/wiki/Impromptus,_Op._90_(Schubert)" title="Impromptus, Op. 90 (Schubert)">Four Impromptus</a> for piano (1827, first published as Op. 90) in C minor, E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, G<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, and A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major</li> <li><b>D 900</b>, Allegretto in C minor for piano (after 1820?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 915</b>, <a href="/wiki/Allegretto_in_C_minor,_D._915_(Schubert)" title="Allegretto in C minor, D. 915 (Schubert)">Allegretto in C minor for piano</a> (1827)</li> <li><b>D 916B</b>, Piano piece in C major (1827?, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 916C</b>, Piano piece in C minor (1827?, sketch)</li> <li><b>D 935</b>, <a href="/wiki/Impromptus,_Op._142_(Schubert)" title="Impromptus, Op. 142 (Schubert)">Four Impromptus</a> for piano (1827, first published as Op. posth. 142) in F minor, A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, and F minor.</li> <li><b>D 946</b>, <a href="/wiki/Impromptus_(Schubert)#Drei_Klavierstücke,_D._946" title="Impromptus (Schubert)">Three piano pieces</a> "Drei Klavierstücke" (1828)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,10</b>, Fantasy in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1825?, lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fugue in an unknown key for piano or organ (1813, lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fugue in F major for piano (1813, sketch)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Piano_dances">Piano dances</h4><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=48" title="Edit section: Piano dances"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 2D</b>, Six Minuets for winds [formerly D 995] (1811; version for piano of Nos. 1–2)</li> <li><b>D 19B</b>, Several Waltzes and a March for piano (1812 or 1813, lost)</li> <li><b>D 22</b>, Twelve Minuets with Trios for piano (1812, lost)</li> <li><b>D 41</b>, Thirty Minuets with Trios for piano (1813; Nos. 1–8, 11–18 and 20–23 are extant)</li> <li><b>D 91</b>, Two Minuets, each with Two Trios for piano (1813)</li> <li><b>D 128</b>, Twelve Viennese German Dances for piano (1812?)</li> <li><b>D 135</b>, German Dance with Trio in E major for piano (1815; 1st version of the Waltz in E major, D 146 No. 3, with a different title)</li> <li><b>D 139</b>, German Dance in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> major with Trio in A major for piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 145</b>, Twelve Waltzes, Seventeen Ländler and Nine Écossaises for piano (1815–1821, first published as Op. 18)</li> <li><b>D 146</b>, Twenty Waltzes for piano, <i>Letzte Walzer</i> (1815 and 1823, first published as Op. posth. 127; 2 versions for No. 3 – the 1st one with a Trio in E major [D 135], and the 2nd one with a Trio in A major; also, 2 versions for No. 5 – the 1st one with a Trio in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major and the 2nd one with a Trio in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major; NSA identifies both earlier versions as "German Dances", not "Waltzes")</li> <li><b>D 158</b>, Écossaise in D minor/F major for piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 299</b>, Twelve Écossaises for piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 334</b>, Minuet in A major with Trio in E major for piano (1815)</li> <li><b>D 335</b>, Minuet in E major with Two Trios for piano (1813?)</li> <li><b>D 365</b>, Thirty-six Original Dances for piano, <i>Erste Walzer</i> (1818–1821, first published as Op. 9)</li> <li><b>D 366</b>, Seventeen Ländler for piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 378</b>, Eight Ländler in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1816; the upper parts of Nos. 1–5 and 7 also used in Nos. 1–3, 5, 7 and 11 from the Eleven Ländler in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for violin, D 374)</li> <li><b>D 380</b>, Three Minuets, each with Two Trios for piano (1816, fragment; for the third minuet, part of the first trio and the entire second trio are missing)</li> <li><b>D 420</b>, Twelve German Dances for piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 421</b>, Six Écossaises for piano (1816)</li> <li><b>D 511</b>, Écossaise in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1817)</li> <li><b>D 529</b>, Eight Écossaises for piano (1817)</li> <li><b>D 643</b>, German Dance in C<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-sharp">♯</span></span> minor and Écossaise in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1819)</li> <li><b>D 681</b>, Twelve Ländler for piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1815, Nos. 5–12 are extant)</li> <li><b>D 697</b>, Six Écossaises in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1820, Nos. 1–4 and 6 are extant)</li> <li><b>D 722</b>, German Dance in G<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1821)</li> <li><b>D 734</b>, Sixteen Ländler and Two Écossaises for piano, <i>Wiener Damen-Ländler</i> (pub. 1826, first published as Op. 67)</li> <li><b>D 735</b>, Galop and Eight Écossaises for piano (pub. 1825, first published as Op. 49)</li> <li><b>D 769</b>, Two German Dances for piano (1823–1824)</li> <li><b>D 779</b>, Thirty-four <i><a href="/wiki/Valses_nobles_et_sentimentales_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Valses nobles et sentimentales (Schubert)">Valses Sentimentales</a></i> for piano (pub. 1825, first published as Op. 50)</li> <li><b>D 781</b>, Twelve Écossaises for piano (1823, Nos. 2–12 are extant)</li> <li><b>D 782</b>, Écossaise in D major for piano (pub. 1824)</li> <li><b>D 783</b>, Sixteen German Dances and Two Écossaises for piano (1823–1824; German Dances Nos. 8 and 9 also used in D 366, D 814; first published as Op. 33)</li> <li><b>D 790</b>, Twelve German Dances for piano (1823, also appear as "Twelve Ländler"; first published as Op. posth. 171)</li> <li><b>D 816</b>, Three Écossaises for piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 820</b>, Six German Dances for piano (1824)</li> <li><b>D 841</b>, Two German Dances for piano (1825)</li> <li><b>D 844</b>, Waltz in G major for piano, <i>Albumblatt</i> (1825)</li> <li><b>D 924</b>, Twelve <i>Grazer Waltzes</i> for piano (1827?, first published as Op. 91)</li> <li><b>D 925</b>, <i>Grazer Galopp</i> in C major for piano (1827?)</li> <li><b>D 944A</b>, German Dance in an unknown key for piano (1828, lost)</li> <li><b>D 969</b>, Twelve Waltzes for piano, <i><a href="/wiki/Valses_nobles_et_sentimentales_(Schubert)" class="mw-redirect" title="Valses nobles et sentimentales (Schubert)">Valses nobles</a></i> (pub. 1827, first published as Op. 77)</li> <li><b>D 970</b>, Six Ländler for piano (date unknown, also appear as "Six German Dances")</li> <li><b>D 971</b>, Three German Dances for piano (1823?)</li> <li><b>D 972</b>, Three German Dances for piano (before 1817)</li> <li><b>D 973</b>, Three German Dances for piano (1823?)</li> <li><b>D 974</b>, Two German Dances for piano (1822?)</li> <li><b>D 975</b>, German Dance in D major for piano (1824?)</li> <li><b>D 976</b>, Cotillon in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (pub. 1825)</li> <li><b>D 977</b>, Eight Écossaises for piano (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 978</b>, Waltz in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (pub. 1825)</li> <li><b>D 979</b>, Waltz in G major for piano (pub. 1826)</li> <li><b>D 980</b>, Two Waltzes for piano (pub. 1826)</li> <li><b>D 980A</b>, Two Dances for piano [formerly D 640] (before 1821, sketches)</li> <li><b>D 980B</b>, Two Ländler in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano [formerly D 679] (1816?)</li> <li><b>D 980C</b>, Two Ländler in D<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano [formerly D 680] (before 1821, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 980D</b>, Waltz in C major for piano, <i>Krähwinkler Tanz</i> (pub. 1828)</li> <li><b>D 980E</b>, Two Dances for piano (?) (after 1818, sketches)</li> <li><b>D 980F</b>, March in G major for piano (date unknown; piano reduction of a lost march for orchestra?)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,13</b>, Six German Dances for piano (1814, lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Themes to Two Minuets for piano (1813?, sketches)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Four Dances in A major for piano (1816?, only incipits are extant)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Ecossaise in G major, Ländler in F major and Ländler in F minor (?) for piano (1818, sketches)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Series_VIII:_Supplement">Series VIII: Supplement</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=49" title="Edit section: Series VIII: Supplement"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Arrangements">Arrangements</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=50" title="Edit section: Arrangements"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D Anh. II,1</b>, Arrangement of the Overture to the Opera <i>Iphigenie in Aulis</i> for piano duet (1810?, fragment; composition by <a href="/wiki/Christoph_Willibald_Gluck" title="Christoph Willibald Gluck">Christoph Willibald Gluck</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. II,2</b>, Arrangement of the "Notturno in G major for Flute, Viola and Guitar" for flute, guitar, viola and violoncello [formerly D 96] (1814, also appears as "Quartet in G major for flute, guitar, viola and violoncello"; composition by <a href="/wiki/Wenzel_Thomas_Matiegka" title="Wenzel Thomas Matiegka">Wenzel Thomas Matiegka</a>, Op. 21; Trio II in the second movement “Menuetto”, by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. II,3</b>, Arrangement of Two Arias from the Opera <i>Echo et Narcisse</i> ['Rien de la nature'; 'O combats, o désordre extrème!'] for voice and piano (1816, compositions by <a href="/wiki/Christoph_Willibald_Gluck" title="Christoph Willibald Gluck">Christoph Willibald Gluck</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. II,4</b>, Arrangement of the Hymn "Der 8. Psalm für Solostimme und Klavier" ['Unendlicher, Gott, unser Herr'] for voice, two oboes, two clarinets, timpani, strings and organ (1823, composition by <a href="/wiki/Maximilian_Stadler" title="Maximilian Stadler">Maximilian Stadler</a>; instrumentation by Schubert)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Other_works">Other works</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=51" title="Edit section: Other works"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D Anh. I,3</b>, Fugue in C major for string quartet (?) (1812?, fragment; only viola part is extant)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,12</b>, Seven Easy Variations in G major for piano (pub. 1810, presumably not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,14</b>, Waltz [in G<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major] for piano, <i>Kupelwieser-Walzer</i> (1826, transcribed by <a href="/wiki/Richard_Strauss" title="Richard Strauss">Richard Strauss</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,15</b>, Minuet with Trio in D major for piano [formerly D 336] (date unknown, presumably not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,17</b>, Hymn "Tantum ergo" ['Tantum ergo'] in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for unknown voice(s)/instrument(s) (date unknown, fragment; only one soprano part is extant; presumably not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,25</b>, Cantata "Drum Schwester und Brüder" ['Drum Schwester und Brüder singt fröhliche Lieder'] for voice (?), choir, violin, violoncello and other unknown instruments (1819, fragment; only violin and violoncello parts are extant)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,26</b>, Trio or Quartet "Sturmbeschwörung" ['Nirgends Rettung, nirgends Land'] for two sopranos and alto (?) or two sopranos and two altos (?) (date unknown, fragment; only one soprano part is extant)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,28</b>, Song "Klage (Nimmer länger trag ich)" ['Nimmer länger trag ich dieser Leiden Last'] for voice and piano, <i>Nimmer länger trag ich</i> [formerly D 512] (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1817, presumably not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,29</b>, Song " Kaiser Ferdinand II." ['Was reget die Stadt sich in freudiger Hast?'] for voice and piano (1809?, doubtful)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Trio "Scherz-Terzett" ['Mala musica, bona musica?'] for three altos (1812, doubtful)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song "Die Nacht" ['Die Nacht bricht an, mit leisen Lüften sinket'] for voice and guitar (?) (after 1816?, doubtful; accompaniment part by Franz Xaver Baron von Schlechta; voice part by Schubert?)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song (?) "Seliges Genügen" ['?'] for unspecified voice(s)/instrument(s) (date unknown, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Composition_exercises">Composition exercises</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=52" title="Edit section: Composition exercises"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 16</b>, Counterpoint exercises for unspecified instruments/voices (1823?, seven exercises in double counterpoint; piano sketches)</li> <li><b>D 17</b>, Composition exercises on "Quell' innocente figlio" ['Quell' innocente figlio'] for various vocal ensembles, <i>Arie dell' Angelo</i> (1812?, also appears as "Aria dell' Angelo"; 9 settings; No. 1 Solo for soprano; No. 2 Duo for two sopranos; No. 3 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 4 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 5 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 6 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 7 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 8 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 9 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass)</li> <li><b>D 25</b>, Counterpoint and imitation exercises for unspecified instruments/voices (1812; four 2-part and three 3-part counterpoint exercises, in addition to four 2-part imitation exercises)</li> <li><b>D 25A</b>, Counterpoint exercises for unspecified instruments/voices (1812?, two 4-part counterpoint exercises)</li> <li><b>D 25B</b>, Counterpoint exercises for unspecified instruments/voices (1812?, fifteen 3-part counterpoint exercises)</li> <li><b>D 25C</b>, Fugue in F major for two voices (1812?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D 33</b>, Composition exercises on "Entra l'uomo allor che nasce" ['Entra l'uomo allor che nasce'] for various vocal ensembles, <i>Aria di Abramo</i> (1812, also appears as "Aria di Abramo"; 6 settings; No. 1 for soprano; No. 2 Duo for soprano and alto; No. 3 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 4 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 5 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 6 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass)</li> <li><b>D 34</b>, Composition exercises on "Te solo adoro" ['Te solo adoro'] for soprano, alto, tenor and bass (1812, 2 settings; 2nd setting is a fragment)</li> <li><b>D 35</b>, Composition exercises on "Serbate, o Dei custodi" ['Serbate, o Dei custodi'] for various vocal ensembles (1812, 3 settings; No. 1 Quartet for soprano, alto tenor and bass; No. 2 Choir for mixed voices; No. 3 Solo for tenor)</li> <li><b>D 37A</b>, Four fugal sketches for unspecified instruments "Vier Fugentwürfe" [formerly D 967] (1813?, piano sketches; the Deutsch catalogue and the NSA incorrectly identify this as a work for piano)</li> <li><b>D 619</b>, Vocal exercises for two voices and figured bass "Singübungen" (1818, figured bass usually realized for piano)</li> <li><b>D 965B</b>, Fugal exercises for unspecified instruments/voices "Fugenübungen" (1828; eighteen fugal expositions for two voices)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,32</b>, Composition exercises "Generalbaßübungen" for unspecified instruments/voices [formerly D 598A] (date unknown)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Canon ["?"] ['?'] in C major for five voices (1826?)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Imitation exercises in invertible counterpoint for unspecified instruments/voices (1828, sketches; three 2-part imitation exercises)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works,_fragments_and_sketches_of_unknown_genre"><span id="Works.2C_fragments_and_sketches_of_unknown_genre"></span>Works, fragments and sketches of unknown genre</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=53" title="Edit section: Works, fragments and sketches of unknown genre"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D 988A</b>, Accompaniment part in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (after 1820, fragment; for a multi-part vocal composition?)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Sketch of a composition "?" ['?'] for unspecified voices and orchestra (1811?, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Aria "?" ['?'] for bass and piano (?) (1812, sketch; also appears as "Allegretto in D major")</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Theme of a dance composition (?) for piano (?) (1812?, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fragment of a composition for violin (?) (1813, sketch; fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fragment of an instrumental composition for violin, viola and guitar (?) (1813?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Sketch of a composition for unspecified instrument(s) (1813, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Piano piece (?) in F major (1813, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Vocal composition "?" ['?'] for mixed choir (?) (1818?, fragment without text)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Sketch of a theme for unspecified instruments/voices "Themenentwurf" (1818, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Sketch of a theme in A minor for unspecified instruments/voices "Themenentwurf" (1818, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Vocal composition "?" ['?'] for unspecified voices (1821?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Accompaniment for a vocal composition "?" ['?'] (1821?, fragment)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Sketch of a composition for orchestra (?) (1823, piano sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fragment of a composition for unspecified instruments (1823, sketch)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Fragment of a cantata (?) "?" ['?'] for unspecified soloists, choir and orchestra (date unknown, fragment without text)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song (?) "...doch stärker ist die Mutterliebe" ['?'] for voice (?) and orchestra (date unknown, fragment; lost)</li> <li><b>D deest</b>, Song (?) or piano piece (?) "Lieder für das Pianoforte" ['?'] for voice (?) and/or piano (?) (date unknown, lost)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading3"><h3 id="Works_in_the_catalogue_by_other_composers">Works in the catalogue by other composers</h3><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=54" title="Edit section: Works in the catalogue by other composers"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><b>D Anh. I,4</b>, String Quartet in G major [formerly D 2] (fragment of one movement is extant; composition by Albert Stadler)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,5</b>, String Quartet in E<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major (date unknown, sketch of the first movement is extant; composition by <a href="/wiki/Anselm_H%C3%BCttenbrenner" title="Anselm Hüttenbrenner">Anselm Hüttenbrenner</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,6</b>, Duet in D major for two violins (1816, not by Schubert)</li> <li><b><a href="/wiki/D._Anh._I/6A" class="mw-redirect" title="D. Anh. I/6A">D Anh. I,6A</a></b>, Symphony in E major, <i>Symphony 1825</i> (date unknown, not by Schubert; composition by Gunter Elsholz)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,11</b>, Allegro in G major and Minuet in C major for piano (date unknown, also appears as "Sonatina"; not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,16</b>, Dance "Écossaise de Vienne" in A<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major for piano (1821?, composition by <a href="/wiki/Anselm_H%C3%BCttenbrenner" title="Anselm Hüttenbrenner">Anselm Hüttenbrenner</a>?)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,27</b>, Song "Drei Chöre mit Bläsern" ['Lieblich ist, wenn sanftes Grau; Leb wohl, geliebte Freundin; O Zeit, wie manchen herben Schmerz'] for male choir, two horns and two bassoons (date unknown, fragment; not by Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,30</b>, Song "Mein Frieden" ['Ferne, ferne flammen helle Sterne'] for voice and piano (pub. 1823, composition by Franz Anton Schubert)</li> <li><b>D Anh. I,31</b>, Song "Adieu! (Lebe wohl!)" ['Voici l'instant suprême; Schon naht, um uns zu scheiden'] for voice and piano (pub. 1824, composition by August Heinrich von Weyrauch)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,1</b>, Nine Canons "Neun Kanons" ['Es packe dich das Glück beim Kragen; Vom Glück sei alles dir beschert; Glück fehl dir vor allem; Wohlsein und Freude; Drum habe Dank, o Vater Hayden; Adam hat siebn Söhn; Cato, Plato, Cicero; Was i beim Tag mit der Leiern gwinn; Alleluia'] for four or more voices (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1810 copy; compositions by <a href="/wiki/Michael_Haydn" title="Michael Haydn">Michael Haydn</a>, <a href="/wiki/Joseph_Haydn" title="Joseph Haydn">Joseph Haydn</a>, Josef Otter, <a href="/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart" title="Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart">Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</a> and anonymous composers)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,2</b>, Song "Die Teilung der Erde" ['Nehmt hin die Welt! rief Zeus aus seinen Höhen'] for voice and piano (<abbr title="circa">c.</abbr> 1810 copy; composition by Franz de Paula Roser)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,3</b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._41_(Mozart)" title="Symphony No. 41 (Mozart)">Symphony in C major, KV 551</a> (1813 copy; composition by <a href="/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart" title="Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart">Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,4</b>, Canon "Kanon (Hoffnung Kind des Himmels)" ['Hoffnung Kind des Himmels'] from the Singspiel "Elbondocani" for two sopranos, tenor, bass and piano (1813? copy; composition by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Rudolf_Zumsteeg" title="Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg">Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,5</b>, Trio "Chor der Derwische" ['Ein Gott, ein wahrer Gott ist nur'] for two tenors and bass (1813? copy; composition by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Rudolf_Zumsteeg" title="Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg">Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,6</b>, Offertory "Clamavi ad te" in C major, Op. 16 [formerly D 85] for unspecified voices/instruments (1813 copy of the solo soprano voice is extant; composition by Josef Preindl)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,7</b>, Scene "Monolog aus Goethes <i>Iphigenie</i>" ['Heraus in eure Schatten'] for voice, women's choir and piano ['Heraus in eure Schatten'] (1815 copy; composition by <a href="/wiki/Johann_Friedrich_Reichardt" title="Johann Friedrich Reichardt">Johann Friedrich Reichardt</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,8</b>, <a href="/wiki/Symphony_No._4_(Beethoven)" title="Symphony No. 4 (Beethoven)">Symphony No. 4 in B<span class="music-symbol" style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode;"><span class="music-flat">♭</span></span> major, Op. 60</a> (8-bar copy after 1820; composition by <a href="/wiki/Ludwig_van_Beethoven" title="Ludwig van Beethoven">Ludwig van Beethoven</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,9</b>, Song "<a href="/wiki/Deutsches_Hochamt_(Michael_Haydn)" class="mw-redirect" title="Deutsches Hochamt (Michael Haydn)">Deutsches Hochamt</a> (Hier liegt vor deiner Majestät)" ['?'] for voice and organ (copy of the organ part lost; composition by <a href="/wiki/Michael_Haydn" title="Michael Haydn">Michael Haydn</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,10</b>, Mass in C major (1820 copy; composition by Josef Preindl)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,11</b>, Canon "Laß immer in der Jugend Glanz" ['Laß immer in der Jugend Glanz'], KV 484d, for two voices [formerly D 92] (copy lost; composition by <a href="/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart" title="Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart">Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,12</b>, Canon "Selig alle, die im Herrn entschliefen" ['Selig alle, die im Herrn entschliefen'], KV 382b, for two voices [formerly D 127] (copy lost; composition by <a href="/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart" title="Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart">Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</a>)</li> <li><b>D Anh. III,13</b>, Song "Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel" ['Wenn die Sonne niedersinket'], WoO 150, for voice and piano (1820 copy; composition by <a href="/wiki/Ludwig_van_Beethoven" title="Ludwig van Beethoven">Ludwig van Beethoven</a>)</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="References">References</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=55" title="Edit section: References"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <div class="mw-references-wrap"><ol class="references"> <li id="cite_note-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><b><a href="#cite_ref-1">^</a></b></span> <span class="reference-text"><a href="/wiki/Deutsch_catalogue" class="mw-redirect" title="Deutsch catalogue">Deutsch catalogue</a> (1978), p. 11</span> </li> </ol></div> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="Sources">Sources</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=56" title="Edit section: Sources"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <ul><li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Composer: Franz Peter Schubert (1797–1828)</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Archived</a> 2016-07-09 at <a href="/wiki/" title=""></a> at <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">The LiederNet Archive</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Franz_Schubert%27s_Works" title="Franz Schubert's Works">Franz Schubert's Works</a> (various editors and editions)</li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Schubert-online (manuscripts, first and early editions)</a> by <a href="/wiki/Austrian_Academy_of_Sciences" title="Austrian Academy of Sciences">Austrian Academy of Sciences</a> (ÖAW)</li> <li><i><a href="/wiki/Schubert_Thematic_Catalogue" title="Schubert Thematic Catalogue">Schubert Thematic Catalogue</a></i> (various editions), including: <ul><li><span class="languageicon">(in German)</span> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""><i>Franz Schubert, Thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge</i></a> on-line copy of the 1978 version of the <a href="/wiki/Deutsch_catalogue" class="mw-redirect" title="Deutsch catalogue">Deutsch catalogue</a> at <a href="/wiki/" class="mw-redirect" title=""></a></li></ul></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Neue_Schubert-Ausgabe" class="mw-redirect" title="Neue Schubert-Ausgabe">Neue Schubert-Ausgabe</a> (various editors and publication dates): <ul><li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Franz Schubert (1797–1828): New Edition of the Complete Works</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">www<wbr />.baerenreiter<wbr />.com</a></span></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">The New Schubert Edition</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">schubert-ausgabe<wbr />.de</a></span></li></ul></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Eva_Badura-Skoda" title="Eva Badura-Skoda">Eva Badura-Skoda</a> and <a href="/wiki/Peter_Branscombe" title="Peter Branscombe">Peter Branscombe</a>. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""><i>Schubert Studies: Problems of Style and Chronology</i>.</a> Cambridge University Press, 1982. Reprint 2008. <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1238218222">.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output a,.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,body:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-minerva) .mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background-size:contain;padding:0 1em 0 0}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:var(--color-error,#d33)}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:var(--color-error,#d33)}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#085;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}@media screen{.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%} .mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{color:#18911f}}@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){ .mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{color:#18911f}}</style><a href="/wiki/ISBN_(identifier)" class="mw-redirect" title="ISBN (identifier)">ISBN</a> <a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/0521088720" title="Special:BookSources/0521088720">0521088720</a>, <a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/9780521088725" title="Special:BookSources/9780521088725">9780521088725</a>, <a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/9780521226066" title="Special:BookSources/9780521226066">9780521226066</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Brian_Newbould" title="Brian Newbould">Brian Newbould</a>. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""><i>Schubert: The Music and the Man</i>.</a> University of California Press, 1999. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1238218222" /><a href="/wiki/ISBN_(identifier)" class="mw-redirect" title="ISBN (identifier)">ISBN</a> <a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/0520219570" title="Special:BookSources/0520219570">0520219570</a>, <a href="/wiki/Special:BookSources/9780520219571" title="Special:BookSources/9780520219571">9780520219571</a></li> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Reinhard_Van_Hoorickx&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Reinhard Van Hoorickx (page does not exist)">Reinhard Van Hoorickx</a><span class="noprint" style="font-size:85%; font-style: normal;"> [<a href="" class="extiw" title="de:Reinhard van Hoorickx">de</a>]</span>. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">"Franz Schubert (1797–1828) List of the Dances in Chronological Order"</a> in <i>Revue belge de Musicologie</i>/<i>Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap</i>, Vol. 25, No. 1/4, pp. 68–97, 1971</li> <li>Reinhard Van Hoorickx. <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">"Thematic Catalogue of Schubert's Works: New Additions, Corrections and Notes"</a> in <i>Revue belge de Musicologie</i>/<i>Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap</i>, Vol. 28/30, pp. 136–171, 1974–1976.</li></ul> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="External_links">External links</h2><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=List_of_compositions_by_Franz_Schubert_by_genre&action=edit&section=57" title="Edit section: External links"><span>edit</span></a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></div> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1235681985">.mw-parser-output .side-box{margin:4px 0;box-sizing:border-box;border:1px solid #aaa;font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em;background-color:var(--background-color-interactive-subtle,#f8f9fa);display:flow-root}.mw-parser-output .side-box-abovebelow,.mw-parser-output .side-box-text{padding:0.25em 0.9em}.mw-parser-output .side-box-image{padding:2px 0 2px 0.9em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .side-box-imageright{padding:2px 0.9em 2px 0;text-align:center}@media(min-width:500px){.mw-parser-output .side-box-flex{display:flex;align-items:center}.mw-parser-output .side-box-text{flex:1;min-width:0}}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .side-box{width:238px}.mw-parser-output .side-box-right{clear:right;float:right;margin-left:1em}.mw-parser-output .side-box-left{margin-right:1em}}</style><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1237033735">@media print{body.ns-0 .mw-parser-output .sistersitebox{display:none!important}}@media screen{ .mw-parser-output .sistersitebox img[src*="Wiktionary-logo-en-v2.svg"]{background-color:white}}@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){ .mw-parser-output .sistersitebox img[src*="Wiktionary-logo-en-v2.svg"]{background-color:white}}</style><div class="side-box side-box-right plainlinks sistersitebox"><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1126788409">.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul{line-height:inherit;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol li,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul li{margin-bottom:0}</style> <div class="side-box-flex"> <div class="side-box-image"><span class="noviewer" typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Commons-logo.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="30" height="40" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1024" data-file-height="1376" /></a></span></div> <div class="side-box-text plainlist">Wikimedia Commons has media related to <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"><a href="" class="extiw" title="commons:Category:Compositions by Franz Schubert">Compositions by Franz Schubert</a></span>.</div></div> </div> <ul><li><span class="languageicon">(in German)</span> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Franz Schubert (1797–1828): Werke sortiert nach Musikgattung</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">www<wbr />.klassika<wbr />.info</a></span></li> <li><span class="languageicon">(in French)</span> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Franz Schubert: Catalogue des oeuvres</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">musiqueorguequebec<wbr />.ca</a></span></li> <li><span class="languageicon">(in Italian)</span> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Franz Schubert: Catalogo delle composizioni, suddiviso per generi musicali</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">flaminioonline<wbr />.it</a></span></li> <li><a href=",_Franz" class="extiw" title="scores:Category:Schubert, Franz">Scores by Franz Schubert</a> at the <a href="/wiki/International_Music_Score_Library_Project" title="International Music Score Library Project">International Music Score Library Project</a> (IMSLP)</li> <li><a href="" class="extiw" title="choralwiki:Franz Schubert">Scores by Franz Schubert</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Choral_Public_Domain_Library" title="Choral Public Domain Library">Choral Public Domain Library</a> (ChoralWiki)</li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Franz Peter Schubert (1797–1828); AUT: Works</a> at <span class="url"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">www<wbr />.classicalarchives<wbr />.com</a></span></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Liner notes (including lyrics) of <i>Schubert Edition</i></a> at <a href="/wiki/Brilliant_Classics" title="Brilliant Classics">Brilliant Classics</a> website</li></ul> <div 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