Chief Revenue Officer vs Chief Financial Officer (CRO vs CFO)
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But that’s just scratching the surface."> <meta name="twitter:url" content=""> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <meta name="twitter:label1" content="Written by"> <meta name="twitter:data1" content="Richard King"> <meta name="twitter:label2" content="Filed under"> <meta name="twitter:data2" content="CFO"> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="794"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Finance Alliance", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Richard King", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width": 512, "height": 512 }, "url": "", "sameAs": [ "" ] }, "headline": "Chief Revenue Officer vs Chief Financial Officer (CRO vs CFO)", "url": "", "datePublished": "2023-08-24T11:16:13.000Z", "dateModified": "2023-08-24T11:16:13.000Z", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width": 1200, "height": 794 }, "keywords": "CFO", "description": "The CFO oversees accounting, cash flow, and financial planning, while the CRO is laser-focused on driving sales and boosting revenue. 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16.551 58 16 58 z M 20 58 C 19.449 58 19 58.449 19 59 C 19 59.551 19.449 60 20 60 C 20.551 60 21 59.551 21 59 C 21 58.449 20.551 58 20 58 z M 24 58 C 23.449 58 23 58.449 23 59 C 23 59.551 23.449 60 24 60 C 24.551 60 25 59.551 25 59 C 25 58.449 24.551 58 24 58 z M 28 58 C 27.449 58 27 58.449 27 59 C 27 59.551 27.449 60 28 60 C 28.551 60 29 59.551 29 59 C 29 58.449 28.551 58 28 58 z M 52 58 C 51.449 58 51 58.449 51 59 C 51 59.551 51.449 60 52 60 C 52.551 60 53 59.551 53 59 C 53 58.449 52.551 58 52 58 z M 56 58 C 55.449 58 55 58.449 55 59 C 55 59.551 55.449 60 56 60 C 56.551 60 57 59.551 57 59 C 57 58.449 56.551 58 56 58 z M 60 58 C 59.449 58 59 58.449 59 59 C 59 59.551 59.449 60 60 60 C 60.551 60 61 59.551 61 59 C 61 58.449 60.551 58 60 58 z M 64 58 C 63.449 58 63 58.449 63 59 C 63 59.551 63.449 60 64 60 C 64.551 60 65 59.551 65 59 C 65 58.449 64.551 58 64 58 z M 68 58 C 67.449 58 67 58.449 67 59 C 67 59.551 67.449 60 68 60 C 68.551 60 69 59.551 69 59 C 69 58.449 68.551 58 68 58 z M 72 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class="post-full post tag-cfo "> <section class="post-full-content CFO"> <header class="post-full-header"> <div class="post-full-header-wrapper"> <section class="post-full-meta"> <time class="post-full-meta-date" datetime=" 2023-08-24">24 August 2023</time> <span class="reading-time">10 min read</span> </section> <h1 class="post-full-title">Chief Revenue Officer vs Chief Financial Officer</h1> <section class="post-full-meta"> <a href="/tag/cfo/">CFO</a> </section> <div class="post-author-with-linkedin-wrapper"> <div class="post-author-wrapper"> <section class="post-full-authors"> <section class="author-card"> <a href="/author/richard-king-2/"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w300/2023/05/Richard-King.png" alt="Richard King" /> <section class="author-card-content"> <h4 class="author-card-name">Richard King</h4> <div class="post-full-footer-right"> <div class="author-card-button">Read More</div> </div> </section> </a> </section> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="post-full-image" style="background-image: url(/content/images/2023/08/Chief-Revenue-Officer-vs-Chief-Financial-Officer-2.jpg);"> </div> </header> <div class="post-content"> <aside class="toc-container"> </aside> <!--kg-card-begin: html--><script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the key differences between a CFO and CRO?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The CFO oversees finances, while the CRO drives sales and revenue. The CFO focuses on profit optimization and risk management, while the CRO concentrates on growth strategies and maximizing revenue. CFOs have finance backgrounds, while CROs come from sales and marketing. Their expertise and responsibilities are complementary but distinct." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Are a CRO and CFO the same?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No, a CRO and CFO are not the same. The CRO drives sales and revenue while the CFO oversees finances and manages cash flow. They have complementary but very distinct roles." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is another title for Chief Revenue Officer?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Chief Sales Officer is another common title for a Chief Revenue Officer." } }] } </script><!--kg-card-end: html--><p>They're two of the most important C-suite positions in any company. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) work to keep the business financially stable and profitable. Though their titles sound similar, the CFO and CRO have very distinct responsibilities.</p><p>The CFO oversees accounting, cash flow, and financial planning, while the CRO is laser-focused on driving sales and boosting revenue. But that’s just scratching the surface. Dig a little deeper and you’ll uncover the key differences between these two chief roles - differences that highlight why the Chief Revenue Officer vs Chief Financial Officer dynamic is so crucial for companies (and their success).</p><p>So, what exactly are these key differences?</p><p>Read on as we discuss how both roles differ, their main responsibilities, and how they can work together to drive growth and profitability.</p><h1 id="chief-revenue-officer-vs-chief-financial-officer"><strong>Chief Revenue Officer vs Chief Financial Officer</strong></h1><h2 id="what-is-a-chief-financial-officer-cfo"><strong>What is a Chief Financial Officer (CFO)?</strong></h2><p>A <a href="">CFO</a>, or Chief Financial Officer, is the financial leader of a company and a key member of the C-Suite. They manage the company's finances, create budgets, oversee financial reporting, and make strategic decisions to ensure the organization's fiscal well-being. Essentially, they're in charge of the financial direction and health of the company.</p><h3 id="what-is-the-responsibility-of-a-cfo-in-a-company"><strong>What is the responsibility of a CFO in a company?</strong></h3><p>A CFO is responsible for:</p><ul><li>Overseeing all accounting and financial reporting</li><li>Managing cash flow and tracking expenses</li><li>Preparing budgets and financial forecasts</li><li>Assessing and mitigating financial risks</li><li>Securing financing and managing capital</li><li>Overseeing audit processes and tax compliance</li><li>Creating financial models and analyses</li><li>Providing strategic guidance on finances</li></ul><h3 id="who-is-higher-than-the-chief-financial-officer"><strong>Who is higher than the Chief Financial Officer?</strong></h3><p>The only role that outranks the Chief Financial Officer is the Chief Executive Officer. The CFO is as high up the corporate ladder as you can get, aside from being the top boss. So, the CFO holds major power and influence in any organization.</p><h3 id="what-position-is-right-below-a-cfo"><strong>What position is right below a CFO?</strong></h3><p>Right below the CFO you’ll usually find the VP of Finance, Head of Finance, or Corporate Controller. They usually oversee the day-to-day management of the finance team and records. The Controller handles more of the nuts and bolts while the visionary CFO keeps their eyes on the<a href=""> strategic financial big picture</a>.</p><h3 id="is-the-cfo-responsible-for-revenue"><strong>Is the CFO responsible for revenue?</strong></h3><p>While the CFO oversees the finances, they aren't directly responsible for bringing in revenue. That crucial job belongs to the Chief Revenue Officer. The CFO manages the money while the CRO's job is to maximize sales and income. So the CFO ensures profits are optimized while the CRO makes sure revenue is growing steadily.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">CFO interview questions and answers</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">In this guide, we’ll help you prepare so that when you walk into that interview room (virtual or in-person), you’ll be ready to show them exactly why you’re the best person for the job.</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Sabrinthia Donnelly</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt=""></div></a></figure><p></p><hr><h2 id="what-is-a-chief-revenue-officer-cro"><strong>What is a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)?</strong></h2><p>As we mentioned, the<a href=""> Chief Revenue Officer</a> (CRO) is a key executive who oversees and leads strategies related to generating revenue for a company. They typically manage sales, marketing, and customer-related functions to drive growth and maximize revenue streams. The CRO's role is to align these departments, identify new business opportunities, and create a cohesive approach to boost the company's overall revenue and profitability.</p><h3 id="cro-responsibilities"><strong>CRO responsibilities</strong></h3><p>The CRO is all about driving revenue and sales. Their primary focus is boosting top-line growth. Some core Chief Revenue Officer responsibilities include:</p><ul><li>Developing the company's go-to-market and sales strategies</li><li>Setting targets for revenue growth</li><li>Leading and managing the sales organization</li><li>Overseeing customer acquisition efforts</li><li>Identifying new revenue opportunities</li><li>Aligning sales initiatives across departments</li><li>Crafting incentive programs to motivate the sales team</li><li>Providing visibility into sales pipelines and forecasts</li></ul><h3 id="who-reports-to-a-chief-revenue-officer"><strong>Who reports to a Chief Revenue Officer?</strong></h3><p>The Chief Revenue Officer has a whole team of revenue roles reporting to them.</p><p>Typically, the sales department, including all the sales VPs, directors, and managers, reports directly to the CRO. This allows the CRO to drive strategy and sales execution across the entire sales org.</p><p>The CRO also often has marketing under their purview since marketing plays a key role in supporting sales pipelines and lead generation. Having both sales and marketing roll up provides alignment between those customer-facing teams.</p><p>In some cases, Customer Success may also report to the CRO. The CRO is responsible for the full revenue lifecycle, from bringing in new business to retaining and growing existing accounts.</p><p>Having all these critical revenue-focused teams under one leader allows the CRO to power a unified revenue-generation machine.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">CFO cybersecurity: What’s the CFO’s role in cybersecurity?</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">From crunching numbers to combating cyber threats, the role of the CFO has leaped into uncharted territory, making CFO cybersecurity one of the hottest topics in boardrooms across the globe.</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Richard King</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt=""></div></a></figure><p></p><hr><h2 id="common-ground-cfo-vs-cro"><strong>Common ground (CFO vs CRO)</strong></h2><p>While their roles may sound distinct, the CFO and CRO do <em>share</em> some essential territory.</p><p>Both are deeply committed to the company's bottom line. Their success is measured by the firm's financial well-being, be it through managing expenses, increasing profits, or scaling revenue streams.</p><p>Both roles also require a deep understanding of the business landscape, an ability to forecast trends, and a knack for strategy implementation.</p><p>Their mutual goal?</p><p>Ensuring the company thrives in both the short <em>and</em> long run.</p><p>While the CRO and CFO have their unique territories, they're two sides of the same coin. Both are indispensable in steering the company towards financial success and stability.</p><h2 id="is-cfo-higher-than-cro"><strong>Is CFO higher than CRO?</strong></h2><p>In the traditional corporate hierarchy, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is at the top, followed by other C-suite executives. Both the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) are part of this executive team, but their positions can vary in terms of reporting structure depending on the organization.</p><p>However, in some companies, the CFO is considered higher in the hierarchy than the CRO. But generally speaking, the CFO and CRO are peers - neither role outranks the other. They both sit at the highest level of the organization as C-suite executives.</p><p>The ideal relationship between the CFO and CRO is a partnership of equals. They collaborate closely together to drive profitable growth.</p><h2 id="key-differences-between-a-chief-revenue-officer-vs-cfo"><strong>Key differences between a Chief Revenue Officer vs CFO</strong></h2><p>While the CFO and CRO have complementary aims, there are key differences between the roles:</p><h3 id="background-and-evolution-of-the-roles">Background and evolution of the roles</h3><p>The CFO role has a long history, being formally established in the early 1900s. It rose to prominence as regulations increased after the Great Depression. The CRO role emerged more recently, gaining traction in the 1990s as global competition heated up. Companies needed to focus more intensely on sales growth.</p><h3 id="priorities">Priorities</h3><p>As outlined earlier, CFOs focus on the company’s profits, while CROs drive revenue. A CFO’s core aim is to maximize income, minimize costs, and ensure financial discipline across the organization.</p><p>CFOs keep a close eye on cash flow, balance sheet strength, liquidity, and return on investment. They provide financial guidance, modeling, and analysis to inform strategic decisions across the business.</p><p>On the other hand, CROs drive revenue by concentrating directly on sales growth and customer acquisition. Their priority is boosting the top line, whether through pricing, product development, marketing, sales operations, or market expansion.</p><p>CROs bring deep sales strategy expertise and lead the charge in profitably scaling revenue. They focus on managing the sales organization, improving sales productivity, and identifying new monetization opportunities.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">Top 10 must-have Chief Financial Officer skills</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">The modern CFO wears multiple hats and must master a variety of skills. But what skills does the CFO of the future need to stay on top? Here are the top 10 skill sets for CFOs of tomorrow.</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Sabrinthia Donnelly</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt=""></div></a></figure><p></p><hr><h3 id="cfo-vs-cro-skills">CFO vs CRO skills</h3><p>CFOs excel at numerical analysis, modeling, forecasting and risk assessment. CROs thrive at salesmanship, relationship building, persuasion and market strategy. They both bring very different, but important, capabilities to the table:</p><p><strong>CFO skills</strong></p><ul><li>Financial modeling and analysis</li><li>Data interpretation</li><li>Accounting expertise</li><li>Budgeting and forecasting</li><li>Risk assessment</li><li>Process optimization</li><li>Strategic financial planning</li><li>Audit oversight</li><li>Tax strategy</li><li>Capital allocation</li><li>Compliance management</li></ul><p><strong>CRO skills</strong></p><ul><li>Sales management</li><li>Marketing and messaging</li><li>Persuasion and influence</li><li>Customer insights</li><li>Pricing strategy</li><li>Sales operations</li><li>Sales training and coaching</li><li>Compensation design</li><li>Pipeline management</li><li>Channel optimization</li></ul><p>Find out more about key<a href=""> CRO skills</a> here.</p><h3 id="key-metrics">Key metrics</h3><p>CFOs focus on metrics related to money and overall profitability like <a href="">cash flow</a>, working capital, gross profit margin, current ratios and so on.</p><p>CROs drill down on metrics that impact revenue. These include sales growth, customer acquisition, churn rate and pipeline trends.</p><h2 id="what-is-the-relationship-between-cro-vs-cfo"><strong>What is the relationship between CRO vs CFO?</strong></h2><p>The relationship between the CFO and CRO is collaborative and interdependent. While their primary responsibilities may differ, their efforts often intersect, especially in areas where financial decisions and risk management align.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">Rolling forecast best practices | Finance Alliance</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">A rolling forecast formula is a straightforward concept. For every period that passes, a new one is added to the end of the forecast…</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Sabrinthia Donnelly</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt=""></div></a></figure><p></p><hr><h3 id="friction-points-between-cfos-and-cros">Friction points between CFOs and CROS</h3><p>Both roles aim for profitable growth, but there can be natural friction between the cautious, risk-averse CFO and opportunistic CRO.</p><p>CFOs must ensure financial discipline and often play "bad cop" by posing challenging questions about the sales team's assumptions and projections. CROs can get frustrated by conservative financial hurdles imposed by the CFO.</p><p>Close collaboration and mutual respect are vital. The CFO and CRO should function as partners, <em>not</em> adversaries. When aligned, they balance prudent financial management with an appetite for top-line growth.</p><p><strong>Some sources of tension between these roles include:</strong></p><ul><li>CROs pushing for expensive sales initiatives that the CFO deems too risky</li><li>CFOs rejecting lead generation campaigns based on low ROI projections</li><li>Disagreements over <a href="">sales forecasting</a> and pipeline assumptions</li><li>CROs incentivizing revenue growth in ways that sacrifice margins</li></ul><p><strong>Tips to resolve issues:</strong></p><ul><li>Establish joint KPIs to unite their focus</li><li>Improve forecasting by collaboratively questioning assumptions</li><li>Develop revenue goals that balance growth, profitability and risk</li><li>Maintain open communication and transparency between teams</li></ul><h3 id="can-a-cfo-also-be-a-cro">Can a CFO also be a CRO?</h3><p>In small companies, it’s possible for the CFO to also handle CRO duties, at least temporarily. But in larger firms, the extensive responsibilities of both roles make this difficult to sustain.</p><p>The CFO risks getting spread too thin and being ineffective in one or both roles. Specialized CRO expertise in sales strategy and execution often becomes essential as companies scale.</p><h2 id="does-a-company-need-both-a-cfo-and-cro"><strong>Does a company need both a CFO and CRO?</strong></h2><p>Most large companies have both roles, while small firms might only initially need a CFO.</p><p>Here are signs it may be time to add a dedicated CRO:</p><ul><li>Revenue growth is stagnating</li><li>Profit margins are shrinking</li><li>The sales team lacks cohesion and strategy</li><li>There are gaps in sales training and effectiveness</li><li>Sales forecasting is unreliable</li><li>Marketing and sales lack alignment</li></ul><p>The CFO vs CRO dilemma comes down to money versus sales. The CFO manages cash flow while the CRO boosts the top line. Both contribute immense strategic value, making these two roles indispensably important in any growth-oriented company.</p><hr><h3 id="faqs-cfo-vs-cro">FAQs: CFO vs CRO</h3><!--kg-card-begin: markdown--><details> <summary>What is the meaning of CRO?</summary> <p>CRO is an abbreviation that most commonly stands for Chief Revenue Officer. The Chief Revenue Officer is an executive role focused on driving sales growth and boosting revenue for a company. However, CRO can occasionally also stand for Chief Risk Officer. The Chief Risk Officer oversees risk management strategy and policies for an organization. They identify and mitigate key business risks.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What is another name for a Chief Revenue Officer?</summary> <p>Another common name for a Chief Revenue Officer is Chief Sales Officer.</p> </details> <details> <summary>Who is responsible for revenue in a company?</summary> <p>The Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) is responsible for revenue in a company. The CRO leads sales and revenue growth strategies.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What is a CFO responsible for?</summary> <p>A CFO is responsible for overseeing accounting, cash flow, budgeting, financial reporting and planning, financial analysis, and risk management. The CFO manages the financial operations.</p> </details> <details> <summary>What's the best CFO-CRO reporting structure?</summary> <p>Most companies have the CFO and CRO report directly to the CEO. This enables direct communication at the executive level. But some organizations have the CFO report to the CEO and the CRO report to the CFO. There are pros and cons to each structure.</p> </details> <details> <summary>Can the CFO and CRO ever be the same person?</summary> <p>Yes, but it's extremely rare for one executive to effectively handle both the CFO and CRO role. The breadth of responsibilities usually demands two specialized leaders.</p> </details><!--kg-card-end: markdown--><hr><h3 id="download-our-ai-in-finance-ebook">Download our AI in Finance eBook</h3><p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the finance industry and empowering finance teams to make smarter, data-driven decisions like never before.</p><p>But how can you incorporate AI into <em>your</em> financial workflow?</p><p>Download our <strong><strong><a href="">AI in Finance</a></strong></strong> eBook, your trusted guide to merging AI’s vast potential with everyday finance operations such as forecasting, budgeting, analysis, and more.👇</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><a href=""> <img src=""> </a><!--kg-card-end: html--> </div> <aside class="post-upgrade-cta hidden-upgrade"> <div class="post-upgrade-cta-content"> <img src="/content/images/2024/07/android-chrome-192x192.png" alt="Finance Alliance icon" class="site-logo" /> <h2>Like what you see? 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