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5)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[2nd daughter] Air quality implementing national laws, regulations and administrative provisions under 2nd daughter directive (Dir.2000/69/EC, Art.10)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="3rd daughter directive relating to ozone in ambient air"> <option class="terminated" value="">[3rd daughter] Annual ozone exceedances reporting for 3rd daughter directive</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[3rd daughter] Monthly ozone exceedances</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[3rd daughter] Near real-time ozone data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[3rd daughter] Summer ozone exceedances</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[3rd daughter] Triennial air quality reviews, action plans and measures under 3rd daughter directive</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="4th daughter directive relating to As, Cd, HG, Ni and PAHs in ambient air"> <option class="terminated" value="">[4th daughter] 4th air quality daughter directive (Art.5) assessment annual reporting exceedances</option> <option value="">[4th daughter] Preliminary assessment and implementation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions for 4th daughter directive (Art.10)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="83/513/EEC Cadmium Daughter Directive to DSD (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[83/513/EEC Cadmium] Report obligation for Council Directive 83/513/EEC</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="84/156/EEC Mercury Daughter Directive to DSD (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[84/156/EEC Mercury] Reporting obligation for Council Directive 84/156/EEC</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="ACCOBAMS"> <option value="">[ACCOBAMS] Triennial National Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="AEWA"> <option value="">[AEWA] Triennial National Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="AMAP"> <option value="">[AMAP] Arctic Monitoring Programme</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="ASCOBANS"> <option value="">[ASCOBANS] National Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Adapted Governance Regulation for the Energy Community"> <option value="">[Adapted Governance] Greenhouse gas emissions inventories</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Air Quality Directive IPR"> <option value="">[Air Quality] (B) Information on zones and agglomerations (Article 6)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (B) Preliminary information on zones and agglomerations (Article 6)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (C) Information on the assessment regime (Article 7)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (C) Preliminary information on the assessment regime (Article 7)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (D) Information on the assessment methods (Articles 8 and 9) - for fixed and indicative measurements</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (D1b) Information on the assessment methods (Articles 8 and 9) - for models and objective estimation</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (E1a) Information on primary validated assessment data - measurements (Article 10)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (E1b) Information on primary validated assessment data -modelled (Article 10)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (E2a) Information on primary up-to-date assessment data -measurements (Article 10)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Air Quality] (F1a) Information on generated aggregated data - primary validated measurements (Article 11)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Air Quality] (F1b) Information on generated aggregated data - primary validated modelled (Article 11)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Air Quality] (F2) Information on generated aggregated data - primary up-to-date measurements (Article 11)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (G) Information on the attainment of environmental objectives (Article 12)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (H) Information on air quality plans (Article 13)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (I) Information on source apportionment (Article 13)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (J) Information on the scenario for the attainment year (Article 13)</option> <option value="">[Air Quality] (K) Information on measures (Articles 13 and 14)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Air quality framework directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Air quality] Plans and programmes for the abatement of air pollution</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Alpine Convention"> <option value="">[Alpine Convention] Report on Implementation Measures</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Arrangements for annual submission of plans or programmes on ambient air quality limit values for SO2, NO2, NOx, PM10 and Pb, and benzene and CO (Comm. Dec. 2004/224/EC)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Arrangements for] Annual reporting on ambient air quality limit values plans or programmes for SO2, NO2, NOx, PM10 and Pb, and benzene and CO and ozone</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Barcelona Convention"> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] Biennial general report, and report on the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the Dumping Protocol: Report on the disposal of wastes or other matter in terms of Articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9.</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the Hazardous Wastes Protocol</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the Land-based Sources Protocol</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the Offshore Protocol</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol.</option> <option value="">[Barcelona Convention] National Report on the technical implementation of the SPA &amp; Biodiversity Protocol</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Basel Convention"> <option value="">[Basel Convention] Yearly report to the Basel Convention</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Bathing Water Directive (2006)"> <option value="">[Bathing Water] Bathing Water Directive - Identification of Bathing Waters</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Bathing Water] Bathing Water Directive - Identification of Bathing Waters (until 2019)</option> <option value="">[Bathing Water] Bathing Water Directive - Monitoring and Classification of Bathing Waters</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Bathing Water] Bathing Water Directive - Monitoring and Classification of Bathing Waters (until 2019)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Bathing Water Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Bathing Water] Bathing Water Directive - Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Batteries directive (new)"> <option value="">[Batteries directive] Batteries collection targets compliance report</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Batteries directive] Batteries Directive implementation report</option> <option value="">[Batteries directive] Batteries recycling targets compliance report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Bern Convention"> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Biennial National Report</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Emerald Network</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] General Report</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on habitats and species in need of conservation measures and the development of recovery plans</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on measures taken to improve conservation outside protected areas proper</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on negative and substantial changes to the ecological character of designated Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs)</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on reintroduction projects for the European mink (Mustela lutreola)</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on species receiving protection in territory</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on steps taken to facilitate the monitoring of the application of the Bern Convention and legislative national measures</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on the outcome of measures adopted for the eradication of non-native species</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Information on the progress of conservation or recovery plans for Appendix I species, and of other similar plans for other plant species</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012)</option> <option value="">[Bern Convention] Standard Data Form</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Biocidal products Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Biocidal products] Biocidal products monitoring report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Biodiversity 2006 Communication and Action Plan"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Biodiversity 2006] Information on EU Biodiversity Action Plan</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Biofuels Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Biofuels Directive] National reports on the implementation of Directive 2003/30/EC</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Birds Directive 2009/147/EC"> <option value="">[Birds Directive] Information on Natura 2000 sites (SPAs, Birds Directive)</option> <option value="">[Birds Directive] National Report on Derogations under the Birds Directive</option> <option value="">[Birds Directive] Report on progress and implementation (Article 12, Birds Directive)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Bonn Convention / CMS"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Bonn Convention] Information on exceptions to the taking of Appendix I species (endangered migratory species)</option> <option value="">[Bonn Convention] National Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CBD"> <option value="">[CBD] National report on the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CITES"> <option value="">[CITES] Annual Trade Report</option> <option value="">[CITES] Biennial Report (Implementation Report)</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on convicted illegal traders and persistent offenders</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on procedures, actions and time-frames needed to establish adequate measures to enforce the Convention</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on significant cases of illegal trade</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on the export of vicuna cloth</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on the number of certificates of ownership issued for live animals</option> <option value="">[CITES] Information on the number of live specimens per shipment and of mortality in transport</option> <option value="">[CITES] Notification of amounts of confiscated ivory</option> <option value="">[CITES] Report on the conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceros</option> <option value="">[CITES] Report on the implementation of the International Plan of Action on the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-Sharks)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CLRTAP"> <option value="">[CLRTAP] Air quality annual data reporting (EMEP/CCC)</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] Information on strategies and policies for the abatement of air pollution</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - Adjustment</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - Gridded emissions data</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - Informative Inventory Report</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - Large point source (LPS)</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - National emission inventories</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] LRTAP Convention - Projected emissions</option> <option value="">[CLRTAP] Report on Critical Thresholds and Target Loads for Air Pollutant Impacts on Ecosystems (ICP M&amp;M)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CO2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles"> <option value="">[CO2 emissions] Monitoring and reporting of average CO2 emissions (light commercial vehicles)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="CO2 emissions from passenger cars"> <option value="">[CO2 emissions] CO2 emissions from new passenger cars</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Cartagena Protocol"> <option value="">[Cartagena Protocol] National report on the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Convention on Wetlands"> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on changes to ecological character</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on changes to ecological character caused by dams</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on invasive alien species</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on mangrove ecosystems</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on progress to restore wetland sites</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on sites in the Montreux Record</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on temporary pools</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on the application of participatory environmental management (PEM)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on the conservation status of coastal wetlands</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on the impact of dams on wetlands</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information on the impacts of drought and other natural disasters on the ecological character of sites</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Convention on] Information on the impacts of drought and other natural disasters on the ecological character of sites and on the livelihoods of local communities</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands (RIS)</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Montreux Record Questionnaire</option> <option value="">[Convention on] Ramsar National Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Danube River Protection Convention (DRPC)"> <option value="">[Danube River] Emission inventory / reduction pollution</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Decision on emissions of CO2 from new passenger cars"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Decision on] Monitoring report on CO2 emissions of new passenger cars</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Directive 98/81/EC on GMOs"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Directive 98/81/EC] Summary report on class 3 and class 4 contained uses</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Directive 98/81/EC] Summary report on experience with Directive 90/219/EEC</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Directive on VOC emissions resulting from storage and distribution of petrol"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Directive on] Report on the control of VOC emissions</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Drinking Water Abstraction Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Drinking Water] Drinking Water Abstraction Directive report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Drinking Water Directive (1998)"> <option value="">[Drinking Water] Drinking Water Directive - Report on Quality of Water for Human Consumption</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Drinking Water Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Drinking Water] Drinking Water Directive - Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="E-PRTR regulation"> <option class="terminated" value="">[E-PRTR regulation] Data for review of Independently Operated Waste Water Treatment Plants (IOWWTPs)</option> <option value="">[E-PRTR regulation] E-PRTR and LCP integrated data reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[E-PRTR regulation] E-PRTR data reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[E-PRTR regulation] E-PRTR report on practice and measures</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EEA Agreement"> <option value="">[EEA Agreement] Cooperation in the field of statistics</option> <option value="">[EEA Agreement] Exchange of information and notification procedures</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EEA-Eionet"> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] CLRTAP (AE-1)</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] Corine Land Cover</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Corine Land Cover 2000 extension (TE-1)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Corine Land Cover 2000 project progress</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Country fact sheets on waste policies</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] Designation types of designated areas</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] ENI-SEIS II South indicators</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] ENPI-SEIS East indicators</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] EoI Data (AQ-1)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] European Red list of Birds</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Greenhouse Gas Data (AE-2b)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Groundwater quality (EWN-3)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Lake quality (EWN-2)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Land parcel size data</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] Nationally designated areas (NatDA)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] NEC Directive (AE-1b)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Ozone (AQ-2)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Ozone - monthly episodes (AQ-2b)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] River quality (EWN-1)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] SoER Part C Commonality Air Pollution: What are the state (S) and impacts (I) related to this theme, including impacts on the natural environment and human health/human well-being, both at national level as well as in transboundary terms?</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] SoER Part C Commonality Air Pollution: why do we care about this theme?</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Soil Contamination (TE-2)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Soil contamination from heavy metals in agricultural areas</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Soil sealing</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] Test Reporting for Pollutant Emissions to Water</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] UNFCCC (AE-2)</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5) - 2016 Data Model - Obsolete</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE SoE - Biology data (WISE-2)</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE SoE - Emissions (WISE-1)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE SoE - Water Quality (WISE-4)</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE SoE - Water quality (WISE-6)</option> <option value="">[EEA-Eionet] WISE SoE - Water Quantity (WISE-3)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="ELV Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[ELV Directive] ELV Directive implementation report</option> <option value="">[ELV Directive] ELV reuse/recycling/recovery targets compliance report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EPER decision"> <option class="terminated" value="">[EPER decision] EPER data reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EPER decision] EPER national overview report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EU Statistical Work Programme"> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Inland waters</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EU Statistical Work Programme (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Environmental protection expenditure and revenues</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Forests data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Inland waters (even years)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Inland waters (odd years)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Land data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Noise data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Waste data (even years)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Waste data (odd years)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[EU Statistical] Wildlife data</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EU Wildlife Trade Regulation"> <option value="">[EU Wildlife] Annual Report</option> <option value="">[EU Wildlife] Biennial Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="EUROBATS"> <option value="">[EUROBATS] National Report</option> <option value="">[EUROBATS] Report preceding Advisory Committee Meeting</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Emissions Trading Directive"> <option value="">[Emissions Trading] Application of the Emissions Trading Directive 2003/87/EC (Article 21)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Energy Community Treaty"> <option value="">[Energy Community] Energy community - Reporting on Combustion Plants</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Environment for Europe"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environment for] Soil Questionnaire</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environment for] Waste Questionnaire</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environment for] Water Questionnaire</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Environmental Quality Standards Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental Quality] Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Environmental noise directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental noise] Action plan summaries 1 (DF 7)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Action plan summaries and protection of quiet areas (DF 7 and DF 10)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Competent bodies (DF 2)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental noise] Definition of reporting structure (DF 0)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Limit values in force report (DF 3)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Noise control programmes (DF 6 and DF 9)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental noise] Noise control programmes 1 (DF 6)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Report on all major roads, railways, airports and agglomerations (DF1 and DF5)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental noise] Report on major roads, railways, airports and agglomerations (DF1)</option> <option value="">[Environmental noise] Strategic noise maps (DF 4 and DF 8)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Environmental noise] Strategic noise maps report 1 (DF4)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Exchange of information Decision on fresh water (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Exchange of] Water sampling methods and results of measurements</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Exchange on Information decision (EoI) on Air"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Exchange on] EoI Data on air quality measurements at monitoring stations</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Floods Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps - 2014</option> <option value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps - 2020</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Flood Risk Management Plans - 2016</option> <option value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Flood Risk Management Plans - 2022</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk - 2012</option> <option value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk - 2019</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Units of Management and Competent Authorities - 2010</option> <option value="">[Floods Directive] Floods Directive - Units of Management and Competent Authorities - 2019</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Fuel Quality Directive"> <option value="">[Fuel Quality] Fuel Quality Directive Article 7a</option> <option value="">[Fuel Quality] Fuel Quality Directive Article 8</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="GMO Directive"> <option value="">[GMO Directive] Notification of the results of a deliberate release of GMOs for any other purpose than for placing on the market</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism Decision (MMD)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Greenhouse gas inventories (MMD)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Projections and national programmes</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Approximated greenhouse gas inventories</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Biennial reports and national communications</option> <option value="">[Greenhouse gas] Concluded transfers under the Effort Sharing Decision</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Financial and technology support provided to developing countries</option> <option value="">[Greenhouse gas] Greenhouse gas inventories</option> <option value="">[Greenhouse gas] Kyoto true-up period reports</option> <option value="">[Greenhouse gas] Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Low-carbon development strategies</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] National adaptation actions</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] National policies and measures (climate change mitigation)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Projections (greenhouse gas emissions and removals)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] Use of auctioning revenue and project credits</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism, Council Decision 1999/296/EC"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] GHG emissions and projections (MM Decision 1999)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Greenhouse gas] National programmes</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="HDV Monitoring and Reporting Regulation"> <option value="">[HDV Monitoring] Reporting of registrations of new heavy-duty vehicles in the Member States</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC"> <option value="">[Habitats Directive] Information on Natura 2000 sites (SCIs/SACs, Habitats Directive)</option> <option value="">[Habitats Directive] National Report on Derogations under the Habitats Directive</option> <option value="">[Habitats Directive] Report on progress and implementation (Article 17, Habitats Directive)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Hazardous waste directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Hazardous waste] Hazardous Waste Directive implementation report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Helsinki Convention"> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheets</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Limitations of emissions to the atmosphere and discharges into water from the glass industry (Recommendation 14/3)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Monas report for biological data and harmful substances </option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] MONAS report for hydrographic and hydrochemical data</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Monitoring of airborne pollution load (Recommendation 37-38/2)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Monitoring of radioactive substances (Recommendation 26/3)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Reduction of discharges and emissions from production and formulation of pesticides (Recommendation 23/10)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Reduction of discharges and emissions from production of textiles (Recommendation 23/12)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Reduction of discharges from metal surface treatment industry (Recommendation 23/7)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Reduction of emissions and discharges from the iron and steel industry (Recommendation 24/4)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Reduction of pollution from discharges into water, emissions into the atmosphere and phosphogypsum out of the production of fertilisers (Recommendation 17/6)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Requirements for discharging wastewater from the chemical industry (Recommendation 23/11)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Restriction of atmospheric emissions and waste water discharges from hard coal cokeries (Recommendation 23/9)</option> <option value="">[Helsinki Convention] Waterborne pollution input assessment (PLC Water) - quantified waterborne total inputs (Recommendtion 37-38/1)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="IED Implementing Decision"> <option class="terminated" value="">[IED Implementing] Annex I Questionnaire</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="INSPIRE Directive"> <option value="">[INSPIRE Directive] Country report on implementation and use of infrastructures for spatial information</option> <option value="">[INSPIRE Directive] Monitoring of implementation and use of infrastructures for spatial information</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="IPPC Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[IPPC Directive] IPPC questionnaire</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Incineration of hazardous waste directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Incineration of] Incineration of Hazardous Waste Directive Implementation Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)"> <option value="">[Industrial Emissions] EU Registry on Industrial Sites</option> <option value="">[Industrial Emissions] Integrated emission management techniques applied in mineral oil and gas refineries under IED (Commission Implementing Decision 2014/768/EU)</option> <option value="">[Industrial Emissions] MS implementation of IED (Annex II of Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1135)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Industrial Emissions] MS implementation of IED (Module 1 - Annex II Decision 2012/795/EU)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Industrial Emissions] Reporting on Combustion Plants under Art. 72 of the IED (2010/75/EU)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Industrial Emissions] Sectoral spotlight IED Glass and Iron &amp; Steel installations (Module 3 – Annex II - Implementing Decision 2012/795/EU)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Industrial Emissions] Waste incineration and solvent emissions under IED (Module 4 – Annex II - Implementing Decision 2012/795/EU)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="LCP Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[LCP Directive] Exemptions to be reported under article 15(3) of the Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCP)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[LCP Directive] Report on existing plants declared for eligibility under Article 4.4 of LCP Directive</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[LCP Directive] Report on programmes on emissions from large combustion plants</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[LCP Directive] Summary of emission inventory for large combustion plants (LCP), Art 4.(4) and 15.(3) plants</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Landfill of waste directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Landfill of] Landfill of Waste Directive Implementation Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Marine Strategy Framework Directive"> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD - Article 4 - Spatial data</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Data</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD monitoring programmes (Art. 11)</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD programmes of measures, including establishment of marine protected areas, and exceptions</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD progress on implementation of programmes of measures</option> <option value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD report on Marine Region or Subregion competent authority or authorities</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Marine Strategy] MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets &amp; associated indicators (Art.10) &amp; related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Medium Combustion Plants (MCP) Directive"> <option value="">[Medium Combustion] Annual CO emissions and concentration of CO emissions from MCPs</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Mercury Regulation"> <option value="">[Mercury Regulation] Mercury Regulation: Activities involving the use of mercury</option> <option value="">[Mercury Regulation] Mercury Regulation: Copy of the Report under Article 21 of the Minamata Convention</option> <option value="">[Mercury Regulation] Mercury Regulation: Import restrictions - Mercury and mercury mixtures (non-waste)</option> <option value="">[Mercury Regulation] Mercury Regulation: Import restrictions - Mercury as waste</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Mining Waste Directive"> <option value="">[Mining Waste] Information on events notified by the operators of extractive industries waste facilities</option> <option value="">[Mining Waste] Mining Waste Directive implementation report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Montreal Ozone Protocol"> <option value="">[Montreal Ozone] Ozone Depleting Substances Report</option> <option value="">[Montreal Ozone] Summary of activities</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="NEC Directive"> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Flexibilities</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Impact monitoring data</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Informative Inventory Report (IIR)</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Large point source (LPS) emissions data by source category (GNFR)</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - National air pollution control programmes</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - National emission inventories</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - National gridded data of emissions by source category (GNFR)</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Network of impact monitoring sites</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Policies and Measures (PaMs)</option> <option value="">[NEC Directive] National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) - Projected emissions</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="New WEEE Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[New WEEE] New WEEE Directive Implementation Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Nitrates Directive"> <option value="">[Nitrates Directive] Nitrates Directive - Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="OSPAR Convention"> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] Co-ordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme (CEMP)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme (CAMP)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] Data submission for the Annual Report on Discharges, Waste Handling and Air Emissions from Offshore Installations</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Database on Offshore Renewables (formerly OSPAR Database on Offshore Wind-farms)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Decision 2000/2 on a Harmonised Mandatory Control System for the Use and Reduction of the Discharge of Offshore Chemicals</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Decision 2000/3 on the Use of Organic-phase Drilling Fluids (OPF) and the Discharge of OPF-contaminated Cuttings</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Decision 2006/1 Amending OSPAR Decision 98/4 on Emission and Discharge Limit Values for the Manufacture of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) including the Manufacture of 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Decision 98/3 on the Disposal of Disused Offshore Installations</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Decision 98/5 on Emission and Discharge Limit Values for the Vinyl Chloride Sector, Applying to the Manufacture of Suspension-PVC (s-PVC) from Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2000/1 on Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for the Reduction of Inputs of Agricultural Pesticides to the Environment through the Use of Integrated Crop Management Techniques</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2000/2 on Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for the Use of Pesticides on Amenity Areas</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2000/3 on Emission and Discharge Limit Values for the Manufacture of Emulsion PVC (e-PVC) from Vinyl Chloride Monomer</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2000/4 on a Harmonised Pre-Screening Scheme for Offshore Chemicals</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2000/5 on a Harmonised Offshore Chemical Notification Format (HOCNF)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2001/1 for the Management of Produced Water from Offshore Installations (as amended)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2002/1 on Discharge Limit Values for Existing Aluminium Electrolysis Plants</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2003/3 on a Network of Marine Protected Areas (as amended by OSPAR Recommendation 2010/2)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2003/4 on Controlling the Dispersal of Mercury from Crematoria</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2003/5 to Promote the Use and Implementation of Environmental Management Systems by the Offshore Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2005/1 on Reporting Formats on the Implementation and Effectiveness of OSPAR Measures Relating to the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2005/2 on Environmental Goals for the Discharge by the Offshore Industry of Chemicals</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2006/1 on Reporting Formats on the Implementation and Effectiveness of OSPAR Measures Relating to the Vinyl Chloride Industry</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 2006/3 on Environmental Goals for the Discharge by the Offshore Industry of Chemicals that are, or Which Contain Substances Identified as Candidates for Substitution (as amended by OSPAR Recommendation 2019/02)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 98/1 concerning Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practice for the Primary Non-Ferrous Metal Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 98/2 on Emission and Discharge Limit Values for Existing Aluminium Electrolysis Plants (as amended by OSPAR Recommendation 2002/1)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Recommendation 99/1 on the Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Emulsion PVC (e-PVC)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Report on Discharges, Spills and Emissions from Offshore Oil and Gas Installations</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Report on Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] OSPAR Reporting on Dumping of Wastes at Sea</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 90/3 on Reducing Atmospheric Emissions from Existing Chlor-Alkali Plants</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 92/3 on the Phasing out of PCBs and Hazardous PCB Substitutes</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 95/1 on the Phasing Out of the Use of Short-Chained Chlorinated Paraffins</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 95/2 on Discharge and Emission Limit Values for the Integrated and Non-Integrated Sulphite Paper Pulp Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 95/3 on Discharge and Emission Limit Values for the Integrated and Non-Integrated Kraft Pulp Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Decision 96/2 on the Phasing-Out of Processes Using Molecular Chlorine (Cl2) in the Bleaching of Kraft and Sulphite Pulp</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 87/1 on the Use of Tributyl-Tin Compounds</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 88/1 on Measures to Reduce Organotin Compounds Reaching the Aquatic Environment through Docking Activities</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 88/2 on the Reduction in Inputs of Nutrients to the Paris Convention Area</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 89/3 on Programmes and Measures for Reducing Mercury Discharges from Various Sources</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 89/4 on a Coordinated Programme for the Reduction of Nutrients</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 91/4 on Radioactive Discharges</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 92/1 on Best Available Technology for Plants Producing Anodes and for New Electrolysis Installations in the Primary Aluminium Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 92/4 on the Reduction of Emissions from the Electroplating Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 92/7 on the Reduction of Nutrients Inputs from Agriculture into Areas where these Inputs are Likely, Directly or Indirectly, to Cause Pollution</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 92/8 on Nonylphenol-Ethoxylates</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 93/4 on the Phasing Out of Cationic Detergents DTDMAC, DSDMAC and DHTDMAC in Fabric Softeners</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 94/2 on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practice for the Integrated and Non-Integrated Sulphite Paper Pulp Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 94/3 on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practice for the Integrated and Non-Integrated Kraft Pulp Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 94/5 Concerning Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practivce for Wet Processes in the Textile Processing Industry</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 94/6 on Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for the Reduction of Inputs of Potentially Toxic Chemicals from Aquaculture Use</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 94/7 on the Elaboration of National Action Plans and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for the Reduction of Inputs to the Environment of Pesticides from Agricultural Use</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 96/1 on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practice for Existing Aluminium Electrolysis Plants</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] PARCOM Recommendation 96/4 for the Phasing-Out of the Use of One-Component Coal Tar Coating Systems for Inland Ships</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[OSPAR Convention] Recommendation 2003/2 on an OSPAR Framework for Reporting Encounters with Marine Dumped Conventional and Chemical Munitions (attached to the measure)</option> <option value="">[OSPAR Convention] Riverine Inputs and Direct Discharges Monitoring Programme (Agreement 2014-04)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Old NEC Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Old NEC] National emission inventories and emission projections (Directive 2001/81/EC)</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Old NEC] National programmes on air emissions (NEC Directive)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Packaging directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Packaging directive] Packaging Directive implementation report</option> <option value="">[Packaging directive] Waste packaging yearly statistics report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Persistent Organic Pollutants regulation"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Persistent Organic] Report on persistent organic pollutants</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Questionnaire for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment and management (2004/461/EC)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Questionnaire for] Annual report (questionnaire) on air quality assessment and management (2004/461/EC)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Regulation on Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS Regulation)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Regulation on] Ozone depleting substances (ODS) reporting by undertakings (Article 27)</option> <option value="">[Regulation on] Reporting on halons and cases of illegal trade</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Regulation on invasive alien species"> <option value="">[Regulation on] Report on invasive alien species</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action"> <option value="">[Regulation on] Greenhouse gas emissions inventories - GovReg</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Seveso II directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Seveso II] Control of major-accident hazards report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Sewage Sludge Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Sewage Sludge] Implementation report Sewage Sludge Directive</option> <option value="">[Sewage Sludge] Reporting on Sewage Sludge (revised)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Stockholm Convention"> <option value="">[Stockholm Convention] Implementation plan</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Sulphur Content of Certain Liquid Fuels Directive"> <option value="">[Sulphur Content] Report on the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Titanium Dioxide Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Titanium Dioxide] Titanium Dioxide Directive Implementation Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Titanium Dioxide Surveillance Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Titanium Dioxide] Reporting obligation for Council Directive 82/883/EEC</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention"> <option value="">[UNECE Industrial] Report on the convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents implementation</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="UNECE Water Convention"> <option value="">[UNECE Water] UNECE water convention report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="UNFCCC"> <option value="">[UNFCCC] Greenhouse gas inventories (UNFCCC)</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (consolidated)"> <option value="">[Urban Waste] Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - Implementation</option> <option value="">[Urban Waste] Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - National Implementation Programme</option> <option value="">[Urban Waste] Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - Situation Report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="VOC Paints Directive"> <option value="">[VOC Paints] Report on the results of the monitoring programme to demonstrate compliance</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="VOC Solvent Emissions Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[VOC Solvent] Reporting obligation for Implementation report on limitation of VOC emissions due to the use of organic solvents</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC"> <option class="terminated" value="">[WEEE Directive] Information on the quantities and categories of electrical and electronic equipment and on management of collected waste</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[WEEE Directive] WEEE Directive implementation report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste Framework Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Waste Framework] Waste Framework Directive implementation report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste Incineration Directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Waste Incineration] Implementation Report of Waste Incineration Directive</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste Shipments Regulation"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Waste Shipments] Yearly report to the EU Commission on waste shipments</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste Statistics Regulation"> <option value="">[Waste Statistics] Information on generation, recovery and disposal of waste</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste oils directive"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Waste oils] Waste oils directive implementation report</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Waste shipments regulation"> <option value="">[Waste shipments] Yearly additional report to the EU Commission on waste shipments and sending a copy of the report submitted to the Basel Convention Secretariat for the previous calendar year</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Water Framework Directive (consolidated)"> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - Characterisation of River Basin Districts</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - Monitoring Programmes</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - Programmes of Measures - 2012 Reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - Programmes of Measures - 2018 reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Districts and Competent Authorities</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2010 Reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBD XML data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBDSUCA XML data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data</option> <option value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2022 RBD XML data</option> <option value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2022 RBDSUCA XML data</option> <option value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2022 Reporting</option> <option value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2022 Spatial data</option> <option class="terminated" value="">[Water Framework] Water Framework Directive - Transposition in national legislation</option> </optgroup> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- Covering Year Field --> <tr> <th><label for="search_years" class="question">Covering Year</label></th> <td> <input type="text" id="search_years" name="years:int:ignore_empty" size="4" maxlength="4" pattern="[0-9]{4}" /> </td> </tr> <!-- Part of Year Field --> <tr> <th><label for="partofyear" class="question">Part of year</label></th> <td> <select id="partofyear" name="partofyear" class="select2-enabled"> <option value="">Any part of year</option> <option value="WHOLE_YEAR">Whole Year</option> <option value="FIRST_HALF">First Half</option> <option value="SECOND_HALF">Second Half</option> <option value="FIRST_QUARTER">First Quarter</option> <option value="SECOND_QUARTER">Second Quarter</option> <option value="THIRD_QUARTER">Third Quarter</option> <option value="FOURTH_QUARTER">Fourth Quarter</option> <option value="JANUARY">January</option> <option value="FEBRUARY">February</option> <option value="MARCH">March</option> <option value="APRIL">April</option> <option value="MAY">May</option> <option value="JUNE">June</option> <option value="JULY">July</option> <option value="AUGUST">August</option> <option value="SEPTEMBER">September</option> <option value="OCTOBER">October</option> <option value="NOVEMBER">November</option> <option value="DECEMBER">December</option> <option value="">Not applicable</option> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- Reporting Date Range --> <tr> <th><label for="search_reportingdate_start" class="question">Reported after</label></th> <td> <input type="text" id="search_reportingdate_start" name="reportingdate_start:date:ignore_empty" size="12" maxlength="12" placeholder="YYYY/MM/DD" value="" /> <label for="search_reportingdate_end" class="question">but before</label> <input type="text" id="search_reportingdate_end" name="reportingdate_end:date:ignore_empty" size="12" maxlength="12" placeholder="YYYY/MM/DD" value="" /> </td> </tr> <!-- Country Selection --> <tr> <th><label for="country" class="question">Country</label></th> <td> <select id="country" name="country" class="select2-enabled"> <option></option> <option value="">Albania</option> <option value="">Algeria</option> <option value="">Andorra</option> <option value="">Armenia</option> <option value="">Austria</option> <option value="">Azerbaijan</option> <option value="">Belarus</option> <option value="">Belgium</option> <option value="">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option> <option value="">Bulgaria</option> <option value="">Croatia</option> <option value="">Cyprus</option> <option value="">Czechia</option> <option value="">Denmark</option> <option value="">Egypt</option> <option value="">Estonia</option> <option value="">European Union</option> <option value="">Finland</option> <option value="">France</option> <option value="">Georgia</option> <option value="">Germany</option> <option value="">Gibraltar</option> <option value="">Greece</option> <option value="">Greenland</option> <option value="">Hungary</option> <option value="">Iceland</option> <option value="">Ireland</option> <option value="">Israel</option> <option value="">Italy</option> <option value="">Jordan</option> <option value="">Kazakhstan</option> <option value="">Kosovo under the UNSCR 1244/99</option> <option 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