Noct Leaflet from Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle
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text-decoration: underline;">Relations</A> </H3> <div style="text-align: left; padding-left: 20px;"><a href="editc.php?id=76180&mode=4">Add a Relation</a></div> <H3 id="section010_assignments"> Appears as | <A href="charassign.php?id=76180">Edit Assignments</A></H3> <UL> <LI style="list-style: none;"><A style="font-size: 1.1em;" href="source.php?id=104739"><img loading="lazy" src="" class="thumb50"> Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle</A> <A href="animebyyear.php?year=2016">(2016)</A> </UL> <H3 style="color: inherit; text-decoration: underline;" id="section015_quotes">Quotes | <A style="color: inherit; text-decoration: underline;" href="quotesbycharacter.php?cid=76180"> View all 16 </a> | <A style="color: inherit; text-decoration: underline;" href="sfcs_quotes.php?id=76180">Add</A></H3> <DIV id=besttable> <TABLE id=transcript style="width: auto; margin-left: 0;"> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172544"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172544);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>4↑</B> <cite><A name="line172544" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172544">Airi's big brother...</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172431"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172431);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>3↑</B> <cite><A name="line172431" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172431">Yes.{She's using it in the Japanese way to answer negative questions, which is "Yes, indeed, I'm not gonna sit." It would probably be a bit weird to sub it "No" though. That said, I can't think of a good way to rephrase the question either. "Are you just going to stand?" is not really optimal here. Maybe just leave this like this and write it off as her talking weirdly?}</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio348995"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(348995);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line348995" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=348995">Yes. In short, the military is short-handed.</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172476"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172476);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line172476" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172476">Yes. There's too great a power gap compared to<br> Lux-san's generic Wyvern Machine Dragon.</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172446"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172446);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line172446" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172446">I see. And as a result of those efforts, you jumped into the girl's bath and groped people, right?</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172432"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172432);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line172432" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172432">I heard that if get too close,<br> with just a breath, you can lift my skirt.</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio349020"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(349020);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line349020" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=349020">Yes.</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio348891"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(348891);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line348891" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=348891">Was it approved by her sister?</A></cite></TD> <TR> <TD class="pad"> <audio preload="none" id="audio172503"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </audio> <button style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="playAudioClip(172503);" value="▶">▶</button> </TD> <TD><B>2↑</B> <cite><A name="line172503" href="quotesbycharacter.php?line_id=172503">Yes. As things are, Airi's big brother is sure to lose.</A></cite></TD> </TABLE> </DIV> <script> function playAudioClip(id) { var clipid = 'audio' + id; document.getElementById(clipid).play(); } function playRandom() { var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("audio"); i = ((Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)) % divs.length); divs[i].play(); } </script> <H3 id="section003_images"><A style="color: inherit; text-decoration: underline;" href="image.php?cid=76180">Images</A></H3> <div id="tile1"> <ul> <li><a href="image.php?type_id=1&imgid=82923"><img loading="lazy" class="thumb100" alt="" src="" /></a></li> </ul> </div> <h3>Comment</h3> <DIV id=besttable> <TABLE style="width: 100%; margin-left: 0;"> <TR> <TH onclick="document.location='user.php?uid=77581'" style="text-align: center; width: 100px;" class="bg4 point bg1 fg5">NoctLeaflet8</TH> <td style="text-align: left;">Jul 14, 2024</td> <TR> <TD colspan=2 style="font-size: 1.1em;">こんにちはノクト リーフレット あなたのおかげでここまで来れました 私が生きていること 今日は私の誕生日です🇯🇵🎂🎉</TD> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV id=besttable> <FORM METHOD=POST id=bestform ACTION="comments.php?cid=76180#opinion"> <TABLE> <TR> <TH> <TEXTAREA placeholder="Write a comment." style="height: 100px; 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