National Water Center Products and Services
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View previous NHA’s here</a></p> <!-- <p class="top-banner" style="text-align: center;"><a href="" title="Spring Flood 2024 NHA">National Hydrologic Assessment</a></p> --> <div class="landing-container"><!--National Water Prediction Service (NWPS)--> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="" title="View the NWPS page."><img alt="NWPS.png" src="/images/owp/operations/NWPS.png" title="View the NWPS page." /> </a></div> <div class="item-text vis-div"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" style="font-size: 16px !important; " title="View the National Water Prediction Service (NWPS)."><span class="inred">!NEW!</span> - National Water<br /> Prediction Service (NWPS) - <span class="inred">!NEW!</span></a></h1> <p>On March 27, 2024, the National Water Prediction Service (NWPS) website hosted at <a href=""></a> was launched replacing the legacy Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) page previously located at <a href=""></a>. Resources and more information are listed below.</p> <p><a href="" title="View the Public Notification Statement (PNS).">Public Notification Statement: November 16, 2023</a><br /> <a href="">Service Change Notice (SCN):January 12, 2024</a><br /> <a href="">SCN: March 6, 2024</a><br /> <br /> <a href="">NWPS Quick Start Guide</a><br /> <a href="">Accessing Hydrographs on a Mobile Device through NWPS</a><br /> <a href="">NWPS Flyer</a><br /> <a href="">NWPS API Flyer</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the NWPS Fact Sheet.">NWPS Fact Sheet</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the NWPS Overview (Story Map).">NWPS Overview (Story Map)</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the NWPS Product and User Guide.">NWPS Product and User Guide</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the recording of NWPS Partner Webinar.">Recording of NWPS Partner Webinar</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the recording of NWPS API Webinar.">Recording of NWPS API Webinar</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the Service Description Document (SDD).">Service Description Document (SDD)</a><br /> <a href="" title="Using the NWPS StoryMap.">Using the National Water Model within NWPS (StoryMap)</a><br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Contact: </span><a href=""></a></p> </div> </div> <!--Mapping (FIM) Services--> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="" title="View the FIM page."><img alt="FIM.png" src="/images/owp/operations/FIM.png" title="View the FIM page." /> </a></div> <div class="item-text vis-div"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" style="font-size: 16px !important; " title="View the FIM services on the Viewer."><span class="inred">!NEW!</span> - Flood Inundation<br /> Mapping (FIM) Services - <span class="inred">!NEW!</span></a></h1> <p><span class="inred">Experimental FIM services</span> are now available for 30% of the U.S. population including <a href="">Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands</a>. These services will be <a href="">expanded</a> to nearly 100% of the U.S. population by 2026. <a href="">Experimental services</a> depict the extent of predicted inundation, as derived from River Forecast Center <a href="">forecasts</a> and National Water Model <a href="">analyses</a> and <a href="">forecasts</a>. Services are available via the <a href="">National Water Prediction Service</a>, <a href="">the NWS GIS Viewer</a>, or directly via <a href="">URLs</a> hosted on the Hydrologic Visualization and Information Services (HydroVIS) cloud system. Additional informational resources are available below.</p> <p><a href="" title="View the Public Notification Statement">Public Notification Statement (PNS)</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the FIM Fact Sheet">FIM Fact Sheet</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the Dynamic FIM Services in Spanish">Spanish Translation Dynamic FIM Services</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the CatFIM Service Summary">Stage-based CatFIM Service Summary</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the Frequently Asked questions">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the FIM Service Description Document">FIM Service Description Document (SDD)</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the Viewer Access Instructions">Viewer Access Instructions</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the API Access Instructions">API Access Instructions</a><br /> <a href="" title="View NWPS FIM Instructions">Viewing FIM in NWPS</a><br /> <a href="" title="View NWPS CatFIM Instructions">Using CatFIM in NWPS</a><br /> <br /> <a href="" title="Provide feedback">CLICK HERE</a> to Provide Feedback</p> </div> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="/owp/operations-ahd" title="View the area hydrologic discussion page."><img alt="area-hydro.png" src="/images/owp/operations/area-hydro.png" title="View the area hydrologic discussion page." /></a></div> <div class="item-text"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" title="View the Area Hydrologic Discussion page.">Area Hydrologic Discussion</a></h1> <p>Experimental short range, episodic, discussion and graphic which highlights locations across the nation that may be impacted by rapid-onset flooding, using National Water Model and other guidance.</p> <p><a href="" title="View the product description document.">AHD Product Description Document</a><br /> <a href="" title="Provide feedback on AHD.">Provide Feedback on AHD</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the AHD FAQ">AHD One-Pager</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="/owp/operations-fho" title="View the flood hazard outlook page."><img alt="flood-hazard.png" src="/images/owp/operations/flood-hazard.png" title="View the flood hazard page." /></a></div> <div class="item-text"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" title="View the flood hazard outlook page.">Flood Hazard Outlook</a></h1> <p>High Level graphical depiction and key messages highlighting the potential threat of inland flood hazards (flash, urban, small stream and riverine) and their associated impacts (catastrophic, considerable, and limited) for the next seven days.</p> <p><a href="" title="View the FHO PDD">FHO Product Description Document</a><br /> <a href="" title="Provide Feedback on FHO">Provide Feedback on FHO</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the FHO FAQ">FHO One-Pager</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="/owp/operations-nhd" title="View the national hydrologic discussion page."><img alt="national-hydrologic-discussion.png" src="/images/owp/operations/national-hydro.png" title="View the national hydrologic discussion page." /></a></div> <div class="item-text"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" title="View the national hydrologic discussion page.">National Hydrologic Discussion</a></h1> <p>Experimental discussion of the current and forecast hydrologic conditions across the nation, including a variety of short and medium range (Days 1-10) observed and modeled hydrologic guidance.</p> <p><a href="" title="View the NHD PDD">NHD Product Description Document</a><br /> <a href="" title="Provide Feedback on NHD">Provide Feedback on NHD</a><br /> <a href="" title="View the NHD FAQ">NHD One-Pager</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="/owp/operations-srfo#" title="View the significant river flood outlook page."><img alt="significant-river-flood.png" src="/images/owp/operations/sig-river-flood.png" title="View the significant river flood page." /></a></div> <div class="item-text"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" title="View the significant river flood outlook page.">Significant River Flood Outlook</a></h1> <p>Operational flood outlook intended to provide a general outlook for significant (moderate and above) river flooding. It is not intended to depict all areas of minor flooding or small-scale events such as localized flooding and/or flash flooding.</p> <!-- spring flood links <p><a href="" title="NOAA NWS 2023 Spring Flood">Spring Flood 2023 NHA</a><br /> <a href="" title="NOAA NWS 2022 Spring Flood">Spring Flood 2022 NHA</a><br /> <a href="" title="NOAA NWS 2021 Spring Flood">Spring Flood 2021 NHA</a></p> //--></div> </div> <div class="landing-item"> <div class="item-image"><a href="" title="View the national map page."><img alt="national-map.png" src="/images/owp/operations/national-map.png" title="View the national map page." /> </a></div> <div class="item-text vis-div"> <h1><a class="item-link-a" href="" title="View the national map page.">NWC Visualization Services</a></h1> <p>Experimental geospatial services depicting forecasts from the River Forecast Centers and the National Water Model. Services available via the prototype <a href="">NWS National Map Viewer</a>, or directly via URLs hosted on the <a href="">Hydrologic Visualization and Inundation Services (HydroVIS)</a> cloud resource.</p> <p><a href="">Public Services Handbook</a><br /> <a href="">NWC Visualization Services Service Description Document</a><br /> <a href="">Provide Feedback on NWC Visualization Services</a></p> </div> </div> <div style="width: 100%; "> <p style="text-align: center; padding-bottom: 15px; "><a class="general-a" href="" title="View the advanced hydrologic prediction service website.">Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service</a> | <a class="general-a" href="" title="View the office of water prediction website.">Office of Water Prediction</a></p> </div> <script> // Add sub-header to .location-pagetitle var SUB_HEADER_INNER_HTML = "<br/>Operational and Experimental" var locationPageTitleHeader = document.getElementsByClassName('location-pagetitle')[0]; let newSubSpan = document.createElement('span'); = "0.75em"; newSubSpan.innerHTML = SUB_HEADER_INNER_HTML; locationPageTitleHeader.appendChild(newSubSpan); </script> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </div><!-- end of <div class="partial-width-borderbottom"> --> </div><!-- <div class="full-width-border"> --> <div class="partial-width-borderbottom feature-block"> <!-- area for features, frontpage thumbs, and custom page --> </div><!-- end of <div class="partial-width-borderbottom feature-block"> --> <div class="full-width-first"> <div class="full-width-first communication-links"> <div class ="one-sixth-first divs"> <div class="myforecast-current"> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/bundles/templating/images/social/x.png" width="16" alt="Follow us on X" height="16" /> Follow us on X </a> </div> </div> <div class ="one-sixth-first divs"> <div class="myforecast-current"> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/bundles/templating/images/social/facebook.png" width="16" alt="Follow us on Facebook" height="16" /> Follow us on Facebook </a> </div> </div> <div class ="one-sixth-first divs"> <div class="myforecast-current"> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/bundles/templating/images/social/youtube.png" width="16" alt="Follow us on YouTube" height="16" /> Follow us on YouTube </a> </div> </div> <div class ="one-half-last nopad"> <span class="txt-rt myforecast-current"> <div class="myforecast-current"> <a href="/rss_page.php?site_name=owp" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;font-size:11px;"> <img src="/bundles/templating/images/social/rss.png" width="16" height="16" alt="OWP RSS Feed" /> OWP RSS Feed </a> </div> </span> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div><!-- <div class="center-content"> --> </div><!-- end of <div class="center"> --> <!-- sitemap area --> <div class="footer"> </div><!-- end of <div class="footer"> --> <!-- legal footer area --> <div class="footer-legal"> <div class="footer-legal"> <div class="footer-legal-content"> <div class="one-sixth-first" id="footer_legal_gov"> <a href=""><img src="/bundles/templating/images/footer/usa_gov.png" alt="" width="110" height="30" /></a> </div> <div class="one-half-first" id="footer_legal_info"> <p> <a href="">US Dept of Commerce</a><br /> <a href="">National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</a><br /> <a href="">National Weather Service</a><br /> Office of Water Prediction<br /> 1325 East West Highway<br /> Silver Spring, MD 20910 <br /><br /> <br /><a href="">Comments? 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