Victim's father: 'One down, four to go'
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Four to go," said Gary Christian, father of Channon Christian, referring to the four suspects who face trials in state court for the killings of Channon, then 21, and her boyfriend, 23-year-old Christopher Newsom.</p> <p>"We do this for Channon," said Channon's mother, Deena. "We've been through the worst. We and the Newsoms have lost our children. We can endure anything."</p> <p>Hugh Newsom began to cry as he said, "It doesn't take the hurt away for the loss of a great son, but at least there's some consolation that this guy is off the street and he'll be off the street for a long time and not be able to hurt anyone else."</p> <p>His wife, Mary Newsom, credited federal prosecutors David Jennings and Tracy Stone.</p> <p>"It was kind of like Christmas morning, like you can't wait," she said of awaiting the verdict. "These kids surely didn't deserve anything that happened to them."</p> <p>Knoxville Police Department Sgt. Tim Snoderly praised KPD investigator Todd Childress and ATF agent Rebecca Bobich, who led the probe.</p> <p>"We've got a long way to go," Snoderly said. "We've started off on a winning note and we're extremely happy with that."</p> <p>Defense attorney Phil Lomonaco, a private attorney appointed to represent Boyd, said he would appeal. "It's a tough case. We knew it was going to be. It was a close case, I believe." He said Boyd was "in good spirits."</p> <p>None of the handful of women who have been present throughout the trial in support of Boyd attended the verdict.</p> <p>Jurors began deliberations around 9:30 a.m. and reached their verdict around 2:30 after asking U.S. District Court Judge Tom Varlan whether Boyd had to be found to have committed all four acts specified in his indictment - receiving, relieving, comforting and assisting accused ringleader Lemaricus "Slim" Davidson - or whether the law required only that Boyd be found to have committed one or more of those acts.</p> <p>Varlan ruled that the legal standard was receiving, relieving, comforting or assisting - not all four - and jurors took less than an hour from that explanation to reach their verdict.</p> <p>Boyd, 35, helped to hide out Davidson, the accused ringleader in the carjacking, torture and slaying of University of Tennessee student Channon Christian, 21, and her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom, 23.</p> <p>Boyd also was found guilty of "misprison of a felony" - that is, failure to notify law enforcement of the whereabouts of someone you know has committed a crime.</p> <p>He faces a maximum of 15 on the accessory charge and seven on the second count. Because he is a convicted robber already, he faces the high end of the penalty range.</p> <p>Among questions jurors faced: What did Boyd know about the carjacking turned killing, when did he know about it and what did he do about it?</p> <p>Boyd's trial lasted seven days.</p> <p>The case wrapped up Tuesday. At the request of jurors, Varlan allowed the panel to go home Tuesday evening following late-afternoon closing arguments.</p> <p>Davidson, his brother, his brother's girlfriend and a friend are charged in Knox County Criminal Court with the slayings of Christian and Newsom at a Chipman Street house leased by Davidson following what has been described as a carjacking gone wrong.</p> <p>Boyd is not charged in either the carjacking or the slayings but instead is accused in a federal indictment of helping Davidson try to avoid arrest after the crimes. Testimony in this federal trial, however, has raised the spectre that Boyd not only participated in the carjacking but was present at the Chipman Street house immediately following the couple's kidnapping. Boyd's defense attorney denies that.</p> <p>The entire case, both sides agree, turns on what Boyd knew about the crimes, when he knew it and what he did as a result.</p> <p>In closing arguments, Stone and Assistant U.S. Attorney David Jennings pointed to testimony from Waste Connections of Tennessee employee Xavier Jenkins as proof Boyd was at the Chipman Street house when the couple were being held captive.</p> <p>Jenkins identified a car owned by Boyd's cousin, Nicole Mathis, as being parked behind Channon's Toyota 4 Runner outside the house soon after the carjacking. Mathis testified she had loaned the car to Boyd that weekend.</p> <p>Jenkins also testified there were four men inside the 4 Runner. Only three men are charged in the slayings - Davidson, Letalvis "Rome" Cobbins and George "Detroit" Thomas.</p> <p>Jennings insisted that testimony, coupled with Boyd's statement to police in which he provided a detailed description of the crimes, is proof Boyd knew about the carjacking firsthand.</p> <p>"In the early morning hours of Jan. 7, 2007, when Christopher Newsom was about to die and Channon Christian was about to endure one of the most horrendous, hellacious days anyone could ever endure, that's when he knew they were victims of a violent carjacking," Jennings told jurors. "What did he do for the next three days? Kept his mouth shut and did everything he could to help Davidson."</p> <p>Lomonaco countered that everything Boyd knew about the crimes came from Davidson, who only confessed involvement in the crimes after the pair broke into a vacant house in Northwest Knoxville hours before Boyd's arrest.</p> <p>"What did he do after Lemaricus Davidson told him what had happened?" Lomonaco asked. "In his statement, he says 'When (Davidson) told me, I left.' He was gone. He wasn't there when (Davidson) got arrested."</p> <p>Stone countered that telephone records of a neighbor of Boyd's showed that Boyd was still communicating with Davidson after Boyd left the vacant house with a promise to get food for Davidson.</p> <p>Stone also pointed out that Boyd, when initially confronted by the U.S. Marshals Service's Smoky Mountains Fugitive Task Force, denied knowing Davidson.</p> <p>Late Monday afternoon and early Tuesday morning, jurors heard graphic testimony from Knox County Acting Medical Examiner Dr. Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan about the deaths of Newsom and Christian.</p> <p>She told jurors that Newsom was repeatedly raped and then blindfolded, gagged, arms and feet bound and his head covered. Barefoot, he was either led or dragged outside the house to a set of nearby railroad tracks, where a gun was placed to the back of his head and fired. He was shot twice more, once in the neck and once in the back. His body was then set afire, she said.</p> <p>Christian's death would come only after hours of sexual torture, Mileusnic-Polchan testified.</p> <p>"It's much more than a simple sexual assault," she said. "It's extreme."</p> <p>Christian suffered horrific injuries to her vagina, anus and mouth. She was not only raped but savaged with "an object," the doctor testified. She was beaten in the head. Some type of chemical was poured down her throat, and her body, including her bleeding and battered genital area, likely scrubbed with the same solution - all while Christian was alive, the forensic expert said.</p> <p>She was then "hog-tied," with curtains and strips of bedding, her face covered tightly with a small white trash bag and her body stashed inside five large trash bags before being placed inside a large trash can and covered with sheets, Mileusnic-Polchan testified.</p> <p>Christian died slowly, suffocating, the medical examiner said.</p> <p>"My conclusion was she actually died in the trash can," Mileusnic-Polchan testified.</p> <p>In the wake of that testimony, Lomonaco urged jurors not to allow emotion to sway them.</p> <p>"You can't base your decisions on emotions or sympathy," he said.</p> <p>But Jennings urged them to remember exactly what Davidson, linked along with his brother via DNA evidence to the sexual attack on Christian, did and Boyd allegedly tried to conceal.</p> <p>"With your verdict, your collective voices resonating loudly that this man right here (is) guilty, these families will take the first step on the road to justice," he said.</p> <p>More details as they develop online and in Thursday's News Sentinel.</p><p> <div class="ndn_embed p402_hide" id="ndn-video-player-1" data-config-distributor-id="90548" style="width:100%;" data-config-height="9/16w"></div> <div class="main--authorcards"> <div class="authorcards--author"> <img class="author--image p402_hide" src="/Services/image.ashx?*325" alt="Jamie Satterfield thumbnail"> <div class="author--body p402_premium"> <h5 class="author--name">About Jamie Satterfield</h5> <p>Jamie Satterfield is an award-winning journalist specializing in the law and crime.</p> <ul class="author--sociallinks"> <li class="author--sociallink sociallink--fb"><i class="ss-icon ss-social ss-facebook"></i><a href="" title="Follow Jamie Satterfield on Facebook.">Facebook</a></li> <li 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