Offer Terms and Conditions - YouTube TV

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Promotional value of subscription(s) are non-transferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Offer available in markets where YouTube TV service is available. Valid form of payment required at sign-up but will not be charged until the trial period expires. At the end of the trial period, you will be automatically charged the standard subscription price, currently $64.99USD per month, but subject to change. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Offer requires a Google account. Full terms here: <a href=""></a></p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>1 Day Offer for Verizon 5G</h2> <p>YouTube TV First Day Offer: First day trial promotion open to participants subscribing to Verizon 5G Home service who have already signed up for YouTubeTV and may not be eligible for a standard trial. The 1-day trial is available for the 24 hours after sign up. Offer only redeemable once per user. Offer redeemable where YouTube TV is available. Promotional value of subscription(s) nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Valid payment form req’d at sign-up. Subscribers will be automatically charged the current standard subscription price at the end of the trial period. Cancel any time before trial is over at no charge. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Google account required. Full terms here: <a href=""></a></p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>1 Day Offer for Verizon Fios</h2> <p>First day trial promotion open to participants subscribing to Verizon Fios® Internet service who have already signed up for YouTube TV and may not be eligible for a standard trial. The 1-day trial is available for the 24 hours after sign up. Offer only redeemable once per user. Offer redeemable where YouTube TV is available. Promotional value of subscription(s) nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Valid payment form req’d at sign-up. Subscribers will be automatically charged current standard subscription price. Cancel any time before trial is over at no charge. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Google account required. Full terms here: <a href=""></a></p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>1 Day Offer for Verizon Wireless</h2> <p>First day trial promotion open to participants subscribing to Verizon Verizon Wireless service who have already signed up for YouTube TV and may not be eligible for a standard trial. The 1-day trial is available for the 24 hours after sign up. Offer only redeemable once per user. Offer redeemable where YouTube TV is available. Promotional value of subscription(s) nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Valid payment form req’d at sign-up. Must be 18 years or older Google account required. Subscribers will be automatically charged current standard subscription price, currently $64.99/mo. at end of trial period. Cancel any time before trial is over at no charge. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Google account required. Full terms here: <a href=""></a></p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Specific Offer Terms: YouTube TV Extended Free Trial</h2> <p>This 14-day YouTube TV trial promotion is open to participants in the United States who live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from March 1, 2022, at 9 am PT through March 16, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer must be redeemed by March 16, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer only available to customers who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers nor participated in a YouTube TV trial previously. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. At the end of the trial period, you will be automatically charged the <a href=";ref_topic=7071745#zippy=%2Cpricing-information" target="_blank">standard subscription price</a>. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. You can also cancel your YouTube TV paid membership at any time. You will continue to receive access to YouTube TV until the end of your billing period, but refunds and credits are not issued for partial billing periods. Offer requires a Google Account. Must be 18 years or older. Promotional value of offer nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>HBO Max $11.99 per month for 12 months</h2> <p>YouTube TV Family Managers should go to membership settings on any browser to add HBO Max. From September 4, 2020 to September 25, 2020, we are offering eligible YouTube TV members the ability to add HBO Max to their membership for $11.99 per month for 12 months. Eligibility is for new HBO Max signups only and are only open to participants in the United States who have an active YouTube TV subscription between September 4, 2020 and September 25, 2020. There is no free trial period available with this offer. At the conclusion of the 12 month discounted period, you will be automatically charged the then-current monthly subscription price for HBO Max (currently $14.99 per month plus applicable taxes). You can cancel your HBO Max membership at any time. If members cancel their YouTube TV membership at any time during the 12 month period, their HBO Max membership will no longer be valid. YouTube TV reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>YouTube TV Entertainment Plus Add-on</h2> <p>Go to your membership settings on a web browser on mobile or desktop to add Entertainment Plus. Add-ons are available for an extra charge. Terms apply. The $5/month savings is calculated based on the current combined add-on price totaling US$34.99. Must purchase the Entertainment Plus add-on to receive US$29.99/month price. No partial refunds. If you already have at least one channel, you will not be automatically unsubscribed. Go to Settings and unsubscribe before adding Entertainment Plus.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>1 month free trial + $10 off/month for 12 months for T-Mobile TVision Customers</h2> <p>Promotion open to participants subscribing to T-Mobile TVision service from March 29, 2021 - June 30, 2021 and must be redeemed by June 30, 2021. Offer redeemable where YouTube TV is available. Local channel availability may vary. Promotional value of subscription(s) nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. If you are currently subscribed to YouTube TV you will need to cancel your subscription to take advantage of this offer. Valid payment form req’d at sign-up. User will receive one month free and then receive $10 discount for 12 months (currently $54.99) before being charged price of $64.99/month or then current monthly subscription price. Cancel any time before one month trial is over at no charge. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Must be 18 years or older. Google account required. YouTube reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Standard Free Trial + $10 off/month for 12 months for T-Mobile Wireless and Internet Customers</h2> <p>Promotion open to participants subscribing to T-Mobile Wireless or Home Internet service from July 01, 2021 - December 31, 2022 and must be redeemed by January 31, 2023. Offer redeemable where YouTube TV is available. Standard free trial available for new YouTube TV subscribers who have never participated in a YouTube TV trial. Discount offer available for all T-Mobile customers, regardless if user has enrolled in YouTube TV in the past. Local channel availability may vary. Promotional value of subscription(s) nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Valid payment form req'd at sign-up. User will receive standard free trial, if eligible, and then be charged discounted price of $54.99 per month for 12 months before being charged price of $64.99/month or then current monthly subscription price. Cancel any time before standard free trial is over at no charge. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Must be 18 years or older and in the 50 US states. One offer per T-Mobile account. Excludes T-Mobile for Business customers. Google account required. YouTube reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>$10 off Your First Three Months of YouTube TV</h2> <p>This discounted YouTube TV offer is open to participants in the United States who have been contacted by YouTube about the offer and live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from June 25, 2021, at 9 am PT through August 31, 2021, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer must be redeemed by February 13, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer is only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers, and have not participated in a YouTube TV trial before. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once trial expires, user will be charged the specified discounted price before being charged the current subscription price. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Each promotional code is valid for 1 redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants will be contacted by Google by email and must use the promotion link or coupon code provided and take action in order to claim the offer. Offer requires a Google Account. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, code, and/or offer. Promotional value of offer nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>SHOWTIME® $4.99/month for 6 months Offer</h2> <p>Limited time only. Offer expires May 27, 2021. This SHOWTIME® $4.99/month for 6 months offer requires a Google Account, a current form of payment, and an active YouTube TV subscription. After 6 months, your payment method will be automatically charged the standard price of $11/month. The promotional value of the offer is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and nonrefundable. Add-on channels are available for an extra charge. Users can cancel SHOWTIME at any time.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>4K Plus add-on</h2> <p>Beginning June 28, 2021, eligible YouTube TV Family Managers can go to membership settings on any browser to add 4K Plus features for a free trial for 30 days, and for $9.99 per month for 12 months thereafter. After 12 months at the $9.99 rate, the 4K Plus add-on cost will increase to $19.99 per month.</p> <p>Eligibility is for new 4K Plus signups only and is only open to participants in the United States who have an active YouTube TV subscription. At the conclusion of the 12 month discounted period, the account will be automatically charged the monthly subscription price of $19.99. YouTube TV Family Managers can cancel the 4K Plus add-on at any time. The $9.99 offer rate is only eligible for first time subscribers of the 4K Plus add-on. If the YouTube TV membership is canceled or paused any time during the 12 month period, the 4K Plus add-on will no longer be valid. YouTube TV reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time.</p> <p>The features of the add-on are subject to change. Device and content restrictions apply.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>EPIX® $9 for 3 months Prepay Offer</h2> <p>Limited time only. Offer expires 7/29/21. This EPIX® $9 for 3 months ($3/month for 3 months) Prepay Offer requires a Google Account, a current form of payment, and an active YouTube TV subscription. After 3 months, your payment method will be automatically charged the standard price of $6/month. The promotional value of the offer is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and nonrefundable (no partial refunds). Add-on channels are available for an extra charge. You can cancel at anytime. If you’re a family member, ask your family manager to add EPIX.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>STARZ $5/month for 3 months Offer</h2> <p>Limited time only. Offer expires 8/9/2021. This STARZ® $5/month for 3 months Offer requires a Google Account, a current form of payment, and an active YouTube TV subscription. After 3 months, your payment method will be automatically charged the standard price of $9/month. The promotional value of the offer is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and nonrefundable (no partial refunds). You can cancel at anytime. Add-on channels are available for an extra charge. If you’re a family member, ask your family manager to add STARZ.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Special YouTube TV Offer</h2> <p>Discounted YouTube TV offers are open to participants in the United States who have been contacted by YouTube about the offers and live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from October 11, 2021, at 9 am PT through October 19, 2021 at 11:59 pm PT. Offers must be redeemed by October 19, 2021 at 11:59 pm PT. Offers are only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers, and have not participated in a YouTube TV trial before. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once trial expires, user will be charged a discounted price of US$54.99 per month for the number of months stated in the promotion before being charged the current subscription price of US$64.99/month. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Each promotional code is valid for 1 redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants must use the promotion link or coupon code provided and take action in order to claim the offer. Offer requires a Google Account. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, code, and/or offer. Promotional value of offer nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Google Pay Offer Terms</h2> <p>Offer is only available to customers who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers nor participated in a YouTube TV trial previously. Offer available in markets where YouTube TV service is available. Promotional value of subscription(s) are non-transferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash. Valid form of payment required at sign-up but will not be charged until the trial period expires. At the end of the trial period, you will be automatically charged the standard subscription price, currently $64.99USD per month. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Offer requires a Google account. Full terms here: here: <a href=""></a></p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Vizio Offer Terms</h2> <p>This YouTube TV discount is only open to participants in the United States who have received the offer from Vizio between November 10, 2021 and December 8, 2021. Offer only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers nor participated in a YouTube TV trial before. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but you will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once the standard trial expires (if applicable), you will be charged $32.50 for 2 months before being charged the standard subscription price (currently $64.99). You can cancel your standard trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. You can also cancel your YouTube TV paid membership at any time. You will continue to receive access to YouTube TV until the end of your billing period, but refunds and credits are not issued for partial billing periods. Each promotional code is valid for one redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants must use the promotion link or code provided and take action in order to claim the offer. Must be redeemed by 11:59pm PST on December 22, 2021. Offer requires a Google account, and a current form of payment. Promotional value of offer is non-transferable, not for resale, non-redeemable for cash, and non-refundable. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. YouTube reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time. YTV Terms and Conditions apply.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>HBO Max™ &amp; Cinemax Free Preview</h2> <p>This free preview of HBO Max and Cinemax is only open to valid YouTube TV members in the United States. YouTube TV members do not need to take action in order to watch the HBO Max and Cinemax free preview. The free preview will be automatically activated on March 10, 2022 and is valid through March 14, 2022. Once the free preview ends, YouTube TV members will no longer have access to HBO Max or Cinemax and will need to add HBO Max or Cinemax to their membership to continue watching. Users must go to Membership Settings to add HBO Max and Cinemax for an additional charge. This HBO Max and Cinemax free preview requires a Google Account, a current form of payment, and an active YouTube TV subscription. The promotional value of the free preview is nontransferable, not redeemable for cash, and nonrefundable. Google reserves the right to change or cancel the free preview at any time.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Frontier Offer Terms</h2> <p>For Frontier 25 Mbps+ customers new to YouTube TV. This YouTube TV discount is only open to participants in the United States who have received the offer from Frontier between December 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022 . Offers must be redeemed by March 31, 2022 at 11:59 pm PT. Offer only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers nor participated in a YouTube TV trial before. If eligible, users will receive the standard free trial, and then a discount of $10 per month for 12 months on the standard subscription price, which is currently $64.99. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but you will not be charged until the trial period expires. You can cancel your standard trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. You can also cancel your YouTube TV paid membership at any time. You will continue to receive access to YouTube TV until the end of your billing period, but refunds and credits are not issued for partial billing periods. Each promotional code is valid for one redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants must use the promotion link or code provided and take action in order to claim the offer. Offer requires a Google account, and a current form of payment. Promotional value of offer is non-transferable, not for resale, non-redeemable for cash, and non-refundable. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. YouTube reserves the right to change or cancel the offer at any time and for any reason. <a href="">YTV Terms and Conditions</a> apply.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Holiday Add-on Sale</h2> <p>New users only. Limited time only. Offers expire 11/30/21. Each offer of $0.99/month for 2 months requires a Google Account, a current form of payment, and an active YouTube TV subscription. <span id="YouTubeTVReferralProgram"></span>After 2 months, your payment method will be automatically charged the standard price of the add-on(s) you have purchased. The promotional value of the offer is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and nonrefundable (no partial refunds). You can cancel at any time. Add-on channels are available for an extra charge. If you’re a family member, ask your family manager to add a participating channel.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"> <h2>YouTube TV Referral Program</h2> <p>OPEN TO US RESIDENTS AGED 18+. CAMPAIGN PERIOD ENDS FEBRUARY 15, 2022. UP TO $20 YOUTUBE TV REFERRAL REWARD EARNED BY REFERRER AND UP TO $10 YOUTUBE TV REFERRAL REWARD EARNED BY NEW USER WHEN THAT NEW USER (BEING A YOUTUBE TV USER WHO HAS NEVER HAD A YOUTUBE TV SUBSCRIPTION IN THEIR LIFETIME) APPLIES A PROMOTION CODE DURING THE PROMOTION PERIOD AND MAKES A QUALIFYING PAYMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF CODE APPLICATION. MAXIMUM TEN (10) REWARDS PER REFERRER AND ONE REWARD PER NEW USER. REWARDS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY APPLIED TO YOUR YOUTUBE TV ACCOUNT WITHIN 180 DAYS OF EARNING REWARD. NOTE: EARNED REWARDS WILL BE FORFEITED IF THE USER ENTERS A PAUSE PERIOD. REWARDS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. THERE IS A LIMITED REWARD FUND. INTERNET ACCESS ON A COMPATIBLE DEVICE REQUIRED.</p> <p>“PROMOTER”: GOOGLE LLC., 1600 AMPHITHEATER PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.</p> <ol> <br/> <li>1. Introduction <ol> <li>A. By participating in the YouTube TV Referral Program (the “Promotion”), either as a Sender or a Recipient (as defined in section 4), you are accepting these terms and conditions (the "Terms") and agreeing to the Promoter contacting you about the Promotion via email and app notifications.</li> <li>B. You must be aged eighteen (18) or above to enter the Promotion. </li> <li>C. You must be a legal resident of the fifty (50) states of the United States or the District of Columbia (Guam, Puerto Rico, and all other US and foreign territories and possessions are excluded), and currently physically located and residing therein in order to enter the Promotion.</li> <li>D. If a participant is a resident of a jurisdiction that deems him/her to be a minor, he/she must obtain parental/legal guardian consent prior to submitting any personally identifiable information. In Alabama or Nebraska, a minor is defined as a resident of such state who is under nineteen (19) years of age; in Mississippi, a minor is defined as a resident of such state who is under twenty one (21) years of age.</li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>2. Promotion Period <ol> <li>A. Subject to the availability of Referral Rewards, the Promotion runs from 00:01 (PST) on DECEMBER 6, 2021 until 23:59 (GMT) on FEBRUARY 15, 2022 (the “Promotion Period”).</li> <li>B. The Promoter reserves the right to end the Promotion Period early if it has given away all of the Referral Rewards (see section 3.b) or if the Promoter, in its sole discretion, detects fraud, abuse, manipulation or other disruptions to the system.</li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>3. Referral Rewards <ol> <li>A. A “Referral Reward” consists of <ul> <li>- for Senders, up to $20 YouTube TV credit (collectively totaling no more than $200); and </li> <li>- for Recipients, up to $10 YouTube TV discount. See sections 7 and 8 on how to claim and redeem a Referral Reward. </li> </ul> </li> <li>B. Referral Rewards are strictly subject to availability. Sections 4 and 5 outline how you can become eligible to receive a Referral Reward.</li> <li>C. Referral Rewards are non-transferable, non-negotiable and non-refundable, and have no cash alternative.</li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>4. Referrer and Referee Eligibility <ol> <li>A. Senders. “Senders” are those who provide their Code to Recipients during the Promotion Period. Senders can send as many Referrals as they want but Senders will be limited to a maximum of ten (10) discounts per subscription. Senders must be paying YouTube TV Base Plan subscribers in good standing. Senders cannot have subscriptions in paused states, either voluntary or involuntary, or in free-trials; Senders are not eligible if they are only subscribed to “add-on” packages and not the YouTube TV Base Plan subscription. Users who pay their YouTube TV subscription through a third party, such as through their phone bill, are not eligible for this Promotion.</li> <li>B. Recipients. “Recipients” are unique users who: (i) have never subscribed to YouTubeTV; (ii) signed up using their unique link and/or Code (as defined in section 5) upon signing up for YouTube TV; (iii) made a Qualifying Payment (as defined in section 6); and (iv) have not already received a Referral Reward (on their current Google Account).</li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>5. The Promotion <ol> <li>A. Senders. <p>Subject to these Terms:</p> <ul> <li>Each Sender will be provided with a unique referral link containing a code (a “Code”), which they can share with Recipients. Senders must share their Code with Recipients during the Promotion Period, after which the Code will no longer work.</li> <li>Subject to subsections (i) – (iv) below, if a Sender correctly follows the steps set out in section 5, both the Sender and their Recipient will receive a Referral Reward.</li> <li>Senders will only receive a reward if: (i) they have subscribed and paid for at least 1 month of a base subscription on YouTube TV; (ii) the account is not paused or in a free trial; (iii) they have not already redeemed ten (10) discounts; and (iv) their Recipient is eligible and meets all necessary criteria.</li> <li>A Sender can receive a maximum of ten (10) discounts off their YouTube TV Base Plan subscription bill.</li> <li> Referral Rewards are strictly subject to availability, in accordance with section 3.b.</li> </ul> </li> <li>B. Recipients. <p>Subject to these Terms:</p> <ul> <li>Upon receiving a Code from the Sender, the Recipient must subscribe to the YouTube TV base package using the link provided by the Sender for at least one paying month.</li> <li> If a Code is incorrectly applied or is applied outside the Promotion Period or sign-up flow, neither the Sender nor their Recipient will receive a Referral Reward.</li> <li> After a Recipient has correctly applied a Code, if the Recipient makes a Qualifying Payment (as defined in section 6), an eligible Sender will receive a Referral Reward.</li> <li>Subject to availability, a Recipient is eligible to receive a maximum of 1 Referral Reward. </li> <li>If a Recipient applies a Code from a Sender who has already earned a maximum of ten (10) discounts, neither the Sender nor Recipient will receive a Referral Reward.</li> <li>Referral Rewards are strictly subject to availability and the Promoter’s discretion, in accordance with section 3.b.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>6. Qualifying Payments <p>A. A “Qualifying Payment” is a payment made by a Recipient: (i) within thirty (30) days of correctly applying a Code in accordance with section 5.b; (ii) via the YouTube TV app; and (iii) via the YouTube TV desktop site.</p> </li> <br/> <li>7. Delivery of Referral Rewards <ol> <li>A. Rewards are determined solely in Promoter’s sole discretion and may include, but are not limited to, up to $10 dollars off one month of YouTube TV for the Recipients, up to $20 off for Senders. Sender may combine discounts, i.e. if the Sender has two (2) eligible Recipients in 1 month.</li> <li>B. If you are eligible for a Referral Reward, the discount will be automatically applied to your first YouTube TV bill (for Recipients) and a YouTube TV bill within 180 days (for Senders).</li> <li>C. Senders will receive their Referral Reward once Google has performed necessary risk and abuse checks. Google reserves the right to cancel any Referral Reward without notice if it determines Sender engaged in fraud or abuse of the Promotion. Fraud or abuse may include, among other things: <ul> <li>using Referral Codes for commercial purposes (Referral Codes should only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes).</li> <li>publishing or distributing Referral Codes on commercial websites (such as coupon websites, Reddit, or Wikipedia) or on blogs.</li> <li>spamming or mass emailing, texting or messaging Recipients you do not know or using automated systems or bots through any channel with the Referral Code.</li> <li>paying to advertise a referral code.</li> </ul> </li> </ol> </li> <br/> <li>8. Redemption of Referral Rewards <ul> <li>A. You must have a valid (meaning in good standing, not paused) YouTube TV subscription and Google Account in order to receive your reward. If you pause your YouTube TV subscription, you will lose any pending discounts or rewards.</li> <li>B. If a Sender accumulates discounts in an amount greater than the monthly cost of a subscription, the additional discounts will be applied to subsequent months in per-discount increments until exhausted.</li> <li>C. Rewards are non-transferable and have no cash value.</li> </ul> </li> <ol></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Direct Mail Offer Terms</h2> <p>This discounted YouTube TV offer is open to participants in the United States who live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from January 1, 2022, at 9 am PT through February 14, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offers must be redeemed by February 14, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offers are only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers, and have not participated in a YouTube TV trial before. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once trial expires, user will be charged a discounted price of US$44.99 for the first month before being charged the <a href=";ref_topic=7071745#zippy=%2Cpricing-information" target="_blank">subscription price</a>, which is currently US$64.99/month. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, code, and/or offer. Promotional value of offer nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent. Promoter: Google LLC, dba YouTube, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>January come back offer</h2> <p>This discounted YouTube TV offer is open to participants in the United States who live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from January 18, 2022, at 9 am PT through February 25, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer must be redeemed by February 25, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer is only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, and have been emailed with an exclusive code. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once trial expires, the user will be charged a discounted price of US$14.99 for the first month before being charged the current subscription price of US$64.99/month. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Offers may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, code, and/or offer. The promotional value of offers is nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent. Each promotional code is valid for 1 redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants will be contacted by Google by email and must use the promotion link or coupon code provided and take action in order to claim the offer.</p></article> <article class="terms__entry"><h2>Limited Time Offer</h2> <p>This discounted YouTube TV offer is open to participants in the United States who have been contacted by YouTube about the offer and live in markets in which YouTube TV is available, from February 22, 2022, at 9 am PT through March 8, 2022, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer must be redeemed by March 8, 2021, at 11:59 pm PT. Offer is only available to users who are not current YouTube TV subscribers, have not been YouTube TV subscribers, and have not participated in a YouTube TV trial before. Valid form of payment required at sign-up, but will not be charged until the trial period expires. Once trial expires, user will be automatically charged the specified discounted price before being charged the current subscription price of US$64.99/month. You can cancel your trial at no charge at any time before the trial is over. Each promotional code is valid for 1 redemption of YouTube TV discount. Eligible participants must use the promotion link or coupon code provided and take action in order to claim the offer. Offer requires a Google Account. Must be 18 years or older. No refunds for partial billing periods are available. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, code, and/or offer. Promotional value of offer nontransferable, not for resale, and not redeemable for cash or cash equivalent.</p></article> </section> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="ytv-footer o-wrapper o-wrapper--overflow"> <section class="ytv-footer__supplemental o-wrapper__content u-auto-both"></section> <section class="ytv-footer__popular o-wrapper__content u-auto-both"> <svg width="14" height="12" class="ytv-footer__popular-icon"> <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M-1-2h16v16H-1z"/> <path d="M10.333 9.327c-.9 0-1.466.28-1.966.533-.434.22-.787.4-1.367.4-.6 0-.933-.167-1.367-.4-.5-.253-1.046-.533-1.966-.533-.92 0-1.467.28-1.967.533-.287.147-.54.273-.847.347-.3.066-.52.306-.52.606v.067c0 .4.374.687.76.607.494-.1.867-.287 1.207-.46.433-.22.78-.4 1.367-.4.586 0 .933.166 1.366.4.5.253 1.047.533 1.967.533.92 0 1.467-.28 1.967-.533.433-.22.786-.4 1.366-.4.6 0 .934.166 1.367.4.347.173.72.366 1.22.466a.626.626 0 0 0 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