Shipping in Burton

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The stather has been a port since at least <span itemprop="mentions">Roman times</span>. Goods have been loaded and unloaded at the wharf, brickworks and sandpit over the years. <span itemprop="mentions">Ferries</span> have crossed the river to the Garthorpe side and travelled along the river to Hull and Gainsborough.</p> </section> <section itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 itemprop="name">John Wray &amp; Son</h3> <p itemprop="description">One of the more notable shipping activities over the years was a large ship yard at the site which is now Kingsferry Wharf. John Wray &amp; Son built ships on The Trent for more than a century from <time itemprop="foundingDate">1788</time> to <time itemprop="dissolutionDate">1892</time>. During this time the yard produced more than 300 ships, from large ocean going barques and schooners which travelled the entire globe, to local Humber sloops and fishing smacks for the Hull and Grimsby fleets which were booming in the late nineteenth century.</p> <h4>Ship Database</h4> <p>We are compiling a database of the ships built at Burton, you can explore this in the <a href="list" title="Ship List">Ship List</a> section of the site. Research is on-going so we don't have records for all vessels as yet, some have more detailed information than others. There are currently 283 ships in the database, 55 of them have stories written about them. We have featured some of the more notable ships listed below.</p> </section> <section> <h4>Featured Vessels</h4> <ul class="plist"> <li itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="smlpic"> <a href="../image/art/barque_burton.jpg" title="Burton Stather" data-lightbox="ships" data-title="The Burton Stather as a fully rigged ship."> <img src="../image/art/barque_burton.jpg" alt="The Burton Stather"></a> </figure> <p><a itemprop="url" href="62-burton-stather" title="Burton Stather">The Barque <q itemprop="name">Burton Stather</q></a> - <span itemprop="description">The largest, most prestigious and high spec ship ever built by the yard. A sparkling career that spanned the globe from London to South Africa and Australia to Hong Kong, carrying some famous names as passengers, before being lost without trace.</span></p> </li> <li itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="smlpic"> <a href="../image/photo/young-dick.jpg" title="Young Dick" data-lightbox="ships" data-title="The schooner Young Dick in Timaru Harbour NZ."> <img src="../image/photo/young-dick.jpg" alt="The Young Dick"></a> </figure> <p><a itemprop="url" href="76-young-dick" title="Young Dick">The Schooner <q itemprop="name">Young Dick</q></a> - <span itemprop="description">Probably the most dramatic story of all our ships. A tale of exotic locations and bloody conflict within one of the more controversial trades of the late nineteenth century. Find out what made this Stather schooner an unforgettable part of Queensland history, in a story yet untold in her homeland; until now.</span></p> </li> <li itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="smlpic"> <a href="" title="Sigurfari" data-lightbox="ships" data-title="The Sigurfari in Arkranes, Iceland."> <img src="" alt="The Sigurfari"></a> </figure> <p><a itemprop="url" href="164-bacchante" title="Sigurfari"><q itemprop="name">Bacchante</q> aka <q itemprop="alternateName">Sigurfari</q></a> - <span itemprop="description">The only known ship from our yard still in existence. This ketch rigged smack survived fishing in the cold, unforgiving North Sea and North Atlantic for almost a whole century, not retiring until the 1970s. Now a museum piece in Iceland.</span></p> </li> <li itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="smlpic"> <a href="" title="Indipup" data-lightbox="ships" data-title="The Indipup on The Trent."> <img src="" alt="The Indipup"></a> </figure> <p><a itemprop="url" href="indipup" title="Indipup"><q itemprop="name">Indipup</q></a> - <span itemprop="description">Not one of Wray's ships of course, but this unassuming little lifeboat, a favourite at our events, has an unexpected past life as a veteran of The Cod Wars in the 1970s.</span></p> </li> <li itemprop="mentions" itemscope itemtype=""> <figure class="smlpic"> <a href="../image/bkgr/sloop-1k.jpg" title="A Sloop" data-lightbox="ships" data-title="A Sloop"> <img src="../image/bkgr/sloop-1k.jpg" alt="A Sloop"></a> </figure> <p><a itemprop="url" href="64-rose-in-june" title="Rose in June"><q itemprop="name">Rose in June</q></a> - <strong>Random Pick</strong> selected from the database. <span itemprop="description">The Sloop &#8216;Rose in June&#8217;, Official Number 56221, built at John Way &amp; Sons shipyard, Burton Stather in 1866.</span></p> </li> </ul> </section> <section itemscope itemtype=""> <h3 id="map" itemprop="headline">Shipwreck Chart</h3> <p itemprop="description">Use the interactive map to explore the places where the known ships built at Burton Stather met their fate around the globe. Most are concentrated around the UK coast, use the zoom and pan tools to navigate the map. Click a wreck icon to find out more about the wreck. You can download our <a href="../download/ship-map" title="Ships Map" rel="nofollow">KML File</a> and view the ship locations in Google Earth and other mapping software.</p> <figure class="bigpic"> <div class="framecont frm43"> <!---<iframe name="map" src="../tour/fake-kmlgadget.php?;up_view_mode=maps&amp;up_lat=30&amp;up_lng=30&amp;up_zoom=2&amp;up_earth_2d_fallback=1&amp;up_earth_fly_from_space=1&amp;up_earth_show_nav_controls=1&amp;up_earth_show_buildings=0&amp;up_earth_show_terrain=1&amp;up_earth_show_roads=1&amp;up_earth_show_borders=1&amp;up_earth_sphere=earth&amp;up_maps_zoom_out=0&amp;up_maps_default_type=map" height="600" width="850"></iframe>--> <!--<iframe name="map" src="" height="600" width="850"></iframe>--> <iframe name="gmap" width="850" height="500" src="../tour/maps.php?lat=10&lon=25&zoom=2&feat=ships"></iframe> </div> <figcaption>Note: The positions given on these maps are approximate only and not to be considered as accurate. Many are the result of some conjecture and therefore should not be used for navigation or in planning a dive.</figcaption> </figure> </section> <footer> <p id="update" title="2024-03-17 17:58:24">Last updated <time itemprop="dateModified" datetime="2024-03-17 17:58:24">Sun<span class="hidesml">day the</span> 17<sup>th</sup> Mar<span class="hidesml">ch</span> 2024</time></p> <p class="copy"> &copy; <span itemprop="CopyrightYear">2024</span> <span itemprop="CopyrightHolder" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="Name">Burton <span class="hidesml">upon</span> Stather Heritage Group</span> </span> </p> </footer> </div> <div class="bigpic alp ad" itemscope itemtype=""> <!-- START BANNER --> <a itemprop="url" href="" target="_blank"> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 600px)" srcset="/image/logo/468x60_reversed.png"> <img itemprop="image" src="/image/logo/120x60_reversed.png" alt="Easyfundraising for BSHG"> </picture> </a> <!-- END BANNER --> <form action="" method="post" target="_top" class="donate"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="KK7UC2DFN57Q4"> <input type="image" src="" name="submit" title="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" alt="Donate with PayPal button"> <img alt="" src="" width="1" height="1" /> </form> </div> </article> </main> <div class="picatt"> <cite>&copy; Background Photograph by Sam Ablott.</cite> </div> <div class="prlink"> <a href="/private/shipping" title="If you can see this, don't click, bad things will happen!" rel="nofollow"> <img src="/image/icon/nothing.png" alt="If you can see this, don't click, bad things will happen!"> </a> </div> <script src="/js/lightbox.min.js"></script> <script> // create social networking pop-ups (function() { var Config = { Link: "a.share-butt", Width: 500, Height: 500 }; // add handler links var slink = document.querySelectorAll(Config.Link); for (var a = 0; a < slink.length; a++) { slink[a].onclick = PopupHandler; } // create popup function PopupHandler(e) { e = (e ? e : window.event); var t = ( ? : e.srcElement); // popup position var px = Math.floor(((screen.availWidth || 1024) - Config.Width) / 2), py = Math.floor(((screen.availHeight || 700) - Config.Height) / 2); // open popup var popup =, "social", "width="+Config.Width+",height="+Config.Height+",left="+px+",top="+py+",location=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1"); if (popup) { popup.focus(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; } return !!popup; } }()); </script> <!--Analytics Script--> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-18679677-2', ''); ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js'); ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!--End of Analytics Script--> </body> </html>

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