Instytut Gość Media
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Gościa tygodniowo (dane PBC)','500 tys osób mających kontakt z tygodnikiem (dane PBC)','ponad 30 tys. sprzedanych egz. 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"> </div> <div bkgcolor="2" class="imageItem" style=" background-image: url(; "> </div> <div bkgcolor="3" class="imageItem" style=" background-image: url(; "> </div> <div bkgcolor="4" class="imageItem" style=" background-image: url(; "> </div> </div> <div id="app1"> <div bkgcolor="1" class="el4main el1" data-aos="zoom-out-up"> <div class="logoKomponent"> <svg fill="none" height="59" viewbox="0 0 42 59" width="42" xmlns=""> <path d="M33.4928 3C33.4928 3 25.8736 7.06369 17.8734 8.33343C9.87328 9.60355 2.12723 9.22259 2.12723 9.22259L2 56.8425C2 56.8425 10.6771 57.5537 16.9846 55.9533C25.4926 53.7948 33.7469 49.3506 33.7469 49.3506L33.4928 3Z" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M34.0004 6.30176H40.0958V56.7149H13.3018" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M16.7738 26.3314L16.0938 27.0434C15.7338 26.7394 15.4298 26.6038 14.9822 26.6038C14.2062 26.6038 13.6305 27.1798 13.6305 28.5554C13.6305 30.0107 14.0145 30.5071 14.7822 30.5071C15.0542 30.5071 15.3022 30.4511 15.5342 30.3231V29.0674H14.8142L14.6862 28.1394H16.8058V30.8827C16.2378 31.2507 15.5182 31.4667 14.7902 31.4667C13.1185 31.4667 12.2705 30.4507 12.2705 28.555C12.2705 26.675 13.4462 25.6514 14.9182 25.6514C15.7182 25.6517 16.3182 25.9318 16.7738 26.3314Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M21.9575 31.3304H20.2858L18.6862 27.0351C18.7502 27.5391 18.8542 28.2751 18.8542 29.2988V31.3304H17.6865V25.7871H19.3182L20.9578 30.0908C20.8858 29.6428 20.7818 28.9148 20.7818 28.0268V25.7871H21.9575V31.3304Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <h4>Prenumerata papierowa Gość Niedzielny</h4> <p> Prenumeratę można rozpocząć w dowolnym momencie roku na minimum 13 wydań (kwartał). Prenumerata wysyłana jest przesyłką priorytetową za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej (koszty przesyłki na terenie kraju ponosi redakcja). </p> <a class="testButton" href="/Prenumerata/gosc" target="_blank"><span>więcej</span></a> </div> </div> <div bkgcolor="2" class="el4main el2" data-aos="zoom-out-up"> <div class="logoKomponent"> <svg fill="none" height="59" viewbox="0 0 42 59" width="42" xmlns=""> <path d="M33.4928 3C33.4928 3 25.8736 7.06369 17.8734 8.33343C9.87328 9.60355 2.12723 9.22259 2.12723 9.22259L2 56.8425C2 56.8425 10.6771 57.5537 16.9846 55.9533C25.4926 53.7948 33.7469 49.3506 33.7469 49.3506L33.4928 3Z" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M34.0004 6.30176H40.0958V56.7149H13.3018" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M15.7219 31.0615H14.4954L14.4039 28.9971C14.3658 28.2579 14.3506 27.4958 14.3887 26.8408L13.5733 30.5055H12.3925L11.5238 26.8408C11.5768 27.6181 11.5768 28.2731 11.5467 29.0119L11.4552 31.0615H10.2363L10.6326 25.7812H12.21L13.0025 29.3625L13.7413 25.7812H15.326L15.7219 31.0615Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M20.4937 26.2991L19.8463 26.9773C19.5034 26.6877 19.2138 26.5586 18.7871 26.5586C18.0482 26.5586 17.4996 27.1072 17.4996 28.4176C17.4996 29.8037 17.8653 30.2766 18.5965 30.2766C18.8556 30.2766 19.0915 30.2232 19.3129 30.1013V28.9053H18.627L18.5051 28.0213H20.5238V30.6344C19.9831 30.9849 19.2973 31.1907 18.6038 31.1907C17.0115 31.1907 16.2041 30.2229 16.2041 28.4172C16.2041 26.6264 17.3239 25.6514 18.7257 25.6514C19.4878 25.6517 20.0597 25.9184 20.4937 26.2991Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M25.4309 31.0615H23.8382L22.3145 26.97C22.3755 27.4501 22.4745 28.1512 22.4745 29.1262V31.0615H21.3623V25.7812H22.9165L24.4783 29.8807C24.4101 29.4539 24.3107 28.7605 24.3107 27.9146V25.7812H25.4309V31.0615Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <h4>Prenumerata papierowa Mały Gość niedzielny</h4> <p> Prenumeratę można rozpocząć w dowolnym momencie roku na minimum 6 wydań (pół roku). Prenumerata wysyłana jest przesyłką ekonomiczną za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej (koszty przesyłki na terenie kraju ponosi redakcja). </p> <a class="testButton" href="/Prenumerata/malygosc" target="_blank"><span>więcej</span></a> </div> </div> <div bkgcolor="3" class="el4main el3" data-aos="zoom-out-up"> <div class="logoKomponent"> <svg fill="none" height="58" viewbox="0 0 61 58" width="61" xmlns=""> <path d="M59.7108 2H2V42.3179H59.7108V2Z" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M9.59082 34.6087V9.62793H52.338V34.6087H9.59082Z" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M30.7606 19.119L29.7304 20.1976C29.185 19.7371 28.7245 19.5317 28.0464 19.5317C26.8708 19.5317 25.9988 20.4042 25.9988 22.4882C25.9988 24.6928 26.5805 25.4448 27.7434 25.4448C28.1555 25.4448 28.5312 25.3599 28.8826 25.166V23.2638H27.7919L27.598 21.858H30.809V26.0138C29.9485 26.5713 28.8584 26.8985 27.7555 26.8985C25.2231 26.8985 23.9385 25.3593 23.9385 22.4876C23.9385 19.6396 25.7195 18.0889 27.9494 18.0889C29.1614 18.0894 30.0703 18.5136 30.7606 19.119Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M38.6136 26.692H36.0812L33.6579 20.1851C33.7549 20.9486 33.9124 22.0636 33.9124 23.6143V26.692H32.1436V18.2944H34.6153L37.0992 24.8141C36.9902 24.1354 36.8326 23.0325 36.8326 21.6873V18.2944H38.6136V26.692Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M39.2123 42.4448H22.4668V56.0002H39.2123V42.4448Z" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> <path d="M15.042 55.9995H46.6382" stroke="white" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2.5"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <h4>eWydania Gość Niedzielny</h4> <p> Dostęp przyznawany natychmiast po dokonaniu opłaty. Treść wydania można czytać tylko online poprzez przeglądarkę. Można także pobrać zakupione wydanie na urządzenia mobilne. 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