Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences * Ranking

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It provides a friendly interface that allows the visualization of any customized ranking from the combination of these three sets of indicators. Additionally, it is possible to compare the trends for individual indicators of up to six institutions. For each large sector it is also possible to obtain distribution charts of the different indicators. For comparative purposes, the value of the composite indicator has been set on a scale of 0 to 100. 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var ds1=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,1965,1965th\n2010,1839,1839th\n2011,1791,1791st\n2012,1563,1563rd\n2013,1218,1218th\n2014,1085,1085th\n2015,1064,1064th\n2016,1063,1063rd\n2017,357,357th\n2018,400,400th\n2019,434,434th\n2020,463,463rd\n2021,371,371st\n2022,228,228th\n2023,182,182nd\n2024,200,200th\n2025,218,218th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart',this,settingsevolution); }); var settingsevolution2=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution2.general.title = "Research Rank"; settingsevolution2.general.default_color='rgb(250, 167, 91)'; settingsevolution2.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2019 new indicators were added as part of the research factor: Not Own Journals (NotOJ), Own Journals (OJ) and Open Access (OA)."}]; var ds12=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,2335,2335th\n2010,2261,2261st\n2011,2172,2172nd\n2012,1878,1878th\n2013,1376,1376th\n2014,1048,1048th\n2015,801,801st\n2016,607,607th\n2017,510,510th\n2018,454,454th\n2019,560,560th\n2020,504,504th\n2021,416,416th\n2022,361,361st\n2023,287,287th\n2024,192,192nd\n2025,184,184th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_research', this, settingsevolution2); }); var settingsevolution3=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution3.general.title = "Innovation Rank"; settingsevolution3.general.default_color='rgb(90, 155, 212)'; settingsevolution3.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2018 the number of patents held by the institution was included as part of the innovation factor."}]; var ds13=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,1361,1361st\n2010,1270,1270th\n2011,1265,1265th\n2012,1234,1234th\n2013,1149,1149th\n2014,1248,1248th\n2015,1456,1456th\n2016,2176,2176th\n2017,254,254th\n2018,314,314th\n2019,413,413th\n2020,494,494th\n2021,362,362nd\n2022,209,209th\n2023,178,178th\n2024,246,246th\n2025,256,256th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_innovation', this, settingsevolution3); }); var settingsevolution4=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution4.general.title = "Societal Rank"; settingsevolution4.general.default_color='rgb(122, 195, 106)'; settingsevolution4.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2019 the Altmetrics (AM) indicator was included as part of the societal factor."}, {"criteria":{"Year":"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2024 new indicators were added as part of the societal factor: Authority Score (AScore), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Female Scientific Talent Pool (FemSTP), Overton (OV)."}]; var ds14=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2015,1892,1892nd\n2016,2005,2005th\n2017,1978,1978th\n2018,3289,3289th\n2019,516,516th\n2020,466,466th\n2021,522,522nd\n2022,383,383rd\n2023,413,413th\n2024,1150,1150th\n2025,1619,1619th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_societal', this, settingsevolution4); }); var settingsCompare={ "general": { "default_shape":"bar", "label_config":"[Percentile][Label]", "tooltip_config":"", "label_placement":"automatic", "title_size":14, "left_padding":24, "right_padding":24, "top_padding":24, "bottom_padding":24, "colors":{"Overall":"rgb(0,0,0)","Research":"rgb(250, 167, 91)","Innovation":"rgb(90, 155, 212)","Societal":"rgb(122, 195, 106)"}, "bar_width":0.666, "default_alpha":0.8, "label_placement":"in","label_align":"right","label_vertical_align":"middle" }, "grammar": [ { "variable":"Region", "property":"AXIS_Y", "show_title":false, "padding":6 }, { "variable":"Indicator", "property":"AXIS_X", "orientation":"top", "labels_align":"left", "show_title":false, "grid_lines_color":"#f1f3f5" }, { "variable":"Length", "property":"AXIS_X", "max":106, "show_labels":false, "show_grid_lines":false }, { "variable":"Indicator", "property":"COLOR", "legend":false }]} if (by('id:compare_all')) { var ds15=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Indicator;Region;Percentile;Label;Length\nOverall;World;3;rd;97\nResearch;World;2;nd;98\nInnovation;World;3;rd;97\nSocietal;World;17;th;83\nOverall;Asiatic Region;2;nd;98\nResearch;Asiatic Region;2;nd;98\nInnovation;Asiatic Region;3;rd;97\nSocietal;Asiatic Region;8;th;92\nOverall;BRIICS;2;nd;98\nResearch;BRIICS;2;nd;98\nInnovation;BRIICS;3;rd;97\nSocietal;BRIICS;7;th;93\nOverall;China;3;rd;97\nResearch;China;3;rd;97\nInnovation;China;5;th;95\nSocietal;China;4;th;96\n', }).done(function () { new graphica.View('compare_all', this, settingsCompare); }); var settingsCompare2=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsCompare)); var ds16=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Indicator;Region;Percentile;Label;Length\nOverall;World;2;nd;98\nResearch;World;2;nd;98\nInnovation;World;3;rd;97\nSocietal;World;14;th;86\nOverall;Asiatic Region;2;nd;98\nResearch;Asiatic Region;1;st;99\nInnovation;Asiatic Region;5;th;95\nSocietal;Asiatic Region;3;rd;97\nOverall;BRIICS;1;st;99\nResearch;BRIICS;1;st;99\nInnovation;BRIICS;4;th;96\nSocietal;BRIICS;4;th;96\nOverall;China;2;nd;98\nResearch;China;1;st;99\nInnovation;China;6;th;94\nSocietal;China;2;nd;98\n', }).done(function () { new graphica.View('compare_sector', this, settingsCompare2); }); } var modal = document.getElementById("myModal"); window.onclick = function(event) { if ( == modal) { = "none"; } } }); </script> <body> <aside class="multisitebar"> <div class="multisitebar_central"> <div class="siteslinks"> <a href="" class="sjrlink"><img src="multisitebar/sjr.png" alt="SCImago Journal & Country Rank" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Journal Country & Rank</span></a> <a href="" class="scimagoirlink currentsite"><img src="multisitebar/sir.png" alt="SCImago Institutions Rankings" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Institutions Rankings</span></a> <a href="" class="scimagomedialink"><img src="multisitebar/logo-white-128.png" alt="SCImago Media Rankings" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Media Rankings</span></a> <a href="" class="siriberlink"><img src="multisitebar/siriber.png" alt="SCImago Iber" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Iber</span></a> <a href="" class="srcrlink"><img src="multisitebar/srcr.png" alt="SCImago Research Centers Ranking" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Research Centers Ranking</span></a> <a href="" class="graphicalink"><img src="multisitebar/graphica.png" alt="SCImago Graphica" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Graphica</span></a> <a href="" class="epilink"><img src="multisitebar/epi.png" alt="Ediciones Profesionales de la Información " /><span class="multisite_tooltip">Ediciones Profesionales de la Informaci&oacute;n</span></a> </div> <div id="multisitebar_scimagolablink"> <a href=""><img src="multisitebar/scimagolab_mobile.png" alt="SCImago Lab" class="multisitebar_scimagolablink_mobile" /><img class="multisitebar_scimagolablink_desktop" src="multisitebar/scimagolab.png" alt="SCImago Lab" /></a> </div> </div> </aside> <div class="head"> <div id="logo"> <a href="./" title="home page"><img src="./img/logo.png" alt="Scimago Institutions Rankings" /></a> </div> <nav class="menu closedmenu"> <div class="menubuttons"> <img src="img/menu.png" alt="open menu" id="openmenu"/> <img src="img/close.png" alt="close menu" id="closemenu" /> </div> <ul class="menuul"> <li id="li_rankings_menu_mobile" ><a href="./" aria-haspopup="false" aria-expanded="false">Home</a> <li id="li_rankings_menu_mobile" ><a href="rankings.php" aria-haspopup="false" aria-expanded="false">Rankings</a> <li id="li_rankings_menu"><a href="#" id="rankings_menu" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Rankings<img src="./img/dropdown_icon.png" alt="" /></a> <div class="submenu_wrap"> <div class="submenu" id="submenu"> <div class="submenucontent"> <div> <div class="h1">By sectors</div> <ul class="submenuul"> <li><a href="rankings.php"><img src="img/overall_black.png" alt="" />Overall Ranking</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Higher%20educ."><img src="img/university_black.png" alt="" />University Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Government"><img src="img/government_black.png" alt="" />Government Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Health"><img src="img/health_black.png" alt="" />Health Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Private"><img src="img/private_black.png" alt="" />Company Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Others"><img src="img/other_black.png" alt="" />Non-Profit Rankings</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="border-left-style: solid; 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background-color:rgb(245,247,249)"> <div class="dostercios" id="block_info"> <h1>Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences *<img src='img/government.png' class='img_government' alt='Government' title='Government' style='margin-left:12px' /></h1> <h2>China</h2> <p> <a class="country_sirlink" href="" title="visit SCImago Media Rankings - China"><img src="img/media_white.png" alt="SCImago Media Logo">China in SCImago Media Rankings</a> </p> <p><a href='#wp-comments-response' id='comment_link'>Leave a comment</a> or share on <!-- Sharingbutton Facebook --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#3b5998" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on Facebook"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/></svg> </a> <!-- Sharingbutton Twitter --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#55acee" href=" Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;url=" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on Twitter"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M23.44 4.83c-.8.37-1.5.38- 1.32-2.02-.88.52-1.86.9-2.9 1.1-.82-.88-2-1.43-3.3-1.43-2.5 0-4.55 2.04-4.55 4.54 0 . 1.04-3.77-.2-7.12-2-9.36-4.75-.4.67-.6 1.45-.6 2.3 0 1.56.8 2.95 2 3.77-.74-.03-1.44-.23-2.05-.57v.06c0 2.2 1.56 4.03 3.64 4.44-.67.2-1.37.2- 1.8 2.26 3.12 4.25 3.16C5.78 18.1 3.37 18.74 1 18.46c2 1.3 4.4 2.04 6.97 2.04 8.35 0 12.92-6.92 12.92-12.93 0-.2 0-.4-.02-.6.9-.63 1.96-1.22 2.56-2.14z"/></svg> </a> <!-- Sharingbutton LinkedIn --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#0077b5" href=";url=;title=Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;summary=Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;source=" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on LinkedIn"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M6.5 21.5h-5v-13h5v13zM4 6.5C2.5 6.5 1.5 5.3 1.5 4s1-2.4 2.5-2.4c1.6 0 2.5 1 2.6 2.5 0 1.4-1 2.5-2.6 2.5zm11.5 6c-1 0-2 1-2 2v7h-5v-13h5V10s1.6-1.5 4-1.5c3 0 5 2.2 5 6.3v6.7h-5v-7c0-1-1-2-2-2z"/></svg> </a> <a class="sharebutton embed_tooltip" id="embed_button" data-idp="25998" style="background-color:#424242; color:white; width:auto;padding-left:6px;padding-right: 6px;font-family: 'Noto Sans';font-size: 13px;line-height: 195%" href="#">&#10094; &#10095; Embed</a> </p> <p><strong>Foundation</strong>: 1957</p><p><strong>Mission</strong>: Information not localized</p><p><strong>Vision</strong>: Information not localized</p><p><strong>Subordinate organizations:</strong></p><ul><li><a href='institution.php?idp=25993'>China National Rice Research Institute</a></li><li>Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences</li></ul> </div><div class="untercio" style="background-color:rgb(245,247,249)"> <div class="percentiles"> <div><div class="h1">3<sup>rd</sup></div><strong>Overall</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">2<sup>nd</sup></div><strong>Research</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">3<sup>rd</sup></div><strong>Innovation</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">17<sup>th</sup></div><strong>Societal</strong> percentile</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center!important;overflow: hidden;"> <!-- GOOGLE ADS quitada in-article--> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Evolution of the institution</h2> <p>The following data gives a quick reading on the scientific performance in the last years. The research ranking refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research output. The innovation ranking is calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents. Finally, the societal ranking is based on the number of pages of the institution's website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks.</p> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_research'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_innovation'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_societal'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Compared to its context</h2> <p>The result of the evaluation of the institution can be compared to obtain a view of the country, the region to which it belongs and the institutions of the world, placing it in their respective positions.</p> </div> <div class="gridchartX2"> <div style="padding:24px;padding-bottom: 0px;white-space: nowrap;">Compared to All sectors (percentiles)</div> <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;top:32px;" id='compare_all'><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> <div class="gridchartX2" > <div style="padding:24px;padding-bottom: 0px;white-space: nowrap;">Compared to Government sector (percentiles)</div> <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;top:32px;" id='compare_sector'><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center;"> <!-- GOOGLE ADS--> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Ranks by Subject areas/categories</h2> <p>We have divided the scientific output of the institution into 19 large areas of knowledge and the following table shows only the ranks in different territorial domains achieved by the institution in each of the areas. For an institution to have a presence in an area, it is necessary that it exceed in the last year a minimum output threshold equivalent to twice the percentage that this area represents in the world. If you need scientific indicators on these areas visit <a href="">Scopus</a> and/or <a href="">SciVal</a>. </p> </div> <div style="padding-bottom:24px"> <label for="all"><input style="vertical-align:text-top" type="radio" id="all" name="area_sector" value="all" checked onChange="by('id:area_ranks_all').style('display','block'); by('id:area_ranks_sector').style('display','none');">All sectors</label>&nbsp; <label for="sector"><input style="vertical-align:text-top" type="radio" id="sector" name="area_sector" value="sector" onChange="by('id:area_ranks_all').style('display','none'); by('id:area_ranks_sector').style('display','block');">Government</label> </div> <div id="area_ranks_all"> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Area</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1100' title='Ranking - Agricultural and Biological Sciences '>Agricultural and Biological Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('1100_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1300' title='Ranking - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology '>Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>73<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>18<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1400' title='Ranking - Business, Management and Accounting '>Business, Management and Accounting </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1100<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>273<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>209<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>129<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1600' title='Ranking - Chemistry '>Chemistry </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>208<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>53<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>47<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>46<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1700' title='Ranking - Computer Science '>Computer Science </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>453<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>137<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>103<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>96<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1900' title='Ranking - Earth and Planetary Sciences '>Earth and Planetary Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('1900_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>158<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>82<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>73<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>72<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2000' title='Ranking - Economics, Econometrics and Finance '>Economics, Econometrics and Finance </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1064<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>272<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>205<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>141<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2100' title='Ranking - Energy '>Energy </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>380<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>161<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>130<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>125<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2200' title='Ranking - Engineering '>Engineering </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2200_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>763<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>245<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>176<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>170<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2300' title='Ranking - Environmental Science '>Environmental Science </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>54<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>30<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>31<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>30<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2600' title='Ranking - Mathematics '>Mathematics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1386<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>392<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>282<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>231<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2700' title='Ranking - Medicine '>Medicine </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2700_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>183<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>32<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>29<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>28<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3000' title='Ranking - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics '>Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>200<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>59<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>54<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>51<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3100' title='Ranking - Physics and Astronomy '>Physics and Astronomy </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>307<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>96<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>80<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>78<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3300' title='Ranking - Social Sciences '>Social Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('3300_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>556<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>99<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>89<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>69<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3400' title='Ranking - Veterinary '>Veterinary </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="area_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Area</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1100&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Government'>Agricultural and Biological Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('1100_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1300&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology - Government'>Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>15<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1400&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Business, Management and Accounting - Government'>Business, Management and Accounting </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>51<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>14<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1600&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Chemistry - Government'>Chemistry </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>45<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1700&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Computer Science - Government'>Computer Science </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>53<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>20<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>16<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>15<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1900&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Earth and Planetary Sciences - Government'>Earth and Planetary Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('1900_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>58<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>29<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>30<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>29<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2000&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Government'>Economics, Econometrics and Finance </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>76<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>18<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>15<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2100&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Energy - Government'>Energy </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>108<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>52<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>47<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>43<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2200&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Engineering - Government'>Engineering </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2200_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>136<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>53<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>40<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>38<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2300&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Environmental Science - Government'>Environmental Science </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>19<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>9<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>10<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>9<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2600&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Mathematics - Government'>Mathematics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>248<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>85<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>71<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>69<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2700&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Medicine - Government'>Medicine </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2700_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3000&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics - Government'>Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>30<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>10<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3100&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Physics and Astronomy - Government'>Physics and Astronomy </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>45<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3300&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Social Sciences - Government'>Social Sciences </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('3300_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>37<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3400&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Veterinary - Government'>Veterinary </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="1100_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Agricultural and Biological Sciences - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1103' title='Ranking - Animal Science and Zoology'>Animal Science and Zoology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1104' title='Ranking - Aquatic Science'>Aquatic Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>180<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>79<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>74<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>64<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1105' title='Ranking - Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics'>Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>21<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1106' title='Ranking - Food Science'>Food Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1107' title='Ranking - Forestry'>Forestry</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>22<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1110' title='Ranking - Plant Science'>Plant Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1111' title='Ranking - Soil Science'>Soil Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>10<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="1100_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Government</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1103&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Animal Science and Zoology - Government'>Animal Science and Zoology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1104&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Aquatic Science - Government'>Aquatic Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>62<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>21<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>20<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1105&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Government'>Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>15<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1106&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Food Science - Government'>Food Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1107&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Forestry - Government'>Forestry</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>9<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1110&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Plant Science - Government'>Plant Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1111&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Soil Science - Government'>Soil Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="1900_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Earth and Planetary Sciences - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1902' title='Ranking - Atmospheric Science'>Atmospheric Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>724<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>219<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>182<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>151<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1910' title='Ranking - Oceanography'>Oceanography</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>637<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>148<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>139<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>104<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1911' title='Ranking - Paleontology'>Paleontology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>10<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>7<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="1900_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Earth and Planetary Sciences - Government</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1902&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Atmospheric Science - Government'>Atmospheric Science</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>220<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>72<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>62<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>50<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1910&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Oceanography - Government'>Oceanography</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>182<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>48<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>48<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>38<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1911&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Paleontology - Government'>Paleontology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>8<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2200_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Engineering - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2204' title='Ranking - Biomedical Engineering'>Biomedical Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>317<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>87<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>69<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>67<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2215' title='Ranking - Building and Construction'>Building and Construction</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>495<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>193<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>159<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>141<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2205' title='Ranking - Civil and Structural Engineering'>Civil and Structural Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1251<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>466<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>373<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>302<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2209' title='Ranking - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering'>Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>401<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>171<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>145<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>140<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2210' title='Ranking - Mechanical Engineering'>Mechanical Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1659<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>601<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>470<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>395<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2200_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Engineering - Government</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2204&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Biomedical Engineering - Government'>Biomedical Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>51<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>19<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>15<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>14<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2215&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Building and Construction - Government'>Building and Construction</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>65<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>32<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>32<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>31<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2205&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Civil and Structural Engineering - Government'>Civil and Structural Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>193<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>97<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>92<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>85<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2209&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - Government'>Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>77<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>38<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>33<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>31<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2210&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Mechanical Engineering - Government'>Mechanical Engineering</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>363<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>151<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>132<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>121<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="3300_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Social Sciences - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3304' title='Ranking - Education'>Education</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1719<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>338<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>292<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>130<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3305' title='Ranking - Geography, Planning and Development'>Geography, Planning and Development</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>238<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>82<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>72<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>65<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3309' title='Ranking - Library and Information Sciences'>Library and Information Sciences</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>311<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>72<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>58<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>46<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="3300_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Social Sciences - Government</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3304&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Education - Government'>Education</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>75<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>11<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>9<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3305&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Geography, Planning and Development - Government'>Geography, Planning and Development</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>46<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>16<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>17<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>16<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3309&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Library and Information Sciences - Government'>Library and Information Sciences</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>34<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2700_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Medicine - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2713' title='Ranking - Epidemiology'>Epidemiology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>26<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2725' title='Ranking - Infectious Diseases'>Infectious Diseases</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>45<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>12<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>13<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>11<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2739' title='Ranking - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health'>Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>137<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>32<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>33<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>29<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2700_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Medicine - Government</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Asiatic Region</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>BRIICS</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>China</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2713&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Epidemiology - Government'>Epidemiology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2725&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Infectious Diseases - Government'>Infectious Diseases</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>7<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2739&sector=Government' title='Ranking - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health - Government'>Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>14<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="related_institutions"> <div id="related_institutions_config"> <span id='related_institutions_config_title'>Similar institutions <img src='img/similar_institutions_help.svg' id='rel_jou_help' title='Similarity is expressed as a percentage of publishing journals shared between the selected institution and similar ones in descending order.' /></span> <span style="display: none" id="related_journals_sourceid">25998</span> <!-- <span id="related_institutions_settings">options <svg viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" height="18"><circle cx="8" cy="3" r="2"/><circle cx="8" cy="9" r="2"/><circle cx="8" cy="15" r="2"/></svg></span> --> </div> <div id="related_institutions_content"> <div id="related_slider"></div> <img id="left_related_institutions" src="img/left.svg" style="cursor: pointer;"> <img id="right_related_institutions" src="img/right.svg" style="cursor: pointer;"> </div> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Publishing profile</h2> <p>These are the journals used by the institution's researchers to publish their work in the last year. The size of each circle represents the value of the <abbr title="Scimago Journal Rank">SJR</abbr> of the publication, and its spatial position represents its subject matter.</p> <p>This visualizatión allows you to identify the knowledge areas where the institution has published, recognize the prestige of the scientific journals in which the institution knowledge has been published, and identify predominant scientific communities.</p> </div> <div class="mapviz"> <div> <iframe title="Shape of Science" frameBorder="0" src=""></iframe> </div> </div> <div class='text'><h2>Where is the institution located?</h2></div> <script src=""></script> <script src="js/scimagoMapsConfig.js"></script> <script src="js/avoidOverlaps.js?2"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div id="container-gray-map" style=""> <div class="wrap-map" style=""> <div id='map'></div> <div id="scimapsLink"><a href="">SCImago Maps</a></div> <div id="legend"> <ul> <li><div class="leg" id="gov"></div> Government</li> <li><div class="leg" id="health"></div> Health</li> <li><div class="leg" id="universities"></div> Universities</li> <li><div class="leg" id="companies"></div> Companies</li> <li><div class="leg" id="non-profit"></div> Non-Profit</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div style="overflow: visible; height: 0px; width: 0px;"> <div id="overlay" ></div> </div> </div> <script> let map_center = [0,0]; let original_coords = []; let citymap = {96652: { center: [ 114.228596, 30.557693 ], population: 1.9998619594851, title: 'Hubei Yangtze Memory Laboratories (CHN)<br>Rank: 1358', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 97775: { center: [ 106.5511838, 29.5656843 ], population: 2.4070814784139, title: 'Chongqing Key Laboratory of Specialty Foods jointly built by Sichuan and Chongqing (CHN)<br>Rank: 1357', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86023: { center: [ 121.4737021, 31.2303904 ], population: 2.4226110363392, title: 'Shanghai Aerospace System Engineering Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1356', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86099: { center: [ 116.323339, 39.9645314 ], population: 2.4381405942644, title: 'China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1355', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79399: { center: [ 112.565454, 37.801254 ], population: 2.4691997101149, title: 'China Institute for Radiation Protection (CHN)<br>Rank: 1354', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97779: { center: [ 116.3144271, 39.9592705 ], population: 2.6141422507506, title: 'Beijing Institute of Precision Mechatronics and Controls (CHN)<br>Rank: 1353', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97274: { center: [ 120.46803, 36.1081099 ], population: 2.7280256755358, title: 'Laoshan Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1352', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79398: { center: [ 120.585325, 31.298825 ], population: 2.7573592849501, title: 'Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1351', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97813: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 2.7780653621838, title: 'Hubei Optics Valley Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1350', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97783: { center: [ 119.7501299, 35.6986412 ], population: 2.805673465162, title: 'Qingdao New Energy Shandong Provincial Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1349', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94639: { center: [ 119.29647, 26.0742099 ], population: 2.8384580874487, title: 'State Grid Fujian Electric Power Economic and Technology Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1348', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97273: { center: [ 120.303694, 35.990039 ], population: 2.9057528384581, title: 'Shandong Energy Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1347', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80706: { center: [ 117.2077601, 39.1654434 ], population: 2.9592435379784, title: 'China Railway Design Corporation (CHN)<br>Rank: 1346', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80661: { center: [ 114.305391, 30.593091 ], population: 2.9903026538289, title: 'Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1345', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25958: { center: [ 109.840547, 40.657547 ], population: 3.0351658211685, title: 'Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earth (CHN)<br>Rank: 1344', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96779: { center: [ 114.161337, 30.642967 ], population: 3.0437933533492, title: 'China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance Design Institute Co, Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1343', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1221: { center: [ 122.8380434, 45.6215283 ], population: 3.054146391966, title: 'Baicheng Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1342', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97788: { center: [ 116.31932, 39.98378 ], population: 3.0938330399972, title: 'Beijing Zhongguancun Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1341', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79404: { center: [ 121.5743241, 31.2636541 ], population: 3.1093625979225, title: 'Polar Research Institute of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1340', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94571: { center: [ 104.6795999, 31.4675099 ], population: 3.1110881043586, title: 'Southwest Institute of Fluid Physics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1339', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94641: { center: [ 106.236956, 38.472385 ], population: 3.1490492459537, title: 'State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1338', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77115: { center: [ 116.407326, 39.904372 ], population: 3.1801083618042, title: 'PLA Dalian Naval Academy (CHN)<br>Rank: 1337', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97795: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 3.1818338682403, title: 'Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Control and Management (CHN)<br>Rank: 1336', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 77748: { center: [ 104.783459, 31.490833 ], population: 3.2077164647824, title: 'Mianyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1335', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96877: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 3.2853642544087, title: 'Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1334', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77727: { center: [ 110.931465, 35.125426 ], population: 3.3578355247265, title: 'Yuncheng University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1333', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97820: { center: [ 122.20778, 29.9853899 ], population: 3.3681885633433, title: 'Donghai Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1332', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96615: { center: [ 114.133768, 30.471273 ], population: 3.3699140697795, title: 'Wuhan Business University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1331', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90729: { center: [ 114.3196628, 34.823096 ], population: 3.3871691341409, title: 'Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1330', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80717: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.3923456534493, title: 'China Academy of Safety Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1329', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83501: { center: [ 116.200161, 39.94212 ], population: 3.4475618594057, title: 'Plastic Surgery Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1328', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 78424: { center: [ 116.407584, 39.904084 ], population: 3.4475618594057, title: 'National Research Center for Geoanalysis (CHN)<br>Rank: 1327', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 78415: { center: [ 117.227284, 31.820584 ], population: 3.4717189495117, title: 'Electronic Engineering Institute of the PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 1326', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97812: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.4734444559478, title: 'GRIMAT Engineering Institute Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1325', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86323: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.5234841425959, title: 'China Huaneng Group Clean Energy Technology Research Institute Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1324', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 81469: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.5614452841909, title: 'Philips Healthcare, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1323', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 74153: { center: [ 116.407776, 39.904009 ], population: 3.5700728163716, title: 'China Academy of Building Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 1322', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62547: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 3.5821513614246, title: 'Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1321', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94582: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 3.5959554129137, title: 'Xi\'an Institute of Applied Optics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1320', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 26087: { center: [ 108.940696, 34.341218 ], population: 3.637367567381, title: 'Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 1319', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97723: { center: [ 115.032129, 30.209646 ], population: 3.6459950995617, title: 'Hubei Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1318', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77705: { center: [ 116.960615, 32.613785 ], population: 3.6546226317424, title: 'Huainan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1317', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94589: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.6753287089761, title: 'Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity (CHN)<br>Rank: 1316', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72533: { center: [ 114.4042289, 30.5073509 ], population: 3.6770542154122, title: 'Wuhan NARI Ltd Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 1315', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97607: { center: [ 109.26194, 34.27997 ], population: 3.6874072540291, title: 'CCTEG Xi\'an Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1314', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79368: { center: [ 113.625328, 34.746611 ], population: 3.711564344135, title: 'Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 1313', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91281: { center: [ 114.509424, 36.575765 ], population: 3.7150153570073, title: 'Handan College (CHN)<br>Rank: 1312', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77651: { center: [ 105.775274, 34.573907 ], population: 3.7270939020603, title: 'Tianshui Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1311', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84519: { center: [ 123.431412, 41.805612 ], population: 3.7322704213687, title: 'AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (CHN)<br>Rank: 1310', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 88330: { center: [ 121.172661, 31.115006 ], population: 3.7374469406771, title: 'Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (CHN)<br>Rank: 1309', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97765: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.7374469406771, title: 'China Telecom Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1308', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96485: { center: [ 119.26607, 35.09237 ], population: 3.7391724471132, title: 'Lianyungang JARI Electronics Company (CHN)<br>Rank: 1307', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 90768: { center: [ 108.728298, 34.359746 ], population: 3.7529764986023, title: 'Xianyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1306', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97776: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 3.7529764986023, title: 'Shenzhen International Quantum Academy (CHN)<br>Rank: 1305', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25991: { center: [ 116.407933, 39.904557 ], population: 3.7547020050385, title: 'China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1304', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 89826: { center: [ 112.1375234, 32.0590241 ], population: 3.7547020050385, title: 'AVIC Manufacturing Technology Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1303', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96834: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.7702315629637, title: 'National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration (CHN)<br>Rank: 1302', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97760: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 3.7702315629637, title: 'Wuhan Institute of Quantum Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1301', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97275: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.7788590951444, title: 'Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1300', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77605: { center: [ 116.986451, 35.581854 ], population: 3.8030161852504, title: 'Jining University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1299', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91290: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 3.8202712496118, title: 'CCCC Highway Consultants Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1298', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72865: { center: [ 117.646254, 24.512513 ], population: 3.8202712496118, title: 'Zhangzhou Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1297', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96830: { center: [ 123.791387, 41.856358 ], population: 3.823722262484, title: 'Liaoning Petrochemical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1296', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80358: { center: [ 116.407354, 39.904254 ], population: 3.8513303654623, title: 'China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1295', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1592: { center: [ 117.276448, 39.062355 ], population: 3.8547813783345, title: 'Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1294', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96829: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 3.859957897643, title: 'Center for Excellence in Ultra-Intense Laser Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 1293', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1361: { center: [ 114.453315, 38.044822 ], population: 3.8703109362598, title: 'Hebei University of Economics and Business (CHN)<br>Rank: 1292', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1515: { center: [ 121.536216, 31.311033 ], population: 3.8703109362598, title: 'Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance (CHN)<br>Rank: 1291', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80348: { center: [ 108.299165, 22.836565 ], population: 3.8789384684405, title: 'Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1290', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77726: { center: [ 100.4447198, 38.943854 ], population: 3.885840494185, title: 'Hexi University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1289', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26023: { center: [ 116.407112, 39.904016 ], population: 3.8892915070573, title: 'Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1288', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25997: { center: [ 120.311143, 31.490637 ], population: 3.897919039238, title: 'China Ship Scientific Research Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 1287', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80703: { center: [ 108.940167, 34.341567 ], population: 3.9255271422162, title: 'Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1286', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 78419: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 3.9272526486524, title: 'Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1285', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1517: { center: [ 121.4002033, 31.2068736 ], population: 3.9427822065776, title: 'Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1284', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97379: { center: [ 114.06113, 35.4113 ], population: 3.9514097387583, title: 'The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1283', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80718: { center: [ 121.473794, 31.230494 ], population: 3.9548607516306, title: 'Marine Design and Research Institute of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1282', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91890: { center: [ 113.647721, 34.863268 ], population: 3.9824688546088, title: 'Zhengzhou Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1281', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90734: { center: [ 106.536812, 29.424712 ], population: 3.984194361045, title: 'Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1280', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 1415: { center: [ 116.128732, 24.325387 ], population: 4.0031749318425, title: 'Jiaying University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1279', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91878: { center: [ 106.669841, 26.463891 ], population: 4.0083514511509, title: 'Guizhou Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1278', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92026: { center: [ 117.971236, 28.417761 ], population: 4.0118024640232, title: 'Shangrao Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1277', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97971: { center: [ 117.2692113, 36.6362738 ], population: 4.0187044897677, title: 'Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1276', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96780: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 4.0273320219484, title: 'Guangdong Academy of Forestry (CHN)<br>Rank: 1275', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96680: { center: [ 104.195397, 35.86166 ], population: 4.0307830348207, title: 'China Aircraft Strength Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1274', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96858: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 4.0445870863098, title: 'Xi\'an Modern Control Technology Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1273', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45532: { center: [ 114.514265, 38.042753 ], population: 4.0877247472133, title: 'First Hospital of Hebei Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1272', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83657: { center: [ 114.096633, 22.565712 ], population: 4.0946267729579, title: 'China Nuclear Power Engineering Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 1271', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80700: { center: [ 104.05746, 30.6849346 ], population: 4.1032543051386, title: 'China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1270', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97958: { center: [ 117.260877, 31.852262 ], population: 4.1118818373193, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1269', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77722: { center: [ 103.425337, 23.350846 ], population: 4.1153328501915, title: 'Honghe University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1268', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71637: { center: [ 125.323905, 43.817996 ], population: 4.1239603823722, title: 'Aviation University of Air Force (CHN)<br>Rank: 1267', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67840: { center: [ 111.670254, 29.048982 ], population: 4.1412154467336, title: 'Hunan University of Arts and Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 1266', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91858: { center: [ 113.379778, 23.200123 ], population: 4.1498429789143, title: 'Guangdong University of Finance (CHN)<br>Rank: 1265', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97786: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 4.158470511095, title: 'Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1264', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 89292: { center: [ 120.15507, 30.274084 ], population: 4.1619215239673, title: 'PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corp Ltd, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1263', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85673: { center: [ 110.740973, 32.647659 ], population: 4.1653725368396, title: 'Hubei University of Automotive Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1262', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97729: { center: [ 104.037104, 30.698147 ], population: 4.1757255754564, title: 'Chengdu Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1261', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77581: { center: [ 115.46599, 35.270752 ], population: 4.182627601201, title: 'Heze University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1260', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89080: { center: [ 113.954657, 35.30441 ], population: 4.1981571591262, title: 'Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College (CHN)<br>Rank: 1259', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94661: { center: [ 116.34174, 39.878409 ], population: 4.2033336784346, title: 'State Grid Beijing Electric Power Economic and Technology Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1258', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1261: { center: [ 125.299397, 43.831 ], population: 4.2119612106153, title: 'Changchun University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1257', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96290: { center: [ 104.0665099, 30.5722599 ], population: 4.2154122234876, title: 'China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1256', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26076: { center: [ 118.7755378, 32.0916791 ], population: 4.232667287849, title: 'Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1255', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 97997: { center: [ 116.4399978, 39.9588017 ], population: 4.232667287849, title: 'Beijing Polytechnic (CHN)<br>Rank: 1254', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84112: { center: [ 114.3447071, 30.6018045 ], population: 4.2343927942851, title: 'China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1253', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91913: { center: [ 109.980492, 40.605873 ], population: 4.2412948200297, title: 'Baotou Medical College * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1252', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66985: { center: [ 116.379103, 40.002095 ], population: 4.2412948200297, title: 'Beijing Academy of Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1251', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77760: { center: [ 110.351341, 21.274651 ], population: 4.2499223522104, title: 'Lingnan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1250', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97818: { center: [ 115.904205, 28.682556 ], population: 4.2620008972633, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1249', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90166: { center: [ 113.3976664, 23.0949955 ], population: 4.270628429444, title: 'Guangdong University of Education (CHN)<br>Rank: 1248', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77580: { center: [ 120.15625, 30.274168 ], population: 4.2896090002416, title: 'Taishan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1247', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25985: { center: [ 116.313315, 39.909055 ], population: 4.2913345066777, title: 'China Building Materials Academy (CHN)<br>Rank: 1246', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91879: { center: [ 117.184975, 31.8316311 ], population: 4.2913345066777, title: 'Anhui Xinhua University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1245', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1538: { center: [ 123.410946, 41.832501 ], population: 4.29478551955, title: 'Shenyang Institute of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1244', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1535: { center: [ 112.580914, 37.769819 ], population: 4.3103150774752, title: 'Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1243', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97396: { center: [ 116.3545542, 39.9112423 ], population: 4.3120405839114, title: 'Beijing Children\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1242', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1547: { center: [ 123.460236, 41.831968 ], population: 4.3137660903475, title: 'Shenyang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1241', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62873: { center: [ 109.1283404, 34.3175877 ], population: 4.3189426096559, title: 'PLA Rocket Force University of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1240', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84854: { center: [ 114.319008, 30.419023 ], population: 4.3206681160921, title: 'Wuhan Donghu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1239', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79351: { center: [ 121.5490321, 31.1304921 ], population: 4.3241191289644, title: 'Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1238', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94619: { center: [ 108.9473631, 34.3272467 ], population: 4.3534527383787, title: 'Chinese People\'s Armed Police Force Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1237', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97378: { center: [ 120.101447, 30.871605 ], population: 4.368982296304, title: 'Affiliated Central Hospital of Huzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1236', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96664: { center: [ 119.29647, 26.0742099 ], population: 4.3707078027401, title: 'China Fujian Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology Innovation Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1235', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77758: { center: [ 112.5775548, 37.8630063 ], population: 4.3741588156124, title: 'Taiyuan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1234', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91849: { center: [ 102.566793, 24.336198 ], population: 4.3793353349208, title: 'Yuxi Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1233', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1493: { center: [ 101.7423217, 36.6396065 ], population: 4.3793353349208, title: 'Qinghai Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1232', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97785: { center: [ 120.38299, 36.0662299 ], population: 4.3827863477931, title: 'Key Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling (CHN)<br>Rank: 1231', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86442: { center: [ 120.156953, 33.384653 ], population: 4.3862373606654, title: 'Yancheng Teachers University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1230', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96838: { center: [ 116.2882208, 39.8244657 ], population: 4.3896883735376, title: 'BGRIMM Technology Group (CHN)<br>Rank: 1229', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91902: { center: [ 114.548111, 38.019724 ], population: 4.3965903992822, title: 'Hebei GEO University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1228', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91862: { center: [ 117.8255871, 30.9327955 ], population: 4.3965903992822, title: 'Tongling University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1227', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72986: { center: [ 121.472055, 31.258903 ], population: 4.4000414121545, title: 'Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1226', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85865: { center: [ 87.616848, 43.825592 ], population: 4.4052179314629, title: 'State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1225', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80672: { center: [ 104.066571, 30.572271 ], population: 4.406943437899, title: 'China Gas Turbine Establishment (CHN)<br>Rank: 1224', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80653: { center: [ 112.422125, 34.615125 ], population: 4.4121199572074, title: 'Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1223', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88374: { center: [ 119.296482, 26.074478 ], population: 4.4138454636436, title: 'State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1222', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96661: { center: [ 106.273514, 38.431994 ], population: 4.4155709700797, title: 'General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1221', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67030: { center: [ 120.98115, 31.384913 ], population: 4.419021982952, title: 'Kunshan First People\'s Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1220', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97770: { center: [ 113.6130714, 34.7503461 ], population: 4.4224729958243, title: 'Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1219', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86377: { center: [ 119.539627, 26.638189 ], population: 4.4276495151327, title: 'Ningde Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1218', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97993: { center: [ 117.2925519, 39.0725647 ], population: 4.4328260344411, title: 'Tianjin Huanhu Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1217', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77725: { center: [ 110.925117, 21.662117 ], population: 4.4569831245471, title: 'Hanshan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1216', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91883: { center: [ 129.561768, 44.589054 ], population: 4.4604341374193, title: 'Mudanjiang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1215', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97904: { center: [ 116.440306, 39.915027 ], population: 4.4621596438555, title: 'Capital Institute of Pediatrics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1214', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45515: { center: [ 116.3768749, 39.9528016 ], population: 4.4673361631639, title: 'Beijing Anding Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1213', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45573: { center: [ 106.08728, 30.787205 ], population: 4.4707871760362, title: 'Nanchong Central Hospital Affiliated to North Sichuan Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 1212', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84494: { center: [ 120.370957, 30.31479 ], population: 4.4707871760362, title: 'Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power (CHN)<br>Rank: 1211', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1536: { center: [ 113.673623, 24.774786 ], population: 4.4759636953446, title: 'Shaoguan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1210', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86542: { center: [ 106.738258, 26.617602 ], population: 4.4794147082169, title: 'Tongren University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1209', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73253: { center: [ 116.407965, 39.904636 ], population: 4.4880422403976, title: 'Academy of Armored Forces Engineering of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 1208', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1375: { center: [ 113.6609148, 34.8046989 ], population: 4.5018462918867, title: 'Henan University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1207', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67781: { center: [ 126.652258, 45.820524 ], population: 4.5035717983228, title: 'Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1206', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91854: { center: [ 113.356876, 23.089479 ], population: 4.5070228111951, title: 'Guangdong University of Finances and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1205', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72864: { center: [ 118.675464, 24.874699 ], population: 4.5156503433758, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1204', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97824: { center: [ 116.3144271, 39.9592705 ], population: 4.5191013562481, title: 'Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Application (CHN)<br>Rank: 1203', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66655: { center: [ 107.160605, 34.348457 ], population: 4.5191013562481, title: 'Baoji University of Arts and Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1202', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91843: { center: [ 108.740688, 34.315071 ], population: 4.5260033819926, title: 'Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1201', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9221: { center: [ 105.05082, 29.588387 ], population: 4.531179901301, title: 'Neijiang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1200', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67163: { center: [ 113.614431, 34.753781 ], population: 4.5329054077372, title: 'Henan University of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1199', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73525: { center: [ 106.551756, 29.563090 ], population: 4.5329054077372, title: 'Chongqing Three Gorges University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1198', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1641: { center: [ 87.5896716, 43.9040323 ], population: 4.5380819270456, title: 'Xinjiang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1197', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91848: { center: [ 117.53796, 34.897931 ], population: 4.5484349656624, title: 'Zaozhuang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1196', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1233: { center: [ 116.562747, 39.909814 ], population: 4.555336991407, title: 'Beijing International Studies University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1195', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97405: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 4.5691410428961, title: 'Sanbo Brain Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1194', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91864: { center: [ 103.869409, 36.0421861 ], population: 4.5708665493322, title: 'Gansu University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1193', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1249: { center: [ 116.476172, 39.914364 ], population: 4.5760430686406, title: 'Capital University of Economics and Business (CHN)<br>Rank: 1192', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84957: { center: [ 109.50261, 30.294519 ], population: 4.5777685750768, title: 'Hubei University for Nationalities (CHN)<br>Rank: 1191', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90991: { center: [ 108.660243, 24.498464 ], population: 4.5794940815129, title: 'Hechi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1190', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62741: { center: [ 104.064319, 30.658871 ], population: 4.5863961072575, title: 'Nuclear Power Institute of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1189', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97803: { center: [ 104.041322, 30.666091 ], population: 4.593298133002, title: 'Fifth People\'s Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1188', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91286: { center: [ 103.751747, 29.555885 ], population: 4.6036511716189, title: 'Leshan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1187', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83457: { center: [ 116.426631, 39.936925 ], population: 4.6036511716189, title: 'Dongzhimen Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1186', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9170: { center: [ 125.288667, 43.842206 ], population: 4.6122787037996, title: 'Changchun Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1185', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94603: { center: [ 119.015456, 25.435852 ], population: 4.6191807295441, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Putian University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1184', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26117: { center: [ 104.069536, 30.632736 ], population: 4.6243572488525, title: 'Southwestern Institute of Physics China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1183', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72760: { center: [ 114.4697007, 38.0392064 ], population: 4.6278082617248, title: 'Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1182', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1519: { center: [ 121.482705, 31.275879 ], population: 4.6329847810332, title: 'Shanghai International Studies University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1181', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67127: { center: [ 116.370864, 39.980833 ], population: 4.6329847810332, title: 'Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1180', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26128: { center: [ 114.305357, 30.593087 ], population: 4.6485143389585, title: 'Yangtze Institute for Conservation and Development (CHN)<br>Rank: 1179', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45529: { center: [ 87.616849, 43.825598 ], population: 4.6502398453946, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1178', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1401: { center: [ 111.6969164, 40.8046638 ], population: 4.6588673775753, title: 'Inner Mongolia Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1177', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84027: { center: [ 116.4073901, 39.9041901 ], population: 4.6743969355006, title: 'Smart Grid Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1176', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 73207: { center: [ 119.547954, 39.910004 ], population: 4.679573454809, title: 'Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1175', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97759: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 4.6812989612451, title: 'China Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring (CHN)<br>Rank: 1174', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85537: { center: [ 115.464589, 38.874434 ], population: 4.6847499741174, title: 'State Grid Hebei Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1173', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71636: { center: [ 115.028207, 27.110124 ], population: 4.6882009869897, title: 'Jinggangshan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1172', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79333: { center: [ 116.4075298, 39.904098 ], population: 4.6882009869897, title: 'Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1171', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97787: { center: [ 116.209002, 39.9991794 ], population: 4.6899264934258, title: 'China National Botanical Garden (CHN)<br>Rank: 1170', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94662: { center: [ 117.264726, 31.835802 ], population: 4.6985540256065, title: 'State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1169', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1235: { center: [ 116.3461375, 39.9944489 ], population: 4.7054560513511, title: 'Beijing Language and Culture University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1168', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77708: { center: [ 104.612633, 28.790945 ], population: 4.7123580770956, title: 'Yibin University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1167', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85679: { center: [ 117.086699, 39.32984 ], population: 4.7140835835318, title: 'Tianjin Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1166', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97806: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 4.717534596404, title: 'Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1165', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97995: { center: [ 123.554495, 41.822104 ], population: 4.7244366221486, title: 'Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1164', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62556: { center: [ 108.940014, 34.341471 ], population: 4.7278876350209, title: 'Xi\'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1163', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67570: { center: [ 116.7179093, 23.3930411 ], population: 4.729613141457, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 1162', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80712: { center: [ 119.9665749, 31.8034049 ], population: 4.74169168651, title: 'Changzhou Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1161', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77723: { center: [ 113.014718, 25.77051 ], population: 4.7468682058184, title: 'Xiangnan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1160', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71502: { center: [ 119.18009, 36.71736 ], population: 4.7503192186907, title: 'Weifang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1159', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 81204: { center: [ 116.4308923, 39.9751819 ], population: 4.7503192186907, title: 'Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1158', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97796: { center: [ 102.7034758, 25.0532915 ], population: 4.7520447251268, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1157', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80674: { center: [ 116.3428804, 40.0089232 ], population: 4.7554957379991, title: 'Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (CHN)<br>Rank: 1156', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84639: { center: [ 109.723982, 38.292654 ], population: 4.7554957379991, title: 'Yulin University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1155', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88377: { center: [ 114.4042289, 30.5073509 ], population: 4.7572212444352, title: 'State Grid Hubei Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1154', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96804: { center: [ 120.757747, 37.794254 ], population: 4.7606722573075, title: 'Shandong Technology and Business University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1153', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91471: { center: [ 116.376256, 39.944338 ], population: 4.7606722573075, title: 'Beijing Jishuitan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1152', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85832: { center: [ 118.868238, 28.982628 ], population: 4.7658487766159, title: 'Quzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1151', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92079: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 4.7831038409773, title: 'China National Institute of Standardization (CHN)<br>Rank: 1150', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97400: { center: [ 116.404245, 39.920426 ], population: 4.7882803602857, title: 'Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1149', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84550: { center: [ 116.524987, 31.765511 ], population: 4.791731373158, title: 'West Anhui University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1148', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97873: { center: [ 116.314479, 39.996808 ], population: 4.7969078924664, title: 'Peking University International Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1147', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26074: { center: [ 112.45429, 34.618452 ], population: 4.8107119439556, title: 'Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1146', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 90953: { center: [ 116.342721, 39.935321 ], population: 4.8176139697001, title: 'Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (CHN)<br>Rank: 1145', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96837: { center: [ 121.450719, 31.228463 ], population: 4.8176139697001, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co, Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1144', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77655: { center: [ 121.126895, 41.145971 ], population: 4.8296925147531, title: 'Liaoning University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1143', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1283: { center: [ 116.3517285, 39.9657888 ], population: 4.8314180211892, title: 'China University of Political Science and Law (CHN)<br>Rank: 1142', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72476: { center: [ 120.699167, 27.994096 ], population: 4.8348690340615, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1141', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91386: { center: [ 107.6674851, 35.7362742 ], population: 4.8348690340615, title: 'Longdong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1140', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26113: { center: [ 123.432968, 41.804778 ], population: 4.8365945404976, title: 'Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology Co Ltd, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1139', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67045: { center: [ 107.051065, 27.710268 ], population: 4.8383200469338, title: 'Zunyi Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1138', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1487: { center: [ 101.7235366, 26.5670352 ], population: 4.8383200469338, title: 'Panzhihua University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1137', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85880: { center: [ 121.4118005, 31.1757393 ], population: 4.8383200469338, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Space Power Source (CHN)<br>Rank: 1136', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80668: { center: [ 113.926763, 35.303704 ], population: 4.8400455533699, title: 'China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 22 Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1135', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1260: { center: [ 125.442365, 43.816638 ], population: 4.8486730855506, title: 'Jilin University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1134', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86027: { center: [ 114.305539, 30.592849 ], population: 4.8503985919867, title: 'Changjiang Survey Planning Design and Research Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1133', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9206: { center: [ 110.019827, 27.573447 ], population: 4.8642026434759, title: 'Huaihua University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1132', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67159: { center: [ 113.625368, 34.7466 ], population: 4.865928149912, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1131', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1660: { center: [ 102.707903, 25.062292 ], population: 4.8849087207095, title: 'Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1130', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90017: { center: [ 118.011189, 37.371057 ], population: 4.8883597335818, title: 'Binzhou Medical University Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1129', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45611: { center: [ 121.22654, 31.0324099 ], population: 4.9021637850709, title: 'Shanghai Songjiang District Central Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1128', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91872: { center: [ 111.318127, 30.720482 ], population: 4.9038892915071, title: 'Huanghuai University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1127', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62566: { center: [ 114.305393, 30.593099 ], population: 4.9142423301239, title: 'Naval University of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1126', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72728: { center: [ 123.431386, 41.805333 ], population: 4.9194188494323, title: 'Fourth Hospital of China Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1125', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9164: { center: [ 116.3189475, 40.0207756 ], population: 4.9263208751769, title: 'Beijing Sport University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1124', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84952: { center: [ 106.638986, 26.37902 ], population: 4.9263208751769, title: 'Guizhou University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1123', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83456: { center: [ 113.700972, 34.763376 ], population: 4.928046381613, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1122', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84362: { center: [ 121.507481, 31.285883 ], population: 4.928046381613, title: 'Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute Group Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1121', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86294: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 4.9332229009214, title: 'Siemens Healthineers, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1120', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 97377: { center: [ 120.101447, 30.871605 ], population: 4.9349484073576, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Huzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1119', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90018: { center: [ 121.461072, 37.459627 ], population: 4.9470269524105, title: 'Yantai Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1118', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77707: { center: [ 117.249487, 39.110582 ], population: 4.9487524588467, title: 'Tianjin Third Central Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1117', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97938: { center: [ 123.441061, 41.77061 ], population: 4.9504779652828, title: 'General Hospital of Northern Theater Command (CHN)<br>Rank: 1116', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 79415: { center: [ 114.305354, 30.593054 ], population: 4.9522034717189, title: 'Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1115', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 1226: { center: [ 116.3134123, 39.9549524 ], population: 4.9556544845912, title: 'Beijing Foreign Studies University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1114', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83453: { center: [ 118.940877, 32.100763 ], population: 4.9608310038996, title: 'The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1113', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97966: { center: [ 126.478751, 43.957271 ], population: 4.9694585360803, title: 'Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1112', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97774: { center: [ 116.83784, 36.55289 ], population: 4.9694585360803, title: 'Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1111', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94570: { center: [ 104.6795999, 31.4675099 ], population: 4.9694585360803, title: 'Southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry (CHN)<br>Rank: 1110', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80658: { center: [ 115.8312458, 28.7384458 ], population: 4.9711840425165, title: 'Nanchang Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1109', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72528: { center: [ 116.407052, 39.904503 ], population: 4.9763605618249, title: 'YUYUAN Technology Group * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1108', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1403: { center: [ 122.2831349, 43.6153033 ], population: 4.9798115746972, title: 'Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1107', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1296: { center: [ 121.571167, 38.91134 ], population: 4.9832625875695, title: 'Dalian Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1106', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77736: { center: [ 112.387118, 28.540118 ], population: 4.9849880940056, title: 'Hunan City University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1105', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91856: { center: [ 121.53504, 38.889698 ], population: 4.9849880940056, title: 'Dalian Neusoft University of Information (CHN)<br>Rank: 1104', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71673: { center: [ 116.324405, 39.935771 ], population: 4.9884391068779, title: 'China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1103', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1663: { center: [ 117.645361, 24.507481 ], population: 4.9918901197501, title: 'Minnan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1102', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91874: { center: [ 106.777845, 26.557498 ], population: 4.9936156261863, title: 'Guiyang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1101', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77113: { center: [ 116.407226, 39.904357 ], population: 5.0039686648031, title: 'Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1100', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 26093: { center: [ 116.407965, 39.90965 ], population: 5.0160472098561, title: 'Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Academy of Military Sciences of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 1099', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67778: { center: [ 118.7516537, 32.0411986 ], population: 5.0160472098561, title: 'Nanjing Audit University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1098', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97333: { center: [ 101.751451, 36.729494 ], population: 5.0160472098561, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1097', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96689: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.0177727162922, title: 'Aero Engine Corporation of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1096', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62563: { center: [ 116.407980, 39.904965 ], population: 5.0212237291645, title: 'Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (CHN)<br>Rank: 1095', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1544: { center: [ 123.411484, 41.911986 ], population: 5.0212237291645, title: 'Shenyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1094', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97816: { center: [ 112.896889, 28.132033 ], population: 5.0212237291645, title: 'First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1093', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66528: { center: [ 116.3588549, 39.8862457 ], population: 5.0229492356006, title: 'Ministry of Water Resources of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1092', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 81016: { center: [ 118.432961, 31.352860 ], population: 5.0264002484729, title: 'Yijishan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1091', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1342: { center: [ 106.720504, 26.587153 ], population: 5.0264002484729, title: 'Guizhou Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1090', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80646: { center: [ 118.2903939, 29.7134127 ], population: 5.0298512613452, title: 'Huangshan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1089', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96670: { center: [ 117.22901, 31.8205699 ], population: 5.0350277806536, title: 'Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1088', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1223: { center: [ 126.56335, 43.808842 ], population: 5.0436553128343, title: 'Beihua University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1087', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80357: { center: [ 116.407345, 39.904245 ], population: 5.0436553128343, title: 'Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1086', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 73490: { center: [ 113.3287534, 33.7266836 ], population: 5.0453808192705, title: 'Henan University of Urban Construction (CHN)<br>Rank: 1085', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85977: { center: [ 116.731368, 39.526285 ], population: 5.0488318321427, title: 'North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1084', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84586: { center: [ 108.933794, 34.133433 ], population: 5.0557338578873, title: 'Xijing University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1083', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77644: { center: [ 119.9159854, 28.4522324 ], population: 5.0574593643234, title: 'Lishui University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1082', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89044: { center: [ 113.625328, 34.746611 ], population: 5.0591848707596, title: 'Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co Ltd, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1081', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 97822: { center: [ 103.86772, 36.04812 ], population: 5.0609103771957, title: 'Gansu Provincial Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1080', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1541: { center: [ 123.515511, 41.751336 ], population: 5.0695379093764, title: 'Shenyang Jianzhu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1079', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79421: { center: [ 116.4802681, 39.988879 ], population: 5.076439935121, title: 'International Center for Bamboo and Rattan (CHN)<br>Rank: 1078', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 79419: { center: [ 116.4277324, 39.9631424 ], population: 5.0867929737378, title: 'China Coal Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1077', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86117: { center: [ 116.4073963, 39.9041999 ], population: 5.0902439866101, title: 'China Energy Investment Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1076', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96662: { center: [ 114.46765, 38.058971 ], population: 5.0919694930462, title: 'Hebei General Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1075', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86454: { center: [ 116.470392, 40.129295 ], population: 5.0954205059185, title: 'National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy (CHN)<br>Rank: 1074', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96677: { center: [ 105.444623, 28.882371 ], population: 5.0971460123546, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1073', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86357: { center: [ 115.786321, 32.893401 ], population: 5.1005970252269, title: 'Fuyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1072', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91898: { center: [ 106.799378, 26.640995 ], population: 5.102322531663, title: 'Guizhou Education University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1071', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97811: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 5.1092245574076, title: 'Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1070', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1406: { center: [ 130.363318, 46.786082 ], population: 5.1126755702799, title: 'Jiamusi University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1069', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88373: { center: [ 111.280753, 27.390288 ], population: 5.114401076716, title: 'State Grid Hunan Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1068', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97610: { center: [ 123.432968, 41.804778 ], population: 5.114401076716, title: 'CCTEG Shenyang Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1067', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1378: { center: [ 112.627871, 26.863965 ], population: 5.1178520895883, title: 'Hengyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1066', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85761: { center: [ 112.929365, 27.846835 ], population: 5.1351071539497, title: 'Hunan Institute of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 1065', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67003: { center: [ 119.974454, 31.810077 ], population: 5.1420091796942, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1064', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72522: { center: [ 117.2568461, 39.1226392 ], population: 5.1437346861304, title: 'Tianjin Eye Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1063', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 79347: { center: [ 121.4948208, 31.3804866 ], population: 5.1437346861304, title: 'Baoshan Iron & Steel Co, Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1062', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1533: { center: [ 117.284397, 31.861395 ], population: 5.1471856990027, title: 'Shanxi Normal University, Linfen (CHN)<br>Rank: 1061', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83479: { center: [ 129.5120659, 42.9120774 ], population: 5.1489112054388, title: 'Yanbian University Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1060', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90789: { center: [ 109.953912, 33.86289 ], population: 5.1506367118749, title: 'Shangluo University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1059', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 78423: { center: [ 121.614689, 38.914009 ], population: 5.1506367118749, title: 'National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 1058', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 85427: { center: [ 102.794314, 24.977119 ], population: 5.1558132311834, title: 'Kunming University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1057', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96671: { center: [ 117.22901, 31.8205699 ], population: 5.1575387376195, title: 'Institute of Energy, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 1056', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86756: { center: [ 114.357773, 27.787301 ], population: 5.1661662698002, title: 'Yichun University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1055', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90701: { center: [ 113.914559, 30.936986 ], population: 5.176519308417, title: 'Hubei Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1054', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77649: { center: [ 123.233146, 41.743468 ], population: 5.176519308417, title: 'Shenyang University of Chemical Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1053', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91875: { center: [ 103.750922, 25.522275 ], population: 5.176519308417, title: 'Qujing Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1052', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73261: { center: [ 113.78608, 34.7886354 ], population: 5.176519308417, title: 'Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1051', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62450: { center: [ 116.407239, 39.904440 ], population: 5.1782448148532, title: 'China Institute of Atomic Energy (CHN)<br>Rank: 1050', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86156: { center: [ 106.113116, 38.496481 ], population: 5.1851468405977, title: 'North Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1049', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1424: { center: [ 117.3154949, 29.3245829 ], population: 5.1868723470339, title: 'Jingdezhen Ceramic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1048', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67006: { center: [ 120.585322, 31.298399 ], population: 5.1868723470339, title: 'Children\'s Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1047', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85421: { center: [ 117.048042, 30.514224 ], population: 5.18859785347, title: 'Anqing Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1046', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1285: { center: [ 116.339122, 39.901122 ], population: 5.1903233599061, title: 'Chinese Peoples Public Security University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1045', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67265: { center: [ 120.311639, 31.490172 ], population: 5.1972253856507, title: 'First Affiliated Wuxi People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1044', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45537: { center: [ 112.548879, 37.87059 ], population: 5.2075784242675, title: 'Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1043', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1665: { center: [ 112.495929, 23.080574 ], population: 5.2093039307037, title: 'Zhaoqing University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1042', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97381: { center: [ 87.6271, 43.7934299 ], population: 5.2093039307037, title: 'The Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1041', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26089: { center: [ 118.829514, 32.065927 ], population: 5.2248334886289, title: 'Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1040', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26079: { center: [ 118.7951287, 32.0594781 ], population: 5.2282845015012, title: 'Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1039', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91857: { center: [ 129.580171, 44.604548 ], population: 5.2317355143735, title: 'Mudanjiang Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1038', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83813: { center: [ 114.0578201, 22.543001 ], population: 5.2369120336819, title: 'China General Nuclear Power Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1037', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97741: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.2403630465542, title: 'State Power Investment Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1036', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83454: { center: [ 118.796824, 32.060224 ], population: 5.2420885529903, title: 'Jiangsu Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese (CHN)<br>Rank: 1035', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1404: { center: [ 109.8405563, 40.6529437 ], population: 5.2438140594264, title: 'Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1034', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83391: { center: [ 119.118552, 36.701241 ], population: 5.2438140594264, title: 'Weichai Power Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1033', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 96675: { center: [ 115.942573, 28.558568 ], population: 5.2438140594264, title: 'Jiangxi Academy Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 1032', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 78422: { center: [ 114.305374, 30.593074 ], population: 5.2438140594264, title: 'China Ship Development and Design Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 1031', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1591: { center: [ 117.137921, 39.152689 ], population: 5.2455395658626, title: 'Tianjin University of Commerce China (CHN)<br>Rank: 1030', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1601: { center: [ 116.426634, 39.978232 ], population: 5.2524415916071, title: 'University of International Business and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 1029', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84300: { center: [ 118.288071, 35.124632 ], population: 5.2593436173517, title: 'Linyi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1028', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1353: { center: [ 126.6109099, 45.7434848 ], population: 5.2610691237878, title: 'Harbin University of Commerce (CHN)<br>Rank: 1027', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1390: { center: [ 117.284640, 31.861548 ], population: 5.2645201366601, title: 'Hubei Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1026', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80274: { center: [ 87.616848, 43.825592 ], population: 5.2662456430962, title: 'Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (CHN)<br>Rank: 1025', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97808: { center: [ 104.067986, 30.694142 ], population: 5.2679711495324, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1024', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67181: { center: [ 112.54505774, 37.87501243 ], population: 5.2714221624047, title: 'First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1023', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97864: { center: [ 118.868238, 28.982628 ], population: 5.2731476688408, title: 'Institute of Zhejiang University-Quzhou (CHN)<br>Rank: 1022', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1439: { center: [ 121.482732, 38.926091 ], population: 5.2731476688408, title: 'Liaoning Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1021', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88990: { center: [ 116.280352, 39.819986 ], population: 5.2765986817131, title: 'China Railway Group Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 1020', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 69377: { center: [ 121.521181, 31.311931 ], population: 5.2921282396383, title: 'Shanghai University of Sport (CHN)<br>Rank: 1019', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1542: { center: [ 123.49085, 41.724803 ], population: 5.2938537460745, title: 'Shenyang Ligong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1018', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96659: { center: [ 121.4376562, 31.2189668 ], population: 5.300755771819, title: 'Shanghai Electric Group * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1017', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83452: { center: [ 112.8693951, 28.1996166 ], population: 5.3024812782552, title: 'Hunan First Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1016', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9231: { center: [ 109.556105, 18.236411 ], population: 5.3024812782552, title: 'Hainan Tropical Ocean University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1015', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94651: { center: [ 108.95424, 34.2648599 ], population: 5.3042067846913, title: 'State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1014', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 73489: { center: [ 117.378513, 39.002316 ], population: 5.3093833039997, title: 'Tianjin University of Technology and Education (CHN)<br>Rank: 1013', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 74199: { center: [ 118.79647, 32.0583799 ], population: 5.3093833039997, title: 'Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1012', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77654: { center: [ 114.878578, 30.450365 ], population: 5.312834316872, title: 'Huanggang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1011', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90705: { center: [ 106.697504, 26.577625 ], population: 5.312834316872, title: 'Guizhou Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1010', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66978: { center: [ 103.834434, 36.061707 ], population: 5.3162853297443, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1009', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 94648: { center: [ 123.432968, 41.804778 ], population: 5.3231873554888, title: 'State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 1008', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67400: { center: [ 103.696024, 36.095354 ], population: 5.3231873554888, title: 'Lanzhou City University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1007', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77611: { center: [ 113.350743, 40.094164 ], population: 5.3283638747973, title: 'Shanxi Datong University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1006', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67571: { center: [ 116.707584, 23.364117 ], population: 5.3318148876695, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 1005', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91917: { center: [ 114.348357, 36.063086 ], population: 5.3318148876695, title: 'Anyang Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 1004', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77759: { center: [ 114.680188, 33.631669 ], population: 5.3456189391586, title: 'Zhoukou Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1003', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84959: { center: [ 125.406845, 43.795122 ], population: 5.3490699520309, title: 'Jilin Jianzhu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 1002', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71603: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.3507954584671, title: 'Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 1001', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71605: { center: [ 121.473814, 31.230439 ], population: 5.3559719777755, title: 'Putuo Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 1000', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77600: { center: [ 119.9209562, 31.7520235 ], population: 5.3611484970839, title: 'Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 999', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97844: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.3645995099562, title: 'Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 998', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71671: { center: [ 117.284448, 31.861053 ], population: 5.3645995099562, title: 'Ningbo University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 997', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96817: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.3715015357007, title: 'International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CHN)<br>Rank: 996', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 88372: { center: [ 117.120095, 36.6512 ], population: 5.3715015357007, title: 'State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 995', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71675: { center: [ 110.371801, 25.28229 ], population: 5.3732270421369, title: 'Guilin University of Aerospace Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 994', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97764: { center: [ 114.41552, 23.1125099 ], population: 5.374952548573, title: 'Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Advanced Energy Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 993', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84962: { center: [ 117.223665, 31.744043 ], population: 5.374952548573, title: 'Anhui Jianzhu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 992', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62579: { center: [ 121.441546, 31.218284 ], population: 5.3784035614453, title: 'Huadong Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 991', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67253: { center: [ 118.779764, 32.051094 ], population: 5.3801290678814, title: 'Children\'s Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 990', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91859: { center: [ 119.196444, 26.064998 ], population: 5.3818545743176, title: 'Fujian Jiangxia University (CHN)<br>Rank: 989', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97403: { center: [ 116.4330823, 40.0658528 ], population: 5.387031093626, title: 'Beijing Luhe Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 988', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 92064: { center: [ 116.2845624, 40.048933 ], population: 5.387031093626, title: 'Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 987', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71607: { center: [ 119.300233, 26.079223 ], population: 5.3887566000621, title: 'Fujian Medical University Union Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 986', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71676: { center: [ 112.006373, 27.712328 ], population: 5.3939331193705, title: 'Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 985', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67809: { center: [ 105.9361942, 29.3500715 ], population: 5.3956586258067, title: 'Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 984', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1551: { center: [ 114.4997998, 38.1288347 ], population: 5.399109638679, title: 'Shijiazhuang Tiedao University (CHN)<br>Rank: 983', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80869: { center: [ 114.057865, 22.543096 ], population: 5.4042861579874, title: 'BYD Co, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 982', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 95061: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.4180902094765, title: 'Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Sciences of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 981', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97758: { center: [ 114.3593428, 30.5327392 ], population: 5.4198157159126, title: 'Hubei Luojia Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 980', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 78402: { center: [ 116.4075125, 39.904125 ], population: 5.4215412223488, title: 'Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 979', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77111: { center: [ 114.305634, 30.593383 ], population: 5.424992235221, title: 'Air Force Early Warning Academy (CHN)<br>Rank: 978', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1597: { center: [ 91.179935, 29.644837 ], population: 5.4336197674017, title: 'Tibet University (CHN)<br>Rank: 977', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1270: { center: [ 123.431090, 41.805700 ], population: 5.437070780274, title: 'Chifeng University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 976', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90037: { center: [ 118.055014, 36.813514 ], population: 5.437070780274, title: 'Zibo Central Hospital Affiliated to Binzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 975', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90770: { center: [ 126.6845753, 45.7849064 ], population: 5.4387962867101, title: 'Heilongjiang Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 974', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85847: { center: [ 117.639502, 26.252057 ], population: 5.4422472995824, title: 'Sanming University (CHN)<br>Rank: 973', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84671: { center: [ 117.096046, 39.096723 ], population: 5.4439728060186, title: 'Tianjin Chengjian University (CHN)<br>Rank: 972', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66914: { center: [ 108.940502, 34.341496 ], population: 5.4439728060186, title: 'Shaanxi Provincial People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 971', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72759: { center: [ 114.51298, 38.0422191 ], population: 5.4456983124547, title: 'Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 970', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86815: { center: [ 104.037121, 30.664338 ], population: 5.4474238188908, title: 'Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 969', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66958: { center: [ 116.33141, 37.469682 ], population: 5.4474238188908, title: 'Dezhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 968', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94664: { center: [ 103.7798022, 36.0670957 ], population: 5.449149325327, title: 'State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 967', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97952: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 5.449149325327, title: 'China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 966', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91192: { center: [ 119.00771, 25.4539999 ], population: 5.4526003381993, title: 'Putian University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 965', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1351: { center: [ 126.5549154, 45.8610042 ], population: 5.4543258446354, title: 'Harbin Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 964', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67332: { center: [ 119.974828, 31.810753 ], population: 5.4543258446354, title: 'Affiliated Changzhou Second People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 963', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1264: { center: [ 125.302346, 43.865879 ], population: 5.4595023639438, title: 'Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 962', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90913: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.46122787038, title: 'Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 961', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85799: { center: [ 123.954768, 47.356141 ], population: 5.4646788832522, title: 'Qiqihar Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 960', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9234: { center: [ 121.438483, 31.256756 ], population: 5.4664043896884, title: 'Shanghai Business School (CHN)<br>Rank: 959', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86264: { center: [ 115.998825, 29.720049 ], population: 5.4733064154329, title: 'Jiujiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 958', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84485: { center: [ 113.935952, 35.291488 ], population: 5.4733064154329, title: 'Xinxiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 957', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89382: { center: [ 121.675814, 31.138621 ], population: 5.4819339476136, title: 'Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 956', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97943: { center: [ 112.936226, 33.045178 ], population: 5.4819339476136, title: 'Nanyang Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 955', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86047: { center: [ 111.436210, 27.199910 ], population: 5.4836594540498, title: 'Shaoyang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 954', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 81024: { center: [ 110.3319756, 19.9803756 ], population: 5.4836594540498, title: 'Hainan Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 953', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80660: { center: [ 116.407348, 39.904248 ], population: 5.4888359733582, title: 'China Astronaut Research and Training Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 952', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 45541: { center: [ 113.261629, 23.105301 ], population: 5.4922869862305, title: 'Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 951', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1405: { center: [ 111.6827478, 40.8462351 ], population: 5.4957379991027, title: 'Inner Mongolia University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 950', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72450: { center: [ 121.647753, 38.916226 ], population: 5.5060910377196, title: 'Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University (CHN)<br>Rank: 949', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90297: { center: [ 119.16176, 36.7068599 ], population: 5.5078165441557, title: 'Weichai Holding Group Co Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 948', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 9209: { center: [ 114.4131875, 23.0405812 ], population: 5.5129930634641, title: 'Huizhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 947', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71631: { center: [ 112.4760256, 34.6544482 ], population: 5.5216205956448, title: 'Luoyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 946', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72761: { center: [ 114.5109879, 38.0506028 ], population: 5.5250716085171, title: 'Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 945', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67065: { center: [ 114.505722, 36.633081 ], population: 5.5267971149532, title: 'Hebei University of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 944', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97769: { center: [ 113.65128, 34.743193 ], population: 5.5267971149532, title: 'Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 943', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1628: { center: [ 108.653376, 34.103314 ], population: 5.5319736342617, title: 'Xian Shiyou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 942', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77738: { center: [ 107.055118, 33.070118 ], population: 5.5336991406978, title: 'Shaanxi University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 941', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83496: { center: [ 114.535257, 38.04619 ], population: 5.5371501535701, title: 'Hebei North University (CHN)<br>Rank: 940', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1481: { center: [ 103.818081, 36.045989 ], population: 5.5388756600062, title: 'Northwest Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 939', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96806: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 5.5526797114953, title: 'Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CHN)<br>Rank: 938', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1323: { center: [ 113.289297, 23.200357 ], population: 5.5544052179315, title: 'Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (CHN)<br>Rank: 937', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80709: { center: [ 126.556555, 43.82157 ], population: 5.5561307243676, title: 'Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 936', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80641: { center: [ 106.325342, 29.62642 ], population: 5.5647582565483, title: 'Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 935', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 58814: { center: [ 116.290893, 39.907536 ], population: 5.5682092694206, title: 'China Earthquake Administration (CHN)<br>Rank: 934', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62598: { center: [ 116.407350, 39.904522 ], population: 5.5699347758567, title: 'Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 933', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97946: { center: [ 121.578727, 31.342898 ], population: 5.573385788729, title: 'Shanghai Seventh People’s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 932', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45572: { center: [ 116.417972, 39.903342 ], population: 5.573385788729, title: 'Beijing Tongren Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 931', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45509: { center: [ 106.086202, 30.792874 ], population: 5.5768368016013, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 930', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 88329: { center: [ 121.889196, 30.884677 ], population: 5.5802878144735, title: 'Shanghai Dianji University (CHN)<br>Rank: 929', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73499: { center: [ 116.3259807, 39.746717 ], population: 5.5837388273458, title: 'Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 928', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79325: { center: [ 121.473758, 31.230458 ], population: 5.585464333782, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Mental Health (CHN)<br>Rank: 927', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45534: { center: [ 117.200122, 39.084122 ], population: 5.585464333782, title: 'First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 926', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1386: { center: [ 114.314136, 30.550101 ], population: 5.5871898402181, title: 'Hubei University of Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 925', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92224: { center: [ 117.1859064, 34.252991 ], population: 5.5906408530904, title: 'Xuzhou Central Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 924', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 94597: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.5923663595265, title: 'Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 923', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85824: { center: [ 112.938814, 28.228209 ], population: 5.6044449045795, title: 'Changsha University (CHN)<br>Rank: 922', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84169: { center: [ 118.833842, 32.017134 ], population: 5.6061704110156, title: 'Nanjing Vocational University of Industry Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 921', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1240: { center: [ 116.427326, 39.989939 ], population: 5.6061704110156, title: 'Beijing Union University (CHN)<br>Rank: 920', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92240: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 5.6096214238879, title: 'Fourth Hospital of Wuhan (CHN)<br>Rank: 919', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97792: { center: [ 125.10307, 46.5875799 ], population: 5.611346930324, title: 'National Coarse Grain Engineering Technology Research Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 918', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97762: { center: [ 118.59213, 24.92928 ], population: 5.611346930324, title: 'Qingyuan Innovation Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 917', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84022: { center: [ 118.79647, 32.0583799 ], population: 5.6130724367602, title: 'NR Electric Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 916', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77730: { center: [ 118.084115, 24.620115 ], population: 5.6147979431963, title: 'Xiamen University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 915', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96701: { center: [ 116.4256615, 39.9627793 ], population: 5.6147979431963, title: 'China Coal Technology and Engineering Group * (CHN)<br>Rank: 914', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1674: { center: [ 121.536958, 29.898707 ], population: 5.6165234496325, title: 'Zhejiang Wanli University (CHN)<br>Rank: 913', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1548: { center: [ 123.34965, 41.780987 ], population: 5.6182489560686, title: 'Shenyang University of Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 912', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91841: { center: [ 104.307843, 30.95188 ], population: 5.6268764882493, title: 'Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 911', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96852: { center: [ 121.4487083, 31.1874696 ], population: 5.6320530075577, title: 'Shanghai Mental Health Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 910', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77728: { center: [ 117.986885, 37.386801 ], population: 5.63550402043, title: 'Binzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 909', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72465: { center: [ 114.365514, 30.571937 ], population: 5.6372295268661, title: 'Hubei University of Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 908', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89011: { center: [ 114.507524, 38.013914 ], population: 5.6372295268661, title: 'State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 907', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80692: { center: [ 120.7779945, 31.588245 ], population: 5.6510335783552, title: 'Changshu Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 906', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96480: { center: [ 116.350634, 39.884185 ], population: 5.6527590847914, title: 'China North Industries Group Corporation (CHN)<br>Rank: 905', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77744: { center: [ 115.623223, 34.436624 ], population: 5.6579356040998, title: 'Shangqiu Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 904', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26077: { center: [ 118.762711, 32.052703 ], population: 5.6596611105359, title: 'Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute * (CHN)<br>Rank: 903', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97370: { center: [ 108.350438, 22.797255 ], population: 5.6613866169721, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 902', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85354: { center: [ 118.315069, 32.276631 ], population: 5.6613866169721, title: 'Chuzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 901', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1308: { center: [ 115.868403, 28.739638 ], population: 5.6613866169721, title: 'East China Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 900', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67044: { center: [ 114.95002722, 25.919979878 ], population: 5.6665631362805, title: 'Gannan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 899', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1231: { center: [ 116.330134, 39.743883 ], population: 5.6700141491528, title: 'Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication (CHN)<br>Rank: 898', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83446: { center: [ 120.177912, 30.25712 ], population: 5.6717396555889, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 897', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72523: { center: [ 117.192729, 39.151135 ], population: 5.6734651620251, title: 'The Second Hospital of Tianjin (CHN)<br>Rank: 896', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 79433: { center: [ 116.407542, 39.904042 ], population: 5.6751906684612, title: 'Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 895', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97397: { center: [ , ], population: 5.6941712392587, title: 'Beijing Shijitan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 894', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72866: { center: [ 117.638736, 26.263408 ], population: 5.697622252131, title: 'Sanming First Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 893', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1307: { center: [ 116.354223, 27.988223 ], population: 5.709700797184, title: 'East China Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 892', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1419: { center: [ 124.344427, 43.157095 ], population: 5.7131518100563, title: 'Jilin Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 891', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1436: { center: [ 103.7326868, 36.0568722 ], population: 5.7200538358008, title: 'Lanzhou University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 890', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91897: { center: [ 121.447852, 37.464539 ], population: 5.7252303551092, title: 'PLA Naval Aviation University (CHN)<br>Rank: 889', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94668: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.7269558615454, title: 'State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 888', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97941: { center: [ 112.712893, 37.742752 ], population: 5.7321323808538, title: 'Jinzhong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 887', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1294: { center: [ 121.323091, 38.966727 ], population: 5.7390344065983, title: 'Dalian Ocean University (CHN)<br>Rank: 886', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45533: { center: [ 113.1241937, 23.0058165 ], population: 5.7424854194706, title: 'First People\'s Hospital of Foshan (CHN)<br>Rank: 885', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83493: { center: [ 117.17058, 39.128441 ], population: 5.7424854194706, title: 'Tianjin Nankai Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 884', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1499: { center: [ 108.992616, 34.381966 ], population: 5.7442109259068, title: 'Xi\'an Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 883', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96857: { center: [ , ], population: 5.7442109259068, title: 'North Night Vision Technology Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 882', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1306: { center: [ 121.5543021, 38.8802539 ], population: 5.7511129516513, title: 'Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 881', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96783: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.7580149773959, title: 'PLA Space Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 880', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1463: { center: [ 118.7525048, 32.0371479 ], population: 5.759740483832, title: 'Nanjing Xiaozhuang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 879', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71625: { center: [ 81.294287, 40.539801 ], population: 5.7614659902681, title: 'Tarim University (CHN)<br>Rank: 878', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66779: { center: [ 121.5036178, 31.2974197 ], population: 5.7631914967043, title: 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Fudan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 877', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45563: { center: [ 118.76887, 32.050371 ], population: 5.7649170031404, title: 'Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Brain Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 876', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26066: { center: [ 116.407605, 39.904085 ], population: 5.7700935224488, title: 'Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 875', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1638: { center: [ 87.566296, 43.814141 ], population: 5.7700935224488, title: 'Xinjiang Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 874', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97552: { center: [ 118.7789602, 32.0568391 ], population: 5.7769955481934, title: 'Nanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicin (CHN)<br>Rank: 873', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77729: { center: [ 123.061897, 41.104319 ], population: 5.7804465610657, title: 'University of Science and Technology Liaoning (CHN)<br>Rank: 872', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45589: { center: [ 102.697851, 25.047444 ], population: 5.7959761189909, title: 'The First Affilliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 871', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1568: { center: [ 102.754576, 25.063993 ], population: 5.7994271318632, title: 'Southwest Forestry University (CHN)<br>Rank: 870', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91847: { center: [ 100.267638, 25.606486 ], population: 5.8166821962246, title: 'Dali University (CHN)<br>Rank: 869', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77731: { center: [ 118.6690115, 24.8670115 ], population: 5.821858715533, title: 'Quanzhou Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 868', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94612: { center: [ 117.2778576, 31.8617773 ], population: 5.821858715533, title: 'China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 38 Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 867', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1288: { center: [ 106.2470378, 29.9979633 ], population: 5.8253097284053, title: 'Chongqing Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 866', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1634: { center: [ 112.041846, 31.9995 ], population: 5.8270352348414, title: 'Hubei University of Arts and Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 865', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92239: { center: [ 114.2192205, 30.5582243 ], population: 5.8304862477137, title: 'Wuhan Children\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 864', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97784: { center: [ 120.38299, 36.0662299 ], population: 5.8304862477137, title: 'First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources (CHN)<br>Rank: 863', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1358: { center: [ 114.51859, 37.99808 ], population: 5.833937260586, title: 'Hebei Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 862', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97927: { center: [ 121.572867, 29.815084 ], population: 5.8442902992028, title: 'NingboTech University (CHN)<br>Rank: 861', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77647: { center: [ 106.554753, 29.555045 ], population: 5.8477413120751, title: 'The Children\'s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 860', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1215: { center: [ 117.3925239, 32.9223428 ], population: 5.8477413120751, title: 'Anhui University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 859', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67394: { center: [ 120.116143, 30.286866 ], population: 5.8494668185112, title: 'Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 858', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1369: { center: [ 126.648016, 45.729099 ], population: 5.8529178313835, title: 'Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 857', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96665: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.8546433378196, title: 'China Classification Society * (CHN)<br>Rank: 856', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 67195: { center: [ 115.858089, 28.68316 ], population: 5.8667218828726, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 855', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1494: { center: [ 101.7564217, 36.7231878 ], population: 5.8684473893088, title: 'Qinghai University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 854', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1658: { center: [ 102.7205796, 25.0883077 ], population: 5.8701728957449, title: 'Yunnan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 853', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1427: { center: [ 109.721903, 28.286999 ], population: 5.871898402181, title: 'Jishou University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 852', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77629: { center: [ 110.161308, 22.639431 ], population: 5.8822514407979, title: 'Yulin Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 851', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1284: { center: [ 106.187038, 30.871161 ], population: 5.8874279601063, title: 'China West Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 850', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84855: { center: [ 114.370738, 36.058736 ], population: 5.8874279601063, title: 'Anyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 849', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1625: { center: [ 108.934073, 34.223242 ], population: 5.8926044794147, title: 'Xi\'an Technological University (CHN)<br>Rank: 848', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66979: { center: [ 103.834277, 36.061392 ], population: 5.8943299858508, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 847', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1457: { center: [ 118.757999, 32.085694 ], population: 5.8977809987231, title: 'Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 846', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90565: { center: [ 120.371289, 36.101626 ], population: 5.8995065051593, title: 'Qingdao University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 845', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84512: { center: [ 118.08776, 39.584956 ], population: 5.9046830244677, title: 'North China University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 844', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9243: { center: [ 121.544407, 31.284984 ], population: 5.9046830244677, title: 'Shanghai Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 843', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96802: { center: [ 126.619777, 45.6854013 ], population: 5.90813403734, title: 'Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 842', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 74152: { center: [ 117.200172, 39.084344 ], population: 5.9115850502122, title: 'China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 841', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83625: { center: [ 118.793999, 32.025815 ], population: 5.9167615695207, title: 'Jinling Institute Of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 840', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88380: { center: [ 106.912251, 29.4315861 ], population: 5.9167615695207, title: 'State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 839', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1527: { center: [ 121.49462, 31.3043652 ], population: 5.9202125823929, title: 'Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 838', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67196: { center: [ 115.858568, 28.683156 ], population: 5.9202125823929, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 837', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67161: { center: [ 113.625405, 34.746551 ], population: 5.9219380888291, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 836', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83503: { center: [ 119.3022549, 26.0698402 ], population: 5.9236635952652, title: 'The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 835', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83484: { center: [ 112.422678, 34.603664 ], population: 5.9253891017013, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 834', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91851: { center: [ 102.849645, 24.840109 ], population: 5.9288401145736, title: 'Yunnan Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 833', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1440: { center: [ 121.664804, 42.022331 ], population: 5.9305656210098, title: 'Liaoning Technical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 832', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97987: { center: [ 112.926696, 28.205518 ], population: 5.9305656210098, title: 'Hunan University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 831', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97402: { center: [ 116.352974, 39.879187 ], population: 5.934016633882, title: 'Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 830', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97744: { center: [ 116.378275, 39.953912 ], population: 5.934016633882, title: 'China Communications Construction Co * (CHN)<br>Rank: 829', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85431: { center: [ 119.113185, 33.551052 ], population: 5.9374676467543, title: 'Huaiyin Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 828', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 74162: { center: [ 113.795848, 34.780184 ], population: 5.9374676467543, title: 'North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power (CHN)<br>Rank: 827', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86669: { center: [ 106.236956, 38.472385 ], population: 5.9374676467543, title: 'State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 826', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83986: { center: [ 113.5669309, 34.814341 ], population: 5.9409186596266, title: 'Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC (CHN)<br>Rank: 825', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80951: { center: [ 125.103784, 46.58931 ], population: 5.9409186596266, title: 'Daqing Oilfield Co Ltd, CN (CHN)<br>Rank: 824', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97926: { center: [ 117.151904, 39.100789 ], population: 5.9426441660627, title: 'Tianjin First Central Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 823', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84836: { center: [ 120.14117, 30.322382 ], population: 5.9443696724989, title: 'The Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 822', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77634: { center: [ 113.869341, 34.043273 ], population: 5.9443696724989, title: 'Xuchang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 821', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1246: { center: [ 117.284063, 31.861254 ], population: 5.946095178935, title: 'Bohai University (CHN)<br>Rank: 820', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91873: { center: [ 114.40137, 30.373056 ], population: 5.9478206853712, title: 'Hubei University of Education (CHN)<br>Rank: 819', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1364: { center: [ 117.2638057, 31.8405068 ], population: 5.958173723988, title: 'Hefei University (CHN)<br>Rank: 818', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1579: { center: [ 112.491762, 37.875676 ], population: 5.958173723988, title: 'Taiyuan University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 817', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96888: { center: [ 113.053983, 22.993636 ], population: 5.9616247368603, title: 'Ji Hua Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 816', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1532: { center: [ 112.5519651, 37.8517398 ], population: 5.9685267626048, title: 'Shanxi Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 815', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1530: { center: [ 117.284006, 31.861841 ], population: 5.9685267626048, title: 'Shanxi Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 814', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1287: { center: [ 106.5737392, 29.4919973 ], population: 5.9719777754771, title: 'Chongqing Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 813', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 74232: { center: [ 121.473008, 31.230223 ], population: 5.9737032819132, title: 'Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 812', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25971: { center: [ 104.064856, 30.658601 ], population: 5.9754287883494, title: 'Chengdu Organic Chemicals Company Ltd, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 811', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91243: { center: [ 113.62493, 34.7472499 ], population: 5.9788798012217, title: 'State Grid Henan Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 810', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66995: { center: [ 116.407866, 39.904421 ], population: 5.9806053076578, title: 'Fuwai Heart Hospital and Cardiovascular Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 809', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80642: { center: [ 116.3624433, 39.9962233 ], population: 5.9840563205301, title: 'North China Institute of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 808', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1510: { center: [ 117.020479, 36.625226 ], population: 5.9840563205301, title: 'Shandong University of Finance (CHN)<br>Rank: 807', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96369: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 5.9875073334024, title: 'Shanghai Quantum Science Research Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 806', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94596: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 5.9892328398385, title: 'China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 805', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1496: { center: [ 123.9802305, 47.3425963 ], population: 5.9926838527108, title: 'Qiqihar University (CHN)<br>Rank: 804', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1678: { center: [ 113.6153963, 34.7482399 ], population: 5.9978603720192, title: 'Zhongyuan University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 803', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89041: { center: [ 116.3205477, 39.890325 ], population: 6.0013113848915, title: 'China Railway Engineering Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 802', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97810: { center: [ 116.68221, 23.3534999 ], population: 6.0030368913276, title: 'Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Chemistry and Fine Chemicals (CHN)<br>Rank: 801', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83799: { center: [ 116.4640207, 39.9064311 ], population: 6.0030368913276, title: 'Aviation Industry Corporation of China * (CHN)<br>Rank: 800', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26094: { center: [ 116.407238, 39.904368 ], population: 6.0030368913276, title: 'Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (CHN)<br>Rank: 799', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85361: { center: [ 116.331789, 39.911158 ], population: 6.0151154363806, title: 'China Three Gorges Corp (CHN)<br>Rank: 798', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83458: { center: [ 116.4087381, 39.978414 ], population: 6.0168409428167, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 797', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1257: { center: [ 116.344851, 39.960175 ], population: 6.0254684749974, title: 'Central University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 796', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67396: { center: [ 109.442033, 24.333742 ], population: 6.0289194878697, title: 'Guangxi University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 795', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1648: { center: [ 109.464111, 36.6172312 ], population: 6.0375470200504, title: 'Yanan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 794', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62922: { center: [ 113.573988, 34.808244 ], population: 6.0375470200504, title: 'Information Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 793', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66871: { center: [ 108.95059, 34.26905 ], population: 6.0392725264865, title: 'Second Hospital of Xi\'an Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 792', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 58815: { center: [ 116.337222, 39.927464 ], population: 6.0392725264865, title: 'Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 791', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1380: { center: [ 116.798265, 33.955845 ], population: 6.0409980329227, title: 'Huaibei Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 790', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1299: { center: [ 121.77371, 39.045778 ], population: 6.0444490457949, title: 'Dalian Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 789', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91518: { center: [ 113.2101533, 33.7486003 ], population: 6.0496255651034, title: 'Pingdingshan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 788', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97394: { center: [ 116.393914, 39.885629 ], population: 6.0496255651034, title: 'Beijing Friendship Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 787', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72475: { center: [ 121.14495, 28.8583999 ], population: 6.0565275908479, title: 'Affiliated Taizhou Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 786', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96323: { center: [ 116.40234, 39.876945 ], population: 6.0582530972841, title: 'Beijing Tiantan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 785', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80273: { center: [ 102.832892, 24.880095 ], population: 6.0599786037202, title: 'Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (CHN)<br>Rank: 784', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1407: { center: [ 114.162209, 30.512911 ], population: 6.0686061359009, title: 'Jianghan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 783', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67811: { center: [ 116.353699, 40.004084 ], population: 6.0737826552093, title: 'Beijing University of Agriculture (CHN)<br>Rank: 782', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90079: { center: [ 116.507049, 39.807714 ], population: 6.0875867066984, title: 'GE Healthcare, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 781', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 94585: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.094488732443, title: 'Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 780', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77737: { center: [ 114.3386118, 29.8448118 ], population: 6.1134693032405, title: 'Hubei University of Science And Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 779', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77732: { center: [ 119.194362, 26.035711 ], population: 6.1169203161128, title: 'Fujian University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 778', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96663: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.1186458225489, title: 'Ministry of Emergency Management (CHN)<br>Rank: 777', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85162: { center: [ 113.628625, 34.744835 ], population: 6.1186458225489, title: 'State Grid Henan Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 776', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1402: { center: [ 111.689546, 40.813138 ], population: 6.1186458225489, title: 'Inner Mongolia University (CHN)<br>Rank: 775', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67345: { center: [ 118.796851, 32.060570 ], population: 6.1203713289851, title: 'Women\'s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 774', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1245: { center: [ 117.432051, 32.909419 ], population: 6.1203713289851, title: 'Bengbu Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 773', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96785: { center: [ 114.5143, 38.0427599 ], population: 6.1203713289851, title: 'Hebei University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 772', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67042: { center: [ 116.388739, 39.928953 ], population: 6.1238223418573, title: 'Hangzhou City University (CHN)<br>Rank: 771', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62867: { center: [ 116.343667, 40.008937 ], population: 6.1255478482935, title: 'Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 770', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 66983: { center: [ 117.284117, 31.861109 ], population: 6.1341753804742, title: 'Huaihai Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 769', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92037: { center: [ 113.8897043, 22.8963606 ], population: 6.1341753804742, title: 'Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 768', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1303: { center: [ 117.284940, 31.861916 ], population: 6.1376263933464, title: 'Northeast Petroleum University (CHN)<br>Rank: 767', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72458: { center: [ 116.963238, 36.677476 ], population: 6.1376263933464, title: 'Shandong JiaoTong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 766', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83760: { center: [ 117.215626, 34.213947 ], population: 6.1410774062187, title: 'Xuzhou University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 765', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80345: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.1410774062187, title: 'State Grid Energy Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 764', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1228: { center: [ 116.4910015, 39.9632564 ], population: 6.1497049383994, title: 'Beijing Information Science and Technology University (CHN)<br>Rank: 763', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1654: { center: [ 121.358532, 37.517142 ], population: 6.156606964144, title: 'Ludong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 762', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 90774: { center: [ 107.262769, 29.750852 ], population: 6.1686855091969, title: 'Yangtze Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 761', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97910: { center: [ 108.3669, 22.8167299 ], population: 6.1704110156331, title: 'Guangxi Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 760', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97982: { center: [ 117.12009, 36.6518399 ], population: 6.1704110156331, title: 'Jining Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 759', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1609: { center: [ 118.372659, 31.343319 ], population: 6.1704110156331, title: 'Wannan Medical College * (CHN)<br>Rank: 758', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1661: { center: [ 102.7386116, 25.0071377 ], population: 6.1738620285054, title: 'Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 757', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66786: { center: [ 121.337721, 30.709341 ], population: 6.1755875349415, title: 'Jinshan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 756', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 25965: { center: [ 116.407906, 39.904325 ], population: 6.1773130413776, title: 'National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 755', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97798: { center: [ 104.041322, 30.666091 ], population: 6.1859405735583, title: 'Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 754', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66917: { center: [ 125.378046, 43.863683 ], population: 6.1893915864306, title: 'China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University (CHN)<br>Rank: 753', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91871: { center: [ 117.019619, 25.03291 ], population: 6.1893915864306, title: 'Longyan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 752', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1276: { center: [ 116.4193385, 39.9681387 ], population: 6.1911170928668, title: 'National Institute of Metrology (CHN)<br>Rank: 751', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1362: { center: [ 114.528779, 37.977043 ], population: 6.1911170928668, title: 'Hebei University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 750', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67010: { center: [ 121.467216, 31.232799 ], population: 6.1928425993029, title: 'Shanghai Changzheng Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 749', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 62165: { center: [ 120.155283, 30.274072 ], population: 6.1928425993029, title: 'Children\'s Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 748', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84813: { center: [ 117.0236402, 36.6546303 ], population: 6.194568105739, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 747', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86258: { center: [ 108.317775, 22.842074 ], population: 6.1962936121752, title: 'Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 746', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1443: { center: [ 123.433675, 41.831508 ], population: 6.2014701314836, title: 'Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 745', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84595: { center: [ 121.4737001, 31.2303901 ], population: 6.2049211443559, title: 'Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 744', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1468: { center: [ 106.267389, 38.480441 ], population: 6.2083721572281, title: 'Ningxia University (CHN)<br>Rank: 743', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1399: { center: [ 111.710226, 40.811451 ], population: 6.2083721572281, title: 'Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 742', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83455: { center: [ 120.2776136, 31.4825084 ], population: 6.2083721572281, title: 'The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 741', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77584: { center: [ 116.407865, 39.90352 ], population: 6.2135486765366, title: 'XuanWu Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 740', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96443: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.218725195845, title: 'China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CHN)<br>Rank: 739', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1218: { center: [ 118.315884, 30.893305 ], population: 6.2273527280257, title: 'Anhui Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 738', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84592: { center: [ 113.39728, 23.033374 ], population: 6.2325292473341, title: 'Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 737', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83481: { center: [ 113.2622885, 23.1124394 ], population: 6.2359802602064, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 736', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66992: { center: [ 120.158701, 30.319069 ], population: 6.2377057666425, title: 'Zhejiang Shuren University (CHN)<br>Rank: 735', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25975: { center: [ 116.5103453, 39.9889971 ], population: 6.2463332988232, title: 'China Academy of Railway Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 734', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77604: { center: [ 117.274233, 31.855415 ], population: 6.2480588052593, title: 'Hefei Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 733', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92238: { center: [ 114.29573, 30.581137 ], population: 6.2497843116955, title: 'The Central Hospital of Wuhan (CHN)<br>Rank: 732', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1426: { center: [ 117.284620, 31.861488 ], population: 6.2497843116955, title: 'Liaoning Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 731', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86274: { center: [ 108.927814, 34.21157 ], population: 6.2515098181316, title: 'CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 730', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67017: { center: [ 121.529098, 31.310206 ], population: 6.2584118438762, title: 'Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 729', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90078: { center: [ 115.516758, 38.873378 ], population: 6.2601373503123, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University (CHN)<br>Rank: 728', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1292: { center: [ 117.3497451, 39.1118774 ], population: 6.2635883631846, title: 'Civil Aviation University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 727', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97316: { center: [ 118.774763, 32.043846 ], population: 6.2653138696207, title: 'Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 726', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1539: { center: [ 123.4036303, 41.9261327 ], population: 6.2722158953653, title: 'Shenyang Aerospace University (CHN)<br>Rank: 725', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62548: { center: [ 117.284049, 31.861446 ], population: 6.280843427546, title: 'China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 724', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1640: { center: [ 117.284490, 31.861847 ], population: 6.2877454532905, title: 'Xinjiang Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 723', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96643: { center: [ 116.34339, 39.92701 ], population: 6.2946474790351, title: 'National Medical Products Administration (CHN)<br>Rank: 722', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1219: { center: [ 117.2434622, 31.8627821 ], population: 6.2998239983435, title: 'Anhui University of Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 721', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96319: { center: [ 113.41702, 22.18498 ], population: 6.3050005176519, title: 'Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Zhuhai (CHN)<br>Rank: 720', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77650: { center: [ 106.531865, 29.559587 ], population: 6.3067260240881, title: 'Chongqing Technology and Business University (CHN)<br>Rank: 719', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 69369: { center: [ 112.9953349, 28.1683896 ], population: 6.3084515305242, title: 'Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 718', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79413: { center: [ 113.1467169, 29.3360126 ], population: 6.3101770369603, title: 'Hunan Institute of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 717', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1649: { center: [ 129.4925332, 42.9079419 ], population: 6.3136280498326, title: 'Yanbian University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 716', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71713: { center: [ 106.07916, 30.795585 ], population: 6.3136280498326, title: 'North Sichuan Medical College * (CHN)<br>Rank: 715', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92071: { center: [ 116.404812, 39.876706 ], population: 6.3153535562688, title: 'Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders (CHN)<br>Rank: 714', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96544: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.3170790627049, title: 'Chinese Institute for Brain Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 713', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96839: { center: [ 113.12192, 23.0218499 ], population: 6.318804569141, title: 'Foshan Xianhu Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 712', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1366: { center: [ 125.163144, 46.588507 ], population: 6.318804569141, title: 'Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 711', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80991: { center: [ 120.8780868, 32.023630 ], population: 6.3343341270663, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 710', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83488: { center: [ 108.350438, 22.797255 ], population: 6.3343341270663, title: 'Tumor Hospital of Guangxi Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 709', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26032: { center: [ 117.284347, 31.861496 ], population: 6.342961659247, title: 'Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 708', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91311: { center: [ 112.876419, 28.297419 ], population: 6.3464126721193, title: 'Changsha Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 707', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1331: { center: [ 108.237991, 22.842958 ], population: 6.3464126721193, title: 'Guangxi University for Nationalities (CHN)<br>Rank: 706', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26060: { center: [ 117.284425, 31.861552 ], population: 6.3498636849915, title: 'Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 705', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 91842: { center: [ 120.9014167, 31.415978 ], population: 6.3567657107361, title: 'Duke Kunshan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 704', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77579: { center: [ 106.5121356, 29.5129985 ], population: 6.3567657107361, title: 'Chongqing University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 703', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45607: { center: [ 120.305237, 31.569074 ], population: 6.3567657107361, title: 'Wuxi No 2 People\'s Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 702', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26037: { center: [ 106.630143, 26.647449 ], population: 6.3567657107361, title: 'Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 701', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97863: { center: [ 118.97689, 28.96737 ], population: 6.3602167236084, title: 'Quzhou Municipal People\'s Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 700', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97924: { center: [ 106.5465761, 29.559521 ], population: 6.3619422300445, title: 'Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 699', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83516: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.3619422300445, title: 'Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter (CHN)<br>Rank: 698', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1300: { center: [ 121.821936, 39.100412 ], population: 6.3791972944059, title: 'Dalian University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 697', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1677: { center: [ 114.313952, 30.538827 ], population: 6.380922800842, title: 'Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (CHN)<br>Rank: 696', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80356: { center: [ 116.4261205, 39.9093382 ], population: 6.3912758394589, title: 'Ministry of Transport * (CHN)<br>Rank: 695', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79414: { center: [ 116.407545, 39.90445 ], population: 6.393001345895, title: 'China North Vehicle Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 694', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96781: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 6.4033543845119, title: 'Xi\'an Research Institute of High Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 693', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 73555: { center: [ 113.9278686, 35.2826305 ], population: 6.405079890948, title: 'Henan Institute of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 692', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88378: { center: [ 120.585289, 31.298974 ], population: 6.4102564102564, title: 'State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 691', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1644: { center: [ 117.284293, 31.861358 ], population: 6.4137074231287, title: 'Xinyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 690', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97395: { center: [ 116.400478, 39.966979 ], population: 6.4361390067985, title: 'Beijing Anzhen Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 689', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97550: { center: [ 118.7691302, 32.0884966 ], population: 6.4413155261069, title: 'The Second Hospital of Nanjing Affiliated to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 688', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84960: { center: [ 121.461072, 37.459627 ], population: 6.4516685647237, title: 'Binzhou Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 687', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1616: { center: [ 114.2350876, 30.6364285 ], population: 6.455119577596, title: 'Wuhan Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 686', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67399: { center: [ 106.511144, 29.540334 ], population: 6.455119577596, title: 'Chongqing University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 685', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66960: { center: [ 121.473643, 31.230321 ], population: 6.4602960969044, title: 'Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 684', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84065: { center: [ 120.38299, 36.0662299 ], population: 6.4689236290851, title: 'CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 683', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1213: { center: [ 118.374854, 31.332314 ], population: 6.4758256548297, title: 'Anhui Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 682', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1318: { center: [ 103.701472, 36.08977 ], population: 6.479276667702, title: 'Gansu Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 681', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67269: { center: [ 120.585547, 31.298074 ], population: 6.4810021741381, title: 'Affiliated Suzhou Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 680', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26018: { center: [ 113.264435, 23.129163 ], population: 6.4827276805742, title: 'Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 679', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1509: { center: [ 117.0432345, 36.6649172 ], population: 6.4930807191911, title: 'Shandong Jianzhu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 678', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83638: { center: [ 120.202809, 33.384519 ], population: 6.4965317320634, title: 'Yancheng Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 677', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77592: { center: [ 120.578706, 29.999268 ], population: 6.5017082513718, title: 'Shaoxing University (CHN)<br>Rank: 676', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26111: { center: [ 123.431615, 41.805474 ], population: 6.5137867964248, title: 'Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 675', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1217: { center: [ 118.510711, 31.692956 ], population: 6.5155123028609, title: 'Anhui University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 674', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1321: { center: [ 113.254269, 23.157122 ], population: 6.5155123028609, title: 'Guangdong Polytechnical Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 673', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45520: { center: [ 116.407505, 39.90405 ], population: 6.517237809297, title: 'Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology Dongfang Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 672', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66802: { center: [ 116.3771642, 39.9509759 ], population: 6.5206888221693, title: 'Chinese Academy of Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 671', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72825: { center: [ 117.227500, 31.821246 ], population: 6.5310418607861, title: 'Affiliated Provincial Hospital of Anhui Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 670', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66999: { center: [ 118.098573, 24.471583 ], population: 6.5344928736584, title: 'Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University (CHN)<br>Rank: 669', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91840: { center: [ 113.818242, 34.803071 ], population: 6.5396693929668, title: 'Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy (CHN)<br>Rank: 668', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9207: { center: [ 113.670900, 34.689400 ], population: 6.541394899403, title: 'Huanghe Science and Technology University (CHN)<br>Rank: 667', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71635: { center: [ 109.000236, 34.258721 ], population: 6.5448459122753, title: 'Xian Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 666', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67009: { center: [ 120.326868, 36.073134 ], population: 6.5603754702005, title: 'Qingdao Municipal Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 665', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67262: { center: [ 126.534967, 45.803775 ], population: 6.5690030023812, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital Harbin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 664', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26056: { center: [ 116.321346, 39.987199 ], population: 6.5707285088173, title: 'Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 663', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1556: { center: [ 104.1665239, 30.6081297 ], population: 6.5741795216896, title: 'Sichuan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 662', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67199: { center: [ 115.919062, 28.64231 ], population: 6.5759050281258, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 661', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 78399: { center: [ 116.3286774, 39.9794874 ], population: 6.5862580667426, title: 'Beijing Institute of Control Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 660', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67069: { center: [ 123.431716, 41.805789 ], population: 6.5897090796149, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 659', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1662: { center: [ 110.779304, 32.622785 ], population: 6.6069641439763, title: 'Hubei University of Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 658', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1433: { center: [ 103.7266518, 36.1024422 ], population: 6.6104151568485, title: 'Lanzhou Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 657', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77538: { center: [ 115.8040853, 28.7247282 ], population: 6.6173171825931, title: 'Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 656', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72514: { center: [ 104.064011, 30.658934 ], population: 6.6207681954654, title: 'West China Second University Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 655', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1574: { center: [ 104.01711, 30.6646 ], population: 6.6207681954654, title: 'Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 654', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80659: { center: [ 116.2804292, 39.8367702 ], population: 6.6242192083376, title: 'Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 653', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26035: { center: [ 116.407112, 39.904762 ], population: 6.6328467405183, title: 'Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 652', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71744: { center: [ 123.431217, 41.805331 ], population: 6.6380232598268, title: 'Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 651', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25955: { center: [ 116.407026, 39.904844 ], population: 6.6397487662629, title: 'Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 650', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1412: { center: [ 115.750922, 28.678922 ], population: 6.641474272699, title: 'Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 649', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1413: { center: [ 115.853957, 28.739926 ], population: 6.641474272699, title: 'Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (CHN)<br>Rank: 648', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72763: { center: [ 121.611847, 38.910077 ], population: 6.6483762984436, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 647', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97840: { center: [ 113.334184, 23.182586 ], population: 6.6501018048797, title: 'Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 646', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9190: { center: [ 119.305318, 26.105695 ], population: 6.6552783241881, title: 'Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 645', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97608: { center: [ 106.5511838, 29.5656843 ], population: 6.6552783241881, title: 'CCTEG Chongqing Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 644', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67098: { center: [ 106.551323, 29.563169 ], population: 6.6552783241881, title: 'Third Affiliated Daping Hospital to Third Military Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 643', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45536: { center: [ 126.637001, 45.768481 ], population: 6.6604548434966, title: 'Fourth Hospital of Harbin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 642', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85520: { center: [ 119.64759, 29.0781199 ], population: 6.6639058563688, title: 'The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 641', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83487: { center: [ 108.350438, 22.797255 ], population: 6.665631362805, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 640', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72764: { center: [ 121.614389, 38.914600 ], population: 6.6690823756773, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 639', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96545: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 6.6708078821134, title: 'Shenzhen Technology University (CHN)<br>Rank: 638', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45588: { center: [ 120.579758, 31.305248 ], population: 6.6742588949857, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University (CHN)<br>Rank: 637', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26048: { center: [ 103.834474, 36.061344 ], population: 6.677709907858, title: 'Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 636', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77615: { center: [ 104.778504, 29.33834 ], population: 6.677709907858, title: 'Sichuan University of Science and Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 635', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96442: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 6.6828864271664, title: 'Guangdong Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 634', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25989: { center: [ 116.336571, 39.923741 ], population: 6.6880629464748, title: 'China Geological Survey * (CHN)<br>Rank: 633', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1670: { center: [ 117.284922, 31.861134 ], population: 6.6932394657832, title: 'Zhejiang Ocean University (CHN)<br>Rank: 632', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92056: { center: [ 116.3356321, 39.9106327 ], population: 6.6949649722193, title: 'Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 631', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84524: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 6.6984159850916, title: 'Xi\'an Thermal Power Research Institute Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 630', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96666: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 6.715671049453, title: 'Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration (CHN)<br>Rank: 629', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96803: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 6.715671049453, title: 'Ant Group (CHN)<br>Rank: 628', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 83447: { center: [ 120.176741, 30.250878 ], population: 6.7173965558892, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 627', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97871: { center: [ 116.357327, 39.982076 ], population: 6.7225730751976, title: 'Peking University Sixth Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 626', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1422: { center: [ 118.093348, 24.580209 ], population: 6.7225730751976, title: 'Jimei University (CHN)<br>Rank: 625', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72515: { center: [ 120.5647507, 31.305192 ], population: 6.727749594506, title: 'Suzhou University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 624', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91876: { center: [ 106.638442, 26.375359 ], population: 6.7329261138144, title: 'Guizhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 623', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84865: { center: [ 118.767069, 36.89053 ], population: 6.7346516202505, title: 'Weifang University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 622', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84605: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 6.7381026331228, title: 'PowerChina * (CHN)<br>Rank: 621', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 88379: { center: [ 112.5732157, 37.8728952 ], population: 6.7450046588674, title: 'State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 620', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80253: { center: [ 116.3590277, 39.996911 ], population: 6.7467301653035, title: 'Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (CHN)<br>Rank: 619', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9196: { center: [ 110.3411077, 19.9967742 ], population: 6.7484556717397, title: 'Hainan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 618', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94631: { center: [ 87.61688, 43.8266299 ], population: 6.7484556717397, title: 'State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 617', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1262: { center: [ 125.314753, 43.833416 ], population: 6.7519066846119, title: 'Changchun University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 616', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79408: { center: [ 116.407519, 39.90419 ], population: 6.7519066846119, title: 'Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (CHN)<br>Rank: 615', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83288: { center: [ 119.3142124, 26.0610821 ], population: 6.7553576974842, title: 'State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 614', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1256: { center: [ 116.4144805, 39.9802545 ], population: 6.7570832039203, title: 'Minzu University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 613', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1452: { center: [ 118.7601105, 32.0706927 ], population: 6.7570832039203, title: 'Nanjing Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 612', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1672: { center: [ 120.121374, 30.297671 ], population: 6.7622597232288, title: 'Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 611', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45530: { center: [ 116.407712, 39.904840 ], population: 6.7674362425372, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital Harbin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 610', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 88376: { center: [ 120.15507, 30.274084 ], population: 6.7691617489733, title: 'State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 609', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97866: { center: [ 116.380416, 39.931765 ], population: 6.777789281154, title: 'Peking University First Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 608', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80346: { center: [ 116.3903862, 39.9544027 ], population: 6.7829658004624, title: 'State Grid Information & Telecommunication Company (CHN)<br>Rank: 607', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26115: { center: [ 113.264523, 23.129114 ], population: 6.7829658004624, title: 'South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 606', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84612: { center: [ 103.834310, 36.061010 ], population: 6.7846913068986, title: 'State Grid Gansu Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 605', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26095: { center: [ 117.013144, 36.619797 ], population: 6.7881423197709, title: 'Shandong First Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 604', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96542: { center: [ 120.159479, 30.323534 ], population: 6.80194637126, title: 'Hangzhou Municipal Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 603', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77603: { center: [ 119.169217, 26.064641 ], population: 6.8036718776961, title: 'Minjiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 602', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66764: { center: [ 121.498211, 31.299298 ], population: 6.8053973841322, title: 'Children\'s Hospital Fudan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 601', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45574: { center: [ 116.4882929, 39.867402 ], population: 6.8088483970045, title: 'Beijing Chaoyang Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 600', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 25990: { center: [ 116.407552, 39.904165 ], population: 6.8157504227491, title: 'China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (CHN)<br>Rank: 599', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62993: { center: [ 108.940217, 34.341913 ], population: 6.827828967802, title: 'Air Force Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 598', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1338: { center: [ 110.306688, 25.064402 ], population: 6.8295544742382, title: 'Guilin University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 597', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67031: { center: [ 119.425, 32.1895899 ], population: 6.8347309935466, title: 'Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 596', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71602: { center: [ 121.473259, 31.230613 ], population: 6.8364564999827, title: 'Longhua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 595', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66801: { center: [ 121.43650468, 31.216452453 ], population: 6.839907512855, title: 'Shanghai Fifth People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 594', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1360: { center: [ 115.51726, 38.870685 ], population: 6.8416330192912, title: 'Hebei University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 593', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66526: { center: [ 118.796152, 32.060466 ], population: 6.8502605514719, title: 'Nanjing Botanical Garden Memorial Sun Yat-Sen Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 592', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83482: { center: [ 113.386631, 23.123876 ], population: 6.8537115643441, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHN)<br>Rank: 591', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1679: { center: [ 106.9464762, 27.7080332 ], population: 6.8554370707803, title: 'Zunyi Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 590', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86718: { center: [ 116.35841, 39.88304 ], population: 6.8606135900887, title: 'State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 589', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96614: { center: [ 114.907196, 25.771833 ], population: 6.8623390965248, title: 'Gannan Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 588', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67518: { center: [ 109.06383, 34.282794 ], population: 6.8726921351417, title: 'Tangdu Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 587', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97842: { center: [ 104.107983, 30.623253 ], population: 6.8761431480139, title: 'Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 586', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79401: { center: [ 118.796854, 32.060254 ], population: 6.8813196673224, title: 'NARI Technology Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 585', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1371: { center: [ 113.700924, 34.763755 ], population: 6.8847706801946, title: 'Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 584', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97930: { center: [ 120.1672221, 30.2558584 ], population: 6.8847706801946, title: 'People\'s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 583', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1497: { center: [ 116.969118, 35.595596 ], population: 6.8899471995031, title: 'Qufu Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 582', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45596: { center: [ 126.534580, 45.803988 ], population: 6.8933982123753, title: 'Tumour Hospital of Harbin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 581', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84277: { center: [ 114.398297, 30.485731 ], population: 6.8985747316838, title: 'Wuhan Textile University (CHN)<br>Rank: 580', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45584: { center: [ 121.591843, 31.186433 ], population: 6.9072022638644, title: 'Shanghai Shuguang Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 579', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 86062: { center: [ 117.0773869, 36.7084734 ], population: 6.9089277703006, title: 'Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 578', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96816: { center: [ 116.328066, 39.952215 ], population: 6.9106532767367, title: 'National Satellite Ocean Application Service (CHN)<br>Rank: 577', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94650: { center: [ 108.95424, 34.2648599 ], population: 6.914104289609, title: 'State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 576', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67390: { center: [ 114.34221, 34.794394 ], population: 6.9175553024813, title: 'HuaiHe Hospital of Henan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 575', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83655: { center: [ 116.3097968, 40.0897592 ], population: 6.9210063153536, title: 'State Grid Beijing Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 574', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96681: { center: [ 121.410563, 31.22936 ], population: 6.9348103668427, title: 'Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 573', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67774: { center: [ 113.333584, 23.08409 ], population: 6.9348103668427, title: 'Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 572', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45593: { center: [ 113.2419152, 23.1262669 ], population: 6.9348103668427, title: 'Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 571', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77601: { center: [ 120.7333432, 30.7531503 ], population: 6.9365358732788, title: 'Jiaxing University (CHN)<br>Rank: 570', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66775: { center: [ 121.498576, 31.299058 ], population: 6.9417123925872, title: 'Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Fudan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 569', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67002: { center: [ 120.585316, 31.298886 ], population: 6.9486144183318, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University (CHN)<br>Rank: 568', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1410: { center: [ 115.8356455, 28.7592266 ], population: 6.9486144183318, title: 'Jiangxi Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 567', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92110: { center: [ 103.8581645, 36.0517602 ], population: 6.9486144183318, title: 'Lanzhou Institute of Physics (CHN)<br>Rank: 566', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67252: { center: [ 118.796325, 32.060921 ], population: 6.9520654312041, title: 'Affiliated Nanjing First Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 565', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77612: { center: [ 116.638826, 39.929052 ], population: 6.9520654312041, title: 'Beijing Wuzi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 564', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1588: { center: [ 117.1809291, 39.1002916 ], population: 6.9624184698209, title: 'Tianjin Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 563', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66895: { center: [ 118.7821515, 32.0534562 ], population: 6.964143976257, title: 'Jinling Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 562', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66546: { center: [ 117.284326, 31.861783 ], population: 6.9710460020016, title: 'Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 561', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86686: { center: [ 119.032855, 36.665954 ], population: 6.9831245470546, title: 'Weifang Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 560', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1513: { center: [ 116.799305, 36.556051 ], population: 6.9831245470546, title: 'Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 559', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1414: { center: [ 117.284916, 31.861615 ], population: 6.9848500534907, title: 'Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 558', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66919: { center: [ 118.776455, 32.076902 ], population: 6.9934775856714, title: 'Zhongda Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 557', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97398: { center: [ 116.35579, 39.867228 ], population: 6.9969285985437, title: 'Beijing YouAn Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 556', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97942: { center: [ 121.438831, 31.196044 ], population: 7.0055561307244, title: 'International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 555', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96543: { center: [ 120.2573322, 30.2049443 ], population: 7.0090071435966, title: 'ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 554', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1467: { center: [ 106.275367, 38.437981 ], population: 7.0124581564689, title: 'Ningxia Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 553', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94598: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.0141836629051, title: 'China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 552', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77100: { center: [ 104.08818, 30.680401 ], population: 7.0193601822135, title: 'West China Fourth Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 551', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77598: { center: [ 121.116865, 28.850506 ], population: 7.026262207958, title: 'Taizhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 550', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1571: { center: [ 103.972343, 30.562614 ], population: 7.0314387272665, title: 'Southwest Minzu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 549', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1595: { center: [ 117.168109, 39.117246 ], population: 7.0435172723194, title: 'Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 548', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97983: { center: [ 119.280952, 26.084807 ], population: 7.0555958173724, title: 'Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 547', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66921: { center: [ 125.323634, 43.817906 ], population: 7.062497843117, title: 'Second Clinical Hospital of Jilin University (CHN)<br>Rank: 546', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26039: { center: [ 116.407407, 39.904933 ], population: 7.062497843117, title: 'Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 545', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1429: { center: [ 102.687321, 25.047192 ], population: 7.0642233495531, title: 'Kunming Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 544', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1637: { center: [ 103.942775, 30.978462 ], population: 7.0676743624254, title: 'Xihua University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 543', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1441: { center: [ 123.4074001, 41.8336532 ], population: 7.0676743624254, title: 'Liaoning University (CHN)<br>Rank: 542', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83099: { center: [ 116.371726, 39.914042 ], population: 7.0693998688615, title: 'China Telecom Corp Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 541', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1642: { center: [ 87.623988, 43.760466 ], population: 7.0693998688615, title: 'Xinjiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 540', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1254: { center: [ 112.989061, 28.1319204 ], population: 7.0745763881699, title: 'Central South University of Forestry and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 539', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67011: { center: [ 121.529388, 31.317275 ], population: 7.088380439659, title: 'Changhai Hospital of Shanghai (CHN)<br>Rank: 538', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 90942: { center: [ 120.101447, 30.871605 ], population: 7.100458984712, title: 'Huzhou University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 537', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83507: { center: [ 121.561649, 29.803511 ], population: 7.1056355040204, title: 'University of Nottingham China Campus (CHN)<br>Rank: 536', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72824: { center: [ 117.227305, 31.821975 ], population: 7.1108120233288, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 535', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97917: { center: [ 106.468097, 29.56488 ], population: 7.1194395555095, title: 'Chongqing University Cancer Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 534', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97388: { center: [ 110.29187, 25.281708 ], population: 7.1194395555095, title: 'The Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 533', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83968: { center: [ 113.940407, 22.580973 ], population: 7.124616074818, title: 'Shenzhen Polytechnic (CHN)<br>Rank: 532', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1248: { center: [ 116.307664, 39.930337 ], population: 7.124616074818, title: 'Capital Normal University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 531', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1656: { center: [ 102.747357, 25.128193 ], population: 7.1332436069987, title: 'Yunnan Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 530', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97254: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 7.1384201263071, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Eighth Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 529', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66557: { center: [ 116.407937, 39.904365 ], population: 7.1435966456155, title: 'Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 528', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1446: { center: [ 115.827498, 28.651908 ], population: 7.1470476584878, title: 'Nanchang Hangkong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 527', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1373: { center: [ 113.2341733, 35.2410173 ], population: 7.15049867136, title: 'Henan Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 526', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26078: { center: [ 118.8054415, 32.058127 ], population: 7.1608517099769, title: 'Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 525', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80702: { center: [ 114.095864, 22.566664 ], population: 7.162577216413, title: 'Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 524', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1376: { center: [ 112.3831631, 34.6381931 ], population: 7.1712047485937, title: 'Henan University of Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 523', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77653: { center: [ 112.490087, 32.976147 ], population: 7.1798322807744, title: 'Nanyang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 522', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66669: { center: [ 121.517648, 31.274133 ], population: 7.1798322807744, title: 'Xinhua Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 521', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26099: { center: [ 121.473582, 31.230484 ], population: 7.1815577872105, title: 'Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 520', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26065: { center: [ 116.407639, 39.904107 ], population: 7.1953618386997, title: 'Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 519', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97867: { center: [ 116.354693, 39.936532 ], population: 7.2022638644442, title: 'Peking University People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 518', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97743: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.2039893708804, title: 'China Huaneng Group Co Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 517', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97772: { center: [ 113.53581, 34.808071 ], population: 7.2074403837526, title: 'Zhengzhou University People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 516', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 25992: { center: [ 116.326799, 39.947625 ], population: 7.2281464609863, title: 'China Meteorological Administration (CHN)<br>Rank: 515', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66932: { center: [ 113.264951, 23.129776 ], population: 7.2281464609863, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Sixth Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 514', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97872: { center: [ 114.049179, 22.555867 ], population: 7.2350484867309, title: 'Peking University Shenzhen Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 513', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83480: { center: [ 117.0401009, 36.6891557 ], population: 7.2402250060393, title: 'Second Hospital of Shandong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 512', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1267: { center: [ 104.065795, 30.644946 ], population: 7.2523035510922, title: 'Chengdu University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 511', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84598: { center: [ 100.9946292, 36.8987645 ], population: 7.2626565897091, title: 'State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 510', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85833: { center: [ 125.37541, 43.820714 ], population: 7.2712841218898, title: 'Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 509', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1482: { center: [ 103.7369834, 36.0988073 ], population: 7.2712841218898, title: 'Northwest Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 508', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26049: { center: [ 104.075723, 30.651238 ], population: 7.2747351347621, title: 'Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 507', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79125: { center: [ 120.7391948, 31.2735129 ], population: 7.2833626669427, title: 'Xi\'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (CHN)<br>Rank: 506', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26127: { center: [ 117.284228, 31.861747 ], population: 7.2885391862512, title: 'Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 505', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96311: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 7.2902646926873, title: 'Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Southern Marine Science and Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 504', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77687: { center: [ 106.551114, 29.56114 ], population: 7.298892224868, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 503', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1293: { center: [ 116.552642, 39.915508 ], population: 7.298892224868, title: 'Communication University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 502', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1537: { center: [ 123.5605674, 41.8221432 ], population: 7.3040687441764, title: 'Shenyang Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 501', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67393: { center: [ 121.7882539, 31.0481517 ], population: 7.3040687441764, title: 'Shanghai University of Electric Power (CHN)<br>Rank: 500', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1368: { center: [ 126.623957, 45.707197 ], population: 7.3040687441764, title: 'Heilongjiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 499', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80665: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.3040687441764, title: 'Ministry of Public Security (CHN)<br>Rank: 498', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1377: { center: [ 113.614073, 34.7472533 ], population: 7.3075197570487, title: 'Henan University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 497', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26024: { center: [ 116.407482, 39.904927 ], population: 7.310970769921, title: 'Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 496', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96676: { center: [ 105.444623, 28.882371 ], population: 7.3230493149739, title: 'Southwest Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 495', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97253: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 7.3334023535908, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Seventh Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 494', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1448: { center: [ 112.5868613, 26.8930099 ], population: 7.3334023535908, title: 'University of South China (CHN)<br>Rank: 493', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72473: { center: [ 120.6729336, 28.0058609 ], population: 7.3368533664631, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children\'s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 492', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66649: { center: [ 118.8128989, 31.970907 ], population: 7.3385788728992, title: 'Army Engineering University of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 491', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45578: { center: [ 117.123079, 36.660784 ], population: 7.3420298857715, title: 'Shandong Provincial Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 490', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1437: { center: [ 116.006281, 36.427808 ], population: 7.348931911516, title: 'Liaocheng University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 489', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1372: { center: [ 113.920215, 35.32426 ], population: 7.3541084308244, title: 'Henan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 488', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67401: { center: [ 111.609275, 26.206312 ], population: 7.3679124823136, title: 'Hunan University of Science and Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 487', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66908: { center: [ 108.902561, 34.156777 ], population: 7.3696379887497, title: 'Xi\'an University of Post and Telecommunications (CHN)<br>Rank: 486', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85203: { center: [ 120.1773607, 30.1727827 ], population: 7.3851675466749, title: 'Hangzhou Medical College * (CHN)<br>Rank: 485', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96611: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.3972460917279, title: 'Ministry of Natural Resources * (CHN)<br>Rank: 484', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26116: { center: [ 113.264361, 23.129793 ], population: 7.3989715981641, title: 'South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 483', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67070: { center: [ 123.431495, 41.805564 ], population: 7.4006971046002, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University-Sheng Jing Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 482', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97255: { center: [ 113.289925, 23.125445 ], population: 7.4024226110363, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Hospital of Stomatology (CHN)<br>Rank: 481', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96320: { center: [ 110.20945, 21.60947 ], population: 7.4058736239086, title: 'Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Zhanjiang (CHN)<br>Rank: 480', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26033: { center: [ 116.407727, 39.904014 ], population: 7.4127756496532, title: 'Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 479', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45540: { center: [ 110.16711, 25.219006 ], population: 7.4162266625255, title: 'Guilin Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 478', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77648: { center: [ 106.551658, 29.56286 ], population: 7.4179521689616, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 477', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1512: { center: [ 118.0399978, 36.8110482 ], population: 7.42312868827, title: 'Shandong University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 476', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1664: { center: [ 110.4110456, 21.1974129 ], population: 7.4283052075784, title: 'Guangdong Ocean University (CHN)<br>Rank: 475', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26062: { center: [ 118.796765, 32.060587 ], population: 7.4300307140146, title: 'Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 474', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67342: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.4369327397591, title: 'China National Nuclear Corporation * (CHN)<br>Rank: 473', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 86012: { center: [ 117.227219, 31.820591 ], population: 7.4507367912482, title: 'State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 472', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80294: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.4559133105566, title: 'The Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 471', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85572: { center: [ 114.30525, 30.5927599 ], population: 7.4628153363012, title: 'State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 470', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1473: { center: [ 116.206482, 39.929414 ], population: 7.4714428684819, title: 'North China University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 469', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1411: { center: [ 116.031212, 28.6785 ], population: 7.4783448942265, title: 'Jiangxi Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 468', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26106: { center: [ 121.473284, 31.230096 ], population: 7.4800704006626, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 467', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67569: { center: [ 116.696143, 23.356074 ], population: 7.4835214135349, title: 'Shantou University Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 466', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85206: { center: [ 120.192186, 30.28218 ], population: 7.4869724264072, title: 'Zhejiang Cancer Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 465', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1476: { center: [ 126.504092, 43.821492 ], population: 7.4921489457156, title: 'Northeast Electric Power University (CHN)<br>Rank: 464', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25999: { center: [ 116.407659, 39.904596 ], population: 7.4921489457156, title: 'Chinese Academy of Forestry * (CHN)<br>Rank: 463', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1355: { center: [ 115.48079, 38.8510463 ], population: 7.497325465024, title: 'Agricultural University of Hebei (CHN)<br>Rank: 462', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97399: { center: [ 116.525979, 40.023361 ], population: 7.4990509714601, title: 'Beijing Ditan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 461', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77112: { center: [ 116.407323, 39.904815 ], population: 7.5007764778963, title: 'China National Offshore Oil Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 460', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67248: { center: [ 118.745543, 32.080748 ], population: 7.5042274907685, title: 'Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 459', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85896: { center: [ 106.552284, 29.552192 ], population: 7.5042274907685, title: 'State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 458', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71628: { center: [ 120.1747582, 30.2632982 ], population: 7.5042274907685, title: 'China Jiliang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 457', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1521: { center: [ 121.9054127, 30.8740876 ], population: 7.5111295165131, title: 'Shanghai Maritime University (CHN)<br>Rank: 456', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 88328: { center: [ 121.610939, 31.104016 ], population: 7.5266590744383, title: 'Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 455', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89371: { center: [ 116.4073963, 39.9041999 ], population: 7.5301100873106, title: 'CRRC Corp Ltd, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 454', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83943: { center: [ 111.698700, 29.031600 ], population: 7.5404631259275, title: 'State Grid Hunan Electric Power Corp (CHN)<br>Rank: 453', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1676: { center: [ 113.509172, 34.813885 ], population: 7.547365151672, title: 'Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (CHN)<br>Rank: 452', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62980: { center: [ 108.988838, 34.272255 ], population: 7.5611692031611, title: 'Xijing Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 451', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1381: { center: [ 119.0478766, 33.5495513 ], population: 7.5663457224695, title: 'Huaiyin Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 450', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1357: { center: [ 114.453902, 38.008209 ], population: 7.5818752803948, title: 'Hebei Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 449', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1631: { center: [ 109.194004, 34.37032 ], population: 7.5870517997032, title: 'Xi\'an University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 448', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80687: { center: [ 113.264345, 23.12945 ], population: 7.5887773061394, title: 'Guangzhou Institute of Geography, GDAS (CHN)<br>Rank: 447', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94552: { center: [ 119.466296, 32.197581 ], population: 7.5991303447562, title: 'Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 446', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1295: { center: [ 121.5279147, 38.9710328 ], population: 7.6232874348621, title: 'Dalian Polytechnic University (CHN)<br>Rank: 445', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97401: { center: [ 116.6531383, 39.9223648 ], population: 7.6353659799151, title: 'Beijing Chest Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 444', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96964: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.6422680056597, title: 'Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 443', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94667: { center: [ 121.5030575, 31.2216598 ], population: 7.6439935120958, title: 'State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 442', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77618: { center: [ 103.984121, 30.5819472 ], population: 7.6439935120958, title: 'Chengdu University of Information Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 441', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96955: { center: [ 116.310678, 39.999186 ], population: 7.6457190185319, title: 'Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (CHN)<br>Rank: 440', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97868: { center: [ 116.3594259, 39.9819151 ], population: 7.6491700314042, title: 'Peking University Third Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 439', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96752: { center: [ 114.34253, 30.4998399 ], population: 7.6543465507126, title: 'Hubei Hongshan Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 438', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72510: { center: [ 120.699367, 27.994267 ], population: 7.6629740828933, title: 'First Affilated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 437', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 83460: { center: [ 116.68221, 23.3534999 ], population: 7.6646995893295, title: 'Cancer Hospital of Shantou University Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 436', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26081: { center: [ 116.407876, 39.904544 ], population: 7.6664250957656, title: 'National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 435', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9187: { center: [ 113.097275, 23.02469 ], population: 7.6750526279463, title: 'Foshan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 434', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92523: { center: [ 121.53415, 31.225854 ], population: 7.6802291472547, title: 'New York University, Shanghai (CHN)<br>Rank: 433', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77747: { center: [ 113.4453352, 23.3741833 ], population: 7.6888566794354, title: 'Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 432', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72859: { center: [ 120.382788, 36.067842 ], population: 7.6888566794354, title: 'The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 431', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80645: { center: [ 116.426936, 39.973936 ], population: 7.6940331987438, title: 'China-Japan Friendship Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 430', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45548: { center: [ 121.473033, 31.230084 ], population: 7.6992097180522, title: 'Huashan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 429', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 84250: { center: [ 118.79647, 32.0583799 ], population: 7.7061117437968, title: 'NARI Group Corp (CHN)<br>Rank: 428', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1667: { center: [ 120.152792, 30.267447 ], population: 7.7216413017221, title: 'Zhejiang A & F University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 427', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1594: { center: [ 117.152014, 39.086807 ], population: 7.7233668081582, title: 'Tianjin University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 426', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96807: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.7561514304448, title: 'China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 425', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1629: { center: [ 108.9663807, 34.2389244 ], population: 7.7734064948062, title: 'Xi\'an University of Architecture and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 424', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1651: { center: [ 117.284653, 31.861204 ], population: 7.7751320012424, title: 'Yangtze University (CHN)<br>Rank: 423', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83651: { center: [ 117.2167642, 39.099204 ], population: 7.7768575076785, title: 'State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 422', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 85809: { center: [ 104.031396, 30.663069 ], population: 7.7785830141146, title: 'State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 421', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26044: { center: [ 116.407668, 39.904600 ], population: 7.7820340269869, title: 'Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 420', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1396: { center: [ 112.947521, 28.189303 ], population: 7.7837595334231, title: 'Hunan Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 419', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26068: { center: [ 118.8706374, 32.039593 ], population: 7.7872105462953, title: 'Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 418', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83502: { center: [ 116.4073963, 39.9041999 ], population: 7.7872105462953, title: 'Blood Diseases Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 417', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77706: { center: [ 117.185849, 39.117489 ], population: 7.7889360527315, title: 'General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 416', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66530: { center: [ 116.407102, 39.904141 ], population: 7.7923870656038, title: 'State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 415', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1516: { center: [ 121.473796, 31.230161 ], population: 7.795838078476, title: 'Shanghai Ocean University (CHN)<br>Rank: 414', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1589: { center: [ 117.1081558, 39.07185 ], population: 7.8010145977844, title: 'Tiangong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 413', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1398: { center: [ 112.92263, 27.897046 ], population: 7.8027401042206, title: 'Hunan University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 412', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26123: { center: [ 114.305890, 30.593401 ], population: 7.8027401042206, title: 'Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 411', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 73501: { center: [ 110.3287663, 19.9820363 ], population: 7.8113676364013, title: 'Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 410', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1635: { center: [ 112.862892, 27.883087 ], population: 7.8217206750181, title: 'Xiangtan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 409', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 68307: { center: [ 116.407960, 39.904363 ], population: 7.8234461814543, title: 'Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 408', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 94621: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 7.832073713635, title: 'Guangdong Academy of Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 407', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97768: { center: [ 113.641058, 34.743162 ], population: 7.8389757393795, title: 'Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 406', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1522: { center: [ 121.544007, 31.284127 ], population: 7.8389757393795, title: 'Shanghai Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 405', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26119: { center: [ 116.407400, 39.904580 ], population: 7.8476032715602, title: 'Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 404', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67114: { center: [ 104.11383, 30.749365 ], population: 7.8562308037409, title: 'Chengdu Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 403', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77117: { center: [ 121.41958, 31.167691 ], population: 7.8596818166132, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 402', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 1478: { center: [ 125.333542, 43.86273 ], population: 7.8614073230493, title: 'Northeast Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 401', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66938: { center: [ 121.473021, 31.230100 ], population: 7.8631328294855, title: 'Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 400', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66672: { center: [ 121.473175, 31.230711 ], population: 7.8717603616661, title: 'Shanghai Chest Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 399', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1669: { center: [ 119.641469, 29.133257 ], population: 7.8769368809746, title: 'Zhejiang Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 398', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67398: { center: [ 113.1693271, 27.8301439 ], population: 7.8907409324637, title: 'Hunan University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 397', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67097: { center: [ 106.551614, 29.563444 ], population: 7.8907409324637, title: 'Second Affiliated Xinqiao Hospital to Third Military Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 396', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72521: { center: [ 117.194715, 39.076662 ], population: 7.8959174517721, title: 'Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 395', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1279: { center: [ 111.311524, 30.714209 ], population: 7.9010939710805, title: 'China Three Gorges University (CHN)<br>Rank: 394', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1647: { center: [ 117.1905937, 34.2495413 ], population: 7.9079959968251, title: 'Jiangsu Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 393', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1320: { center: [ 117.284969, 31.861529 ], population: 7.9131725161335, title: 'Guangdong Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 392', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1655: { center: [ 121.468777, 37.458704 ], population: 7.9269765676226, title: 'Yantai University (CHN)<br>Rank: 391', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66488: { center: [ 121.473629, 31.230142 ], population: 7.9338785933672, title: 'Tongji Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 390', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1384: { center: [ 114.3610816, 30.5243014 ], population: 7.9338785933672, title: 'Huazhong Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 389', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1269: { center: [ 104.0572162, 30.6533651 ], population: 7.9407806191117, title: 'Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 388', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26041: { center: [ 114.305115, 30.593340 ], population: 7.9459571384201, title: 'Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 387', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26108: { center: [ 121.473176, 31.230735 ], population: 7.9511336577285, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 386', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67779: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 7.956310177037, title: 'Siemens AG, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 385', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 86822: { center: [ 113.288641, 23.100146 ], population: 7.9614866963454, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 384', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1327: { center: [ 110.2929837, 25.1003667 ], population: 7.9666632156538, title: 'Guangxi Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 383', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66479: { center: [ 103.834945, 36.061948 ], population: 7.9666632156538, title: 'Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 382', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26050: { center: [ 120.38264, 36.067082 ], population: 7.9666632156538, title: 'Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 381', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1263: { center: [ 125.28972, 43.853895 ], population: 7.9804672671429, title: 'Changchun University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 380', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1253: { center: [ 113.264539, 23.129254 ], population: 7.9873692928875, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 379', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26013: { center: [ 108.365631, 22.817642 ], population: 7.994271318632, title: 'Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 378', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77746: { center: [ 113.875045, 22.903781 ], population: 7.994271318632, title: 'Dongguan University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 377', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1268: { center: [ 104.142987, 30.673151 ], population: 8.0011733443766, title: 'Chengdu University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 376', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1316: { center: [ 119.3076641, 26.0396355 ], population: 8.0046243572489, title: 'Fujian Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 375', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67021: { center: [ 119.514279, 32.19932 ], population: 8.0080753701211, title: 'Affiliated People\'s Hospital of Jiangsu University (CHN)<br>Rank: 374', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1573: { center: [ 117.284264, 31.861050 ], population: 8.0218794216102, title: 'Southwest University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 373', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67012: { center: [ 113.2700212, 23.0804505 ], population: 8.0270559409187, title: 'Zhujiang Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 372', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26086: { center: [ 125.323312, 43.817714 ], population: 8.0305069537909, title: 'Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 371', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1621: { center: [ 117.999059, 27.728088 ], population: 8.0322324602271, title: 'Wuyi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 370', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 91846: { center: [ 117.255606, 34.264097 ], population: 8.0408599924078, title: 'Xuzhou Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 369', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1416: { center: [ 125.4064289, 43.8139052 ], population: 8.0443110052801, title: 'Jilin Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 368', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77582: { center: [ 114.060604, 35.410367 ], population: 8.0443110052801, title: 'Xinxiang Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 367', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1614: { center: [ 117.284687, 31.861975 ], population: 8.0460365117162, title: 'Wuhan Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 366', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97865: { center: [ 120.2985013, 30.4187503 ], population: 8.0529385374607, title: 'Beihang Hangzhou Innovation Institute Yuhang (CHN)<br>Rank: 365', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1347: { center: [ 120.3947769, 30.3160167 ], population: 8.0598405632053, title: 'Hangzhou Normal University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 364', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83980: { center: [ 116.287249, 39.943862 ], population: 8.0615660696414, title: 'Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 363', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84759: { center: [ 123.431472, 41.805699 ], population: 8.0615660696414, title: 'State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 362', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1550: { center: [ 117.284087, 31.861042 ], population: 8.0701936018221, title: 'Shihezi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 361', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45581: { center: [ 121.489276, 31.253355 ], population: 8.0891741726197, title: 'First People\'s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 360', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 94658: { center: [ 104.0665099, 30.5722599 ], population: 8.0943506919281, title: 'State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 359', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26064: { center: [ 112.93886, 28.2277799 ], population: 8.0960761983642, title: 'Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 358', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94590: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 8.1081547434172, title: 'Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 357', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80649: { center: [ 117.1241, 36.651241 ], population: 8.1098802498533, title: 'Shandong Computer Science Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 356', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 67096: { center: [ 106.551493, 29.563323 ], population: 8.1133312627256, title: 'First Affiliated Southwest Hospital to Third Military Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 355', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45531: { center: [ 118.796559, 32.060173 ], population: 8.1167822755979, title: 'First Affiliated Jiangsu Province Hospital with Nanjing Medical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 354', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66583: { center: [ 118.089425, 24.479834 ], population: 8.118507782034, title: 'Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 353', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25974: { center: [ 104.759782, 31.483352 ], population: 8.118507782034, title: 'China Academy of Engineering Physics * (CHN)<br>Rank: 352', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96329: { center: [ 120.12629, 30.26744 ], population: 8.118507782034, title: 'Zhejiang Lab (CHN)<br>Rank: 351', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80355: { center: [ 113.6899722, 34.7986059 ], population: 8.1254098077786, title: 'China National Tobacco Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 350', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62163: { center: [ 120.155078, 30.274782 ], population: 8.1254098077786, title: 'The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 349', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72536: { center: [ 112.938413, 28.228613 ], population: 8.130586327087, title: 'Third Hospital Affiliated to Central South University (CHN)<br>Rank: 348', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 85716: { center: [ 120.195509, 30.305626 ], population: 8.1357628463954, title: 'Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 347', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26017: { center: [ 113.264744, 23.129223 ], population: 8.1461158850123, title: 'Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 346', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1526: { center: [ 121.425682, 31.266055 ], population: 8.1461158850123, title: 'Shanghai University of Engineering Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 345', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1668: { center: [ 120.13977, 30.28564 ], population: 8.1616454429375, title: 'Zhejiang Gongshang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 344', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45603: { center: [ 120.16777, 30.259809 ], population: 8.1650964558098, title: 'Women\'s Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 343', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1392: { center: [ 117.284233, 31.861673 ], population: 8.1771750008628, title: 'Hubei University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 342', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66931: { center: [ 113.5677778, 22.2769444 ], population: 8.180626013735, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Fifth Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 341', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66943: { center: [ 121.57479, 31.241493 ], population: 8.1823515201712, title: 'Shanghai East Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 340', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1354: { center: [ 126.6351294, 45.7109539 ], population: 8.1823515201712, title: 'Harbin University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 339', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1666: { center: [ 120.149777, 30.172925 ], population: 8.1892535459157, title: 'Zhejiang Chinese Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 338', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1394: { center: [ 113.085022, 28.184915 ], population: 8.2013320909687, title: 'Hunan Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 337', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1242: { center: [ 116.427603, 39.971062 ], population: 8.2082341167133, title: 'Beijing University of Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 336', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1619: { center: [ 114.3680335, 30.621489 ], population: 8.2203126617662, title: 'Wuhan University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 335', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26098: { center: [ 121.473502, 31.230825 ], population: 8.2203126617662, title: 'Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 334', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26092: { center: [ 121.473064, 31.230764 ], population: 8.2237636746385, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 333', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66670: { center: [ 121.424466, 31.178604 ], population: 8.2289401939469, title: 'Shanghai Sixth People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 332', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 67018: { center: [ 117.284080, 31.861296 ], population: 8.2772543741588, title: 'Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 331', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45522: { center: [ 116.407202, 39.904042 ], population: 8.2807053870311, title: 'Cancer Institute and Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 330', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1529: { center: [ 116.634418, 23.409407 ], population: 8.2807053870311, title: 'Shantou University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 329', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84653: { center: [ 120.140762, 30.266939 ], population: 8.2824308934672, title: 'State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 328', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9169: { center: [ 114.057753, 22.543184 ], population: 8.2927839320841, title: 'Shenzhen Peoples Hospital, 2nd Clinical Medical College of Jinan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 327', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66929: { center: [ 113.264910, 23.129023 ], population: 8.3065879835732, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Second Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 326', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1498: { center: [ 116.3185455, 39.9700009 ], population: 8.3117645028816, title: 'Renmin University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 325', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25969: { center: [ 104.075241, 30.651848 ], population: 8.3152155157539, title: 'Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 324', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66936: { center: [ 121.473041, 31.230516 ], population: 8.3255685543707, title: 'Shanghai Tenth People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 323', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26121: { center: [ 114.305048, 30.593075 ], population: 8.3307450736791, title: 'Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 322', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1216: { center: [ 117.007057, 32.65119 ], population: 8.3341960865514, title: 'Anhui University of Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 321', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1534: { center: [ 112.586788, 37.800786 ], population: 8.3393726058598, title: 'Shanxi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 320', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1659: { center: [ 102.702556, 25.059094 ], population: 8.3480001380405, title: 'Yunnan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 319', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66907: { center: [ 117.012571, 36.627926 ], population: 8.3497256444767, title: 'Shandong University Qilu Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 318', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1315: { center: [ 119.187873, 26.071491 ], population: 8.3531766573489, title: 'Fujian Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 317', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66584: { center: [ 109.214965, 34.367965 ], population: 8.3531766573489, title: 'National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 316', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1431: { center: [ 120.402896, 36.315585 ], population: 8.3549021637851, title: 'Qingdao Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 315', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96658: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 8.3652552024019, title: 'Guangzhou Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 314', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 27906: { center: [ 119.539719, 39.904508 ], population: 8.3738827345826, title: 'Yanshan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 313', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66930: { center: [ 113.264893, 23.129434 ], population: 8.4101183697415, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Third Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 312', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97780: { center: [ 112.93886, 28.2277799 ], population: 8.4256479276668, title: 'Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution (CHN)<br>Rank: 311', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26030: { center: [ 117.284325, 31.861839 ], population: 8.453256030645, title: 'Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 310', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26027: { center: [ 116.2107295, 39.9912556 ], population: 8.4618835628257, title: 'Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 309', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 94613: { center: [ 114.5143, 38.0427599 ], population: 8.4636090692618, title: 'China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 54 Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 308', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1507: { center: [ 117.042083, 36.652703 ], population: 8.4636090692618, title: 'Shandong Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 307', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26045: { center: [ 123.43147, 41.80572 ], population: 8.465334575698, title: 'Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 306', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 95060: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 8.4756876143148, title: 'National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology, Academy of Military Sciences of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 305', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1298: { center: [ 121.3145542, 38.8076774 ], population: 8.4912171722401, title: 'Dalian Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 304', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1326: { center: [ 108.3505567, 22.8002046 ], population: 8.4981191979846, title: 'Guangxi Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 303', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67013: { center: [ 113.326236, 23.185334 ], population: 8.5136487559099, title: 'Nanfang Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 302', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97869: { center: [ 116.3250472, 39.9524173 ], population: 8.515374262346, title: 'Peking University Hospital of Stomatology (CHN)<br>Rank: 301', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96368: { center: [ 121.4632076, 31.2106809 ], population: 8.5240017945267, title: 'Shanghai Municipal People\'s Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 300', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1382: { center: [ 118.6462597, 24.9319535 ], population: 8.5309038202712, title: 'Huaqiao University (CHN)<br>Rank: 299', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 85984: { center: [ 116.322422, 39.947532 ], population: 8.5395313524519, title: 'China Academy of Space Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 298', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96325: { center: [ 113.62215, 23.131 ], population: 8.5412568588881, title: 'Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture (CHN)<br>Rank: 297', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66615: { center: [ 116.407403, 39.904355 ], population: 8.5429823653242, title: 'State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control (CHN)<br>Rank: 296', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26040: { center: [ 116.407073, 39.904341 ], population: 8.5636884425579, title: 'Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 295', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77116: { center: [ 116.358443, 39.932824 ], population: 8.5912965455361, title: 'Ministry of Ecology and Environment * (CHN)<br>Rank: 294', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66561: { center: [ 121.445995, 37.47276 ], population: 8.6378852193119, title: 'Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 293', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66668: { center: [ 121.473817, 31.230950 ], population: 8.6378852193119, title: 'Shanghai Ninth People\'s Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 292', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72535: { center: [ 112.938814, 28.228209 ], population: 8.6672188287262, title: 'Second Xiangya Hospital Affiliated to Central South University (CHN)<br>Rank: 291', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 79397: { center: [ 116.38745, 39.974245 ], population: 8.6775718673431, title: 'National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team (CHN)<br>Rank: 290', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 67266: { center: [ 118.796202, 32.060659 ], population: 8.689650412396, title: 'Affiliated Jiangsu Cancer Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 289', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1477: { center: [ 126.638374, 45.721926 ], population: 8.6931014252683, title: 'Northeast Forestry University (CHN)<br>Rank: 288', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96853: { center: [ 113.9699337, 22.5909624 ], population: 8.7155330089381, title: 'Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (CHN)<br>Rank: 287', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26058: { center: [ 116.343174, 40.005098 ], population: 8.7224350346827, title: 'Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 286', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66893: { center: [ 114.305044, 30.593390 ], population: 8.7224350346827, title: 'Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 285', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91845: { center: [ 106.575905, 29.511595 ], population: 8.7224350346827, title: 'Chongqing University of Education (CHN)<br>Rank: 284', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1500: { center: [ 108.955903, 34.208787 ], population: 8.7310625668634, title: 'Shaanxi Normal University, Xi\'an (CHN)<br>Rank: 283', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71634: { center: [ 120.695457, 27.922834 ], population: 8.7414156054802, title: 'Wenzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 282', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71632: { center: [ 119.955176, 31.687107 ], population: 8.7603961762777, title: 'Changzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 281', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1212: { center: [ 117.263369, 31.848809 ], population: 8.7931807985644, title: 'Anhui Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 280', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 89277: { center: [ 116.348233, 39.91867 ], population: 8.8018083307451, title: 'China State Shipbuilding Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 279', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97761: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 8.8104358629258, title: 'Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 278', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 66870: { center: [ 108.940704, 34.341840 ], population: 8.8121613693619, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Xi\'an Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 277', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1462: { center: [ 118.76667, 32.046788 ], population: 8.8242399144149, title: 'Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 276', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80654: { center: [ 116.404464, 39.8797964 ], population: 8.8311419401594, title: 'National Institutes for Food and Drug Control * (CHN)<br>Rank: 275', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1370: { center: [ 113.659799, 34.7857056 ], population: 8.8466714980847, title: 'Henan Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 274', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1474: { center: [ 112.442796, 38.011321 ], population: 8.8483970045208, title: 'North University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 273', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66928: { center: [ 113.264209, 23.129521 ], population: 8.8656520688822, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University First Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 272', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71738: { center: [ 116.343236, 40.008005 ], population: 8.8708285881906, title: 'Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 271', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96444: { center: [ 120.0794882, 30.1339474 ], population: 8.8725540946268, title: 'Westlake University (CHN)<br>Rank: 270', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1608: { center: [ 121.551954, 31.290423 ], population: 8.8742796010629, title: 'University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 269', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1337: { center: [ 110.4189791, 25.30444 ], population: 8.8915346654243, title: 'Guilin University of Electronic Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 268', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86009: { center: [ 115.93534, 28.69196 ], population: 8.9018877040411, title: 'State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 267', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1313: { center: [ 119.2468497, 26.0847213 ], population: 8.9018877040411, title: 'Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (CHN)<br>Rank: 266', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26112: { center: [ 123.431454, 41.805431 ], population: 8.9053387169134, title: 'Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 265', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62164: { center: [ 120.201621, 30.256914 ], population: 8.9139662490941, title: 'Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 264', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96322: { center: [ 120.38299, 36.0662299 ], population: 8.9363978327639, title: 'Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 263', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26012: { center: [ 113.353943, 23.145448 ], population: 8.9398488456362, title: 'Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 262', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1227: { center: [ 116.3499507, 40.0044694 ], population: 8.950201884253, title: 'Beijing Forestry University (CHN)<br>Rank: 261', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83877: { center: [ 113.378424, 23.044541 ], population: 8.962280429306, title: 'Guangdong Power Grid Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 260', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26047: { center: [ 116.407517, 39.904467 ], population: 8.9640059357421, title: 'Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 259', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1336: { center: [ 113.408297, 23.059933 ], population: 8.9829865065397, title: 'Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 258', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1528: { center: [ 121.6006537, 31.1948129 ], population: 8.9967905580288, title: 'Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine * (CHN)<br>Rank: 257', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26126: { center: [ 108.9540936, 34.2658138 ], population: 9.012320115954, title: 'Xi\'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 256', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 62718: { center: [ 116.407010, 39.904058 ], population: 9.0278496738793, title: 'National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (CHN)<br>Rank: 255', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 96479: { center: [ 114.0225981, 22.5183109 ], population: 9.0313006867516, title: 'Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 254', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26122: { center: [ 114.305109, 30.593185 ], population: 9.0330261931877, title: 'Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 253', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 77625: { center: [ 120.351981, 30.310635 ], population: 9.0537322704214, title: 'Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (CHN)<br>Rank: 252', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97870: { center: [ 116.2908, 39.92345 ], population: 9.0640853090382, title: 'Peking University Cancer Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 251', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1632: { center: [ 108.993218, 34.251836 ], population: 9.0727128412189, title: 'Xi\'an University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 250', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96805: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 9.0727128412189, title: 'Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration (CHN)<br>Rank: 249', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1502: { center: [ 117.1566429, 36.165127 ], population: 9.0778893605273, title: 'Shandong Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 248', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66774: { center: [ 121.498494, 31.299781 ], population: 9.086516892708, title: 'Shanghai Cancer Center Fudan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 247', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26006: { center: [ 116.407280, 39.904583 ], population: 9.1451841115367, title: 'Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 246', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26001: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 9.1469096179729, title: 'Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping (CHN)<br>Rank: 245', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97901: { center: [ 113.680907, 34.79072 ], population: 9.148635124409, title: 'Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 244', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66890: { center: [ 114.298537, 30.535151 ], population: 9.1710667080788, title: 'Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 243', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 45564: { center: [ 118.78315, 32.060464 ], population: 9.1779687338234, title: 'Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 242', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26069: { center: [ 117.284130, 31.861045 ], population: 9.2090278496739, title: 'Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 241', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 43876: { center: [ 108.940175, 34.341568 ], population: 9.21075335611, title: 'Air Force Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 240', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62877: { center: [ 121.467339, 31.211614 ], population: 9.2297339269075, title: 'Ruijin Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 239', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1363: { center: [ 117.064628, 39.2401 ], population: 9.2452634848328, title: 'Hebei University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 238', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66612: { center: [ 116.407348, 39.904234 ], population: 9.2469889912689, title: 'State Key Joint Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics (CHN)<br>Rank: 237', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45570: { center: [ 116.368138, 39.913923 ], population: 9.2625185491942, title: 'Peking Union Medical College Hospital Beijing (CHN)<br>Rank: 236', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26059: { center: [ 116.37664, 40.00626 ], population: 9.2676950685026, title: 'Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science (CHN)<br>Rank: 235', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66599: { center: [ 117.284774, 31.861284 ], population: 9.2814991199917, title: 'Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (CHN)<br>Rank: 234', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96328: { center: [ 120.153676, 30.26586 ], population: 9.2832246264279, title: 'People\'s Government of Zhejiang Province * (CHN)<br>Rank: 233', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1483: { center: [ 108.9265917, 34.2466589 ], population: 9.2866756393001, title: 'Northwest University, Xi\'an (CHN)<br>Rank: 232', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25994: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 9.2884011457363, title: 'Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 231', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26067: { center: [ 116.407536, 39.904272 ], population: 9.3022051972254, title: 'Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 230', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1265: { center: [ 112.916326, 28.21299 ], population: 9.3211857680229, title: 'Changsha University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 229', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1466: { center: [ 121.6362158, 29.9114105 ], population: 9.3453428581289, title: 'Ningbo University (CHN)<br>Rank: 228', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96324: { center: [ 118.853296, 32.070475 ], population: 9.3660489353625, title: 'Purple Mountain Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 227', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1501: { center: [ 108.880392, 34.373045 ], population: 9.3677744417987, title: 'Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 226', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1603: { center: [ 117.020607, 36.630623 ], population: 9.3677744417987, title: 'University of Jinan (CHN)<br>Rank: 225', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92095: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 9.3677744417987, title: 'State Key Laboratory of Cryptology (CHN)<br>Rank: 224', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1391: { center: [ 114.332992, 30.578525 ], population: 9.3729509611071, title: 'Hubei University (CHN)<br>Rank: 223', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26052: { center: [ 116.330931, 39.982849 ], population: 9.3729509611071, title: 'Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 222', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1297: { center: [ 121.5272571, 38.8757012 ], population: 9.3781274804155, title: 'Dalian Maritime University (CHN)<br>Rank: 221', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1343: { center: [ 117.284181, 31.861014 ], population: 9.3833039997239, title: 'Guizhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 220', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1559: { center: [ 114.392832, 30.488348 ], population: 9.3953825447769, title: 'South Central University for Nationalities (CHN)<br>Rank: 219', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9155: { center: [ 106.551557, 29.56301 ], population: 9.4350691928081, title: 'Army Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 218', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80711: { center: [ 118.7744033, 32.0597533 ], population: 9.4367946992442, title: 'State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 217', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26105: { center: [ 121.473154, 31.230240 ], population: 9.4626772957863, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 216', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26020: { center: [ 117.227271, 31.821448 ], population: 9.4661283086586, title: 'Hefei Institutes of Physical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 215', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96748: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 9.4661283086586, title: 'Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 214', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26009: { center: [ 119.30004594, 26.07999595 ], population: 9.4920109052007, title: 'Fujian Institute of Research On the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 213', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66934: { center: [ 125.304465, 43.877074 ], population: 9.4971874245091, title: 'First Hospital of Jilin University (CHN)<br>Rank: 212', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 62606: { center: [ 121.473704, 31.230393 ], population: 9.5058149566898, title: 'Second Military Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 211', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25988: { center: [ 116.407799, 39.904281 ], population: 9.5196190081789, title: 'China Electric Power Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 210', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 81332: { center: [ 116.247391, 40.219336 ], population: 9.5230700210512, title: 'China University of Petroleum, Beijing (CHN)<br>Rank: 209', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1350: { center: [ 126.6175178, 45.7005071 ], population: 9.5247955274873, title: 'Harbin Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 208', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 77099: { center: [ 104.065919, 30.645075 ], population: 9.5282465403596, title: 'West China Hospital of Stomatology (CHN)<br>Rank: 207', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80686: { center: [ 113.264346, 23.12946 ], population: 9.545501604721, title: 'Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, GDAS (CHN)<br>Rank: 206', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1211: { center: [ 117.257372, 31.860048 ], population: 9.5558546433378, title: 'Anhui Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 205', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1593: { center: [ 117.229847, 39.104918 ], population: 9.5696586948269, title: 'Tianjin University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 204', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1454: { center: [ 118.7650338, 32.0549361 ], population: 9.5748352141353, title: 'Nanjing Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 203', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66527: { center: [ 118.7632074, 32.0617141 ], population: 9.5800117334438, title: 'Jiangsu Provincial Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 202', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84656: { center: [ 117.120095, 36.6512 ], population: 9.6024433171136, title: 'State Grid Shandong Electric Power Co (CHN)<br>Rank: 201', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84025: { center: [ 116.811621, 36.555493 ], population: 9.6110708492943, title: 'Qilu University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 200', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66571: { center: [ 87.616823, 43.825645 ], population: 9.6248749007834, title: 'Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 199', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26038: { center: [ 116.407037, 39.904652 ], population: 9.6645615488146, title: 'Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 198', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45575: { center: [ 121.473854, 31.230001 ], population: 9.6714635745591, title: 'Renji Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 197', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 26022: { center: [ 116.407414, 39.904450 ], population: 9.6973461711012, title: 'Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 196', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9257: { center: [ 112.528562, 37.823843 ], population: 9.6990716775374, title: 'Taiyuan University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 195', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1552: { center: [ 102.993691, 29.977484 ], population: 9.7335818062601, title: 'Sichuan Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 194', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1239: { center: [ 116.170043, 39.720361 ], population: 9.7387583255686, title: 'Beijing Technology and Business University (CHN)<br>Rank: 193', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1345: { center: [ 110.32002559, 20.050002257 ], population: 9.7404838320047, title: 'Hainan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 192', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26055: { center: [ 116.407212, 39.904245 ], population: 9.7456603513131, title: 'Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 191', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25967: { center: [ 117.284978, 31.861141 ], population: 9.7732684542913, title: 'Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 190', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 25993: { center: [ 120.155361, 30.273978 ], population: 9.8284846602478, title: 'China National Rice Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 189', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1258: { center: [ 108.956909, 34.2277 ], population: 9.8422887117369, title: 'Chang\'an University (CHN)<br>Rank: 188', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1214: { center: [ 117.184387, 31.770061 ], population: 9.9251130206716, title: 'Anhui University (CHN)<br>Rank: 187', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45610: { center: [ 121.473569, 31.230969 ], population: 9.9251130206716, title: 'Zhongshan Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 186', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1374: { center: [ 114.305061, 34.817603 ], population: 9.9389170721607, title: 'Henan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 185', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66933: { center: [ 113.264355, 23.129962 ], population: 10.004486316734, title: 'Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 184', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1561: { center: [ 113.3799822, 23.0545559 ], population: 10.013113848915, title: 'South China Normal University (CHN)<br>Rank: 183', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1277: { center: [ 123.417426, 41.80303 ], population: 10.044172964765, title: 'China Medical University, Shenyang * (CHN)<br>Rank: 182', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1334: { center: [ 113.2556822, 23.1347516 ], population: 10.049349484074, title: 'Guangzhou Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 181', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96695: { center: [ 116.379265, 39.90783 ], population: 10.057977016254, title: 'Ministry of Industry and Information Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 180', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1305: { center: [ 121.4132638, 31.2072219 ], population: 10.095938157849, title: 'Donghua University (CHN)<br>Rank: 179', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66918: { center: [ 112.938161, 28.228037 ], population: 10.108016702902, title: 'Xiangya Hospital Affiliated to Central South University (CHN)<br>Rank: 178', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1587: { center: [ 117.1837778, 39.107426 ], population: 10.113193222211, title: 'Tianjin Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 177', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62549: { center: [ 116.424823, 39.960646 ], population: 10.118369741519, title: 'PetroChina Co Ltd (CHN)<br>Rank: 176', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 95057: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 10.130448286572, title: 'Academy of Military Sciences of the Chinese People\'s Liberation Army * (CHN)<br>Rank: 175', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67160: { center: [ 117.284244, 31.861324 ], population: 10.185664492529, title: 'First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 174', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1335: { center: [ 113.366477, 23.039936 ], population: 10.204645063326, title: 'Guangzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 173', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84477: { center: [ 116.3356321, 39.9106327 ], population: 10.206370569762, title: 'Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 172', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1465: { center: [ 120.907406, 32.020728 ], population: 10.209821582635, title: 'Nantong University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 171', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97851: { center: [ 116.476303, 39.995939 ], population: 10.23397867274, title: 'Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (CHN)<br>Rank: 170', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 45590: { center: [ 116.407840, 39.904523 ], population: 10.237429685613, title: 'The General Hospital of the People\'s Liberation Army * (CHN)<br>Rank: 169', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77646: { center: [ 106.305586, 29.624983 ], population: 10.258135762846, title: 'Chongqing Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 168', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1475: { center: [ 126.725613, 45.739969 ], population: 10.299547917314, title: 'Northeast Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 167', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97830: { center: [ 116.357786, 39.985639 ], population: 10.365117161887, title: 'Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 166', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71674: { center: [ 116.407880, 39.904598 ], population: 10.380646719812, title: 'World Health Organization, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 165', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 91409: { center: [ 113.974264, 22.592813 ], population: 10.385823239121, title: 'Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (CHN)<br>Rank: 164', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96310: { center: [ 113.26436, 23.1290799 ], population: 10.401352797046, title: 'Guangzhou Municipal People\'s Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 163', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26104: { center: [ 121.4220797, 31.2161834 ], population: 10.406529316354, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 162', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1511: { center: [ 120.124993, 36.003343 ], population: 10.411705835663, title: 'Shandong University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 161', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1330: { center: [ 108.2862012, 22.8332241 ], population: 10.449666977258, title: 'Guangxi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 160', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1430: { center: [ 102.682988, 25.023088 ], population: 10.511785208959, title: 'Kunming University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 159', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 78458: { center: [ 121.4113967, 31.1685267 ], population: 10.518687234703, title: 'China Electronics Technology Group Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 158', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26051: { center: [ 104.075623, 30.651102 ], population: 10.527314766884, title: 'Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 157', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26070: { center: [ 102.832861, 24.880182 ], population: 10.563550402043, title: 'Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 156', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1346: { center: [ 120.141407, 30.286255 ], population: 10.565275908479, title: 'Hangzhou Dianzi University (CHN)<br>Rank: 155', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26072: { center: [ 103.834377, 36.061255 ], population: 10.60496255651, title: 'Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 154', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 45550: { center: [ 114.305922, 30.593044 ], population: 10.611864582255, title: 'Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College (CHN)<br>Rank: 153', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9240: { center: [ 121.45152, 31.19746 ], population: 10.655002243158, title: 'Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 152', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97733: { center: [ 114.301165, 30.599041 ], population: 10.668806294647, title: 'Tongji Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 151', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71626: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 10.708492942679, title: 'China Mobile Communications Group Co Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 150', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1458: { center: [ 118.719963, 32.206392 ], population: 10.72574800704, title: 'Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 149', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 83515: { center: [ 117.3616445, 39.3433545 ], population: 10.736101045657, title: 'Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (CHN)<br>Rank: 148', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66487: { center: [ 116.3860603, 39.9450854 ], population: 10.751630603582, title: 'National Health Commission of the People\'s Republic of China * (CHN)<br>Rank: 147', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1570: { center: [ 104.182658, 30.8314 ], population: 10.755081616454, title: 'Southwest Petroleum University (CHN)<br>Rank: 146', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1491: { center: [ 120.432939, 36.137136 ], population: 10.763709148635, title: 'Qingdao University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 145', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97829: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 10.787866238741, title: 'China Mobile Research Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 144', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71757: { center: [ 120.585880, 31.298783 ], population: 10.851709976878, title: 'Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 143', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26100: { center: [ 121.473850, 31.230029 ], population: 10.875867066984, title: 'Shanghai Cancer Institute (CHN)<br>Rank: 142', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1612: { center: [ 120.6726887, 28.0069785 ], population: 10.988024985333, title: 'Wenzhou Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 141', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 11779: { center: [ 118.5460639, 37.4646058 ], population: 11.038064671981, title: 'China University of Petroleum (CHN)<br>Rank: 140', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62593: { center: [ 116.407946, 39.904052 ], population: 11.048417710598, title: 'Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Sciences of PLA (CHN)<br>Rank: 139', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72534: { center: [ 116.387293, 39.984119 ], population: 11.079476826449, title: 'China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp * (CHN)<br>Rank: 138', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1291: { center: [ 106.323433, 29.616802 ], population: 11.100182903682, title: 'Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications (CHN)<br>Rank: 137', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66486: { center: [ 116.407165, 39.904935 ], population: 11.176105186872, title: 'Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 136', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66582: { center: [ 121.54399, 29.868336 ], population: 11.179556199745, title: 'Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 135', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 92069: { center: [ 121.473701, 31.230416 ], population: 11.193360251234, title: 'Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 134', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96478: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 11.200262276978, title: 'Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government * (CHN)<br>Rank: 133', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1567: { center: [ 106.4294872, 29.8268131 ], population: 11.201987783414, title: 'Southwest University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 132', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1486: { center: [ 120.4336476, 36.0738568 ], population: 11.22614487352, title: 'Ocean University of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 131', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1348: { center: [ 126.6785309, 45.7731931 ], population: 11.253752976499, title: 'Harbin Engineering University (CHN)<br>Rank: 130', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1652: { center: [ 117.284479, 31.861129 ], population: 11.258929495807, title: 'Yangzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 129', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1545: { center: [ 123.446503, 41.771056 ], population: 11.272733547296, title: 'Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 128', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1449: { center: [ 118.8462874, 32.0377214 ], population: 11.303792663147, title: 'Nanjing Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 127', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1311: { center: [ 121.4252404, 31.1408329 ], population: 11.334851778997, title: 'East China University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 126', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 45597: { center: [ 114.3340556, 30.5320535 ], population: 11.359008869103, title: 'Wuhan Union Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 125', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71780: { center: [ 120.487224, 36.155285 ], population: 11.448735203782, title: 'Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 124', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97876: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 11.560893122131, title: 'State Key Laboratory of Proteomics (CHN)<br>Rank: 123', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66494: { center: [ 116.324996, 39.989184 ], population: 11.567795147876, title: 'National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 122', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66560: { center: [ 116.407554, 39.904949 ], population: 11.578148186493, title: 'Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 121', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1459: { center: [ 118.772441, 32.08163 ], population: 11.595403250854, title: 'Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CHN)<br>Rank: 120', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1309: { center: [ 121.544401, 31.284888 ], population: 11.655795976119, title: 'East China Normal University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 119', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80201: { center: [ 121.341627, 30.791749 ], population: 11.666149014736, title: 'Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 118', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1490: { center: [ 120.427812, 36.0689807 ], population: 11.693757117714, title: 'Qingdao University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 117', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 84843: { center: [ 121.453086, 31.202545 ], population: 11.71791420782, title: 'ShanghaiTech University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 116', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1244: { center: [ 116.4820958, 39.8756647 ], population: 11.873209787073, title: 'Beijing University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 115', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1480: { center: [ 108.0748459, 34.2744086 ], population: 11.881837319253, title: 'Northwest A and F University (CHN)<br>Rank: 114', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72417: { center: [ 120.155069, 30.274089 ], population: 11.883562825689, title: 'The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University (CHN)<br>Rank: 113', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 80866: { center: [ 114.301759, 22.594922 ], population: 11.918072954412, title: 'ZTE, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 112', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1435: { center: [ 103.856793, 36.047357 ], population: 11.921523967284, title: 'Lanzhou University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 111', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1241: { center: [ 116.4214953, 39.9693462 ], population: 12.006073782655, title: 'Beijing University of Chemical Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 110', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1234: { center: [ 116.3418138, 39.9479874 ], population: 12.071643027228, title: 'Beijing Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 109', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 67327: { center: [ 116.388772, 39.95405 ], population: 12.11995720744, title: 'China National Petroleum Corp, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 108', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1379: { center: [ 118.763924, 32.057845 ], population: 12.138937778238, title: 'Hohai University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 107', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1451: { center: [ 118.81216, 32.081266 ], population: 12.144114297546, title: 'Nanjing Forestry University (CHN)<br>Rank: 106', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1447: { center: [ 115.812416, 28.665226 ], population: 12.159643855472, title: 'Nanchang University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 105', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26107: { center: [ 121.473561, 31.230025 ], population: 12.190702971322, title: 'Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 104', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 96831: { center: [ 117.199369, 39.085099 ], population: 12.228664112917, title: 'Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (CHN)<br>Rank: 103', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1560: { center: [ 113.3508631, 23.1609186 ], population: 12.232115125789, title: 'South China Agricultural University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 102', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1365: { center: [ 117.2965, 31.844236 ], population: 12.266625254512, title: 'Hefei University of Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 101', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96616: { center: [ 118.778139, 32.076734 ], population: 12.271801773821, title: 'Nanjing Tech University (CHN)<br>Rank: 100', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96546: { center: [ 113.945193, 22.536619 ], population: 12.271801773821, title: 'Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data (CHN)<br>Rank: 99', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84845: { center: [ 113.99894, 22.593969 ], population: 12.333920005522, title: 'Southern University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 98', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1278: { center: [ 118.7808765, 32.0730435 ], population: 12.342547537702, title: 'China Pharmaceutical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 97', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 59519: { center: [ 115.970761, 39.758831 ], population: 12.351175069883, title: 'China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation * (CHN)<br>Rank: 96', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1470: { center: [ 116.312511, 40.088257 ], population: 12.358077095628, title: 'North China Electric Power University (CHN)<br>Rank: 95', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66647: { center: [ 123.4197519, 41.7697444 ], population: 12.3615281085, title: 'Northeastern University, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 94', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1317: { center: [ 119.198362, 26.057751 ], population: 12.382234185734, title: 'Fuzhou University (CHN)<br>Rank: 93', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25966: { center: [ 125.323542, 43.817084 ], population: 12.418469820892, title: 'Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 92', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26007: { center: [ 121.614682, 38.914003 ], population: 12.442626910998, title: 'Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 91', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 92083: { center: [ 113.9445153, 22.5735938 ], population: 12.501294129827, title: 'Peng Cheng Laboratory (CHN)<br>Rank: 90', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 83869: { center: [ 113.3185772, 23.115596 ], population: 12.604824515995, title: 'China Southern Power Grid Co Ltd * (CHN)<br>Rank: 89', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 97773: { center: [ 114.2644173, 22.5908042 ], population: 12.616903061048, title: 'BGI Group, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 88', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1383: { center: [ 114.3571033, 30.4717668 ], population: 12.616903061048, title: 'Huazhong Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 87', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80897: { center: [ 116.3098144, 40.0428084 ], population: 12.694550850675, title: 'Lenovo China (CHN)<br>Rank: 86', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 26036: { center: [ 116.407534, 39.904511 ], population: 12.801532249715, title: 'Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 85', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1324: { center: [ 113.29955, 23.133379 ], population: 12.86192497498, title: 'Guangdong University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 84', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26002: { center: [ 116.407264, 39.904739 ], population: 12.894709597267, title: 'Center for Disease Control and Prevention China (CHN)<br>Rank: 83', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 1525: { center: [ 121.3913727, 31.3135166 ], population: 13.022397073541, title: 'Shanghai University (CHN)<br>Rank: 82', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1460: { center: [ 118.854218, 32.037912 ], population: 13.077613279498, title: 'Nanjing University of Science and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 81', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1569: { center: [ 104.054862, 30.698826 ], population: 13.120750940401, title: 'Southwest Jiaotong University (CHN)<br>Rank: 80', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26028: { center: [ 116.407481, 39.904945 ], population: 13.186320184974, title: 'Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 79', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 84549: { center: [ 120.1921, 30.189964 ], population: 13.267418987473, title: 'Alibaba Group, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 78', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 66898: { center: [ 103.8780408, 30.8032429 ], population: 13.269144493909, title: 'West China Hospital (CHN)<br>Rank: 77', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96326: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 13.270870000345, title: 'Center for Life Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 76', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 74155: { center: [ 116.407443, 39.904887 ], population: 13.282948545398, title: 'National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (CHN)<br>Rank: 75', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1606: { center: [ 116.356967, 39.989482 ], population: 13.301929116196, title: 'University of Science and Technology Beijing (CHN)<br>Rank: 74', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1237: { center: [ 116.366841, 39.958176 ], population: 13.514166407841, title: 'Beijing Normal University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 73', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9220: { center: [ 113.08081, 28.24615 ], population: 13.555578562308, title: 'National University of Defense Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 72', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9153: { center: [ 113.3369078, 23.0899817 ], population: 13.591814197467, title: 'Southern Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 71', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1282: { center: [ 117.1514774, 34.2177833 ], population: 13.842012630707, title: 'China University of Mining and Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 70', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26046: { center: [ 116.407769, 39.904397 ], population: 13.843738137143, title: 'Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 69', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1453: { center: [ 118.8898473, 31.9398132 ], population: 13.860993201505, title: 'Nanjing Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 68', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1620: { center: [ 114.371743, 30.624337 ], population: 13.912758394589, title: 'Wuhan University of Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 67', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73245: { center: [ 114.3985789, 30.5221336 ], population: 13.992131690651, title: 'China University of Geosciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 66', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26031: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 14.018014287193, title: 'Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 65', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1423: { center: [ 113.347721, 23.128057 ], population: 14.08185802533, title: 'Jinan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 64', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1673: { center: [ 120.156766, 30.2952 ], population: 14.09566207682, title: 'Zhejiang University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 63', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1272: { center: [ 116.353052, 40.004171 ], population: 14.142250750595, title: 'China Agricultural University (CHN)<br>Rank: 62', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66544: { center: [ 114.057868, 22.543099 ], population: 14.207819995169, title: 'Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 61', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1408: { center: [ 119.4299179, 32.1846316 ], population: 14.254408668944, title: 'Jiangsu University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 60', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1456: { center: [ 118.8172959, 32.033385 ], population: 14.718569900266, title: 'Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CHN)<br>Rank: 59', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26026: { center: [ 116.407545, 39.904622 ], population: 14.741001483936, title: 'Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 58', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26025: { center: [ 116.407028, 39.904393 ], population: 14.834178831487, title: 'Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 57', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 67043: { center: [ 120.2548336, 31.5590325 ], population: 14.929081685475, title: 'Jiangnan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 56', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1250: { center: [ 116.353757, 39.866289 ], population: 15.006729475101, title: 'Capital Medical University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 55', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1397: { center: [ 112.944088, 28.182948 ], population: 15.103357835525, title: 'Hunan University (CHN)<br>Rank: 54', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1633: { center: [ 118.0977218, 24.4390262 ], population: 15.148221002864, title: 'Xiamen University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 53', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97902: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 15.255202401905, title: 'ByteDance Network Technology Co, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 52', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1636: { center: [ 108.9180494, 34.2347119 ], population: 15.31559512717, title: 'Xidian University (CHN)<br>Rank: 51', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1464: { center: [ 117.15769, 39.105664 ], population: 15.381164371743, title: 'Nankai University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 50', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96547: { center: [ 114.05956, 22.5428599 ], population: 15.496773302964, title: 'Guangzhou International Bio Island (CHN)<br>Rank: 49', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 26110: { center: [ 121.473314, 31.230604 ], population: 15.650343375781, title: 'Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 48', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 66585: { center: [ 113.264262, 23.129611 ], population: 15.721089139662, title: 'Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 47', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1243: { center: [ 116.358103, 39.962796 ], population: 15.729716671843, title: 'Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CHN)<br>Rank: 46', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1549: { center: [ 113.944253, 22.538766 ], population: 15.893639783276, title: 'Shenzhen University (CHN)<br>Rank: 45', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9158: { center: [ 116.3573675, 39.9830328 ], population: 16.23183904476, title: 'Peking University Health Science Center (CHN)<br>Rank: 44', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1558: { center: [ 121.0791538, 31.2650381 ], population: 16.323290885875, title: 'Soochow University, Suzhou * (CHN)<br>Rank: 43', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1302: { center: [ 121.529021, 38.880381 ], population: 16.426821272043, title: 'Dalian University of Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 42', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 25998: { center: [ 116.32537, 39.960131 ], population: 17.008316941022, title: 'Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 41', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '1' }, 97782: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 17.044552576181, title: 'Huawei Noah\'s Ark Lab, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 40', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 58813: { center: [ 116.407526, 39.90403 ], population: 17.172240052455, title: 'Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College * (CHN)<br>Rank: 39', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1485: { center: [ 108.918328, 34.2414479 ], population: 17.374124305484, title: 'Northwestern Polytechnical University (CHN)<br>Rank: 38', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1289: { center: [ 106.454213, 29.560254 ], population: 17.45177209511, title: 'Chongqing University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 37', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26124: { center: [ 114.305044, 30.593005 ], population: 17.757186734307, title: 'Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CHN)<br>Rank: 36', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1455: { center: [ 118.780237, 32.055791 ], population: 18.047071815578, title: 'Nanjing University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 35', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1232: { center: [ 116.31614, 39.959661 ], population: 18.121268592332, title: 'Beijing Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 34', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97034: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 18.122994098768, title: 'SenseTime Group, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 33', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 66994: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 18.909825033647, title: 'Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (CHN)<br>Rank: 32', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 80930: { center: [ 113.9343615, 22.5403615 ], population: 18.9219035787, title: 'Tencent Holdings Ltd, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 31', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 9162: { center: [ 116.3409297, 39.9828702 ], population: 19.128964351037, title: 'BeiHang University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 30', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1600: { center: [ 104.0981367, 30.6736453 ], population: 19.696655968527, title: 'University of Electronic Science and Technology of China * (CHN)<br>Rank: 29', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 16498: { center: [ 113.6411084, 34.7436649 ], population: 20.060737826552, title: 'Zhengzhou University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 28', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 86045: { center: [ 118.796877, 32.060255 ], population: 20.062463332988, title: 'Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 27', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1421: { center: [ 125.309796, 43.87036 ], population: 20.48176139697, title: 'Jilin University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 26', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1564: { center: [ 118.777097, 32.057979 ], population: 20.778548503986, title: 'Southeast University, Nanjing * (CHN)<br>Rank: 25', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1562: { center: [ 113.344683, 23.151326 ], population: 20.816509645581, title: 'South China University of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 24', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1598: { center: [ 121.3957481, 31.3720646 ], population: 20.932118576802, title: 'Tongji University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 23', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1508: { center: [ 117.0583533, 36.6768344 ], population: 21.016668392173, title: 'Shandong University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 22', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1607: { center: [ 117.2675198, 31.8341087 ], population: 21.052904027332, title: 'University of Science and Technology of China * (CHN)<br>Rank: 21', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92103: { center: [ 116.3079071, 39.9788905 ], population: 21.530869310143, title: 'Baidu Inc, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 20', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1590: { center: [ 117.174855, 39.110028 ], population: 21.553300893812, title: 'Tianjin University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 19', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1617: { center: [ 114.3706366, 30.5433801 ], population: 21.912206232529, title: 'Wuhan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 18', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1349: { center: [ 126.6334306, 45.7470436 ], population: 23.095903647721, title: 'Harbin Institute of Technology (CHN)<br>Rank: 17', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1627: { center: [ 108.98371, 34.250575 ], population: 23.097629154157, title: 'Xi\'an Jiaotong University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 16', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1312: { center: [ 121.505091, 31.299967 ], population: 24.522897470408, title: 'Fudan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 15', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1255: { center: [ 112.925875, 28.171329 ], population: 24.603996272906, title: 'Central South University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 14', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1575: { center: [ 113.3005761, 23.1000549 ], population: 25.314904924595, title: 'Sun Yat-Sen University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 13', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1557: { center: [ 117.284923, 31.861184 ], population: 25.823929323256, title: 'Sichuan University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 12', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 94795: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 27.627083549022, title: 'Microsoft, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 11', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 1385: { center: [ 114.26228, 30.582555 ], population: 27.701280325776, title: 'Huazhong University of Science and Technology * (CHN)<br>Rank: 10', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62567: { center: [ 116.407395, 39.904211 ], population: 28.777996341926, title: 'Microsoft Research Asia, China (CHN)<br>Rank: 9', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 62726: { center: [ 116.407822, 39.904249 ], population: 33.010663629775, title: 'State Grid Corporation of China * (CHN)<br>Rank: 8', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 1489: { center: [ 116.309954, 39.991893 ], population: 33.440314732374, title: 'Peking University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 7', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1520: { center: [ 121.4327881, 31.2010024 ], population: 33.697415191359, title: 'Shanghai Jiao Tong University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 6', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1671: { center: [ 120.1371429, 30.2797357 ], population: 36.06998654105, title: 'Zhejiang University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 5', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 1599: { center: [ 116.319425, 40.000758 ], population: 36.69116885806, title: 'Tsinghua University * (CHN)<br>Rank: 4', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 26011: { center: [ 116.335577, 39.983069 ], population: 40.238810090762, title: 'University of Chinese Academy of Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 3', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 66434: { center: [ 116.306557, 39.983089 ], population: 96.671498084688, title: 'Ministry of Education of the People\'s Republic of China (CHN)<br>Rank: 2', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 26000: { center: [ 116.3357368, 39.910886 ], population: 100, title: 'Chinese Academy of Sciences * (CHN)<br>Rank: 1', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, }; let datos_sir = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] } let features = get_features_array_from_mapData( citymap ); datos_sir.features = features; init_scimagomap(); function init_scimagomap(){ if( rtlSupported() ){ maplibregl.setRTLTextPlugin( getrtlplugin(), function(err) { // console.log(err); } ); } var map = new maplibregl.Map({ // container id container: 'map', style: get_scimago_map_style(), center: map_center, zoom: getMapZoom(), minZoom: getMapMinZoom(),//2.3, maxZoom: getMapMaxZoom()//7.5 }); if( addNavControl() ){ var nav = new maplibregl.NavigationControl(); map.addControl( nav,addNavControl() ); } var popup = new maplibregl.Popup({ offset: 20, closeButton: false, closeOnClick: false }); var hoveredStateId = null; map.on('load', function () { let lastZoom = map.getZoom(); /* add source data to the map. para poder modificarlos más abajo en tiempo real */ map.addSource('sirData', { type: 'geojson', data: datos_sir }); var layer_for_datos_sir = { 'id': 'circles_sir', 'type': 'circle', 'source': 'sirData', 'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point'], 'layout': {}, "paint": { "circle-radius": ["get","radius"], "circle-color": ["get", "color"], 'circle-opacity' : 0.85, 'circle-stroke-width': [ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], 3, [ 'match', ['get','currentInsti'], "1", 3, /* selected insti -> border width = 3*/ 1 /* others border = 1*/ ] ], 'circle-stroke-color': [ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], "#000", // color borde al sobrevolar [ 'match', ['get','currentInsti'], "1", "#000",/* border color of selected insti*/ ["get", "color"] /* color borde circulos*/ /*"rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.5)" // color borde circulos*/ ] ] } }; map.addLayer(layer_for_datos_sir, "capital_palces_z10"); map.on('click', 'circles_sir', function(event){ location.href = event.features[0].properties.url; } ); map.on('mousemove', 'circles_sir', (e)=>{ // Change the cursor style as a UI indicator. map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Copy coordinates array. const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice(); const description = e.features[0].properties.title; const circle_radio = e.features[0].properties.radius; // Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple // copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears // over the copy being pointed to. while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) { coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360; } // Populate the popup and set its coordinates // based on the feature found. popup.setOffset( circle_radio + 5 ) .setLngLat(coordinates) .setHTML(description).addTo(map); if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } // console.log(e.features[0]); hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } }); map.on('mouseleave', 'circles_sir', (e)=>{ //map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'grab'; popup.remove(); if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } //console.log('out', map.getFeatureState({source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId})); hoveredStateId = null; }); let restoredCoords = true; let apply_algorithm_from_zoom = 6; map.on('zoomend', () =>{ const currentZoom = map.getZoom(); if( apply_scimago_overlap() ){ //console.log('zoomin'+currentZoom); if (currentZoom > lastZoom) { // zoom in if( currentZoom >= apply_algorithm_from_zoom ){ //console.log('currentZoom :'+currentZoom); restore_original_state( datos_sir.features ); // CALCULATE for each zoom level (pos xy chnages depending on zoom level). ADD new property poit_xy to feature recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir); restoredCoords = false; // REPAINT map.getSource('sirData').setData({ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": datos_sir.features // new_features }); } } else { if( !restoredCoords ){ restore_original_state( datos_sir.features ); datos_sir.features.forEach( (feature)=> { = map.project(feature.geometry.coordinates); }); restoredCoords = true; } if( currentZoom >= apply_algorithm_from_zoom ){ // zoom out // return to inicial coords status recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir); restoredCoords = false; } map.getSource('sirData').setData( { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": datos_sir.features } ); } } // overlaop yes/no lastZoom = currentZoom; }); }); //load }//init function recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir){ //console.log('recibo map'); datos_sir.features.forEach( (feature)=> { = map.project(feature.geometry.coordinates); }); let new_features = apply_algorithm_to_correct_overlap(datos_sir.features); datos_sir.features.forEach( (item) => { let lnglat_from_xy = map.unproject( ).wrap(); item.geometry.coordinates = [ lnglat_from_xy.lng ,]; }); } /* function to apply algorithm to nodes array when zoom is >= 5 features: array of feature */ function apply_algorithm_to_correct_overlap(features){ //console.log('--->call'); return scimagomaps.Utils.nodeOverlap(features); } /* original_coords array contains all id and original coordinates of circles */ function restore_original_state( features ){ //console.log('restore coords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'); features.forEach( (item)=> { //console.log(item.geometry.coordinates); let previous = original_coords.find( element => === ); item.geometry.coordinates = previous.coords; }); } /*function onMouseLeaveMaplibre(e){ //map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'grab'; popup.remove(); if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } //console.log('out', map.getFeatureState({source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId})); hoveredStateId = null; }*/ /*function onMouseMoveMaplibre(e){ // Change the cursor style as a UI indicator. map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Copy coordinates array. const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice(); const description = e.features[0].properties.title; const circle_radio = e.features[0].properties.radius; // Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple // copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears // over the copy being pointed to. while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) { coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360; } // Populate the popup and set its coordinates // based on the feature found. popup.setOffset( circle_radio + 5 ) .setLngLat(coordinates) .setHTML(description).addTo(map); if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } // console.log(e.features[0]); hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } }*/ function circleRadius_maplibre(population){ /*var min = 10; var max = 90;*/ var population_min = 1; var population_max = 100; //var pxMax = 90; var pxMax = 140; var pxMin = 10; /*if(population > population_max){ population = population_max; } else*/ if(population < population_min){ population = population_min; } else{ population = (population * pxMax) / pxMin; } //The radius of a circle from the area //r = √(A / π). var radio = Math.sqrt(population/Math.PI); //var radio = Math.sqrt(population) * 2 / (Math.PI); return radio; } function create_data_feature(id, item, radio){ let feature ={ "type": "Feature", 'id' : id, 'properties': { 'title': item.title, 'population' : item.population, 'sector': item.sector, 'color' : item.color, 'currentInsti' : item.selected_insti, 'radius': radio, 'url' : 'institution.php?idp='+id }, "geometry": { // type: Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon "type": "Point", "coordinates" } } return feature; } function get_features_array_from_mapData(citymap){ let features = []; let father_feature = null; for (let city in citymap) { let point_xy = null; let radio = circleRadius_maplibre(citymap[city].population); let obj = {}; = city; obj.coords = citymap[city].center; obj.radius = radio; original_coords.push(obj); if( citymap[city].selected_insti ){ // make it as map center map_center = citymap[city].center; /*instiSelected = citymap[city];*/ father_feature = create_data_feature(city, citymap[city], radio ); } else{ let feature = create_data_feature(city, citymap[city], radio ); features.push(feature); } } // Add selected insti at the end. features.push(father_feature); return features; } function getMapZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.initialMapZoom; } function getMapMinZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.minZoom; } function getMapMaxZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.maxZoom; } function rtlSupported(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.rtlSupported; } function getrtlplugin(){ if( scimagoMapsConfig.rtlSupported ) return ""; return 0; } function addNavControl(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.addNavControl; } function apply_scimago_overlap(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.applyOverlap; } function get_scimago_map_style(){ let style = null; switch( scimagoMapsConfig.mapStyle ){ case "gray": style = ""; break; case "dark": style = ""; break; case "dark-gray": style = ""; break; case "gray-blue": style = ""; break; case "earth": style = ""; break; default: style = ""; } return style; } </script> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center!important;overflow: hidden;"> <!--GOOGLE ADS --> </div> <div id="wp-comments-response"><div class="loader"></div><div class="LoadingCommentsLabel">Loading comments...</div></div> <div id="container-form-comment"> <div id="respond-comment-scimagojr" class="hide"> <div id="feedback_insert_comment"></div> <h3>Leave a comment</h3> <form id="form-submit-comment-scimagojr" > <p> <label for="comment-scimagojr-name-user">Name</label> <input id="comment-scimagojr-name-user" name="comment-scimagojr-name-user" type="text" size="20"/> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="nombre-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p> <label for="comment-scimagojr-email-user">Email<br /><span class="emailnote">(will not be published)</span></label> <input id="comment-scimagojr-email-user" name="comment-scimagojr-email-user" type="text" size="30"/> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="email-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p> <textarea id="comment-scimagojr" name="comment-scimagojr" cols="45" rows="8" aria-required="true"></textarea> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="textarea-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p class="form-submit"> <div id="html_element"></div> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="captcha-validation" >* Required</span> <button type="button" id="cancel_reply" class="hide" >Cancel</button> <input name="submit-comment-scimagojr" type="button" id="submit-comment-scimagojr" class="submit" onclick="addEventsListenerForm()" value="Submit"> <input type="hidden" name="comment_scimagojr_post_ID" value="" id="comment_scimagojr_post_ID"> <input type="hidden" name="comment_scimagojr_parent" id="comment_scimagojr_parent" value="0"> </p> <p class="comments_rules"> </p> </form> <script src="" async defer> </script> </div> </div> <div id="embed2"> <div class="embed_block2"> <div id="embed_img2"><img style="width:280px;height:260px" src='institution_img.php?idp=25998&width=560&height=520' /></div><div class="embed_code2"> <p><strong>Embedding this widget into your website</strong></p> <p> <label for="dark_theme" class="radio"><input type="radio" id="dark_theme" name="theme" checked /><span class="label"></span>Dark</label> <label for="light_theme" class="radio"><input type="radio" id="light_theme" name="theme"/><span class="label"></span>Light</label> </p> <p><span style="margin-right: 30px">Width: <input type="text" value="280" id="width_widget">px</span><span>Height: <input type="text" value="260" id="height_widget">px</span></p> <p style="color:rgb(150,150,150)">Just copy the code and paste it within your HTML code</p> <textarea id='embed_textarea2' name='embed_textarea2' rows="6" readonly='' onclick=';'><a href=&quot;;src=emb&quot; 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