Robert Kugel's Analyst Perspectives | finance transformation
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Lately, the major business software vendors have been calling attention to their blockchain initiatives. While the focus on this technology might seem premature to those who still equate it with cryptocurrencies, evidence is pointing to a future pace of adoption similar to the rapid take-up of the internet in the 1990s. That blockchain is useful for a wide range of business functions isn’t news – just google “blockchain...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">Machine Learning</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">Robotic Process Automation</a>, <a href="">Artificial intelligence</a>, <a href="">blockchain</a>, <a href="">AI</a>, <a href="">bots</a>, <a href="">robotic finance</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Country-by-Country Reporting Challenges Tax Departments</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> Robert Kugel </a> on <span class="post-date">06 November 2017 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p><span>In 2013, the <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)</u></a> published a report titled “Action Plan on <a href="" target="_blank"><u>Base Erosion and Profit Shifting</u></a>” (commonly referred to as “BEPS”), which describes the challenges national governments face in enforcing taxation in an increasingly global environment with a growing share of digital commerce. Country-by-country (CbC) Reporting has developed in response to the concerns raised in the report. To date, 65 countries (including all members of the...</span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">legal</a>, <a href="">tax optimization</a>, <a href="">tax data warehouse Thomson-Reuters multinational</a>, <a href="">international tax</a>, <a href="">tax compliance</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Transforming Tax Departments into Strategic Entities</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> Robert Kugel </a> on <span class="post-date">01 February 2016 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>The steady march of technology’s ability to handle ever more complicated tasks has been a constant since the beginning of the information age in the 1950s. Initially, computers in business were used to automate simple clerical functions, but as systems have become more capable, information technology has been able to substitute for increasingly higher levels of human skill and experience. A turning point of sorts was reached in the 1990s when ERP, business intelligence and business process...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">Sustainability</a>, <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">Human Capital</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)</a>, <a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a>, <a href="">Thomson-Reuters multinational</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Giving Tax Departments More Corporate Clout</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">17 February 2015 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>One of the issues in handling the tax function in business, especially where it involves direct (income) taxes, is the technical expertise required. At the more senior levels, practitioners must be knowledgeable about accounting and tax law. In multinational corporations, understanding differences between accounting and legal structures in various localities and their effects on tax liabilities requires more knowledge. Yet when I began to study the structures of corporate tax departments, I was...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">Big Data</a>, <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)</a>, <a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">Information Management (IM)</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a>, <a href="">Thomson-Reuters multinational</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Giving Tax Departments More Corporate Clout</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">17 February 2015 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>One of the issues in handling the tax function in business, especially where it involves direct (income) taxes, is the technical expertise required. At the more senior levels, practitioners must be knowledgeable about accounting and tax law. In multinational corporations, understanding differences between accounting and legal structures in various localities and their effects on tax liabilities requires more knowledge. Yet when I began to study the structures of corporate tax departments, I was...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">Big Data</a>, <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)</a>, <a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">Information Management (IM)</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a>, <a href="">Thomson-Reuters multinational</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Tax Data Warehouses Become Essential as Governments Raise the Ante</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">03 September 2014 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>I’ve written before about the increasing importance of having a <a href="//" target="_blank">solid technology base for a company’s tax function</a>, and it’s important enough for me to revisit the topic. Tax departments are entrusted with a highly sensitive and essential task in their companies. Taxes usually are the second largest corporate expense, after salaries and wages. Failure to understand this liability is expensive – either because taxes are overpaid or because of fines and interest levied for underpayment. Moreover,...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">Uncategorized</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a>, <a href="">Thomson-Reuters multinational</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Longview Tax Software Helps Tax Departments Be More Strategic</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> Robert Kugel </a> on <span class="post-date">22 June 2014 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Longview Solutions</a> has a longstanding presence in the financial performance management (FPM) software market and was rated a Hot vendor in our most recent <a href="//" target="_blank">FPM Value Index</a>. Several years ago it began offering a <a href="" target="_blank">tax provision and planning application</a>. I think it’s worthwhile to focus on the tax category because it’s less well known than others in finance and is an engine of growth for Longview. We expect larger corporations increasingly to adopt software to manage direct (income) taxes to improve...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">LongView</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Vertex Enterprise Helps Tax Departments Increase Effectiveness</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> Robert Kugel </a> on <span class="post-date">19 September 2013 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="" width="200" !important: srcset=" 100w, 200w, 300w, 400w, 500w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>Technology for the Office of Finance can have transformative power. Although progress has been slow at times, today’s finance organizations are fundamentally different from those of 50 years ago. For one thing, they require far fewer resources (chiefly people) to perform basic accounting, treasury and corporate finance tasks. In addition, public corporations report results sooner – sometimes weeks sooner – than they could in the mid-20th century. And finance departments are able to harness...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Intelligence</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a>, <a href="">Innovation Awards</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Vertex Enterprise Advances Tax Management</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> Robert Kugel </a> on <span class="post-date">01 February 2013 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="//" width="200" !important: srcset="// 100w, // 200w, // 300w, // 400w, // 500w, // 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>Taxes – both indirect (sales or value added taxes, for example) and direct (income taxes) – are one the largest expense items on the corporate income statement. In recent years it has become common for large and even midsize companies to automate their indirect tax management process, but direct tax management has remained a bastion of manual processes built on a heap of desktop spreadsheets. In previous blog posts I discussed <a href="//" target="_blank">this issue</a> and the role of the <a href="//" target="_blank">tax data warehouse</a> as a necessary...</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">ERP</a>, <a href="">GRC</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">audit</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a>, <a href="">Information Management (IM)</a>, <a href="">Vertex</a>, <a href="">FPM</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Vertex’s Tax Data Warehouse Matures</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">20 January 2012 </span> </div> <!-- <hr> --> <hr> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src="//" width="200" !important: srcset="// 100w, // 200w, // 300w, // 400w, // 500w, // 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: x-small;">I recently had a briefing from Vertex on its tax data warehouse (TDW), a key component of its tax technology platform <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a title="Vertex Enterprise" href="" target="_blank">Vertex Enterprise</a></span></span><span style="font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">. The TDW concept has been around for decades, but the earliest versions were custom-built and hampered by the technology limitations of their day. This made them expensive to deploy and maintain and constrained their ability to adapt to changing corporate requirements. The basic idea behind a TDW is straightforward: a data store that makes all tax data readily...</span></span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">Master Data Management</a>, <a href="">Performance Management</a>, <a href="">Office of Finance</a>, <a href="">finance transformation</a>, <a href="">Tax</a>, <a href="">Business Analytics</a>, <a href="">Business Collaboration</a>, <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM)</a>, <a href="">CFO</a>, <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM)</a> <hr> </div> <script> // Check active classes var checkClass = function() { if ( $('.fil_item').hasClass('hide') ) { $('.fil_item').removeClass('hide'); } }; // Category filters $('.all').click( function() { checkClass(); }); // Active tag $('.bttn').click(function(){ $('.bttn').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }) </script> </div> <div class="blog-numeric-pagination span12 "> <!-- sets variable for total pages --> <!-- sets variable for how many more pages are past the current pages --> </div> </div> <div class="blog-sidebar"> <!-- <br> --> <!-- Begin partial --> <style> .blog-sidebar h3 { font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 30px; position: relative; color: var(--light_blue); padding-top:40px; } .btn-secondary, .filter-expand-link { text-transform: uppercase; background-color: #113049!important; border-color: #113049!important; color: #ffffff!important; transition: all .15s ease-in-out; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: none; font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.4000000000000001rem; border-radius: 6px; height: 3.5rem; text-align: center; padding: 0 2.8125rem; border: 1px solid; display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } .filter-expand-link { text-transform: uppercase; background-color: #113049!important; border-color: #113049!important; color: #ffffff!important; transition: all .15s ease-in-out; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; text-decoration: none; font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.4000000000000001rem; border-radius: 6px; height: 3.5rem; text-align: center; padding: 0 2.8125rem; border: 1px solid; display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } </style> <!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-960cd0b7-7494-40d3-ac1c-5825d5a075be"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-960cd0b7-7494-40d3-ac1c-5825d5a075be" id="hs-cta-960cd0b7-7494-40d3-ac1c-5825d5a075be"><!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--><a href=""><img class="hs-cta-img" id="hs-cta-img-960cd0b7-7494-40d3-ac1c-5825d5a075be" style="border-width:0px;" src="" alt="JOIN OUR COMMUNITY"></a></span><script charset="utf-8" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> hbspt.cta.load(2035844, '960cd0b7-7494-40d3-ac1c-5825d5a075be', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); </script></span><!-- end HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --> <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_module_1495215326694198" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text"><h3 style="color: var(--light_blue);">Our Analyst Perspective Policy</h3> <ul> <li style="display: none; list-style: none;"> <p>Ventana Research’s Analyst Perspectives are fact-based analysis and guidance on business, <g class="gr_ gr_12 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="12" data-gr-id="12">industry</g> and technology vendor trends. 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style="display:none;"> <a href="">AI and Machine Learning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(48)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">AICPA <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">analysis <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Analytic Data Platforms <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">analytical application <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(177)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Analytics & Data <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Analytics and Data <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">application <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Artificial intelligence <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">asc 606 <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ASC842 <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">assets <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">audit <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(18)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">automation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">balanced scorecard <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">bank <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">banking <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">benchmark <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(14)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">best pracices <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Big Data <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(106)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Billing and Recurring Revenue <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">billing software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">blockchain <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(18)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">blockchain, distributed ledger, DLT, ERP, SCM, sup <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">board of directors <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">bots <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">bribery <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">budget <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Budgeting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(75)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">budgeting and planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">budgeting software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(160)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Applications <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Collaboration <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(83)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Intelligence <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(79)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business intelligence <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business intelligence <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Mobility <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(19)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business model <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Performance Management (BPM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(278)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business plan <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(86)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business process <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business process execution <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Process Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Suite <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Business Technology <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">business value <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">candidate engagement <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">capital adequacy <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">capital budget <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">capital markets <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">capital spending <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">cash management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CEO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(23)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CEO, CFO, Financial Performance Management, Foreca <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CFO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(141)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">challenge <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">channel <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">chargebacks <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">chart of accounts <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Chatter <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Chief Risk Officer <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CIO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(19)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Clarity Systems <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">close <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(43)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">closed loop <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">closing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(36)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Cloud Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(122)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">cloud ERP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CODA <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Cognitive Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Cognos <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Collaboration <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(32)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Collaborative & Conversational Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">collaborative computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">commission <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">communications <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Compensation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">competition <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Complex Event Processing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">compliance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(26)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Composite document <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Composite Software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Concur <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ConnectWise <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Connotate <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Consolidate and Close Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Consolidate/Close/Report <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(17)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">consolidating <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Consolidation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(28)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Consulting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Contact Center <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">container <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Content Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">contingency <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">contingency planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Continuous Accounting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">continuous improvement <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Continuous Payroll <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Continuous Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(52)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">continuous supply chain <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(19)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Continuous Supply Chain & ERP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(13)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">contract <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">contract management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">control <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Controller <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(36)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">controller <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">controls <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Conversational Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">COO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Corporate Finance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Corporate Governance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Cost Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">costing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CPQ <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">credit <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">crisis <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CRM <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(11)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CRM customer service <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">CRO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">cryptic <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">currency <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Engagement <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Experience <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(34)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Experience Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">customer life cycle <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Performance Management (CPM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(87)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Customer Service <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">dashboard <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dashboards <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(39)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Governance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(11)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Integration <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Lake <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(14)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">data operations <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Preparation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Science <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Data Warehousing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Database <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Datawatch <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">debt <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">decision <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Decision Hub <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Demand Chain <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">demand management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Demand Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">design <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">development <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital Applications <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital Business <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital Commerce <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(17)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">digital finance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(102)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital Marketing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital Technology <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(18)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Digital transformation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">distribution <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Document Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dodd-Frank <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dreamforce <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">driver-based <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(14)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">driver-based planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dynamics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dynamics AX <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dynamics GP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Dynamics NAV Dynamics SL <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">e-discovery <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">EDI <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">eDiscovery <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">effectiveness <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">embedded analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">end-to-end <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Enterprise Content Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">enterprise profitability management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Enterprise Resource Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(42)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">enterprise risk management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Enterprise Software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">enterprise spreadsheet <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Enterprise Tax <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Environment Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Environmental <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Epicor <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Epiphany <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">equity research <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ERM <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ERP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(83)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ERP and Continuous Accounting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(141)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">error <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">ESG <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Essbase <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Excel <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">executive <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">expense <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">expense management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">extended close <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">extended reality <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Exterro <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FASB <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Fast close <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FEI <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FERF CEO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">finance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(51)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Finance Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">finance cloud <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Finance Financial Applications Financial Close <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">finance transformation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(10)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Applications <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Close <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Consolidation and Close Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Governance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial model <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Performance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial performance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Performance Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(224)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Performance Management (FPM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(287)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial regulation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial reporting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(15)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial risk management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Financial Services <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial standards <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial statement <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financial systems <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FinancialForce <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(15)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href=""> <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">financials <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FMS <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Forecast <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">forecasting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FP&A <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(23)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">FPM <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(84)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Fraud <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Fusion Applications <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">GAAP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(10)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Generative AI <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Governance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(29)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Governance Risk and Compliance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(52)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">GRC <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(51)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">GRC, governance, risk, compliance, risk management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Green <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">GUI <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">HANA <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">HCM <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Hewlett Packard <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Hospitality <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Host Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">HR <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">HRMS <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Human Capital <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(19)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Human Capital <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Human Capital Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(45)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Hyperion <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IASB <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IBM <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(22)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IBM Business Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IBP <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IFRS <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(11)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IFRS16 <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">In-memory <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(24)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">In-Memory Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Infor <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(25)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Informatica <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Information <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Information Applications (IA) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(17)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Information Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Information Management (IM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(50)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Information Technology <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Innovation Awards <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Intacct <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(10)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Integrated Business Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(38)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Intelligent CX <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">intelligent marketing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">intelligent sales <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Internal Audit <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">International Finance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">international tax <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Internet of Things <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Inventory Optimization <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT controls <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT cost <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT governance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT Performance Management (ITPM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(19)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">IT Risk Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">JD Edwards <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">JDA Software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Jonova <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Kapow <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Kenandy <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Kinaxis <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Kofax <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">KRI <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Kyriba Financial Performance Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">LAN <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Lawson <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Lawson Software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Learning Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Lease Accounting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">lease and tax accounting <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Lease Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">leasing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">legacy systems <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">legal <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href=""> <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">LongView <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Machine Learning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(13)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Manufacturing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Marketing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(18)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Marketing Performance Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Marketing Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Master Data Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Maxager <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Maximo <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Meg Whitman <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Microsoft <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(15)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Microsoft Excel <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(6)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Midsize <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Mobile <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(36)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">mobile computing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Mobile Marketing Digital Commerce <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Mobile Technology <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Mobility <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Model Building and Large Language Models <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Model N <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Modeling <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">MRO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">natural language processing <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Navetti <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">NetSuite <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(10)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">NetSuite OpenAi <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Nomis Solutions <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(4)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Office of Finance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(427)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Open Source Software <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Open World <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">OpenPages <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">OpenWorld <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">operational data platforms <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Operational Intelligence <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(11)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Operational Performance Management (OPM) <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(172)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Operations <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Operations & Supply Chain <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(33)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Oracle <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(28)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Order-to-Cash <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Oversight Systems <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">PaaS <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Payments <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">PeopleSoft <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Performance <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Performance Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(54)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Perillon <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">PlanMill <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(84)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Planview <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(3)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Plex <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Portfolio Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Predictive Analytics <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(52)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Predictive Planning <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(33)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Price and Revenue Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(34)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Price Optimization <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(10)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Pricing and Promotion Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(5)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">PRO <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(7)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Procure-to-Pay <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(12)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">procurement <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Product Information Management <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(8)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Professional Services <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(2)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Professional Services Automation <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(9)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Profit Velocity <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(1)</span></a> </li> <li style="display:none;"> <a href="">Profitability <span class="filter-link-count" dir="ltr">(13)</span></a> </li> <li 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Lately, the major business software vendors have been calling attention to their blockchain initiatives. While the focus on this technology might seem premature to those who still equate it with cryptocurrencies, evidence is pointing to a future pace of adoption similar to the rapid take-up of the internet in the 1990s. That blockchain is useful for a wide range of business functions isn’t news – just google “blockchain use cases.” Payment, provenance, testament and efficiency are four main themes driving a multitude of applications of the technology. That said, blockchain isn’t technology in search of a mission but is something more like the internet, both in its broad utility and in value multiplication through network effects. SAP has been energetically pursuing the application of blockchain technology to its offerings under its SAP Leonardo brand. Specifically, the company highlighted pharmaceutical traceability from factory to consumer as an example of how it can be used to serve all interested parties – manufacturers, marketers, wholesalers, regulators, healthcare providers, retailers and consumers. Verifying that the pharmaceuticals are genuine, not counterfeit, and monitoring prescription purchasing are two practical applications of the use of blockchains. Other use cases that SAP customers are exploring include distributed manufacturing using 3-D printing, secure bidding in procurement, supply chain security in pharmaceuticals and trusted digital credentials. Digital credentials have the potential to provide greater security of personal information as well as shift ownership of medical records to the individual rather than having them scattered across multiple systems or controlled by some agency. SAP stated that over the past year its engagement with customers on blockchain efforts have moved from theoretical and exploratory to creating proof-of-concept use cases. It stated it has 3,000 members in its blockchain community. While it’s still in its infancy, the adoption of blockchain technology is advancing faster than I, and I suspect most other people, expected. Protocols and platforms are maturing rapidly, spurred by an energetic open-source community and a broad belief that blockchain technology has great commercial promise A recurring theme in SAP’s blockchain use cases is the technology’s ability to control data – and therefore data integrity – end-to-end in any process. Maintaining data integrity is essential to ensure trust between parties in commercial transactions. Better data integrity also supports a higher degree of process automation and a reduction of back-office workloads. Yet, I assert that data management is the main flaw in SAP’s and other vendors’ blockchain strategies. Blockchain will not achieve its full potential without a universal system of self-describing data, as I detailed in an earlier research note. “Self-describing” means that the system that creates the data need not address what system is going to use the data, and those receiving the data will be able to interact with it without having to know anything about the system that created it. This sort of loosely-coupled approach is necessary for general purpose, permissioned commercial blockchains. This enables permissioned blockchains to serve as a sort-of USB data connector. That noted, there will be many situations where it will best for blockchains to have unique data structures and protocols, especially for use cases requiring high-volume transactions between a defined set of trading partners such as interbank payments or securities trading. This approach will be desirable or even necessary in cases where efficiency in data transport is a paramount consideration and where the investment in proprietary, standardized forms of data interchange is small compared to the value of efficiency gains. Therefore, at this stage in the development of blockchains, self-describing data should be a priority for technology companies and the open-source community. Otherwise we’re heading for a future where blockchains underperform their potential for three reasons. Without self-describing data, valuable network effects are blunted by data interchange issues. An important reason behind the rapid worldwide adoption of the internet was the development of a standard protocol that enabled anyone to be connected to everyone. Metcalfe’s law states that the value of any telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of participants on that network. The internet is immensely valuable and has attracted so many users because of the absence of barriers to participation. Standard hypertext protocol and free browsers running on already ubiquitous personal computers were major factors spurring rapid widespread adoption. This precedent must be followed: Without self-describing data, the performance of computing systems will be degraded because of the processing overhead to handle the translation of data as it moves from system to system. And without self-describing data, costs will be inflated by the need for individual companies to create and maintain data mappings that manage data translations. There’s been a great deal of progress in blockchain technology over the past year. Yet we still lack the architecture necessary to use self-describing data in general-purpose blockchains. There’s still a great deal of work that must be accomplished to make blockchain a mainstream technology for businesses, so it may be jumping the gun to focus on the now-non-existent challenge of architecting blockchains to efficiently handle self-describing data. However, I’m raising the issue because decades of experience with IT-related matters makes it easy to foresee a data-management issue. If we don’t deal with this issue in parallel with the development of basic blockchain technology, the mess that likely will ensue will impede adoption of blockchain and unnecessarily raise the costs of using them. Regards, Robert Kugel SVP & Research Director To read more perspectives by Rob, visit", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Country-by-Country Reporting Challenges Tax Departments", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "06/11/2017", "dateModified": "06/11/2017", "articleBody": "In 2013, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a report titled “Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” (commonly referred to as “BEPS”), which describes the challenges national governments face in enforcing taxation in an increasingly global environment with a growing share of digital commerce. Country-by-country (CbC) Reporting has developed in response to the concerns raised in the report. To date, 65 countries (including all members of the European Union but not the United States) are signatories of the multilateral competent authority agreement establishing CbC reporting. Large multinational companies – ones with sales of 750 million euros or more – are now required to report a consistent set of financial and operating data to the tax authorities in the signatory countries in which they operate. This reporting is designed to give national tax authorities better visibility into each company’s relevant data to enable them to assess the adequacy of their tax payments. This includes revenue, income, cash taxes paid and taxes accrued, employment, capital, retained earnings, tangible assets and activities. CbC reporting is challenging larger multinational companies because of its requirement for unprecedented transparency and disclosure. Finance and tax departments will be better able to face CbC challenges using dedicated tax software and a tax data warehouse of record. The latter recasts of all of a corporation’s tax-relevant financial data in a tax-centric way. This is necessary because tax accounting exists in a parallel universe to financial and management accounting. Tax authorities are concerned that multinationals have been using artificial albeit legal means to avoid paying their fair share of taxes (“fair” is a fuzzy term, of course). Governments want to be able to pierce the corporate veil, so to speak, to be able to use some objective data to prevent this avoidance. In other words, they are hoping that CbC disclosures will result in higher tax payments. However, they may be disappointed. One reason why the pickings may be considerably slimmer than countries suppose is U.S. tax reform. The largest share of large multinationals is headquartered in the United States, and many of those trade in intellectual property (IP). The ethereal nature of IP makes it harder to pin down how much economic value is created within a given legal entity. Because of this, these companies have found it possible – and profitable – to shift a considerable amount of income to low-tax countries. If the United States reduces its corporate tax rate substantially, many of the tax-management schemes now in use will cease to have value because income will be recognized in legal entities domiciled in the U.S. Amidst all this turmoil and potential for change, large multinationals are recognizing that they need to manage their tax reporting to host countries more carefully. There’s a real danger that country-by-country reporting will expose them to reputational and financial risk even if they follow the letter of the law. These companies will need to be transparent and consistent in what they report to local tax collectors. Senior executives, country managers and boards of directors will need to review in advance the data that will be disclosed. Corporations may find there are trade-offs to consider in their income and tax structures. To do all of this consistently and well, they must have information systems to make their tax compliance efficient, consistent, transparent and reliable. In theory, a corporation that pays its legally mandated taxes should have nothing to fear from CbC reporting. However, despite organizations’ best efforts to keep tax-related data confidential, it’s likely that there will be leaks that have the potential for reputation damage. This is particularly true if politicians or activists in countries leak selective information. Governments might want to do this to extract additional revenue from the company. Activists or opposition parties might use it to embarrass their government. Beyond the simple cases, what constitutes the right amount of income can be complex, especially when a corporation’s total tax payments are considered. One of the most important things companies operating in multiple tax jurisdictions can do is be certain that the data that they present to each country is consistent and optimized for the optics of country-by-country reporting. In my view, that means having a “single version of truth” – an authoritative data source – from which it prepares individual country income tax calculations as well as its CbC reports. They also need the ability to build a defensible allocation of their worldwide income, tax and operational data. The needs for both the authoritative data source and the ability to optimize the allocation of reported income means having the right technology to manage what amounts to a large and complex data set as well as the right technology for analyzing it. That technology is not the desktop spreadsheets that most corporate tax department use. Technology can play an important role in reducing risk associated with CbC reporting. Our Office of Finance benchmark research found that almost all (90%) of midsize and larger companies use desktop spreadsheets for the tax calculations and provision in their tax departments; 52 percent use them exclusively. One important reason they use spreadsheets is to recast and record statutory financial data to make it relevant for tax analysis and provisioning. Not only is this process time-consuming, it’s a substantial source of calculation risk and increases the likelihood that the company presents an inconsistent set of numbers for CbC reporting. Working from a tax database of record ensures consistency and can provide management and the board of directors greater visibility and transparency into the company’s tax process and positions. To the extent that tax accountants can cut the time they spend wrangling spreadsheets, they can be doing more analysis and optimization of their tax provision and tax positions. They would be able to spend more time advising the CFO, CEO and their board on strategies for tax compliance to minimize tax expense while limiting the risk of non-compliance and the potential for reputational risk. Being well prepared to defend the taxes the company is paying to countries in which it operates ought to be a priority for CFOs. Regards, Robert Kugel Senior Vice President Research Follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn.", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Transforming Tax Departments into Strategic Entities", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "01/02/2016", "dateModified": "01/02/2016", "articleBody": "The steady march of technology’s ability to handle ever more complicated tasks has been a constant since the beginning of the information age in the 1950s. Initially, computers in business were used to automate simple clerical functions, but as systems have become more capable, information technology has been able to substitute for increasingly higher levels of human skill and experience. A turning point of sorts was reached in the 1990s when ERP, business intelligence and business process automation software reduced the need for middle managers. Increasingly, organizations used software to coordinate activities as well as communicate results and requirements up and down the organizational chart. Both were once the exclusive role of the middle manager. Consequently, almost every for-profit organization eliminated management layers so that today corporate structures are flatter than they once were. Technology automation also eliminated the need for administrative staff to perform routine reporting and analysis. Meanwhile, over the course of the 1990s, the cost of running the finance department measured as a percentage of sales was cut almost in half as a result of eliminating staff and because automation enabled companies to scale without adding headcount. During the last recession, companies in North America and Europe once again made deep reductions to their administrative staffs, relying on information technology to pick up the slack. Given this history, the best career choice that an individual can make today is to stay ahead of the trend. Information technologies, especially cognitive computing, will continue to eliminate relatively high-paying white-collar jobs in corporate life, especially in the finance and accounting function. Executives and others working in tax departments in particular should recognize that a major shift is under way in their field. Automation will transform their work over the next five years, driving a fundamental change in what they do. To succeed (or even survive), they will have to embrace automation. Spreadsheets are a major impediment to making the tax function more strategic for a company and more remunerative for those working in the department, as I have noted. Our Office of Finance benchmark research finds that half (52%) of tax departments use spreadsheets only for tax provisioning and another 38 percent mainly use spreadsheets; just one in 10 utilize a third-party tax application. One well-known issue with spreadsheets is that they are error-prone – not a risk that tax professionals can be comfortable with. To be certain that the tax provision and other tax-related calculations are correct, individuals must double- and even triple-check the numbers. This overlaps with a second major issue with spreadsheets: They are time-consuming. Our spreadsheet research finds that those working heavily with spreadsheets on average spend 18 hours a month (equivalent to more than two full workdays) just maintaining their most important spreadsheet. Spreadsheets as so time-consuming that they prevent individuals from doing more valuable work, in this case tax analysis and planning. Another related issue is that using spreadsheets for the tax function diminishes visibility into a company’s tax provision in at least two respects. First, using them takes so long that executives get to the numbers late in the financial close process. This matters because of the impact that tax expense has on a company’s profits. Second, spreadsheets are black boxes: That is, they are difficult to control, and it’s difficult for anyone other than the spreadsheet’s owner to understand their construction. Often, assumptions are buried in formulas and therefore hard to uncover. If these formulas are inconsistent or wrong, it’s not easy to spot them. (This was an important factor behind J.P. Morgan’s multibillion dollar trading loss, which I discussed.) When a spreadsheet is constructed with a given formula repeated in multiple cells, each of these must be updated when circumstances change, and it’s difficult to be certain that all of the changes have been made. Even with advanced techniques designed to make updates consistent, it’s hard to be sure that some cell wasn’t overwritten with another number. Some people who work intensively with spreadsheets still view them as a form of job security because of their opacity. They think they’re indispensable because they are the only one who understands how their spreadsheet works. This is one of several reasons why their use persists in functions where they constitute more of a problem than a solution. However, these spreadsheet jockeys should recognize that their tools’ inherent inefficiency, lack of visibility and proneness to error make them vulnerable to being replaced by better technology. The real value of tax professionals is not their ability to overcome spreadsheet limitations. It’s in their training in understanding income taxes. Once freed from the drudgery of performing computations, massaging data and checking (two or three times) for errors, tax professionals can turn their attention to performing analytical work aimed at optimizing a company’s tax spend – and thus ensuring their value as employees. Midsize and larger organizations, especially those that operate in multiple direct (income) tax jurisdictions and that have an even moderately complex legal entity structure, must use dedicated software to automate their income tax provision and analysis functions. They must manage their tax-sensitized data using what I call a tax data warehouse of record. Tax departments must be able to tightly control the end-to-end process of taking numbers from source systems, constructing tax financial statements, calculating taxes owed and keeping track of cumulative amounts and other balance sheet items related to taxes. Transparency is the natural result of a having controlled process that uses a unified set of all relevant tax data. An authoritative data set makes tax department operations more efficient. As noted, reducing the time and effort to execute the tax department’s core functions frees up the time of tax professionals for more useful analysis. Having tax data and tax calculations that are immediately traceable, reproducible and permanently accessible provides company executives with greater certainty and reduces the risk of noncompliance and the attendant costs and reputation issues. Having an accurate and consistent tax data warehouse of record enables corporations and their tax departments to better execute tax planning, provisioning and compliance. Using dedicated software today rather than relying on spreadsheets helps the tax department, and those working in it, increase their strategic value today so they won’t be obsolete tomorrow. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Giving Tax Departments More Corporate Clout", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "17/02/2015", "dateModified": "17/02/2015", "articleBody": "One of the issues in handling the tax function in business, especially where it involves direct (income) taxes, is the technical expertise required. At the more senior levels, practitioners must be knowledgeable about accounting and tax law. In multinational corporations, understanding differences between accounting and legal structures in various localities and their effects on tax liabilities requires more knowledge. Yet when I began to study the structures of corporate tax departments, I was struck by the scarcity of senior-level titles in them. This may reflect the low profile of the department in most companies and the tactical nature of the work it has performed. Advances in information technology have the potential to automate most of the manual tasks tax professionals perform. This increase in efficiency will enable tax departments to fill a more strategic, important role in the companies they serve. In the past (and still in many organizations today) there was a sharp pyramid of value-added work in the tax function, with tax attorneys at the top, corporate counsel in the middle and tax practitioners at the bottom. The tax attorney, versed in the intricacies of laws and their applications – especially in cross-border situations – typically has had the greatest ability to minimize tax expenditures. The role requires a combination of inspiration and art to see the underlying logic of tax laws and legal structures to be able to apply creative interpretations to black-letter statutes and has been rewarded accordingly. Senior corporate counsel has weighty responsibilities and therefore merited elevated titles. But the role of tax preparation has been oriented toward functional execution. It typically is done hard-working experts who have limited impact on policy and decision-making. Because the workings of this group are particularly sensitive, it also has a culture that attracts people who tend to be tight-lipped and not given to self-promotion. This hierarchy has helped to keep tax matters outside of the mainstream activities of the corporation, as I have discussed. Today, information technology can flatten the value-added pyramid by automating routine work. Doing this can give skilled practitioners in the tax department more time to spend on value-adding analysis and contingency planning because they spend less time on data gathering, data transformation and calculations. Increased productivity creates more time to find tax or cash flow savings, as well as to provide better-informed guidance on alternative strategies. To accomplish this, corporations must automate their tax provisioning process; most will benefit from having a tax data warehouse, which I have written about. However, our recent Office of Finance research finds that this is not widely done. Instead almost all midsize and larger companies (90%) use spreadsheets exclusively or mainly to manage their tax provisioning process, including calculations and analysis, and this demands manual effort. Desktop spreadsheets are not well suited to any repetitive collaborative enterprise task or as a corporate data store. They are a poor choice for managing taxes because they are error-prone, lack transparency, are difficult to use for data aggregation, lack controls and have a limited ability to handle more than a few dimensions at a time. Data from corporate sources, such as ERP systems, may have to be adjusted and transformed to put this information into its proper tax context, such as performing allocations or transforming the data so that it reflects the tax-relevant legal entity structure rather than corporate management structure. Moreover, in desktop spreadsheets it is difficult to parse even moderately complex nested formulas or spot errors and inconsistencies. Pivot tables have only a limited ability to manage key dimensions (such as time, location, business unit and legal entity) in performing analyses and reporting. As a data store, spreadsheets may be inaccessible to others in the organization if they are kept on an individual’s hard drive. Spreadsheets are rarely documented well, so it is difficult for anyone other than the creator to understand their structure and formulas or their underlying assumptions. The provenance of the data in the spreadsheets may be unclear, making it difficult to understand the source of discrepancies between individual spreadsheets as well as making audits difficult. Companies are able to deal with spreadsheets’ inherent shortcomings only by spending more time than they should assembling data, making calculations, checking for errors and creating reports. On the other hand, a tax data warehouse addresses spreadsheet issues. It is a central, dedicated repository of all of the data used in the tax provisioning process, including the minutiae of adjustments, reconciliations and true-ups. As the authoritative source, it ensures that data and formulas used for provisioning are consistent and easily audited. Since it preserves all of the data, formulas and legal entity structures exactly as they were in the tax period, it’s far easier to handle a subsequent tax audit, even several years later. In this respect a dedicated tax data warehouse has an advantage over corporate or finance department data warehouses, which are designed for general use and often are modified from one year to the next as a result of divestitures or reorganizations. Another benefit of automating provisioning and having a tax data warehouse is that this approach provides greater visibility and transparency (at least internally) into tax-related decisions. This gives senior executives greater certainty about and control over tax matters and allows them to engage more in tax-related decisions. In companies where executives are more engaged in tax, the tax department gains visibility. Also, because automation enables better process and data control, external auditors spend less time examining the process and tax-related calculations in financial filings, and it cuts the time the tax department might need to spend in audit defense with tax authorities. Process automation enables tax departments to increase their efficiency and give members more time to apply their tax expertise to increase the business value of their work, thereby flattening the value-added pyramid. The scope of the value that tax practitioners can add is broadening because having greater visibility into the methods used in direct tax provisioning will be increasingly important. I have noted that companies that have significant operations in multiple tax jurisdictions are likely to face a more challenging future. While I’m skeptical that there will be a massive change in how tax authorities manage cross-border tax information soon (which is more a reflection of the competence of the taxing authorities than their motivation), it’s worth assuming that it will grow at least gradually and therefore companies must be prepared to deal with increasingly better-informed tax officials. Transparency also fosters consistency in tax treatments and the ability to manage the degree of risk that CEOs, CFOs and their board are willing to take on in weighing how conservative or aggressive a corporation would like to be in how it handles taxes. This is another way for tax practitioners to increase their value and visibility in their corporation. Forward-looking companies have been making the transition to automating their direct tax provisioning process, redefining their approach to managing taxes and giving their tax departments greater visibility. It’s unlikely that these companies are using desktop spreadsheets to any meaningful degree. It’s not clear when the mainstreaming of the tax department will be common, but it’s probably at least several years away. Evidence that a fundamental shift has occurred in how corporations manage their income tax exposure will exist when a majority of midsize and larger companies use dedicated software rather than spreadsheets for this function. That’s also likely to be when Senior Vice President – Tax becomes a common title. This promotion won’t be the result of title inflation. It will happen because the tax department’s role will be important, making a bigger, more visible contribution to the company as practitioners focus more on analyses that optimize tax decisions and far less on the calculations and other repetitive mechanical processes that consume time but produce little value. I recommend that every CFO of a company operating in multiple tax jurisdictions with even a slightly complex legal structure consider automating tax provisioning and deploying a third-party (rather than a custom-built) tax data warehouse. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Giving Tax Departments More Corporate Clout", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "17/02/2015", "dateModified": "17/02/2015", "articleBody": "One of the issues in handling the tax function in business, especially where it involves direct (income) taxes, is the technical expertise required. At the more senior levels, practitioners must be knowledgeable about accounting and tax law. In multinational corporations, understanding differences between accounting and legal structures in various localities and their effects on tax liabilities requires more knowledge. Yet when I began to study the structures of corporate tax departments, I was struck by the scarcity of senior-level titles in them. This may reflect the low profile of the department in most companies and the tactical nature of the work it has performed. Advances in information technology have the potential to automate most of the manual tasks tax professionals perform. This increase in efficiency will enable tax departments to fill a more strategic, important role in the companies they serve. In the past (and still in many organizations today) there was a sharp pyramid of value-added work in the tax function, with tax attorneys at the top, corporate counsel in the middle and tax practitioners at the bottom. The tax attorney, versed in the intricacies of laws and their applications – especially in cross-border situations – typically has had the greatest ability to minimize tax expenditures. The role requires a combination of inspiration and art to see the underlying logic of tax laws and legal structures to be able to apply creative interpretations to black-letter statutes and has been rewarded accordingly. Senior corporate counsel has weighty responsibilities and therefore merited elevated titles. But the role of tax preparation has been oriented toward functional execution. It typically is done hard-working experts who have limited impact on policy and decision-making. Because the workings of this group are particularly sensitive, it also has a culture that attracts people who tend to be tight-lipped and not given to self-promotion. This hierarchy has helped to keep tax matters outside of the mainstream activities of the corporation, as I have discussed. Today, information technology can flatten the value-added pyramid by automating routine work. Doing this can give skilled practitioners in the tax department more time to spend on value-adding analysis and contingency planning because they spend less time on data gathering, data transformation and calculations. Increased productivity creates more time to find tax or cash flow savings, as well as to provide better-informed guidance on alternative strategies. To accomplish this, corporations must automate their tax provisioning process; most will benefit from having a tax data warehouse, which I have written about. However, our recent Office of Finance research finds that this is not widely done. Instead almost all midsize and larger companies (90%) use spreadsheets exclusively or mainly to manage their tax provisioning process, including calculations and analysis, and this demands manual effort. Desktop spreadsheets are not well suited to any repetitive collaborative enterprise task or as a corporate data store. They are a poor choice for managing taxes because they are error-prone, lack transparency, are difficult to use for data aggregation, lack controls and have a limited ability to handle more than a few dimensions at a time. Data from corporate sources, such as ERP systems, may have to be adjusted and transformed to put this information into its proper tax context, such as performing allocations or transforming the data so that it reflects the tax-relevant legal entity structure rather than corporate management structure. Moreover, in desktop spreadsheets it is difficult to parse even moderately complex nested formulas or spot errors and inconsistencies. Pivot tables have only a limited ability to manage key dimensions (such as time, location, business unit and legal entity) in performing analyses and reporting. As a data store, spreadsheets may be inaccessible to others in the organization if they are kept on an individual’s hard drive. Spreadsheets are rarely documented well, so it is difficult for anyone other than the creator to understand their structure and formulas or their underlying assumptions. The provenance of the data in the spreadsheets may be unclear, making it difficult to understand the source of discrepancies between individual spreadsheets as well as making audits difficult. Companies are able to deal with spreadsheets’ inherent shortcomings only by spending more time than they should assembling data, making calculations, checking for errors and creating reports. On the other hand, a tax data warehouse addresses spreadsheet issues. It is a central, dedicated repository of all of the data used in the tax provisioning process, including the minutiae of adjustments, reconciliations and true-ups. As the authoritative source, it ensures that data and formulas used for provisioning are consistent and easily audited. Since it preserves all of the data, formulas and legal entity structures exactly as they were in the tax period, it’s far easier to handle a subsequent tax audit, even several years later. In this respect a dedicated tax data warehouse has an advantage over corporate or finance department data warehouses, which are designed for general use and often are modified from one year to the next as a result of divestitures or reorganizations. Another benefit of automating provisioning and having a tax data warehouse is that this approach provides greater visibility and transparency (at least internally) into tax-related decisions. This gives senior executives greater certainty about and control over tax matters and allows them to engage more in tax-related decisions. In companies where executives are more engaged in tax, the tax department gains visibility. Also, because automation enables better process and data control, external auditors spend less time examining the process and tax-related calculations in financial filings, and it cuts the time the tax department might need to spend in audit defense with tax authorities. Process automation enables tax departments to increase their efficiency and give members more time to apply their tax expertise to increase the business value of their work, thereby flattening the value-added pyramid. The scope of the value that tax practitioners can add is broadening because having greater visibility into the methods used in direct tax provisioning will be increasingly important. I have noted that companies that have significant operations in multiple tax jurisdictions are likely to face a more challenging future. While I’m skeptical that there will be a massive change in how tax authorities manage cross-border tax information soon (which is more a reflection of the competence of the taxing authorities than their motivation), it’s worth assuming that it will grow at least gradually and therefore companies must be prepared to deal with increasingly better-informed tax officials. Transparency also fosters consistency in tax treatments and the ability to manage the degree of risk that CEOs, CFOs and their board are willing to take on in weighing how conservative or aggressive a corporation would like to be in how it handles taxes. This is another way for tax practitioners to increase their value and visibility in their corporation. Forward-looking companies have been making the transition to automating their direct tax provisioning process, redefining their approach to managing taxes and giving their tax departments greater visibility. It’s unlikely that these companies are using desktop spreadsheets to any meaningful degree. It’s not clear when the mainstreaming of the tax department will be common, but it’s probably at least several years away. Evidence that a fundamental shift has occurred in how corporations manage their income tax exposure will exist when a majority of midsize and larger companies use dedicated software rather than spreadsheets for this function. That’s also likely to be when Senior Vice President – Tax becomes a common title. This promotion won’t be the result of title inflation. It will happen because the tax department’s role will be important, making a bigger, more visible contribution to the company as practitioners focus more on analyses that optimize tax decisions and far less on the calculations and other repetitive mechanical processes that consume time but produce little value. I recommend that every CFO of a company operating in multiple tax jurisdictions with even a slightly complex legal structure consider automating tax provisioning and deploying a third-party (rather than a custom-built) tax data warehouse. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Tax Data Warehouses Become Essential as Governments Raise the Ante", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "03/09/2014", "dateModified": "03/09/2014", "articleBody": "I’ve written before about the increasing importance of having a solid technology base for a company’s tax function, and it’s important enough for me to revisit the topic. Tax departments are entrusted with a highly sensitive and essential task in their companies. Taxes usually are the second largest corporate expense, after salaries and wages. Failure to understand this liability is expensive – either because taxes are overpaid or because of fines and interest levied for underpayment. Moreover, taxes remain a political issue, and corporations – especially larger ones – must be mindful of the reputational implications of their tax liabilities. In this context of seriousness, there are five interrelated requirements for the work that tax departments do: The work must be absolutely accurate. Corporate and tax executives must be certain that the numbers are right – instilling confidence is key. Certainty depends on transparency: Source data and calculations must be demonstrably accurate, and any questions about the numbers must be answerable without delay. Speed is critical. All department tasks related to tax planning, analysis and provisioning can become sources of delay in core finance department processes. Being able to quickly execute data collection and calculations allows more time to explore the results and consider alternatives. Control of the process is essential. Only particular trustworthy individuals can be permitted to access systems, perform tasks and check results. Control promotes accuracy, certainty and transparency. These requirements form the basis of a business case for a tax data warehouse. Properly executed, it promotes all of these qualities. However, our forthcoming benchmark research on the Office of Finance shows that not many corporations have adopted one. Rather, most companies rely mainly or entirely on spreadsheets for provisioning income tax: managing data, calculations and modeling. More than half (52%) of companies use spreadsheets alone to handle income taxes while just 10 percent use a dedicated application designed for that purpose. Desktop spreadsheets are a poor choice for managing taxes since they are error-prone, lack transparency, are difficult to use for data aggregation, lack controls and have little ability to handle more than a few dimensions at a time. To deal with these deficiencies companies have to spend more time than they should in assembling data, making calculations, checking for errors and creating reports. There are strong reasons to change this reliance on inappropriate tools. One is that more companies must deal with an increasingly complex tax environment. Despite decades of talk about simplifying the tax code in the United States, it has grown ever more intricate. For those with a long memory, there was some simplification in the 1980s, but since then complexity has returned with a vengeance. Moreover, as corporations grow and expand internationally, their legal entity structure becomes more multifaceted, and their source systems for collecting and managing tax data can become fragmented. Unless the tax function is completely centralized, companies that operate in more than a handful of tax jurisdictions can find it hard to coordinate their tax data, calculations and processes. Centralization is not a cure-all, either, as the lack of local presence poses its own issues in tax management in coordinating with local operations and finance organizations. Another reason is that national taxing authorities are beginning to improve their coordination with one another, which means that tax departments will have to deal with increasing complexity in reporting and a more stringent compliance environment. In 2013, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a report titled “Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting”, which describes the challenges national governments face in enforcing taxation in an increasingly global environment with a growing share of digital commerce. The OECD also is providing a forum for member governments to take action (including collective action) to strengthen their tax collection capabilities. Although the process of increased government coordination is likely to take years to unfold, the outcome almost certainly will be to put additional pressure on companies that have legal entities domiciled in multiple countries. The impact is likely to mean longer and more frequent audits (including concurrent audits by multiple tax authorities) with more detailed requests for information. Increased data sharing among tax authorities will make it even more critical that the tax data – and all the minutiae of adjustments, reconciliations and year-to-year permanent changes – be absolutely accurate, consistent and readily available. In addition, governments worldwide are increasing their electronic collection of tax data. This enables them to improve scrutiny of tax returns by applying analytic techniques that highlight errors and discrepancies as well as to identify suspicious activities or potentially aggressive tax treatments. Eliminating paper forms allows tax authorities to require even more data from companies. In this environment, having accurate, consistent data becomes essential. Having time to consider the best tax-related options thus becomes even more valuable. In this increasingly complex and demanding environment it is good news that technology, such as a tax data warehouse, has advanced to become feasible and affordable for the kinds of organizations that can benefit most from it. A tax data warehouse addresses all of the needs of a tax department listed above. A single source of data minimizes errors and ensures consistency. It also promotes transparency, especially when used in conjunction with a dedicated direct tax management application. Because it is possible to exactly recreate the assumptions, data and methods used and because the data and the calculations are consistent, the answer to “where did that number come from” can be found quickly and with complete assurance. The process is better controlled, access to the records and application is more secure, and the entire process is much more easily audited than when working with spreadsheets. Since all of the numbers and assumptions are kept intact and readily available, an audit defense can be performed with less effort and greater confidence. In addition, the ability to create multiple scenarios with different assumptions and treatments enables tax and legal departments to determine the best approach for the company’s risk tolerance. The financial impact of these benefits can be considerable because most companies that operate in multiple direct (income) tax jurisdictions spend considerable amounts of time gathering and assembling data manually. As noted, they often use spreadsheets – sometimes dozens or even hundreds of them - for tax calculations and data storage. These spreadsheet-based systems are built on a weak foundation because of the data issues inherent when there are multiple systems of record and inconsistent data-related processes. The evolving tax environment means that tax departments must be in the mainstream of finance organizations. Our research on the financial close finds that a majority of finance executives do not know how long it takes for the tax department to complete quarterly tax calculations. Executives who are not tax professionals usually do not appreciate the important difference between finance and tax data requirements. Corporations are constantly changing their organizational structure as well as acquiring and divesting business units. As these events occur, accounting and management reporting systems adapt to the changes both in the current as well as past periods. Tax data, on the other hand, must be stable. Legal obligations to pay taxes are based on facts as they exist in specific legal entities operating in a specific tax jurisdiction in a specific period. From a tax authority’s standpoint, these facts never change even as operating structures and ownership evolve. Audit defense requires a corporation to assemble the facts and related calculations, sometimes years after the fact. A general finance data warehouse does not deliver this capability because it is not – and for all practical purposes cannot be – structured to satisfy the needs of a tax department, particularly those that operate in multiple jurisdictions. To ensure accuracy and inspire confidence in the products of the tax department’s work, it important for tax departments to tightly control the end-to-end process of taking numbers from source systems, constructing tax financial statements, calculating taxes owed and keeping track of cumulative amounts and other balance sheet items related to taxes. Transparency is the natural result of a controlled process which uses a single set of all relevant tax data. A readily accessible authoritative data set makes tax department operations more efficient. Reducing the time and effort to execute the tax department’s core functions frees up the time of tax professionals for more useful analysis. In a more challenging tax-levying environment, having tax data and tax calculations that are immediately traceable, reproducible and permanently accessible provides company executives with greater certainty and reduces the risk of noncompliance and the attendant costs and reputation issues. Having an accurate and consistent tax data warehouse of record provides corporations and their tax departments with the ability to better execute tax planning, provisioning and compliance. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Longview Tax Software Helps Tax Departments Be More Strategic", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "22/06/2014", "dateModified": "22/06/2014", "articleBody": "Longview Solutions has a longstanding presence in the financial performance management (FPM) software market and was rated a Hot vendor in our most recent FPM Value Index. Several years ago it began offering a tax provision and planning application. I think it’s worthwhile to focus on the tax category because it’s less well known than others in finance and is an engine of growth for Longview. We expect larger corporations increasingly to adopt software to manage direct (income) taxes to improve the quality and efficiency of what today in most companies is an inefficient, spreadsheet-driven process. Longview’s tax offering consists of four main components. Its Tax Data Platform can be the central repository of a corporation’s tax information. I’ve commented on the need to maintain tax data separate from the data that’s used for financial reporting, managerial accounting and performance management. One reason is that tax accounting must be aligned with legal entities, not corporate organizational structures, because direct taxes are levied on legal entities, not corporate divisions or reporting hierarchies. A second is that tax data must be held in an “as was” state, without regard to subsequent corporate actions such as acquisitions and divestitures or management reorganizations. Longview’s Tax Data Collection software consolidates book and tax data from disparate source systems; it is designed to automate and streamline the movement of data and eliminate time-consuming manual work. It can do consolidations in different, parallel paths if dissimilar methods of consolidating tax-related data are required by the statutes of individual taxing authorities. The Tax Provision/Reporting component performs global tax accounting and reporting. And Tax Planning supports a company’s analysis and planning of its taxes. Software vendors are taking two different approaches to dedicated tax management software. One mostly focuses on the needs of the finance department: It automates and simplifies incorporation of already calculated tax data into the financial consolidation and close process. This is useful for companies that operate in up to a handful of tax jurisdictions and have relatively simple legal entity structures. The other approach addresses the needs of the tax department as well as the rest of the finance organization. Longview’s tax offering falls into the latter category because it provides the functionality and data-handling capabilities that tax departments need to streamline their operations, enhance their ability to manage tax expenses and improve senior executives’ understanding of tax exposures and strategies to deal with them. Longview’s tax software can replace desktop spreadsheets, which are the most common tool used for direct tax provisioning and planning in companies of all sizes. Spreadsheets are the wrong choice for managing taxes because they are so time-consuming. Tax departments use them to make often complex tax calculations, manage tax data and direct tax processes – these are tasks that dedicated software can handle easily but spreadsheets cannot. They are not well equipped to do these tasks quickly and accurately on a consistent basis. Consequently, facing looming deadlines, tax departments have little if any time left over to analyze and plan tax exposure and tax expense options more broadly and more intelligently. Spreadsheets also do not provide sufficient transparency or forward visibility in a timely fashion in the way that a dedicated system can. Spreadsheets make it difficult for companies to manage their tax risk exposure in a consistent fashion across all business units. They do not give executives sufficient insight into their risk exposure options. Our research on the financial close finds that a majority (53%) of finance executives believe that having better understanding of and deeper insight into their company’s tax positions would enable them to reduce their tax expense. There are several other reasons why desktop spreadsheets are the wrong choice for handling taxes strategically. One is that tax laws and regulations are so fiendishly complex. For example, some countries have industry-specific statutory reporting requirements (for example, for insurance companies and other financial services). Tax calculations for subsidiaries in one country may not apply to those required for a regional headquarters or the parent company. There may be multiple tax rates applicable to a given legal entity and multiple bases or methods on which to apply each tax rate. Moreover, because book accounting for taxes and actual tax calculations almost always differ in multiple ways, it’s necessary to record and track these differences. Since rules, rates and assumptions will vary from year to year, it becomes necessary to adjust these differences. Desktop spreadsheets lack the dimensionality, data integrity and referential integrity necessary to be able to manage this level of detail easily. Dedicated tax management systems are designed to do it. One reason why tax departments lag in adopting new tools is that until recently the technology necessary for managing the full range of requirements in direct tax analysis, provisioning and compliance was not mature enough for the organizations that needed it the most. Until recently, corporations that operate in multiple, worldwide jurisdictions with even modestly complex legal entity structures overtaxed the ability of IT systems to support them. However, using dedicated software for direct tax management enhances the efficiency of the tax department, enabling it to become more strategic and contribute to improving the company’s results. Adopting a more strategic approach to managing direct taxes is an emerging trend in finance organizations, but it’s still at an early stage. Tax compliance is usually the main (and overwhelming) focus of tax departments. Most do this essential work reasonably well, but compliance is a tactical issue. To elevate tax management to a strategic level, tax and finance executives must have greater visibility into tax data and how operational decisions affect tax exposures. For example, finance and tax executives may construct a tax-optimized approach to transfer pricing, but their strategy may not be implemented if the company’s incentive compensation system is not aligned to this strategy. Operating managers in high-tax jurisdictions will try to maximize revenues because that’s what they’re rewarded for, even if it results in higher taxes than are necessary. Using spreadsheets is a significant barrier to tax departments taking a more strategic role in their company. When direct taxes are managed using desktop spreadsheets, there rarely is time for organizations to do much more than basic compliance. There’s usually not time to discover the fundamental disconnects between tax strategy and reality or other, similarly strategic activities such as analyzing and assessing the tax implications of long-term corporate plans. Indeed, one sign of the tax function’s lack of strategic impact is its invisibility. There is a general lack of understanding of how the tax department functions, even within the finance department. For example, our research discovered that nearly two-thirds of finance executives (and, specifically, 60% of CFOs and controllers) do not know how long it takes their tax department to calculate tax liabilities. Another reason is the relatively low status of tax departments in their company, which we can gauge through the distribution of titles and relatively low compensation for the highly credentialed individuals in these departments. Those that work in tax also tend to be tight-lipped and reluctant to reveal that their processes are time-consuming and difficult to manage, lest they be viewed as less than competent. The tax department’s invisibility contributes to a lack of focus on direct taxation by senior management, which also diminishes an understanding at that level of the potential benefits of investing in technology. Companies that are most likely to want to improve how they manage their direct taxes appear to be the ones where a senior finance department executive has spent time in tax and therefore has a firsthand appreciation for the challenges. I’ve commented on the need to make tax more strategic. An increasing number of companies are finding that investing in dedicated software to improve the performance of their tax department is worthwhile. It gives them a deeper understanding of how best to manage what is usually one of their biggest expenses and enables them to make more optimal decisions about taxes. I recommend that all larger companies look into the benefits they can achieve by making their tax department more strategic and that they investigate dedicated software such as Longview’s that can enable them to have such a strategic tax function. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Vertex Enterprise Helps Tax Departments Increase Effectiveness", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "19/09/2013", "dateModified": "19/09/2013", "articleBody": "Technology for the Office of Finance can have transformative power. Although progress has been slow at times, today’s finance organizations are fundamentally different from those of 50 years ago. For one thing, they require far fewer resources (chiefly people) to perform basic accounting, treasury and corporate finance tasks. In addition, public corporations report results sooner – sometimes weeks sooner – than they could in the mid-20th century. And finance departments are able to harness substantially more data and a wider array of analytics to promote insight and support more agile decision-making. Even in this context, in many corporations the tax function remains a backwater in its use of technology. Most of their tax professionals are awash in desktop spreadsheets, tools that they initially thought would promote efficiency and accuracy. But the inherent problems with desktop spreadsheets make tax processes not only needlessly time-consuming (even using macros and other spreadsheet automation techniques) but also prone to errors and inconsistencies. This is especially true if people must enter the same information multiple times, which increases the chances of mistakes. In addition, assumptions made and rationales behind formulas used in data transformations may not be documented or readily accessible to others in the organization. This legacy can be problematic years later in an audit, especially if the individual who prepared the spreadsheet is no longer employed at the company. And with spreadsheet-driven processes, auditing taxes and the underlying data and calculations is difficult and time-consuming. On top of all this, the effects of the desktop spreadsheet’s inherent shortcomings multiply with the size of a corporation. By their nature, these spreadsheets hinder a corporation’s ability to understand tax issues and optimize related decisions. Organizations do not have to put up with these outdated, counterproductive practices. New tools can help streamline tax processes. One is Vertex Enterprise (which I reviewed earlier this year). Vertex recently was awarded Ventana Research’s 2013 Innovation Award for the Office of Finance for this suite of application and integrated use of tax data and analytics. Vertex offers a single-platform approach to managing all types of taxes (direct and indirect) across the entire tax life cycle, from analysis through provisioning to audit defense, using a single data source. Direct (income) tax management is still a largely manual process involving a plethora of desktop spreadsheets. Calculating and accounting for direct taxes is complicated, largely because income tax laws can be quite convoluted, especially in certain industries. As well, the larger the number of tax jurisdictions it operates in and the more numerous its subsidiary legal entities, the more complex tax management becomes. Vertex Enterprise includes tax provisioning software for both indirect and direct taxes. Indirect Tax is managed by the company’s O Series software, a single platform that handles sales-and-use-, VAT- and goods and services taxes on a global scale. Direct taxes is handled by Vertex Tax Accounting, global tax provisioning and reporting software that works with multiple general ledger systems in multiple currencies and across multiple years within the context of multiple accounting regimes such as US- and other national generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The web-based software supports a distributed, collaborative, enterprise-wide tax decision cycle process that can achieve more optimal tax-related decision making. Direct taxes exist in a parallel universe, and one advantage in having a single system is that it facilitates the process of reconciling the business accounting performed in ERP systems with the tax accounting governed by law. Vertex automates tax account reconciliation and reporting and manages adjustments that span multiple time periods. One notable advance for corporate tax departments offered by Vertex Enterprise is its tax data warehouse (TDW). Because a TDW can automate much of the painstaking work that occupies much of the tax practitioner’s time, it can free these trained individuals to focus on making the best tax decisions possible. Also, because a TDW can increase visibility into tax analyses and calculations, corporations can be more confident in their tax-related decisions. And with this greater visibility and confidence, tax departments can become a mainstream participant in the finance function. This is especially important in an era of increasing cooperation between tax authorities worldwide. More than ever, corporations that operate globally must be able to optimize their tax positions over time and across multiple jurisdictions. A TDW enhances that capability. Conceptually, a TDW is simple: It’s a data store that makes all tax data readily available and can be used to plan and provision a company’s taxes. However, in larger companies (those with more than 1,000 employees) that operate in multiple tax jurisdictions and have even moderately complex legal entity structures, tax-related data structures and calculations become fiendishly complex, as I noted in an earlier perspective. For that reason, the first attempts to create TDWs proved unworkable because the sheer complexity of the direct (that is, income) tax domain overwhelmed the available information technology. These limitations forced companies to take shortcuts, which meant that each TDW had to be a largely custom effort and therefore expensive to build. And because these shortcuts rendered the systems brittle and difficult to change, they were expensive to maintain. Today, however, technology is available to make TDWs practical. A TDW has several purposes: to ensure accuracy and consistency in tax analysis and calculations, improve visibility into tax provisioning, and cut the time and effort required to execute tax processes. The technology is especially useful because data management is one of the biggest operational challenges facing tax departments today. That is, the information necessary for tax provisioning, planning, compliance and audit may not be readily available to the tax department because accounting and other information is kept in multiple systems from multiple vendors. Our benchmark research shows that 90 percent of companies with 1,000 or more employees use financial systems from multiple vendors, and 43 percent use four or more. In addition, not all of the data necessary for tax department purposes is captured by the ERP system. As well, data collected in a general finance department warehouse or pulled together in a financial consolidation system may not be sufficiently granular for tax department purposes. Moreover, most companies’ ERP systems (the core technology for gathering transaction data) are not inherently “tax aware,” so tax departments repeatedly need to perform transformational steps to ensure that data is formatted and organized properly. Sometimes the data must undergo multiple transformations because, for example, the transaction information collected in an overseas subsidiary must be reported locally using the local currency and accounting standard but translated to the parent company’s tax books in a different currency using a different accounting standard. In some industries (such as financial services) there may be multiple local reporting standards, one for general statutory purposes and another reflecting specific rules for that industry demanded by some regulatory authority. In short, there are numerous data-driven headaches tax professionals have to address before they even get down to work. A TDW addresses this problem. Ventana Research is dedicated to helping organizations enhance the effectiveness and strategic value of the Office of Finance. Tax departments, CFOs and controllers in larger, more complex corporations should examine how the tax organization spends its time and determine to what degree more enterprise automation and fewer desktop spreadsheets would enable the company to understand and manage its tax needs more intelligently. Vertex Enterprise can be a useful foundation for transforming the tax function, which is why it received our Technology Innovation Award for Office of Finance for 2013. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Vertex Enterprise Advances Tax Management", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "01/02/2013", "dateModified": "01/02/2013", "articleBody": "Taxes – both indirect (sales or value added taxes, for example) and direct (income taxes) – are one the largest expense items on the corporate income statement. In recent years it has become common for large and even midsize companies to automate their indirect tax management process, but direct tax management has remained a bastion of manual processes built on a heap of desktop spreadsheets. In previous blog posts I discussed this issue and the role of the tax data warehouse as a necessary foundation for automating the direct tax process. Addressing an important need, Vertex is currently providing a limited release of its Enterprise offering, a single-platform approach to managing all types of taxes (direct and indirect) across the entire tax life cycle (from analysis through provisioning to audit defense) using a single data source. For large multinational companies and many companies with even moderately complex legal structures, managing direct taxes is fiendishly complicated. Why? To begin with, national tax codes can be convoluted (India and Brazil lead the league tables but the United States is not too far behind). Not only do specifics (such as depreciation schedules or inventory expensing rules) vary from one country to the next, but even basic tax concepts can differ. Then there is the parallel universe element, because “tax expense” is not the same as “taxes paid.” Tax and Finance departments must be able to track and reconcile these differences and allocate tax expense accurately to individual business units. Accounting rules specify when tax expense must be recognized, but this can lag when those taxes are actually paid. Timing differences are the reason why very profitable companies pay nothing to tax authorities in some years and write big checks when they are losing money. A company’s tax position can be fluid, so it’s important to be able to work across multiple tax periods. Adjustments to individual entity tax expenses and positions occur frequently, so accurate adjustments and true-ups across tax periods must be easy to calculate, record and retrieve. Behind this are a myriad of specific journal entries to effect changes and the need to assemble a consistent set of account reconciliations to manage the details. This is why we have computers. Yet, until recently, scale and complexity have made it difficult for anyone to offer a workable packaged solution, so most companies have used desktop spreadsheets to assemble and analyze data, calculate taxes, generate reports and store the data, analyses, calculations and reports. Some very large corporations have attempted to automate their direct tax management processes to save time and money. They and their consultants have found that the devil is in the details. Custom solutions have worked for some but not all organizations. Businesses have a need for an off-the-shelf solution for managing direct taxes, but until recently they have been hampered by the utter complexity of the issue compounded by the need for any system to scale to handle a large number of individual records. The foundation of Vertex Enterprise is its tax data warehouse. Having a dedicated tax data source is important. Many companies do not set up their financial systems to be tax-aware, for instance by recording the specific corporate legal entity related to a transaction. It therefore takes significant time to extract and transform data from multiple sources to be able to file a tax return. Desktop spreadsheets limit visibility into how calculations are performed and the assumptions behind them. Spreadsheets substantially increase the chance of data or calculation errors occurring. Even if a company’s ERP system is provisioned with an eye to tax preparation, a tax data warehouse can be valuable at the other end of the life cycle – facilitating audit defense – because the data is readily available in an “as-was” state. Tax authorities are interested only in the conditions that existed during a specific period they are examining, but corporate financial systems and general-purpose data warehouses may not maintain the data in this state for as long as necessary. Corporate structures change: Business units may be reorganized or sold, or legal entity characteristics may be altered. A finance department’s enterprise data store may not preserve all the underlying details of the balance sheet and income statement construction in a prior tax year, including the trial balances, adjustments and other pertinent information that may be used in tax calculations. The calculation details relating to how each income tax filing was provisioned may be scattered in multiple spreadsheets; keep your fingers crossed that the individuals who did the work are still with the company if and when an audit takes place. And, it may turn out that paper records may be the easiest way to retrieve the details of what was in the return being audited. The tax data warehouse is fundamental to automating tax processes. Having an open data platform is key because large multinational companies typically have multiple heterogeneous financial systems. With Vertex Enterprise, it and the software applications built on it are designed to be fully integrated with ERP systems. (At this time Enterprise enables real-time data synchronization with SAP, Oracle and Hyperion using prebuilt integrations supported by Vertex.) Companies can use their own business intelligence (BI) systems to view information or use a Vertex-provided BI tool designed specifically for the tax function. Vertex Enterprise has workflow management so that tasks can be automatically handed off for additional work or for review. Administrators can keep on top of process bottlenecks and automate reminders as completion times come due. In the past, custom-built systems were forced to sacrifice adaptability and flexibility to be able to meet scalability requirements. Technology advances have made it possible to make the system better able to adapt to changes in tax codes, corporate structures and accounting and financial systems. Automation enables tax departments to operate more efficiently throughout the entire tax lifecycle, but the benefits extend well beyond that. One of the most important benefits is the improvement to governance, control and risk management that corporations can achieve through greater transparency. Spreadsheets are problematic when they are used to support tax processes because they lack transparency (often it is impossible to trace a number in a cell back to its original source) and, as our spreadsheet research confirmed, errors in data and formulas are common, even in the most important spreadsheets. Too often, such issues are ignored until a spectacular failure is made public. By establishing a tax database of record, companies can ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data as much as possible because the system can ensure data integrity using built-in validation and data management capabilities. It therefore can reduce the risk of losses caused by errors and the risk of failure to prevail in a tax audit defense because of errors, data losses or an inability to reconstruct the rationale behind a tax position. Since taxes are a major expense, companies often measure performance on an after-tax basis. Having a single system of tax records makes it far easier for corporations to calculate after-tax results in a consistent fashion to assess results by individual business units down to the entity level, or by division, geography or jurisdiction. As well, greater transparency enables senior executives and the board of directors (especially the audit committee) to have a more informed dialog with tax departments about managing tax risks. All large multinational companies have considerable scope to be aggressive or conservative. There can be considerable scope to optimize the tradeoffs between minimizing taxes paid and the risks of not withstanding an audit. Yet few companies have the ability to see an informed view showing how they can optimize their tax risk exposure. Today, tax departments rely heavily on spreadsheets to manage all aspects of the direct tax lifecycle. They have been forced to tolerate the inefficiencies and risks of this technology because alternatives have been too expensive, too unwieldy and not adaptable enough. Vertex Enterprise is designed to enable large corporations with complex tax structures to increase tax data transparency and facilitate tax provisioning with the ultimate goal of improving tax expense and tax risk management. I recommend that heads of tax departments, CEOs, CFOs and controllers as well as members of audit committees investigate Vertex Enterprise. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Robert Kugel", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Vertex’s Tax Data Warehouse Matures", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "20/01/2012", "dateModified": "20/01/2012", "articleBody": "I recently had a briefing from Vertex on its tax data warehouse (TDW), a key component of its tax technology platform Vertex Enterprise. The TDW concept has been around for decades, but the earliest versions were custom-built and hampered by the technology limitations of their day. This made them expensive to deploy and maintain and constrained their ability to adapt to changing corporate requirements. The basic idea behind a TDW is straightforward: a data store that makes all tax data readily available and can be used to plan and provision a company’s taxes. But the complexity of tax-related data overwhelmed the ability of information technology to deliver on the concept. With today’s technological advances the basic idea is finally realizable in a practical sense. A TDW has several purposes: to ensure accuracy and consistency in tax analysis and calculations, improve visibility into tax provisioning and cut the time and effort required to execute tax processes. It can be useful because data management is one of the biggest operational challenges facing tax departments. That is, the information necessary for tax provisioning, planning, compliance and audit may not be readily available to the tax department because accounting and other information is kept in multiple systems from multiple vendors. (Our benchmark research shows that 71% of companies with 1,000 or more employees use financial systems from multiple vendors.) In addition, not all of the data necessary for tax department purposes is captured by the ERP system. As well, data collected in a general finance department warehouse or pulled together in a financial consolidation system may not be sufficiently granular for tax department purposes. Moreover, most companies’ ERP systems (the core technology for gathering transaction data) are not inherently “tax aware,” so tax departments repeatedly need to perform transformational steps to have data formatted and organized properly. Sometimes the data must undergo multiple transformations because, for example, the transaction information collected in an overseas subsidiary must be reported locally using the local currency and accounting standard but must be translated to the parent company’s tax books in a different currency using a different accounting standard. In some industries (such as financial services) there may be multiple local reporting standards, one for general statutory purposes and another reflecting specific rules for that industry demanded by some regulatory authority. In short, there are numerous data-driven headaches tax professionals have to address before they even get down to work. Managing tax-related data is especially difficult for larger companies with above-average tax complexity, as I noted in anearlier blog. Complexity is produced by the number of tax jurisdictions in which a company operates, the complexity of the tax codes of some jurisdictions (Brazil and India are notorious in this regard) and its own corporate structure (the number of legal entities and their ownership characteristics). There’s a market for tax data warehouses partly because most tax departments perform these data transformations in desktop spreadsheets. Due to the inherent problems with desktop spreadsheets, the process is not only needlessly time-consuming (even using macros and other spreadsheet automation techniques), it is also prone to errors and inconsistencies. This is especially true if the same information must be entered multiple times, which increases the chances of a mistake. In addition, assumptions made and the rationales behind formulas used in data transformations may not be documented or readily accessible to others in the organization. And finally, with spreadsheet-driven processes, auditing taxes and the underlying data and calculations also is difficult and time-consuming. The impacts of the desktop spreadsheet’s inherent shortcomings multiply with the size of a corporation. Thus, I expect that over the next several years larger companies (those with 1,000 or more employees) and even some midsize ones with complex corporate structures will find the advantages of a tax data warehouse increasingly compelling. One of the basic sources of value derived from establishing a TDW is automating, standardizing and controlling the process of extracting data from transaction systems like ERP, transforming it into a tax-relevant structure and making it the single source of data accessible to the systems and processes that need to access to tax-related data. This need makes a TDW a core capability that can substantially increase the efficiency of a company’s tax provisioning and planning process and increase the effectiveness of tax compliance and audit defense. Another reason for creating a TDW is that it enables the company to keep tax-related data and analyses in an “as was” state – in a virtual file box separate from other systems. There may be good business reasons to change historical data in financial systems (for example, reorganizations or divestitures), but since tax audits can take place many years after a filing, it’s handy (and potentially lucrative) to be able summon up original, error-free data. Any company large enough to need a TDW probably has a large IT department, but I suspect that few IT departments are up the task of creating one, and it would be difficult to justify the ongoing investment required to maintain it. A TDW goes beyond the standard IT notion of the data warehouse, which focuses mainly on the high-level technical requirements of acquiring data from operational systems and putting it in a useful form for business users. Taxes are fiendishly complicated, so the details of how the extract, transform and load (ETL) steps are handled (including the required movements and validations) require a specific knowledge of the intersection of accounting and taxes. This domain expertise is necessary to enable individual corporations to facilitate the process of setting up (and later changing) data imports and exports from and to other enterprise systems to suit their specific tax requirements. (These requirements may be a function of their tax complexity or their industry.) To address these requirements, Vertex’s data management platform brings together the key components necessary for data collection, movement and management as well as reporting and exporting to other functions and systems, including the TDW, and connectors that streamline the integration of a company’s existing financial applications with the TDW. It provides a single database designed to hold trial balance, adjustments and other direct tax data, configured specifically for tax. The data collectors have (or soon will add) prebuilt integration with common data sources, including SAP’s general ledger and Business Warehouse, Oracle’s GL and Hyperion Financial Manager and Microsoft Excel. This list is slated to expand to include other major vendors’ offerings. Currently, there are export connectors to Corptax, Vantage Tax, TaxStream, Excel and a generic flat file (which can serve as a universal connector), and Vertex will expand the array to include other vendors (such as Abacus), a write-back to general ledger journals and an XBRL-tagging capability. Vertex also provides access controls, and its security capability has built-in audit and tracking functions. Vertex plans enhancements to its TDW this year, focusing on companies’ direct (income) tax requirements to refine functionality as well as facilitate deployment, management and maintenance. For 2013, Vertex plans to improve transaction tax (sales and use, value-added and general sales tax) capabilities. Now that Sarbanes-Oxley and the global recession are largely behind them, executives and consultants in North America (and to some extent in Europe) are again able to focus on “finance transformation,” an approach that CFOs and finance executives – especially those in midsize and larger companies – should use to enhance corporate performance. Finance departments continue to devote too many resources to rote functions that they could automate. Consequently, they devote too few resources to improving the effectiveness of the finance function. Tax is a case in point. Most midsize and large companies’ tax departments spend their time performing manual processes that now can be automated. With all that effort they are able to achieve a minimum standard of compliance and accuracy. Today, that isn’t enough. I believe a tax data warehouse is a necessary component for any finance transformation project, giving corporations more accurate numbers sooner and enabling more sophisticated tax analyses that would enable companies to optimize their tax expense. As taxes are one of a company’s biggest expenses, the payoff derived from more effective and efficient tax management practices are likely to make tax automation investments such as a tax data warehouse worthwhile. Regards, Robert Kugel – SVP Research", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> <![endif]--> <script data-hs-allowed="true" src="/_hcms/forms/v2.js"></script> <script data-hs-allowed="true"> var options = { portalId: '2035844', formId: 'fa276fc9-9a16-4673-a644-1fcbedcc3c24', formInstanceId: '7356', pageId: '4387296360', region: 'na1', inlineMessage: "Thanks for subscribing!", rawInlineMessage: "Thanks for subscribing!", hsFormKey: "daadfc7672048786293dbe53796bbfa2", css: '', target: '#hs_form_target_module_1552944263900179', contentType: "listing-page", formsBaseUrl: '/_hcms/forms/', formData: { cssClass: 'hs-form stacked hs-custom-form' } }; options.getExtraMetaDataBeforeSubmit = function() { var metadata = {}; 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