Mon Blog Timbr茅: octobre 2019
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itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8632271185470577800' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8632271185470577800'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"20th anniversary of the EMS Cooperative" joint stamp on cover from Turkey</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8632271185470577800' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Timbre commun "20猫me anniversaire de la Coop茅rative EMS" sur lettre de Turquie </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> La Coop茅rative EMS (Express Mail Service), un organe de l'Union postale universelle (UPU) cr茅茅 en 1999 脿 Beijing, regroupe aujourd'hui plus de 180 op茅rateurs postaux dans le monde, qui ont accept茅 de travailler ensemble pour fournir le produit postal transfrontalier EMS le plus rapide.<br /> La <b>Coop茅rative EMS</b> a pour objectif de promouvoir la coop茅ration entre les pays membres afin qu'ils puissent fournir 脿 leurs clients un service EMS de haute qualit茅 et comp茅titif dans le monde entier 脿 un prix abordable...<br /> Le 10 septembre 2019, plusieurs administrations postales ont mis en circulation un timbre commun (con莽u par l'UPU) consacr茅 au 20猫me anniversaire (jour pour jour) de la cr茅ation de cette Coop茅rative EMS.<span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The EMS (Express Mail Service) Cooperative, an organ of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) created in 1999 in Beijing, consists of over 180 postal operators who have agreed to work together to provide the fastest EMS cross-border postal product.</i></span><span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>EMS Cooperative</b> aims to promote cooperation between member countries so they can provide their customers with a high quality, competitive EMS service worldwide at an affordable price ...</i></span><span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On September 10, 2019, several postal administrations issued a joint stamp (designed by the UPU) devoted to the 20th anniversary (to the day) of the creation of this EMS Cooperative.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="1004" data-original-width="1377" height="465" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Sauf erreur de ma part, les 21 pays concern茅s par cette 茅mission commune : Chili, C么te d’Ivoire, Chypre, 脡gypte, Jordanie, Liban, Libye, Maldives, Malte, Mexique, Mongolie, Paraguay, Philippines, Arabie Saoudite, Sri Lanka, Syrie, Trinit茅 et Tobago, Tunisie, Turquie, 脡mirats Arabes Unis, Wallis et Futuna.<br /> Ce timbre commun repr茅sente une carte du monde avec le logo EMS dans la partie sup茅rieure et la mention "<b>Priorit茅 脿 l'excellence 1999-2019 - Coop茅rative EMS de l'UPU</b>" dans la langue du pays, pr茅c茅d茅e par le drapeau de l'UPU et celui du pays 茅metteur.<br /> La version turque de ce timbre (4,60 TL, tirage : 100000) figure sur la lettre ci-dessus envoy茅e le 19 septembre 2019 depuis Ankara, la capitale. Merci beaucoup Tolga !<br /> Plus de 180 pays sont actuellement membres de cette Coop茅rative EMS ("APS Kooperatifi" en turc).<br /> A noter cette marque bleue "Y眉zey" ("surface") 脿 gauche sur cette enveloppe, signifiant probablement que le tarif correspond 脿 un envoi par voie terrestre...<br /><i><span style="color: #e69138;">Unless I am mistaken, the 21 countries concerned by this joint issue: Chile, Ivory Coast, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Paraguay, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Wallis and Futuna.<br /> This joint stamp features a world map with the EMS logo at the top and the mention "<b>Delivering Excellence 1999-2019 - UPU EMS Cooperative</b>" in the language of the country, preceded by the UPU flag and the flag of the issuing country.</span></i><br /> <i><span style="color: #e69138;">The Turkish version of this stamp (4.60 TL, print run: 100,000) was used on the cover above sent on September 19, 2019 from Ankara, the capital. Thank you very much Tolga!</span></i><br /> <i><span style="color: #e69138;">More than 180 countries are currently members of this EMS Cooperative ("APS Kooperatifi" in Turkish).</span></i><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>To note this blue mark "Y眉zey" ("surface") on the left on this envelope, probably meaning that the postal rate corresponds to a shipment by land ... </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><br /></i></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-31T20:22:00+02:00'>20:22</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Joint issue</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Turkey (Turquie)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>mercredi 30 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8428388868904170844' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8428388868904170844'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"ROCUPEX 2019 - Taiwan Serow" ATM stamps on FDC from Taiwan</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8428388868904170844' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Timbres de distributeur "ROCUPEX 2019 - Saro de Ta茂wan" sur FDC de Ta茂wan </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> A l'occasion de l'exposition philat茅lique <b>ROCUPEX 2019</b> (incluant un exposition R茅publique de Chine-Tha茂lande) organis茅e du 6 au 10 septembre 2019 dans le mus茅e postal de Taipei, la Chunghwa Post de Ta茂wan a mis en circulation le 6 septembre 2019, un nouveau timbre de distributeur repr茅sentant une esp猫ce animale prot茅g茅e, le <b>Saro de Ta茂wan</b> (Capricornis swinhoei), un caprin茅 end茅mique, consid茅r茅 comme le seul bovid茅 脿 avoir surv茅cu dans l'卯le depuis son isolement, apr猫s la derni猫re glaciation, il y a 16000 ans.<br /> Menac茅e par la destruction de son habitat, cette esp猫ce, vivant 脿 1000 m猫tres d'altitude, est prot茅g茅e depuis 1989 par une loi de protection du patrimoine culturel. <br /> Trois exemplaires de ce timbre (valeur : 5 NT$) figurent sur ce splendide pli Premier Jour ci-dessous, avec TAD du mus茅e postal de Taipei. Merci beaucoup George !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On the occasion of the philatelic exhibition <b>ROCUPEX 2019</b> (including a Republic of China-Thailand exhibition) held from 6 to 10 September 2019 at the Taipei Postal Museum, the Chunghwa Post of Taiwan put into circulation on September 6, 2019, a new ATM stamp depicting a protected animal species, the <b>Taiwan Serow</b> (Capricornis swinhoei), an endemic goat, considered to be the only surviving bovid on the island since its isolation after the last glaciation 16,000 years ago.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Threatened by the destruction of its habitat, this species, living at an altitude of 1000 meters, has been protected since 1989 by a cultural heritage protection law.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Three copies of this ATM stamp (value: NT $ 5) are present on this splendid First Day cover below, with postmark from the Taipei Postal Museum. Thank you very much George!</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="879" data-original-width="1255" height="448" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> La valeur totale de cet affranchissement (15 NT$) est surprenante car le tarif correspondant 脿 un envoi de moins de 20g vers l'Europe est actuellement de 17 NT$...<br /> A noter ces valeurs imprim茅es dans 3 couleurs diff茅rentes (vert, noir, rouge) sur ces timbres, d茅livr茅s par 2 des 4 machines pr茅sentes au mus茅e postal de Taipei (90, 108, 109 et 123).<br /> 800000 vignettes (conception : Delta Design Corporation) ont 茅t茅 mises en circulation (800 rouleaux compos茅s de 1000 vignettes chacun) et imprim茅es en France par Cartor Security Printing.<br /> A noter 茅galement sur cette enveloppe le cachet violet 茅voquant cette exposition Ta茂wan-Tha茂lande et le nombre "108", probablement en r茅f茅rence 脿 l'ann茅e 108 correspondant 脿 l'ann茅e 2019 d'apr猫s le calendrier officiel ta茂wanais qui prend 1912, date de la proclamation de la r茅publique de Chine, pour an 1.<br /> Les 2 autres cachets noirs 脿 gauche ont semble-t-il 茅t茅 mis en circulation par la poste tha茂landaise, 茅voquant respectivement l'ann茅e du cochon et les 2 gratte-ciels embl茅matiques de Taipei et Bangkok, Taipei 101 (2004, 508 m猫tres) et MahaNakhon (2016, 314 m猫tres).<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The total value of this postage (NT $ 15) is surprising because the price corresponding to a shipment of less than 20g to Europe is currently NT $ 17 ...</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>To note these values ​​printed in 3 different colors (green, black, red) on these ATM stamps, delivered by two of the four machines present in the Taipei Postal Museum (90, 108, 109 and 123).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>800,000 ATM stamps (design: Delta Design Corporation) were put into circulation (800 rolls made up of 1,000 stamps each) and printed in France by Cartor Security Printing.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>To note also on this envelope the purple cachet evoking this Taiwan-Thailand stamp exhibition and the number "108", probably referring to the year 108 corresponding to the year 2019 according to the official Taiwanese calendar that takes 1912, date of the proclamation of the Republic of China, for year 1.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The other two black cachets on the left have apparently been issued by the Thai Post, evoking respectively the lunar Year of the Pig and the two emblematic skyscrapers of Taipei and Bangkok, Taipei 101 (2004, 508 meters) and MahaNakhon (2016, 314 meters). </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-30T19:45:00+02:00'>19:45</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Taiwan</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>mardi 29 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3743882176978341665' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3743882176978341665'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Joint stamp with Belarus "Operation Bagration 75th anniversary" on cover from Russia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3743882176978341665' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Timbre commun avec le Belarus "75猫me anniversaire de l'Op茅ration Bagration" sur lettre de Russie </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Le 3 juillet 2019, les administrations postales de Russie et du Belarus ont mis en circulation un timbre commun consacr茅 au <b>75猫me anniversaire de l'Op茅ration Bagration</b>, le nom d'une offensive des troupes de l'Union sovi茅tique men茅e du 23 juin au 29 ao没t 1944, visant 脿 lib茅rer enti猫rement de toute occupation militaire allemande la R茅publique socialiste sovi茅tique de Bi茅lorussie.<br /> Ce fut l'une des plus grandes op茅rations offensives strat茅giques de l'Arm茅e rouge pendant la 2猫me guerre mondiale (2500000 hommes, 24000 canons, 6000 blind茅s, 8000 avions), qui mena 脿 la lib茅ration de la Bi茅lorussie mais aussi la plus grande partie de la Lituanie, une partie de la Lettonie et des r茅gions orientales de la Pologne.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On July 3, 2019, the postal administrations of Russia and Belarus issued a joint stamp commemorating the <b>75th anniversary of Operation Bagration</b>, the name of an offensive by the Soviet Union troops from June 23 to August 29 1944, to liberate the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus entirely from all German military occupation.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>It was one of the largest strategic offensive operations of the Red Army during World War II (2,500,000 men, 24,000 guns, 6,000 armored vehicles, 8,000 planes), which led to the liberation of Belarus but also the greater part of Lithuania, part of Latvia and eastern parts of Poland. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="875" data-original-width="1256" height="443" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Les troupes sovi茅tiques ont ainsi approch茅 les fronti猫res de la Prusse orientale, ce qui a cr茅茅 des conditions favorables 脿 la lib茅ration de plusieurs pays europ茅ens et 脿 la d茅faite de l'Allemagne nazie.<br /> Ce timbre commun reprend le graphisme de nombreux timbres 茅mis ces derni猫res ann茅es en Russie (bas-relief dor茅 sur fond de marbre rouge) dans le cadre de la s茅rie "Le chemin vers la Victoire" comm茅morant des 茅pisodes importants de la 2猫me guerre mondiale ("Grande Guerre Patriotique").<br /> Le version russe de ce timbre (50 roubles, tirage : 126000, conception : Sergey Uliyanovskiy) figure sur la lettre ci-dessus envoy茅e le 23 septembre 2019 depuis Saint-P茅tersbourg. Merci beaucoup Youri !<br /> Les 2 administrations postales ont imprim茅s ce timbre dans un feuillet compos茅 de 7 timbres et d'une vignette.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The Soviet troops thus approached the borders of East Prussia, which created favorable conditions for the liberation of several European countries and the defeat of Nazi Germany.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This joint stamp has the same design as many stamps issued in recent years in Russia (gilded bas-relief on a red marble background) as part of the "Way to the Victory" series commemorating important episodes of World War II ("Great Patriotic War").</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The Russian version of this stamp (50 rubles, print run: 126,000, design: Sergey Uliyanovskiy) was used on the letter above sent on September 23, 2019 from St. Petersburg. Thank you very much Yuri!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The two postal administrations printed this stamp in a sheetlet of 7 stamps and one coupon. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-29T20:06:00+02:00'>20:06</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="852" data-original-width="1123" height="483" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Ce timbre a 茅t茅 con莽u 脿 partir d'un des nombreux portraits de Gandhi esquissant un sourire, sur fond de drapeau indien.<br /> Le Mahatma Gandhi, n茅 en 1869 脿 Pordanbar (茅tat du Gujarat), surnomm茅 le "P猫re de la Nation" en Inde, fut un des pionniers du mouvement d'ind茅pendance du pays, pr么nant la d茅sob茅issance, la non-violence et le concept du "swaraj" (autod茅termination).<br /> Le 30 janvier 1948, en chemin vers une r茅union de pri猫re, Gandhi est assassin茅 脿 New Delhi par un hindou nationaliste.<br /> Hors Inde, il semble qu'une centaine d'administrations postales ont 茅mis ou vont mettre en circulation cette ann茅e des timbres consacr茅s au 150猫me anniversaire de la naissance de Gandhi, un record je pense !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This stamp was designed from one of the many portraits of Gandhi with his famous smiling face, with the flag of India in the background.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Mahatma Gandhi, born in 1869 in Pordanbar (state of Gujarat), nicknamed the "Father of the Nation" in India, was one of the pioneers of the country's independence movement, advocating disobedience, non-violence and the concept of "swaraj" (self-determination).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On January 30, 1948, on the way to a prayer meeting, Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi by a nationalist Hindu. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Outside India, it seems that a hundred postal administrations have issued or will put into circulation this year stamps dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gandhi, a record I think! </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-28T19:36:00+02:00'>19:36</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Dominican Republic</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>dimanche 27 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='1213832976483739801' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='1213832976483739801'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Sb臎ratel 2019 Fair in Prague - Letter transported aboard a historic Lockheed Electra 10 !</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-1213832976483739801' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><b><i>Foire Sb臎ratel 2019 脿 Prague - Lettre transport茅e 脿 bord d'un Lockheed Electra 10 l茅gendaire ! </i></b></span></span><br /> <br /> Deux timbres repr茅sentant le l茅gendaire <b>Lockheed Electra 10A</b> utilis茅 dans les ann茅es 1930 par le magnat de la chaussure Jan Anton铆n Ba钮a (1898-1965), demi-fr猫re de Tom谩拧 Ba钮a, ont 茅t茅 mis en circulation le 4 septembre 2019 par la poste tch猫que.<br /> Ces 2 timbres autocollants (tarif permanent "E" pour un envoi prioritaire jusqu'脿 50g en Europe - 39 CZK) ont 茅t茅 imprim茅s dans un carnet compos茅 de 8 timbres (4 de chaque) intitul茅 "<b>Le monde dans les nuages</b>" ("Sv臎t v oblac铆ch").<br /> L'Electra 10A a 茅t茅 initialement con莽u comme un avion de transport mais, en raison de sa petite taille, a 茅t茅 principalement utilis茅 pour transporter des passagers. Jan Anton铆n Ba钮a a achet茅 ce mod猫le pour ses voyages dans le monde entier, enregistr茅 sous la r茅f茅rence OK-CTB 脿 partir de 1937.<br /> Il a ensuite 茅t茅 vendu par la compagnie Ba钮a 脿 la Force a茅rienne du Canada. Les propri茅taires de l'a茅roport de To膷n谩 ont finalement acquis l'avion apr猫s de nombreuses ann茅es de n茅gociations et cet avion d'茅poque est actuellement expos茅 au mus茅e de l'aviation de To膷n谩.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Two stamps representing the legendary <b>Lockheed Electra 10A</b> used in the 1930s by the shoe mogul Jan Anton铆n Ba钮a (1898-1965), Tom谩拧 Ba钮a's half-brother, were put into circulation on September 4, 2019 by the Czech Post.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>These two self-adhesive stamps (permanent "E" rate for a priority shipment up to 50g in Europe - 39 CZK) have been printed in a booklet consisting of 8 stamps (4 of each) entitled "<b>The world in clouds</b>" ("Sv臎t v oblac铆ch").</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The Electra 10A was originally designed as a transport aircraft but, because of its small size, was mainly used to carry passengers. Jan Anton铆n Ba钮a bought this model for his travels around the world, registered under the reference OK-CTB from 1937.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>It was later sold by the Ba钮a Company to the Canadian Air Force. The owners of the To膷n谩 airport finally acquired the aircraft after many years of negotiations and this vintage aircraft is currently on display at the To膷n谩 Aviation Museum. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="862" data-original-width="1258" height="436" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> A l'occasion de la 22猫me 茅dition de la <b>foire internationale des collectionneurs "Sb臎ratel"</b> organis茅e 脿 Prague du 6 au 7 septembre 2019, cet avion historique 茅tait pr茅sent茅 au public le 7 septembre lors de la journ茅e de l'a茅roport de Let艌any, situ茅 pr猫s du site (Prague 9) o霉 cette exposition avait lieu.<br /> Une bo卯te aux lettres sp茅ciale situ茅e sur le stand de la poste tch猫que permettait de faire voyager des lettres ce jour-l脿 脿 bord de cet avion Electra 10A l茅gendaire, pour un court vol entre les a茅rodromes de Let艌any et To膷n谩 (Prague 12).<br /> Ce fut la cas de la lettre ci-dessus sur laquelle ce cachet sp茅cial bleu "Electra na Sb臎rateli" a 茅t茅 appliqu茅 脿 gauche. Merci beaucoup Slavek !<br /> Un des timbres (Electra 10A en vol) de ce carnet, con莽u par Petr Pt谩膷ek, a 茅t茅 utilis茅 sur cette lettre.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On the occasion of the 22nd edition of the <b>international collectors fair "Sb臎ratel"</b> held in Prague from 6 to 7 September 2019, this historic plane was presented to the public on September 7th during the day of Let艌any airport, located near of the site (Prague 9) where this exhibition took place.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A special mailbox located on the Czech Post's booth allowed letters to be transported that day aboard this legendary Electra 10A aircraft for a short flight between the airfields of Let艌any and To膷n谩 (Prague 12).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This was the case of the letter above on which this special blue cachet "Electra na Sb臎rateli" was applied on the left. Thank you very much Slavek!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>One of the stamps (Electra 10A in flight) of this booklet, designed by Petr Pt谩膷ek, was used on this letter.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="872" data-original-width="1262" height="441" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Le 2猫me timbre (Electra 10A en noir et blanc, en pr茅paration avant un vol, sur un a茅rodrome) de ce carnet figure sur le 2猫me pli ci-dessus, avec le TAD sp茅cial (conception : Double Impact) mis en circulation pendant cette foire Sb臎ratel 2019.<br /> Actuellement, moins de vingt a茅ronefs de ce type ont 茅t茅 conserv茅s, et moins de la moiti茅 sont en condition de vol.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The 2nd stamp (Electra 10A in black and white, in preparation before a flight, on an airfield) of this booklet was used on the 2nd cover above, with the special postmark (design: Double Impact) put into circulation during this fair Sb臎ratel 2019.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Currently, fewer than twenty such aircraft have been kept, and less than half are in flight condition. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="564" data-original-width="1600" height="224" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Un grand merci 茅galement 脿 Bret qui a eu la gentillesse de m'envoyer les 2 cartes maximum ci-dessus concernant les 2 timbres de ce carnet !<br /> Cette carte, 茅galement con莽ue par Petr Pt谩膷ek, repr茅sente ce m锚me Electra 10A (OK-CTB) en vol au-dessus d'un paysage montagneux.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A big thank you also to Bret who was kind enough to send me the two maxicards above concerning the two stamps of this booklet!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This card, also designed by Petr Pt谩膷ek, is featuring this same Electra 10A (OK-CTB) in flight over a mountainous landscape. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-27T18:44:00+02:00'>18:44</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Czech Republic (R茅p. Tch猫que)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='5174121293916800646' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='5174121293916800646'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"World Children’s Day 2019 - Bats" postmark on cover from Germany</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-5174121293916800646' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>TAD "Journ茅e Mondiale de l'Enfance 2019 - Chauves-souris" sur lettre d'Allemagne </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> A l'occasion de la <b>Journ茅e Mondiale de l'Enfance ("Weltkindertag")</b>, c茅l茅br茅e le 20 septembre 2019 sous l'impulsion de la section allemande de l'UNICEF, la ville de Herford (Land de Rh茅nanie-du-Nord–Westphalie) a organis茅 le 21 septembre 2019 dans le quartier de Radewig de nombreuses activit茅s (jeux, sports...) d茅di茅es aux enfants.<br /> Cette Journ茅e Mondiale de l'Enfance 2019 est sp茅ciale car elle comm茅more le 30猫me anniversaire de la signature de la Convention internationale relative aux droits des enfants.<br /> L'association locale des "Jeunes amis des timbres" ("Junge Briefmarkenfreunde") disposait d'un stand lors de cette journ茅e o霉 un TAD sp茅cial 茅tait mis en circulation en collaboration avec la Deutsche Post.<br /> Ce TAD, avec mention de ce "Weltkindertag 2019" a 茅t茅 appliqu茅 le 21 septembre 2019 sur la jolie enveloppe illustr茅e ci-dessous. Merci beaucoup Jens !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On the occasion of the <b>World Children's Day ("Weltkindertag"</b>), celebrated on September 20, 2019 at the instigation of the German section of UNICEF, the city of Herford (North Rhine-Westphalia) organized on September 21, 2019 many activities (games, sports ...) dedicated to children, in the district of Radewig.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This World Children's Day 2019 is special because it commemorates the 30th anniversary of the signing of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The local association of "Young Friends of Stamps" ("Junge Briefmarkenfreunde") had a stand on this day where a special postmark was put into circulation in collaboration with the Deutsche Post.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This postmark, with mention of this "Weltkindertag 2019" was applied on September 21, 2019 on the nice illustrated envelope below. Thanks a lot Jens! </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="882" data-original-width="1256" height="448" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Ce TAD repr茅sente une esp猫ce de chauve-souris, le <b>petit rhinolophe fer 脿 cheval</b> (Rhinolophus hipposideros), "Kleine Hufeisennase" en allemand, le plus petit et le plus septentrional des rhinolophes europ茅ens.<br /> Cette chauve-souris 茅tait 脿 l'honneur sur un des 3 timbres (0,80€ + 0,30€) de la s茅rie <b><a href="" target="_blank">"F眉r die Jugend"</a> ("Pour les jeunes")</b> mise en circulation le 1er ao没t 2019. C'est ce timbre qui figure 脿 droite sur cette lettre.<br /> Jens a compl茅t茅 son affranchissement avec 2 timbres identiques (0,15€, 茅mis le 18 d茅cembre 2018) faisant partie de la s茅rie courante "fleurs" en cours (d茅but茅e en 2005), une fleur de cardamine des pr茅s (Cardamine pratensis) ici, pour atteindre le nouveau tarif en vigueur pour un envoi en Europe (1,10€) jusqu'脿 20g.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This postmark is featuring a species of bat, the <b>lesser horseshoe bat </b> (Rhinolophus hipposideros), "Kleine Hufeisennase" in German, the smallest and northernmost of the European rhinolophics.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This bat was in the spotlight on one of the three stamps (€ 0.80 + € 0.30) of the series <b><a href="" target="_blank">"F眉r die Jugend"</a></b> <b>("For young people")</b> put into circulation on August 1, 2019. That stamp was used on the right on this letter. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Jens completed his postage with two identical stamps (€ 0.15, issued on December 18, 2018) as part of the ongoing definitive "flowers" series (started in 2005), a cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis) here, to reach the new rate in force for a shipment in Europe (€ 1.10) up to 20g.</i></span> <br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-27T15:49:00+02:00'>15:49</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Germany (Allemagne)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8726388427820125294' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8726388427820125294'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>EUROPA 2018 (Bridges) s/s on cover from Bosnia & Herzegovina (Sarajevo)</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8726388427820125294' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Bloc-feuillet EUROPA 2018 (Ponts) sur lettre de Bosnie-Herz茅govine (Sarajevo) </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Un grand merci Edin pour cette tr猫s jolie lettre, envoy茅e le 8 octobre 2019 depuis la ville de Zenica, affranchie avec le bloc-feuillet EUROPA 2018 (2 timbres 脿 2,50 KM) 茅mis par la poste de Sarajevo (F茅d茅ration de Bosnie-Herz茅govine) !<br /> Consacr茅e cette ann茅e l脿 aux <b>ponts ("mostovi")</b>, cette s茅rie EUROPA bosniaque, 茅mise le 9 mai 2018 (Journ茅e de l'Europe), a 茅t茅 d茅clin茅e en bloc-feuillet, en carnet de 6 timbres (3 de chaque, avec c么t茅s ext茅rieurs non dentel茅s) ainsi qu'en feuillet de 10 timbres (5 de chaque), comme les ann茅es pr茅c茅dentes (sauf en 2016).<br /> Con莽us par Abdulah Brankovi膰, ces 2 timbres sont consacr茅s respectivement au <b>pont romain de Plandi拧te</b> et au <b>pont de 艩eher-膯ehaja</b> 脿 Sarajevo.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A big thank you Edin for this very nice letter, sent on October 8, 2019 from the city of Zenica, stamped with the EUROPA 2018 souvenir sheet (2 stamps at 2.50 KM) issued by the Post of Sarajevo (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Devoted that year to the <b>bridges ("mostovi")</b>, this Bosnian EUROPA series, issued on May 9, 2018 (Europe Day), was declined in souvenir sheet, in booklet of 6 stamps (3 of each, with imperforated sides) as well as in a sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 of each), as it was the case in previous years (except in 2016). </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Designed by Abdulah Brankovi膰, these two stamps are respectively dedicated to the <b>Roman bridge on Ilid啪a</b> and the <b>艩eher 膯ehaja Bridge</b> in Sarajevo.</i></span><b><br /></b><br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="882" data-original-width="1258" height="448" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Ce bloc-feuillet est haut en couleurs avec cette vue de la ville de Sarajevo dans les marges et un cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) au 1er plan 脿 droite, sans doute un clin d'oeil au th猫me EUROPA 2019 (oiseaux nationaux)...<br /> Le <b>pont romain ("<span class="lang-bs" lang="bs">Rimski most</span>")</b> est situ茅 dans la municipalit茅 d'Ilid啪a (canton de Sarajevo), construit au 16猫me si猫cle sur la rivi猫re Bosna, 脿 partir de pierres d'un ancien pont datant de l'茅poque romaine.<br /> Le <b>pont de 艩eher-膯ehaja ("艩eher-膯ehajina 膰uprija")</b> a 茅t茅 construit 脿 l'茅poque ottomane (fin du 16猫me si猫cle) sur la rivi猫re Miljacka 脿 Sarajevo. Ce pont a 茅t茅 endommag茅 脿 de nombreuses reprises en particulier suite 脿 des crues au 17猫me et 19猫me si猫cle.<br /> Ce pont est situ茅 non loin du splendide 茅difice abritant aujourd'hui la Biblioth猫que Nationale et Universitaire de Bosnie-Herz茅govine (NUBBiH) dont la fa莽ade est repr茅sent茅e sur le timbre.<br /> Achev茅 en 1896, cet 茅difice est consid茅r茅 comme la plus illustre des constructions datant de la p茅riode austro-hongroise 脿 Sarajevo.<br /> Touch茅 par un terrible incendie en 1992 pendant la guerre en Bosnie, ce b芒timent a 茅t茅 restaur茅 avec l'aide de l'UNESCO et inaugur茅 en 2014.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This souvenir sheet is very colorful with this view of the city of Sarajevo in the margins and a white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus) in the foreground to the right, probably a nod to the theme chosen for the EUROPA 2019 stamps (national birds) ...</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>Roman Bridge ("Rimski most")</b> is located in the municipality of Ilid啪a (Sarajevo Canton), built in the 16th century on the Bosna river, from stones of an ancient bridge dating back to Roman times. The <b>艩eher-膯ehaja Bridge ("艩eher-膯ehajina 膰uprija")</b> was built in the Ottoman era (late 16th century) on the Miljacka river in Sarajevo. This bridge has been damaged many times especially after floods in the 17th and 19th century.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This bridge is located not far from the splendid building now housing the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NUBBiH) whose facade is depicted on the stamp.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Completed in 1896, this building is considered as the most famous building dating from the Austro-Hungarian period in Sarajevo.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Hit by a terrible fire in 1992 during the war in Bosnia, this building was restored with the help of UNESCO and inaugurated in 2014. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-27T13:00:00+02:00'>13:00</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Bosnia & Herzegovina</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>EUROPA 2018</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>samedi 26 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6978955136596703783' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6978955136596703783'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"Red Book - Reptiles and Amphibians" stamp set on FDC from Kyrgyzstan (KEP)</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6978955136596703783' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>S茅rie "Livre Rouge - Reptiles et amphibiens" sur FDC du Kirghizstan (KEP) </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Apr猫s des mammif猫res en 2018, la <b><a href="" target="_blank">Kyrgyz Express Post</a></b> (KEP) a mis en circulation le 6 septembre 2019, une tr猫s jolie s茅rie (4 timbres) consacr茅e 脿 nouveau au <b>Livre Rouge de la R茅publique kirghize</b>, en particulier 4 esp猫ces de reptiles et d'amphibiens menac茅es qui en font partie, le varan du d茅sert (50 KGS, Varanus griseus), la tortue de Horsfield (75 KGS, Agrionemys horsfieldii), la grenouille d'Asie centrale (100 KGS, Rana asiatica Bedriaga) et la vip猫re des steppes (150 KGS, Vipera renardi).<br /> Environ une dizaine d'esp猫ces de reptiles et d'amphibiens figurent dans ce Livre Rouge du Kirghizstan qui recense majoritairement des mammif猫res et des oiseaux particuli猫rement menac茅s dans le pays.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>After mammals in 2018, the <b><a href="" target="_blank">Kyrgyz Express Post</a></b> (KEP) put into circulation on September 6, 2019, a very nice series (4 stamps) devoted again to the <b>Red Data Book of the Kyrgyz Republic</b>, in particular four threatened species of reptiles and amphibians that are part of it, the Desert monitor (50 KGS, Varanus griseus), the Russian tortoise (75 KGS, Agrionemys horsfieldii), the Central Asiatic frog (100 KGS, Rana asiatica Bedriaga) and the Renard's meadow viper (150 KGS, Vipera renardi).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>About a dozen species of reptiles and amphibians are included in this Red Book of Kyrgyzstan which lists mostly mammals and birds particularly endangered in the country.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="1011" data-original-width="1481" height="435" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Un grand merci au staff de la KEP pour l'envoi de ce magnifique FDC officiel ci-dessus (tirage : 300) avec TAD de Bichkek, concernant cette s茅rie con莽ue par Vladimir Melnic !<br /> Une 5猫me esp猫ce incluse dans ce Livre Rouge, le <b>crapaud vert </b>(Bufo viridis), est repr茅sent茅e 脿 gauche sur cette enveloppe ainsi que sur le TAD.<br /> Ces 4 timbres (tirage : 8000 chacun) repr茅sentent chacun l'animal en entier dans son environnement avec un d茅tail de la t锚te 脿 gauche.<br /> Le <b>varan du d茅sert</b> est une esp猫ce tr猫s rare au Kirghizistan, vivant principalement dans les d茅serts et semi-d茅serts ainsi que dans une r茅serve sp茅ciale dans la vall茅e de Ferghana.<br /> Ce reptile a une salive toxique, ce qui l'aide 脿 immobiliser de grandes proies (rongeurs, oiseaux...).<br /> La <b>tortue de Horsfield</b> est une esp猫ce en diminution constante au Kirghizistan o霉 elle est en danger d'extinction totale. Cette esp猫ce a contribu茅 脿 l'exploration humaine de l'espace, 2 sp茅cimens se trouvaient en effet 脿 bord du vaisseau spatial sovi茅tique "Zond-5" envoy茅 en orbite autour de la lune en 1968.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A big thank you to the staff of KEP for sending this beautiful official FDC above (print run: 300) with cancellations from Bishkek, about this series designed by Vladimir Melnic! </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A fifth species included in this Red Book, the <b>European green toad</b> (Bufo viridis), is shown on the left on this envelope as well as on the postmark. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>These 4 stamps (print run: 8,000 each) represent the whole animal in its environment with a detail of the head on the left.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>Desert monitor</b> is a very rare species in Kyrgyzstan, living mainly in deserts and semi-deserts as well as in a special reserve in the Ferghana Valley. This reptile has a toxic saliva, which helps to immobilize large prey (rodents, birds ...).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>Russian tortoise</b> is a steadily declining species in Kyrgyzstan where it is in danger of total extinction. This species has contributed to the human exploration of space, with two specimens aboard the Soviet "Zond-5" spacecraft, which orbited the moon in 1968. </i></span> <br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="1161" data-original-width="1600" height="464" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> La <b>grenouille d'Asie centrale</b> est une grenouille de petite taille, dont l'habitat est menac茅 en particulier 脿 cause du r茅chauffement climatique, vivant principalement dans le nord-est du Kirghizistan, ainsi que dans certaines r茅gions du Kazakhstan et de la Chine.<br /> La <b>vip猫re des steppes</b> est une esp猫ce de serpent venimeux, sans danger grave envers l'homme, vivant principalement dans les vall茅es de Talas et de Chui. Son venin est largement utilis茅 脿 des fins m茅dicales dans le traitement de maladies dangereuses.<br /> Ces 4 timbres ont 茅t茅 imprim茅s (par Nova Imprim en Moldavie) chacun en feuillet (ci-dessus) compos茅 de 5 timbres + 1 vignette (tirage : 1200 feuillets pour chaque timbre).<br /> Les 4 vignettes comportent le nom de l'esp猫ce animale en anglais et russe (nom en kirghize et latin sur les timbres). Un bloc-feuillet (tirage : 2000) incluant les 4 timbres de cette s茅rie, a 茅galement 茅t茅 mis en circulation.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>Central Asiatic Frog</b> is a small frog, whose habitat is at risk especially due to global warming, living mainly in northeastern Kyrgyzstan, as well as parts of Kazakhstan and China.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>Renard's meadow viper</b> is a species of venomous snake, without serious danger to humans, living mainly in the valleys of Talas and Chui. Its venom is widely used for medical purposes in the treatment of dangerous diseases. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>These 4 stamps were printed (by Nova Imprim in Moldova) each in sheetlet (see above) consisting of 5 stamps + 1 label (print run: 1,200 sheetlets for each stamp). </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The 4 labels contain the name of the animal species in English and Russian (name in Kyrgyz and Latin on the stamps). A souvenir sheet (print run: 2,000) including the 4 stamps of this series, was also put into circulation.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="1130" data-original-width="1600" height="451" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> La KEP a 茅galement mis en circulation les 4 jolies cartes maximum ci-dessus (tirage : 300 chacune), num茅rot茅es de MC-50 脿 MC-53, concernant les 4 timbres de cette s茅rie, reproduisant les dessins originaux de Vladimir Melnic ayant inspir茅s cette s茅rie.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The KEP has put into circulation the 4 nice maxicards above (print run: 300 each), numbered from MC-50 to MC-53, about the 4 stamps of this series, reproducing the original drawings by Vladimir Melnic that inspired this series. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-26T17:28:00+02:00'>17:28</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Kyrgyzstan</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3277673036824976397' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3277673036824976397'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"African Games - Rabat 2019" stamp set on FDC from Morocco</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3277673036824976397' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>S茅rie "Jeux Africains - Rabat 2019" sur FDC du Maroc </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Pour la 1猫re fois de son histoire, le Maroc a organis茅, du 19 au 31 ao没t 2019 脿 Rabat, les <b>Jeux Africains (12猫me 茅dition)</b>, une comp茅tition multisports disput茅e tous les quatre ans (1猫re 茅dition en 1965 au Congo) 脿 l'茅chelle du continent africain.<br /> Environ 6400 athl猫tes venant de 53 pays de sont disput茅s les m茅dailles dans 26 disciplines sportives, dont certaines 茅taient qualificatives pour les jeux olympiques de Tokyo en 2020.<br /> Sur le plan sportif, l'脡gypte a largement domin茅 cette comp茅tition avec un total de 273 m茅dailles remport茅es (dont 102 en or), loin devant le Nigeria (127 m茅dailles) et l'Afrique du Sud (87 m茅dailles), le Maroc terminant 脿 la 5猫me place avec 109 m茅dailles.<br /> 11 pays, parmi les 53 pays engag茅s, n'ont remport茅 aucune m茅daille...<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>For the first time in its history, Morocco organized, from 19 to 31 August 2019 in Rabat, the <b>African Games (12th edition)</b>, a multisport competition held every four years (1st edition in 1965 in Congo) at the scale from the African continent.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Approximately 6,400 athletes from 53 countries competed for the medals in 26 sports, some of which were qualifiers for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On the sporting side, Egypt has largely dominated this competition with a total of 273 medals won (including 102 in gold), far ahead of Nigeria (127 medals) and South Africa (87 medals), Morocco finishing at the 5th rank with 109 medals.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>11 countries, among the 53 countries entered, did not win any medals ...</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="760" data-original-width="1280" height="379" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Le 19 ao没t 2019, la poste marocaine Barid Al-Maghrib a mis en circulation une jolie s茅rie (2 timbres se-tenant), imprim茅e en France par Phil@poste, consacr茅e 脿 ces Jeux Africains 2019.<br /> Ces 2 timbres (3,75 dirhams et 9 dirhams) figurent sur le joli FDC officiel num茅rot茅 (n° 0328) ci-dessus, envoy茅 le 6 septembre 2019 depuis la ville de Mekn猫s. Merci beaucoup Pierre !<br /> Le logo officiel de ces Jeux Africains, 茅voquant une porte traditionnelle incluant une mosa茂que compos茅e de plusieurs 茅l茅ments color茅s (dont le drapeau national) et symbolisant 脿 la fois l'hospitalit茅, l'ouverture et la tol茅rance du peuple marocain, est repr茅sent茅 sur ces 2 timbres ainsi que sur l'enveloppe.<br /> Ce logo rappelle que cette comp茅tition vise 脿 promouvoir le sport africain de haut niveau mais aussi 脿 encourager les 茅changes culturels entre les 茅tats membres de l'Union Africaine.<br /> La prochaine 茅dition de ces Jeux Africains aura lieu en 2023 脿 Accra au Ghana.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On August 19, 2019, the Moroccan Post Barid Al-Maghrib put into circulation a nice series (2 se-tenant stamps), printed in France by Phil@poste, dedicated to these 2019 African Games.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>These two stamps (3.75 dirhams and 9 dirhams) are present on the beautiful numbered official FDC (No. 0328) above, sent on September 6, 2019 from the city of Meknes. Thank you very much Pierre!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The official logo of these African Games, evoking a traditional door made of a mosaic composed of several colored elements (including the national flag) and symbolizing both the hospitality, openness and tolerance of the Moroccan people, is featured on these two stamps as well as on the envelope.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This logo is a reminder that this competition aims to promote high-level African sport but also to encourage cultural exchanges between member states of the African Union.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The next edition of these African Games will be held in 2023 in Accra, Ghana. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-26T11:49:00+02:00'>11:49</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Morocco (Maroc)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>vendredi 25 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='1520638997543439947' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='1520638997543439947'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"20th anniversary of the EMS Cooperative" joint stamp on cover from Cyprus</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-1520638997543439947' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Timbre commun "20猫me anniversaire de la Coop茅rative EMS" sur lettre de Chypre </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> La Coop茅rative EMS (Express Mail Service), un organe de l'Union postale universelle (UPU) cr茅茅 en 1999 脿 Beijing, regroupe aujourd'hui plus de 180 op茅rateurs postaux dans le monde, qui ont accept茅 de travailler ensemble pour fournir le produit postal transfrontalier EMS le plus rapide.<br /> La <b>Coop茅rative EMS</b> a pour objectif de promouvoir la coop茅ration entre les pays membres afin qu'ils puissent fournir 脿 leurs clients un service EMS de haute qualit茅 et comp茅titif dans le monde entier 脿 un prix abordable...<br /> Le 10 septembre 2019, plusieurs administrations postales ont mis en circulation un timbre commun (con莽u par l'UPU) consacr茅 au 20猫me anniversaire (jour pour jour) de la cr茅ation de cette Coop茅rative EMS.<span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The EMS (Express Mail Service) Cooperative, an organ of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) created in 1999 in Beijing, consists of over 180 postal operators who have agreed to work together to provide the fastest EMS cross-border postal product.</i></span><span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The <b>EMS Cooperative</b> aims to promote cooperation between member countries so they can provide their customers with a high quality, competitive EMS service worldwide at an affordable price ...</i></span><span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On September 10, 2019, several postal administrations issued a joint stamp (designed by the UPU) devoted to the 20th anniversary (to the day) of the creation of this EMS Cooperative. </i></span> <br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="859" data-original-width="1248" height="440" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Sauf erreur de ma part, les 21 pays concern茅s par cette 茅mission commune : Chili, C么te d’Ivoire, Chypre, 脡gypte, Jordanie, Liban, Libye, Maldives, Malte, Mexique, Mongolie, Paraguay, Philippines, Arabie Saoudite, Sri Lanka, Syrie, Trinit茅 et Tobago, Tunisie, Turquie, 脡mirats Arabes Unis, Wallis et Futuna.<br /> Ce timbre commun repr茅sente une carte du monde avec le logo EMS dans la partie sup茅rieure et la mention "<b>Priorit茅 脿 l'excellence 1999-2019 - Coop茅rative EMS de l'UPU</b>" dans la langue du pays, pr茅c茅d茅e par le drapeau de l'UPU et celui du pays 茅metteur.<br /> La version chypriote de ce timbre (0,64€, tirage : 110000) figure sur la lettre ci-dessus envoy茅e le 9 octobre 2019 (<span class="st">Journ茅e mondiale de la poste</span>) depuis Nicosie (Lefkosia en grec).<br /> A Chypre, ce service EMS est assur茅 par "EMS Datapost", une filiale de la poste chypriote, qui fournit un service EMS 5 jours par semaine 脿 850000 consommateurs et entreprises de l'卯le.<br /> A noter 茅galement ce 2猫me timbre (0,02€, 茅mission de 2019) avec mention "<b>Refugee Stamp</b>" (en grec, anglais et turc), r茅茅mis r茅guli猫rement, appos茅 en compl茅ment sur toutes les lettres et cartes postales post茅es sur l'卯le afin de financer un fond pour les r茅fugi茅s grecs ayant fui le nord de l'卯le apr猫s l'invasion turque de 1974.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Unless I am mistaken, the 21 countries concerned by this joint issue: Chile, Ivory Coast, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Paraguay, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Wallis and Futuna. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This joint stamp features a world map with the EMS logo at the top and the mention "<b>Delivering Excellence 1999-2019 - UPU EMS Cooperative</b>" in the language of the country, preceded by the UPU flag and the flag of the issuing country.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The Cypriot version of this stamp (€ 0.64, print run: 110,000) was used on the cover above sent on October 9, 2019 (World Post Day) from Nicosia (Lefkosia in Greek).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>In Cyprus, this EMS service is provided by "EMS Datapost", part of Cyprus Post, which delivers EMS five days of the week reaching 850,000 consumers and businesses across the island.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>To note also this 2nd stamp (€ 0.02, issue of 2019) with "<b>Refugee Stamp</b>" mention (in Greek, English and Turkish), reissued regularly, affixed in complement on all the letters and postcards mailed from the island in order to finance the fund for the Greek refugees who fled the north after the Turkish invasion in 1974.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><br /></i></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-25T19:04:00+02:00'>19:04</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Cyprus (Chypre)</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Joint issue</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>jeudi 24 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='136192148412321671' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='136192148412321671'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons" s/s on FDC from Bulgaria</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-136192148412321671' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Bloc-feuillet "Congr猫s de la Soci茅t茅 Mondiale de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire" sur FDC de Bulgarie </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Du 6 au 8 septembre 2019, le Palais National de la Culture 脿 Sofia a accueilli le<b> 29猫me Congr猫s de la Soci茅t茅 Mondiale de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire </b>(WSCTS en anglais).<br /> Le concept fondateur de cette Soci茅t茅, il y a pr猫s de 30 ans, 茅tait la n茅cessit茅 de disposer d'un v茅ritable forum international pour l'茅change d'id茅es et le progr猫s des soins cliniques et de la recherche dans le domaine de la chirurgie cardiothoracique puis cardiovasculaire.<br /> Le th猫me de ce 29猫me Congr猫s 茅tait "Progr猫s r茅cents en chirurgie cardiaque, vasculaire et thoracique - Pr茅parer l'avenir", 脿 travers un programme novateur (chirurgie de l'art猫re coronaire, chirurgie valvulaire, chirurgie mini-invasive, soins intensifs, transplantation c艙ur et poumons...).<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>From 6 to 8 September 2019, the National Palace of Culture in Sofia hosted the <b>29th Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons</b> (WSCTS).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The founding concept of this Society, almost 30 years ago, was the need for a truly international forum for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of clinical care and research in the field of cardiothoracic and then cardiovascular surgery.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The theme of this 29th Congress was "Recent Advances in Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery - Preparing for the Future", through an innovative program (Coronary Artery Surgery, Valve Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Intensive Care, Heart and Lungs Transplantation ...).</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="885" data-original-width="1556" height="363" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Le 5 septembre 2019, la poste bulgare a mis en circulation un bloc-feuillet (1,50 leva) consacr茅 脿 ce Congr猫s.<br /> Merci beaucoup Borislav pour ce joli FDC officiel, avec TAD de Sofia, concernant ce bloc-feuillet, envoy茅 en recommand茅 le 10 septembre 2019 !<br /> Con莽u par Viliam Kitanov, le timbre de ce bloc-feuillet (tirage : 5500) 茅voque un c艙ur humain stylis茅 incluant une t锚te de chirurgien, sur fond de radiographie d'une cage thoracique.<br /> Je ne sais pas exactement ce que repr茅sente le symbole "Sofia" dans la marge sup茅rieure, qui semble avoir 茅t茅 con莽u 脿 partir de la statue de Sveta Sofia 茅rig茅e en 2000 脿 Sofia...<br /> A noter sur cette lettre la marque "孝邪xe per莽ue" en fran莽ais et la valeur associ茅e (4,80 leva) afin d'atteindre le tarif en vigueur (6,30 leva) pour un envoi prioritaire jusqu'脿 20g en recommand茅 vers la France.<br /> Le 30猫me Congr猫s de la Soci茅t茅 Mondiale de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire aura lieu 脿 Saint-P茅tersbourg (Russie) en 2020.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On September 5, 2019, the Bulgarian Post issued a souvenir sheet (1.50 leva) devoted to this Congress.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Thank you very much Borislav for this nice official FDC, with postmark from Sofia, about this souvenir sheet, sent by registered mail on September 10, 2019!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Designed by Viliam Kitanov, the stamp of this souvenir sheet (print run: 5,500) evokes a stylized human heart, including a surgeon's head, with a chest x-ray in the background.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>I do not know exactly what the symbol "Sofia" represents in the top margin, which seems to have been conceived from the statue of Sveta Sofia erected in 2000 in Sofia ...</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>To note on this letter the mark "孝邪xe per莽ue" in French and the associated value (4.80 leva) in order to reach the tariff in force (6.30 leva) for a priority registered shipment up to 20g to France.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The 30th Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2020. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-24T19:17:00+02:00'>19:17</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Bulgaria</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>mercredi 23 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7816421020106432519' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7816421020106432519'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"Caves in Malaysia" stamp set on FDCs from Ipoh (state of Perak)</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7816421020106432519' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>S茅rie "Grottes de Malaisie" sur FDCs d'Ipoh (茅tat de Perak) </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Le 22 ao没t 2019, la poste malaisienne a mis en circulation une int茅ressante s茅rie (3 timbres + 1 bloc-feuillet) consacr茅e 脿 diff茅rentes <b>grottes du pays</b> ("Gua di Malaysia").<br /> Con莽ue par KY Lim (Reign Associates), cette s茅rie figure sur les 2 tr猫s jolis FDCs officiels ci-dessous, avec TAD de la ville d'Ipoh (茅tat de Perak). Merci beaucoup Khor !<br /> Le bloc-feuillet ci-dessous (5 RM) est spectaculaire puisqu'il comporte dans la marge une d茅coupe sp茅ciale 茅voquant une vue de l'entr茅e des <b>grottes de Niah</b> (茅tat de Sarawak) depuis l'int茅rieur !<br /> Faisant partie du parc national de Niah, ces grottes, consid茅r茅es comme les plus grandes grottes en calcaire du monde, constituent 茅galement le plus ancien 茅tablissement humain connu de la Malaisie orientale (des fossiles humains datant de 40000 ans y ont 茅t茅 d茅couverts).<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On August 22, 2019, the Malaysian Post issued an interesting series (3 stamps + 1 miniature sheet) devoted to different <b>caves of the country</b> ("Gua di Malaysia").</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Designed by KY Lim (Reign Associates), this series was used on the two very nice official FDCs below, with postmarks from the city of Ipoh (state of Perak). Thank you very much Khor!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The miniature sheet below (RM 5) is spectacular since it contains in the margin a special die cut evoking a view of the entrance to the <b>Niah caves</b> (state of Sarawak) from the inside!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Being part of the Niah National Park, these caves, considered to be the largest limestone caves in the world, are also the oldest known human settlement in eastern Malaysia (40000-year-old human fossils have been discovered). </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="840" data-original-width="1464" height="364" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Des peintures rupestres montrant des guerriers et des rituels fun茅raires anciens y ont 茅t茅 d茅couvertes dans les ann茅es 1950, qui ne dateraient que de 1200 ans environ.<br /> Une partie de ces peintures est reproduite sur le timbre de ce bloc-feuillet.<br /> Les 3 timbres (60 sen, tirage : 200000 chacun) de cette s茅rie figurent sur le 2猫me FDC ci-dessous.<br /> Le timbre 脿 gauche, avec la pr茅sence d'une esp猫ce de mille-pattes en haut 脿 gauche, est consacr茅 脿 la <b>grotte de Kelam</b> (茅tat de Perlis). Longue de 370 m猫tres, ce site est connu pour l'extraction de minerai d'茅tain dans la 2猫me moiti茅 du 19猫me si猫cle.<br /> Le timbre au centre repr茅sente une partie des <b>grottes de Gomantong </b>(茅tat de Sabah) situ茅es dans une r茅serve foresti猫re prot茅g茅e de 3280 hectares.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Rock paintings showing warriors and ancient burial rituals were discovered in the 1950s, dating back to around 1200 years only.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Some of these paintings are reproduced on the stamp of this miniature sheet.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The three stamps (60 sen, print run: 200,000 each) of this series are present on the 2nd FDC below.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The stamp on the left, with the presence of a cave centipede on the top left, is dedicated to the <b>Kelam cave</b> (state of Perlis). 370 meters long, this site is known for the extraction of tin ore in the 2nd half of the 19th century.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The stamp in the center represents a part of the <b>Gomantong caves</b> (state of Sabah) located in a 3280-hectare protected forest reserve.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="846" data-original-width="1471" height="368" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Ces grottes sont connues pour abriter le plus grand site de production de nids d'hirondelles 脿 Sabah, constitu茅s par diff茅rentes esp猫ces de martinets, la salangane 脿 nid blanc (Aerodramus fuciphagus) et la salangane 脿 nid noir (Aerodramus maximus) en particulier, qui utilisent un mucus mucilagineux, comestible, pour construire leurs nids, pris茅s des gastronomes en Asie du sud-est.<br /> Un nid d'oiseau est repr茅sent茅 en haut 脿 droite sur ce timbre.<br /> Le dernier timbre 脿 droite est consacr茅 脿 la <b>grotte de Tempurung</b> (茅tat de Perak), c茅l猫bre pour ses spectaculaires stalactites et stalagmites ainsi que plusieurs chutes d'eau (des poissons y sont observ茅s comme le rasbora malais, en bas 脿 droite sur le timbre).<br /> Pris茅e des sp茅l茅ologues, ce site a 茅t茅 occup茅 脿 l'茅poque pr茅historique et a servi d'abri aux habitants pendant l'occupation japonaise.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>These caves are known to house the largest site of birds' nests in Sabah, consisting by different species of swallows, the white-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and the black-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus maximus) in particular, that use mucilaginous mucus, edible, to build their nests, prized by gourmets in Southeast Asia.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A bird's nest is featured at the top right on this stamp.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The last stamp on the right is dedicated to the <b>Tempurung cave</b> (state of Perak), famous for its spectacular stalactites and stalagmites as well as several waterfalls (fish are observed there such as the Malayan Rasbora, at the bottom right on the stamp).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Prized by spelunkers, this site was occupied in prehistoric times and served as a shelter for the inhabitants during the Japanese occupation. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="840" data-original-width="1454" height="368" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> J'aime beaucoup le verso de ces enveloppes (ci-dessus) permettant de localiser pr茅cis茅ment ces diff茅rentes grottes sur le territoire de la F茅d茅ration de Malaisie !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>I love the back of these envelopes (above) allowing to locate precisely these different caves on the territory of the Federation of Malaysia!</i></span> <br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-23T18:51:00+02:00'>18:51</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="880" data-original-width="1258" height="444" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Merci beaucoup George pour ce splendide FDC ci-dessus concernant le bloc-feuillet de cette s茅rie, avec TAD sp茅cial 茅voquant un de ces objets anciens, reproduit sur le timbre 脿 12 NT$, un bol 脿 th茅 bleu sous gla莽ure avec le po猫me imp茅rial "San Qing" (dynastie Qing - r猫gne de l'empereur Qianlong, entre 1735 et 1796).<br /> Le timbre du bloc-feuillet ci-dessus est consacr茅 脿 une bouteille de p猫lerin orn茅e de fleurs des quatre saisons sous gla莽ure bleue, datant de la dynastie Ming, du r猫gne de l'empereur Yongle, entre 1402 et 1424.<br /> Un c么t茅 de la bouteille est arrondi, tandis que l'autre est plat. Le goulot de la bouteille est d茅cor茅 de motifs de ruyis (sceptres c茅r茅monial) et de nuages.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Thank you very much George for this splendid FDC above regarding the souvenir sheet of this series, with special postmark evoking one of these ancient objects, reproduced on the NT $ 12 stamp, a tea bowl in underglaze blue with the imperial poem "San Qing" (Qing Dynasty - reign of Emperor Qianlong, between 1735 and 1796).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The stamp in the souvenir sheet above is dedicated to a pilgrim bottle with underglaze blue decoration of flowers of the four seasons, dating from the Ming Dynasty, from the reign of Emperor Yongle, between 1402 and 1424.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>One side of the bottle is rounded, while the other side is flat. The neck of the bottle is decorated with ruyi (ceremonial scepter) and cloud patterns.</i></span> <br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-22T18:51:00+02:00'>18:51</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="791" data-original-width="1600" height="315" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Malheureusement, ces 2 lettres ont 茅t茅 encore massacr茅es avec cette vilaine double oblit茅ration m茅canique appliqu茅e le 26 ao没t 2019 par la PIC de Wissous Paris Sud (code 38276A) !<br /> Ce timbre, ainsi que le TAD Premier Jour (fa莽ade de l'H么tel de ville de Paris), ont 茅t茅 con莽us par <span class="st">Sylvie Patte et Tanguy Besset</span> qui ont sign茅s ces 2 enveloppes.<br /> Ce timbre 茅voque la fin de cet 茅pisode de lib茅ration de Paris avec la joie des habitants, rendant hommage aux lib茅rateurs (脿 droite) et une 茅vocation du d茅fil茅 sur les Champs 脡lys茅es le 26 ao没t 1944 (脿 gauche).<br /> D'apr猫s le communiqu茅 de Phil@poste concernant cette lib茅ration de Paris : "Des noms sont grav茅s dans la m茅moire collective : le "Colonel Rol", commandant des FFI (Forces fran莽aises de l'int茅rieur) d'脦le-de-France, le g茅n茅ral de Gaulle, chef du gouvernement provisoire, le g茅n茅ral Leclerc, acteur majeur de la France Libre et commandant de la 2猫me division blind茅e, le capitaine Dronne, commandant de "la Nueve", 9猫me compagnie de la 2猫me DB".<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Unfortunately, these two letters were again massacred with this ugly double mechanical cancellation applied on August 26, 2019 by the mail platform of Wissous Paris Sud (code 38276A)!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This stamp, as well as the First Day postmark (facade of the Paris City Hall), were designed by Sylvie Patte and Tanguy Besset who signed these two envelopes.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This stamp evokes the end of this episode of Liberation of Paris with the joy of the inhabitants, paying homage to the liberators (on the right) and an evocation of the parade on the Champs Elys茅es on August 26, 1944 (on the left).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>According to the Phil@poste's statement about this Liberation of Paris: "Some names are engraved in the collective memory: "Colonel Rol", commander of the FFI (French Forces of the Interior) of 脦le-de-France, General de Gaulle, head of the Provisional Government, General Leclerc, one of the leaders of the "France Libre" and commander of the 2nd Armored Division, Captain Dronne, commander of "La Nueve", 9th company of the 2nd Armored Division". </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="882" data-original-width="1252" height="449" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> suite : "Les monuments de Paris, t茅moins de ces journ茅es historiques d'ao没t 1944, en portent encore les stigmates : de la pr茅fecture de police o霉 des policiers r茅sistants hissent le drapeau tricolore le 19 ao没t 脿 la prise de possession de l'H么tel de Ville, jusqu'脿 l’arriv茅e de la 2猫me DB sur la m锚me place le 24 ao没t. La veille, le g茅n茅ral von Choltitz, 茅ph茅m猫re gouverneur militaire allemand du "Grand Paris", n'avait pas ex茅cut茅 l'ordre d’Hitler de d茅truire ponts et quartiers entiers de la capitale.<br /> Mais c'est aussi aux Parisiens qu'il faut rendre hommage. 脡prouv茅s par les ann茅es sombres de l'Occupation, mais enhardis par l'annonce de l'avanc茅e des troupes alli茅es, les Parisiens donnent d猫s juillet 1944 aux forces de Lib茅ration des signes d茅cisifs : gr猫ves, manifestations.<br /> L'insurrection 茅clate le 19 ao没t et ils pr锚tent main-forte aux r茅sistants. D猫s le 22 ao没t les rues se h茅rissent de barricades, les combats s'engagent, des tirs de mitrailleuses retentissent. Et c'est le 25 ao没t que le g茅n茅ral de Gaulle proclame 脿 l'H么tel de Ville : "Paris ! Paris outrag茅 ! Paris bris茅 ! Paris martyris茅 ! Mais Paris lib茅r茅 !".<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>End of this statement: "The monuments of Paris, witnesses of these historic days of August 1944, still bear the stigmata: from the Police Headquarters where resistant police officers hoist the tricolor flag on August 19 to the taking possession of the Paris City Hall, until the arrival of the 2nd Armored Division on the same place on August 24. The day before, General von Choltitz, ephemeral German military governor of "Greater Paris", had not executed the order of Hitler of destroying bridges and entire neighborhoods of the capital.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>But it is also to Parisians that we must pay tribute. Having suffered after the dark years of the Occupation, but emboldened by the announcement of the advance of the allied troops, the Parisians give in July 1944 to the Liberation forces some decisive signs: strikes, demonstrations.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The insurrection broke out on August 19 and they lent a hand to the Resistance fighters. From August 22, the streets are bristling with barricades, the battles begin, machine gun fire resounds. And it was on August 25 that General de Gaulle proclaimed at the H么tel de Ville: "Paris, Paris outraged, Paris broken, Paris martyred, but Paris liberated!".</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-21T17:22:00+02:00'>17:22</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>France</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6419770851769634920' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6419770851769634920'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Constantin Stamati 150th Death Anniversary - Special postmark on prepaid card from Moldova</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6419770851769634920' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>150 ans de la mort de l'茅crivain Constantin Stamati - TAD sp茅cial sur carte de Moldavie </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Le 15 janvier 2019, la poste moldave avait d茅j脿 mis en circulation une s茅rie de 6 timbres consacr茅e 脿 diff茅rentes personnalit茅s de langue roumaine, et un timbre en particulier 茅voquant l'茅crivain <b><a href="" target="_blank">Constantin Stamati (1786-1869)</a></b>.<br /> Ce timbre (2 L, tirage : 50000), con莽u par Elena Karachentseva, rendait hommage 脿 cet 茅crivain et traducteur roumain venu s'installer en Bessarabie apr猫s la partition de la Moldavie en 1812.<br /> Il fit la connaissance du po猫te russe Alexandre Pouchkine lors de son exil 脿 Chi艧in膬u en 1820-1823 et son 艙uvre la plus importante a 茅t茅 "Povestea pove艧tilor" ("Le conte des contes"), une description id茅alis茅e des d茅buts de la Moldavie sous forme de vers, publi茅e en 1843.<br /> Constantin Stamati fut 茅galement un des membres fondateurs de l'Acad茅mie roumaine en 1866.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On January 15, 2019, the Post of Moldova had already put into circulation a series of six stamps devoted to different personalities of Romanian language, and a particular stamp evoking the writer <b><a href="" target="_blank">Constantin Stamati (1786-1869)</a></b>.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This stamp (2 L, print run: 50,000), designed by Elena Karachentseva, paid tribute to this Romanian writer and translator <span class="lang-ro" lang="ro"><span><span><span>who came to settle in Bessarabia after the partition of Moldavia in 1812.</span></span></span></span><span class="lang-ro" lang="ro"><span><span><span> </span></span></span></span></i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><span class="lang-ro" lang="ro"><span><span><span>He met the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin during his exile in Chi艧in膬u in 1820-1823 and his most important work was "Povestea pove艧tilor" ("The Tale of Tales"), an idealized description of Moldavia's beginnings in verse, published in 1843.</span></span></span></span> </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Constantin Stamati was also a founding member of the Romanian Academy in 1866. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="817" data-original-width="1149" height="452" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Ce timbre a 茅t茅 utilis茅 sur la carte pr茅-timbr茅e ci-dessus (tirage : 5000, conception : Ludmila Cojocari) mise en circulation le 20 avril 2002, 茅galement d茅di茅e 脿 Constantin Stamati et en particulier 脿 son buste faisant partie de la c茅l猫bre "All茅e des Classiques" (28 bustes consacr茅s 脿 des personnalit茅s politiques ou de la litt茅rature roumaine et moldave) situ茅e dans le parc 脡tienne le Grand, dans le centre de Chi艧in膬u.<br /> Ce buste, d茅voil茅 en 1957, a 茅t茅 cr茅茅 par le sculpteur <b><a href="" target="_blank">Leonid Fitov (1917-1998)</a></b>, qui 茅tait 茅galement 脿 l'honneur sur une autre s茅rie consacr茅e 脿 diff茅rentes personnalit茅s, 茅mise en 2017.<br /> Cette carte comporte un pr茅-affranchissement (0,30 L) incluant un portrait de l'茅crivain ainsi qu'une une de "Dacia Literar膬", le premier journal litt茅raire et politique roumain auquel il a collabor茅. On voit 茅galement la maison 脿 Ocni葲a (nord du pays) dans laquelle il a v茅cu et est mort en 1869, devenue un mus茅e en 1988.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This stamp was used on the prepaid card above (print run: 5,000, design: Ludmila Cojocari) put into circulation on April 20, 2002, also dedicated to Constantin Stamati and in particular to his bust being part of the famous "Alley of Classics" (28 busts dedicated to Romanian and Moldovan political or literature figures), a sculptural complex located in the Stephen the Great Park in central Chi艧in膬u. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This bust, unveiled in 1957, was created by the sculptor <b><a href="" target="_blank">Leonid Fitov (1917-1998)</a></b>, who was also honored in another series dedicated to different personalities, issued in 2017.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>This card includes a pre-printed stamp (0.30 L) with a portrait of the writer and a front page of "Dacia Literar膬", the first Romanian literary and political newspaper to which he collaborated.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>We also see the house in Ocni牛a (north of the country) in which he lived and died in 1869, that became a museum in 1988. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="808" data-original-width="1146" height="449" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Le 12 septembre 2019, la poste moldave a mis en circulation un TAD sp茅cial (<span>MD-2012 Chi葯in膬u, </span>conception : Lilian Ia葲co) 脿 l'occasion du 150猫me anniversaire (jour pour jour) de la mort de Constantin Stamati, appliqu茅 sur les 2 c么t茅s de cette carte. Merci beaucoup Nicolae !<br /> Nicolae a compl茅t茅 son affranchissement, pour atteindre le tarif en vigueur pour un envoi non-prioritaire de moins de 20g vers la France (9,50 L actuellement) avec 2 autres timbres au verso de cette carte ci-dessus.<br /> Le timbre 脿 2,20 L fait partie d'une s茅rie de 4 timbres, 茅mis le 9 octobre 1998, consacr茅e aux 140 ans de la 1猫re 茅mission des c茅l猫bres "Cap de bour" ("t锚te d'auroch") en juillet 1858. Les 4 valeurs initiales (27, 54, 81 et 108 parales), avec la mention "porto scrisorii" en caract猫res cyrilliques, sont reproduites sur ces 4 timbres.<br /> L'autre timbre (5 roubles puis 5 L 脿 partir du 1er novembre 2001) fait partie d'une s茅rie (2 timbres) 茅mise le 26 d茅cembre 1992 脿 l'occasion de l'adh茅sion de la Moldavie 脿 l'Union Postale Universelle - UPU (adh茅sion le 16 novembre 1992).<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On September 12 2019, the Post of Moldova issued a special postmark (MD-2012 Chi艧in膬u, design: Lilian Ia牛co) on the occasion of the 150th anniversary (to the day) of the death of Constantin Stamati, applied on both sides of this card. Thank you very much Nicolae!</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><span><span><span><span>Nicolae has completed his postage, to reach the current rate for a non-priority shipment up to 20g to France (9.50 L) with</span></span></span></span> 2 other stamps on the back of this card above.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The 2.20 L stamp is part of a series of 4 stamps, issued on October 9, 1998, devoted to the 140th anniversary of the first issue of the famous "Cap de bour" ("Auroch's head") in July 1858. The 4 initial values ​​(27, 54, 81 and 108 parales), with the mention "porto scrisorii" in Cyrillic characters, are reproduced on these 4 stamps.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The other stamp (5 rubles then 5 L from November 1, 2001) is part of a series (2 stamps) issued on December 26, 1992 on the occasion of the accession of Moldova to the Universal Postal Union - UPU (accession on November 16, 1992).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-21T12:18:00+02:00'>12:18</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Moldova (Moldavie)</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Postal Stationery (PAP)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6068792097183749552' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6068792097183749552'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Best Europa stamps - The collector's choice 2019</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6068792097183749552' itemprop='description articleBody'> In cooperation with the famous <b><a href="" target="_blank">EUROPA stamps blog</a></b>, TODAY is the start of the 2nd edition of the :<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" data-original-height="169" data-original-width="770" height="140" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> During 4 preselection rounds and one BIG final in December, you will be able to vote for your favorite 2019 EUROPA stamp sets !<br /> As a reminder, you will be able to vote for full stamp sets (not only single stamps) of each country or territory ! <br /> <br /> The winner of the first edition was <b><a href="" target="_blank">Moldova</a></b> ! Vote now to chose who will be the 2019 winner !<br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-21T01:00:00+02:00'>01:00</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>EUROPA 2019</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>dimanche 20 octobre 2019</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='6657354569454138459' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='4517725299974234554' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='4517725299974234554'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>"Eduard Arranz Bravo - Andorra 2017" stamp on prepaid envelope from Andorra</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-4517725299974234554' itemprop='description articleBody'> <span style="font-size: large;"><span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Timbre "Eduard Arranz Bravo - Andorra 2017" sur PAP d'Andorre </b></i></span></span><br /> <br /> Heureux de partager avec vous cet int茅ressant document philat茅lique, un pr锚t-脿-poster (PAP) 茅dit茅 par la poste fran莽aise en Andorre pour les envois prioritaires jusqu'脿 20g vers Andorre, la France et la Principaut茅 de Monaco (1,05€ actuellement).<br /> Je ne connais pas la date d'茅mission ni le prix de vente de cette enveloppe, incluant au verso la mention de l'Agr茅ment N° 809 - Lot G4S/17F076 ?<br /> Le timbre pr茅-imprim茅 reprend le visuel du timbre de la s茅rie courante "Blason", 茅mis le 18 octobre 2010. A noter la mention "Lettre Prioritaire" 脿 gauche de ce timbre, en fran莽ais uniquement...<br /> Un grand merci 脿 ma s艙ur pour cet envoi le 18 septembre 2019 depuis Andorre-la-Vieille (Andorra-la-Vella), la capitale de cette Principaut茅 !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Happy to share with you this interesting philatelic document, a prepaid envelope (PAP in French) published by the French Post in Andorra for priority mail up to 20g to Andorra, France and the Principality of Monaco (currently € 1.05).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>I do not know the date of issue or the selling price of this envelope, including on the back a mention of the Approval No 809 - Lot G4S/17F076?</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The pre-printed stamp is the same as the stamp of the definitive "Coat of Arms" series, issued on October 18, 2010. To note the "Priority Letter" mention to the left near the stamp, in French only ...</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A big thank you to my sister for this mailing on September 18, 2019 from Andorra la Vella, the capital of this Principality!</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="795" data-original-width="1600" height="315" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> Le timbre 脿 gauche (1,05€, tirage : 70000), 茅mis le 6 juillet 2019, est consacr茅 au peintre et sculpteur espagnol <b>Eduard Arranz Bravo </b>(n茅 脿 Barcelone en 1941), consid茅r茅 comme un des grands repr茅sentants du n茅ofigurativisme.<br /> D'apr猫s le communiqu茅 de la poste fran莽aise, "son 艙uvre figurative et n茅o figurative essaie de repr茅senter l'homme des temps modernes avec ses probl猫mes, ses peurs, sa solitude, ses inqui茅tudes, ses angoisses et ses refoulements".<br /> Du 28 mars au 28 mai 2017, une vingtaine d'艙uvres d'Eduard Arranz Bravo 茅taient propos茅es au public lors d'une exposition "New Man" organis茅e 脿 ARTALROC, la salle d’expositions du gouvernement andorran 脿 Escaldes-Engordany.<br /> Lors de l'inauguration de cette exposition, il a r茅alis茅 une performance en live et peint une 艙uvre grand format compos茅e du mot "Andorra", accompagn茅 de ses 2 initiales A et B, reproduite sur ce timbre.<br /> A noter qu'Eduard Arranz Bravo avait d茅j脿 con莽u des timbres pour la poste espagnole 脿 l'occasion des jeux olympiques de Barcelone en 1992.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The stamp on the left (€ 1.05, print run: 70,000), issued on July 6, 2019, is dedicated to the Spanish painter and sculptor <b>Eduard Arranz Bravo</b> (born in Barcelona in 1941), considered as one of the great representatives of neofigurativism.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>According to the French Post statement, "his figurative and neo-figurative work tries to represent the man of modern times with his problems, his fears, his loneliness, his worries, his anxieties and his repressions".</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>From March 28 to May 28, 2017, about twenty works by Eduard Arranz Bravo were proposed to the public during a "New Man" exhibition organized at ARTALROC, the exhibition hall of the Andorran Government in Escaldes-Engordany.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>During the inauguration of this exhibition, he did a live performance and painted a large format work composed of the word "Andorra", accompanied by his two initials A and B, reproduced on this stamp.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>It should be noted that Eduard Arranz Bravo had already designed stamps for the Spanish Post on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992. </i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i> </i></span><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-20T17:24:00+02:00'>17:24</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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Ensched茅</span> dans une m锚me feuille de 16 timbres (4 timbres de chaque, tirage : 168000 pour chaque timbre).<br /> Un grand merci Ji-Ho pour ces 2 jolis plis Premier Jour concernant chacun 2 timbres de cette s茅rie (conception : Kim, Chang-hwan), avec TAD de Nambusan du 14 ao没t 2019 !<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>On August 6, 2019, the Korean Post put into circulation the 5th part of a very nice series (4 stamps) illustrating <b>Must-visit tourist destinations for Koreans</b>, this time especially with breathtaking views of different <b>beaches </b>across the country ...</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>As for the first 4 series, these 4 stamps (380 won each) were printed by Royal Joh. Ensched茅 in a same sheet of 16 stamps (4 stamps of each, print run: 168,000 for each stamp).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>A big thank you Ji-Ho for these two nice First Day covers regarding each 2 stamps of this series (design: Kim, Chang-hwan), with cancellations from Nambusan of August 14, 2019!</i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="852" data-original-width="1218" height="444" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> La <b>plage de Jeongdongjin 脿 Gangneung</b> (province de Gangwon, nord-est du pays), repr茅sent茅e sur le timbre ci-dessus 脿 gauche, poss猫de une terrasse c么ti猫re qui aurait 茅t茅 form茅e il y a 2 脿 2,5 millions d'ann茅es et qui a 茅t茅 d茅sign茅e Monument naturel (n° 437).<br /> La gare de Jeongdongjin est inscrite au Guinness World Records comme 茅tant la gare la plus proche de l'oc茅an. Lieu de t茅l茅vision populaire, cette plage est un lieu incontournable pour les fans de drames et s茅ries cor茅ens, avec en particulier ces bateaux-h么tels (des r茅pliques de navires de croisi猫re existants) perch茅s sur une falaise.<br /> La <b>plage de Kkotji 脿 Taean</b> (province du Chungcheong du Sud, centre-ouest du pays) est constitu茅e d'une plage de sable blanc longue de 3,2 km, cr茅ant une belle harmonie avec une for锚t de pins luxuriante. Sur le c么t茅 droit du rivage se dressent les c茅l猫bres rochers Halmibawi (grand-m猫re) et Halabibawi (grand-p猫re) qui ont une l茅gende triste (on raconte qu'une femme s'est transform茅e en pierre en attendant son mari qui n'est pas revenu de la guerre...).<br /> La vue au coucher du soleil derri猫re ces rochers est un spectacle inoubliable.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Jeongdongjin Beach in Gangneung</b> (Gangwon Province, north-east of the country), shown on the stamp above to the left, has a coastal terrace that was formed 2 to 2.5 million years ago and has been designated Natural Monument (No. 437).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>Jeongdongjin train station is listed in the Guinness World Records as the train station that is closest to the ocean. A popular TV location, the station and beach is a must-visit place for the fans of Korean dramas, with in particular these boat-hotels (replicas of existing cruise ships) perched on a cliff.<b> </b></i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Kkotji Beach in Taean</b> (South Chungcheong Province, west-central part of the country) consists of a 3.2 km long white sand beach, creating a beautiful harmony with a lush pine forest. On the right side of the shore stand famous rocks named Halmibawi (grandma rock) and Halabibawi (grandpa rock) that have a sad legend (it is said that a wife turned to stone while she was waiting for her husband that did not return from war ...).</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>The view at sunset behind these rocks is an unforgettable sight. </i></span><br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" data-original-height="860" data-original-width="1228" height="448" src="" width="640" /></a></div> <br /> La <b>plage Songho 脿 Haenam</b> (province du Jeolla du sud, extr锚me sud-ouest du pays), ci-dessus 脿 gauche, est une destination id茅ale pour les familles, avec la pr茅sence d'une pin猫de et de petites vagues. Longue de 1,5 km, cette plage de sable blanc est proche de la for锚t de pins noirs de Songho-ri (monument naturel n° 142), qui abrite environ 600 pins, dont certains sont 芒g茅s de plus de 200 ans.<br /> <b>Chaeseokgang</b> (province du Jeolla du Nord, sud-ouest du pays), monument naturel n° 28, fait partie du parc national de la p茅ninsule de Byeonsan. Les falaises aux roches s茅dimentaires 茅rod茅es ressemblent 脿 des milliers de livres empil茅s les uns sur les autres.<br /> 脌 mar茅e basse, deux fois par jour, les visiteurs peuvent observer de nombreuses cr茅atures marines et grottes marines.<br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Songho Beach in Haenam</b> (South Jeolla Province, extreme south-west of the country), above to the left, is an ideal destination for families, with the presence of a pine forest and small waves. The white sand beach is 1.5 km long and is close to the Songho-ri Black Pine Forest (Natural Monument No. 142), home to about 600 pines, some of which are over 200 years old.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i><b>Chaeseokgang</b> (North Jeolla Province, south-west of the country), Natural Monument No. 28, is part of the Byeonsan Peninsula National Park. Cliffs with eroded sedimentary rocks look like thousands of books piled on top of one another.</i></span><br /> <span style="color: #e69138;"><i>During low tide that occurs twice a day, visitors can observe a variety of marine creatures and sea caves.</i></span><br /> <br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Publi茅 par <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Eric Contesse</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> 脿 <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2019-10-20T12:10:00+02:00'>12:10</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> Aucun commentaire: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-action'> <a href='' title='Envoyer l'article par e-mail'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='13' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1962541093'> <a href='' title='Modifier l'article'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Envoyer par e-mail'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Envoyer par e-mail</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Partager sur Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Partager sur Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Libell茅s : <a href='' rel='tag'>Korea (Cor茅e du sud)</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> <div class='blog-pager' id='blog-pager'> <span id='blog-pager-newer-link'> <a class='blog-pager-newer-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-newer-link' title='Articles plus r茅cents'>Articles plus r茅cents</a> </span> <span id='blog-pager-older-link'> <a class='blog-pager-older-link' href='' id='Blog1_blog-pager-older-link' title='Articles plus anciens'>Articles plus anciens</a> </span> <a class='home-link' href=''>Accueil</a> </div> <div class='clear'></div> <div class='blog-feeds'> <div class='feed-links'> Inscription 脿 : <a class='feed-link' href='' target='_blank' type='application/atom+xml'>Articles (Atom)</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='widget HTML' data-version='1' id='HTML16'><script> var linkwithin_site_id = 460725; </script> <script src="//"></script> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger..." style="border: 0"></a></div></div> </div> </div> <div class='column-left-outer'> <div class='column-left-inner'> <aside> </aside> </div> </div> <div class='column-right-outer'> <div class='column-right-inner'> <aside> <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'><div class='widget HTML' data-version='1' id='HTML8'> <div class='widget-content'> <iframe frameborder="0" width="213" src="" height="21"></iframe> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget Profile' data-version='1' id='Profile1'> <h2>Qui 锚tes-vous ?</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <a href=''><img alt='Ma photo' class='profile-img' height='80' src='//' width='80'/></a> <dl class='profile-datablock'> <dt class='profile-data'> <a class='profile-name-link g-profile' href='' rel='author' style='background-image: url(//;'> Eric Contesse </a> </dt> <dd class='profile-data'>Lyon, France</dd> <dd class='profile-textblock'>Hi, I'm a stamps and covers collector. Send me a nice cover from your country and I'll send you back a nice one from France ! Enjoy your stamps :-)</dd> </dl> <a class='profile-link' href='' rel='author'>Afficher mon profil complet</a> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Text' data-version='1' id='Text1'> <div class='widget-content'> <span style="font-weight: bold;">My Favourite stamp's topics</span> : World Heritage, EUROPA, UPAEP, Norden, Sepac, Sport (Olympics, FIFA WC...), Arts, Joint issues.<br /> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget HTML' data-version='1' id='HTML11'> <div class='widget-content'> <form action="" method="POST"> <input value="494707" name="sub" type="hidden"/> Enter your Email<br/><input maxlength="255" value="" name="EMAIL" size="25" type="text"/><br/> <input value="494707" name="FEEDID" type="hidden"/> <input value="5697284" name="PUBLISHER" type="hidden"/> <input value="Subscribe me!" type="submit"/> <br/><a href="">Preview</a> | Powered by <a href="">FeedBlitz</a> </form> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget Image' data-version='1' id='Image3'> <h2></h2> <div class='widget-content'> <a href=''> <img alt='' height='85' id='Image3_img' src='' width='140'/> </a> <br/> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget BlogList' data-version='1' id='BlogList1'> <h2 class='title'>Mes blogs timbr茅s :</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div class='blog-list-container' id='BlogList1_container'> <ul id='BlogList1_blogs'> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> World of Stamps II (CRO)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 馃嚙馃嚲Belarus/#5376-041/25 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> maxicard Belarus – 2 #1453-BLR-002 – II – Belarus – 3 #1454-BLR-003 – II – Belarus – 4 #1455-BLR-004 </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 8 heures </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> La Bo卯te aux Lettres du Monde (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Lettre du Br茅sil </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Merci beaucoup Jos茅 pour ce courrier en provenance de Juiz de Fora merci 茅galement Jos茅 pour les nombreux timbres joints dans l'enveloppe. </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 heures </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Chez S茅bPhilat茅lie (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Charles III sur 茅tiquettes de machines postales </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Depuis un essai dor茅 et dentel茅 en 2009, devenu emporte-pi猫ce dor茅 en 2015, puis blanc avec vague de s茅curit茅 « Royal Mail » (relire aussi les articles tr猫... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 heures </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cartes i postals d'arreu (SPA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Sastamala </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Sastamala 茅s un municipi del sud-oest de Finl脿ndia, d'uns 23500 habitants, vora el riu Kokem盲enjoki. El municipi va ser creat per la fusi贸 de diversos muni... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 18 heures </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Worldwide Covers (AUT)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> #1448 Grenada – Carriacou 23/10/20 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> This amazing cover from Grenada was sent by Jinesh, thank you very much! It was posted in Carriacou on October 20 and arrived on November 21, 2023. The sta... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 jour </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Irene Chen Covers (INA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> NORFOLK ISLAND </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 jour </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Gem's World Postcards (CAN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> NATIONAL FLAG DAY, 2025 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *Blog # 1641* This is not my usual type blog. It will have a few postcards but they will be all from the same country and all with the same theme or top... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Pstcrd-Blog (GER)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Switzerland: Definitive Stamps - Swiss Railway Stations ("2024 Overprints") </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Originally issued in 2016 as part of the new “Swiss railway stations” definitive stamps set the two designs, of Lucerne and Brig railway station were re-... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> London Cover Circuit (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> sent by Ulf Gebhard </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> * Note Ulf sent his cover through a local private post "POST MODERN"* </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Letters in my mailbox (SPA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cover from Hong Kong </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Hong Kong received on 14th February 2025 (Thank you very much Li Ming) </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Gulfmann Stamps Collection (TAI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> FRANCE ~ 2025 CLNY - Year of Snake FDC </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> France 2025 Chinese Lunar New Year - Year of Snake FDC, posted on January 18, 2025 from Paris to Taipei with arrival postmarked on February 14, 2025. </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Exponet (CZE)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Nov茅 Vlastn铆 zn谩mky: VZ ZS 0189 50 let ZOO Hodon铆n </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> VZ ZS 0189 50 let ZOO Hodon铆n Nomin谩ln铆 hodnota: 248 K膷 Orientace zn谩mek: 8 zn谩mek na 拧铆艡ku Vyd谩n铆: 21. 2. 2025 N谩klad VZ ZS: 1 020 ks N谩klad VZ: 8 160... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 4 jours </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Thank you Mr. Postman! (POR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> COVER N. 557 - NETHERLANDS Postmark: Zwolle Posted on (?); Received on the 10th February 2025 __________________________________________________________... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 semaine </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My Fun World of Miniature Arts (USA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Korea Pinkfong & Baby Shark </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 semaine </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Europa stamps (SUI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> San Marino 2025 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> San Marino Date of Issue: *11th February 2025* one stamp (2.45 €) These stamp is issued in a souvenir-sheet of 4 stamps *The stamp depicts the so-cal... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 semaine </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Blog de l'APHIEST Belfort (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Sur les traces de Japy, 80 ans plus tard. </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Dans l'esprit du raid de 1936 pour Tokyo, ce pli a symboliquement refait le voyage vers le Japon. Grace 脿 l'aimable rencontre avec une Japonaise, ce ... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 semaine </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Covers and stamps from the world (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Le m茅tro de Chicago sur une carte postale des Etats-Unis. Chicago subway Chicago "L" on a postcard from the United States </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Un grand merci 脿 Kim pour cette superbe carte postale illustr茅e du plan du m茅tro de Chicago le fameux "L" pour "elevated" car il est le plus souvent a茅... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 semaines </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> La beaut茅 des fleurs (CAN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Enveloppe et Lisa </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Merci beaucoup 脿 Bernard!!! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 semaines </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> EMISSIONS COMMUNES (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 150猫me ANNIVERSAIRE DE LA NAISSANCE DE SAN LUIGI ORIONE </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> From the Postman to Rune (NOR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Germany </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Received from Holger, May 2024. </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> LIBRE SERVICE AFFRANCHISSEMENT (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> SALON PHILATELIQUE D’AUTOMNE 2024 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Le salon philat茅lique d’automne 2024 ouvrira ses portes du jeudi 7 au samedi 9 novembre 2024 脿 l’espace Champerret Paris 17e. Pour l’occasion deux vignet... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Omran Elmajdoub Covers (LBA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> SLOVENIJA </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> THANKS TO MY FRIEND MIRKO LAVRIH </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 4 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cddstamps on stamps (AUS)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> cddstamps is back writing.... :-) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Hello, Sometimes we just forget how fast the days and weeks and months go by. These past 6 months have been a blurr in many ways. But I am still aroun... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> World through postcards, postcrossing and covers (ROU)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Blue cats by Rina Zeniuk </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> 1. You are cosmos to me (cosmo love): 2. Winter 3.White beauties 4. We are already awaken: 5. Visiting: 6. Velvet Season 7. Vasya eats an... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Filatelia desde Cuba (CUB)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cartas desde Gloria City </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Varios son los testimonios del servicio postal propio con que cont贸 uno de los asentamientos de inmigrantes estadounidenses en Cuba: La Gloria City fue un ... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Coverblogging (BEL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Dear Friends, After so many years I have to stop collecting due to health problems and especially because I can no longer travel. I thank everyone for... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 mois </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> PPozzato (BRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Olhos de Boi 180 anos </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Dia de celebrar os 180 anos dos primeiros selos postais do Brasil, os Olhos de Boi! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 an </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Jazz Stamps (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Introduction </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Welcome at my blog presenting mainly stamps with jazz musicians. I will add to this blog the stamps I have by posting an original scan of the stamp in m... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 1 an </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Les News du Phospho (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Dominique, un immense collectionneur au service de tous </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Je r茅ouvre temporairement le blog suite au d茅c猫s de *Dominique STEPHAN*, survenu la semaine derni猫re, cr茅ateur du blog http://blog-philatelie.blogspot.... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> GEOGRAPHICAL PHILATELY (SPA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> MONACO </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *MONACO.* Definitive stamps. *Monte Carlo Port*. Stamp issued in 1943. Face value: 15 Monegasque francs. Design: Jean Antonin Delzers (1873-1943). Engrav... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> L'Adresse I.P. (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Le nouveau Chereau raconte deux ans de Covid : un livre d’histoire… dr么le </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Un livre d’art, d’histoire contemporaine, une fresque politique, sociale, scientifique, humaine hautement d茅capante… : le nouvel album de Chereau retrace «... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 2 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Filatelia Dominicana hoy (DOM)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> El Estado Dominicano honra a trav茅s del Inposdom al reputado siquiatra dominicano, el Dr. Antonio Zaglul </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> El Estado Dominicano ha homenajeado la dilatada y notable trayectoria del Dr. Antonio Zaglul en ceremonia realizada el pasado 23 de diciembre en el Sa... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Blog philat茅lie (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Marianne d'YZ au congr猫s des Maires de France </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> La Marianne d'YZ a 茅t茅 utilis茅e au congr猫s des maires de France, en particulier 脿 la tribune qui a vu d茅filer des candidats 脿 la pr茅sidentielle. En 2... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My Worldwide Philatelic Covers (SAU)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Baris's Covers and Collections (TUR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Turkey Covers </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 3 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Philately. Lately. (ROM)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> A Short Illustrated History of Cryptostamps </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Welcome to this short illustrated history of cryptostamps. It’s short because so far not many cryptostamps were issued, but also because it does not seem t... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 4 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> (La parenth猫se philat茅lique) (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 9 f茅vrier 1911, naissance de Jacques Monod </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> La Poste, 1987. mis en page par Denis Geoffroy-Dechaume, grav茅 par Claude Jumelet Jacques Monod 1910-1976, m茅decins et biologistes biologie mol茅culaire - ... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamp Friends Around the World (POR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I have given some thought about writing this because some might think it a bit presumptuous of me. - I apologise if you think that, it is not meant that w... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> WWF Covers and Stamps (ECU)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> WWF Alto Volta (Burkina Faso) | 1984 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Sobres de Primer D铆a (FDC) El *guepardo* (*Acinonyx jubatus*) es un miembro at铆pico de la familia de los f茅lidos. Es el 煤nico representante vivo del g茅ne... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My Olympic Philately (UAE)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> UAE : Mahatma Gandhi 150th Birth Anniversary </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Kkkhor Stamp Collection (MAL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> MALAYSIA POSTCARD - UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE ARCHAELOGICAL HERITAGE OF LENGGONG VALLEY </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Let me take you on a philatelic trip (MKD)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Independence Day, Philippines </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> After the long silence here as well, and after putting my postcards blog back to life, it would be also fair to show some attention to this guy here before... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> National Postal Museum (USA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Transcontinental Railroad and the Asian-American Story </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> By Meera Mu帽oz Pandya, Intern Meera Mu帽oz Pandya spent the summer as an intern at the National Postal Museum, thanks to a grant from the Smithsonian’s Asia... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Philat茅lie au quotidien (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Une 茅mission erron茅e en Alg茅rie pour le centenaire de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Le blog « Philat茅lie au quotidien » migrera la semaine prochaine, toujours sur le site du… Cela ne changera rien pour vous quant 脿 son contenu… Se... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> New Stamps with Lighthouses (ARG)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> LATVIA - 2019 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *Code: *LAT-2019-01 *Release Date: *March 15, 2019 *Title: *Lighthouses 2019 - Slitere *Format:* 1 stamp *Presentation: *Sheets of 10 stamps *Design:* Art... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 5 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Blog de philat茅lie russe et sovi茅tique (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Premier vol postal Moscou - T茅h茅ran : vol au dessus d'un nid de coucou </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> J'ai r茅cemment remis en ordre l'ann茅e 1924 de ma collection et je me suis int茅ress茅 脿 une enveloppe de poste a茅rienne qui m'avait interpell茅 il y a quelqu... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 6 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Terence's collections ...</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Saudia air tickets </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 6 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> A journey of stamps through FDC (IND)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> A Floral Motif with Personalized Coupon FDC from Slovakia </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *FDC Name*:A Floral Motif with Personalized Coupon *Issue Date*: 1st JUNE'2018 *Details:* *Remark*:*Many Thanks to Kredatus Josef ,my CCCC member from Slov... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 6 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Blog de timbrofil (ROU)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Importan牛a calit膬牛ii 卯n filatelie (5) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> The importance of quality when we talk about stamps (5) The following material is a ‘guest post’ provided by Michael… Read more Importan牛a calit膬牛ii 卯n fil... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 6 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Postman (POL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cover from France </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 6 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My stamps and covers (BEL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> New Croatia WWF cover </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Thx Zeljko! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 7 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Filatelia para el Mundo (ARG)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 8 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Oh les timbres ! (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Marc Chagall </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Une vision du Paradis L'historienne de l'art Francine-Claire Legrand qualifiait Marc Chagall de seul ma卯tre du merveilleux ing茅nu. La France a 茅mis le 16 ja... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 8 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Mauritian Philatelic Blog (MRI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> First Mauritius - Rodrigues Flight, 13 September 1972 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> The first flight to Rodrigues operated by Air Mauritius was on 13 September 1972 by a Piper Navajo PA-31 leased from Air Madagascar. This aircraft was t... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 8 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Eating's FDC (TAI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Closer To my Goal </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 8 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> CoverCity - Covers from over the world (GER)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Liebeserkl盲rung an meine Ledertasche </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Ledertaschen Es hei脽t, dass Frauen niemals genug Schuhe und Taschen haben k枚nnen. Ich stimme dem herzlich gerne zu. Dabei haben nach meiner h枚chst weiblich... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Sent & Received (POR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> CHINA – Cover from Suzhou, China to Braga, Portugal </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Cover with two full sets of stamps from the issue 10th China (Wuhan) International Garden Expo posted on September, 25 2015. (A very special thanks to my ... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Filatelia sa Filipinas (PHI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Back After Two and a Half Years of Silence </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> So, it's been quite a while since my last post in January 2013. So much has happened in my life, although not much has changed. Since then, I have been to... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Used Covers (RUS)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> USA </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> eD@HoMe (SIN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Dahlia Cover from Sweden </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Many Thanks to Mrs Ann Torstenson for this lovely cover posted from the beautiful city of Falk枚ping, Sweden! On August 2013, Sweden Post issued four colorf... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> World Philatelia (GRE)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA - COVER FROM ZORAN CUBELA </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Many thanks to Zoran Cubela for his nice cover from Bosna Hercegovina. Zoran is administrator of a philatelic blog which you can find it here : http://www.... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 9 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> FDC, cover and Philatelic (TAI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> FDC from DPRK (North Korea) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> FDC of Year of goat stamp from DPRK </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Lettres autour du monde (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Espagne </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Merci 脿 vous Luc et Gilles pour votre carte d'Espagne. </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Send Me a Cover (SPA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Mesin Sari tebu Harga Murah </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Pengen usaha minuman sari tebu ? Dapatkan mesin pemeras tebu dengan harga yang murah untuk usaha Anda. Mesin siap pakai dan sangat menguntungkan untuk usah... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My FDC`s and stamps (LAT)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Latvijas Pasts releases commemorative stamp to mark 200th anniversary of prominent Latvian cultural figure of 19th century J膩nis Cimze </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> *Latvijas Pasts has released a new stamp to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the outstanding Latvian cultural figure J膩nis Cimze.* *The stamp J膩nis Cim... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 10 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamp World (KOR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 7712. from England </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> [image: Posted by Picasa] </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamp Magazine Blog (GBR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Last One </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Some of you may have already seen the notice on the website’s forum, but this is the end of the line as far as the website... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Philatelika (ALG)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 11-12-2013 Tunissia Cover </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> 11-12-13 Tunissia Cover Thank you my friend </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Lovely letters & postcards for Maryam (CAN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> #954 Schloss Neuschwanstein Postcard from Germany </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> A postcard from Germany, sent by postcrosser Rafal for Vacation RR in postcrossing forum. The postcard shows a beautiful view of Schloss Neuschwa... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Gone With Postcards & Covers (CHN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Visit Faroe Islands </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I was invited by Posta Stamps, Faroe Islands in the summer of 2012, coz I was the lucky guy who had won the "The most beautiful stamp of 2011" competit... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Mi Mundo Filat茅lico (HON)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 150° - Minsk, Bielorrusia </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> ¡Gracias Alena por tu contacto y todas las cosas maravillosas que me enviaste! 150° - Minsk, Belarus Thanks Alena for your contact and for all the won... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 11 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Crocover (CRO)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 3243--03.01.2013. Country-Sri Lanka Thanks Ravindra </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamps I've Met (CZE)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Santa Claus cover from Finland no. 3 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> And Santa Claus remembered us again, as can be seen on this gorgeous cover sent from Santa's Office in Napapiiri:) Via Giovanni. Grazie mille!!! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My Philately</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Happy new year 2013 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> I wish you all a very happy new year 2013. I hope this new year will bring you all what you may desire. I wish also that it will be full of philatelic surp... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The Stamps of Velu (IND)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Giant Pandas - Singapore </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> The Singapore Philatelic department has released stamps to celebrate the coming to Singapore of a set of Giant Pandas (on loan) from China for the next... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Kencovers (KEN)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Pr茅sentation de quelques timbres et lettres (FRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Timbre A.R. du Chili </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Ce timbre a 茅t茅 茅mis par le Chili (Correos de Chile) en 1894. A.R. signifie Aviso de Recepcion, soit en fran莽ais, accus茅 de r茅ception. Le tarif pour un av... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> My World Covers Collection (MAL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Chile </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Covers & Postcards (ITA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> 699 - Return to sender from Isla de la Juventud, Cuba </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 12 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Dorincard (USA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> What do YOU think this is: The LONG-BEAKED ECHIDNA, The SHORT-BEAKED ECHIDNA, or The Greek mythological ECHIDNA? The first two types contain MONOTREME mothers, and the third one is an EXTREME mother ("The Mother of All Monsters")? </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> What do YOU think this is: The LONG-BEAKED ECHIDNA, The SHORT-BEAKED ECHIDNA, or The Greek mythological ECHIDNA? The first two types contain MONOTREME mo... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stampbooks (MAL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Royal Institution Stamp </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Pos Malaysia issues limited royal institution stamp collection Malaysia is a federal constitutional elective monarchy. The system of government is closely m... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Monica's Cover Collection (MEX)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> QATAR </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Thanks Nilesh </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stampstraveler (POR)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Panama </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Thank you! Muchas gracias, Eduardo! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Trudy's world of philately (HKG)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Cover from Italy </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Thank you Raffaele! </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 13 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamp Happy Wind (MAL)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Nice covers from facebook friends </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> FaceBook also a very good platform to get more exchange partner and items. There also lots of philately friends who kind enough to help for your top... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 14 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Covers, stamps and maxicards (EST)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> letters travelling so long :) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Today i have finally received letter with banknotes from Ganesh, Saudi Arabia. I am so happy, because it seems, that sometime we need to give one more chan... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 15 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> The World of Stamps (MRI)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt="" border="0" height="72" src="//" width="72"> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> POSTCARD SOUTH AFRICA (UNESCO) </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> This postcard shows *Robben Island* a *UNESCO World Heritage Site* (since 1999) Robben Island ( Robbeneiland) in Afrikaans is an island , some seven kilome... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 15 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamps of TramHa (VIE)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Singapore M/s, PC Fruits 1993 </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Bought on Internet, nice m/s </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 16 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: none;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Kalife's Stamp Collection (BRA)</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' height='72' src='' width='72'/> </a> </div> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> STAMPS AND FDC FROM POLAND </a> </span> - <span class='item-snippet'> Andrzej from Poland sent me these nice lighthouses stamps issued in Poland in May 2006 and in June 2007 with their respective FDC. The lighthouses of the ... </span> <div class='item-time'> Il y a 16 ans </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> </ul> <div class='show-option'> <span id='BlogList1_show-n' style='display: none;'> <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='return false;'> Afficher 10 </a> </span> <span id='BlogList1_show-all' style='margin-left: 5px;'> <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='return false;'> Tout afficher </a> </span> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div> </div><div class='widget LinkList' data-version='1' id='LinkList2'> <h2>Mes sites timbr茅s :</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <ul> <li><a href=''>Colombes Philat茅lie</a></li> <li><a href=''>Exponet</a></li> <li><a href=''>L'Echo de la Timbrologie</a></li> <li><a href=''>La Poste - tout sur le timbre</a></li> <li><a href=''>Le Timbre Classique</a></li> <li><a href=''>Le timbre en ligne | WikiTimbres</a></li> <li><a href=''>Les Barres Phosphorescentes</a></li> <li><a href=''>Phil-Ouest</a></li> <li><a href=''>StampNews</a></li> <li><a href=''>Timbres de France</a></li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget LinkList' data-version='1' id='LinkList1'> <h2>Mes administrations timbr茅es :</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <ul> <li><a href=''>Kyrgyz Express Post</a></li> <li><a href=''>Liechtenstein</a></li> <li><a href=''>Moldova</a></li> <li><a href=''>Republika Srpska</a></li> <li><a href=''>Russia</a></li> <li><a href=''>Taiwan</a></li> <li><a href=''>UPU</a></li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Label' data-version='1' id='Label1'> <h2>Libell茅s</h2> <div class='widget-content list-label-widget-content'> <ul> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Afghanistan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Aland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Albania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(67)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Alderney</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Algeria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(124)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Andorra</a> <span dir='ltr'>(84)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Angola</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Antigua & Barbuda</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Argentina</a> <span dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Armenia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Aruba</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ascension (Island)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Astronomy</a> <span dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Australia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Austria (Autriche)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(82)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Azerbaijan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(55)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bahamas</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bahrain (Bahre茂n)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bangladesh</a> <span dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Barbados</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Belarus</a> <span dir='ltr'>(82)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Belgium (Belgique)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(125)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Belize</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bolivia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bosnia & Herzegovina</a> <span dir='ltr'>(73)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Botswana</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Brazil (Br茅sil)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(168)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>British Antarctic Territory</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>British Indian Ocean Territory</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>British Virgin Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Brunei Darussalam</a> <span dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bulgaria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(63)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Burkina Faso</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Burundi</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cambodia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cameroon</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Canada</a> <span dir='ltr'>(93)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cape Verde (Cap-Vert)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Caribbean Netherlands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cayman Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Chile (Chili)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>China</a> <span dir='ltr'>(139)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Christmas (No毛l)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(246)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Christmas Island</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cocos (Keeling) Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Colombia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Comoros</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Costa Rica</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Council of Europe</a> <span dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Croatia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(139)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cuba</a> <span dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cura莽ao</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cyprus (Chypre)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Czech Republic (R茅p. Tch猫que)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(743)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Denmark (Danemark)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Djibouti</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Dominican Republic</a> <span dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ecuador (Equateur)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Egypt</a> <span dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>El Salvador</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Estonia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Eswatini</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ethiopia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Euromed Postal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(102)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1956</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1958</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1969</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1971</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1977</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1978</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1979</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1984</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1993</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1994</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1995</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1996</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1997</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1998</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 1999</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2000</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2001</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2002</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2003</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2004</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2005</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2006</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2007</a> <span dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2008</a> <span dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2009</a> <span dir='ltr'>(27)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2010</a> <span dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2011</a> <span dir='ltr'>(51)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2012</a> <span dir='ltr'>(62)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2013</a> <span dir='ltr'>(65)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2014</a> <span dir='ltr'>(58)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2015</a> <span dir='ltr'>(57)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2016</a> <span dir='ltr'>(62)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2017</a> <span dir='ltr'>(65)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2018</a> <span dir='ltr'>(63)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2019</a> <span dir='ltr'>(68)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2020</a> <span dir='ltr'>(62)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2021</a> <span dir='ltr'>(63)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2022</a> <span dir='ltr'>(61)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2023</a> <span dir='ltr'>(64)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>EUROPA 2024</a> <span dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Falkland Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Faroe Islands (卯les F茅ro茅)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>F锚te du timbre</a> <span dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Fiji (Fidji)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Finland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(55)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Football</a> <span dir='ltr'>(155)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>France</a> <span dir='ltr'>(930)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>French Polynesia (Polyn茅sie Fran莽aise)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Gabon</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Georgia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany (Allemagne)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(259)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ghana</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Gibraltar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Greece (Gr猫ce)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(46)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Greenland (Groenland)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(31)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Grenada</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guatemala</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guernsey</a> <span dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guyana</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Honduras</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Hong Kong</a> <span dir='ltr'>(65)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Hungary (Hongrie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(56)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Iceland (Islande)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India</a> <span dir='ltr'>(91)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Indonesia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(55)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Iran</a> <span dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Iraq</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ireland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Isle of Man</a> <span dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Israel</a> <span dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Italy</a> <span dir='ltr'>(110)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ivory Coast</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Jamaica</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Japan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Jersey</a> <span dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Joint issue</a> <span dir='ltr'>(926)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Jordan (Jordanie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Karabakh</a> <span dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kazakhstan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kenya</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Korea (Cor茅e du sud)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(263)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kosovo</a> <span dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kuwait</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kyrgyzstan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(125)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Laos</a> <span dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Latvia (Lettonie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(70)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lebanon (Liban)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lesotho</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Libya</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lichtenberg (Principality)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Liechtenstein</a> <span dir='ltr'>(83)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lithuania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lundy</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Luxembourg</a> <span dir='ltr'>(86)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Macau</a> <span dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Madagascar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malawi</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malaysia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(202)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Maldives</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mali</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malta</a> <span dir='ltr'>(66)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mauritius (卯le Maurice)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(53)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mayotte</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mercosur</a> <span dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mexico (Mexique)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Moldova (Moldavie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(535)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Monaco</a> <span dir='ltr'>(94)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mongolia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Montenegro</a> <span dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Montserrat</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Morocco (Maroc)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(62)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Myanmar (Birmanie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Namibia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Nepal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Netherlands (Pays-Bas)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Netherlands Antilles</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Nevis</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>New Caledonia (Nelle-Cal茅donie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>New Zealand (Nelle-Z茅lande)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Nicaragua</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Norden</a> <span dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>North Korea (Cor茅e du nord)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>North Macedonia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(52)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Northern Cyprus (Chypre du Nord)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Norway (Norv猫ge)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Olympics</a> <span dir='ltr'>(401)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Oman</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Order of Malta</a> <span dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pabay</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pakistan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Palau</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Palestine</a> <span dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Panama</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Papua New Guinea</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Paquebot Mail</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Paraguay</a> <span dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Peru</a> <span dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Philippines</a> <span dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pitcairn Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>PMR (Transnistria)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Poland (Pologne)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(144)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Portugal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(94)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postal Stationery (PAP)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(495)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Preserve the Polar Regions</a> <span dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Qatar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Republika Srpska</a> <span dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Romania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(93)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Russia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(108)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Rwanda</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Saint Kitts</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Saint Lucia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon</a> <span dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Samoa</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>San Marino</a> <span dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>S茫o Tom茅 e Pr铆ncipe</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Saudi Arabia (Arabie Saoudite)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Senegal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sepac</a> <span dir='ltr'>(57)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Serbia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(80)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Seychelles</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sierra Leone</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Singapore</a> <span dir='ltr'>(180)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sint Maarten</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Slovakia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(134)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Slovenia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(94)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>South Africa (Afrique du sud)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Spain (Espagne)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(144)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sri Lanka</a> <span dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Suriname</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sweden (Su猫de)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Switzerland (Suisse)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(107)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Syria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>TAAF (Austral French Territories)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Taiwan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(233)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tanzania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Thailand</a> <span dir='ltr'>(68)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tonga</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Trinidad and Tobago</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tristan da Cunha</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tunisia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Turkey (Turquie)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(59)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Turkmenistan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Turks & Caicos</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UAE (Emirats Arabes Unis)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Uganda</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ukraine</a> <span dir='ltr'>(85)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UNESCO</a> <span dir='ltr'>(269)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>United Kingdom (Royaume-Uni)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>United Nations (Nations Unies)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(61)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UPAEP</a> <span dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UPU</a> <span dir='ltr'>(34)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Uruguay</a> <span dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>USA</a> <span dir='ltr'>(59)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>USSR (URSS)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Uzbekistan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Vatican</a> <span dir='ltr'>(79)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Venezuela</a> <span dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Vietnam</a> <span dir='ltr'>(34)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Wallis and Futuna</a> <span dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>WWF</a> <span dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Zambia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Zimbabwe</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget BlogArchive' data-version='1' id='BlogArchive1'> <h2>Archives du blog</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div id='ArchiveList'> <div id='BlogArchive1_ArchiveList'> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2025 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(66)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2024 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(469)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2023 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(494)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(40)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(52)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2022 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(489)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(46)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(34)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2021 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(469)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(38)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2020 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(455)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(46)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(31)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(61)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(46)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2019 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(579)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(52)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(46)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> <ul class='posts'> <li><a href=''>"20th anniversary of the EMS Cooperative" joint st...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"ROCUPEX 2019 - Taiwan Serow" ATM stamps on FDC fr...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Joint stamp with Belarus "Operation Bagration 75th...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on FDC from Dominican Re...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Sb臎ratel 2019 Fair in Prague - Letter transported ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"World Children’s Day 2019 - Bats" postmark on cov...</a></li> <li><a href=''>EUROPA 2018 (Bridges) s/s on cover from Bosnia & H...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Red Book - Reptiles and Amphibians" stamp set on ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"African Games - Rabat 2019" stamp set on FDC from...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"20th anniversary of the EMS Cooperative" joint st...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Congress of the World Society of Cardiovascular a...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Caves in Malaysia" stamp set on FDCs from Ipoh (s...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Ancient Chinese Art Treasures - Blue and White Po...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"75th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris" stam...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Constantin Stamati 150th Death Anniversary - Speci...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Best Europa stamps - The collector's choice 2019</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Eduard Arranz Bravo - Andorra 2017" stamp on prep...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Must-visit tourist destinations for Koreans (5th ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Aviation, EUROPA 2003 and fight against time on co...</a></li> <li><a href=''>EUROPA 2019 (National birds) stamp set on cover fr...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Euromed Postal 2019 (Costumes in the Mediterranean...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on cover from Cyprus</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Philatelic Society of Egypt 90th anniversary" sta...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother 87th Birthday Anni...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"French comics Asterix 60th anniversary" stamp on ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Visit of Pope Francis" stamp on FDC from Mauritius</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 450th anniversary of hi...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"FIFA World Cup Russia 2018" stamps on cover from ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"International Opera and Ballet Festival Maria Bie...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"ASEAN 2019 - Traditional costumes" stamp set on F...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Centenary of the Solar Eclipse in Sobral" stamp o...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Famous Church Architecture" stamp set on FDC from...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"International Year of Indigenous Languages" stamp...</a></li> <li><a href=''>2nd "600 years of the death of King Wenceslas IV" ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>EUROPA 2019 (National birds) stamp set on cover fr...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"National Liberation Day - The Taegeukgi Through H...</a></li> <li><a href=''>Special IMPS Philatelic Exhibition Covers "BRAPEX ...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"20th anniversary of the EMS Cooperative" joint st...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"20th anniversary of the enthronement of King Moha...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Danny Boy" stamp from the "Great Irish Songs" set...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Comics - Helvetia, where is that?" stamp set on c...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"First Moon Landing 1969-2019" stamp set on FDC fr...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Tax collectible" mark and Council of Europe's sta...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"Installation of the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong" s...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"600 years of the death of King Wenceslas IV" post...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"F眉r die Jugend 2019 - Bats" stamp set on FDC from...</a></li> <li><a href=''>"300th anniversary of the birth of Pierre Poivre" ...</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(50)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(53)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(57)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(59)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2018 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(577)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(53)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(49)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(48)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(49)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(50)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(56)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(50)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2017 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(544)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(51)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(51)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(47)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(48)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2016 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(561)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(48)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(50)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(50)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(61)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(58)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(51)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(56)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2015 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(499)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(54)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(55)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(34)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2014 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(462)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(40)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(49)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2013 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(450)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(48)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(42)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2012 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(402)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(33)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(24)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(45)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2011 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(379)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(41)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(37)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(43)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(31)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2010 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(346)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> d茅cembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> novembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(36)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> octobre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> septembre </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> ao没t </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(31)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juillet </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(35)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> juin </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(32)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mai </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> avril </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> mars </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(23)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> f茅vrier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> janvier </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2009 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(353)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a 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