Canada Growth Fund | Canada Growth Fund

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(CGF) is a C$15 billion independent and arm’s length public fund that will help Canada to speed up the deployment of technologies in its efforts to reduce emissions, transform its economy and support the long-term prosperity of Canadians.</p></div> </div> </section> <div class="bg-gradient"> <section class="page-padding py-10 xl:pb-[100px] xl:pt-40 xl:flex"> <div class="xl:w-3/5"> <div class="xl:w-[80%]"> <h2 class="mb-10 xl:mb-16 heading-2">Our mandate</h2> <div class="text-lg xl:text-xl"><p>CGF’s mandate is to build a portfolio of investments that catalyze substantial private sector investment in Canadian businesses and projects to help transform and grow Canada’s economy at speed and scale on the path to a low-carbon economy.</p></div> </div> <img src="" alt="" class="hidden xl:block mt-12 rounded"> </div> <div class="pt-10 xl:pt-0 xl:w-3/5 md:flex gap-5 xl:translate-y-[-32px] xl:translate-x-[-80px]"> <div class="xl:w-1/2 flex flex-col gap-5 justify-center"> <div class="bg-white p-6 pb-8 xl:p-8 xl:pb-10 rounded"> <span class="text-2xl text-turquoise font-medium border-b-[3px] border-turquoise pb-[6px]">01</span> <div class="mt-7 font-bold text-lg xl:text-xl">Reduce emissions and achieve Canada’s climate targets</div> </div> <div class="bg-white p-6 pb-8 xl:p-8 xl:pb-10 rounded"> <span class="text-2xl text-turquoise font-medium border-b-[3px] border-turquoise pb-[6px]">02</span> <div class="mt-7 font-bold text-lg xl:text-xl">Accelerate the deployment of key technologies</div> </div> <div class="bg-white p-6 pb-8 xl:p-8 xl:pb-10 rounded"> <span class="text-2xl text-turquoise font-medium border-b-[3px] border-turquoise pb-[6px]">03</span> <div class="mt-7 font-bold text-lg xl:text-xl">Scale up companies</div> </div> </div> <div class="pt-5 xl:pt-0 xl:w-1/2 flex flex-col gap-5 justify-center"> <div class="bg-white p-8 pb-10 rounded"> <span class="text-2xl text-turquoise font-medium border-b-[3px] border-turquoise pb-[6px]">04</span> <div class="mt-7 font-bold text-xl">Encourage the retention of intellectual property in Canada</div> </div> <div class="bg-white p-8 pb-10 rounded"> <span class="text-2xl text-turquoise font-medium border-b-[3px] border-turquoise pb-[6px]">05</span> <div class="mt-7 font-bold text-xl">Capitalize on Canada’s abundance of natural resources</div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="lg:flex text-lg font-semibold pb-10 xl:pb-32 page-padding"> <div class="border border-turquoise not-last:border-b-0 lg:not-last:border-b lg:not-last:border-r-0 flex justify-center items-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-full p-6 xl:p-10 text-center lg:text-left flex gap-3 items-center justify-center hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> Corporate presentation <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 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3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </div> <div class="border border-turquoise not-last:border-b-0 lg:not-last:border-b lg:not-last:border-r-0 flex justify-center items-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="w-full p-6 xl:p-10 text-center lg:text-left flex gap-3 items-center justify-center hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> Statement of Priorities and Accountabilities (March 2024) <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </section> <section class="bg-turquoise/70 py-10 xl:py-20 page-padding overflow-hidden"> <div class="lg:flex items-center gap-16 md:max-w-[80%] lg:max-w-full mx-auto"> <div class="max-w-[560px] mx-auto hidden lg:block lg:w-2/5"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="lg:w-3/5"> <h2 class="text-lg uppercase font-bold mb-7 xl:mb-10">Latest news</h2> <!-- Slider main container --> <div class="swiper swiper-articles"> <!-- Additional required wrapper --> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <!-- Slides --> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund, CDPQ, Investissement Québec and BDC Capital invest $145 million in MKB’s Third Energy Transition Fund</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">August 22, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund to Invest up to US$100 Million in Svante to Accelerate Growth</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">August 15, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund Announces up to $2 billion Carbon Capture and Sequestration Partnership with Strathcona Resources</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">July 10, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund Announces Canada’s First Carbon Policy Contract for Difference in Markham, Ontario</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">June 26, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund, Gibson Energy and Varme Energy announce strategic partnership to advance Canadian waste-to-energy project</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">June 11, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund announces first cleantech fund commitment</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">March 25, 2024</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund announces strategic investment in Entropy Inc and carbon credit offtake commitment</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">December 20, 2023</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide max-w-[250px]"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex flex-col justify-between gap-4 p-4 border border-dark-blue h-full hover:text-white hover:bg-dark-blue"> <p class="text-lg font-semibold leading-snug">Canada Growth Fund announces first investment</p> <div class="flex gap-3 items-center"> <p class="text-md xl:text-lg">October 25, 2023</p> <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-end mt-8"> <button class="swiper-button-prev"> <svg class="fill-current rotate-180" width="40" height="40" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none"> <path d="M21.8375 31.9125C21.6619 31.7367 21.5633 31.4984 21.5633 31.25C21.5633 31.0016 21.6619 30.7633 21.8375 30.5875L31.4859 20.9375L6.24997 20.9375C6.00133 20.9375 5.76287 20.8387 5.58706 20.6629C5.41124 20.4871 5.31247 20.2486 5.31247 20C5.31247 19.7513 5.41124 19.5129 5.58706 19.3371C5.76287 19.1613 6.00133 19.0625 6.24997 19.0625L31.4859 19.0625L21.8375 9.41249C21.6719 9.23477 21.5817 8.99971 21.586 8.75684C21.5903 8.51396 21.6887 8.28223 21.8604 8.11046C22.0322 7.9387 22.2639 7.84031 22.5068 7.83602C22.7497 7.83174 22.9848 7.92189 23.1625 8.08749L34.4125 19.3375C34.588 19.5133 34.6866 19.7516 34.6866 20C34.6866 20.2484 34.588 20.4867 34.4125 20.6625L23.1625 31.9125C22.9867 32.0881 22.7484 32.1867 22.5 32.1867C22.2515 32.1867 22.0133 32.0881 21.8375 31.9125Z" fill="#093847"/> </svg> </button> <button class="swiper-button-next"> <svg class="fill-current" width="40" height="40" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none"> <path d="M21.8375 31.9125C21.6619 31.7367 21.5633 31.4984 21.5633 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lg:grid-cols-2 gap-16"> <div class="col-span-1"> <h2 class="mb-10 xl:mb-16 heading-3">Reports</h2> <ul class="space-y-5"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> 2024 Q2 Interim Report <span class="inline-block pl-1 translate-y-0.5"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> 2024 Q1 Interim Report <span class="inline-block pl-1 translate-y-0.5"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> 2023 Annual Report <span class="inline-block pl-1 translate-y-0.5"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> Annual Report on the Privacy Act (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) <span class="inline-block pl-1 translate-y-0.5"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> Annual Report on the Access to Information Act (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) <span class="inline-block pl-1 translate-y-0.5"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-span-1"> <h2 class="mb-10 xl:mb-16 heading-3">Reference documents</h2> <ul class="space-y-4"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex gap-3 items-center text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> Technical Briefing on our investment in Entropy Inc. <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex gap-3 items-center text-white font-medium text-[1.125rem] hover:underline"> Carbon Contracts Strategy Backgrounder <span class=" flex-shrink-0"><svg class="fill-current" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="icomoon-free:file-pdf" clip-path="url(#clip0_0_136)"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.4818 10.3211C14.2494 10.092 13.7334 9.97091 12.948 9.96C12.331 9.96067 11.7148 10.0059 11.1043 10.0953C10.8032 9.92181 10.4923 9.732 10.2491 9.504C9.59343 8.892 9.04579 8.04218 8.70543 7.10727C8.72725 7.02 8.74688 6.94363 8.76434 6.86509C8.76434 6.86509 9.13415 4.76727 9.03597 4.05818C9.02875 3.98947 9.01261 3.92199 8.98797 3.85745L8.95634 3.77454C8.85597 3.54327 8.65852 3.29781 8.34979 3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="py-10 xl:pt-20 xl:pb-[100px] page-padding"> <h2 class="center heading-2">Our focus sectors and investment selection criteria</h2> <div class="my-10 xl:mt-[70px] xl:mb-[52px] text-lg xl:text-xl xl:text-center">To achieve its mandate, CGF will focus its investing activities on three key sectors:</div> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row justify-center gap-5 lg:gap-0 3xl:max-w-[80%] mx-auto"> <div class="border lg:not-last:border-r-0 border-y border-turquoise p-6 xl:p-10 lg:w-1/3"> <div class="flex items-start gap-4"> <img src="" alt="" class="flex-shrink-0"> <div class="text-lg xl:text-xl font-semibold self-center">Projects</div> </div> <div class="mt-8 xl:mt-10 font-medium"><p>Projects that use less mature technologies and processes (proven in pilots but not yet widely adopted) to reduce emissions across the Canadian economy. This includes, but is not limited to, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and biofuels.</p></div> </div> <div class="border lg:not-last:border-r-0 border-y border-turquoise p-6 xl:p-10 lg:w-1/3"> <div class="flex items-start gap-4"> <img src="" alt="" class="flex-shrink-0"> <div class="text-lg xl:text-xl font-semibold self-center">Clean technology</div> </div> <div class="mt-8 xl:mt-10 font-medium"><p>Clean technology companies, including small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”), which are scaling less mature technologies that are in the demonstration or commercialization stages of development.</p></div> </div> <div class="border lg:not-last:border-r-0 border-y border-turquoise p-6 xl:p-10 lg:w-1/3"> <div class="flex items-start gap-4"> <img src="" alt="" class="flex-shrink-0"> <div class="text-lg xl:text-xl font-semibold self-center">Low-carbon supply chains</div> </div> <div class="mt-8 xl:mt-10 font-medium"><p>Projects and companies (including SMEs) across low-carbon or climate technology value chains, including low-carbon natural resource development.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-10 xl:mt-20 text-lg xl:text-xl page-max-width"><p>When evaluating investment opportunities on behalf of CGF, the investment team uses a set of Investment Criteria (as set out in section 4.3 of the Technical Backgrounder) that enable rigorous, fair, and consistent evaluations, while ensuring that the opportunities pursued align with relevant aspects of CGF’s Mandate (both on an individual and on a portfolio basis). Any individual investment may not satisfy all Investment Criteria and strategic objectives of CGF’s Mandate.</p></div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="block mt-7 xl:mt-10 text-xl font-normal underline underline-offset-4 hover:font-bold hover:text-turquoise page-max-width">Learn more about the Investment Selection Criteria<svg class="stroke-current inline ml-2" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path id="Vector" d="M1 11L11 1M11 1V7M11 1H5" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </a> </section> </div> <section class="pt-10 xl:pt-20 xl:pb-[100px] page-padding"> <h2 class="center page-max-width heading-2">About us</h2> <div class="wysiwyg mt-10 xl:mt-20 page-max-width"><p>As outlined in the <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong><u>Technical Backgrounder</u></strong></a> issued by the Government of Canada’s Department of Finance in November 2022, CGF is designed to address the current limitations of Canada’s climate-related policy, and its associated funding and capital allocation processes.</p><p>In December 2022, CGF was incorporated as a subsidiary of the Canada Development Investment Corporation.</p><p>In Budget 2023, the Government of Canada announced that the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (“PSP Investments”) would act as the independent and exclusive investment manager of CGF. PSP Investments incorporated Canada Growth Fund Investment Management Inc. (“CGF Investment Management”) as its wholly owned subsidiary to provide the full suite of investment management services to CGF.</p><p>By partnering with PSP Investments, CGF benefits from PSP Investments’ deep investment expertise and track record across a broad range of sectors and strategies, a mature and scalable operational ecosystem and a governance framework that is independent and at arm’s length from the Government of Canada, allowing CGF to rapidly and successfully deliver its mandate. CGF Investment Management’s activities are operationally distinct from PSP Investments’ pension investment mandate, and the assets of CGF and of PSP Investments are not commingled.</p><p>As the parent of CGF Investment Management, PSP Investments’ Board of Directors has adopted the <i><strong>PSP Investments and Canada Growth Fund Conflicts Policy</strong></i> to address the risk of any real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in the context of the investment management services provided by CGF Investment Management to CGF. The policy and any disclosure made pursuant to the terms thereof can be found <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong><u>here</u></strong></a>.</p></div> </section> </main> <footer class="bg-dark-blue text-white"> <div class="xl:flex justify-between py-10 xl:py-[100px] page-padding items-center gap-10"> <h2 class="mb-[60px] xl:mb-0 heading-2">Contact us</h2> <div class="lg:flex justify-center text-xl font-bold"> <div class="p-6 xl:p-10 border border-turquoise flex justify-center items-center"> <a href="" class="text-center lg:text-left flex gap-3 items-center justify-center hover:opacity-60">General information<span class="flex-shrink-0"><svg width="18" height="14" viewBox="0 0 18 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="Group"> <path id="Vector" d="M1.58261 1.19284V0.541626C1.40989 0.541626 1.24426 0.610235 1.12213 0.732361C1.00001 0.854486 0.931396 1.02012 0.931396 1.19284H1.58261ZM17.2116 1.19284H17.8628C17.8628 1.02012 17.7942 0.854486 17.6721 0.732361C17.55 0.610235 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3.31091L8.16325 3.30545C7.81852 3.30545 7.53815 3.48109 7.46506 3.74509C7.24143 4.57091 7.4727 5.80581 7.89052 7.40509L7.78361 7.66581C7.48361 8.39672 7.10834 9.13309 6.7767 9.78218L6.73306 9.86618C6.38397 10.5491 6.06761 11.1284 5.7807 11.6193L5.48506 11.7764C5.46324 11.7873 4.95597 12.0567 4.83706 12.1287C3.82688 12.732 3.15815 13.416 3.04688 13.9593C3.01197 14.1327 3.03815 14.3542 3.21706 14.4567L3.50397 14.6007C3.62465 14.6621 3.75805 14.6942 3.89343 14.6945C4.61234 14.6945 5.44797 13.7989 6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 11.1436C13.4345 11.1436 12.9131 10.9516 12.1832 10.6375C12.4636 10.6167 12.7211 10.6058 12.9523 10.6058C13.3745 10.6058 13.5 10.6036 13.9123 10.7095C14.3247 10.8153 14.3302 11.0291 14.2592 11.0727V11.0738Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M15.7745 4.17708C15.3959 3.66108 14.8679 3.05672 14.2886 2.47745C13.7094 1.89817 13.105 1.37017 12.589 0.991629C11.7097 0.346902 11.2832 0.27272 11.0388 0.27272H2.58428C1.83264 0.27272 1.22064 0.88472 1.22064 1.63636V16.3636C1.22064 17.1153 1.83264 17.7273 2.58428 17.7273H15.1297C15.8814 17.7273 16.4934 17.1153 16.4934 16.3636V5.72727C16.4934 5.4829 16.4192 5.05636 15.7745 4.17708ZM13.5163 3.24981C14.0399 3.77345 14.4501 4.24472 14.7534 4.63636H12.1286V2.01272C12.5203 2.31599 12.9937 2.72618 13.5163 3.24981ZM15.4025 16.3636C15.4025 16.512 15.2781 16.6364 15.1297 16.6364H2.58428C2.51221 16.6355 2.44333 16.6065 2.39237 16.5555C2.34141 16.5046 2.3124 16.4357 2.31155 16.3636V1.63636C2.31155 1.48908 2.43701 1.36363 2.58428 1.36363H11.0388V5.18181C11.0388 5.32648 11.0963 5.46521 11.1986 5.56751C11.3009 5.6698 11.4396 5.72727 11.5843 5.72727H15.4025V16.3636Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_0_136"> <rect width="17.4545" height="17.4545" fill="white" transform="translate(0.129761 0.27272)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </a> <span>&emsp;|&emsp;</span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="flex gap-2 items-center hover:underline"> Privacy <span class="flex-shrink-0"><svg class="h-4" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 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6.59888 11.7905C7.95924 11.3508 9.35234 11.0195 10.7651 10.8C11.7752 11.3684 13.0178 11.7633 13.8011 11.7633C13.9407 11.7633 14.0607 11.7502 14.1578 11.724C14.3015 11.689 14.4275 11.6029 14.5123 11.4818C14.664 11.2527 14.6956 10.9375 14.6542 10.6145C14.6281 10.501 14.5684 10.398 14.4829 10.3189L14.4818 10.3211ZM3.73743 14.1491C3.86834 13.7902 4.38761 13.0811 5.15561 12.4516C5.20361 12.4124 5.32252 12.3011 5.43161 12.1975C4.6287 13.4782 4.09088 13.9887 3.73743 14.148V14.1491ZM8.28543 3.67636C8.5167 3.67636 8.6487 4.25891 8.65961 4.80545C8.67052 5.352 8.54288 5.736 8.3847 6.01963C8.25379 5.59963 8.18943 4.93745 8.18943 4.50436C8.18943 4.50436 8.17961 3.67636 8.28543 3.67636ZM6.92834 11.1393C7.08979 10.8513 7.2567 10.5469 7.42797 10.224C7.84579 9.43418 8.1087 8.81672 8.30506 8.30945C8.67378 8.99272 9.16483 9.60247 9.75379 10.1084C9.8247 10.1684 9.90106 10.2295 9.97961 10.2895C8.8167 10.5196 7.81306 10.7989 6.92834 11.1393ZM14.2592 11.0738C14.1883 11.1185 13.9854 11.1436 13.8556 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