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href="#art-and-crime-forgeries-theft-and-fraud">Art and Crime: Forgeries, Theft and Fraud</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#chinese-ceramics-course">Chinese Ceramics (Course)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#chinese-ceramics-course-plus-gallery-talks">Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#arts-of-19th-century-europe-realism-to-fauvism">Arts of 19th Century Europe: Realism to Fauvism</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#carpets-from-east-and-west">Carpets from East and West</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#classicism-christianity-to-enlightenment">Classicism: Christianity to Enlightenment</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#staging-the-exhibition-the-great-mughals-art-architecture-and-opulence">Staging the Exhibition: The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence </a> <a role="menuitem" href="#engaging-and-supporting-teachers-cpd-and-learning-resources">Engaging and supporting teachers: CPD and learning resources</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#fashion-collections-and-curation">Fashion Collections and Curation</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#spitalfields-walking-tour-with-mike-berlin-immigration-and-creativity-7-feb">Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and Creativity (7 Feb)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#hands-on-history-arts-and-crafts-patterns">Hands-On History: Arts and Crafts Patterns</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#a-history-of-london-1666-to-1851">A History of London: 1666 to 1851</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#producing-year-round-family-programmes-drop-in-to-special-events">Producing year-round family programmes: drop-in to special events</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#chinese-ceramics-object-handling-session">Chinese Ceramics: Object-handling session</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#spitalfields-walking-tour-with-mike-berlin-immigration-and-creativity-21-feb">Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and creativity (21 Feb)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#art-and-literature-a-global-journey">Art and Literature: A Global Journey</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#the-principles-of-exhibition-making">The Principles of Exhibition Making</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#iconic-houses-modern-london">Iconic Houses: Modern London</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#hands-on-history-drawing-from-classical-sculpture">Hands-On History: Drawing From Classical Sculpture</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#directors-and-directing">Directors and Directing</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#the-great-mughals-art-architecture-and-opulence-course">The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence (Course)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#introduction-to-fashion-illustration-saturday-am">Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Saturday AM)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#introduction-to-fashion-illustration-thursday-am">Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Thursday AM)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#setting-the-scene-designing-for-the-stage-in-person">Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#setting-the-scene-designing-for-the-stage-online">Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#women-artists-of-the-v-a-in-person">Women Artists of the V&A (In-person)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#women-artists-of-the-v-a-online">Women Artists of the V&A (Online)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#hampstead-walking-tour-with-christine-lalumia">Hampstead Walking Tour with Christine Lalumia</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#courier-training-getting-it-there-in-one-piece">Courier training: Getting it there in one piece</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#arts-of-south-asia-ancient-to-early-modern">Arts of South Asia: Ancient to Early Modern</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#classicism-antiquity-to-christianity">Classicism: Antiquity to Christianity</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#arts-of-late-medieval-europe-1250-to-1350">Arts of Late Medieval Europe: 1250 to 1350</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#introduction-to-art-history">Introduction to Art History</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#age-of-michelangelo-arts-of-16th-century-europe-course">Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#age-of-michelangelo-arts-of-16th-century-europe-course-and-gallery-talks">Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#a-history-of-london-1066-1666">A History of London: 1066-1666</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#arts-of-18th-century-europe-rococo-to-romanticism">Arts of 18th Century Europe: Rococo to Romanticism</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#british-theatre-2024-an-overview">British Theatre 2024: An Overview</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#couture-hand-sewing-make-a-dress-in-quarter-scale-saturday">Couture Hand-Sewing: Make a Dress in Quarter Scale (Saturday)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#couture-hand-sewing-make-a-dress-in-quarter-scale-tuesday-am">Couture Hand Sewing: Make A Dress in Quarter Scale (Tuesday AM)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#the-artist-and-the-book">The Artist and the Book</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#english-embroidery-on-demand">English Embroidery (On- Demand)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#how-to-read-a-painting-on-demand">How To Read A Painting (On-Demand)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#pearls-on-demand">Pearls (On-Demand)</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#how-to-generate-income-for-your-museum"> How to generate income for your museum</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#gardens-and-art">Gardens and Art</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#costume-design-for-the-stage-a-history">Costume Design for the Stage: A History</a> <a role="menuitem" href="#carpets-a-love-affair-taster-lecture-recording">Carpets: A Love Affair - Taster Lecture Recording</a> </nav> <ul class="wo-events__items js-grid-reveal-more" data-reveal-more-theme="light" data-reveal-more-counter="6" data-icon-url="/assets/vam-sprite-40622a49a68c393ede0fec0bd1d6063401a040a363c7b1e21cf7deb295bbc38c.svg" data-reveal-more-tracking="events"> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="numbering-museum-objects-making-your-mark-online" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-12-02 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-03 17:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The V&A holds over 1.7 million objects, and every single one is assigned a number to identify it on the collections management system. But what of physically marking and labelling an object with its accession number? How do you ensure that your marking method is durable but reversible, and doesn’t damage the object? This online course will outline the guiding principles, best practice and the practical skills for physically numbering or labelling museum objects. You will discover how object marking has evolved at the V&A, learn which materials are recommended for numbering museum objects, and why each method of marking is dependent upon each object or group of objects, their condition and materials, whether stone, metals, plastic, wood, textiles or other."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/Da3q7o8zZy/o24067-numbering-museum-objects"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online)" itemprop="name" content="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online)"> Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 2 December 2024 – Tuesday, 3 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£45.00">£45.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="numbering-museum-objects-making-your-mark-online-and-onsite" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online and Onsite)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-12-02 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-03 17:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The V&A holds over 1.7 million objects, and every single one is assigned a number to identify it on the collections management system. But what of physically marking and labelling an object with its accession number? How do you ensure that your marking method is durable but reversible, and doesn’t damage the object? This hybrid course, taking place both online and in person at V&A South Kensington, will outline the guiding principles, best practice and the practical skills for physically numbering or labelling museum objects. You will discover how object marking has evolved at the V&A, learn which materials are recommended for numbering museum objects, and why each method of marking is dependent upon each object or group of objects, their condition and materials, whether stone, metals, plastic, textiles or other."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/nZ90Y9WOVp/p24053-numbering-museum-objects-online-and-onsite"> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online and Onsite)" itemprop="name" content="Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online and Onsite)"> Numbering Museum Objects: Making Your Mark (Online and Onsite) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 2 December 2024 – Tuesday, 3 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£195.00">£195.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="arts-of-south-and-southeast-asia" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Arts of South and Southeast Asia"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-13 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-31 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Explore the rich cultural and artistic heritage of South and Southeast Asia through paintings and manuscripts, architecture, sculpture, textiles and the decorative arts, and take a unique look at the history of Asia from the Himalayas to the island nations of Southeast Asia and beyond. On this online art history course, you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch Asian art lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/DBLvdWQlKmX/o24052-arts-of-south-and-southeast-asia"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Arts of South and Southeast Asia" itemprop="name" content="Arts of South and Southeast Asia"> Arts of South and Southeast Asia </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 13 January 2025 – Monday, 31 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="introduction-to-watercolours-mon-14-00" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online creative-skills " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 14:00)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-13 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-17 16:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Discover the lively personality of watercolour painting. Through a series of exercises with expert watercolour course tutor Leo Crane, each week you’ll explore a different way to use this versatile medium, from luminous manuscript painting to precision illustration and spontaneous mark-making. By the end of this beginners' watercolour course, you will have tried out a variety of techniques, creating a mini portfolio of sample pieces and a final project: • Learn watercolours from our world-class experts wherever, whenever: watch classes live or view the recording later in your own time. • Time to explore: 12 hours of live classroom sessions over six weeks. • Consolidate your learning: watch over 20 specially-commissioned beginner watercolour painting lessons to support your course. Receive feedback from the class tutor on your work. • Deepen your understanding: weekly Spotlight Sessions with V&A Curators, Art Historians and practicing artists explore the background to the projects. • Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials are available for six weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a minute. • A list of readily available materials will be sent out in advance of the course. This course is suitable for beginners and is open to participants aged 18 plus. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/4oelMraEyo/o24072-introduction-to-watercolours-mon-14-00"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 14:00)" itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 14:00)"> Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 14:00) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 13 January 2025 – Monday, 17 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="introduction-to-watercolours-mon-18-00" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 18:00)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-13 18:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-17 20:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Discover the lively personality of watercolour painting. Through a series of exercises with expert watercolour course tutor Leo Crane, each week you’ll explore a different way to use this versatile medium, from luminous manuscript painting to precision illustration and spontaneous mark-making. By the end of this beginners' watercolour course, you will have tried out a variety of techniques, creating a mini portfolio of sample pieces and a final project: • Learn watercolours from our world-class experts wherever, whenever: watch classes live or view the recording later in your own time. • Time to explore: 12 hours of live classroom sessions over six weeks. • Consolidate your learning: watch over 20 specially-commissioned beginner watercolour painting lessons to support your course. Receive feedback from the class tutor on your work. • Deepen your understanding: weekly Spotlight Sessions with V&A Curators, Art Historians and practicing artists explore the background to the projects. • Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials are available for six weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a minute. • A list of readily available materials will be sent out in advance of the course. This course is suitable for beginners and is open to participants aged 18 plus. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/Ey0LAL55nVe/o24073-introduction-to-watercolours-mon-18-00"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 18:00)" itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 18:00)"> Introduction to Watercolours (Mon 18:00) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 13 January 2025 – Monday, 17 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="late-medieval-to-early-renaissance-europe-1350-1450" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-14 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-01 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Explore the transition from Gothic to Renaissance in European art, from the innovations of Van Eyck in Flanders to those of early Renaissance Florence, alongside the V&A’s spectacular collections of late medieval art, textiles and renaissance sculpture. On this online art history course, you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/MOnW19MNKv/o24054-late-medieval-to-early-renaissance-europe"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450" itemprop="name" content="Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450"> Late Medieval to Early Renaissance Europe: 1350-1450 </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – Tuesday, 1 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="rembrandt-and-his-times" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Rembrandt and His Times"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-14 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-18 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="So much has been written about every stage of Rembrandt’s life and work. Every aspect of his innovative work as a painter, draftsman and etcher has been extensively discussed. However, the course will be an opportunity to study his life and work as it developed, first in Leiden, and then in Amsterdam, his successes and disappointments, as well as the work of his pupils and those whom he influenced. On this online art history course, learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn Rembrandt history at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/kOG9XM2r0MW/o24058-rembrandt-and-his-times"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Rembrandt and His Times" itemprop="name" content="Rembrandt and His Times"> Rembrandt and His Times </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – Tuesday, 18 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="italian-fashion-history" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Italian Fashion History"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-14 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-18 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="From the Renaissance to the present, this online fashion history course will trace the story of Italian fashion. A fascinating story where politics, power, and international trade play key roles in the fashioning of a country that is still today recognized as a key player in the global fashion scene. This will lead us to wonder 'what makes Italian fashion uniquely Italian?'. The course is aimed at an audience with an interest in the history of dress, fashion, Italian culture and art. Guest lecturers include: Dr Silvija Banić, Dr Paolo Plebani, Isabella Campagnol, Dr Bruce Edelstein, Sonnet Stanfill, Romeo Gigli and Adriana Camerini Saralvo. On this online art history course, learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/aay2x3Y7Kg/o24059-italian-fashion-history"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Italian Fashion History" itemprop="name" content="Italian Fashion History"> Italian Fashion History </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – Tuesday, 18 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="art-and-crime-forgeries-theft-and-fraud" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Art and Crime: Forgeries, Theft and Fraud"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-15 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-02 14:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us at V&A South Kensington for a 12 week art history course where we will explore the fascinating relationship between art and crime from antiquity to the present day. Expert lecturers will consider art crime themes including forgery, the pillaging of cities, museum heists, artist convicts and Nazi looting. We will consider how artists from Salvator Rosa to Sidney Nolan have celebrated the world of thieves and outcasts, the rise of the celebrity forger, the shadier aspects of 19th century archaeology, the systematic state-led pillaging of art collections, thefts from museums, the role of criminality in the modern art market, and the investigation of stolen art. Expert lecturers include: Clare Ford-Wille, independent art historian, lecturer for the National Gallery, the V&A and Birkbeck College; Vernon Rapley FSA, Chair of ICOM International Committee for Museum Security ICMS; Justine Hopkins, freelance lecturer, specialist in 19th and 20th century art and design. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/KEbYbbQpzEr/p24041-art-and-crime-forgeries-theft-and-fraud"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Art and Crime: Forgeries, Theft and Fraud" itemprop="name" content="Art and Crime: Forgeries, Theft and Fraud"> Art and Crime: Forgeries, Theft and Fraud </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 15 January 2025 – Wednesday, 2 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£500.00">£500.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="chinese-ceramics-course" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics (Course)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-15 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-19 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The V&A collection of Chinese ceramics is globally recognised for its scale and scope, from early Neolithic tomb wares to fine porcelains for court use. Through the study of body and glaze, this art history course will investigate why the ceramics of China led artistic and technological innovations up to the modern period. Chinese ceramics were enjoyed at home and abroad, as articles of daily use, ritual items and collectible artefacts. Colour, decoration and form reflect a diverse range of influences, highlighting domestic fashion and taste as well as the influx of artistic motifs and aesthetics – through travel, trade and diplomacy – which stimulated and enriched the ceramic traditions of China. This course features two different ticketing options. Book on this page for entry to all the lectures shown in the programme. However, if you would like to add some complementary gallery talks to your experience, click here: Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks) - Course at V&A South Kensington · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/b1q1NXWE/p24042-chinese-ceramics-course"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Chinese Ceramics (Course)" itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics (Course)"> Chinese Ceramics (Course) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 15 January 2025 – Wednesday, 19 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£250.00">£250.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="chinese-ceramics-course-plus-gallery-talks" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-15 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-19 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The V&A collection of Chinese ceramics is globally recognised for its scale and scope, from early Neolithic tomb wares to fine porcelains for court use. Through the study of body and glaze, this art history course will investigate why the ceramics of China led artistic and technological innovations up to the modern period. Chinese ceramics were enjoyed at home and abroad, as articles of daily use, ritual items and collectible artefacts. Colour, decoration and form reflect a diverse range of influences, highlighting domestic fashion and taste as well as the influx of artistic motifs and aesthetics – through travel, trade and diplomacy – which stimulated and enriched the ceramic traditions of China. This art history course features two different ticketing options. Book on this page for a ticket including access to all the lectures plus three complementary gallery talks. Alternatively, if you would prefer to book a lectures-only ticket, click here: Chinese Ceramics (Course) - V&A Academy Course at V&A South Kensington · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/6GzNxJv0j0/p24061-chinese-ceramics-course-plus-gallery-talks"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks)" itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks)"> Chinese Ceramics (Course plus gallery talks) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 15 January 2025 – Wednesday, 19 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£300.00">£300.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="arts-of-19th-century-europe-realism-to-fauvism" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Arts of 19th Century Europe: Realism to Fauvism"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-16 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-03 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Explore a remarkable period in the history of western art. During the 19th century new styles and methods – from Realism to Fauvism – succeeded each other with ever-increasing rapidity, as artists and designers competed for leadership of the avant-garde. 19th century art has outstanding presence within the V&A’s collections, and the programme is designed to make the most of this fact. On this online art history course, expert lecturers will trace stylistic developments in the arts within a wider political and cultural context, considering themes such as taste, patronage and the art market. On this course you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/RNNro0jROA/o24056-arts-of-19th-century-europe-realism-to-fauvism"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Arts of 19th Century Europe: Realism to Fauvism" itemprop="name" content="Arts of 19th Century Europe: Realism to Fauvism"> Arts of 19th Century Europe: Realism to Fauvism </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Thursday, 16 January 2025 – Thursday, 3 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="carpets-from-east-and-west" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Carpets from East and West"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-16 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-03 14:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This online art history course invites you to immerse yourself in the world of carpet history over twelve fascinating weeks. Long established as indicators of wealth and good taste, hand-knotted carpets have furnished the most important and the humblest dwellings. Learn about the history of carpets from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 24 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/lOl4R5y5vE/o24057-carpets-from-east-and-west"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Carpets from East and West" itemprop="name" content="Carpets from East and West"> Carpets from East and West </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Thursday, 16 January 2025 – Thursday, 3 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£250.00">£250.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="classicism-christianity-to-enlightenment" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Classicism: Christianity to Enlightenment"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-20 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-31 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Discover the afterlife of the ancient world on this online art history course. Gain fascinating new insights into the development of the classical tradition from the early Medieval period to Enlightenment art, as painters, sculptors and architects gained an increasingly sophisticated knowledge of the antique world. While there was no consensus as to what the classical tradition meant, most artists continued to believe that classicism had an essential role to play in their work. This course emphasizes that classicism has always been a living tradition, re-invented to meet the needs and interests of each new age. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/rPX0E35arE/o24053-classicism-christianity-to-enlightenment"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Classicism: Christianity to Enlightenment" itemprop="name" content="Classicism: Christianity to Enlightenment"> Classicism: Christianity to Enlightenment </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 13 January 2025 - Monday, 31 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="staging-the-exhibition-the-great-mughals-art-architecture-and-opulence" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Staging the Exhibition: The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence "> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-21 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-01-21 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Go behind the scenes and learn all about the making of our upcoming exhibition The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence in this one-day course. Through talks and panel discussions with our team of experts, you will explore the exhibition from conception to staging and design. Your course will include a complimentary ticket to the exhibition to put all you’ve learnt into context."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/M9RYNoe9eRd/p25001-staging-the-exhibition-great-mughals"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Staging the Exhibition: The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence " itemprop="name" content="Staging the Exhibition: The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence "> Staging the Exhibition: The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 21 January 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£75.00">£75.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="engaging-and-supporting-teachers-cpd-and-learning-resources" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Engaging and supporting teachers: CPD and learning resources"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-22 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-01-22 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us for an insightful series of half-day courses where we explore innovative ways to engage audiences through dynamic museum learning programs. Led by the V&A’s expert staff, with contributions from industry leaders across the UK, this series will draw on the museum’s rich expertise and ongoing expansion as a catalyst for deep discussion. The first in this series will focus on the different approaches to engaging schools and teachers with museum learning with engagement experts. Consider the challenges and opportunities of onsite, outreach and hybrid learning and in discussion with peers and course contributors, explore how to develop a programme that both meets the needs of schools and enriches learning."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/AxP4gmbMDZ/engaging-and-supporting-teachers-cpd-and-learning-resources"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Engaging and supporting teachers: CPD and learning resources" itemprop="name" content="Engaging and supporting teachers: CPD and learning resources"> Engaging and supporting teachers: CPD and learning resources </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 22 January 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£65.00">£65.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="fashion-collections-and-curation" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Fashion Collections and Curation"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-01-29 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-05 16:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This online course provides a unique opportunity for cultural professionals to go behind the scenes, experience the inner workings of the V&A, and develop both practical and critical skills in fashion curation. The V&A’s fashion collection is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. Our fashion exhibitions are renowned for their innovation and broad appeal, attracting millions of visitors worldwide and setting a global standard in curatorial practice. In collaboration with a diverse team of curators, exhibition makers, conservators, collections managers, and other industry experts, you will learn the principles of collections management and care, object-based storytelling, and audience engagement. The course also covers curatorial ethics and strategies for creating inclusive narratives that resonate with contemporary audiences. You’ll explore how to use objects to convey historical, social, and aesthetic narratives, and understand the critical role fashion plays in reflecting cultural identity. Through case studies and project-based learning, you will gain hands-on experience in exhibition design, working with digital tools, and leveraging social media to connect with a global audience. By the end of the course, you will have developed a strong foundation in both traditional and emerging curatorial practices, enabling you to shape fashion narratives that are both thought-provoking and accessible to a wide range of audiences."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/OdzVl8jVKb/o25016-fashion-collections-and-curation"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Fashion Collections and Curation" itemprop="name" content="Fashion Collections and Curation"> Fashion Collections and Curation </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 29 January 2025 – Wednesday, 5 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£360.00">£360.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="spitalfields-walking-tour-with-mike-berlin-immigration-and-creativity-7-feb" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and Creativity (7 Feb)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-07 11:15:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-07 14:45:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This walk will explore Spitalfields, one of London’s most famous quarters. A place of settlement of migrants and site of production of the world-famous silks, seen in the V&A’s textile collections, Spitalfields has been defined by the cultures of Huguenots, Jewish, Irish, Bangladeshi and other communities over four centuries. This walk is designed to complement the course ‘A History of London: 1666 – 1851’ led by Mike Berlin but you do not need to be enrolled on any online course to join a walking tour. To view Mike's course, click here: A History of London: 1666 to 1851 - V&A Academy Course at Online · V&A ( Please note that we cannot guarantee that this tour is fully accessible; there will be curbs, narrow and uneven pavements on this tour. This walking tour is sold out, if you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email or take a moment to sign up to our newsletter to hear about similar events and more. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/kemJOrZek/p24064-walking-tour-of-spitalfields-7-feb-2025"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and Creativity (7 Feb)" itemprop="name" content="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and Creativity (7 Feb)"> Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and Creativity (7 Feb) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Friday, 7 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£70.00">£70.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="hands-on-history-arts-and-crafts-patterns" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history creative-skills " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hands-On History: Arts and Crafts Patterns"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-10 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-14 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Following in the footsteps of William Morris, this unique textile history course will uncover the history, production and use of Arts and Crafts wallpapers and textiles through a mix of lectures, up-close observation and a hands-on screen printing masterclass. Over five days, you'll learn the creative process behind pattern design - how to build layers and colours, draw motifs, and play with scale to reproduce two of William Morris's most eminent designs; Strawberry Thief and Larkspur. William Morris and the leading figures in the Arts and Crafts Movement were the most innovative and original designers in Britain in the second half of the 19th century. Their work in creating patterns for textiles and wallpapers was highly influential. Rejecting the overblown realism and the artificial symmetry of mid-Victorian design they introduced motifs such as colourful birds, ripe fruits and flowers in bloom inspired by the hedgerows and meadows of the English countryside."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/DoYajzBeABN/p24058-hands-on-history-arts-and-crafts-patterns"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Hands-On History: Arts and Crafts Patterns" itemprop="name" content="Hands-On History: Arts and Crafts Patterns"> Hands-On History: Arts and Crafts Patterns </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Monday, 10 February 2025 – Friday, 14 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£600.00">£600.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="a-history-of-london-1666-to-1851" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="A History of London: 1666 to 1851"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-12 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-02 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This online art history course explores the transformation of the elegant city of Christopher Wren into the vast imperial metropolis of the Great Exhibition, a massive emporia of the world’s riches and the most populous city in human history. On this London history course you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/m3m0G9lQDn/o24055-a-history-of-london-1666-to-1851"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="A History of London: 1666 to 1851" itemprop="name" content="A History of London: 1666 to 1851"> A History of London: 1666 to 1851 </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 15 January 2025 - Wednesday, 2 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="producing-year-round-family-programmes-drop-in-to-special-events" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Producing year-round family programmes: drop-in to special events"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-12 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-12 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us for an insightful series of half-day courses where we explore innovative ways to engage audiences through dynamic museum learning programs. Led by the V&A’s expert staff, with contributions from industry leaders across the UK, this series will draw on the museum’s rich expertise and ongoing expansion as a catalyst for deep discussion. The second in this series offers a unique opportunity to hear from museum learning experts exploring different museum programming models for families. Participate in discussions and activities to develop your understanding of the relationship between programming and visitor experience and how to diversify and sustain family audiences."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/oz0aJ1VAvN1/producing-year-round-family-programmes-drop-in-to-special-events"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Producing year-round family programmes: drop-in to special events" itemprop="name" content="Producing year-round family programmes: drop-in to special events"> Producing year-round family programmes: drop-in to special events </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 12 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£65.00">£65.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="chinese-ceramics-object-handling-session" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics: Object-handling session"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-21 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-21 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us onsite at V&A South Kensington as we explore how ceramics of the Ming and Qing dynasty constitute the mainstay of the V&A Chinese collection. Contrasting artistic trends, regional styles and technical innovations through the handling of selected objects, students will gain a deeper understanding of Chinese ceramic typologies and why they were so prized by collectors at home and abroad. Focussing on ceramics of the Ming and Qing periods, this study morning introduces the key characteristics of body and glaze through the close examination of objects and handling of key items. This session is designed for people who already have some understanding of the fascinating world of Chinese ceramics. Luckily, we have a lecture course on Chinese ceramics starting in January which would provide an excellent grounding. Click here to find out more."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/x61vGvJp9D/p24054-ceramics-object-handling"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> One-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Chinese Ceramics: Object-handling session" itemprop="name" content="Chinese Ceramics: Object-handling session"> Chinese Ceramics: Object-handling session </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Friday, 21 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£150.00">£150.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="spitalfields-walking-tour-with-mike-berlin-immigration-and-creativity-21-feb" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="offsite" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and creativity (21 Feb)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-21 11:15:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-21 14:45:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This walk will explore Spitalfields, one of London’s most famous quarters. A place of settlement of migrants and site of production of the world-famous silks, seen in the V&A’s textile collections, Spitalfields has been defined by the cultures of Huguenots, Jewish, Irish, Bangladeshi and other communities over four centuries. This walk is designed to complement the course ‘A History of London: 1666 – 1851’ led by Mike Berlin but you do not need to be enrolled on any online course to join a walking tour. To view Mike's course, click here: A History of London: 1666 to 1851 - V&A Academy Course at Online · V&A ( Please note that we cannot guarantee that this tour is fully accessible; there will be curbs, narrow and uneven pavements on this tour. This walking tour is sold out, if you wish to be added to the waiting list, please email or take a moment to sign up to our newsletter to hear about similar events and more. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/6Z1W8qWAy9G/p24065-walking-tour-of-spitalfields-21-feb-2025"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and creativity (21 Feb)" itemprop="name" content="Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and creativity (21 Feb)"> Spitalfields Walking Tour with Mike Berlin: Immigration and creativity (21 Feb) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Friday, 21 February 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Offsite </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£70.00">£70.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="art-and-literature-a-global-journey" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Art and Literature: A Global Journey"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-25 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-01 14:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Over time and place art has taken its inspiration from literature; the word itself has evoked artistic inspiration. Across the globe, from Africa to Japan, from Italy to Australia, artists of all kinds unite through their creative desires. Dive into this fascinating story on our six-week online art history course. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn literary history at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/wVnEk52VPX/o24060-art-and-literature-a-global-journey"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Art and Literature: A Global Journey" itemprop="name" content="Art and Literature: A Global Journey"> Art and Literature: A Global Journey </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 25 February 2025 – Tuesday, 1 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="the-principles-of-exhibition-making" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="The Principles of Exhibition Making"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-25 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-01 17:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Over six weeks, this online exhibition design course will take you behind the scenes to explore how the V&A’s multi-skilled teams have imagined, built and delivered some of the most extraordinary exhibitions and museum experiences of recent times - and how you can carry their common principles into your own work. The V&A’s world-class exhibitions have attracted millions of visitors over the last decade. What do they have in common? What can we learn from them? Working with the V&A’s expert staff and industry professionals, you will study the process and driving ideas behind V&A exhibition-making. From concept to build, project management to design, you will get a 360-degree insight into the key considerations at all stages of an exhibition's lifecycle. Focusing on six key themes – Mission, Audience, Research, Experience Design, Project Management and Collaboration – this course will give you the required skills and knowledge to put on an exhibition of your own, for any institution, audience or budget. This course is primarily intended for people at early to mid-career stages, working in the museum and heritage sector, or for people interested in working in exhibitions."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/8nWBNnvg9O/o25018-principles-of-exhibition-making"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="The Principles of Exhibition Making" itemprop="name" content="The Principles of Exhibition Making"> The Principles of Exhibition Making </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 25 February 2025 – Tuesday, 1 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£360.00">£360.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="iconic-houses-modern-london" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Iconic Houses: Modern London"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-25 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-01 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This online architectural history course will introduce you to some of London’s most architecturally significant modern residential buildings including luxurious detached homes, middle-class suburban developments, city terraces, private blocks of flats and public housing estates. Learn the history of London architecture from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/rZgemv4vdw/o24061-iconic-houses-modern-london"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Iconic Houses: Modern London" itemprop="name" content="Iconic Houses: Modern London"> Iconic Houses: Modern London </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 25 February 2025 – Tuesday, 1 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="hands-on-history-drawing-from-classical-sculpture" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history creative-skills " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hands-On History: Drawing From Classical Sculpture"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-26 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-02 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The term 'classical' was first used in the seventeenth century to describe the arts and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism dominated Western art from the Renaissance onward, with classical mythology, including the myths and legends of ancient Greek and Roman gods and heroes, becoming a major subject in sculpture. Join us on this unique hands-on art history course to uncover the artists and stories behind some of the greatest classical sculptures in the V&A’s Collections whilst developing your own practical drawing skills. Over six weeks, tutors from London Fine Art Studios will introduce you to themes including mythology, narratives, imagery and symbolism through art history lectures and gallery tours. Following this, you'll have the opportunity to capture sculptures relating to these themes through a series of practical drawing exercises, using a variety of mediums in the classical style."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/llpNkJ9lK2M/p24093-hands-on-history-classicism-in-western-art"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Hands-On History: Drawing From Classical Sculpture" itemprop="name" content="Hands-On History: Drawing From Classical Sculpture"> Hands-On History: Drawing From Classical Sculpture </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 26 February 2025 – Wednesday, 2 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£600.00">£600.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="directors-and-directing" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Directors and Directing"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-26 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-02 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us at V&A South Kensington for a six-week course exploring the history of theatre directing and directors. The role of the director is a fairly recent one in theatre. 18th and early 19th Century theatre was dominated by the actor manager whose view of the play largely revolved around showcasing his performance. But in the second half of the 19th century technical developments allowed for greater opportunities for staging and production. The 19th and 20th centuries also saw huge changes in theories about acting including Stanislavski and Brecht. Playwrights like Shaw and Ibsen were writing plays that were examining social issues and demanded a less melodramatic means of storytelling. All these new movements necessitated a new approach to staging. This art history course will look at the historical development of the director with lectures and insights from guest directors and actors along the way."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/MEgqy9lvR/p24084-directors-and-directing"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> Short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Directors and Directing" itemprop="name" content="Directors and Directing"> Directors and Directing </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 26 February 2025 – Wednesday, 2 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£250.00">£250.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="the-great-mughals-art-architecture-and-opulence-course" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence (Course)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-02-27 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-03 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us on this 6-week online art history course inspired by the V&A exhibition The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence. Leading experts, including the exhibition's lead curator, will explore key themes and examine in detail important monuments, manuscripts and objects of art. The great age of Mughal art lasted from about 1580 to 1650 and spanned the reigns of three emperors: Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Hindu and Muslim artists and craftsmen from the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent worked with Iranian masters in the masculine environment of the royal workshops. Their very different traditions were combined to produce a radically new, and rapidly evolving style of art for the court. Learn about the history of the Mughal empire from our world-class experts, including the exhibition's lead curator, wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/aDGY0A69q5/o24062-the-great-mughals-art-architecture-and-opulence"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence (Course)" itemprop="name" content="The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence (Course)"> The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence (Course) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Thursday, 27 February 2025 – Thursday, 3 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="introduction-to-fashion-illustration-saturday-am" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online creative-skills " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Saturday AM)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-01 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-05 13:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Combining colour, texture and line, fashion illustration is the perfect way to tell the story of an outfit. Join internationally renowned artist and illustrator Erin Petson and discover how to capture the art of clothes for yourself in this six-week online fashion illustration course. This illustration course will introduce you to the practices and techniques used in hand-drawn fashion illustration, from drawing faces and body shapes to experimenting with colour and texture. • Learn fashion illustration from our world-class experts wherever, whenever: watch classes live or view the recording later in your own time. • Time to explore: 12 hours of live classroom sessions over six weeks. • Consolidate your learning: watch over 18 specially commissioned How To videos to support your course. Receive feedback from the class tutor on your work. • Deepen your understanding: weekly Spotlight Sessions with V&A Curators, Art Historians and practicing artists explore the background to the projects. • Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials are available for six weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a minute. • A list of readily available materials will be sent out in advance of the course. This course is suitable for beginners and is open to participants aged 18 plus. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/DnX5REOm5p/o24074-introduction-to-fashion-illustration-saturday"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Saturday AM)" itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Saturday AM)"> Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Saturday AM) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Saturday, 1 March 2025 – Saturday, 5 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="introduction-to-fashion-illustration-thursday-am" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="" data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Thursday AM)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-06 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-10 13:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Combining colour, texture and line, fashion illustration is the perfect way to tell the story of an outfit. Join internationally renowned artist and illustrator Erin Petson and discover how to capture the art of clothes for yourself in this six-week online fashion illustration course. This fashion illustration course will introduce you to the practices and techniques used in hand-drawn fashion illustration, from drawing faces and body shapes to experimenting with colour and texture. • Learn fashion illustration from our world-class experts wherever, whenever: watch classes live or view the recording later in your own time. • Time to explore: 12 hours of live classroom sessions over six weeks. • Consolidate your learning: watch over 18 specially commissioned How To videos to support your course. Receive feedback from the class tutor on your work. • Deepen your understanding: weekly Spotlight Sessions with V&A Curators, Art Historians and practicing artists explore the background to the projects. • Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials are available for six weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a minute. • A list of readily available materials will be sent out in advance of the course. This course is suitable for beginners and is open to participants aged 18 plus. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/ggxr8wrMwe/o24075-introduction-to-fashion-illustration-thursday"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Thursday AM)" itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Thursday AM)"> Introduction to Fashion Illustration (Thursday AM) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Thursday, 6 March 2025 – Thursday, 10 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="setting-the-scene-designing-for-the-stage-in-person" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-08 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-08 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us for this study day at V&A South Kensington. On this study day, we'll be exploring contemporary set design and stage technology. We'll be hearing from leading practitioners as they reflect on their own design influences and processes, and share examples from recent productions. This study day will take place onsite at V&A South Kensington and will also be live streamed via Microsoft Teams. To join us in-person at the museum, select 'book now' on this page. Alternatively, to book an online ticket, click here: Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online) - V&A Academy Course at Online · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/PaLjMD8DA/p24063-set-design"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person)" itemprop="name" content="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person)"> Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Saturday, 8 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£100.00">£100.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="setting-the-scene-designing-for-the-stage-online" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-08 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-08 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us as we livestream this theatre design study day from V&A South Kensington. On this study day, we'll be exploring contemporary set design and stage technology. We'll be hearing from leading practitioners as they reflect on their own design influences and processes, and share examples from recent productions. This study day will take place onsite at V&A South Kensington and will also be live streamed via Microsoft Teams. To join us online, select 'Book now' on this page. Alternatively, to book an in-person ticket, click here: Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (In-person) - V&A Academy Course at V&A South Kensington · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/J7OrXyOkjE/o24077-set-design-online"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online)" itemprop="name" content="Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online)"> Setting the Scene: Designing for the Stage (Online) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Saturday, 8 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£49.00">£49.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="women-artists-of-the-v-a-in-person" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Women Artists of the V&A (In-person)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-11 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-11 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This study day at V&A South Kensington will explore the vital contributions of women artists to the V&A’s collections and their artistic, social, and political lives. We will highlight the work of historic female artists who worked as painters and draughtspersons from the early modern period to the late twentieth century. This study day will take place onsite at V&A South Kensington and will also be live streamed via Microsoft Teams. To join us in-person at the museum, select 'Book now' on this page. Alternatively, to book an online ticket, click here: Women Artists of the V&A (Online) - V&A Academy Course at Online · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/kOXK6lK5zz/p24062-women-artists-of-the-v-a"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Women Artists of the V&A (In-person)" itemprop="name" content="Women Artists of the V&A (In-person)"> Women Artists of the V&A (In-person) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 11 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£100.00">£100.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="women-artists-of-the-v-a-online" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Women Artists of the V&A (Online)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-11 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-11 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us as we livestream this art history study day at V&A South Kensington. The day will explore the vital contributions of women artists to the V&A’s collections and their artistic, social, and political lives. This study day will highlight the work of historic female artists who worked as painters and draughtspersons from the early modern period to the late twentieth century. This study day will take place onsite at V&A South Kensington and will also be live streamed via Microsoft Teams. To join us online at the museum, select 'Book now' on this page. Alternatively, to book an in-person ticket, click here: Women Artists of the V&A (In-person) - V&A Academy Course at V&A South Kensington · V&A ("> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/BwP4Gx1BX3/o24076-women-artists-of-the-v-a-online"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Women Artists of the V&A (Online)" itemprop="name" content="Women Artists of the V&A (Online)"> Women Artists of the V&A (Online) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Tuesday, 11 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£49.00">£49.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="hampstead-walking-tour-with-christine-lalumia" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Hampstead Walking Tour with Christine Lalumia"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-03-28 11:15:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-03-28 14:45:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This walk will explore Hampstead, one of London’s most famous quarters. Hampstead has long been known for its fascinating mix of architectural styles and periods as well as for its creative residents. Explore a selection intriguing properties and their fascinating stories. A “nest of gentle artists” was the way in which the influential art critic Herbert Reade memorably described Hampstead in the 1930s. But this is only part of the story of this corner of London which has for centuries attracted an impressive array of creative people to its leafy streets and cosy village atmosphere. Architects, artists, writers, actors and musicians are amongst the many who have been drawn to its lively atmosphere and proximity to one of the green jewels of London, Hampstead Heath."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/A4Z7XldYZ2/p24066-hampstead-walking-tour-with-christine-lalumia"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy one-day course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Hampstead Walking Tour with Christine Lalumia" itemprop="name" content="Hampstead Walking Tour with Christine Lalumia"> Hampstead Walking Tour with Christine Lalumia </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Friday, 28 March 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£70.00">£70.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="courier-training-getting-it-there-in-one-piece" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Courier training: Getting it there in one piece"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2025-04-02 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-04-02 17:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Objects are the heart of the museum, so keeping them safe in transit is vital. On this course you will learn the most up-to-date practices associated with couriering for museums today. We will explore the different stages of the courier trip, from planning and preparation to delivery and installation. You'll hear from expert V&A staff about the personal and professional qualities they look for in a successful courier. You'll discover how digital couriering can provide an alternative method when faced with travel restrictions, and our Exhibitions team will share their experiences of receiving couriers for blockbuster exhibitions. Through case studies and group tasks, you'll learn how to handle common obstacles faced by couriers, including last-minute schedule changes and object damage. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/DYLxzaAM9o/p25003-courier-training-getting-it-there-in-one-piece"> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Courier training: Getting it there in one piece" itemprop="name" content="Courier training: Getting it there in one piece"> Courier training: Getting it there in one piece </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Wednesday, 2 April 2025 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£195.00">£195.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="arts-of-south-asia-ancient-to-early-modern" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Arts of South Asia: Ancient to Early Modern"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-23 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-09 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Learn more about the arts of South Asia which reflect a rich diversity of religious and cultural traditions, seen through paintings and manuscripts, architecture and sculpture, textiles, metalwork and the decorative arts. Under the expert guidance of museum curators, academics, and practitioners, explore this fascinating subject through a series of lectures, behind-the-scenes films and spotlight sessions… You can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/xzwzrL7BWB/o24032-arts-of-south-asia-ancient-to-early-modern"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Arts of South Asia: Ancient to Early Modern" itemprop="name" content="Arts of South Asia: Ancient to Early Modern"> Arts of South Asia: Ancient to Early Modern </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Monday, 9 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="classicism-antiquity-to-christianity" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Classicism: Antiquity to Christianity"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-23 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-09 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Discover the civilisations of Ancient Greece and Rome and explore classical themes, motifs and styles. From Homeric myths in vase-painting to Byzantine art under Constantine, gain fascinating new perspectives on the life and afterlife of the ancient world. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/bzKWx1lXG4P/o24033-classicism-antiquity-to-christianity"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Classicism: Antiquity to Christianity" itemprop="name" content="Classicism: Antiquity to Christianity"> Classicism: Antiquity to Christianity </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Monday, 9 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="arts-of-late-medieval-europe-1250-to-1350" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Arts of Late Medieval Europe: 1250 to 1350"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-24 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-10 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Explore late medieval art in a rapidly changing Europe from its soaring gothic cathedrals and their glowing stained glass to intricate ivories, enamels, and manuscripts, alongside the robustly realistic paintings of Giotto… You can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/ODox1xgQX1/o24034-arts-of-late-medieval-europe-1250-to-1350"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Arts of Late Medieval Europe: 1250 to 1350" itemprop="name" content="Arts of Late Medieval Europe: 1250 to 1350"> Arts of Late Medieval Europe: 1250 to 1350 </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Tuesday, 10 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="introduction-to-art-history" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Art History"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-24 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-10 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="So many periods of artistic developments, styles, and art movements! Have you ever wondered how to unravel these periods and feel confident about the context and history of the art produced? Join a host of popular V&A course tutors to explore hundreds of years of changing periods of artistic developments and styles in order to unravel how social, historical and technological changes impacted the art produced from Classical to Contemporary art in the Western world. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 24 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/DV3mM9lwWZ/o24037-introduction-to-art-history"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Introduction to Art History" itemprop="name" content="Introduction to Art History"> Introduction to Art History </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Tuesday, 10 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£250.00">£250.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="age-of-michelangelo-arts-of-16th-century-europe-course" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-25 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-11 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us at V&A South Kensington for a 12 week art history course exploring a remarkable period in European art and architecture. Expert lecturers will bring to life artists of the sixteenth century, including Michelangelo, Titian, Dürer and Holbein. Discover how the Renaissance, from its beginnings in Italy, came to affect all of Europe, with innovations in painting, sculpture, and architecture. The course will include access to a Microsoft Teams environment where all lecture slides and handouts will be made available to download. This course features two different ticketing options. Book on this page for entry to all the lectures shown in the programme. However, if you would like to add six complementary gallery talks to your experience, please search for "Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks" on the V&A website to book. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/xk8kkz3rZk/p24014-age-of-michelangelo-course"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course" itemprop="name" content="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course"> Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Wednesday, 11 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£500.00">£500.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="age-of-michelangelo-arts-of-16th-century-europe-course-and-gallery-talks" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="art-history " data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-25 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-11 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us at V&A South Kensington for this 12 week art history course exploring a remarkable period in European art and architecture. Expert lecturers will bring to life artists of the sixteenth century, including Michelangelo, Titian, Dürer and Holbein. Discover how the Renaissance, from its beginnings in Italy, came to affect all of Europe, with innovations in painting, sculpture, and architecture. The course will include access to a Microsoft Teams environment where all lecture slides and handouts will be made available to download. This in-person course features two different ticketing options. Book on this page for a ticket including access to all the lectures plus six complementary gallery talks. Alternatively, search for "Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course" on the V&A website if you would like to book ticket for the lectures alone."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/1EJ5vYeBDpx/p24046-age-of-michelangelo-course-and-gallery-talks"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks" itemprop="name" content="Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks"> Age of Michelangelo: Arts of 16th Century Europe - Course and Gallery Talks </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Wednesday, 11 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£540.00">£540.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="a-history-of-london-1066-1666" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="A History of London: 1066-1666"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-25 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-11 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Explore the development of London from the Norman Conquest to the Great Fire and learn how London became one of the greatest cities in Europe, a centre of arts and crafts, performance and learning. On this London history course you can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/JzNmlJK3VWB/o24035-a-history-of-london-1066-to-1666"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="A History of London: 1066-1666" itemprop="name" content="A History of London: 1066-1666"> A History of London: 1066-1666 </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Wednesday, 11 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="arts-of-18th-century-europe-rococo-to-romanticism" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Arts of 18th Century Europe: Rococo to Romanticism"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-09-26 11:30:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-12 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="From Rococo to Romanticism, explore a remarkable period in the history of European art. Expert lecturers will bring to life themes such as taste, patronage, and the art market, while you discover how artists and designers responded to an age of enlightenment and revolution. Drawing deeply from the V&A’s remarkable collections, this twelve-week online art history course will plunge through the genteel surface of “the century of reason” and expose the volatile contradictions beneath… You can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with more than 40 hours of study over 12 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 12 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/QGDNRDe2vM/o24036-arts-of-18th-century-europe-rococo-to-romanticism-aut-24"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Arts of 18th Century Europe: Rococo to Romanticism" itemprop="name" content="Arts of 18th Century Europe: Rococo to Romanticism"> Arts of 18th Century Europe: Rococo to Romanticism </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Thursday, 12 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£425.00">£425.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="british-theatre-2024-an-overview" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="" data-wo-venue="south-kensington" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="British Theatre 2024: An Overview"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-10-06 12:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-11-24 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Join us at the V&A South Kensington for this 8 week exploration of British theatre. Immerse yourself in London’s vibrant theatre scene with an introduction to a wealth of critically acclaimed and ‘must-see’ productions featuring a special guest each week in conversation with theatre critic Matt Wolf. Previous editions of this British Theatre course, now in its 12th year, have included a host of guests who went on to be nominated for, and even win, Olivier or Evening Standard Theatre Awards. Previous guests have included Vicki Mortimer for her costume designs for 'Follies'; Bertie Carvel for playing Rupert Murdoch in the James Graham play 'Ink'; Jamael Westman for playing Alexander Hamilton in ‘Hamilton’; Will Keen for portraying Vladimir Putin in the play ‘Patriots’, and most recently Marisha Wallace for her performance as Adelaide in ‘Guys and Dolls’. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/rAv4vQoWb2o/p24016-british-theatre-2024-an-overview"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Past event</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy short course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="British Theatre 2024: An Overview" itemprop="name" content="British Theatre 2024: An Overview"> British Theatre 2024: An Overview </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Sunday, 6 October 2024 – Sunday, 24 November 2024 at V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> V&A South Kensington </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£320.00">£320.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="couture-hand-sewing-make-a-dress-in-quarter-scale-saturday" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="" data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Couture Hand-Sewing: Make a Dress in Quarter Scale (Saturday)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-10-26 11:00:00 +0100"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-11-30 12:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Learn the essential skills used in the production of couture clothing from the comfort of your home. During this six-week course you will construct your own quarter-scale vintage-style sundress, practising and perfecting hand-sewing techniques on a dress pattern designed exclusively for this course. Quarter-scale dresses play a vital role in the history of couture dressmaking. Designers such as Christian Dior used them to finalise their designs before sending them around the world to showcase their new collections. They also make fantastic teaching tools for full-scale couture work. Throughout this course, tutor Rowena Luke-King will show you the key stitches and finishing techniques needed to create your own miniature dress, complete with a decorative border of tucks, pin tucks and shell tucks. Rowena will also show you, step-by-step, how to mark dart points with tailor's tacks, 'bag-out' a bodice and add gathers at the waist, creating a complete dress, all by hand. This course is suitable for those starting out in dressmaking, or those looking to refine their hand-sewing skills. As well as your completed quarter-scale dress, you will leave this course with a thorough understanding of how to adapt this miniature pattern into full scale."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/1mrmM9Q9W5/o24050-couture-hand-sewing-saturday-am"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Couture Hand-Sewing: Make a Dress in Quarter Scale (Saturday)" itemprop="name" content="Couture Hand-Sewing: Make a Dress in Quarter Scale (Saturday)"> Couture Hand-Sewing: Make a Dress in Quarter Scale (Saturday) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Saturday, 30 November 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="couture-hand-sewing-make-a-dress-in-quarter-scale-tuesday-am" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online creative-skills " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Couture Hand Sewing: Make A Dress in Quarter Scale (Tuesday AM)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-10-29 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-03 12:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Learn the essential skills used in the production of couture clothing from the comfort of your home. During this six-week course you will construct your own quarter-scale vintage-style sundress, practising and perfecting hand-sewing techniques on a dress pattern designed exclusively for this course. Quarter-scale dresses play a vital role in the history of couture dressmaking. Designers such as Christian Dior used them to finalise their designs before sending them around the world to showcase their new collections. They also make fantastic teaching tools for full-scale couture work. Throughout this course, tutor Rowena Luke-King will show you the key stitches and finishing techniques needed to create your own miniature dress, complete with a decorative border of tucks, pin tucks and shell tucks. Rowena will also show you, step-by-step, how to mark dart points with tailor's tacks, 'bag-out' a bodice and add gathers at the waist, creating a complete dress, all by hand. This course is suitable for those starting out in dressmaking, or those looking to refine their hand-sewing skills. As well as your completed quarter-scale dress, you will leave this course with a thorough understanding of how to adapt this miniature pattern into full scale."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/KQKvRaXq7vz/o24051-couture-hand-sewing-tuesday-am"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--sold-out">Sold out</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Couture Hand Sewing: Make A Dress in Quarter Scale (Tuesday AM)" itemprop="name" content="Couture Hand Sewing: Make A Dress in Quarter Scale (Tuesday AM)"> Couture Hand Sewing: Make A Dress in Quarter Scale (Tuesday AM) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Tuesday, 3 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£260.00">£260.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="the-artist-and-the-book" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="The Artist and the Book"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-05 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-10 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Led by Curators from the National Art Library, this course explores tradition and innovation in the arts and crafts of the book: writing, calligraphy and visual text; illumination and illustration; book bindings and formats. Leaning on NAL and V&A collections, it will show how artists have found the book a fertile space for creative expression, from illuminated manuscripts to graphic novels. You can learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for up to 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/ZPEzybnlBE/o24040-the-artist-and-the-book"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="The Artist and the Book" itemprop="name" content="The Artist and the Book"> The Artist and the Book </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Tuesday, 10 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="english-embroidery-on-demand" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="English Embroidery (On- Demand)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-06 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-06 17:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Step into the intricate world of English embroidery, where centuries-old techniques and modern styles combine to create beautiful art. This course covers embroidery styles from the Medieval period through to William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement, with historical insights and a closer look at outstanding examples in the V&A collections. From the moment you enrol on a V&A on-demand course, you get 12 months' access to every stunning video lecture to rewatch as often as you like, plus plenty of additional learning materials, yours to keep."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/pJyr0EdBYKn/l24002-english-embroidery-on-demand"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="English Embroidery (On- Demand)" itemprop="name" content="English Embroidery (On- Demand)"> English Embroidery (On- Demand) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On-demand </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£45.00">£45.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="how-to-read-a-painting-on-demand" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="How To Read A Painting (On-Demand)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-06 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-06 17:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This course takes you on a journey through some of the most iconic paintings in history. Learn how to analyse a painting’s composition, understand symbolism and read the techniques artists use to convey messages. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a newcomer, this online art history course will enhance your appreciation and understanding of visual art, drawing on examples from the V&A's outstanding collection. From the moment you enrol on a V&A on-demand course, you get 12 months' access to every stunning video lecture to rewatch as often as you like, plus additional learning materials, yours to keep."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/5Lbj2PEAq4/l24003-how-to-read-a-painting-on-demand"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="How To Read A Painting (On-Demand)" itemprop="name" content="How To Read A Painting (On-Demand)"> How To Read A Painting (On-Demand) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On-demand </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£45.00">£45.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="pearls-on-demand" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Pearls (On-Demand)"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-06 10:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-02-06 17:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Dive into the beauty and history of pearls, exploring their origins and cultural significance with globally renowned jewellery historian Beatriz Chadour-Sampson. Learn the difference between varieties of natural and cultured pearls, and discover the art of pearl grading with exclusive contributions from Mikimoto. You will also discover how pearls have been incorporated into fine jewellery, with exquisite examples from the V&A's collections. From the moment you enrol on a V&A on-demand course, you get 12 months' access to every stunning video lecture to rewatch as often as you like, plus plenty of additional learning materials, yours to keep."> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/YzwkrJrkBm/l24001-pearls-on-demand"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Pearls (On-Demand)" itemprop="name" content="Pearls (On-Demand)"> Pearls (On-Demand) </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On-demand </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£45.00">£45.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="how-to-generate-income-for-your-museum" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="professional-development online " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content=" How to generate income for your museum"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-06 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-11 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Cultural organisations are increasingly required to be resilient and sustain financial growth but how can we identify and monetise our assets while staying true to our purpose? As museums and cultural organisations, we have had to build back, and increase participation and profitability. This six-week online course will cover the key considerations in commerce and enterprise and will give you inspiration, insights and practical takeaways to help you optimise your retailing, licensing, events, online engagement, membership and other commercial activities. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/bANrObyB85w/o24066-how-to-generate-income-for-your-museum"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy professional development course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label=" How to generate income for your museum" itemprop="name" content=" How to generate income for your museum"> How to generate income for your museum </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Wednesday, 11 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£360.00">£360.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="gardens-and-art" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Gardens and Art"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-07 10:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-12 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="This course will explore the mutually-enriching connections between actual gardens and their representation in the fine and decorative arts. Glorious depictions of plants, flowers and verdant settings will be considered alongside a selection of iconic actual gardens. A feast for both eye and mind. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/GN54JWMPdx/o24041-gardens-and-art"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--online">Online</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Gardens and Art" itemprop="name" content="Gardens and Art"> Gardens and Art </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Thursday, 12 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="costume-design-for-the-stage-a-history" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="false"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Costume Design for the Stage: A History"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-07 14:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2024-12-12 16:30:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="The V&A has an unrivalled collection of costume designs for theatre, opera, dance, circus, pantomime and film covering 400 years of the artform. Taking inspiration from the museum’s earliest costume design collection – the 1620s Court Ballet of Louis XIII – this course will examine and celebrate the design process from script to stage. Learn from our world-class experts wherever you are, whenever suits you: watch lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the V&A's collections with 12 hours of study over 6 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available in our secure Microsoft Teams environment for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time. "> <div itemscope itemprop="location" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington"> <meta itemprop="address" content="Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL"> </div> <a class="b-event-teaser__link" href="/event/20PGz3RGVm/o24042-costume-design-for-the-stage-a-history"> <div class="u-label-tag u-label-tag--new">New</div> <div class="b-event-teaser__media "> <img srcset=" 320w, 640w, 960w, 1280w, 1920w, 2560w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 380px, (min-width: 992px) calc(33.4vw - 80px), (min-width: 500px) calc(50vw - 40px), calc(100vw - 20px)" alt="" class="b-event-teaser__media-image" itemprop="image" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="b-event-teaser__description"> <div class="b-event-teaser__type"> V&A Academy online course </div> <h2 class="b-event-teaser__title" aria-label="Costume Design for the Stage: A History" itemprop="name" content="Costume Design for the Stage: A History"> Costume Design for the Stage: A History </h2> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--calendar" title="Calendar timing"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> On now until Thursday, 12 December 2024 </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--pin" title="Venue location"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text"> Online </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="b-icon-list "> <ul class="b-icon-list__list b-event-teaser__footer"> <li class="b-icon-list__item b-icon-list__icon b-icon-list__icon--ticket" title="Admission fee"> <div class="b-icon-list__content"> <p class="b-icon-list__item-text" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="GBP"> <span itemprop="price" content="£130.00">£130.00</span> </p> </div> </li> <li class="b-icon-list__item"> <div class="u-btn u-btn--micro u-btn--outlined "> More info </div> </li> </ul> </div> </a> </article> </li> <li class="b-event-teaser js-wo-event " id="carpets-a-love-affair-taster-lecture-recording" data-wo-type="course" data-wo-audience="free-event online art-history " data-wo-venue="online" data-wo-free="true"> <article itemscope itemprop="event" itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="name" content="Carpets: A Love Affair - Taster Lecture Recording"> <meta itemprop="startDate" content="2024-11-11 12:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="endDate" content="2025-01-30 13:00:00 +0000"> <meta itemprop="description" content="Thinking about an online course? Try a free one-hour art history lecture recording that you can enjoy when it suits you best. Simply sign up to receive your recording link and join V&A Academy Course Director Jennifer Wearden for a free online lecture to learn more about V&A’s large collection of carpets. The collection demonstrates how these hand-made floor coverings, imported from Asia and North Africa, were first used as impressive status symbols and then as desirable home furnishings and, later still, why some of them were acknowledged as great works of art. To book, simply sign up to the V&A Academy newsletter by clicking 'book now'. Once signed up you will receive the viewing link in your welcome email within 24 hours. You will have access to the recording of this taster lecture for a limited time until March 2025. Please note, this taster lecture recording cannot be booked via phone or via the shopping basket. For any questions please get in touch via Jennifer Wearden is the Course Director of the 12-week online course Carpets from East and West, Thursdays 16 January to 3 April 2025. 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