Archive news from the The Herald

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}) // a helper function that returns googletag objects corresponding to the slotIDs in the slot objects function _getGPTSlots(apstagSlots) { // get all of the slot IDs that were requested var slotIDs = { return slot.slotID; }); // return the slot objects corresponding to the slotIDs return googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter(function(slot) { // return true if the ID of the slot object is in the slotIDs array return slotIDs.indexOf(slot.getSlotElementId()) > -1; }); } function getPETRequest() { googletag.cmd.push(function() { // read the currently defined GPT ad slots for sending to the PET endpoint // defined all GPT ad slots before calling PET var gptSlots = googletag.pubads().getSlots(); var iasPETSlots = []; for (var i = 0; i < gptSlots.length; i++) { var sizes = gptSlots[i].getSizes().map(function(size) { if (size.getWidth && size.getHeight) return [size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()]; else return [1, 1]; }); iasPETSlots.push({ adSlotId: gptSlots[i].getSlotElementId(), //size: can either be a single size (for example, [728, 90]) // or an array of sizes (for example, [[728, 90], [970, 90]]) size: sizes, adUnitPath: gptSlots[i].getAdUnitPath() }); } // wait for IAS to return data var iasDataHandler = function(adSlotData) { headerBidderBack('ias'); }; // make the request to PET. if your page makes multiple ad requests to DFP // (for example, lazily loaded ads, infinite scrolling pages, etc.), make // a request to PET before every request to DFP __iasPET.queue.push({ adSlots: iasPETSlots, dataHandler: iasDataHandler }); }); } // return true if all bidders have returned function allBiddersBack() { var allBiddersBack = bidders // get the booleans from the object .map(function(bidder) { return requestManager[bidder]; }) // get rid of false values - indicates that the bidder has responded .filter(Boolean) // if length is equal to bidders, all bidders are back .length === bidders.length; return allBiddersBack; } // handler for header bidder responses function headerBidderBack(bidder) { // console.log("DFP: headerBidderBack called with", bidder); if (typeof bidder === 'object') { requestManager.adSlots = bidder; bidder = 'prebid'; } // return early if request to adserver is already sent if (requestManager.adserverRequestSent === true) { return; } // flip bidder back flag if (bidder === 'a9') { requestManager.a9 = true; } else if (bidder === 'prebid') { requestManager.prebid = true; } else if (bidder === 'ias') { requestManager.ias = true; } // if all bidders are back, send the request to the ad server if (allBiddersBack()) { sendAdserverRequest(); } } // actually get ads from DFP function sendAdserverRequest() { // console.log("DFP: All bidders back"); // return early if request already sent if (requestManager.adserverRequestSent === true) { return; } if (typeof window.prebidReady === 'undefined') { window.prebidReady =; } if (window.googleReady) { // flip the boolean that keeps track of whether the adserver request was sent requestManager.adserverRequestSent = true; // flip pbjs boolean to signal to pbjs the ad server has already been called pbjs.adserverCalled = true; //flip boolean for adserver request to avoid duplicate requests requestManager.sendAdserverRequest = true; // make ad request to DFP googletag.cmd.push(function() { window.executionSet =; apstag.setDisplayBids(); __iasPET.setTargetingForGPT(); // console.log("DFP: Refresh called, setting adslots to ", requestManager.adSlots); if (requestManager.adSlots.length > 0){ googletag.pubads().refresh(requestManager.adSlots); } else { googletag.pubads().refresh(); } setPerformanceCookie(); }); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { sendAdserverRequest(true); }, 200); } } function requestBids(apstagSlots, bidTimeout) { // fetch apstag bids, set bid targting, then call headerBidderBack // to get the ads for the first time apstag.fetchBids({ slots: apstagSlots, timeout: (bidTimeout - 200) }, function(bids) { headerBidderBack('a9'); }); var edktAudiences; // Here we fetch audiences which the user has been placed in. try { edktAudiences = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('edkt_matched_audience_ids') || '[]') .slice(0, 100) .map(String); } catch (e) { edktAudiences = []; } // request bids from prebid pbjs.que.push(function() { // console.log("DFP: PBJS request bids called"); pbjs.rp.requestBids({ callback: headerBidderBack, data: { airgrid: { perid: edktAudiences }, ozoneSettings, ozoneTargeting }, }); }); } //requestBids requestBids(apstagSlots, bidTimeout) // set timeout to send request to call sendAdserverRequest() after timeout // if all bidders haven't returned before then window.setTimeout(function() { sendAdserverRequest(); }, bidTimeout); }; function setPerformanceCookie() { var start = window.startExec; var prebidReady = window.prebidReady - start; var domComplete = window.domComplete - start; var googleComplete = window.googleComplete - start; var finished = window.executionSet - start; /* var cVal = Math.round(prebidReady) + ':' + Math.round(domComplete) + ':' + Math.round(googleComplete) + ':' + Math.round(finished); */ var cVal = Math.round(finished); var t = new Date(); t.setMilliseconds(t.getMilliseconds() + 600000); $.cookie('adtiming', cVal, {path: '/', domain: '', expires: t}); } </script> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/resources/images/5752178/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/resources/images/5752177/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/resources/images/5752179/"> <!-- Add iconify --> <script src=""></script> </head> <body class="sticky-footer " data-cache-buster="L8iBd7fv" data-template="" data-template-colour="Blue" data-namespace="standard"> <!-- standard - AfterBodyTagInclude.html --> <!-- ##+ +## ##: `#####. ####### ### ### ###### `#####. ####### ### ,## +##### +## ###' ## ####### ######## ### ### ###### ####### ######## ### ,## ######: .## #### ## ### ### ### ### ###### ##, ### ### ### ### ### ,## ##` ##,#+##:## ### ### ####### ###### #####+ ### ### ####### ### ,## +##### ####`####+ ### ### ###### ####### #####+ ### ### ###### ### ,## #### #### .###. 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She was at a Kwik-Fit garage in Bristol at the time. It was not the blowout she had been worried about. McCabe’s new show Best</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19266182.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/food_and_drink/restaurant_reviews/25040655.says-two-words-hate-restaurant-world-cash/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Then she says the two words I hate most in the restaurant world: 'Cash only'</h4> <p class="article-body">Noodles and Dumplings, Glasgow They are actually making the Lanzhou noodles as I stand at the counter ordering tonight; a huge rope of dough being stretched and coiled and folded around the arms of a man just a few feet away. “That’s the ones</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19255142.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/football/25048208.inside-celtic-protest-fans-make-stand-police/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">'This is about all fans, we have to make a stand': Inside Celtic police protest</h4> <p class="article-body">It wasn’t exactly the ideal weather for an al fresco gathering, but the number of Celtic fans who turned up outside the police station on London Road in the pouring rain spoke volumes for the depth of feeling among supporters about their treatment</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265997.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/25048185.morton-0-1-partick-thistle-jags-edge-closer-play-offs/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Morton 0-1 Partick Thistle: Jags edge closer to play-offs with late O'Reilly header</h4> <p class="article-body">Partick Thistle strengthened their grip on fourth place in the William Hill Championship with a hard-fought 1-0 win at Cappielow that dealt Greenock Morton’s play-off hopes a near-fatal blow. In a contest that was a little short on quality at times</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19266084.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25048113.cocaine-heroin-worth-100-000-discovered-police-raid/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Cocaine and heroin worth £100,000 discovered during police raid</h4> <p class="article-body">Police have discovered £100,000 worth of cocaine and heroin during a raid in Glasgow. Officers searched a flat on Dyke Road in the north west of the city on Friday at 2.50pm where they sized 3kg of cocaine and 1kg of heroin. No arrests were</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/13109950.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/25048112.france-beat-scotland-womens-six-nations-claim-bonus-point/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">France maintain perfect start with 38-15 win over Scotland in Women’s Six Nations</h4> <p class="article-body">France maintained their perfect start to the Women’s Six Nations campaign with a 38-15 bonus-point win over Scotland following a strong second-half display in La Rochelle. An early converted try from Carla Arbez, who finished off a break by number</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265907.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Man in hospital after fire rips through building at business park</h4> <p class="article-body">A man has been taken to hospital following a fire at a business park in Aberdeenshire. Firefighters were called to the blaze at a building at Midmill Business Park in Kintore just after 10.20am on Saturday. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/11983571.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/football/25048207.celtic-3-hearts-0-instant-reaction-burning-issues/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Celtic 3 Hearts 0: Daizen Maeda hits 30 goal mark as champions edge closer to title</h4> <p class="article-body">THERE is no longer any debate about who is going to pick up the various Player of the Year awards which will shortly be handed out in the Scottish football. Daizen Maeda, who scored two goals and set up another as Celtic returned to winning ways</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265983.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047999.bus-crash-sparks-closure-m8-motorway/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Motorway reopens following afternoon crash</h4> <p class="article-body">The M8 has reopened following a crash on Saturday afternoon. Emergency services were called to the one-vehicle crash between junctions 30 and 29 near Bishopton in Renfrewshire at about 1pm. Part of the motorway was closed for a time but reopened</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265733.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">BBC and Netflix reveal first look at new Lockerbie drama</h4> <p class="article-body">The BBC and Netflix have released first-look pictures of The Bombing of Pan Am 103, the forthcoming drama based on the Lockerbie bombing. On 21 December 1988, flight Pan Am 103 was en route from Heathrow to JFK when a bomb exploded in its hold</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265660.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047919.anger-youtubers-lollipop-man-stunt-halts-traffic-a9/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Anger as Youtuber lollipop man stunt halts traffic on busy A9</h4> <p class="article-body">A group of Youtubers have been criticised after one of them halted traffic on the A9 while dressed as a lollipop man. Youtuber David Crossley and his friends travelled up from Manchester to drive the North Coast 500 route in a campervan over a</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265595.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047884.body-found-search-missing-man/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Body found in search for missing man Andrew Hodge</h4> <p class="article-body">A body has been found during the search for a missing man. Police said officers were made aware of a body having been found in a wooded area near Bowhill View, Cardenden around 8.30am on Saturday. Formal identification has still to take place</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/4719948.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/25032288.make-traditional-scottish-pie/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Gary Townsend: How to make this traditional Scottish pie</h4> <p class="article-body">This week’s recipe is for a hearty macaroni pie. Serve warm with a side salad or steamed greens for extra freshness. The kale and spinach add a nutritious, earthy twist to this delicious, traditional Scottish pie. Ingredients, serves 4  Short</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19242487.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Furniture retailer to open biggest UK store near Glasgow</h4> <p class="article-body">A family-owned furniture retailer has announced plans to open its biggest UK store to date near Glasgow. The new Furniture Village store will occupy the former Peter Vardy CARZ showroom off the M8 motorway in Hillington. It will be the retailer's</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265481.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/25038181.scots-word-week-different-angle-property/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Know your Scots: A different angle on property</h4> <p class="article-body">According to the Dictionaries of the Scots Language (DSL), this term refers to “a house standing at a corner and forming an angle between two roads”. An early example comes from Alex Wallace’s Sketches of Life and Character (1869): “All our readers</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19251427.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/opinion/25041759.basic-bank-accounts-need-easier-people-open/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Basic Bank Accounts need to be easier for people to open</h4> <p class="article-body">The ultimate form of financial exclusion is not having access to a bank account. Now for many of us, this may seem a strange comment because surely everyone has a bank account? However, across the UK there are 1.1 million people who don’t (around 160,000</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/17641196.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047790.hopes-train-station-glasgows-parkhead-continue-new-plan/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">New Glasgow train station mooted as part of action plan</h4> <p class="article-body">An action plan for Glasgow's Parkhead is being drawn up to improve the area as hopes continue that it may get its own train station. Part of the strategy would see the area changing to become a 20-minute neighbourhood, which aims for essential</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/3851040.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047154.judith-faces-lifeline-care-downgraded-not-alone/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Judith faces having her lifeline care downgraded. She is not alone</h4> <p class="article-body">‘We’re vulnerable and that’s why we’re being targeted’ Judith Marshall faces having her lifeline care downgraded. She’s not alone For Judith Marshall, the prospect of having her lifeline care package downgraded is simply another challenge to</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19264415.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/politics/viewpoint/25046822.lost-daughter-suicide---online-safety-isnt-strong-enough/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">I lost my daughter to suicide - online safety isn't strong enough</h4> <p class="article-body">Theoretically, earlier this month the online world in the UK got safer. Ofcom launched its long-awaited enforcement programme to assess the compliance of the tech industry under the Online Safety Act. It requires service providers to assess and mitigate</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19264003.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25026822.scots-slaughtered-countless-elephants-new-study-aims-save/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Hot shot Scots killed countless elephants. A new Scottish study aims to save them</h4> <p class="article-body">They were men of iron nerve, unerring aim and, gazed at through a modern lens, it seems they were also capable of unbearable cruelty. A century ago, Scots like Walter Dalrymple Maitland Bell – nicknamed Karamojo Bell to reflect the Karamoja region</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19233999.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Health board issues MMR vaccine reminder to parents and carers</h4> <p class="article-body">NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has issued a reminder to parents and carers to make sure their child takes up their invitation to receive the MMR vaccine. The vaccine, which is given to children at age one, and then administered as a booster at three</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/11784462.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047720.pair-charged-crash-near-glasgow-subway-station/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Pair charged after road crash closes Subway station</h4> <p class="article-body">Two men have been arrested and charged following a road traffic collision in Glasgow. At around 4am on Saturday, police received a report of a two-vehicle crash on Norfolk Street, at the junction with Eglinton Street, involving a BMW 3 Series and</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/16301881.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25047690.1-000-killed-earthquake-myanmar/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">More than 1,000 killed by earthquake in Myanmar</h4> <p class="article-body">The death toll from a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar jumped to more than 1,000 on Saturday as more bodies were pulled from the rubble of the scores of buildings that collapsed when it struck near the country’s second-largest city.</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19265220.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/business_hq/25044767.raf-mountain-rescue-team-legend-attended-lockerbie-tragedy/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">'Legend' of Scotland's mountain rescue community dies after a lifetime of service</h4> <p class="article-body">David Whalley Born: December 17, 1952; Died: March 24, 2025. DAVID ‘Heavy’ Whalley MBE, who has died, aged 72, from liver cancer, was, to many, a legend in the mountain rescue community, one who was involved in more than a thousand rescues</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19260943.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/25036161.strong-contender-title-1980s-most-extraordinary-album/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">This Scottish band produced one of the 'most extraordinary albums' of the 1980s</h4> <p class="article-body">Over the decades, Scottish musicians have made many classic, cult or under-appreciated albums that have stood the test of time. Today, we look back at Sulk, by the Associates. ON the printed page the opening lyrics might not be the most immediately</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19248268.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">'You know an actor has nailed the part when you just want to punch them in the face'</h4> <p class="article-body">Today's question. What I want to know, I tell James McArdle, is do you read your reviews? “I read everything,” the Glaswegian actor says as he sits across the table in an office in Sauchiehall Street commandeered by the Glasgow Film Festival this afternoon</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19245681.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/politics/viewpoint/25042904.will-ever-find-truth-edinburgh-whistleblowing-scandal/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">John McLellan: Will we ever find out truth about Edinburgh whistleblowing scandal?</h4> <p class="article-body">Now Sir Keir Starmer’s bandwagon has been derailed in spectacular fashion by a litany of broken principles and promises, the chances of Anas Sarwar measuring up for new carpets and curtains in Bute House are receding by the day. If Winston Churchill</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/18244373.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/25006338.i-condemned-endless-glasgow-subway-looping/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">'I condemned myself to endless loops on the Glasgow Subway'</h4> <p class="article-body">The very idea of doing endless loops on the Glasgow Subway for hours on end might sound like torture to some. But not for Tamir Amar Pettet.  The British-Moroccan artist, based in Glasgow, spent 13 hours riding the Subway as it passed under the</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19259209.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/25047513.scottish-football-needs-wanyama-sauzee-senderos/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Scottish game needs Victor Wanyama to be more Franck Sauzee than Philippe Senderos</h4> <p class="article-body">DUNFERMLINE Athletic’s run of form has been so lamentable of late that new manager Neil Lennon could probably spark a distinct upturn in fortunes if he pitched Victor Meldrew in at holding midfielder just in front of his centre-backs Kyle Benidictus</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19264943.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/opinion/25045319.david-cameron-given-bum-steer-downing-street/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Herald Diary: When David Cameron was given a bum steer on Downing Street</h4> <p class="article-body">Time for change Brace yourselves. One of the most discombobulating events of the Scottish calendar will soon be upon us, as the clocks go forward, meaning the hour formerly known as 9am becomes 10am. But what happens to the hour that is</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/9250353.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/politics/viewpoint/25045728.spring-statement-emergency-budget-like-political-ineptitude/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Brian Taylor: Spring Statement? Emergency Budget? More like political ineptitude</h4> <p class="article-body">In government, confidence counts. To be blunt, seldom has a Chancellor appeared so ill at ease and disquieted as Rachel Reeves delivering her Spring Statement. Every Chancellor has a style. William Ewart Gladstone used to go on so long that the</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19262379.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/25044121.alex-arthur-jr-dad-world-champion-now-making-pro-debut/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Alex Arthur Jr watched his dad win his world title, now he's making his own pro debut</h4> <p class="article-body">The majority of people’s most formative memories are of their early school days, learning to ride a bike or some other run-of-the-mill childhood experience. Alex Arthur Jr’s could not be more different. His earliest memory is of stepping into</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19260090.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/politics/holyrood/25041063.cue-call-scotland-take-westminsters-lead/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Cue the call for Scottish ministers to take a leaf out of Westminster's book</h4> <p class="article-body">There weren't all that many people that the Chancellor managed to convince, but Rachel Reeves' Spring Statement on Wednesday did persuade one key audience that Labour could be within touching distance of achieving at least one plank in its economic</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19255516.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/opinion/25047057.must-learn-live-within-means-means-higher-taxes/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Letters: We must learn to live within our means. Sorry, but that means higher taxes</h4> <p class="article-body">Two things have become abundantly clear this week. One is that the UK’s public finances are a mess; the other, that this UK Government has neither the guts nor the gumption to take the steps required to sort out the legacy of decades of buck-passing</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19259079.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/politics/viewpoint/25047418.not-yet---new-battle-save-glasgows-vogue/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Mark Smith: It’s not over yet – the new battle to save Glasgow’s Vogue cinema</h4> <p class="article-body">You may remember the story of the Vogue, the old art deco cinema in the north of Glasgow. It was very nearly demolished – I stood and watched the guys in hard hats starting to rip it apart last year. But there was a stushie, the council intervened</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19264775.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/sport/25024167.bruce-mouat-season-created-wave-success/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Bruce Mouat: We've created a wave of success that we're loving riding</h4> <p class="article-body">Bruce Mouat is as far from a fame-hungry athlete as you could ever find but even he admits the taste of celebrity he’s going to experience over the next few weeks will be a nice change from the relative anonymity he enjoys most of the time in his home</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19230245.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25045913.scotlands-mnd-charities-game-changing-woman/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">How Scotland's MND charities have been 'game-changing' for woman since diagnosis</h4> <p class="article-body">A woman who has lost her ability to speak and eat after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease has been given independence by Mobility Scotland. Claire Mactaggart was diagnosed with the neurological disorder in July 2024 after her husband Stuart</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19262575.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/life_style/25030824.want-help-wildlife-garden-simple---mow-curved-paths/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Want to help wildlife in your garden? It's simple - mow curved paths</h4> <p class="article-body">Setting the lawnmower to different heights of cut is good for insects and therefore wildlife generally. I’ve often explained why cutting closely mown paths through a slightly higher cut lawn benefits wildlife. Closely mown grass provides suitable</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/16639237.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">‘Legally compliant, morally questionable’: Calls to end foster care profit 'loophole'</h4> <p class="article-body">Campaigners have called on the Scottish Government to take action against fostering agencies diverting millions of pounds of public money to their private equity-backed parent companies. Legally, foster care services for children and young people</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/9416707.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Major Scottish company chooses veteran for top job</h4> <p class="article-body">Perth-based energy giant SSE has chosen an internal candidate, who has been with it since 1998, to succeed Alistair Phillips-Davies as chief executive. Martin Pibworth’s appointment as chief executive designate follows Mr Phillips-Davies’ announcement</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19264617.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25043347.the-true-magic-compounding-kicks-10-years/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">Why it pays to listen to Einstein when it comes to investing</h4> <p class="article-body">Albert Einstein supposedly described compound interest as the “eighth wonder of the world". To explain how returns can snowball over time, the famous physicist said: "He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.”  Benjamin Franklin</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/17612893.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25045901.-got-no-desire-come-rip-rulebook/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">New boss of Scottish food giant declares he has 'no plans to rip up rulebook'</h4> <p class="article-body">The new chief executive of Macphie has declared he has no plans to "rip up the rule book" at the long-established Scottish food giant as he underlined its international growth ambitions. Ed Widdowson was named the new leader of the family-owned</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19262451.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> <li class="article-item"> <a class="article" href="/news/25044873.response-palestinian-journalist-deaths-box-ticking/" data-position="" data-parsely-slot="-" data-uses-js="article-story"> <div class="article-container"> <!-- <div class="article-taxonomy">Taxonomy</div> --> <p class="article-date">Date</p> <h4 class="article-headline">UK and Scottish Governments criticised over response to Palestinian journalist deaths</h4> <p class="article-body">Campaigners have accused the Scottish and UK governments of a 'tick box' response to the killing of two Palestinian journalists. Hossam Shabat, 23, and Mohammed Mansour, 29, were both killed by Israel this week, with the former targeted while driving</p> </div> <div class="article-image-container"> <img loading="lazy" src="/resources/images/180x180/1x/19262733.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </div> </div> <!-- standard - Footer.html --> <footer class="footer-outer"> <div class="footer container-inner-width"> <ul class="list-style-none footer__menu"> <li><a href="/contact/">Contact us</a></li> <li><a href="/gdpr/" class="gdpr-option-v2" data-v2-id="1170586" data-is-gate="yes">Manage Consent</a></li> <li><a href="/announcements/">Announcements</a></li> <li><a href="">Leap</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Cookie Policy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Terms &amp; Conditions</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Contributor Terms</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Newsquest printing</a></li> <li><a href="/advertising/">Advertise</a></li> <li><a href="/emailbulletins/">Newsletters</a></li> <li><a href="/reader-rewards/">Reader Rewards</a></li> <li><a href="/misc/sitemap/">Site Map</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Exchange and Mart</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Advertising</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Diversity Statement</a></li> <li><a href="">Photo sales</a></li> <li><a href="/publications/">Our Publications</a></li> <li><a href="/archive/">Archive</a></li> <li><a href="/subscribe/student/">Students</a></li> <li><a href="/submit-an-event/">Add Your Event For Free</a></li> </ul> <div class="footer__social-media"> <h3 class="footer__heading footer__social-media--heading">follow us</h3> <a class="footer__social-media--link" href="" title="Like us on Facebook" role="link" data-media-type="facebook" > <i class="footer__social-media--icon iconify"></i> Like us on Facebook </a> <a class="footer__social-media--link" href="" title="Follow us on" role="link" data-media-type="twitter" > <i class="footer__social-media--icon iconify"></i> Follow us on </a> <a class="footer__social-media--link" href="" title="Follow us on Instagram" role="link" data-media-type="instagram" > <i class="footer__social-media--icon iconify"></i> Follow us on Instagram </a> </div> <div class="footer__ipso-terms "> <img class="footer__ipso-terms--logo" src="/resources/responsive-static/mds/images/ipso-regulated.svg" /> <p class="footer__ipso-terms--copy"> This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. 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"b" : "a" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); }, dool: Math.random() >= 0.1, }; var yb_ab; if (Math.random() <= 0.9) { yb_ab = _YB.ab(); } else { yb_ab = "c"; } googletag.pubads().setTargeting("yb_ab", yb_ab); }); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting('rfs', "0"); $.each(targeting, function (key, value) { // No real value so exclude if (value === 0 || value === '' || value === null) { return; } googletag.pubads().setTargeting(key, value); }); }); // Ads var adUnits = []; hideAdsByScreensize(); if (blackListAds.length > 0) { removeBlacklistAds(blackListAds); } $.each(unfilteredAdUnits, function (i, unit) { removeWhitelistAds(unit); }); // set up a holder for all the adverts so we can do things with them later var dfpHolder = {}; // the set up code googletag.cmd.push(function() { $.each(adUnits, function(i, data) { // check if the dom exists if ($('#'+data.domName).length === 0) { return; } var dfp = null; if (data.slotType === 'standard') { // get the correct sizes, using the alternate_sizes if they exist and we are on a mobile site var sizes = data.sizes; if (data.alternate_mobile_size && isMobile()) { sizes = data.alternate_mobile_size; } // push this ad slot through dfp = googletag.defineSlot(googleId, sizes, data.domName) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting("position", data.positionName) .setCollapseEmptyDiv(data.collapseContainer); // check if we have an array of targets, and assign them as a companion if we do if (data.targets instanceof Array && data.targets.length > 0 ) { dfp.setTargeting('companion', data.targets); } } else if (data.slotType === 'outofpage') { dfp = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(googleId, data.domName) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting("position", data.positionName) .setCollapseEmptyDiv(data.collapseContainer); // check if we have an array of targets, and assign them as a companion if we do if (data.targets instanceof Array && data.targets.length > 0 ) { dfp.setTargeting('companion', data.targets); } } // store dfpHolder[data.domName] = dfp; }); if (adLight === true) { googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion('adlight'); // var adlightexplanation = '<div class="adlight-explanation">I\'m a subscriber <a href="#" class="adlight-explanation-link">Why am I seeing this advert?</a></div>'; // if ($('#DFP_premium_mpu').length > 0) { // $('#DFP_premium_mpu').before(adlightexplanation); // } // if ($('#DFP_standard_mpu_1').length > 0) { // $('#DFP_standard_mpu_1').before(adlightexplanation); // } // var imageIds = [11497497, 11497535, 11497536, 11497541, 11497542, 11497545, 11497546, 11497547]; // var imageId = imageIds[Math.floor(Math.random() * imageIds.length)]; // $('.adlight-explanation-link').click(function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // $('#adlight-explanation-modal-image').attr('src', '/resources/images/' + imageId + '/').show(); // $('#adlight-explanation-modal').modal(); // }); } // send the request googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', function(event) { if (event.slot.getResponseInformation().creativeTemplateId === 828288 || event.slot.getResponseInformation().creativeTemplateId === 12383216 ) { console.log('DFP: Magic template id detected, not refreshing'); return; } var slotName = ''; $.each(dfpHolder, function (a, e) { if (e == event.slot) { slotName = a; } }); if (typeof window.advertisingTimer !== 'undefined') { var perc = event.inViewPercentage; window.advertisingTimer.timer(slotName, perc); } }); }); // the display code $.each(adUnits, function(i, data) { // check if the dom exists if ($('#'+data.domName).length === 0) { return; } if (data.domName === 'DFP_interstitial_mpu') { if (!inter.checkVisit()) { return; } } // are we manually loading it? if ($('#'+data.domName).attr('data-manual-loading') === "yes") { return; } // for mobile, we check if the dom element has the data-delay-loading attribute set to "1" else if ($('#'+data.domName).attr('data-delay-loading') === "yes") { // load it $('#'+data.domName).appear(); $(document.body).on('appear', '#'+data.domName, function(e, allElement) { // don't call it many times if ($(this).attr('data-processed') === 'yes') { return; } $(this).attr('data-processed', 'yes'); // display the google ad googletag.display(data.domName); googletag.pubads().refresh([dfpHolder[data.domName]]); }); return; } googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(data.domName); }); }); window.googleComplete =; window.googleReady = true; // METHODS function addToTargeting(targeting, data) { if (!data) { return targeting; } $.each(data, function (key, value) { if (!value) { return; } targeting[key] = value; }); return targeting; } function addAdSlot(slotName, slot, initHidden) { console.log("Add ad slot called for %s %s", slotName, slot); // check if item already exists if (typeof window.dfpHolder[slotName] !== 'undefined') { return; } if (window.adLight === true) { return; } window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { var dfp = googletag.defineSlot(window.googleId, [[300,250]], slotName) .setTargeting('position', [slot]) .addService(googletag.pubads()); window.dfpHolder[slotName] = dfp; if (!initHidden) { googletag.pubads().refresh([dfp]); return; } }); } function hideAdsByScreensize() { if (window.screen.width < 728 && $('#BlockArticleContainer').length > 0) { if ('308' === '1147') { $('#DFP_out_of_page').remove(); } else { $('#DFP_premium_mpu').remove(); } $('#DFP_on_scroll').remove(); } else if (window.screen.width < 728 && ( $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='9']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='12']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='18']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='24']").length > 0 ) ) { const adElement = document.querySelector('#high_vis_container'); $('.omnicard[data-position="5"]').after(adElement); } if ('308' === '1147' && window.screen.width > 450) { $('#DFP_bottom_leaderboard').remove(); } if ('308' === '1147' && window.screen.width < 728) { $('#DFP_top_leaderboard').remove(); } if ('308' === '1147') { $('#DFP_teads').remove(); $('#DFP_out_of_page').remove(); } } function removeBlacklistAds(blackListAds) { $.each(blackListAds, function(i, name) { removeAdContainer(name); }); } function removeWhitelistAds(unit) { // VAST (video) ad units never get displayed in here. if (unit.isVast) { return; } // if we have an ad-light experience if (whiteList === true) { if (typeof whiteListAds[unit.positionName] === 'undefined') { removeAdContainer(unit.domName) return; } } adUnits.push(unit); } function removeAdContainer(name) { const element = document.getElementById(name); // doesn't exist? exit if(!element) { return; } const parent = element.parentElement; if (parent && parent.classList.contains('block-bottom-margin')) { // if immediate parent contains block-bottom-margin as a class, remove the parent as well parent.classList.remove('block-bottom-margin'); } if (parent && parent.classList.contains('mar-leaderboard--top')) { // in case of leaderboard, remove as has min-height parent.remove(); return; } element.remove(); } </script> <!-- Twitter widget script --> <script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="/resources/responsive-static/build/mds/js/global.js?cb=L8iBd7fv"></script> <script src="/resources/responsive-static/build/mds/js/archive-module-list.js?cb=L8iBd7fv"></script> <script src="/__siren/"></script> <!-- standard - AudienceTracking.html --> <script type="text/javascript"> var s_account="newsquestgroupprod"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/responsive-static/vendor/adobe/VisitorAPI.js?cb=L8iBd7fv"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/responsive-static/vendor/adobe/omniture.js?cb=L8iBd7fv"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getOmniturePath() { var path = ''; if ($('#gallery-base-url').length === 1) { path = $('#gallery-base-url').val(); } else { path = window.location.pathname; } return path; } function getPositionFromCookie() { var ref = $.cookie('tracking_block_index'); $.removeCookie('tracking_block_index', { path: '/', domain:, }); return ref; } function getRefFromCookie() { var ref = $.cookie('tracking_block'); $.removeCookie('tracking_block', { path: '/', domain:, }); return ref; } function getOmnitureTrackingFromCookie(key, preExistingValue) { var ref = $.cookie('o-' + key); if(typeof(ref) === 'undefined') { ref = preExistingValue } else { ref = decodeURIComponent(ref); $.removeCookie('o-' + key, { path: '/', domain:, }); } return ref; } function getValidatedAPList() { var validList = [1100, 1101, 1002, 1006, 1010, 1014, 1018, 1022, 1200, 1202, 1205, 1300, 1602, 1605, 1608, 1612, 1616, 1500, 1503, 1507, 1509, 1512, 1402, 1406, 1409, 1412, 1416, 14331, 14333, 14335, 14336, 14339, 14342, 14344, 14345, 14346, 14350, 14351, 14353, 14359, 14366, 14370, 14371, 14377, 14388, 14394, 14396, 14399, 14407, 14221, 14423, 15679, 15681, 15682, 15683, 15684, 15686, 15687, 15688, 15975]; var data = getAudienceProjectTargetingData(); if (!data || !data.ap_x) { return ''; } validData = []; $.each(data.ap_x, function(i, td) { if ($.inArray(parseInt(td, 10), validList) !== -1) { validData.push(td); } }); return validData.join(','); } path = document.location.href.split("/"); var prop30 = qs.get('lp'); var prop43 = qs.get('ref'); var pType="Newsquest\Modules\ArchiveModule" if (pType === 'BlockArticleModule' || pType === 'NationalNewsModule' || pType === 'BlockWhatsOnModule') { pType = 'ArticleModule'; } for(x=4; x<7; x++) { if (typeof path[x] == 'undefined') { path[x] = ''; } if(path[x] == "" || (pType == "ArticleModule" && path[x].match(/[0-9]+\./)) || (path[x].indexOf('?') > -1)) { path[x] = path[x-1]; } else { path[x] = path[x-1] + "/" + path[x]; } path[x] = path[x].replace(/\/undefined/g,""); } pathN= unescape(document.location.pathname.toString()); matches = pathN.match(/(\w+)\.(in|near|compare)\.([\,a-zA-Z0-9\ _-]+)[\/]?$/); detailMatches = pathN.match(/(\w+)\.detail\.(.*)$/); if (detailMatches !== null && detailMatches.length > 1) { matches = detailMatches; } if (matches !== null && matches.length > 1) { var subfolder = ''; path[3] = 'li'; path[4] = 'li/'+subfolder; path[5] = 'li/'+subfolder+'/'+matches[1]; path[6] = 'li/'+subfolder+'/'+matches[1]; } if (pathN === '/') { path[3] = 'homepage'; path[4] = 'homepage'; path[5] = 'homepage'; path[6] = 'homepage'; } /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ s.pageName="(www) "+getOmniturePath(); s.pageName = s.pageName.toLowerCase(); s.server="dmh-martini-web17""" s.pageType="" s.prop1= qs.get('search'); s.prop2="" s.prop3=document.title s.prop4="" s.prop5="Newsquest\Modules\ArchiveModule" /* get from Martini */ s.prop6=path[3].toLowerCase() s.prop7=path[4].toLowerCase() s.prop8=path[5].toLowerCase() s.prop9=path[6].toLowerCase() s.prop10="" s.prop16=path[2].toLowerCase() s.prop17="Herald and Times" s.prop18="Martini" s.prop19="1" s.prop20 = s.getPreviousValue(s.pageName, 'gpv_pn'); s.prop53 = 'standard'; s.prop54 = ''; s.prop55 = ''; s.prop56 = ""; s.prop57 = ($('[data-name="Feature Article Block A"]').length > 0) ? 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if ($('.exco-embed').length > 0) { console.log('VID: setting tracking for event50'); = s.apl(, 'event50', ',', 1); } var foundAutoPlayVid = false; $('.jw-outer').each(function (a, domEle) { if ($(this).data('multimedia-block') === 'no' && !foundAutoPlayVid) { console.log('VID: setting tracking for event51'); = s.apl(, 'event51', ',', 1); foundAutoPlayVid = true; } }); s.eVar66 = 'Ad-Full-Herald'; s.eVar114 = ''; // var eVar65Copy = s.getValOnce(s.eVar65, "ev65", 0); // if (eVar65Copy !== '' && s.prop20.indexOf("/my/subscription/activate/") > -1) { // = s.apl(, "event4", ",", 1); // Set the subscription counter event. // = s.apl(, "purchase", ",", 1); // Set the purchase event. // s.products = "Subscription : Metered Access;" + eVar65Copy + ";1;"; // s.purchaseID = ""; // } if(qs.get('action') === 'success' && (s.prop5 === 'ArticleModule' || s.prop5 === 'BMDModule' || s.prop5 === 'BlockArticleModule')) {,'event9',',',2) } /* Hierarchy Variables */ s.hier1="newsquest," + "Herald and Times" + ",," + path[6].replace(/\//,","); if (typeof MartiniFotorama !== 'undefined') { MartiniFotorama.loadOmniture(s); } s.prop39 = "0"; // Tracking usage of Bytecast audio embeds in articles. s.eVar82 = 'no'; s.eVar83 = ''; console.log('ADB: starting'); /************* DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! **************/ if (qs.get('callback') !== 'in' && navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('googlebot') === -1) { var s_code=s.t(); var backupAdobe = s; if(s_code)document.write(s_code) } //--></script> <!-- End SiteCatalyst code version: H.19.3. --> <script src="//"></script> <script async src=""></script> </html>

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