Rubric :: Form Submission

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If you are a club, please login to your clubs portal and you can find this form in your forms module. If you are a union, you can share this link to the club: <br> <a href=""></a> </div> </div> <br> <div id="resetholdertwo" class="d-none s-card center" style="text-align: center"> <h1 style="font-weight: bold;margin-top:20px;"><span id="textHeader">Email Verification</span> </h1> <h6 style=" margin-top: 20px;">An <span id="smsoremail">Email</span> was just sent to your society inbox with a verification code.<br> Alternatively, you can access your code by logging into your Rubric society portal <a href="/?unicode=true" target="_blank"> here </a> </h6> <input type="text" class="input form-control form-control-lg widthbiggersmall" id="verification" placeholder="Insert Verification Code" required="" autocomplete="off" style="margin: 0 auto;width: 40%;margin-top:20px"> <br> <div class="message is-danger d-none widthbiggersmall" style="width: 40%;margin: 0px auto;margin-top:20px;" role="alert" id="errormessageresettwo"> </div> <button id="resettwo" class="button h-button is-danger 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please check your email inbox regularly, if applicable </h5> <br> </center> </div> <div class="form-layout" id="formholder"> <div class="form-outer"> <div id="templatequestion-bool no-break" class="d-none"> <br> <label id="questionlabel"></label> <div style="height:5px"> </div> <div class="form-group" style="margin-left: 30px;"> <input type="radio" value="true"> &nbsp;Yes <br> <div style="height:10px"> </div> <input type="radio" value="false"> &nbsp;No <br> </div> <br> </div> <div class="form-header"> <div class="form-header-inner"> <div class="left"> <br> <h2 class="title is-5 is-narrow is-bolder" id="formtitle">Loading form details</h2> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="buttons print d-none"> <button id="print" class="button h-button is-primary is-raised">Print PDF</button> <button id="export" class="button h-button is-primary is-raised">Download CSV</button> </div> </div> </div> <br> <p id="formdescription"></p> </div> <div class="form-body" id="stagesrow"> <div 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style="font-size: 2rem;font-weight: 600;color: #3c3b3b;" id="approved-amount-value"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- STANDARD ERROR MESSAGE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////--> <div class="column is-12"> <div class="message is-danger d-none q-template" id="errormessage"> <div class="message-body" id="errortext"> Better check yourself, you're not looking too good. </div> </div> </div> <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////--> <div class="columns is-multiline is-mobile"> <div class="column is-5"> </div> <div class="column is-2 text-center" id="submitbtn"> <button id="submitforms" class="button h-button is-primary q-template" style="margin-bottom:20px; margin-left:10px;"> <span id="memlinktext">Submit</span> </button> </div> <div class="column is-5"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <br> <center> <p>Powered by </p> <a href=""> <img class="brand-logo" alt="Rubric logo" src="" 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grantapp["grantamount"] = $(this).find('[type="range"]').val(); grantapp["grantuuid"] = $(this).find("select").find(":selected").attr( "grantappuuid"); answerObject[$(this).attr("questionId")] = grantapp; if ($(this).prop("disabled")) { answerObject.ignore = true; } else if ($(this).is(':visible') == false) { answerObject.ignore = true; } else { answerObject.ignore = false; } answerArray.push(answerObject); } }); toSubmit["uuid"] = uuid; toSubmit["answers"] = answerArray; if (getUrlParameter("toemail")) { toSubmit["useremail"] = getUrlParameter("toemail"); } console.log(toSubmit); $("#errormessage").addClass("d-none"); makeCall("postUnionForm", toSubmit, 25000, false, true, function(dataparsed) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 500); if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('success') && dataparsed[ "success"] == false) { $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); $("#errortext").text(dataparsed["usererror"]); } else if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('success') && dataparsed[ "success"] == true) { $("#formholder").addClass("d-none"); if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('sessionid')) { $.jStorage.set("sessionid", dataparsed["sessionid"]); } // Route the user to the form membership page if the form type is newclub/affiliation or newclub2/reaffiliation if (globalFormType && (globalFormType == "newclub" || globalFormType == "affiliation" || globalFormType == "newclub2" || globalFormType == "reaffiliation")) { // If they have a paid membership, route them to the website builder if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('hasPaidMembership') && dataparsed .hasPaidMembership == true) { location.href = ""; } else if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('latestMembershipTypeID')) { location.href = "/form_membership?mid=" + dataparsed .latestMembershipTypeID; } else { location.href = "/form_membership"; } console.log("globalFormType", globalFormType); } else if (submission_redirect_link == "") { cjs_showConfetti(); $("#form-section").addClass("d-none"); $("#successholder").removeClass("d-none"); $("#successholder").find("#uuid").text(uuid); } else { window.location.replace(submission_redirect_link); } } } ); } var formid = getUrlParameter("fid").replace(/\D/g, "");; var uuid = uuidv4(); if (getUrlParameter("prefill_uid")) { uuid = getUrlParameter("prefill_uid"); } if ($.jStorage.get('sessionid') == null || getUrlParameter("uniacc")) { $("#wizard-progress").addClass("is-hidden"); } console.log(formid); var jsontosend = new Object; if (getUrlParameter("uuid")) { $("#wizard-progress").addClass("is-hidden"); jsontosend["uuid"] = getUrlParameter("uuid"); uuid = getUrlParameter("uuid"); $(".print").removeClass("d-none"); $(".formref").removeClass("d-none"); } if (getUrlParameter("type") == "claim") { getItem("sessionid"); } if ($.jStorage.get('sessionid')) { jsontosend["sessionid"] = $.jStorage.get('sessionid'); } if (getUrlParameter("uniacc")) { jsontosend["uniacc"] = getUrlParameter("uniacc"); $("#submitbtn").addClass("is-hidden"); $("#union-preview-message a").attr("href", "" + getUrlParameter( "fid")). text("" + getUrlParameter("fid")).removeClass("is-hidden"); $("#union-preview-message").removeClass("is-hidden"); } jsontosend["formID"] = formid; var listoftables = new Object; makeCall("getUnionForm", jsontosend, 25000, false, true, function(dataparsed) { $("#formcontentloading").addClass("d-none"); $("#formcontent").removeClass("d-none"); globalFormType = dataparsed["formtype"]; if (dataparsed.formMigrated && dataparsed.formMigrated == true && getUrlParameter( 'fid')) { if (getUrlParameter('uniacc')) { window.location.href = "/create_form?preview=true&fid=" + getUrlParameter('fid'); return; } let redirectString = "/submit_form?fid=" + getUrlParameter('fid'); if (getUrlParameter('uuid')) { redirectString += "&uuid=" + getUrlParameter('uuid'); } window.location.href = redirectString; return; } if (globalFormType && (globalFormType == "newclub" || globalFormType == "affiliation" || globalFormType == "newclub2" || globalFormType == "reaffiliation")) { } else { $(".wizard-progress").addClass("is-hidden") } if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('refnumber')) { $("#formreference").text(dataparsed["refnumber"]); } if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty("disableexport")) { $(".print").addClass("d-none"); } else { $(".print").removeClass("d-none"); } if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('submission_redirect_link')) { submission_redirect_link = dataparsed["submission_redirect_link"]; //window.location.replace(submission_redirect_link); } if (getUrlParameter("star") && getUrlParameter("toemail")) { } else { $("#unilogo").attr("src", dataparsed["unionlogo"]); } $("#unilogo").removeClass("d-none"); if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('requires_sessionid')) { if (getUrlParameter("uniacc")) { } else { getItem("sessionid"); $("#menuinserted").removeClass("is-hidden"); } } //Receive JSON RESPONSE FROM SERVER WITH SUCCESS if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('success') && dataparsed["success"] == true) { if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('formtype') 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with any external organisations, or is your organisation currently considering entering into one of those relationships with an external organisation?']") .prop("disabled", disable).attr("mandatory", mandt); $("[name*='If you answered \"Yes\" to the last question, provide details of all sponsorships, funding arrangements or agreements your organisation currently has or is considering entering.']") .prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='will now be provided with a pre-paid VascoPay card in lieu of a bank account. Clubs can still elect to have a club bank account however it is no longer mandatory. Does your club also have a bank account?']") .prop("disabled", disable).attr("mandatory", mandt); $("[name*='Bank Name']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Signatory 1']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Signatory 2']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='BSB']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Number']").prop("disabled", disable); }); } else if (getUrlParameter("fid") == "65" && $( "[name*='Do you want a Basic or Funded Affiliation?']").is( '[disabled=disabled]')) { $(".toreverse").removeClass("d-none toreverse"); $("#submitbtn").removeClass("d-none"); var disable = true; var mandt = "0"; if ($('input[type=radio][name="Do you want a Basic or Funded Affiliation?*"]') .value == 'Funded') { disable = false; mandt = "1"; } $("[name*='Does your organisation have any form of sponsorship, funding arrangement, or agreements with any external organisations, or is your organisation currently considering entering into one of those relationships with an external organisation?']") .prop("disabled", disable).attr("mandatory", mandt); $("[name*='If you answered \"Yes\" to the last question, provide details of all sponsorships, funding arrangements or agreements your organisation currently has or is considering entering.']") .prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='will now be provided with a pre-paid VascoPay card in lieu of a bank account. Clubs can still elect to have a club bank account however it is no longer mandatory. Does your club also have a bank account?']") .prop("disabled", disable).attr("mandatory", mandt); $("[name*='Bank Name']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Signatory 1']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Signatory 2']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='BSB']").prop("disabled", disable); $("[name*='Account Number']").prop("disabled", disable); } var submittedResponses = new Array(); $("#submitforms").click(function() { $("#errormessage").addClass("d-none"); //assume the form is true and then list out instances where it will be false var allgood = true; //looping through to check if every visible form question which is mandatory is filled out correctly EXCEPT radio buttons since it a default option is always selected $(".togoover").each(function() { //Ignore the hidden divs and only check the visible ones if ($(this).is(':visible') == false) {} else if ($(this) .hasClass("form-control-file") && $(this) .attr( "mandatory") == "1" && $(this).hasClass("uploaded") == false) { $("#errortext").text("Incorrect question: " + $(this) .attr( "name") + "' must have a file uploaded"); 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$("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } if ($(this).find("input").length > 0 && $($(this).find( "input")[0]).val().length === 0) { $("#errortext").text( "Response required for question: " + $(this) .closest("div").find("label").text()); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } } }); if ($(".newsoc").length) { emailverificationrequired = true; } else if ($("#useremail").length) { emailverificationrequired = true; } if (getUrlParameter("ed")) { emailverificationrequired = false; } else if ($.jStorage.get('sessionid')) { emailverificationrequired = false; } if (allgood == true && $("#useremail").length && ($("#useremail").val() .trim() .length < 5 || $("#useremail").val().trim().includes("@") == false )) { $("#errortext").text("Invalid Email Address"); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } else if (allgood == true && $(".newsoc").length && $("#socname").val() .trim().length < 3) { $("#errortext").text("Invalid Society Name"); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } else if (allgood == true && $(".newsoc").length && $("#socemail").val() .trim() .length < 5) { $("#errortext").text("Invalid Society Email"); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } else if (allgood == true && $("#socusername").length && ($("#socusername") .val().trim() .length < 4 || $("#socusername") .val().trim().includes(" ")) && $("#socusername").is(":visible")) { $("#errortext").text( "Invalid Society Account username - must be at least 4 characters and contain no space characters" ); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } else if (allgood == true && $("#socusername").length && $("#socpassword") .val().trim() .length < 8 && $("#socpassword").is(":visible")) { $("#errortext").text( "Invalid Society Account password - must be at least 8 characters" ); $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); allgood = false; } if (allgood == true && emailverificationrequired == true) { var emailverificationobject = new Object; if ($("#useremail").length) { = $("#useremail").val(); } else { = $("#socemail").val(); } emailverificationobject.formid = formid; emailverificationobject.uuid = uuid; makeCall("sendFormEmailVerificationCode", emailverificationobject, 25000, false, true, function(dataparsed) { if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('success') && dataparsed[ "success"] == false) { $("#errormessage").removeClass("d-none"); $("#errormessage").text(dataparsed["usererror"]); } else if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('success') && dataparsed[ "success"] == true) { $("#formholder").addClass("d-none"); $("#resetholdertwo").removeClass("d-none"); } }, "#submitforms"); } else if (allgood == true) { submitForm(false); } }); } else if (dataparsed.hasOwnProperty('usererror')) { $("#unilogo").addClass("d-none"); $("#submitbtn").addClass("d-none"); $("#formtitle").text("Ooops, looks like you're in the wrong area!"); $("#formdescription").html( "Go back to your <a href='/login'>society portal</a> or our <a href=''> website </a>" ) alert(dataparsed["usererror"]); } else { $("#unilogo").addClass("d-none"); $("#submitbtn").addClass("d-none"); alert("Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later"); } }, ); }); </script> <!-- END PAGE LEVEL JS--> </body> </html>

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