Feedzy Troubleshooting Guide - ThemeIsle Docs

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The feed(s) you want to use can be checked <a href="" target="_blank">on this website</a>. If no content is rendered there, Feedzy is not able to render any content from that feed.</li> </ol> <h2 id="display"> Displaying feeds </h2> <p> First, please make sure that the general requirements are met.</p> <ul> <li>In case images are not displayed, you can check if the feed provides them, by searching for: image, PNG, JPG, GIF and other popular image extensions.</li> <li>If you are using an editor like Gutenberg or Elementor, and some of the parameters you configured doesn't work as expected, we recommend trying the shortcode approach. Try to use the same options configured in the editor, in a shortcode. <a href="//" target="_blank">How to use Feedzy with a shortcode</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="import">Importing feeds</h2> <ul> <li>First please make sure that the general requirements are met.</li> <li>Make sure that cron enabled on your website<br> <ol> <li>Install &amp; activate <a href="" target="_blank">WP-Cron Status Checker plugin</a></li> <li>Check the plugin widget in the Dashboard<br> <a href="" class="lightbox"><img src="//" width="350px"></a></li> <li>If cron is disabled on your site, we recommend contacting your hosting provider</li> </ol></li> </ul> <h4 id="set-magic-tags">Nothing was imported</h4> <p> Make sure that you have completed the import wizard, especially the third step. We recommend completing all the fields before saving the import and click run now.</p> <p><img src="//"></p> <h4 id="images">Images weren't imported</h4> <p> The images might not be available in the feed. You can search for popular image extensions. Also, make sure to set the proper magic tags for them.</p> <p><img src="//"></p> <h4>Full post content wasn't imported</h4> <p> This feature is available only in the <a href="" target="_blank">Developer and Agency subscriptions</a>. The magic tag for importing the full post content is [#item_full_content].</p> <p><img src="//"></p> <h4>After X hours, no more content was imported</h4> <p> The feeds are automatically checked by the plugin every 60 minutes. New content might not be available so soon; therefore, we recommend waiting between 12 and 24 hours to see if new posts are imported, as the plugin checks them for duplicates and pulls only unique posts.</p> <p><img src="//"></p> </article> <div class="articleRatings" data-article-url=""> <span class="articleRatings-question">Did this answer your question?</span> <span class="articleRatings-feedback"> <span class="articleRatings-feedback-tick"> <svg height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" xmlns=""> <path d="m8 14a.997.997 0 0 1 -.707-.293l-2-2a.999.999 0 1 1 1.414-1.414l1.293 1.293 4.293-4.293a.999.999 0 1 1 1.414 1.414l-5 5a.997.997 0 0 1 -.707.293" fill="#2CC683" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </svg> </span> <span class="articleRatings-feedback-message">Thanks for the feedback</span> </span> <span class="articleRatings-failure">There was a problem submitting your feedback. 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