Campus Maps | Kansas State University

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The value of the property is the value as specified in the * URL. For example, with the URL "whatever.html?dog=Max&cat=Saturn", * the object returned would have two properties: * * = "Max" and"Saturn". * * The returned object is typically named "request", and is modelled after the * Server-Side JavaScript "request" object. * * Note: No facility is available to handle parameters that are specified * multiple times. The last value specified on the URL is the one returned. */ function(s) { var request = {}; var a, i, v; // If the caller didn't specify a string, use the page's URL. if (!s) { s =; } // Strip the leading question mark, if any if (s.substr(0,1) == '?') { s = s.substr(1); } // Split the query/search string into "name=value" strings. a = s.split(/&/); // For each string, split into the name and value, and assign to // the request object. for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { v = a[i].match(/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/); if (v) { v[1] = v[1].replace( /\+/g, " " ); // change '+' into ' ' v[2] = v[2].replace( /\+/g, " " ); // change '+' into ' ' request[decodeURIComponent(v[1])] = decodeURIComponent(v[2]); } } return request; }; try { request = parseRequest(); show =; if (show) { ga('site.send', 'event', 'Map 731', 'Marker Open via URL', show, {noninteraction: 1}); /* Origianl version could use show=DO,CW to show both Dole and Cardwell. * CampusBird can't do that, so just use the first one. */ show1 = show.split(",")[0].toUpperCase(); marker = showcode2markerID[show1]; if (marker) { url += "&mrkIid=" + marker; url += "#!m/" + marker + "?ce/9318?ct/11701,0,9318"; } } } catch(e) { /* Nothing */ } var a=['iPad','iPod','iPhone','Android']; for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { var p=new RegExp(a[i],'i'); if(!!p.test(navigator.userAgent)) { document.location=url; } } map = document.createElement("iframe"); map.width="100%"; map.height="100%"; map.scrolling = "no"; map.border = "0"; map.frameborder = "0"; map.src = url; document.getElementById('mapcontainer').appendChild(map); }; window.onload = insertMap; (function(){ var cd=/k-state\.edu/.test(document.location.hostname)?'':'auto'; ga('create','UA-36236856-1',cd); ga('require','linkid', {'levels':9}); ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('send','pageview'); try{ var hp = document.referrer.replace(/https?:\/\//, ""), ds=hp.substring(0,KSU.config.searchUrl.length)!==KSU.config.searchUrl; }catch(e){} ga('create','UA-19170528-12',cd,'site',{'alwaysSendReferrer':ds}); })(); </script> <li><a style="text-decoration: none;color:#ACA697;" href=";account=k-state&amp;site=maps&amp;action=de&amp;path=/index.html">Updated: 5/1/24</a></li></body> </html>

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