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A merger of the functionality of three templates: {{wayback}}, {{webcite}} and {{cite archives}} ]] --[[--------------------------&lt; D E P E N D E N C I E S >------------------------------------------------------ ]] require('Module:No globals'); local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs; --[[--------------------------&lt; F O R W A R D D E C L A R A T I O N S >-------------------------------------- ]] local categories = {}; -- category names local config = {}; -- global configuration settings local digits = {}; -- for i18n; table that translates local-wiki digits to western digits local err_warn_msgs = {}; -- error and warning messages local excepted_pages = {}; local month_num = {}; -- for i18n; table that translates local-wiki month names to western digits local prefixes = {}; -- service provider tail string prefixes local services = {}; -- archive service provider data from local s_text = {}; -- table of static text strings used to build final rendering local uncategorized_namespaces = {}; -- list of namespaces that we should not categorize local uncategorized_subpages = {}; -- list of subpages that should not be categorized --[[--------------------------&lt; P A G E S C O P E I D E N T I F I E R S >---------------------------------- ]] local non_western_digits; -- boolean flag set true when data.digits.enable is true local this_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); local track = {}; -- Associative array to hold tracking categories local ulx = {}; -- Associative array to hold template data --[[--------------------------&lt; S U B S T I T U T E >---------------------------------------------------------- Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table. ]] local function substitute (msg, args) return args and mw.message.newRawMessage (msg, args):plain() or msg; end --[[--------------------------&lt; tableLength >----------------------- Given a 1-D table, return number of elements ]] local function tableLength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end --[=[-------------------------&lt; M A K E _ W I K I L I N K >---------------------------------------------------- Makes a wikilink; when both link and display text is provided, returns a wikilink in the form [[L|D]]; if only link is provided, returns a wikilink in the form [[L]]; if neither are provided or link is omitted, returns an empty string. ]=] local function make_wikilink (link, display, no_link) if nil == no_link then if link and ('' ~= link) then if display and ('' ~= display) then return table.concat ({'[[', link, '|', display, ']]'}); else return table.concat ({'[[', link, ']]'}); end end return display or ''; -- link not set so return the display text else -- no_link if display and ('' ~= display) then -- if there is display text return display; -- return that else return link or ''; -- return the target article name or empty string end end end --[[--------------------------&lt; createTracking >----------------------- Return data in track[] ie. tracking categories ]] local function createTracking() if not excepted_pages[this_page.fullText] then -- namespace:title/fragment is allowed to be categorized (typically this module's / template's testcases page(s)) if uncategorized_namespaces[this_page.nsText] then return ''; -- this page not to be categorized so return empty string end for _,v in ipairs (uncategorized_subpages) do -- cycle through page name patterns if this_page.text:match (v) then -- test page name against each pattern return ''; -- this subpage type not to be categorized so return empty string end end end local out = {}; if tableLength(track) > 0 then for key, _ in pairs(track) do -- loop through table table.insert (out, make_wikilink (key)); -- and convert category names to links end end return table.concat (out); -- concat into one big string; empty string if table is empty end --[[--------------------------&lt; inlineError >----------------------- Critical error. Render output completely in red. Add to tracking category. This function called as the last thing before abandoning this module ]] local function inlineError (msg, args) track[categories.error] = 1 return table.concat ({ '&lt;span style="font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">Error in ', -- open the error message span config.tname, -- insert the local language template name ' template: ', substitute (msg, args), -- insert the formatted error message '.&lt;/span>', -- close the span createTracking() -- add the category }) end --[[--------------------------&lt; inlineRed >----------------------- Render a text fragment in red, such as a warning as part of the final output. Add tracking category. ]] local function inlineRed(msg, trackmsg) if trackmsg == "warning" then track[categories.warning] = 1; elseif trackmsg == "error" then track[categories.error] = 1; end return '&lt;span style="font-size:100%" class="error citation-comment">' .. msg .. '&lt;/span>' end --[[--------------------------&lt; base62 >----------------------- Convert base-62 to base-10 Credit: ]] local function base62( value ) local r = 1 -- default return value is input value is malformed if value:match ('%W') then -- value must only be in the set [0-9a-zA-Z] return; -- nil return when value contains extraneous characters end local n = #value -- number of characters in value local k = 1 local c r = 0 for i = n, 1, -1 do -- loop through all characters in value from ls digit to ms digit c = value:byte( i, i ) if c >= 48 and c &lt;= 57 then -- character is digit 0-9 c = c - 48 elseif c >= 65 and c &lt;= 90 then -- character is ascii a-z c = c - 55 else -- must be ascii A-Z c = c - 61 end r = r + c * k -- accumulate this base62 character's value k = k * 62 -- bump for next end -- for i return r end --[[--------------------------&lt; D E C O D E _ D A T E >-------------------------------------------------------- Given a date string, return it in iso format along with an indicator of the date's format. Except that month names must be recognizable as legitimate month names with proper capitalization, and that the date string must match one of the recognized date formats, no error checking is done here; return nil else ]] local function decode_date (date_str) local patterns = { ['dmy'] = {'^(%d%d?) +([^%s%d]+) +(%d%d%d%d)$', 'd', 'm', 'y'}, -- %a does not recognize unicode combining characters used by some languages ['mdy'] = {'^([^%s%d]+) (%d%d?), +(%d%d%d%d)$', 'm', 'd', 'y'}, ['ymd'] = {'^(%d%d%d%d) +([^%s%d]+) (%d%d?)$', 'y', 'm', 'd'}, -- not mos compliant at but may be acceptible at other wikis }; local t = {}; if non_western_digits then -- this wiki uses non-western digits? date_str = mw.ustring.gsub (date_str, '%d', digits); -- convert this wiki's non-western digits to western digits end if date_str:match ('^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$') then -- already an iso format date, return western digits form return date_str, 'iso'; end for k, v in pairs (patterns) do local c1, c2, c3 = mw.ustring.match (date_str, patterns[k][1]); -- c1 .. c3 are captured but we don't know what they hold if c1 then -- set on match t = { -- translate unspecified captures to y, m, and d [patterns[k][2]] = c1, -- fill the table of captures with the captures [patterns[k][3]] = c2, -- take index names from src_pattern table and assign sequential captures [patterns[k][4]] = c3, }; if month_num[t.m] then -- when month not already a number t.m = month_num[t.m]; -- replace valid month name with a number else return nil, 'iso'; -- not a valid date form because month not valid end return mw.ustring.format ('%.4d-%.2d-%.2d', t.y, t.m, t.d), k; -- return date in iso format end end return nil, 'iso'; -- date could not be decoded; return nil and default iso date end --[[--------------------------&lt; makeDate >----------------------- Given year, month, day numbers, (zero-padded or not) return a full date in df format where df may be one of: mdy, dmy, iso, ymd on entry, year, month, day are presumed to be correct for the date that they represent; all are required in this module, makeDate() is sometimes given an iso-format date in year: makeDate (2018-09-20, nil, nil, df) this works because table.concat() sees only one table member ]] local function makeDate (year, month, day, df) local format = { ['dmy'] = 'j F Y', ['mdy'] = 'F j, Y', ['ymd'] = 'Y F j', ['iso'] = 'Y-m-d', }; local date = table.concat ({year, month, day}, '-'); -- assemble year-initial numeric-format date (zero padding not required here) if non_western_digits then --this wiki uses non-western digits? date = mw.ustring.gsub (date, '%d', digits); -- convert this wiki's non-western digits to western digits end return mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate (format[df], date); end --[[--------------------------&lt; I S _ V A L I D _ D A T E >---------------------------------------------------- Returns true if date is after 31 December 1899 (why is 1900 the min year? shouldn't the internet's date-of-birth be min year?), not after today's date, and represents a valid date (29 February 2017 is not a valid date). Applies Gregorian leapyear rules. all arguments are required ]] local function is_valid_date (year, month, day) local days_in_month = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; local month_length; local y, m, d; local today = ('*t'); -- fetch a table of current date parts if not year or '' == year or not month or '' == month or not day or '' == day then return false; -- something missing end y = tonumber (year); m = tonumber (month); d = tonumber (day); if 1900 > y or today.year &lt; y or 1 > m or 12 &lt; m then -- year and month are within bounds TODO: 1900? return false; end if (2==m) then -- if February month_length = 28; -- then 28 days unless if (0==(y%4) and (0~=(y%100) or 0==(y%400))) then -- is a leap year? month_length = 29; -- if leap year then 29 days in February end else month_length=days_in_month[m]; end if 1 > d or month_length &lt; d then -- day is within bounds return false; end -- here when date parts represent a valid date return os.time({['year']=y, ['month']=m, ['day']=d, ['hour']=0}) &lt;= os.time(); -- date at midnight must be less than or equal to current date/time end --[[--------------------------&lt; decodeWebciteDate >----------------------- Given a URI-path to Webcite (eg. /67xHmVFWP) return the encoded date in df format returns date string in df format - webcite date is a unix timestamp encoded as bae62 or the string 'query' ]] local function decodeWebciteDate(path, df) local dt = {}; local decode; dt = mw.text.split(path, "/") -- valid URL formats that are not base62 -- --;date=2012-06-01+21:40:03 -- -- -- if dt[2]:find ('query', 1, true) or dt[2]:find ('cache', 1, true) or dt[2]:find ('getfile', 1, true) or tonumber(dt[2]) then return 'query'; end decode = base62(dt[2]); -- base62 string -> exponential number if not decode then return nil; -- nil return when dt[2] contains characters not in %w end dt ='*t', string.format("%d", decode):sub(1,10)) -- exponential number -> text -> first 10 characters (a unix timestamp) -> a table of date parts decode = makeDate (dt.year, dt.month,, 'iso'); -- date comparisons are all done in iso format with western digits if non_western_digits then --this wiki uses non-western digits? decode = mw.ustring.gsub (decode, '%d', digits); -- convert this wiki's non-western digits to western digits end return decode; end --[[--------------------------&lt; decodeWaybackDate >----------------------- Given a URI-path to Wayback (eg. /web/20160901010101/ ) or Library of Congress Web Archives (/all/20160901010101/ return the formatted date eg. "September 1, 2016" in df format Handle non-digits in snapshot ID such as "re_" and "-" and "*" returns two values: first value is one of these: valid date string in df format - wayback date is valid (including the text string 'index' when date is '/*/') empty string - wayback date is malformed (less than 8 digits, not a valid date) nil - wayback date is '/save/' or otherwise not a number second return value is an appropriate 'message' may or may not be formatted ]] local function decodeWaybackDate(path, df) local msg, snapdate; snapdate = path:gsub ('^/all/', ''):gsub ('^/web/', ''):gsub ('^/', ''); -- remove leading '/all/', leading '/web/' or leading '/' snapdate = snapdate:match ('^[^/]+'); -- get timestamp if snapdate == "*" then -- eg. /web/*/http.. or /all/*/http.. return 'index'; -- return indicator that this url has an index date end snapdate = snapdate:gsub ('%a%a_%d?$', ''):gsub ('%-', ''); -- from date, remove any trailing "re_", dashes msg = ''; if snapdate:match ('%*$') then -- a trailing '*' causes calendar display at archive .org snapdate = snapdate:gsub ('%*$', ''); -- remove so not part of length calc later msg = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_cal, 'warning'); -- make a message end if not tonumber(snapdate) then return nil, 'ts_nan'; -- return nil (fatal error flag) and message selector end local dlen = snapdate:len(); if dlen &lt; 8 then -- we need 8 digits TODO: but shouldn't this be testing for 14 digits? return '', inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_short, 'error'); -- return empty string and error message end local year, month, day = snapdate:match ('(%d%d%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)'); -- no need for snapdatelong here if not is_valid_date (year, month, day) then return '', inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_date, 'error'); -- return empty string and error message end snapdate = table.concat ({year, month, day}, '-'); -- date comparisons are all done in iso format if 14 == dlen then return snapdate, msg; -- return date with message if any else return snapdate, msg .. inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_len, 'warning'); -- return date with warning message(s) end end --[[--------------------------&lt; decodeArchiveisDate >----------------------- Given an "long link" URI-path (e.g. /2016.08.28-144552/ return the date in df format (e.g. if df = dmy, return 28 August 2016) Handles "." and "-" in snapshot date, so 2016.08.28-144552 is same as 20160828144552 returns two values: first value is one of these: valid date string in df format - date is valid (including the text string 'short link' when url is the short form) empty string - wayback date is malformed (not a number, less than 8 digits, not a valid date) nil - wayback date is '/save/' second return value is an appropriate 'message' may or may not be formatted ]] local function decodeArchiveisDate(path, df) local snapdate if path:match ('^/%w+$') then -- short form url path is '/' followed by some number of base 62 digits and nothing else return "short link" -- e.g. end snapdate = mw.text.split (path, '/')[2]:gsub('[%.%-]', ''); -- get snapshot date, e.g. 2016.08.28-144552; remove periods and hyphens local dlen = string.len(snapdate) if dlen &lt; 8 then -- we need 8 digits TODO: but shouldn't this be testing for 14 digits? return '', inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_short, 'error'); -- return empty string and error message end local year, month, day = snapdate:match ('(%d%d%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)'); -- no need for snapdatelong here if not is_valid_date (year, month, day) then return '', inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_date, 'error'); -- return empty string and error message end snapdate = table.concat ({year, month, day}, '-'); -- date comparisons are all done in iso format if 14 == dlen then return snapdate; -- return date else return snapdate, inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.ts_len, 'warning'); -- return date with warning message end end --[[--------------------------&lt; serviceName >----------------------- Given a domain extracted by (eg. set tail string and service ID ]] local function serviceName(host, no_link) local tracking; local index; host = host:lower():gsub ('^web%.(.+)', '%1'):gsub ('^www%.(.+)', '%1'); -- lowercase, remove web. and www. subdomains if services[host] then index = host; else for k, _ in pairs (services) do if host:find ('%f[%a]'..k:gsub ('([%.%-])', '%%%1')) then index = k; break; end end end if index then local out = {''}; -- empty string in [1] so that concatenated result has leading single space ulx.url1.service = services[index][4] or 'other'; tracking = services[index][5] or categories.other; -- build tail string if false == services[index][1] then -- select prefix table.insert (out,; elseif true == services[index][1] then table.insert (out, prefixes.atthe); else table.insert (out, services[index][1]); end table.insert (out, make_wikilink (services[index][2], services[index][3], no_link)); -- add article wikilink if services[index][6] then -- add tail postfix if it exists table.insert (out, services[index][6]); end ulx.url1.tail = table.concat (out, ' '); -- put it all together; result has leading space character else -- here when unknown archive ulx.url1.service = 'other'; tracking = categories.unknown; ulx.url1.tail = table.concat ({'',, host, inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.unknown_url, error)}, ' '); end track[tracking] = 1 end --[[--------------------------&lt; parseExtraArgs >----------------------- Parse numbered arguments starting at 2, such as url2..url10, date2..date10, title2..title10 For example: {{webarchive |url=.. |url4=.. |url7=..}} Three url arguments not in numeric sequence (1..4..7). Function only processes arguments numbered 2 or greater (in this case 4 and 7) It creates numeric sequenced table entries like: urlx.url2.url = &lt;argument value for url4> urlx.url3.url = &lt;argument value for url7> Returns the number of URL arguments found numbered 2 or greater (in this case returns "2") ]] local function parseExtraArgs(args) local i, j, argurl, argurl2, argdate, argtitle j = 2 for i = 2, config.maxurls do argurl = "url" .. i if args[argurl] then argurl2 = "url" .. j ulx[argurl2] = {} ulx[argurl2]["url"] = args[argurl] argdate = "date" .. j if args[argdate] then ulx[argurl2]["date"] = args[argdate] else ulx[argurl2]["date"] = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.date_miss, 'warning'); end argtitle = "title" .. j if args[argtitle] then ulx[argurl2]["title"] = args[argtitle] else ulx[argurl2]["title"] = nil end j = j + 1 end end if j == 2 then return 0 else return j - 2 end end --[[--------------------------&lt; comma >----------------------- Given a date string, return "," if it's MDY ]] local function comma(date) return (date and date:match ('%a+ +%d%d?(,) +%d%d%d%d')) or ''; end --[[--------------------------&lt; createRendering >----------------------- Return a rendering of the data in ulx[][] ]] local function createRendering() local displayfield local out = {}; local index_date, msg = ('(index)(.*)'); -- when extract 'index' text and message text (if there is a message) = ('index.*', 'index'); -- remove message if 'none' == ulx.url1.format then -- For {{wayback}}, {{webcite}} table.insert (out, '['); -- open extlink markup table.insert (out, ulx.url1.url); -- add url if ulx.url1.title then table.insert (out, ' ') -- the required space table.insert (out, ulx.url1.title) -- the title table.insert (out, ']'); -- close extlink markup table.insert (out, ulx.url1.tail); -- tail text if then table.insert (out, '&amp;#32;('); -- open date text; TODO: why the html entity? replace with regular space? table.insert (out, 'index' == and s_text.archive or s_text.archived); -- add text table.insert (out, ' '); -- insert a space table.insert (out,; -- add date table.insert (out, ')'); -- close date text end else -- no title if index_date then -- when url date is 'index' table.insert (out, table.concat ({' ', s_text.Archive_index, ']'})); -- add the index link label table.insert (out, msg or ''); -- add date mismatch message when url date is /*/ and |date= has valid date else table.insert (out, table.concat ({' ', s_text.Archived, '] '})); -- add link label for url has timestamp date (will include mismatch message if there is one) end if then if 'index' ~= then table.insert (out,; -- add date when data is not 'index' end table.insert (out, comma(; -- add ',' if date format is mdy table.insert (out, ulx.url1.tail); -- add tail text else -- no date table.insert (out, ulx.url1.tail); -- add tail text end end if 0 &lt; ulx.url1.extraurls then -- For multiple archive URLs local tot = ulx.url1.extraurls + 1 table.insert (out, '.') -- terminate first url table.insert (out, table.concat ({' ', s_text.addlarchives, ': '})); -- add header text for i=2, tot do -- loop through the additionals local index = table.concat ({'url', i}); -- make an index displayfield = ulx[index]['title'] and 'title' or 'date'; -- choose display text table.insert (out, '['); -- open extlink markup table.insert (out, ulx[index]['url']); -- add the url table.insert (out, ' '); -- the required space table.insert (out, ulx[index][displayfield]); -- add the label table.insert (out, ']'); -- close extlink markup table.insert (out, i==tot and '.' or ', '); -- add terminator end end return table.concat (out); -- make a big string and done else -- For {{cite archives}} if 'addlarchives' == ulx.url1.format then -- Multiple archive services table.insert (out, table.concat ({s_text.addlarchives, ': '})); -- add header text else -- Multiple pages from the same archive table.insert (out, table.concat ({s_text.addlpages, ' '})); -- add header text table.insert (out,; -- add date to header text table.insert (out, ': '); -- close header text end local tot = ulx.url1.extraurls + 1; for i=1, tot do -- loop through the additionals local index = table.concat ({'url', i}); -- make an index table.insert (out, '['); -- open extlink markup table.insert (out, ulx[index]['url']); -- add url table.insert (out, ' '); -- add required space displayfield = ulx[index]['title']; if 'addlarchives' == ulx.url1.format then if not displayfield then displayfield = ulx[index]['date'] end else -- must be addlpages if not displayfield then displayfield = table.concat ({s_text.Page, ' ', i}); end end table.insert (out, displayfield); -- add title, date, page label text table.insert (out, ']'); -- close extlink markup table.insert (out, (i==tot and '.' or ', ')); -- add terminator end return table.concat (out); -- make a big string and done end end --[[--------------------------&lt; P A R A M E T E R _ N A M E _ X L A T E >-------------------------------------- for internaltionalization, translate local-language parameter names to their English equivalents TODO: return error message if multiple aliases of the same canonical parameter name are found? returns two tables: new_args - holds canonical form parameters and their values either from translation or because the parameter was already in canonical form origin - maps canonical-form parameter names to their untranslated (local language) form for error messaging in the local language unrecognized parameters are ignored ]] local function parameter_name_xlate (args, params, enum_params) local name; -- holds modifiable name of the parameter name during evaluation local enum; -- for enumerated parameters, holds the enumerator during evaluation local found = false; -- flag used to break out of nested for loops local new_args = {}; -- a table that holds canonical and translated parameter k/v pairs local origin = {}; -- a table that maps original (local language) parameter names to their canonical name for local language error messaging local unnamed_params; -- set true when unsupported positional parameters are detected for k, v in pairs (args) do -- loop through all of the arguments in the args table name = k; -- copy of original parameter name if 'string' == type (k) then if non_western_digits then -- true when non-western digits supported at this wiki name = mw.ustring.gsub (name, '%d', digits); -- convert this wiki's non-western digits to western digits end enum = name:match ('%d+$'); -- get parameter enumerator if it exists; nil else if not enum then -- no enumerator so looking for non-enumnerated parameters -- TODO: insert shortcut here? if params[name] then name holds the canonical parameter name; no need to search further for pname, aliases in pairs (params) do -- loop through each parameter the params table for _, alias in ipairs (aliases) do -- loop through each alias in the parameter's aliases table if name == alias then new_args[pname] = v; -- create a new entry in the new_args table origin [pname] = k; -- create an entry to make canonical parameter name to original local language parameter name found = true; -- flag so that we can break out of these nested for loops break; -- no need to search the rest of the aliases table for name so go on to the next k, v pair end end if found then -- true when we found an alias that matched name found = false; -- reset the flag break; -- go do next args k/v pair end end else -- enumerated parameters name = name:gsub ('%d$', '#'); -- replace enumeration digits with place holder for table search -- TODO: insert shortcut here? if num_params[name] then name holds the canonical parameter name; no need to search further for pname, aliases in pairs (enum_params) do -- loop through each parameter the num_params table for _, alias in ipairs (aliases) do -- loop through each alias in the parameter's aliases table if name == alias then pname = pname:gsub ('#$', enum); -- replace the '#' place holder with the actual enumerator new_args[pname] = v; -- create a new entry in the new_args table origin [pname] = k; -- create an entry to make canonical parameter name to original local language parameter name found = true; -- flag so that we can break out of these nested for loops break; -- no need to search the rest of the aliases table for name so go on to the next k, v pair end end if found then -- true when we found an alias that matched name found = false; -- reset the flag break; -- go do next args k/v pair end end end else unnamed_params = true; -- flag for unsupported positional parameters end end -- for k, v return new_args, origin, unnamed_params; end --[[--------------------------&lt; W E B A R C H I V E >---------------------------------------------------------- template entry point ]] local function webarchive(frame) local args = getArgs (frame); local data = mw.loadData (table.concat ({ -- make a data module name; sandbox or live 'Module:Webarchive/data', frame:getTitle():find('sandbox', 1, true) and '/sandbox' or '' -- this instance is ./sandbox then append /sandbox })); categories = data.categories; -- fill in the forward declarations config = data.config; if data.digits.enable then digits = data.digits; -- for i18n; table of digits in the local wiki's language non_western_digits = true; -- use_non_western_digits end err_warn_msgs = data.err_warn_msgs; excepted_pages = data.excepted_pages; month_num = data.month_num; -- for i18n; table of month names in the local wiki's language prefixes = data.prefixes; services =; s_text = data.s_text; uncategorized_namespaces = data.uncategorized_namespaces; uncategorized_subpages = data.uncategorized_subpages; local origin = {}; -- holds a map of English to local language parameter names used in the current template; not currently used local unnamed_params; -- boolean set to true when template call has unnamed parameters args, origin, unnamed_params = parameter_name_xlate (args, data.params, data.enum_params); -- translate parameter names in args to English local date, format, msg, udate, uri, url; local ldf = 'iso'; -- when there is no |date= parameter, render url dates in iso format if args.url and args.url1 then -- URL argument (first) return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.conflicting, {origin.url, origin.url1}); end url = args.url or args.url1; if not url then return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.empty); end -- these iabot bugs perportedly fixed; removing these causes lua script error --[[ -- at Template:Webarchive/testcases/Production; resolve that before deleting these tests if mw.ustring.find( url, "https://web.http", 1, true ) then -- track bug - TODO: IAbot bug; not known if the bug has been fixed; deferred track[categories.error] = 1; return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.iabot1); end if url == "" then -- track bug - TODO: IAbot bug; not known if the bug has been fixed; deferred track[categories.error] = 1; return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.iabot2); end ]] if not (url:lower():find ('^http') or url:find ('^//')) then return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.invalid_url ); end ulx.url1 = {} ulx.url1.url = url ulx.url1.extraurls = parseExtraArgs(args) local good = false; good, uri = pcall (, ulx.url1.url); -- get a table of uri parts from this url; protected mode to prevent lua error when ulx.url1.url is malformed if not good or nil == then -- abandon when ulx.url1.url is malformed return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.invalid_url); end serviceName(, args.nolink) if and args.date1 then -- Date argument return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.conflicting, {, origin.date1}); end date = or args.date1; date = date and date:gsub (' +', ' '); -- replace multiple spaces with a single space if date and config.verifydates then if '*' == date then date = 'index'; ldf = 'iso'; -- set to default format else date, ldf = decode_date (date); -- get an iso format date from date and get date's original format end end if 'wayback' == ulx.url1.service or 'locwebarchives' == ulx.url1.service then if date then if config.verifydates then if ldf then udate, msg = decodeWaybackDate (uri.path); -- get the url date in iso format and format of date in |date=; 'index' when wayback url date is * if not udate then -- this is the only 'fatal' error return return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs[msg]); end if udate ~= date then -- date comparison using iso format dates date = udate; msg = table.concat ({ inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.mismatch, 'warning'), -- add warning message msg, -- add message if there is one }); end end end else -- no |date= udate, msg = decodeWaybackDate (uri.path); if not udate then -- this is the only 'fatal' error return return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs[msg]); end if '' == udate then date = nil; -- unset else date = udate; end end elseif 'webcite' == ulx.url1.service then if date then if config.verifydates then if ldf then udate = decodeWebciteDate (uri.path); -- get the url date in iso format if 'query' ~= udate then -- skip if query if udate ~= date then -- date comparison using iso format dates date = udate; msg = table.concat ({ inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.mismatch, 'warning'), }); end end end end else date = decodeWebciteDate( uri.path, "iso" ) if date == "query" then date = nil; -- unset msg = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.date_miss, 'warning'); elseif not date then -- invalid base62 string date = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.date1, 'error'); end end elseif 'archiveis' == ulx.url1.service then if date then if config.verifydates then if ldf then udate, msg = decodeArchiveisDate (uri.path) -- get the url date in iso format if 'short link' ~= udate then -- skip if short link if udate ~= date then -- date comparison using iso format dates date = udate; msg = table.concat ({ inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.mismatch, 'warning'), -- add warning message msg, -- add message if there is one }); end end end end else -- no |date= udate, msg = decodeArchiveisDate( uri.path, "iso" ) if udate == "short link" then date = nil; -- unset msg = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.date_miss, 'warning'); elseif '' == udate then date = nil; -- unset else date = udate; end end else -- some other service if not date then msg = inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.date_miss, 'warning'); end end if 'index' == date then = date .. (msg or ''); -- create index + message (if there is one) elseif date then = makeDate (date, nil, nil, ldf) .. (msg or ''); -- create a date in the wiki's local language + message (if there is one) else = msg; end format = args.format; -- Format argument if not format then format = "none" else for k, v in pairs (data.format_vals) do -- |format= accepts two specific values loop through a table of those values local found; -- declare a nil flag for _, p in ipairs (v) do -- loop through local language variants if format == p then -- when |format= value matches format = k; -- use name from table key found = true; -- declare found so that we can break out of outer for loop break; -- break out of inner for loop end end if found then break; end end if format == "addlpages" then if not then format = "none" end elseif format == "addlarchives" then format = "addlarchives" else format = "none" end end ulx.url1.format = format if args.title and args.title1 then -- Title argument return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.conflicting, {origin.title, origin.title1}); end ulx.url1.title = args.title or args.title1; local rend = createRendering() if not rend then return inlineError (data.crit_err_msgs.unknown); end return rend .. ((unnamed_params and inlineRed (err_warn_msgs.unnamed_params, 'warning')) or '') .. createTracking(); end --[[--------------------------&lt; E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------ ]] return {webarchive = webarchive}; </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Citakan nu dipaké dina ieu kaca: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Modul:Webarchive/doc&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Modul:Webarchive/doc (kaca can aya)">Modul:Webarchive/doc</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Modul:Webarchive/doc&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Modul:Webarchive/doc (kaca can aya)">édit</a>) </li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto">Balik deui ka <a href="/wiki/Modul:Webarchive" title="Modul:Webarchive">Modul:Webarchive</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src=";type=1x1&amp;usesul3=0" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Dicomot ti "<a dir="ltr" href=""></a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Kawijakan privasi</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Ngeunaan">Ngeunaan Wikipedia</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Bantahan_umum">Bantahan</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Kode Etik</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Pamekar</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Statistik</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Pernyataan réréméh</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//;action=edit&amp;mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Pidangan sélulér</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgHostname":"mw-web.codfw.main-5ccf8d5c58-ghqww","wgBackendResponseTime":161,"wgPageParseReport":{"limitreport":{"cputime":"0.004","walltime":"0.006","ppvisitednodes":{"value":17,"limit":1000000},"postexpandincludesize":{"value":708,"limit":2097152},"templateargumentsize":{"value":0,"limit":2097152},"expansiondepth":{"value":2,"limit":100},"expensivefunctioncount":{"value":0,"limit":500},"unstrip-depth":{"value":0,"limit":20},"unstrip-size":{"value":0,"limit":5000000},"entityaccesscount":{"value":0,"limit":400},"timingprofile":["100.00% 0.000 1 -total"]},"cachereport":{"origin":"mw-web.codfw.main-5ccf8d5c58-ghqww","timestamp":"20241211095117","ttl":2592000,"transientcontent":false}}});});</script> </body> </html>

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