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padding-top: .5em"> <div style="background:url(// no-repeat; width: 120px; height:60px; background-size: 120px 60px;"></div> </a> </div> <div class="below_nav"> <h1 id="logo"><a href="/web/20150727024357/"><img src="" alt="The Texas Tribune"></a></h1> <time datetime="2015-07-26T21:43:57.564966">Sunday, July 26, 2015</time> </div> </header> </div> <div class="wrapper content-wrapper"> <div id="site_content" class="content "> <header class="alt_header"> <h1> <span><a class="plain" href="/web/20150727024357/">Tribpedia</a>:</span> <a class="plain" href="/web/20150727024357/">Hank Skinner</a> </h1> </header> <div class="grid"> <div class="cell w-12"> <nav class="pagination"> <ul class="pagination"><li class="disabled"><span class="disabled prev"><span>&lsaquo;</span> previous</span></li><li><span class="current page">1</span></li><li><a href="?page=2" class="page">2</a></li><li class="last"><a href="?page=2" class="next">next <span>&rsaquo;</span></a></li></ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <article> <div class="cell w-12 content"> <p><p>Henry "Hank" Watkins Skinner, 48, is a former oil field and construction worker who was scheduled to be executed on March 24, 2010. The U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay the day he was set to die. The high court heard oral arguments in the case on Oct. 13, 2010.</p> <p>Skinner was sentenced to death in a 1993 triple ...</p></p> <a class="permalink" href="about/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Read&nbsp;More</a> </div> </article> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-12"> <article class=" "> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Ruling Goes Against Death Row Inmate Skinner</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Eli Okun </li><li><time datetime="Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:32:14 -0500" title="2014-07-16 16:32"> July 16, 2014 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons.</div> </div> <section class="summary"> <p>A district court judge ruled against death row inmate Hank Skinner on Tuesday in the wake of new DNA testing in his case, saying it was &ldquo;reasonably probable&rdquo; he would still have been convicted had the evidence been available at his trial.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </section> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_1"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Micah Baldwin / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">AG, Lawyers for Hank Skinner Argue Over DNA in Death Penalty Case</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150727024357/">Terri Langford</a></li><li><time datetime="Fri, 6 Jun 2014 15:41:17 -0500" title="2014-06-06 15:41"> June 6, 2014 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>L<span>awyers for the state and for death row inmate Henry Skinner on Friday filed proposed findings to a Pampa judge who is considering whether DNA tests on crime scene evidence should preclude his execution.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_2"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Micah Baldwin / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Hearing to Look at DNA Evidence in Skinner Case</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Mon, 3 Feb 2014 06:00:00 -0600" title="2014-02-03 06:00"> Feb. 3, 2014 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p><span>After more than a decade of fighting for DNA tests and two years of analysis of decades-old evidence, a court in Pampa will hear evidence that death row inmate Hank Skinner says should stop his execution. Prosecutors, however, say all the DNA testing only confirmed his guilt.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_3"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Skinner&#39;s Lawyer, AG Disagree Over DNA Results</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:41:11 -0500" title="2013-08-29 15:41"> Aug. 29, 2013 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">4</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Lawyers for&nbsp;<a href="">Hank Skinner</a>&nbsp;say new DNA tests show someone else likely committed the crime for which he was convicted and sentenced to death. But state prosecutors argue the tests show even more links between Skinner and the three victims.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_4"> <div class="media letterbox"> <div style="padding: 5px 0 0 5px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #fff; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bolder; text-shadow: 1px 1px #a7a7a7; position: absolute; margin: 0; z-index: 100; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 40px; height: 40px;">18</div> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Micah Baldwin / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Some Worry Law to Increase DNA Tests Will Create Delays</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom and KK Rebecca Lai </li><li><time datetime="Sun, 18 Aug 2013 06:00:00 -0500" title="2013-08-18 06:00"> Aug. 18, 2013 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">9</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Lawmakers this year approved a bill requiring DNA testing in death penalty cases. The measure aims to prevent wrongful convictions and save the state from costly appeals.&nbsp;Some prosecutors, though, worry that more testing could simply delay a guilty defendant&rsquo;s inevitable conviction.&nbsp;<span>This story is part of our&nbsp;</span><a href="">31 Days, 31 Ways</a><span>&nbsp;series.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_5"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Micah Baldwin / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Lawyers Agree to More DNA Testing in Skinner Case</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 2 Apr 2013 18:12:20 -0500" title="2013-04-02 18:12"> April 2, 2013 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">5</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>After conducting hundreds of tests on samples of blood, hair, sperm, fingernail clippings and other crime scene evidence, prosecutors in the Texas attorney general's office and lawyers for death row inmate Hank Skinner have signed an agreement this week to allow more DNA testing&nbsp;in the 1993 triple murder for which he was sentenced to death.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_6"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, c, discusses SB 1292 on pre-trial DNA testing March 19, 2013 with Sen. Robert Duncan, l, and Attorney Gen. Greg Abbott."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, c, discusses SB 1292 on pre-trial DNA testing March 19, 2013 with Sen. Robert Duncan, l, and Attorney Gen. Greg Abbott." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Marjorie Kamys Cotera </cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, c, discusses SB 1292 on pre-trial DNA testing March 19, 2013 with Sen. Robert Duncan, l, and Attorney Gen. Greg Abbott.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Senate Committee Passes DNA Testing Bill</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Maurice Chammah </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 19 Mar 2013 12:47:16 -0500" title="2013-03-19 12:47"> March 19, 2013 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">4</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Attorney General <a href="">Greg Abbott</a> is supporting a bill by state Sen. <a href="">Rodney Ellis</a>, D-Houston, that would require DNA testing of "all biological evidence" in cases where prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_7"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">AG Says DNA Tests Implicate Hank Skinner in &#39;93 Murders</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Wed, 14 Nov 2012 12:59:35 -0600" title="2012-11-14 12:59"> Nov. 14, 2012 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">4</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>In an advisory filed in state district court on Wednesday, the Texas attorney general's office says DNA test results further confirm Hank Skinner's guilt. The death row inmate's lawyer says it's too early to draw conclusions, because the testing is incomplete and shows another person may have been at the crime scene.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_8"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Both Sides in Skinner Case Ask Court for DNA Test</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150727024357/">Morgan Smith</a></li><li><time datetime="Tue, 12 Jun 2012 16:14:45 -0500" title="2012-06-12 16:14"> June 12, 2012 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">5</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p><span>Attorneys for the state of Texas and death row inmate Hank Skinner have filed a joint motion with the Court of Criminal Appeals to send his case back to district court so he can obtain DNA testing.</span></p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_9"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant MIller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">State Backs DNA Testing for Hank Skinner</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Fri, 1 Jun 2012 15:16:21 -0500" title="2012-06-01 15:16"> June 1, 2012 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">5</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Reversing its decade-long objection to testing that death row inmate Hank Skinner says could prove his innocence, the Texas attorney general's office on Friday filed an advisory with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals seeking to test DNA in the case.&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_10"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Judges Question State&#39;s Efforts to Stymie DNA Tests</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Wed, 2 May 2012 11:41:53 -0500" title="2012-05-02 11:41"> May 2, 2012 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">8</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>The day after <a href="">two Dallas men were freed</a> from prison, cleared of rape charges through DNA testing, the state's highest criminal court had tough questions for state lawyers who have objected for more than a decade to DNA tests for death row inmate <a href="">Hank Skinner</a>.&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_11"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Top Criminal Court to Hear Hank Skinner&#39;s DNA Plea</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Wed, 2 May 2012 06:00:00 -0500" title="2012-05-02 06:00"> May 2, 2012 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>The latest installment in death row inmate <a href="">Hank Skinner</a>'s decade-long quest for DNA testing comes today as his lawyers argue to the <a href="">Texas Court of Criminal Appeals</a> that a change in state law should allow the tests he hopes will prove he is innocent. State lawyers argue that Skinner had his chance at DNA testing and is just trying to delay the inevitable.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_12"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Michael Morton sits beside his mother, Patricia Morton, during an emotional press conference after a judge today agreed to release him on personal bond after he spent nearly 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife. Recently tested DNA indicates another man committed the 1986 killing."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Michael Morton sits beside his mother, Patricia Morton, during an emotional press conference after a judge today agreed to release him on personal bond after he spent nearly 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife. Recently tested DNA indicates another man committed the 1986 killing." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Callie Richmond</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Michael Morton sits beside his mother, Patricia Morton, during an emotional press conference after a judge today agreed to release him on personal bond after he spent nearly 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife. Recently tested DNA indicates another man committed the 1986 killing.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">A Texas Issue, but Not a National One</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Thu, 10 Nov 2011 21:24:46 -0600" title="2011-11-10 21:24"> Nov. 10, 2011 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <span class="txweekly-icon"> <img src="" alt="Texas Weekly" title="Texas Weekly"> </span> <p>The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals took some heat off of Gov. <strong>Rick Perry</strong> when it issued a stay of execution for <strong>Hank Skinner</strong> this week. And the governor has avoided any link to another case involving two of his appointees and a botched murder prosecution in Williamson County.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_13"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">The Weekly TribCast: Episode 105</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150727024357/">Reeve Hamilton</a></li><li><time datetime="Wed, 9 Nov 2011 13:49:53 -0600" title="2011-11-09 13:49"> Nov. 9, 2011 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>On this week's TribCast, Ross, Reeve, Brandi, and Jay review the latest criminal justice headlines, consider the difference between news and gossip in light of the latest Herman Cain developments, and explain what's going on with redistricting.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_14"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Court of Criminal Appeals Grants Hank Skinner Stay</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:04:00 -0600" title="2011-11-07 15:04"> Nov. 7, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals today granted a stay of execution for Hank Skinner, who has been seeking DNA testing for a decade.&nbsp;Skinner was set to be executed on Wednesday.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_15"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo illustration by Caleb Bryant Miller / Micah Baldwin / Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Texas Death Row Inmate Skinner Awaits Court Ruling</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Sun, 6 Nov 2011 05:00:00 -0600" title="2011-11-06 05:00"> Nov. 6, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">26</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Since convicted murderer Hank Skinner was sent to death row, Texas has passed one of the strongest post-conviction DNA laws in the U.S.; 45 inmates have been exonerated. Skinner says DNA tests could prove his innocence &mdash; but the courts have repeatedly rejected his appeals. Now he faces execution Wednesday.&nbsp;</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_16"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant MIller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Lower Court Denies Skinner DNA Test, Appeal Planned</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Thu, 3 Nov 2011 12:09:00 -0500" title="2011-11-03 12:09"> Nov. 3, 2011 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>A Gray County District Court today denied DNA testing that death row inmate&nbsp;<a href=";x=0&amp;y=0&amp;selected_facets=content_type%3A%22topic%22">Hank Skinner</a>&nbsp;has been seeking for a decade. Skinner's lawyers plan to appeal the decision. His execution is scheduled for Wednesday.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_17"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Graphic by Todd Wiseman</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">TribWeek: Top Texas News for the Week of 10/24/11</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150727024357/">Evan Smith</a></li><li><time datetime="Sat, 29 Oct 2011 05:00:00 -0500" title="2011-10-29 05:00"> Oct. 29, 2011 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Galbraith and Collier on the <a href="" target="_blank">drought</a>'s economic impact, Grissom on the latest in the <a href="" target="_blank">Morton</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Skinner</a> cases, Murphy on <a href="" target="_blank">spending</a> by Ron Paul's presidential campaign, Philpott on Rick Perry's <a href="" target="_blank">plans</a> for Social Security, Ramsey on the dirty little secret about <a href="" target="_blank">dropouts</a>, Ramshaw on how Perry and his staff downplayed allegations of <a href="" target="_blank">abuse</a> at state centers for the disabled, Root on Perry's flirtation with <a href="" target="_blank">birtherism</a>, M. Smith on GOP <a href="" target="_blank">candidates</a> making public ed their focus and Tan and Hamilton on why students who are in Texas illegally can get access to state <a href="" target="_blank">financial aid</a>: The best of our best content from October 24 to 28, 2011.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_18"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Perry and Abbott Urged to Halt Skinner Execution</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:32:00 -0500" title="2011-10-27 10:32"> Oct. 27, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">15</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>More than a dozen current and former lawmakers, prosecutors, judges, police officers and even a former Texas governor sent a <a href="">letter</a> today calling on Gov. <a href="">Rick Perry</a> and other state officials to allow for DNA testing death row inmate Hank Skinner says could prove his innocence.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_19"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Skinner Lawyer: DNA Decision Likely Up to State Court</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:22:10 -0500" title="2011-10-24 15:22"> Oct. 24, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">16</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Following a hearing today in federal court in Amarillo, a lawyer for death row inmate Hank Skinner said it will likely be up to the state courts to decide a fight over DNA testing in his case. Skinner is scheduled to be executed Nov. 9.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_20"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Hank Skinner Seeks DNA Testing Under New Law</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 6 Sep 2011 16:08:31 -0500" title="2011-09-06 16:08"> Sept. 6, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">2</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Lawyers for death row inmate Hank Skinner filed a motion Friday seeking DNA testing under a new Texas law that expands access to such testing. And they have asked the state to withdraw the Nov. 9 execution date set for Skinner.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_21"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant MIller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Texas Again Sets Skinner Execution Date</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:00:00 -0500" title="2011-08-16 05:00"> Aug. 16, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">3</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>For the fourth time, the state of Texas is scheduled to execute Hank Skinner for the 1993 murders of his live-in girlfriend and her two sons, potentially quashing his ability to request DNA testing under a new state law. Even as Skinner awaits a federal court ruling on whether prosecutors must turn over DNA evidence for testing&nbsp;that he says will prove his innocence, a judge has granted an order setting an execution for Nov. 9.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_22"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">TribWeek: Top Texas News for the Week of 3/7/11</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150727024357/">Evan Smith</a></li><li><time datetime="Sat, 12 Mar 2011 05:00:00 -0600" title="2011-03-12 05:00"> March 12, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Conversations about the <a href="" target="_blank">coming Hispanic majority</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">the 82nd session</a> from our New Day Rising symposium, M. Smith on the latest tort reform <a href="" target="_blank">battle</a>, Galbraith on greater <a href="" target="_blank">scrutiny</a> of the gas industry, Ramsey on whether lawmakers will <a href="" target="_blank">cut</a> their own pay and benefits, Ramshaw and Aguilar on what's <a href="" target="_blank">holding up</a> abortion sonogram legislation, Aguilar on the ag commissioner's controversial new <a href="" target="_blank">website</a>, Philpott on what $9.8 billion in public education <a href="" target="_blank">cuts</a> looks like, Hamilton on a <a href="" target="_blank">snippy exchange</a> of higher ed letters and Grissom on the latest <a href="" target="_blank">court decision</a> in the Hank Skinner case: The best of our best content from March 7 to 11, 2011.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_23"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Photo by Caleb Bryant Miller</cite> </div> <div class="photo_caption">Hank Skinner was sentenced to death for the 1993 triple slaying of his girlfriend and her two sons.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">U.S. Supreme Court Keeps Hank Skinner Alive, Again</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Mon, 7 Mar 2011 10:36:09 -0600" title="2011-03-07 10:36"> March 7, 2011 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">1</span><span class="label">Comment</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>The U.S. Supreme Court has given Texas death row inmate Hank Skinner another chance at getting DNA testing done on evidence he says could prove he did not kill his live-in girlfriend and her two sons in 1993.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_24"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt="This gurney is used to perform executions at Terre Haute by lethal injection."> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="This gurney is used to perform executions at Terre Haute by lethal injection." class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> </div> <div class="photo_caption">This gurney is used to perform executions at Terre Haute by lethal injection.</div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Texas Juries Gave Only 8 Death Sentences in 2010</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Mon, 13 Dec 2010 10:34:02 -0600" title="2010-12-13 10:34"> Dec. 13, 2010 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150727024357/"><span class="value">6</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Texas juries sentenced just eight people to death in 2010, the smallest number since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment here in 1976, according to a report published today by the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid hide-media-extras"> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_25"> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">An Interview with UT Death Penalty Lawyer Rob Owen</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 19 Oct 2010 05:00:00 -0500" title="2010-10-19 05:00"> Oct. 19, 2010 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>The co-director of the <a href="">University of Texas School of Law Capital Punishment Center</a>, currently representing death row inmate <a href="">Henry &ldquo;Hank&rdquo; Skinner</a> before the U.S. Supreme Court, on what it's like to try a case in front of the high court, how Texas has influenced capital punishment law, why Texas juries are more inclined to impose the death penalty and the impact of life without parole.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_26"> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Rob Owen: The TT Interview</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Tue, 19 Oct 2010 05:00:00 -0500" title="2010-10-19 05:00"> Oct. 19, 2010 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> Texas Tribune interview with Rob Owen, lawyer for Hank Skinner and co-director of the University of Texas School of Law Capital Punishment Center <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class="cell w-4"> <article class=" item_27"> <div class="media letterbox"> <a href="/web/20150727024357/"> <img src="//" alt=""> </a> <div class="photo_links"> <a href="//" title="" class="lightbox enlarge">Enlarge</a> <cite>Credit: Caleb Bryant MIller</cite> </div> </div> <div class="text_column"> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150727024357/">Hear the Hank Skinner Supreme Court Arguments</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by Brandi Grissom </li><li><time datetime="Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:27:37 -0500" title="2010-10-15 18:27"> Oct. 15, 2010 </time></li></ul> </header> <div class="summary"> <p>Listen to the oral arguments in the <a href="">U.S. Supreme Court</a> on Wednesday in the Texas death penalty case of <a href="">Hank Skinner</a>.</p> <a class="permalink" href="/web/20150727024357/"> <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Story</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="grid"> <div class="cell w-12"> <nav class="pagination clear"> <ul class="pagination"><li class="disabled"><span class="disabled prev"><span>&lsaquo;</span> previous</span></li><li><span class="current page">1</span></li><li><a href="?page=2" class="page">2</a></li><li class="last"><a href="?page=2" class="next">next <span>&rsaquo;</span></a></li></ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper-r"> <footer id="site_footer" class="wrapper-r"> <div class="hide-for-medium-down"> </div> <div id="footer" class="grid"> <dl id="staff_writers" class="cell w-3"> <dt>Writers</dt> <div class="cell w-6"> <dd> <a 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